BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 88 Tuesday, June 24, 1969 12 Pages Board, Council slate code workshop tonight Apartment, parking changes eyed

Planning and zoning board members will get together with City Councilmen tonight to iron out problems involving two proposed ordinances which have caused a deadlock in Planning and Zoning Board public hear- ings. The two proposed ordi- nances would update the city's zoning and parking require- ments that have been on the City Council agenda since May. A special meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the city hall to discuss the ordinances, but there is little hope that the councilmen will vote on the mat- ters tonight, since they have been slated to be voted on July 1. Planning and Zoning Board has seven petitions held up waiting for the city council's decision on the two ordinances, which deal mostly with multi- family districts and parking re- quirements. One ordinance in particular would create a new zon- ing district, R-5-A, governing The Atlantic Ocean looks more like a mill pond in this highrises east of state Road view, with gentle waves lapping at the feet of an early morn- A1A. ing visitor. And what's.that reflected in the limpid water? Water flows to the ocean through the Hilis- barrier which keeps ocean water from flowing If passed the new code would That's the •Good Ship David T,, hard at work on installation allow oceanfront highrises to of sewage outfall lines. boro canal, the dividing line between Boca west when drought lowers the inland water go as high as 200 feet in the sky Raton and'^eti'u'Jd B;-'jch. n*. ^ederal high- levels. View is to the west in this photo. but would require stringent set- way. Structure in the foreground is salt water back rules which would; allow for more space between the buildings. Change to business West of Military Trail The new code also would al- low highrises in the R-5 dis- trict to go as much as 150 feet in the air, but again would; be zone goes to more stringent in other areas City seeking new well field such as size of units and the It took Earl Totz three years, turned down again because amount of space between the but he finally got his petition his petition was "a little pre- Plans to establish a new mu- 400 feet near the coast, thins in level due to this rainfall dur- buildings. for, rezoning of a piece of land mature." nicipal well field for freshwa- to the west and decreases in ing this six month period re- The proposed new parking on ' the northeast corner of permeability to the north. code would mean that owners ter supplies west of the city are presents an increase in storage of multi-family dwellings would Royal Palm road and Golf View Thursday evening he passed now pending at the Lake Worth The primary source of re- of about 19,2 billion gallons." have to provide parking space drive on its way to city coun- what he called the "toughest Drainage District. charge to the aquifer is rain- Eidsness also noted that the for two cars per unit in defer- cil. hurdle." He finally had his pe- City Manager Alan Alford fall in the immediate area — average daily sewage flow of ence to the present one and a City Council will probably tition okayed by the board. said yesterday that the city more than one-third of the av- Boca Raton is now about 2,5 receive the petition at its He said he was asking the had not yet received a reply to erage rainfall of 60 inches is million gallons per day. This half car per unit. It also lists regular meeting July 1. board to consider his request its request for permission to available as recharge to the quantity, if completely treated new parking requirements for Totz' request, which is for for the third time "because of locate a string of wells along aquifer. Additional recharge and used for recharge, is dwarf- business. rezoning of the land from R-3 the other charges in the area" the E-3 canal west of Military comes from infiltration from ed by the amount which can be All seven petitions up before multi-family to B-l business referring to erection of First Trail. The city's main'source of the canals of local irrigation contributed by rainfall and Planning and Zoning Board are for erection of a professional Bank and Trust Co. across the raw water at the present time and drainage districts and the proper management of availa- hanging fire because of the two building, was approved by the street from him. is a string of wells along the El Central and South Florida Flood ble fresh water resources. proposed ordinances and have planning and zoning board last Rio canal north of 20th street Control District, especially the public hearings on the seven week. Although Totz said there has and along Second Avenue south Hilisboro Canal. have been recessed until July been no objection to his request, of 20th street. 2, a day after council is schedul- He made his first request in Arvida Corp., which had ob- The study shows that the po- ed to make its decision on the 1967, but was turned down be- jected to the rezoning back in Dr. Fred Eidsness of Black, tential of Biscayne aquifer is ordinances. cause the board said the rezon- 1967 objected this time toe Crow and Eidsness, Inc., the greater in the inland area where Four of the seven petitions ing would result in spot zoning However the Board voted to city's consulting engineers for water levels are high through- June 21-23, 1969 including one from Itvenus on in the area which was at that recommend the petition to City water and sewer projects, said out the year and perennial re- rezoning Garden Apartments time almost completely multi- Council because the change expansion of the city water plenishment to the aquifer is Hi Lo Rain area, have been tabled twice family. would be in line not only with 4 system "must begin" in 1970. available by infiltration from Sat. 92 71 .85 since May. The other three In 1968 Totz again paid his what is happening in the area The plan drafted by his firm the control canals and under- Sun. 90 74 . 0 were recessed at last week's $150 registration fee and pe- anyway but also with Milo would locate the Boca Raton seepage from the FCD Conser- Mon.(noon) 89 72 meeting. titioned for the same zoning. He Smith's master plan for the city* wells in the'LWDD canal right of vation Areas. i It- way. He said'each well would have a capacity of two million Large quantities of fresh gallons per day. ground water can be pumped from the Biscayne aquifer in Total water resources from the interior area to meet future the proposal would amount to demands without the threat of some 65 million gallons a day if sea water intrusion, Eidsness the city installed five wells per said. In addition, much of the mile along the E-3 from the average flow of 240 million gal- CONSERVATION Hilisboro Canal to the Hidden lons per day through the Hilis- Valley (C-15) Canal. boro Canal control represents water that could be used in the Eidsness said that the new future if facilities were made plan is based on a study of the available to conserve it. area's ground water resources by the U,S, Geological Survey "Water demand for the City which was supported by the cit- of Boca Raton has reached a ies of Boca Raton and Deerfield stage where expansion of the Beach. The study is now com- present water facilities must plete and is scheduled for pub- begin during the year 1970," lication soon. Eidsness said. "These facili- ties will include a new raw wa- The USGS report shows that ter source, water treatment the Biscayne aquifer (under- plant and pumping station and ground water bearing forma- expansion to the water trans- tion) is the only source of fresh mission systems. ground water for municipalities in the lower Hilisboro Canal "Few local people are aware CONSERVATION area. The aquifer extends from that the recharge of ground wa- land surface to a depth of about: ter in the Biscayne aquifer re- sults mainly from rainfall, and this effect from May 7 to Nov. 1, 1965, is an excellent exam- ple of this fact. During this 6- month period, over 60 inches Ann Landc»r:> Page 7 of rainfall was recorded in Boca Classifieds 10-11 Raton — nearly 30 inches dur- Editorials 4 ing October. If a conservative Public Notices 10 average porosity of 25 per cent Diagram shows conservation areas and drainage canals. the El Rio Canal. The E-3 canal crosses Glades road just Sports 8 were assumed for the Biscayne The city plans to locate a new well field for fresh water sup- west of the Royal Palm Polo Grounds and empties into the Women's News 6-7 aquifer in the area, then the rise plies along the E-3 canal to supplement existing wells along Hilisboro immediately seaward of the salt water barrier. j_gOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, June 24, 1969 MONTEREY HOUSE The Condominium with Oceaa- to-fnfracoastaf forever! I m. f m Luxurious! Beautiful^ Desirable! *Under-building Parking ,'included In price * Breathtaking • Views of the blue Atlantic Ocean and the romantic Intra- coastol *200 ft, of Private Beach- *212 ft. of Private Boot Dockage *Prostige Address. Large 2 bedroom 2 bath $03 700 m Apartments from ' 3114 S. Ocean Blva. (fl-l-A) Delray Beach • BOCA

Extension of Meadows road, left side of scheAiled to be in use with the opening of photo, will run west past the grounds of the the fall school term. Westward extension of the road also will serve the city's proposed RATON new Boca Raton Junior High School. The buildings, on the right of the photo, are new park. DIAMONDS Youth camp program planned QUALITY, AT LOW PRICES NEWS JEWELERS 14 S.E. 1st Ave. Boca Roton

in Everglades National Park I-Xv

Weekly clinics to ac- the educational, recrea- Sunday through Thurs- FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Iquaint youngsters with tional and inspirational day. DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION It's values of Everglades This youth program National Park will be is the first of its type in CONJUNCTION WITH NOW IMPROVED! LUXURIOUS available in the federal ever conducted in the So f tfoOKti Croton Truss preserve throughout the south Florida wildlife FLORIDA OCEAN SCIENCE INSTITUTE INSTANT summer beginning June sanctuary and is open PULLSTKAr Mi ADJUSTMENT- to boys 10 to 16 years NO LACESt 29. These clinics, to be of age. A total regis- Applied Oceanography & Easy m tration fee of $49.40 .V.V held at Flamingo, will •v-v be conducted by the Ev- covers the instructional MM. erglades Park Company sessions for one of the Diving Techniques" To Earn Cool, washable 3 ply mlrKb malenals! Un clinics plus round-trip .V.V txctllid relief and comfort. Adjustable, with the cooperation of iwtted loan rubtw poin pid. fielded kg the National Park Ser- motor coach transpor- tlrap. No tiulng. For reducible Inpiln^ tation between down- 9 WEEK COURSE Iwrnto. No lam-adiuih with mllttrios. vice. According to Bert Extra Money 1 T. Lacks, each clinic town Miami or the Park STARTS JULY 15th XERCYCLE for rent will run for five days. Company's Perrine of- P $5 per month. fice on U.S. 1 and Fla- Classroom session 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays For sale, mingo, overnight ac- Pool Session 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays With I 20% off list- commodations, all Complete OXYGEN TUESDAY - CLASSROOM - THURSDAY - POOL I set-up with E tank meals, and counselor 2 OCEAN DIVES and stand supervision. REGISTRATION FEE $50 MAIL OR IN PERSON Want Ads $61.95 Youngsters will at- (ENROLLMENT LIMITED i I THERABATH $59.00 tend informal classes ADDRESS ! 6 LBS.THERAFFIN-FREE in such subjects as boating safety and the FAU Division of Continuing Education IPPB machine for care, operation and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 395-5100 EXTENSION 392 I You Can m emphysema. asthmar etc. maintenance of outboard $10 Month motors and skiffs. They Man and wife wanted to sell will also be schooled in Sell fabulous Pennyrlch Bra. m Extremely high earnings Takes off the different types of call 395-9285 tackle, spin casting, >JV.' 98 lbs. tying of knots, species IN BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN HARBOR Just About Now HYDRO-MASSAGE of park fish, and the* w is available for home use JoAnne Lawrence of Austin, Tinas as prescribed by doctors;. was dim when married, but weighed proper cleaning of &i MODEL HOME $69.95 ! 230 pounds nine years later. Then catch. Demonstration *100%Safe • *Efficlent she tried Ayds. Taken as directed, it phases of the prograrb *Non-eleetric 'Effective curbs your appetite. On the Ayds will be followed up with OPEN FOR INSPECTION Fits snug In any tub without Plan, you eat less, lose weight natu- From A to Z special plumbing. At a price rally. JoAnne lost 98 lbs. Try the actual use of the skills you can easily afford. Ours vanilla caramel Ayds, the fudgy acquired. exclusively in Boca Raton, chocolate mint or tho plain chocolate call, write or ... come In fudge type. We Will Build To Suit for free descriptive brochure. iiiii BOCA RATON ONLY 12 LOIS LEFT Antiques Needlework SURGICAL SUPPLY H.A. Rappolt GENERAL® ELECTRIC Hermann A. Rappolt, UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVICE Bicycles Oars 50 H.E. 1st Ave. 92, 700N.E.MarineDr., CITY SEWERS 395-9285 ECKERD DRUGS died Sunday in Lake Cameras Pets Worth. Dishes Quilts He is survived by two TIRED OF RETIREMENT? sons, Herman G., Boca A&P CONSTRUCTION CO. Encyclopedias Ranges But you don't really care for full employment. Raton, Frank A., New 1 Yfhy not call for an interview today regarding SAMACQUILANO,GEN. CONTRACTOR Fencing Stamps York City; daughter, 5425 North Dixie Highway, Boca Raton the financial field of stocks, bonds, and se- Mrs. Emil Lorz, Guns curities selling to select clientele. Springfield, Mo., four 399-8818 - 395-4254 Tools Call Mr. Borgren at 395-0546 for Appointment grandchildren, and five Heaters Uniforms great grandchildren. BYER Services and burial Insulation Vibrators SftS INCORPORATED will be in Eastchester, •"v.v Royal Palm Plaza Boca Raton, Florlcja Sealy Jalousies Watches VV N.Y. Thorapodlc National Kitchenware Xylophones Luggage I PRICES GOOD DURING OUR Yachts Motors Zircon? i OYERSTOCKED SALE £1

SEALY SEALY i See this famous Back Saver m ScotchGard Extra Firm MATTRESS and SPRING MATTRESS & BOX SPRING m Reg. Price $119.95 W YEAR LONG Reg. $139.95 NOW 68°° NOW 88°° CLASSIFIED CARPET CARE m AND 100% Foam 6" 100% Foam FIRM MATTRESS & BOX SPRING EMERGENCY SERVICE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING EXTRA FIRM Reg. $79.95 Reg. $99.95 *A new plan for all your carpet care. 00 Call I * Emergency service for mildew - stains - water damage NOW 38°° NOW 48 i and complete carpet cleaning, when you want it. -V.V ALSO SEE THE FAMOUS SEALY POSTUREPEDIC ^Eliminates service charges from emergency calls. 395-8300 "Protects yourself front hurricane carpet damage. AT GREAT SAVINGS! m '"Full 12 months protection - for less than 150 per day. KIN® SIZE SEALY •"Annual cost ONLY $50 - that's all! 100% LATEX RUBBER 6" 100% LATEX RUBBER 399-6719 TIME PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE Extra Firm MATTRESS & EXTRA FIRM Quilted Cover i BOX SPRINGS Comp. MATTRESS & BgX SPRING COMPARABLE LOW COST PROTECTION AVAILABLE FOR Reg. $229.95 CONDOMINIUMS, COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS AND 00 Reg. $269.95 INSTITUTIONS. NOW 148 NOW 18900 m 1i —•""• OPEN MON. 8. FRI. TIL 9 P.M. Very Special m FREE ESTIMATES 6" FOAM RUBBER V.V. WORK SATISFACTORILY Mattress & Box Spring PERFORMED AND FULLY m GUARANTEED Extra Firm INC. On U $. 1 atEdca-Oelray line Reg. $149,95 w 958 No. Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton 399-8866 NOW SET. Tuesday, June 24, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS Lots of gas Industry sources that are considered conser- REAL ESTATE! vative has estimated ultimate recoverable reserves for the Al- JOHN B, DOLAK askan north Slope and • the adjoining continen- Vice Pres.-Mgr. Telephone tal shelf in excess .of Bateman & Co. Realtors Area Code 305 45 billion barrels of oil 7299 So. Ocean Boulevard 395-9355 and 270 trillion cubic Boca Raton, Florida 33432 399-8284 feet of gas. SUMMER CLEARANCE 1 SHOE SALE WE MUST CLEAN OUT OUR PRESENT STOCK TO MAKE FOR NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY

R99fo$2Now $14.90 to $16.90 Re9t0$2 1 N 6w $12.90 to $16.90

R«g. to $13.00 $5.90 to $9.90 Sandals NOW FREEMAN "-*« $15.90 to $19.90 "Now selling" the sign reads, but the city really hasn't rooms now under construction at the south beach south of the gone on the market with any of its public facilities and pavilion. DRESS AND CASUAL SHOES AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. beachfront property. Pranksters put the sign on the new rest- Reg. to $13.00 GIRLS PRETTY PARTY SHOES NOW .90 the cracker critic * p*4«t**d Watt ______„__^ Plenty of Popular Sizes ALL SALES FINAL - NO RETURNS PLEASE Rise of the good dolphins Free 7" Pan and Roller with ROYAL PALM PLAZA 2 gats, of Wall Paint 507 Golf View Drive, Boca Raton SOUTH BLDG.- OVERLOOKING THE GOLF COURSE. PHONE: 391-1414 for the welfare of the GENE WAGGONER, Owner 190 West Camrno Real By ED HIRSHBERG use this new avenue of Camlno Square Shopping Center communication with an- rest of mankind either. PHONE* 391-2.151 r'The Day of the Dol- imals for good or evil phin," By Robert Merle, purposes — and the Simon & Schuster, $5.95 gripping climax of this Do you have a pleasure map? all - too-possible nov- Well, DINERS/FUGAZY has! This is a novel not el is the confrontation just about Florida but between the people on . . .Also, that you may fully utilize one side who want to all the facilities of their vast use it for good and those organization a branch office has on the other who don't. been established as follows:" At the ingenious and exciting conclusion the *•». Ed question still is not re- Hirshberg solved. When you get that far you'll have learned a lot about the DINERS dolphins that you see about the situation man swimming around in our is in today and why he's warm Gulf waters — and FUGAZY there. The heroes are a little too much about not men but dolphins — selfish and heartless DINEBS FUGAZY TRAVEt animals that are just as men who not only don't TRAVEL intelligent as men but care about dolphins, but are different from them have very little respect In one very important respect: they are moti- Australia has decid- vated by good aims, not ed to adopt the color- by evil. television system used ' Not that all men are in West Germany and evil, ' according to Britain. Two other sys- tems, those developed Merle's philsophy — it's ESTABLISHED 1870 V. just that lots of them in the United States and are, and they drag down France, were reject- the rest of us. Henry ed. Introduction of the Sevllla, whose antecen- system is at least 18 451 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY dants the author pur- months off. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA posely makes ambigu- PHONES: 395-8005 and 8006 ous, is the brilliant head of a staff of young sci- entists who are trying to find out if dolphins DINERS/FUGAZY TRAVEL . . . actually can communi- Gate with men by means Formed by a most successful merger of two highly f of a language that both TRAVEL MENU prominent specialized business activities . . . each can understand. first in its particular field: The big point of the book — and an important Diners-Fugazy DINERS CREDIT CARD . . . 6ne it is, too — is that Travel Service You receive the scientific discoveries finest In personalized the original credit card service and the distinctive Can't be made in a vac- travel services and escorted uum. When as a result of taufi through a worldwide credit card. network of travel offices. tfie great works of Se- PORTUGAL One-stop credit, travel and villa and his staff the MADEIRA and vacation centers two dolphins, Fa and Bi, * • , plus up to 24 months FUGAZY TRAVEL . . . conduct a Florida press to pay. Conference in which they NEW YORK-NEW YORK First in complete travel service (the family name pro- answer sensibly ques- PER PERSON-DOUBLE nounced "FEW-GAY-Zee" -) ... the name long tions put to them by re- LISBON- MAFRA-SINTRA porters, the fact that ESTORIl-ALCOBACCA identified with travel . . . almost a century of exper- this conference marks NAZARG-FATIMA ience ... two members, now in third generation, are, ip epic step in the evo- MADEIRA LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS FUNCHAl lution of men's relation- 3 DAYS-2 NIGHTS HAWAII actively engaged in the management of this interna- ship with his environ- SAN FRANCISCO ment- is not simply a big tionally prominent organization. step forward for sci- EUROPE 3 WEEK5 ence. nt FEKOH ':•. It marks the cracking DOUBLE OCCUPANCY DOUBLE acCtlPANCT ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS PLUS AIR FARE PER PERSON - DOUBLE OCCUPANCY FOLIES BERGCRE • ALOHA MAIDENS of the barrier between EXCITING REVUES knen and animals that NEW YORK - NEW YORK PEARL HARBOR - TWIN PEAKS OR PLEASURE INCLUDING .... Custom Reclining 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S 1 TAKE YOUR CHOICE "has existed since time Chairs CHAMPION-SIZE POOLS I. VOlKSVIiCfN HIT* ]Mti XILOMf lE'S USE ORIGINAL GRASS SHACK began. The big ques- Devoted exclusively SUPERB CUISINE & MANY EXTRAS tion is whether man will to your Comfort * AIR :' Dogs with the skin ORIENTAL DINERS * CRUISES AND TOURS disease, scabies, can FLETCHER. INC. CARNIVAL SENIOR spread it to humans, CITIZENS 5501 N. Fed. Hwy. TOKYO HONG KONG says Indianapolis phy- TOUR OF EUROPE FUGAZY * HOTEL RESERVATIONS Boca Raton, Fla, TAIPEI HAWAII ENGLAND BELGIUM sician A. L. Norins. He 17 DAYS SWITZERLAND GERMANY has recorded a number ITALY FRANCE * CAR RENTALS k Phone 395-2133 . TRAVEL 6s cases of children in- 3 WEEKS fected by their pets. FROM All Inclusive NEW YORK TO NEW YORK DINERS/FUGAZY has an interest- PER PERSON MEXICO DOUBLE OCCUPANCY PER PERSON ing publication . . . entitled "WHO plus DOUBLE OCCUPANCY DOES IT FOR YOU" . . . it tells AIRFARE the wide variety of their many IT IS PER PERSON - DOUBLE OCCUPANCY DINERS/FUGAZY TRAVEL services ... So, you are invited to

6 DAYS - 5 NIGHTS HAS THE LARGEST GROUP visit this new branch office and get your copy. COMING! BULLFIGHTS TRAVEL NETWORK IN THE ESTABLISHED 1870 TEOTIHUACAN PYRAMIDS WORLD WITH TREMENDOUS HOUSE & GARDEN TOUR SAVINGS FOR YOUR ALL STANDARD CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTABLE GROUP. CONSULT US INCLUDING OUR OWN DINER'S CLUB WEEKDAYS 9-5 OR ON SATURDAY 9-1. 451 South Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida Just opposite Royat Palm Plaxa BRANCH MANAGER COUNSELORS just north of The Green Boca Federal Savings & Loan Bldg. IRENE McLOUGHLIN CLYDE H. MORAN SONDRAM. WITT 395-8005 395-8006 i Comments on the civic scene Still no decision

BY HAROLD H. GREEN freshman Foreman and veter- Tuesday, June 25 — and to- an Honchell voted along with night at 7:30 the City Council Expressions on the faces of Mayor Danciu, which meant that is scheduled to hold a workshop Councilman Danciu, Foreman, the "moment of truth" for them meeting devoted exclusively to and Honchell seemed to grow was postponed until tonight at their deliberations on the pros grimmer and grimmer as the the earliest. and cons of ordinances 1355- voter-filled council chambers There were lighter moments 56. We voters have had our resounded with applause after during last Tuesday's hearing. say and there are many evi- Important beginning each of many presentations urg- One speaker pointed out that Mr. dences that we are overwhelm- ing favorable action on Plan- Miller, leader of the Schine ingly for a favorable vote from ning and Zoning Board endors- Enterprises' opposition to the our councilmen. Tonight let us ed ordinances 1355-56. This ordinances, is not a citizen of turn out; in force to hear what was at last Tuesday evening's Boca Raton. A staunch Miller- those gentlemen say to each ; The publication, beginning this week, of a Milo Smith and Associates, the firm which Schine defendant jumped to his ; series of small newspaper ads promoting trade has just completed Boca Raton's new city plan, second night of public hearings other and observe what they on the two ordinances which look feet and stated that Mr. Miller do about it. I suspect that some :in Boca Raton, is a very modest beginning estimates that 50 to 60 per cent of the total is a loyal citizen of the United :for what could become an important program in retail sales potential in Boca Raton is being lost into the future as well as the of them are hoping that we stay present and seek to bulwark the States. away from City Hall. :Boca Raton. to other communities. After a speaker had highlight- In some areas of retailing, Smith's estimates 'low density" population con- : The ads, which do not carry the signature of cept by assuring green areas ed the expertise of our Plan- :any individual business, are aimed at spreading indicate the sales loss up to 90 per cent. In 69 countries and 162 lan- around each multi-dwelling ning and Zoning Board which guages, the legions of the Sal- ;the word that shopping in Boca Raton is con- Whether these figures are accurate or not, building, ample living space in has worked two years on the venient and pleasant, and most of all, the shop- they indicate many retail dollars traveling to vation Army are serving and each apartment and two- preparation of these ordinanc- saving people of all races and ;per can find what he is looking for. other communities — and that isn't a healthy car parking space for every es, Mayor Danciu addressed ; The "Buy in Boca Raton" program is a pro- situation for any city. creed. Founded in London in dwelling unit. the audience with the question, 1865 by General William Booth, ject supported by businesses which contributed "If your wife suggested that ; their part because it seemed reasonable to The tendency of shoppers to travel elsewhere Before the June 17 hearings the Army's aim is "not only to to make their purchases will be reinforced got underway, Mayor Danciu you buy a car does it follow take people out of the slums ;them to work together to build retail trade in this fall with the opening of the huge Pompano that you would buy it?" This but to take the slums out of \ ;their own city. made a plea that the 1355-56 brought the head of a family Fashion Square at Pompano Beach—a scant five ordinances be tabled after the people". ; The program is a project of the Boca Ra- miles down Federal Highway. This new shop- to the microphone with the re- ;ton Chamber of Commerce merchants com- hearing in order that the coun- ply, "When my wife tells me In our Boca Raton Public Li- ping center will have four major department cil might deliberate still fur- brary I found and read "Born ;mittee — but participants, who have organized stores, as well as about 60 smaller shops. that we need something she ;loosely into a group called simply' 'Businessmen ther on the subject. Council- gets it". to Battle", by Sallie Chesham, ;of Boca Raton," aren't just chosen from cham- men Maull and Brodhead were which is a recording of the The gathering together of a group of mer- As you read this it will be stirring history of the Salva- :ber members. Participation is sought from chants for a positive program to bring trade in opposed to more delays, but ; member and non-member alike, tion Army. In a forward to the — and keep trade here — is an encouraging step book, Dwight D. Eisenhower ; In some cities the size of Boca Raton, such a in the right direction. says, "To every American, I ;program might be almost inconsequential. But Merchants in Boca Raton can work together. commend the reading of the his- :here in our community, it has been difficult The calamity howlers who say that they won't tory of the Salvation Army — • — at times, apparently nearly impossible — — that retailers here will never get together Golden sand a record of sacrifice by indiv- •to get the merchants to cooperate in a posi- on any kind of positive program — can be prov- iduals for their fellowmen that *tive program. en wrong. should inspire all of us to a • The current program, which hopefully may Most of our retailers know and believe like faith in humanity and in • continue, and might even be expanded, could that the competition isn't next door or across God". •be called a milestone. Most merchants agree the street, but down the road in the next com- \ that Boca Raton could use more merchant-to- munity. Opposed in the beginning by ' merchant cooperation, even though there is It follows that they can and should cooperate both saloonkeepers and church •disagreement on what that cooperation should in promoting retail trade, for what benefits people, nothing could dampen • amount to. one, benefits all. the dedication of these soldiers of mercy and love who believed that their founder that "You can't preach to a man who has Views of other newspapers an empty stomach." By 1963, in the United States, the Army had 16,767 corps and outposts, operating 490 horn as for the r homeless, 205 men's work cen- ters, 29 general hospitals, 12 convalescent hospitals, 86 ma- Sheets of paper ternity homes for unwed moth- ers, 6 leprosaria, 72 dispen- saries and clinics, 13 proba- tion and training homes and 121 There was the old, old joke (it may still be to the commissioners, the paper sheets may fresh air training camps. current) about the man who applied for a job well be cheaper to use. Thus it is hardly fair Those figures have increas- as a mattress-tester, feeling he could do his to accuse them, as many a quipster doubtless ed significantly during the past best work comfortably on his back. His modern- will, of lying down on the job. five years, and the Salvation day successor has been found — among the Of course, for years and years tramps Army is efficiently serv- Cook County (Illinois) commissioners. For the and hoboes have been depicted — and probably ing without fanfare whever it is past two weeks they have been testing sheets. quite correctly in many instances — as sleeping needed in Florida, in .Boca Ra-," But lest the hayd-working Upright reader under and on newspapers on park' benches. ton it has a liaison Social Ser- rush to condemn the commissioners, we hasten Here is a class of Individuals with an in- vice Committee capably spear- to say that their strange activity seems justi- timate knowledge of paper bedding. Did it occur headed by Charles A. Lunn and fied. The bedding being tested in a new kind of to the commissioners to hire them as techni- P. Waldo Ross. disposable paper sheet, which the county hopes cal consultants? to be used in its public institutions. According —Christian Science Monitor In an eyeball - to - eyeball dinner confrontation with Boca Raton voters last Thursday eve- ning, the Palm Beach County delegation to the Florida Leg- islature made two things quite Black bread clear to their constituents: their opinion of their own actions is very high; their opinion of Gov- ernor Kirk is very low. For centuries black bread has been consid- of the rye market. Today, the Foreign Agricul- ered the fare of poor people. tural Service reports from Washington, rye pro- Down Johnny! It is the product of rye, a grain believed to duction is just slightly more than 10 per cent of have originated in southwestern Asia or south- wheat output. ern Russia. It was the mainstay of the European And rye bread, once the staple of the poor The view from Tallahassee peasants. The earliest settlers in the New World masses now costs more in the United States than mixed rye with cornmeal to make "rye'n In- wheat bread and is considered a gourmet item. jun" bread. The affluent society has played a wry joke on Changes in food preferences over the years itself. Music among oranges resulted in wheat taking over more and more —Commercial Appeal (Memphis)

nally gave him wholehearted ac- By MALCOLM JOHNSON rejection of his convonvention- On second thought al music. claim. But his mother, in bet- I couldn't tell a Delius con- It was the songs, sounds and ter shape than he was, refused certo from a Chinese jingle, but rhythm of Negroes recently re- to attend. She never went to Glorida Jahoda makes me wish leased from slavery and work- one of his concerts. I could in her new book, "The ing on an orange grove near Welcome destruction Road to Samarkand," Palatka that enchanted Delius, Our Tallahassee neighbor and inspired a musical style Mrs. Jahoda has musical k who wrote so perceptively of Europeans were slow to under- training and those of us who "The Other Florida" that it stand. Americans slower. don't know counterpoint from By GUS HARWELL mosquito planes. The director liked. Delius was more or less of the anti-mosquito district, stung some sensitive nerves needlepoint must leave critique should soothe them now with farmed out to a rundown Flor- APPEARANCE of those big who was a nice guy by the name I RAN INTO a couple from of her commentary on Delius the Keys last week, and they the strong tone of Floridiana she ida orange grove by his father music to those who are quali- mosquito spray planes was a of "Tater" Davis, and who in an effort to get him away knew his business, was a pop- said the mosquitoes are ter- carries through this biography fied. little frightening to some of of the composer who found his from the madness for music us — they fly low — but the ular hero for a while. rible again — even with the planes spraying, sounds on the St. John River. which made the youngster un- There isn't so much of it damage they did to the mosquito The mosquitoes were ter- fit to carry on the family tex- that you can't slide right over population was might welcome. rible — worse than they had been I'll bet there are plenty Mrs. Jahoda's book, put on the market|byScribner's($4.50), tile business. it in the fast-moving stream of Mosquitoes and wet weather for years — when Tater, who of people down there in the Keys was new on the job, brought who believe that if Tater were is a captivating story of the But it didVt'work out that her story about the man and go together, and June has had life of Frederick Delius, who what impelled him. more than its share of both rain in some borrowed planes and still running the anti-mosquito way, Fred Delius let the or- district operations, they rebelled from the tyranny of and mosquitoes. sprayed up and down the Keys. wealthy English parents, and anges rot while he listened to People elsewhere may say But we haven't really suffer- The relief bordered on the wouldn't be plagued so with the ancient chants and spiritual that the author is provincial in mosquitoes. spent most of his life strug- ed from the mosquito popula- miraculous. Almost overnight, gling against financial odds and songs of the Negro workers. so often referring to Delius' tion explosion — not in com- there were practically no mos- He rented a piano in Jackson- early Florida experience in parison with some other parts quitoes. ville and had it boated down recounting his later work in of the world. Later, Tater admitted that river to occupy cramped quar- Europe, but it doesn't offend he'd had a stroke of luck. The ters in the little cottage he and us Floridians — and, after all, As a matter of fact, a few planes arrived after a dry spell a young English partner shar- her point is that Delius found his years ago, a lot of rain at that had been long enough for ed. music in Florida even though he the right time of year made the current batch of mosquitoes wrote it elsewhere much later, it dangerous to show your bare The partner gave up, and De- to start dying of old age. Tuesday 4 June 24,1969 lius himself went on to Jack- skin down in the Florida Keys. The spray planes wiped out Mrs. Jahoda is a careful Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. sonville to teach music and per- what was left of them, and be- form on the violin, then to Dan- researcher, a sensitive analyst, BUT MOSQUITO planes — cause of the dry spell, no more, 2nd st., Boca Raton, Fia., 33432, by the Boca Raton Pub- ville, Va., and eventually back to and an incisive reporter, Her bought by the county's anti- were hatching. lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. Europe — England, Germany, writing skill may be the best of mosquito district and used to France, Norway — to study and any Florida author. She moves fly up and down the keys, fog- this Delius story along with ging the mangrove swamps and TATER DIDN'T keep his job W.H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher write. , there very long, though, even such clear delineation of char- the populated areas, too, His opera, Koanga, was the acters that you might be read- brought relief. though he did a good job and JOHN T. OPEL H. CLAY RILEY first about American Negroes the people swore by him and ing fiction. It was the salt marsh mos- Editor Adv. Mgr. and their music — written a quito that plagued us in the Keys, he was a nice guy. generation before Gershwin's It has history, historic names He made the mistake of ar- Porgy and Bess. Parts of it, of the art and music world, he- and they were vicious. There roes and villains, triumph and were times when they would guing with politicians in favor Entered as second class mail at the postoffiqe at Boca and his Florida suite, are clas- attack you out in the open, in of something he believed was Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. disappointments, and a tender sics now; but he had a hard romance without sensuality. bright sunlight. right, and he didn't hire and time getting orchestras to play And after dark, they'd darn fire workers just to please the Member of the Florida Press Association and National Wholesome good reading wor- county fathers. them during his lifetime. thy of buying for a permanent near chew an arm off. Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in He was old, blind, paralyzed The result was that he was place on the shelf of Floridiana, fired —> despite the fact that the city 70<£ per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10 00 and carried on a stretcher to I THINK IT was In the 1963 6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. ' ' the London concert which fi- if not of musicology. when Monroe County got her he was competent and well- Tuesday, June 24, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 5

Cohn elected fellow Complete UMBRELLA Protection Dr. Jess Victor Cohn field State Hospital at •Travelers • Aetna•• Continental Sykesville, Md. Group * Royal Globe * London & "•"* of Boca Raton has been Lancashire * Boston elected a fellow of the Insurance Co. American College of ELKS BOWLERS Psychiatrists. AGE 8-13 JOHN D. TALBOTT Dr. Cohn, who has of- FREE SHIRTS STARTS INSURANCE AGENCY,^nc, fices in the Weir Plaza 489 N.'E. 20th St. Boca Raton Building, is one of only SAT. - JUNE 28 Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 nine fellows of the Col- UNIVERSITY 80WL lege in Florida and 268 in the United States. He was elected to the fel- lowship at last month's annual meeting of the PHONE group. Author of numerous (MODEL) 391-2229 scientific papers in pro- fessional journals, Dr. Cohn received his med- HOMES STYLED for FLORIDA LIVING ical degree from the University of Cincin- nati, interned at Cincin- 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, FAMILY ROOM from $27,350 nati General hospital (ABOVE PRICE EXCLUSIVE OF LOT AND OPTIONAL SWIMMING POOL) and subsequently was a resident in psychiatry 2 and 3 BEDROOM MODELS there. He served as *Revorso cycle control air conditioning resident in neurology at also AVAILABLE and heat Belvue Hospital and un- •Bedrooms: Split plan arrangement - dertook post - graduate studies in clinical neur- walk-in closets. ology at the University *Bathsj! Ceramic tile - vanities & full of Minnesota. mirrors — 2 linen closets — heat lamps. No stranger to South *G-E Kitchen: "Americana" Oven and Florida, he formerly range — hood and fan — Custom Formica was active in private Cabinets full backsplash - abundance of practice in Hollywood, Miami Beach and Fort cabinets — luminous ceiling — Pass-thru Lauderdale. Most re- window — Breakfast Bar. cently he served as re- *Roofed-screened Patio. gional director of men- Pool. (Optional). tal health for the wes- *2 cor Garqge - Sewing, hobby and utility. tern half of Mary- *Terrazzo floors — marble sills — awning land and was superin- windows — textured ceilings — Tile roof dendent of the Spring- -Pre-wired for TV and Phone. Domestic passen- At the ger traffic carried by scheduled U.S. airlines Patk increased 14.7 per cent in January 1969 over Convenient to IBM, January 1968. The lines, F.A.U., Schools, including helicopter , Churches, airlines, flew 7.4 bil- Norton lion revenue passenger Downtown Shopping ,.. miles during the month. MODEL AT 126 N.W. 11th AVE. S6AGATB TOWWS BOCA RATON Condominium Under construction Located in West Palm A unique Peninsula location." OPEN 10-5 DAILY Beach, the Norton Gal- A unique apt. plah. A "must SUNDAYS, 1-5 to see - on the Intracoastal lery is theclosest and in Delroy Beach, largest of the public art 200 McFarlond Dr. WE WILL BUILD ON OUR LOTS IN LAKE FLORESTA PARK OR YOUR LOT. centers displaying Phone 278-4564 or 399-8633 works of the world's masters. Included in the gallery's permanent collection is ''Still Life on Red Tablecloth Introducing a New Concept in Interior Decorating (1936)" by George Braque, above, and Stuart Davis' "Design Boca Ratons' Newest Correlating Studio for New York Mural." The gallery is closed Mondays, open Sunday afternoons, and there is no charge for admis- CoraWIII INTERIORS sion. * Draperies . . . * Wall Decor . . . * Carpeting . . . * Accessories . . . * Furniture . . . * Wallpaper . . . * Reupholstery . . . * Custom Furniture * Refinishing . . . * Slipcovers

Dr. Pearl is One Week Oniy...Drapery Special! re-elected Dr. John F. Pearl of Boca Raton has been INTRODUCTORY OFFER re - elected to active membership in the American Academy of With Every Drapery Order Placed General Practice, the national association of family doctors. Re-election signifies Your Choke.... that the physician has successfully complet- $ ed 150 hours of accred- ited postgraduate med- Batiste Sheer Underdraperies J|OO ical study in the last 100% DACRON three years. Sheers of Batiste, a Decorators Delight, Per Yd. Enjoying the airy feeling of Florida With the Privacy only sheers can afford INCLUDING *SHEERS BASED ON WINDOW WIDTH LABOR WHITE ONLY FREE TRAVERSE RODS WITH

You save S889! Call us about our new ISLAND EACH PAIR OF DRAPERIES PURCHASED POOL and how you can own one for only *WHITE ONLY - INSTALLATION SLIGHTLY ADDITIONAL $36.31 per month. CROSBY W. ALLEY Rule Hf Pool Co. REALTOR AQUATECH Cora Will INTERIORS /R 1 f wK 1 11 n, ° "n'!!! 1 '' ; ' Hifihw/iy/Furt I...iurlrifl,ile/Floncla 33308 Phi mo 94,'-H.'?,' / Hollywniul iMO-^HB? / Dnlr.iy :-! 7 fi >j 939 iiiliili NOlli: PIICII il.iiF'i nrit inr.lurt.! H.-i-.tnc.-il hoof.-u|i till haul or ci.vti -in,! „ li.Vimt on ,t»il .ICL:,!K. i:,i,t.m, sii.j ,:,m,1ii,oii-i iipvl'm-.ri r,n formerly H&M Interiors mrronni! prico:;. YOUR CHOICI-: OF SIX MODELS 85 E. Palmetto Park Rd., Boca Raton,Florida (T^:-_- ,342 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd, BERMUDA JAMAICA ANTIGUA AHUBA MARTINIQUE TRINIDAO Please Call . . . 391-1000 391-1001 Ft. Lauderdale 399-9172 Telephone OUR EXPERIENCED DECORATING STAFF "Make yours another pool by Rule" 395-4404 WILL BRING TO YOUR HOME OUR COMPLETE SAMPLE LINE 6 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday/June 24, 1969

Something to do on a rainy day

Summer may mean recrea- liquid embroidery. She learned tion for Boca Raton youngsters, in Girl Scouts. It was so pret- but not all recreation is the ty that I wanted to do it too and kind that's done outdoors. In it looked like fun." fact, some people might even Cynthia Rediger, seven year wonder if what some of the chil- old grandniece of the instruc- dren are doing can be classi- tor, Juanita Rediger, didn't fied as recreation,, know why she was taking the Like learning how to sew course, but her great aunt sus- and learn how to tube paint. pected it was because she had The students and instruc- seen her mother's outfit and tors will tell you that what they her grandmother's, and she are doing is learning dress- wanted one too. making and liquid embroidery, Cindy Taylor, 13, was taking and yes, it is recreation. Oth- dressmaking because she erwise it wouldn't be part of "wanted to learn to sew," but the city's recreation depart- Jean Humphrey, 9, was in the ment. class "because my mother Among the items rented from us last week: But why would any girl want wanted me to take the course." to spend a whole Tuesday morn- Of the 15 girls in the class, ing learning how to sew or tube Compressor - Steam Gleaner - Mortar Mixer - a majority had sewn before. Water Pressure Cleaner - Conduit Bender - paint? They had plans of making not The more than 15 girls in only shift dresses but bell bot- Snake - Masonry Table Saw - Drill - A/L6 the dressmaking class and eight tom slacks. Stepladder - Pump - Floor Sander & Edger girls in liquid embroidery class One girl hit the nail on the RENTAL have good reasons. head. It was Rhoda Hauser, 11, Diane Tate, 11, tells it like who said, "It's something to do Which of our more than 600 items this. "I watched my sister do on a rainy day. do YOU need for temporary use? (14,000 pieces of inventory) lei. 395-18771 1962 N. Federal Hwy,, Fifth Avenue Shopping Plaza - Boca Raton

10 DAYS ONLY DRAPERIES 4O% OFF AH Fabrics - Traverse Rods and Labor (We Have Our Own Workrooms) 101 Fabrics To Select From

FURNITURE Buy Direct from This man has everything Wholesaler at Our Discount.... ONE PIECE OR FULL HOUSE. . . WITH AMY DRAPERY ORDER DURING SALE

COMPARE!! BestValue on the Goldcoast BED SPREADS Need auto insurance? He's got it. Want to insure your 40% OFF home? Your life? Your health? Your car? He's the man to see for low cost State Custom Made To Fit Perfectly CONDOMINIUMS ON THE WATERFRONT Farm insurance. See him soon. —Compare Winston Bay's Features— THOMAS K. HARVEY • No Ground Lease • No Recreation Lease AGENT ALADDIN • $30 Monthly Maintenance Fee 85SS. Federal Hwy. INTERIORS Marble Baths and Vanities GE Self-Cleaning Stoves Boca Raton, Fla. Fully Wood-Panelled Dens Superb Recreation Facilities Office 395-1701 -IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY- Residence 391-0421 40 S.E. 3rd Street BUY NOW! PRICES WILL BE RAISED JULY 4, 5900 N.E. 7TH AVENUE • BOCA RATON, FLORIDA STATE FARM State Farm ^ Boca Raton PHONE: 399-8877 is all you need to know about OENEHAI, EUCTflIC APPLIANCES 8Y COMPLETE INTERIORS insurance. ' HOPKINS-SMITH. FORT LAUOEHOAIE VANITY AMD TUBS BY INSURANCE Residential & Commercial Phone 399-4951


5 prone float 'Fifth lesson from American Red Cross Taaching Johnny to Swim manual.

Now Johnny is ready to learn the "dead man's float" or prone float, as swimming Instructors call it. Have the boys face each other in waist deep water and holds hands at arm's length. Tell Johnny to take a breath, put his face into the water, and then stretch his legs back as far as they will go. Jimmie in the meantime is supporting Johnny's hands in the water; this support should permit Cabana Club evenings Johnny to'float with his heels close to the surface. To stand up, Johnny merely pulls his knees up under him, presses his hands down, and lifts his head. go into full swing The boys should continue to practice this until they are able to do it without support. If you are at a beach, you can have the youngsters lie in a face-down position with It was dinner-dance time again at Boca Rat- their hands on the bottom. From this posi- on Hoteiand Cabana Club. This time the crowd tion, have them place their faces in the wa- numbered 180 and the dinner-dance, featuring ter and slowly lift their hands from the bot- the Iggy Biondi orchestra, was in the Cabana tom and extend them forward. Be sure they Club itself. Among members there were (up- are facing toward shore. per left) Mrs. Quinton Liberati, Col. and Mrs. Michaels and Mr. Liberati. Among the dancers were (left) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blanchet. Practice rescue skill No. 1: To assist a swimmer to stand up from front position.


Mr0 and Mrsn David Lorentz Helin, 1214 ame S.W. 12th Ave., an- :BOCA RATON NEWS 7 Tuesday, June 24, 1969 nounce the birth of a son, Andrew Allen, June 17 at Bethesda Memorial ANN LANDERS Hospital. Mrs. Helen is Classified Ad Service the former Birgetta Heinz. Phone 395-8300 or 399-6719 Looks like someone3 s luck ran out

' Dear Ann Landers: that if she blew it I My boyfriend is taking a should burn 'em, not think you have to drink A girl I work with is a wouldn't be mad, al- college summer session mail'em. Explain that to be accepted by your fantastically lucky crap though I've never known in another city. He pro- he must not put in writ- friends, get the facts. sjhooter. Whenever she her to lose. fesses his undying love,, ing anything he wouldn't Read "Booze and You — , % rjas the dice everyone Two days after Lucky for me — in writing H,is '•- want read aloud to your For Teen-Agers Only,"j Start Earning Si ...Today Sides her back and left for her vacation, I letters are wildly pas-j mother — and that you by Ann Landers. Send 1 cleans up. I've seen her received a telegram sionate and highly des- practice what you 35 cents in coin and a make as many as seven which said, "I hit a criptive. I would die if preach. long, self addressed, passes in a row. lousy streak and lost a member of the family stamped envelope with Two weeks ago Lucky your dough, So sorx-y." opened one by mistake. Dear Ann Landers.- your request. went to Puerto Rico for I was really shook, but In yesterday's letter My cousin married Ann Landers will be her vacation. I knew figured it was bound to he admonisted me for three months ago. She glad to help you with she'd be in the casinos happen eventually. not responding in equal- is so proud of having your problems. Send every night— and win- Yesterday Lucky re- ly ardent language. He snagged a professional them to her in care of ning, of course — so I turned. She was telling says my letters are man it's revolting. The Boca Raton News, Box gave her $150 to play the girls in the cafeteria guarded and noncommit- payoff is this: She in- 3346, Chicago, Illinois, for me. I made it plain that she had had a great tal. Now I'm beginning troduces herself as 60 6 5 4, enclosing a time — won $600 over to wonder if he writes Mrs, Dr. Whatchmacal- stamped, self-address- HONESTY IS NOT and above her expenses. those torrid letters for lit. The other day when ed envelope. When she saw me stand- his own erotic pleasure I told her it was not in THE BEST POLICY! ing there, she said, and wishes ms to re- good taste, she replied, "Too bad about your spond in kind for addi- 'It saves time. When I There were fairs PERSONALIZED $150. My luck changed tional stimulation, or if say Mrs. Whatchama- that featured harness TV SERVICE - FREE right after I lost yours, he wants me to put in racing in 27 states dur- PICK UP AND DELIVERY calMt, people always ing 1968. OF PORTABLE TV'S Honey." writing so he can show ask if I'm related to the AND RADIOS. What do you think of his friends. eye specialist." SAVINGS' C£&rtf/CAr£S 399-8109 a friend like that? Big Dolly Who is right? REFRIGERATOR —Chicken Dear Doll: It's en- Feet First TOO SMALL?? AT BOCA mt)N fMMl IT IS THE ONLY Inspector tirely possible that your Dear Feet: You are, ewtii mm me PAY of 21 boyfriend gets his jol- Get extra units — fit of course, but conserve small area, 3x3 feet — RECifPr POLICY! lies from composing your breath to cool your high Dear Ann Landers: red-hot epistles. But he soup, Lovely. Your cou- sin is not interested in Other bargains at taste — she's interested THRIFT SHOP NEW HOMES NOW AVAILABLE only in letting people Boca Raton Society for know she married a doc- the Retarded IN BOCA RATON'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREAS tor. 2304 N.E. First Ave. Alcohol is no shortcut Boca Raton 0 SOME MODELS FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY to social success. If you Tel. 395-9752 THE OLDEST LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER '"fls. IN PALM BEACH COUNTY

B 1 ta Lincoln BSfl » W" k &B' 1 i Continental Montego MERCUR'

30 TO 90 DAYS REGULAR OCCUPANCY 20 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM WE WILL CUSTOM BUILD ON OUR LOT OR YOURS 3-4-5 BEDROOM MODELS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ALL MODELS INCLUDE: Vfall-to-wall carpeting ~ Central Heat and Air Conditioning — GE Kitchen Range — Dishwasher & Many Other Features

—Pool Optional Locations Available: UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BOCA SQUARE 4 PALMETTO PARK TERRACE THE ESTATES LAKE FLORESTA GOLDEN HARBOUR TUNISON PALMS (WATERFRONT) find just a few minutes north of Bocn Raton on US 1 DELRAY LINCOLN-MERCURY DEVELOPMENT & INDUSTRIAL CORP MOTORS INC. 41 S.E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, Fla. itvenus 395-1211 399-5453 Miami 944-1912 2102 S. Federal Hwy., Defray Beach 276-6331 IV2 miles North of Boca Raton 8 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, June 24, 1969 Rifenburg Dolphins preparing for elected Jim Rifenburg, sports opening of training camp editor and columnist for the News, was elected By JACK HUTTON taking a long, hard look Danials, John Bramlett president of the Florida at the forward wall and defensive tackle Ray Outdoor Writers Asso- It's about that time of of pass protection in Jacobs. ciation at a meeting in training camp. Many of the Dolphin Apollo Beach Sunday. year again « . . around defensive players will He will serve as pres- the middle of next month Anchor man in the of- return to the St. An- ident for one year, fol- the fensive unit is center drew's camp next lowing two years as vice football team will take . A six-year month, several of whom president and one year to the meadows of St. veteran of pro football, were rookies last year. as a director of the or- Andrew's School in Bo- Goode is six-foot-three, The Dolphins human ar- ganization. ca Raton for the pre- 250 pounds, and a de- row, Jimmy Hines, will The FOWA is made up season "fight for posi- pendable center. Flank- get his chance on the of writers, columnists tion survival in training ing Goode are guards practice field. Hines and commentators of camp. and Bil- spent some time ob- newspapers, radio and ly Neighbors. Tackles serving the Dolphins television throughout Coach George Wilson include Norm Evens, has called for his from the sidelines last the state. Doug Crusan and Tom season after returning John Opel, editor of quarterbacks to report Nomina who moved over from the Olympics. As the News, was the prin- to camp July 10 along from the defensive unit. a runner, probably his cipal speaker at the With the coaches. The election banquet Satur- rookies report Sunday, Griese should have most outstanding feat, split-end Jack Clancy was when he set the day evening. More than July 13. In pre-train- world's record for the 60 members and guests ing camp instructions, as a prime target this season. Clancy spent all 100 meter dash, 9.1 sec- attended. • Coach Wilson instruct- onds. A high school foot- ed players to report to of last season on the ball player at Oakland, camp "in condition". sidelines after suffering Special regulations an injury in a pre-sea- Calif., Hines did » not and bag limits may ap- This being the case, compete in college foot- son game. Receivers ball, concentrating on ply to some fish man-' players could expect to track. agement areas. Copies be in pads and ready for , Doug Mo- of regulations for fish contact work the first reau, and Howard The Dolphin coaching management areas are •, day on the practice field. Twilley help round out staff will have the job available at the offices I The Dolphins enter the Dolphin air force. of trimming the train- of all County Judges. the fifth year of Amer- Three of the Dol- ing camp roster to a 40- ican Football League phin's more colorful man regular squad On an average, four play with an impressive players will not be re- which will mean they in to five fisherman are list of veterans and porting to the St. An- all probability will have arrested each day for drews camp this sea- to give up some good rookies. fishing without a li son for various reasons: ball players they would cense. The price of i Bob Griese, quarter- linebackers Wahoo Mc- like to keep. license is cheap when backing the club, will be compared to the fine ^ for fishing without license. | Bowling Standings •>.- Golf In Boca Raton i University Park LADIES SCRATCH Slumphfs 11 9 #5 11 5 Lucky Strikes 11 9 no 10 6 First ream Won Lost Handicaps 10 10 #2 8 8 Gountiy Club #9 8 8 Jazzybelles 46.5 2865 Wed. Aches 8 12 Ding-a-Lings 44.5 30.5 Untouchables 8 12 #1 7 9 SPECIAL Misfits 37 38 Foul Balls 7 13 #7 7 9 man Debs 37 38 #8 6 10 Mylars 6.5 13.5 0 16 SPRING RATE Odd Wads 34 41 Les Souriants6 14 H FAB'S 26 49 High team game and Bowleweevits 4 16 high team triple Team GREEK EACH High team game, Odd High team game and FEE t 2 Pi* Wads, 412, High team #10 321 and880; ind. triple, Wed. Aches, 841 high and ind. triple Irene ELECTRIC 5.50 CART triple, FAB'S, 1180; on scene CART & 2442; Ind High (wom- Engel 180 and464. Ind. High, and Ind. triple en) Judy Wood, 184; Ind Annette Grimes, 188 & triple, (women) Joyce 395-546G .399-6921 518. Lords & Ladies League Wiseman, 471; Ind Men Team Won Lost On Military Trail, UntarJity ft* IBM MIXED SUMMER Dick Harris, 227; Ind Noname 16.5 3.5 In Beea Raton triple men, Dick Harris JAPS 16 4 605. Team Won Lost Tenpinners 12 8 First man to arrive Vestilites 16 4 CBSS 12 8 Odds and Ends League and last to leave Dan OJ ,CT C.B.'S All 16 I 4 Pin Bouncers 12 8 Dowe, Miami Dolphins Alley Cats 13 7 Team Won Lost Chinooks 12 8 #6 12 4 equipment manager sets OFF Four Squares 12,5 . 7.5 Four Pals 11 9 up shop at St. Andrew's Razorbacks 11 9 #3 11 5 Cavaliers 11 9 Swordsmen 8 12 School in preperation for BOCA RATON Miss Fits 8 12 training camp. The Dol- T'balls 8 12 phin quarterbacks and Whatever 7 13 coaches are due to ar- Ma's & Pa's 7 13 rive at the camp July 10 Ink! Tide Table with the rookies check- BOCA RATON G'balls 7 13 FLORIDA'S NEWEST 7 13 ing in the 13th. CHAMPIONSHIP DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME L, Strikes 18 HOLE COURSE Go Getters 5.5 14.5 Gently rolling fair- HIGH LOW High team game No ways and carpet-rich, greens accent our AM PM AM PM name 637; high team par 72 layout... part of th« new Tues. June 24 3:29 4:23 10:14 10:44 triple Go Getters 1794; Boca Teeca Country women's ind,. high Rita Club Estates. Wed. June 25 4:29 5:23 11:08 11:44 Johnson 187,, ind.tri- June 26 5:23 6:23 — — 12 02 Phone for Thurs. : pie Pat Sterger 504; Starling timei: 399-5120 Courtesy Flotilla 36, U.S. Coast Guard Aux- men's ind. high anc1 ind. MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE! Pate Coopor, triple Joe Bradet• 215 Golf Dlractor and 541. Allstates League HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!! Team Won Lost 4 — v. COUNTRY CLUB 7 1 H.W. SUt SI. and 2nd Ave., Big 3 Boca Raton C'j mile west ol U.S. i) Do Yeyr Trip Alongs 5.5 2.5 399-5120 Sleepy Cats 5 3 o Outcasts 4 4 Own Impossibles 4 4 3 Shots 2.5 5.5 Sportsmen should re- IT'S FUN - IT'S HEALTHFUL •Thing" Gutter Gals 2 6 member the 30th of Strugglers 1 7 BOWL June. All licenses and JOIN A SUMMER GROUP this High team game; Im- permits issued by the possibles 498; high team Game and Fresh Water UNIVERSITY BOWL Summer triple Sleepy Cats 1348; Fish Commission ex- Phpno 395-5222 ind. high and ind,. tri- pire at midnight. Boca Raton pie Carolyn Steele 188 etf and 510. SUNSTRIAM AVSATBON IBM Mates Summer Team Won Lost SMALL BAY STORAGE Stowaways 17 7 don't mind Shipwrecks 16 8 NOW RENTING! Sloops 15 9 260 Sq. Ft. with 10' x 10' garage door. Galleys 11 13 Ready for occupancy approximately a little mess Captains 9 15 Tidalwaves 4 20 June 30, 1969 High teami game and In Boca Raton Industrial Park high team triple Ship- you can save For Information Call Ken Peters At Enroll in this leadership inspiring, Tun, educational wrecks 587 and 1532; flying {program. Spend 4 weeks of your summer in a ind. high and ind,. tri- pie Micki Schweiss 185 395-4525 specially designed, professionally programmed course a lot of money tnat will introduce you to the exciting, challenging and 468. world of aviation. You will "solo" and have a "flying start" towards your •private pilot's license. BUTLER 1st In Class since 18! CONSTRUCTION ON OUR NEW TWO SESSIONS And 1st In FUN IN 1 1st SESSION — 4 WEEKS IN JULY MOTORS Where else can you get SERVICE FACILITY IS IN FULL SWING 2nd SESSION — 4 WEEKS IN AUGUST much economy, 18- Sa Sooth Floridas Most Everything is in that "mess" that always accompanies a big building S DAYS PER WEEK features, sad still lee! Complete Service project . . . SO - TO MAKE IT A LITTLE BIT EASIER FOR YOU TO VISIT 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. like a winner? TOTAL COST —$490.00 Dept. With a US WHILE ALL THE CONSTRUCTION IS GOING ON ... WE ARE GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU CAN SAVE A LOT OF MONEY! including lunch, payable at time of reg- §?S,OQO inventory istration or other terms can probably be arranged. of - 'a' -f - '-• START SAVING WITH A TOYOTA EACH DAILY SESSION TO INCLUDE —— — HJL _ • + , 1. 40 mlnutGS of flight Instruction In the air. 2. 2 hours of ground school instruction. SAVE ON OUR DEAL-SAVE ON SERVICE COST 3. Lunch, sarvad between 12:00 and 1:00 P.M. uMmt 4. 1 hour, Which on various days will have as its subject an In- SAVE ON GAS-30 MILES TO THE GALLON teresting session coveting the soience of meteorology, aerotly. namlcs, aviation history, military aviation, or careers in aviation, FOR DETAILS— CALL KING SUNSTREAM AVIATION 1401 N.E. 10th St. TO OT Pompcmo B&acb Air Park 268 S. Federal Hwy. Pompano Beach 941-6156 941-6151 South Fedora) Highway - U.S. 1 Phone 943-6050 BROWARD COUNTYS OLDEST FIAT DEALER 25 B Apartments tor Rent 10 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, June 24, 1969 10 A Help Female 15 A Miscellaneous Sale IS H Boats-Motor or Sail 25 B Apartments for Ren! STEREO CONSOLES $500 Buys 14' WHITE TIRED FEET HAMMOND : 1966 VW Series 1600 SECRETARY. Boca Ra- FROM LOOKING FOR stationwagon square ton Law Office. Must UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SWAN fiberglas boat APARTMENTS Public Notices 2/5 HP Evinrude mo- AN APARTMENT? 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, back. Radio, air condi- have good typing and $75.00 tors. Rocket Trailer. LET OUR FEET DO PRELIMINARY CKRTIF1CATH tioned, new tires, 16000 dictation skills. Legal Just received 5 deluxe w/w carpeting - no pets OF CORPORATE Top condition $1900 Call experience desirous but Seldom used. Owner THE WALKING! $200 monthly. DISSOLUTION solid state nationally sick. Call 399-1074. Boca, Deerfield, Light- 395-8844 days and 395- not necessary. Call 395- advertised stereo con- Classified 8382 eves. 4728 or 278-0916 for 15 0 HOUSEHOID GOODS house Point, Pompano, 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH IN THE NAME AND I1Y Till-: soles in beautiful hand Ft. Lauderdale. From a AUTHORITY Of THE STATE 5 A Lost & Found interview appointment. rubbed walnut finish. New Custom Made up- w/w carpeting and OF FLORIDA holstered living room penthouse on the ocean LOST: In vicinity of AFT 10 B Help Male World renowned BSR drapes POOL - no chair. Brand new up- to efficiencies. 1,. 2 or CHILDREN or PETS TO ALL TO WHOM THESE Ads Apts. and North Boca. EXPERIENCED CAR- turntable and four 3 bedrooms, furnish- PRESENTS SHALL COME, Adult Tabby male cat speaker audio system, holstered hassock $50 $180 month. Furnished GREETINGS: PENTERS WANTED. each. 395-6321. ed or unfurnished. Have Dr unfurnished. Whereas, JOSEPH A. Mc- wearing clear flea col- 5425 N. Dixie Hwy. Bo- to be sold for $75 each children or pets? What- INERNEY, BOCA RATON, lar. Tame and answers ca, 395-4254. or $6 Monthly. May be Full size bed, 6 draw- ever your need in a ren- YEARLY RENTALS FLORIDA, JOSEPH P. McIN- to "Riley" Call 395- inspected in warehouse er high boy, 2 drawer tal see friendly Bob ERNEY, BOCA RATON, FLOR- 8300 Ext. 32 days — 391- Male Help wanted for at 2003 US Hwy 441 nite table, solid mahog- ONLY IDA, VIRGINIA E.MclNERNEY, Call Warehouse, with Driv- Powell at APARTMENT BOCA RATON, FLORIDA dill 0680 after 5. South Ft. Lauderdale 9 any by Hathaway. Love RENTALS INC. 3581 N. 200-265 S.W. 7th StV on the 29th day of DECEMBER, ers license. 5 days a AM to 6 PM Mon. thru seat, mirror, TV set, 3 Federal Hwy. Profes- BOCA RATON 391-2246J A.D. 1967 cause to be incor- Call ,395-8300 week. Call Mrs, Thomp- Fri. Sat til 1 PM. piece matched luggage porated under the laws of State for sional Bldg #107 - of Florida V. J. 3. CORPORA- 395-8300 son 278-0435. SEWING MACHINE and other furniture. All Shoppers Haven, Pom- "DUPLEX furnished TION a corporation, with its Classified Ads EXCELLENT OPPOR- in excellent condition. bedroom 2 bath, air/ principal place of business! at 1968 SINGER CONSOLE pano Bch. 946-0262 then TUNITY for a young man Slightly used zig-zag in Call 395-4876. sit back and relax. Real- heat, Close to beach. nOCA RATON, PALM BEACH Monthly or yearly. B©- COUNTY In the State of Flor- GATEWAY who is interested in stylish walnut cab. Make Contour Relaxer Chair tor. ida, and whereas such corpor- 39H719 aligning his future with button holes, sews on The "Cadillac" of ca, Call 399-0888 ' , ation did on the 13th day of NATURAL FOODS Unfurnished 1 bedroom JUNE, A.D. 1969, cause to be Natural, Vitamins & a fast small growth buttons, monograms, Chairs. Power operated Large furn. studio eff. company. Our company 11/2 bath. W/W car- filed in the office of the Sec- Minerals Organically applique, overcast & to various positions. peting, completely Full kitchen, air, walk retary of State of the State of grown, dried fruit. Di- has demonstrated a Blind hem stitch with- Health vibration thru- to shopping, beach. Florida, the documentary au- DEADLINE 250% sales increase equipped kitchen, thority required under Sec- TUESDAY EDITION etetic Foods & Vegeta- out attachments. All out. Original price over screened patio. $165 per Deerfield 941-0342 : tion 608.27, Florida Statute, ble Juices. during the last five controls built in. Full $500, New Jan. '69.Now showing the dissolution of such Mondays, 10:00 A.M. years and as a result mo. yearly lease. 2 bedroom 2 bath, up- corporation. 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. price $47.60 or as- $250. Phone 395-1333. THURSDAY EDITION opened a new plant here The Forum Apts., 1361 furnished. 1 Child 4 Pompano 941-8120 sume pymts. of $4.76 Household furniture for S. Federal Hwy,, Boca years of age or under Now, therefore, the Secre- Wednesdays, 10:00 A.M. in Boca Raton last De- month. For free home tary of Stale does hereby cer- 5 C Child Care cember in order to de- sale Good condition Raton. accepted. 70 S.E. 11 St. tify to the foregoing and that SUNDAY EDITION TIC TOC Private velop the southern mar- demo call Capitol Cre- Reasonable price Call 395-8220. he is satisfied that the require- dit Mgr. Till 9 PM No Unfurnished 2 bedrm 2 ments of the law have been com- Fridays, 10:00 A.M. ket, and immediately 395-3924. School. Infants to 7 obligation If toll Call bath, w/w carpeting, PARADISE PALMS piled with. years. Open all year. our growth pattern has Dining table, round, completely . equipped DUPLEX newly furnish- proceeded. The man we College. 922-3528. antique white, dark top. IN WITNESS WHEUEOF, I Summer program. 273 kitchen, screened patio ed, 1 bedroom, carpof t. N.W. 15th St. Boca 395- are looking for should CAPITOL SEWING 4 Chairs, China Cabi- have hereunto set my hand MACHINE OF $215 per mo. Yearly Adults. $150 Now til and nave affixed the Great 5044. have fullfilled his draft net, painted Desk Chair lease. The Forum Apts. Dec. 31 Call 395-330*4 Seal of the State of Flor- '68 MG-GT Hard top requirements or be SOUTHERN FLORIDA 5:D Instructions, Tutoring 391-0475. 1316 S. Federal Hwy. ida, at Tallahassee, the Sedan. Only 6,000 miles. draft exempt, and be SPECIAL SUMMER • " Capital, this the THIR- Spanish Lessons. Uni- SEWING MACHINE SINGER Sewing ma- Boca Raton. Like new. Racing green willing to learn all ac- 1969 ZIG-ZAG RATES " TEENTH day of JUNE, University Major Na- chine. Zig Zags, but- BEACH AREA > A.D. 1069 $2,250 1 Owner, Call tual operations of the PORTABLE tonholes, $28. UN- Furn. 1 Bedrm. TOM ADAMS tive language. Reason- plant including all of our apts. Air cond. 450mar* . Deluxe furnished effi- Secretary of State 391-3533. Zig-Zag slightly used. CLAIMED FREIGHT able. Phone 399-8634 printing processes and No attachments needed Public beach. Monthltoy ciencies 1 bedrm apts. MacMILLAN.'NEWEl T & '55 BUIGK. Power AM & Eves. equipment. Must be able 2003 U.S. Hwy. 441 S. or season 399-4453. Air conditioned, TV, ADAM3 steering. Excellent to monogram, overcast, Ft. Lauderdale 29 N.E, Fourth Avenue PROFESSIONAL to demonstrate leader- make button holes, con- Furnished luxury Large pool. All utili- Delray Beach, Florida workman car. Good All ages. All problems. ship ability in order to NEW & USED Apartment. In the beau- ties, from $125 per ny /s/ Nell E. MacMillan transportation $50. In- trols built in. Sews with M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad be able to assume the COUCHES, BEDDING, tiful Chateau Elizabeth. month to Dec. 15. Threes spected 395-3983 aft. 6 1 or' 2 needles. Full BEDROOM SETS. Boca Publish: June 24, H Harold Selleck 395-3303 management of this price $30.10 or assume Immediate Occupancy. Crowns Apts. 1945 NEg. publication PM. plant in 3 to 5 years. Quality -UsedFurn. 117 3rd St. Deerfieltr Furnish proof of 5/ E Schools & Camps pymts. of $3.44 month. NW 11 St. 391-3580. 44 S.E. 14 St. Boca, 3 Boca Palm Day School Should have a high For free home demo blocks S. of Howard Beach 399-7171. Children 2 1/2 to 6 yrs. school education plus call Capitol Credit Mgr. 25 A Rooms for Real Johnsons. CAREFREE trade school or some POOL- Private bath, ELEGANCE Half Day - Full Day. Til 9 PM No obliga- 1 bedrm and efficiency. 395-3698,_ Lie. & Ins,. college or their equi- tion If toll Call Collect. entrance. Lovely room. home 391- Air Cond. Jordan Man- in valent in experience. 922-3528. Christian BOCA RATON 5G Cemetery lots For this right man this 2051. or. 101 NW Pine Cir- BE|NG SMART CAPITOL SEWING gle._.395-456JL_,_ Immediate occupan- BURY your pet in Amer- is a complete training MACHINES OF Camlno Real. Private cy. Brand new, luxur- ican Pet Memorial Ce- program for a plant SOUTHERN FLORIDA entrance, shower and UNDER CONSTRUC- ious rental apartments metery where dignity & manager. Phone for an UNCLAIMED bath. Redecorated. Gen- TION - spacious 1 and 2 on scenic oceanfront A- confidence make the appointment and come in FREIGHT tlemen preferred. bedrm, 2 bath. Near 1-A. Two bedrooms,' 2 difference. 583-1090, and talk it over with us. 8 New 1969 Zig Zag Phone 395-3709. F.A.U. air-cond., heat, baths, or one bedroom, Lauderdale. Royal Imprints Corp., sewing machines with Private entrance and Adults, no pets. Occu- den 2 baths. From $250 ISA 10 k Help Female 2600 N.W. 2nd Ave. Bo- full factory guarantee. bath. Near shopping pancy approx. June. per month on yearly SECRETARY with Flor- ca Raton, Fla. Phone Nationally advertised center. Call 395-0974. 1798 N.W. 15th Vista, lease. Wall-to-wall ' ~ ida Real Estate license. 399-5922. 395-4203. brands to be sold for after 5 PM. __ carpeting. Completely Salary. Call Ed Garvy $35 each. Can be paid equipped kitchen incl. REAL ESTATE Private air condition- 3 Bedroom 2 Bath for appointment 391- for at $5 per month. ed bedrm and bath 2 Bedroom 2 Bath dishwasher. Private 0900. SALESMAN OR WOMAN These machines may be balcony with ocean view. Here is a once in a available after June 1. 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Clerical Library As- inspected in warehouse Prefer female student 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Very large rooms, ex- HABIT lifetime opportunity for at 2003 US Hwy 441 Apartments available on ceptional closet space.' sistant Full time. Non- or refined business a real go-getter to join South, Ft. Lauderdale 9 Indoor corridors. Ele- professional position. a new aggressive Co. woman. Call 9 AM to monthly or yearly lease. Call Mary mount Col- AM to 6 PM Mon. thrti 5 PM, 395-8300 Ext. 33 In 3 buildings now under vators. Security guards. with new ideas. Unlim- Friday and Sat. til 1 construction. SnowGon- Pool. Complete indoor lege 395-4301 Ext 80 ited potential for the - Mon. thru Fri. Costs PM , discussed in person on- struction 399-5922. and outdoor recreation REAL ESTATE right person. Experi- facilities. Visit or write , ence helpful but not es- Classified Ad Service ly. DELUXE PENTHOUSE WITH SALESMAN OR WOMAN Funrished apt, extra THE ,,PATRICIAN OF Here is a once in a life- , sencial. We will train, Phone 39543QQ private entrance, bath, BOCA RATON, 28SL 1 time opportunity for, a j Call NOW we only have 15 B Musical Instruments twin beds - pool priv- large Bedrm Plus Cas- 4 tro. 2 Baths Balcony South Ocean Blvd., B'oifo real go-getter to join opening for one. Can RENT AN ORGAN ileges. Air cond. Boca- ca Raton, Fla. or phonStft YOU fit the bill? Call OR PIANO Deerfield line. Walk to Plus terrace. Privacy. a new aggressive Co. Block to Beach. Star- 391-2240. : with new ideas. Unlim- 946-0262, Mr. Montan- Only $2 a week free les- beach. Call 399-8432. us. sons and exclusive lite Villas 217 N. 25 C Houses or Rent ited potential for the Wurlitzer hobby course. 25 B Apartments lor Rent Andrews. Delray 276 Furnished 2 bedroom SOME PEOPi! right person. Experi- Audio Visual Tech- All rental applies if you Nicely furnished 1 bed- 6278 $150 per month til Nov. ence helpful but not es- nician. Prefer young buy. Your choice of any room $150, 395-0199 BOCA'S newest & fin- 15. Unfurnished 2 bed- sential. We will train. man attending college Call after 7 PM room Central Air/Heat Call NOW we only have new Wurlitzer. Roder- est Annual rental Apart- in evenings for full time ick Pianos - Organs. LIVE ON OCEANSIDE ments, unfurn., 1 bed- $145 per month yearly. opening for one. Can day work. Some knowl- 119 Datura WPB 832- Furnished bedroom & Deerfield Call 399-2878 YOU fit the bill? Call room, 1 -1/2 bath, and edge of audio visual 3858, Or locally Lillian studio apts. air/heat TV 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Lat- 946-0262, Mr. Montan- equipment. Phone Merz 395-7089. pool, telephone. All util- RENTAL-WATERFRONT us. est GE kitchen R/C air Marymount College ities. Maid service. cond. W/W carpeting, Prestige waterfront 395-4301 Ext. 8. 15 6 Merchandise Wanted Avail, school bus ser- home - 3 bedrooms,; 3 NEEDED AT ONCE WANTED: WHITE Screened Patios, Pool, LPN'S starting Salary Maintenance & Repair vice. Children, pets Adults, no Pets, model baths - pool - dock. All FRENCH PROVENCIAL welcome. Until Decem- beautifully furnished- $22 per day. RN's Sal- of Rental equipment plus BREAKFRONT 5' to 6' open for inspection. 331 ary open. This includes ber 15. Reasonable. Call SW 8th St. 395-5779. Owner maintains yf some general store wide. Call 946-4271. Mrs. Bogie 278-2646, and pool care. $375 paid holiday, fringe work - Days Boca Ra- 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail HEMPSTEAD VILLAGE benefits and insurance. 2325 S. Ocean Blvd., per month. It's p ton 395-1877. MOVING M'JST SELL! Delray Beach. APARTMENTS someone who wants Contact Mrs. Crouse. 16' SEAFURY fiberglas 660 Glouchester St. something a little nicer. 395-7510, ' AIR CONDITION Efficiencies furnished. North Boca. Unfurnish- SALESMAN 6' Beam, 1964 40 HP Pennyrich Bra Distrib- Evinrude Electric Start. Air conditioned. 1 block ed 2 bedrm w/w carpet,, utors, Excellent earn- Experience in residen- to beach. Monthly or central air. SE expos- tial applications neces- Complete with trailer Realtor ings. Full or Part time. sary. Salary open with $795. Call 391-0680 af- yearly 391-2444 or 391- ure. Yearly. 660 Glou- Husband and wife team ter 5. 1984. chester St. Boca. No 757 S. Federal Hwy. welcomed. 395-9264 opportunity for ad- pets. Adults only. Colonial Building eves. vancement for right Boca Raton, Fla. ' person. Full Co. Bene- SERVICE DIRECTORY! HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE Phone 395-4044 SEAMSTRESS wanted to fits. Send resume to Bo- AIR CONDITIONING TV SERVICE APARTMENTS learn drapery work. ca Raton News Box JB TV SERVICE 660 Glouchester St. PAPER HANGING 2. Fedders air cond. Resi- Full time. Call 399- dential, Commercial PROMPT & REASONA- North Boca. Deluxe fur- PAINTINNTING 10 C Help, Male or female 5152. Central & Room, Arcade BLE CALL TOM 399- nished apartment 1 bed- Licensedd & Insured Nation's largest chain Assistant Librarian. Electronic, 2029NW 2nd 1^, — room 11/2 baths. of womens reducing sa- Full time. Degree in Li- Ave., 395-4611, Monthly or yearly. lons NOW has openings brary Sciences requir- *• Star TV Service * AIRTECH HEATING" & REPAIR ALL MAKES. "2 bedrm and 1 bedrm 276-7996 for Manager, Assistant ed. Call Marymount unfurnished air cond., Manager and Instruc- College 395-4301 Ext. AIR COND. Color, black and white. Prompt personalized ZENTH sales and serv- w/w carpeting, refrig- tors. Full or part time. 3. erator and stove. 899 Must have neat trimfig- INDEPENDENT BUS- economical service Call ice, 2174 N.E. 1st Ave. 395-9465. ___^ Boca 399-2266. SW 3rd Ave. (across ure. Apply at 5th Ave INESS OPPORTUNITY. from shopping) adults, Shopping Plaza, Boca Part or full time. Sell Air conditioning & Heat- CAMERA SERVICE"*"' Over 1500 0 Color Print. Cam- no pets. Manager Apt Origin j( Raton, 2 doors down top quality home care ing sales and service. era Repair, Free est. 4. 395-4254. from Sears. products to commercial Residential and Com- OIL PAINTINGS Passports photos. The Completely furnished 1 . . . and it comes easy, too! All you have to Full or Parttime WAIT- and home customers. mercial. For Free sur- Photo Mart. 942-6043. RESS also KITCHEN Outstanding income vey call TOM MYERS bedroom apartments. TWO YEAR do is to sell the items you no longer need growth potential. Call at Central Air of Boca. PAINTING Monthly rates til Dec. Exchange Privilege HELPER. Evening ARVAN the PAINTMAN 15. Half block to beach, Change your* pairttingt with with fast-acting News Want Ads. Big in work. Corky's Pizza 391-4316 for details. .395-2233. " your color jefctme, House & roof painting pool, putting green, el- Lowest prices from the results . . . small in cost. The News Want 395-9823. 10 D Situations Wanted ALTERATIONS WALLPAPERING evator, once a week world's largest Art Dealer Part time work wanted PICTURE FRAMING Ad habit pays big dividends and is one of BOOKKEEPER ARE U FUSSY Creative 391-0399 maid. TV. Buccaneer by mature Boca busi- dressmaking and alter- 5CHERTLE the smartest habits you can get . . . whether TYPIST ness woman aft 5 PM PROFESSIONAL Apts. 399-7788. you're selling, buying, renting, trading or With complete knowl- ations 399-4038. PAINTING PAYS. ART GALLERY weekdays or all day Sat- 540 S. Fed. Hwy, hiring makes little difference. You'll enjoy edge of general book- urday & Sunday. Peo- EXCELLENT TAILOR FREE ESTIMATES CASH for your keeping. Permanent po- 399-0258 or 399-6856 Pompano Boach 943-5450 the same pleasant, profitable experience ple oriented. Strong in- All kinds of Ladies & tJRIENUtor 3blocks Sof Atlantic Blvd. sition. Salary commen- tangible sales back- Men's Alterations . . . PAPER HANGING that our advertisers do every day of the surate with experience. CHINESE RUGS on U.S. 1 ground. Some hotel, mo- Barton 8t Miller Clean- From $3 per'roll. Free HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR year. Write giving full parti- tel office experience at ers & Laundry, 2600 estimates. Henrys Call OLD OR NEW ORIENTALS Open 10 to 5 culars to Boca Raton Monday thru desk. Will learn typing N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 276-7996. Saturday News Box HA 11. or business machines. Points, Wilton Manors 399-2000 Gemare Distributors Write including name & 566-4314, ROOF CLEANING Inc. needs permanent phone number to Boca AND PAINTING 7-11 STORES Call office girl. Typing nec- News, Box 888 for im- HOME MAINTENANCE DON & JOHNS STORE CLERKS essary, good working mediate reply. Two Brothers House Roof, house or trim, conditions and other Cleaning Service. Ex- Pressure Cleaning & MALE OR FEMALE benefits. Call Mr. Leon 15 A Miscellaneous Sale perienced in general Painting, Licensed Ins, Starting pay $93.50. 6 day week with 391-4433. DRY ICE now available cleaning of your home, Free Estimate 946-1000 opportunity for advancement. No ex- Pleasant air condition- at Delray Chemical. 75 lawn maintenance, pool WATCH REPAIR perience necessary. Full company NW 18 Ave. Delray Call BOCA RATON ed office requires ser- cleaning, painting, and JOHN REDDING - Fritz benefits including hospital insurance, 276-5439. , odd jobs. Honest, de- vice of well trained per- Carlson - Dora Yodon- profit sharing, paid vacation plus son. Experienced in typ- ELECTROUUX pendable & hard work- is. BEACON LITE ing, taking dictation and Four Electrolux vacuum ing. 395-1246. JEWELERS Beacon Lite many more. Must be 21 neat appear- NEWS bookkeeping. Hospital- cleaners and all attach- [Shopping Center. ance and promotable. Immediate ments to be sold far ARTICLES"FO R " ization and medical care USED FURNITURE opening apply in person 7-11 Food gratis. 5 Day 35 hour $39.95 each or $4 LAWNMOWERS, stores, 1704 Juana Rd., Boca Raton, week. Salary commen- month.y. Unclaimed HEDGE TRIMMERS BUY-SELL-TRADE surate with experience Freight, 2 3 U.S. Hwy. AND EDGERS. CALL Boca Quality used Fur- weekdays 9 AM to noon or call for 395-8300 399-6719 and ability. Call Mrs. 441 South, Ft. Lauder- DIXIE RENTS & SALES niture & Thrift 117 NW appt. phone 399-8400. Post 278-0435. dale. 395-7359. 11th St. 391-3580. 35 H Homes lor Sale Tuesday, June 24,1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 11 25 C Houses for Ren) 35 A Lois & Acreage Sale 35 0 Business Property-Sale 35 H Homes tot Sale 35 H Homes for Sale ATTRACTIVE Resid- TOOMEY REALTY CAMINO GARDENS BOCA SQUARE WHO COULD ASK FOR ib H rtomes for Sale 35 H Homes lor Sale TFully furnished, "2 bed- ANYTHING MORE??? IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE room 2 bath home. Air/ ential Lots, Some wa- Spectacular investment But I feel so gay - be-. DREAM HOME terfront, available in opportunities. Call 395- cause we found the 2 bedroom 2 bath and •ONLY $13,500 down. n POSSESSION OCCUPANCY Heat, garage, fenced sharpest dream house *NO Closing Costs. 3/2 Pool Home Facing Excellent Boca Raton yard, fruit trees. Now Camino Gardens, From 1881. cypress panelled family •$7500. Contact Paul in Camino Gardens. All room, Screened patio *ROYAL PALM Y & CC North. Built 1968 Fam- Location. 3 bedroom 3 ito Nov. Also available 35 6 Real Blale Wanted 3 bedrooms, plus fam- *4 bedrooms ily room adjoining pa- bath, brand new, $39.- * during Season. Call 395- Malone, 395-7020. Or and beautifully land- tio to screened pool. P.O. Box 520 Boca Ra- ily room and 2 beau- scaped lot with fruit *3 baths 500. Phone 942-8058 be- 8662. REAL ESTATE •POOL Divided Bedrooms. Im- fore 9 AM and evenings ton. Principals only MARKET IS tiful baths are clothed trees. A June bride's maculate $35,900. MLS ; Auto executive desires — no builders. in deluxe wall to wall dream home complete Here today and (may- for Appointment. W. R. ACTIVE carpeting and coordi- be) gone tomorrow . . . 1936 P Saul, Broker, Brokers 3 bedrm pool home by Most desirable area in with w/w carpets and August 15th. Lease with Yes, we need all nated draperies. The drapes. Filled with so call Realtor, 395- Cooperation invited. or without option. Ex- Boca Raton, 2 joining types of property — sunny kitchen that looks modern conveniences 9100, NOW MLS 1910P CARLEN ASSUME lots in Tunison Palms homes, acreage, com- out to a cheery patio Appraisal & Realty, Inc. $28,000 cellent references. Ar- near school, churches, for happy living. This riving Boca Raton June mercial. Call any of our is a joy to be in. Less home is completely fur- Realtor 5%% MTG. '27, Reply to Boca Ra- hospital, FAU and IBM. hard working sincere than a year old and be- nished. MLS BR 1951. CAMINO GARDENS . . . $6,200 each Phone 391- 3 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. • ton News Box SMB 10 sales staff for a ing offered at only $49,- • /S ^ 395-4711 Like new 3 bedroom 2 4957. 000. You shouldn't wait A **\ 399-6711 Boca Raton 399:4440 J 25 ^Miscellaneous for Rent fair listing of your prop- ROYAL PALM bath home just 1-1/2 R.P.Y.&C.C. erty. We offer this ser- a second to call for an Lovely wooded corner years young! East fac- DRUMMOND BLDG. J.C.JKJTCHELL&SONS 4 bedrm 3 bath, swim- property in Royal Oak LOTS FOR SALE vice at your convenience appointment to see. BR- ming pool. $55,000 Own- ing screened Patio DEERFIELD BEACH and of course, no obli- 1959. -^ ^22 5. Faderal Hill. Home built in 1962 & POOL area. See it under new management We have a good selection er will take back $40,- has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, of interior golf course gation. We promise to IMOTHERWELL 000 mortgage ACT NOW before its gone. MLS prestige office space make an honest effort to Beautiful home for per- and large, enclosed, pa- 1947.P. For appointment and waterfront lots fVi REALTY Contact Ed Ronan MLS tio overlooking shaded .available size to suit. available at prices from find a buyer at a fair son who wants the best. to see call BOB Immediate occupancy. Realtor BR 1910P park-like grounds. It $10,500 up. Come in and price within the short- 757 S. Federal Hwy. Centrally air condition- RHODE . . . Associate Call resident mgr. 399- est possible time. ed with family room. 2 has central heat and air, WEIR REALTORS let us show you. Colonial Building *c excellent condition. A Weir Plaza Bldg. 855S FedHwj 1193 Brokers protected. ARVIDA REALTY BATEMAN & CO. ""• Boca Raton, Fla. large bedrooms and 2 Realtor Boca Raton Ph: 39g • PRIME OFFICE baths. Double garage. buy at $28,000 with SALES INC. Realtors Phone 395-4044 2800 N. Fed, Hwy 5 3/4% mtg. MLS 1952. ; LOCATION Realtors 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. Loaded with extras. Boca Raton FEDERAL HIGHWAY. 998 S. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton POMPANO MLS 1938. Call Dorothy 391-0083 anytime Approx. 600 Sq. Ft. Call Boca Raton 395-9355 399-8284 WATERWAY Tait . . . Assoc. Eves. Bill Fess, 941-6500. 399-6632. 4 bedroom 2 bath. Large 395-2000 Jack Dolan, Realtor; ESTATES family room. Lots of REALTOR 35 B iCo-ops ••& Condomiitiurrts Sale Fred Carey, Associate; 140 N, Federal Hwy., Boca Gets Resu111 Office Space approxi- Beautifully landscaped 2 room for pool. 63/4% 395-8155 _ mately 625 sq. ft. Beau- STEP TO BOCA RATON Bill Kincaid, Associate. bedroom 2 bath. Lovely Raahor mortgage available ATTENTION!""' See Your Realtor tiful panelling, recep- COUNTRY CLUB- Use the Classifieds roofed patio, 2 car ga- 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. $38,500. 395-7898. IBM PERSONNEL ATTENTION IBM tion room, Central Air Away from noise and rage with automatic Boca Raton We now have the Best NEW ARRIVALS conditioned, all utilities confusion. Corner S.E. •35 H:"Home's.Jar Sale door and utility room 391-0083 anytime Homesites in the area 30 DAY J^TCUPANCY included. Rental $150 exposure 2nd floor 2 BOCA RATON has washer & dryer al- at the Best Prices. 4/2 2'^^rage, pool ,per month Call 395-0909 bedroom 2 bath like SQUARE ready installed. Awn- CAMINO GARDENS and pat*33,900. ings. Central air/heat, Business Opportunities new. W/W carpeting, IMMEDIATE WATERWAY We can still build a new 45 DAY UPANCY drapes, refrigerator, wall to wall carpeting & Move into this delight- 4/2! Local business sale net OCCUPANCY Gets Results home for less than a pool and Existing small mort- drapes. Don't hesitate. ful 4 bedrm 3 bath pool comparable used one patio $34^ $20,000. Call Fred Gall MEANS QUICK SALE See this especially nice Assoc - 395-1661. gage 6%. For sale or home ready for occu- .ee Your Realtor 90 DAY OCCUPANCY lease yearly 391-3915. Newly built 4 bedrm 2 home today. MLS BR pancy in time for school 3/2 Den $28,900. ROYAL PALM REALTY 1949. COVE WATERFRONT We can still deliver in bath Mediterranean this fall. This prestige Now under construction. less than 120 days. 90 DAY OCCUPANCY GARVY'S TIARA EAST "Spanish style" home ^EFT^ 395.4711 home is situated on an GOT /* *3\ 399-6711 Quality home by own- 4/2 $30,900, TRIPLEX ON THE OCEAN on lot 102 by 110. 2 car oversize lot on the wa- Stop and visit our furn- 120 DAY OCCUPANCY IT! attached garage and er-Builder. No Bridges J.C.J^[lTCHELL&SONS terway. Two level 3 pile $43,500. 860 S.E. 15 ished model at 901 S.Wv 3/2 2 car garage $26,- In heart of Boca and 1 Bedroom 11/2 baths utility room. Sprinkler A -H 22 S. Federal dock. Too many extras 3rd St. and ask about Close to hotel golf 5th Floor. Decorator system. Reverse cycle 'Ave., Deerfield. 900. 1 REALTORS | Boca Roton, Fla. to list. Some intelligent our special building 120 DAY OCCUPANCY course, shopping & furnished, pool, putting air/heat. What house- family man will buy this NEEDED SOON: 4-2, beach. An ideal site for wife could resist the family room, den, large program for 1MB Per- 3/2 Den and pool $32,- green $28,500 MLS B WATERFRONT BEAUTY . . . why not you? MLS sonnel. 750. 3-story town apts. con- Condo 165 WP. We have "autumn gold" kitchen/ Prime location makes 1877WP. shaded lot. Will consid- sists of one efficiency others in same build- panelled wall in family er LARGE older home. DeMAR.CO& SONS INC 120 DAY OCCUPANCY this lovely 3 bedroom 395-4711 3/2 car garage,- pool one 1/bedroom, one 2/ ing. Call Joe Murphy room with beamed ceil- 399-6711 Write full details: Doug- Phone 399-4,300 bedroom apt. MLS BA 2 bath a must to see. $30,500. 399-3523. ing. Many extras. MLS One of Boca's most rea- J-C-IMTITCHELL&SONS las Palmer, Route 901 SW. 3rd St.. 54. For details call . . . ED GARVY Realtor BR 1897P 2, Graham, North Car- Boca Raton All prices include lot, sonable waterfront 22 S. Federal central A/H, w/w car- WEIR REALTORS 701 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. ^ficiTfe. 395-4711 homes. Call today to REALTORS Boca Raton, Flo. olina 27253. Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed Hwy "CROSS OVER THE BRIDGE" /• *>\ 399-6711 pet and many other ex- Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 391-0900 Anytime JC ITCHELL&S0NS see BR 1955 W tras. CALL NOW BUY 35 A Lots & Acreage Sale COMMANDING MASTER fm&s NOW before the interest -M 22 S. Federal RICHARD F. ROSS POOL HOME .* CORNER LOT 75 by 135 VIEW REALTORS Bocd Raton, Fla. BEDROOM rate goes up. '.Ft. on EL RIO, N.W.6th Two bedroom, two bath Realtor • Appraiser SUITE rrSELF! Gets Results DON ARROW INC. : Ct. Last desirable lot condominium apartment PAMPER YOURSELF 399-6444 395-0650 Superbly furnished, BUILDERS 4 bedroom 3 bath large See Your Realtor 395-2227 at $4,000 395-7639. 11th floor Boca Inlet This Royal Palm home BOCA SQUARE beautifully decorated, corner lot 100 x 160, Apartments. Developed this two-bedroom home BROKERS COrOP ™ Lot 75 by 110 on Canal is one you can really be Near Addison Mizner. Beautifully landscaped. "THREE by Arvida Corporation. proud of. 3 Bedroom 2 in Camino Gardens has 35 K Oupta . -to Sabal Palm Lake, $5,- A beauty less than a a POOL and scores of Ideal family home. $44,- TWO" •400 Call 395-4178. bath and a den too. For year old. Partially fur- 000 MLS BR 1963 P _ LIKE NEW GARVY'S FURN. DUPLEX Panoramic view of gracious entertaining extras . . . For a court- GOT BY OWNER ocean, intracoastal wa- nished. 4 bedrm 2 bath. eous showing call TOM SLONE REALTY A prime 3 bedrm 2 bath $23,500 there's a large pool in Family room — screen- Realtor home in excellent neigh- IT! 'Residential building lot terway and city which a king sized screened RAINES . . . Associate. Zoned R-3 room for in University Park cannot be interrupted. ed in patio. Fenced in . . . MLS 1916P 912 N. Dixie Hwy. borhood. Central A/C Country Club Estates. patio. All this and much yard. Sprinkler system. Boca Raton and enclosed garage. more units. Across more for just '$79,500 W/W carpeting, drapes, WEIR REALTORS from Bibletown, Neat, •Reasonably priced at Price of $54,500 in- Weir Plaza BM g. 855 S Fed Hwy - 399-1223 Many "extras" includ- • $4,200. Call 391-4065. MLS PR 7669 P. Towasher and dryer and Boca Eaton PH: 395-4000 ing carpeting, drapes, clean, small - What's cludes rich carpeting, see call Lee Lathrop... much more. Phone 391- your offer? MLS BD 39 *'2 Large lots near FAU drapes, grass wall-pa- special storage cabi- Assoc. eves. 391-2193 1937 after 2 PM for BUILDER'S MODEL nets, work bench, etc. ED GARVY Realtor .'and IBM. City sewers, per and a covered park- CLOSEST TO NEW IBM appt. COUNT-KIT CLUB ESTATES Immaculate ready to 701 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. • 100' x 160'. Priced ing space. Ample guest PLANT, 4721 NW 5/ "CROSS OVER THE BRIDGE" 1 move into. Priced re- . right. Easy terms. Call parking. Spacious Realtor, Terr., University Play golf where you live, / 391-0900 Anytime ^'391-1523. grounds. Truly luxury 2800 N. Fed. Hwy, IMMACULATE duced to $31,500. BR Heights. Ready for late on one of the South's fin- 1946 MacLaren & An- —•*—NOT WHAT i living. Boca Raton & CHARMING! summer occupancy. est courses! 27 beauti- Pp.-See"our advertisement 391-0083 anytime derson Inc., 135 E. Pal- EVERYBODY at 35H, Home for Sale BY APPOINTMENT Two bedroom 2 bath Large 3 bedroom 2 bath ful holes in the heart of ONLY Florida - Family room metto Pk. Rd., 395-1333 ELSE HAS, ;:DeMARCO & SONS, INC. HOW ABOUT LIVING double garage, large the Palm Beaches. Many At San Semo, the condom-" ARVIDA REALTY home. Central heat & family room, and porch, 2. 3 and 4 bedroom BOCA SQUARE inium in Boca Eaton,, SALES, INC. INSIDE OUT? In this 3 bedroom 21/2 air. Lots of storage carpets, range, dish- homes and villas now IMMEDIATE (here's a jewel of a resi- RESIDENTIAL Realtors space. An exceptional OCCUPANCY dence so exquisitely fur- HOMESITES! bath home opening to washer, disposal, available. Choice golf nished there coald only 701 South Ocean Blvd. home, realistically sprinklers, fully sodded course homesites for Large 3 bedroom 2 bath, be one! IMMEDIATE OC- Boca Raton 395-5330 a beautiful screened pa- One in Royal Palm on tio and pool. MLS- priced . . . $34,750.In lot, plus other features. your own house plans, covered screened pa- CUPANCY. Custom-de- corner - size 110 x 125 35 C Apis, Hotels, Hotels-Sale lovely ROYAL OAK signed for great elegance 1923P. The patio and STILL TIME TO too. tio, storm awnings. Lot with practicality by eWorld Faces NW. Patio would EXCITING SWAP rear yard are beautiful HILLS . . . MLS 1928 CHOOSE COLORS - 78 by 110. Beautifully renowned Carolyn Ives, be SE. Sewers and un- Free annual vacations at at night with soft light- . . . For appointment to DRIVE OUT TODAY Present resale fea- landscaped with fruit A.I.D.,\this apartment in- derground utilities. see, call IVAN HAACK tures: 1. Charming 2 trees. Sprinklers, cen- cludes a roaster suiAe with exotic Montego Bay, Ja- ing. Master bedroom Priced right at $33,- 'furnishings! of French Priced under the mar- maica $47,000 stock has large dressing room . . . Associate. 500 bedroom, 2. bath villa, tral heat, w/w carpet- white with hand-carved ket. In area of attrac- bond investment in ex- WEIR REALTORS all carpets, drapes, ing, drapes, refrigera- accents. Draperies are and the spacious closets Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed Hwy MILCOR HOMES satin with Austrian val- tive homes. BV 162. An- clusive cottage hotel are a joy. $60,000, in- Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 '391-0941 399-5202 wallpaper, fixtures and tor freezer $25,900. Un- (other in Winfield Park appliances with pool and furnished Call for ap- ance. Bath is compart- (only 25 shareholders) cludes this specimen ROYAL OAk HILLS READY FOR mentalized. The second * 86 x 117 onNE 2nd Cir- will swap for equivalent landscaped lot, sprink- recreation area ... pointment 395-5791. bedroom with its own pri- cle. Price of $3,750 in- 3/2 with pool curved IMMEDIATE $36,500. 2. Lovely 3 vate bath is in sunny value in condominium - lers, 2 car electric ga- drive, double car ga- OCCUPANCY NEW IN BOCA SQUARE yellow and frosty white. cludes assessment for house - unimproved land rage and is located in bedroom, 3 bath with 4/2 13'23 SW 10 ST. Living room (with windows installed sewer system. or yacht. Contact me rage with electric eye Nfew 3 Bedrm 2 bath on family room. Large and doors opening onto Unit 1 of THE ESTATES door. Carpting^ drap- sewer, oversize lot, 3/2 1341 SW 10 ST. patio overlooking Intra- .29% down balance in 3 personally. Ed Ronan. Seeing is believing - so screened pool and pa- Immed. Occupancy. As- • years at 7%. BV 209. eries, closets, closets, sprinklers, range oven tio area directly on the coastal) is furnished with phone today for an ap- closets. To see this hood, disposal, enclos- sume 71/4% Mort- several fine reproduc- For all details call pointment. golf course! Carpets, gage 395-1899. tions of pieces in an LLOYD LIVELY . . . Realtor dream contact Marian ed garage, Central heat/ drapes, fixtures and ap- Italian villa. Sofa is cut 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. Valerius . . . Assoc. IDEAL LOCATION velvet, chairs an apricot Associate. air, screened porch. See pliances. Compare any- print. Draperies of an- WEIR REALTORS Boca Raton MLS BR 1970P at 87 S.W. 12 Ave. $26,- where at $59,500. 3/2 family room, util- 391-0083 anytime ity room, large pool, tique satin have swag Weir Plaza Bldg. 855S FedHwy Realtor 900 Includes lot Call 3. Attractive family treatment. Between"'i living 35 6 Real Estate Wanted air; heat, new carpets room and dining room is a Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 757 S. Federal Hwy. 395-4178. home with real brick ex- ATTENTION Realtor and drapes, large lots dropleaf buffet bar, below ROYAL PALM Colonial Building WATERFRONT terior. 3 bedroom, 3 a stunning handpainted PROPERTY OWNERS Boca Raton, Fla. 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. Do you keep wishing you bath with screened pa- and sprinklers $30,500 mural of a Mediterranean Local builder needs Phone 395-4044 Boca Raton were somewhere else? tio. Completely fur- Call 391-2686. seaside village. Carpeting kJ ^SP^ YACHT 391-0083 anytime throughout is ankle K|f JKL. & COUNTRY CLUB residential homesites in CANAL LOT Then see this waterfront nished for $44,500. NEW. Almost complet- deep citrus-green Kodel all areas of Boca Raton home on 1474 S.W. 4th shag. Kitchen has beauti- -/I Golf course lot. Beau- 4 bedroom 2 bath, 2 car 4. Lovely wooded golf ed. Lake Floresta Park ful Yorktown custom-craft- ; tifully located across on or off water in all garage. Spanish style. Court with 3 bedrooms course homeslte, sur- 4 bedroom 2 bath 2 car ed cabinetry in antique •. .from club house $20,- price categories. Call Central air condition- and 2 baths. It has new rounded by $75,000 garage. Screened patio, white finish. Q.E. "Amer- now. wall to wall carpeting homes. Price $15,900, icana" appliances include ".000. MLS BU 388 G ing. Wall to wall car- pool, large family room oven-range, refrigerator- SLONE REALTY DON ARROW peting, many extras. Gets Results and draperies included. includes one year com- plus many extras. Drive freezer, dishwasher and INCORPORATED Under construction at r The lovely screened in plimentary golf mem- by today. 401 NW 10th disposal. Price, com- Realtor bership at Atlantis pletely furnished $40,700. BUILDERS 901 N.W. 6 Ave. $36,500 See Your Realtor pool and patio catch all Ct. or 451 NW 10th Ct. See Apt. #148, Oceanfront •:,' 912 N. Dixie Hwy. ROYAL PALM YACHT the COOL easterly Country Club. :'•• Boca Raton 395-2227 No Brokers. 391-4070. Boca. San Remp,' The Condomin- BROKERS CO-OP & COUNTRY CLUB breezes — centrally FLORIDA ium - 2871 N. Ocean y 399-1223 REDUCED TO $42,500 Boulevard, Boca Raton 35 0 Business Property-Sale Attractive 3 bedroom heated and cooled. Kit- Call 965-7900 or visit CONSTRUCTION CO. Fla. Or phone 399-3061. 812 Malaga Dr., Estates home, 21/2 baths, fam- chen has eat in bar and Atlantis today, west of 391-2229 Section - near ocean. is beautifully equipped. FROM INVESTMENT ily room, dining room, Lantana at Congress OPPORTUNITY 2 bedroom 2 bath, cus- large utility room, 2 BR - 1958 - WP. Ask- Ave. and Lantana Rd. THE YEUOW tom built, air cond/rad- car garage. Large lot. ing $37,500. 1 iant heat home of spa- FOR SALE DOOR" Well located 12 unit, Carpet, draperies, re- UOTHERWELL 2 bedroom, 4 yr. old cious rooms, 2 car ga- frigerator, dishwasher, IVi REALTY HOUSE FROM IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY rage. Offered by own- PARADISE PALMS apartment bldg. Last disposal, automatic Realtor TO TWO MONTHS year gross $19,900. Po- er. Early occupancy. sprinklers. Offered at 757 S. Federal Hwy. Let us show you this Call 395-4924. beautiful moderate tential of $26,000. Bruce only $52,500 for quick Colonial Building Gets Results AH Prices Includes Lot priced home site close Alger BA 53. ESTATES AREA sail. MLS - BR-1969 Boca Raton, Fla. See Your Realtor *Designafe Closing Cost Included FIRST REALTY CORP. 4 bedroom 21/2 bath, Call Motherwell Realty Phone 395-4044 to golf course, polo for appointment. Mortgage Interest 7VA% field, F.A.U., grade 20 SE 1st Ave. panelled family room, •schools and churches, Call Anytime 395-8600 carpeting and drapes, UOTHERWELL YOUNG CHURCH WANTS 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath - pool/carpeting - offered for less than APARTMENT thru out. Central air, Boca Square $35,300" pool, landscaped and IVB REALTY 5-10 ACRES OF PRIME PROPERTY $4,000. MLS BV-323. SITE Realtor LOCATED IN BOCA RATON 3 Bedroom, 2 bath - pool - PLASTRIDGE, INC. Excellent corner loca- many extras. Assume REALTOR 6 3/4% mortgage. Price 757 S. Federal Hwy. Boca Square $37,300- 224 S. Federal Hwy., Boca Roton tion 250 ft. by 160 ft. Colonial Building 436 Easl Atlantic AvC, Delray room for 32 units. in low 50*s. Call 391- 395-4367 3 Bedroom, 2 bath - poo! - Hoes 39S-U33, Delray 278-2011 2425, Boca Raton, Fla. RUSSELL R. THOMPSON Phone 395-4044 , Boca Square $38,900* ROYAL PALM Registered Real Estate PRESTIGE STORE Other Houses also available YACHT & Broker OFFICES FIVE MONTHS DELIVERY on New COUNTRY CLUB 395-2227 and Construction from time of purchase BROKERS CO-OP $ 00 Other MODELS FROM $27,900 Choice Lot in Florida's OFFICE SPACES finest Subdivision. 100 75 per month SERVICE ElECTfllC by 125. Your patio will gTATi0N INCLUDES UTILITIES-JANITOR SERVICE FOR LEASE srppum * sf syK'Ed ay face East and South. SITES SM0W 1 \fPiHV> (-OKFftxVfiftN ftHVB HMMK - PsftHMM ***** Such lots are how almost ANSWERING SERVICE - CARPETING In Beautiful new shopping complex CONSTRUCTION toe. all gone. Available OUR SPECIALTY f 395-1890 WILL FURNISH AT $10 MORE PER MONTH tin ^» construction on Boca Raton's 2260 N.E, 1st Aye., Boca Raton today, at $12,000. BV main artery to beach. 200 block of E. .* 374-R1. MacLaren FLORIDA SITES, INC. Cali George Snow Days 395-1183 Realtor NEW OFFICE BUILDING Palmetto Pk. Rd. ** & Anderson, Inc., 135 (ACROSS FROM THE DEERFIELD BANK) Nights 339-5922 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd., 26 S.E. 4th St. 665 S.E. 10TH ST. CALL 941-4036 Phone S64-026S 395-1333. Boca Raton, Fla. 1? BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, June 24, 1969 • PLASTIC DESK-WALL. PLATES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY UNIVERSITY BOWL New Phone 395-5222 Boca


work EXAMPLE A CBS Home in Boca Ra- ton Insured for $20,000 would cost only $104.00 Crane lifts heavy per year under our Elit^ Homeowner Policy. TTiis' concrete beams into includes insurance on all place as construction screening. moves ahead on new bridge over the Hills- boro Canal at Dixie D.L, WILKINSON*' highway. Pattern of the A0ENCY foundation beams 48 NE 1st Ave. Boca Raton, Fla. spreads out across the Phone 395-2290 canal in photo at right.

Old bridge was replac- REPSESENTINO ed after State Road De- partment engineers de- | NATIONWIDE clared it unsafe for use. INSURANCE Tin nun from Nitlenwldt It en your >ldt TM N«ll«iwl*> Mutual r\n ImuriiiKt Co.i Home OMfCfr—cofumbtiir 01119

Every year more than 20,000 Americans die BYER as the result of injuries INCORPORATED in falls. Falls rank fifth MUTUAL FUNDS among accidental STOCK - BONDJ deaths for persons TAX PLANNING under age 25. The rate 275 Via. Rosada, Boca Raton, Fla. increases with age; Royal Palm Plaza 395-0544 falls are the leading cause of accidental Tune In Radio Station WSBR 12:10 P.M. week-days death among those 75 for your stock markot report. or older.

Electric rates have gone down eleven times since 1957?

Snap! And your home is flooded with light. Twist a dial. And your laundry gets washed while you do the shopping. Click! And stars of the entertainment world come into the room, in full color. Today, we rely on electricity so much, and have it so readily at our fingertips, that we often forget how 'miraculous' it all would have seemed a few generations ago. And we seldom know what a great bargain flameless electric is, especially in these inflationary times. The average price per kilowatt hour paid by FPL- 4 served families today is one-third less • '•<• \ ? than it was in 1957!

No wonder, then, that you use \ electricity so much. It's the biggest bargain in your budget. Snap it up!


Before his current sales trip is over Charlie Mason will have spent $683.54 on travel, hotels, business entertainment, etc. Interesting fact: the "etc." includes all of $7.45 for phone calls—for reservations, appointments and checking in with the home office. Charlie (and his boss) would agree that the telephone is probably the biggest bargain on a businessman's expense account. your moneys worth Southern BeSi FIGHT INFLATION : USE ELECTRICITY! What else costs less today than it did in 1957?