The Reverend C P Irvine in Residence SERVICES SUNG BY THE CATHEDRAL CHOIR 9 THE 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) – High Altar 12 WEDNESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom TWENTIETH p236, readings p188 8.00 Holy Communion – St Nicholas, Crypt SUNDAY Wilfred of Ripon, 12.30 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt AFTER 9.30 Morning Prayer (said) – Quire Psalm 143 Bishop, TRINITY Missionary, 709 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Cleobury 11.00 SUNG EUCHARIST – Quire Men’s voices Simon de Meopham, Cleobury Short Service Psalm 66 nd Gretchaninov Missa Festiva Psalms 111; 150 52 Archbishop, 1333 O nata lux – Jackson Hymn 358ii Cherubic hymn – Glinka Hymns 440 omit*; 324; 337

Preacher: The Dean 13 THURSDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 8.00 Holy Communion – St Edward the Confessor, North Trinity 3.15 EVENSONG Responses – Rose Edward the Confessor, Howells in G Psalm 144 King of , 1066 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Archer first set Abendlied – Rheinberger Collection Hymn 485 Boys’ voices Harris in D Psalm 69.1-12, 30-end 6.30 Eucharist – Quire The King’s School Ave verum – Todd Hymn 220ii

6.15 Holy Communion – Our Lady Martyrdom

10 MONDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 8.00 Holy Communion – Saints and Martyrs of Our Own Time 14 FRIDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom Paulinus, 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Martyrdom Bishop of York, The Reverend N C Papadopulos in Residence 12.00 Sacrament of Reconciliation (until 1pm) Missionary, 644 – Holy Innocents, Crypt 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Rose , Purcell in B flat Psalms 53-55 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Rose rd 83 Archbishop, 1747 Exultate Deo – Palestrina Hymn 482 Darke in A minor Psalms 73; 74 Wenn ein starker gewappneter – Brahms Hymn 361

7.30 Concert – Eastern Crypt Patrick Williams (flute, soprano, piano) 11 TUESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 8.00 Holy Communion – St Augustine, Nave Edward White Benson, SERVICES SUNG BY THE LAY CLERKS th 94 Archbishop, 1896 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Rose 15 SATURDAY 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft Weelkes for five voices Psalms 59-61 9.30 Morning Prayer – Jesus Chapel, Crypt Plebs angelica – Tippett Hymn 359 t322 Teresa of Avila, Teacher of the Faith, 1.30 Wedding – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 1582 3.15 EVENSONG Responses – Rose Stainer in D Psalm 78.1-21, 60-end Ave Maria – Biebl Collection Hymn 335

Robert Willis, dl, dcl, dd, Dean Matthew Rushton, ma(oxon), ma, Precentor Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2EH David Flood, ma, dmus, frco (Chm), fgcm, Organist Tel: +44 (0) 1227 762862 | Email: [email protected] THE CATHEDRAL AND METROPOLITICAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, CANTERBURY

The Reverend N C Papadopulos in Residence

16 THE 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) – High Altar 19 WEDNESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom TWENTY- p236, readings p190 8.00 Holy Communion – St Martin, North-East Transept FIRST Henry Martyn, 12.30 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt SUNDAY 9.30 Matins – Nave The King’s School Translator of the AFTER Preacher: The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Phillips, Scriptures, Missionary 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Rutter in India and Persia, TRINITY former Headmaster of the King’s School 1812 Guerrero Magnificat octavi toni Nunc Dimittis plainchant Psalms 99; 101 11.00 SUNG EUCHARIST – Quire Remember me, O Lord – Tomkins Hymn 250 Men’s voices Psalms 121; 150 Ralph d’Escures, th Messe cum jubilo – Duruflé Hymns 490; 37 Archbishop, 1122 O sacrum convivium – Noon 398 t395; AM558

Preacher: The Reverend N C Papadopulos, Vice Dean 20 THURSDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 8.00 Holy Communion – Saints and Martyrs of Our Own Time The Reverend C Edwards in Residence 5.30 Evening Prayer (said) – Eastern Crypt Psalm 104 3.15 CANTERBURY FESTIVAL EVENSONG Responses – Byrd Girls’ and men’s voices 6.15 Holy Communion – Our Lady Martyrdom Stanford in C Psalm 149 Let all the world – Leighton Collection Hymn 333 21 FRIDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 6.30 Service of Healing and Wholeness – Crypt 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Martyrdom Retreat address given 12.00 Sacrament of Reconciliation (until 1pm) by Evelyn Underhill in – Holy Innocents, Crypt SERVICES SUNG BY THE LAY CLERKS 1927 17 MONDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 2.00 Archbishop’s School Annual Dedication Service – Quire 8.00 Holy Communion – St John the Evangelist, South-East Transept Ignatius, 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Lloyd Bishop of Antioch, 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Rutter Wood in G Psalm 106.1-14, 39-end Martyr, c.107 1st of Luke Lugebat David – Gombert Hymn 364 t408i Ives Service for men’s voices Psalm 89.1-19 Nothhelm, Ecce sacerdos magnus – Victoria Hymn 243 th 10 Archbishop, 739 22 SATURDAY 8.00 Holy Communion – Jesus Chapel, Crypt 9.30 Morning Prayer – Jesus Chapel, Crypt

18 TUESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 3.15 EVENSONG Responses – Leighton 8.00 Holy Communion – St Mary Magdalene, Crypt SUNG BY THE CHOIR OF ST WULFRUM’S GRANTHAM Luke the Evangelist 12.30 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt Dyson in D Psalm 108 Os justi – Bruckner Collection Hymn 433 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Rutter Introit: Gaudent in coelis – Palestrina 7.30 Canterbury Festival Concert – Eastern Crypt Clucas Westminster Service Psalm 94 Stile Antico Their sound is gone out – Wills Hymn 214ii

Robert Willis, dl, dcl, dd, Dean Canterbury Cathedral Matthew Rushton, ma(oxon), ma, Precentor Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2EH David Flood, ma, dmus, frco (Chm), fgcm, Organist Tel: +44 (0) 1227 762862 | Email: [email protected]