Some Seventeenth Century Letters and P E T I T I O N S Erom T H E M U N I M E N T S O F T H E Dean a N D C H a P T E R O E C a N T E R B U R Y Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 93 ) SOME SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LETTERS AND P E T I T I O N S EROM T H E M U N I M E N T S O F T H E DEAN A N D C H A P T E R O E C A N T E R B U R Y . EDITED BY 0. EVELEIGH WOODRUFF, M.A. INTRODUCTION THE thirty-two letters and petitions which, by the courtesy of the Dean and Chapter, I have been permitted to trans- cribe, and now to offer to the Kent Archasological Society for pubhcation, were written—with the exception of three or four—in the seventeenth century, on the eve of the troublous times which culminated in the overthrow of Church and King, or in the years immediately fohowing the restoration of the monarchy when deans and chapters, once more in possession of their churches, and estates, were reviving the worship and customs which had been for many years in abeyance. One letter, however, is of earher date than the seventeenth century and three are later. Thus number one is from the pen of Dr. Nicholas Wotton, the first dean of the New Eoundation. Wotton, who was much employed in affairs of state, did not spend much time at Canterbury. His letter, which is dated from London, February 11th, 1564-5, is addressed to his brethren the prebendaries of Canterbury, and its purport is to inform them that Sir Thomas Gresham has offered to build, at his own proper cost and charges, a new Royal Exchange in the city of London.
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