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fuel-input step (Fig. 1b). It has been sug- gested that a ‘turbo design’ of catabolic The danger of metabolic pathways pathways is the result of evolutionary optimization with respect to flux – at least for glycolysis2,3. with turbo design Biologically, it might be expected that the turbo principle would be most use- ful when there is a continuous supply of substrate – as is the case in multicel- Bas Teusink, Michael C. Walsh, Karel van Dam lular organisms that maintain internal homeostasis. In many other (micro-) or- and Hans V. Westerhoff ganisms, however, where the availability of substrate can be highly variable, such Many catabolic pathways begin with an ATP-requiring activation step, after a turbo design could be a mixed blessing. which further yields a surplus of ATP. Such a ‘turbo’ principle is In this paper we suggest that the striking useful but also contains an inherent risk. This is illustrated by a detailed kinetic phenomenon of substrate-accelerated analysis of a paradoxical Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant; the mutant death, which has been observed both in fails to grow on glucose because of overactive initial of , prokaryotes and in eukaryotes such as but is defective only in an (trehalose 6-phosphate synthase) that S. cerevisiae, could be the consequence of appears to have little relevance to glycolysis. The ubiquity of pathways that such a turbo design. Substrate-accelerated possess an initial activation step, suggests that there might be many more death has been observed when cells are genes that, when deleted, cause rather paradoxical regulation phenotypes subjected to an excess of a substrate that (i.e. growth defects caused by enhanced utilization of growth substrate). previously limited growth in continuous culture4,5. In (wild-type) yeast, substrate- accelerated death has been observed A STRATEGY FOLLOWED by many cata- hexokinase (HK) and phosphofructo- for maltose6, but not for glucose (see bolic pathways is that of first ‘activating’ kinase (PFK) steps; in (␣ and ␤) fatty acid Ref. 7, for example). This suggests that a substrate in a reaction that requires oxidation, ATP is invested when fatty- there are specific regulatory mechanisms ATP. In glycolysis, ATP is invested at the acyl-coenzyme A is formed; and in active that prevent a lethal effect of the sudden transport systems, ATP is invested in availability of glucose. B. Teusink, M. C. Walsh, K. van Dam and order to get substrates into cells. The Genetic studies in S. cerevisiae have H. V. Westerhoff are at the E. C. Slater investment of ATP is subsequently re- generated mutants that appear highly Institute, BioCentrum Amsterdam, University couped, because a surplus of ATP is gen- paradoxical [e.g. fdp1 (Ref. 8), cif1 (Ref. 9), of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 12, erated further down the pathway (Fig. 1a). byp1 (Refs 10, 11)]. These mutants are NL-1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands; One feasible reason for these activation unable to grow on high concentrations and H. V. Westerhoff is also at IMBS, steps is that they help to make these of glucose, even though the first steps BioCentrum Amsterdam, Dept of Microbial Physiology, Faculty of Biology, and the subsequent steps in the pathway in glycolysis seem to be activated 1 Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, thermodynamically downhill . The prin- rather than impaired. The mutants there- NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ciple of the turbo engine is similar: ex- fore appear to be defective in a regu- Email: [email protected] haust gases are fed back to enhance the latory mechanism that should prevent 162 Copyright © 1998, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0968 – 0004/98/$19.00 PII: S0968-0004(98)01205-5 TIBS 23 – MAY 1998 TALKING POINT

glucose-accelerated death in yeast. essentials, this model con- Using a mathematical model of yeast sists of only four steps: the HK (a) glycolysis, we present an explanation reaction, the PFK reaction, the ATP activated ATP yielding SIP for the phenotype of these particular ‘lower part’ of glycolysis, and step metabolism S. cerevisiae mutants. Unexpectedly, the a general ATPase to remove turbo design of yeast glycolysis appears the excess ATP produced by ATP ADP ADP ATP to be central to the metabolic problems glycolysis (see Fig. 2, and experienced by these mutants. Our analy- Box 1 for details of stoichio- sis shows that metabolic pathways with metry and enzyme kinetics). turbo design require special types of Figure 3a,b shows a time (b) + regulation in environments that have course for this model at high rapidly changing substrate availability. glucose concentrations (i.e. high relative to the affinity of The phenotype of the tps1-⌬ mutant the HK block for glucose). The fdp1, cif1 and byp1 mutants are Without feedback inhibition of unable to grow on glucose. It was sur- HK, hexose monophosphate prising to find that the mutations are al- and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate Fuel Exhaust Compressor 12 lelic and that the primary lesion is in (Fru 1,6-P2) accumulated, and the TPS1 gene, which encodes trehalose the ATP concentration barely Turbo engine 6-phosphate (Tre 6-P ) synthase13–15. Up recovered from an initial until then, trehalose synthesis was con- drop to below 0.3 mM (Fig. Figure 1 sidered to be a branch of glycolysis with 3a). Although hexose phos- Comparison of an activated catabolic pathway with a no function other than in the formation phate levels did not reach a turbo engine. (a) General scheme for a catabolic path- of storage carbohydrates and the acqui- steady state, the rates of the way in which the first step involves coupling of ATP hy- 16 drolysis to activation of a substrate (S). Downstream, sition of stress tolerance . Very little reactions became constant the conversion of an intermediate (I) to a product (P) trehalose is made during exponential (Fig. 3b), as did the ATP level. generates a surplus of ATP. (b) Schematic represen- growth on glucose17; consequently, it The concentration of ATP tation of a turbo engine, in which exhaust gases are seems puzzling that trehalose metab- remains constant whenever used to increase the influx of fuel. olism is needed for growth on glucose. the rate of ATP consumption ␯ A TPS1 disruptant accumulates hexose ( consumption) is equal to the ␯ phosphates, but consumes ATP and in- rate of ATP production ( production). In the organic phosphate rapidly8,9,12,18–20. No model, the following relationship should Glc steady state is attained and the accumu- then hold: ATP lation of hexose phosphates continues ATP- ␯ (ϭ ␯ ϩ ␯ ϩ ␯ ) (1) - HK until all phosphate has been incorpo- consumption HK PFK ATPase ase rated into sugar phosphates. The first ϭ ␯ (ϭ 4␯ ) Tre 6-P ADP steps of glycolysis appear to be too fast production lower

for the rest of the yeast’s metabolism to The data in Fig. 3a confirm that this is Tps1p HMP cope with13. the case for our core model: after about ATP It is now clear that a metabolic func- ten minutes, the rates of the reactions

tion of Tps1p is to inhibit (one of) the fulfilled the above relationship and, there- PFK first steps of glycolysis and thereby re- fore, the level of ATP became constant. strict the flux of glucose into glycoly- The system will only reach a true ADP sis13. In tps1-⌬ mutants, growth on glucose steady state when two criteria are satis- can be restored by reducing HK19 or glu- fied: (1) the rates of the HK reaction, the Fru 1,6-P2 cose transporter activity21. The finding PFK reaction and the lower part of gly- 4 ADP that Tre 6-P, the metabolic product of colysis are equal; (2) the rate of the Tps1p, inhibits HK in vitro, suggests a ATPase reaction is twice that of the other lower direct mechanism for HK inhibition in steps. In the steady state, the following 22 wild-type cells ; however, the possibility relationship will therefore apply: 4 ATP that Tps1p interacts directly with a glu- ␯ ϭ ␯ ϭ ␯ ϭ 2␯ (2) cose transporter and HK cannot be ex- HK PFK lower ATPase 2 EtOH cluded13,20,23. In this paper, we shall not discuss the exact molecular mechanism This second steady-state condition was Figure 2 of inhibition, but rather address the not met in the simulation of unguarded Schematic representation of the core question of why and when such a ‘guard glycolysis (i.e. the rate of the lower part model of glycolysis. See Box 1 for kinetic at the gate of glycolysis’ is required13. of glycolysis did not become equal to details of each step. In this model the those of the HK and PFK modules). lower part (downstream reactions) of gly- Simulation of glycolysis without feedback Rather, the kinase fluxes greatly ex- colysis is represented by a single step. inhibition of hexokinase (HK) ceeded the flux through lower glycolysis Glc, glucose; HMP, hexose monophos- phate; Fru 1,6-P , fructose 1,6-bisphos- We have examined the behaviour of (␯ Ͼ␯ Ͼ␯ ; see Fig. 3b), caus- 2 HK PFK lower phate; Tre 6-P, trehalose 6-phosphate; a core model of yeast glycolysis that ing the accumulation of both hexose EtOH, ethanol; HK, hexokinase; PFK, ␯ Ͼ␯ lacks any special regulation of the first monophosphate (because HK PFK) phosphofructokinase; Tps1p, Tre 6-P syn- ␯ Ͼ ␯ ATP-consuming step. Focusing on the and Fru 1,6-P2 (because PFK lower; see thase; lower, lower part of glycolysis. 163 TALKING POINT TIBS 23 – MAY 1998

Box 1. Description of the kinetic model

We have constructed a core model of glycolysis, consisting of hexokinase (HK) , phosphofructokinase (PFK), the lower part of glycolysis and a general ATPase, which consumes the ATP produced (Fig. 2). The independent metabolites in this model are ATP, hexose monophosphate (HMP;

i.e. glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate) and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (Fru 1,6-P2). The model therefore comprises a set of three ordinary differential equations (see Fig. 2): d[HMP] d[Fru 1,6-P ] d[ATP] ϭ ␯ Ϫ ␯ 2 ϭ ␯ Ϫ ␯ ϭ 4␯ Ϫ ␯ Ϫ ␯ Ϫ ␯ dt HK PFK dt PFK lower dt lower HK PFK ATPase Square brackets indicate the concentration of the metabolite; ␯ represents the rate of each enzyme-catalysed reaction. HK represents both the transport step and the HK reaction; it exhibits irreversible Michaelis–Menten kinetics with two substrates, glucose (Glc) and ATP: [Glc] [ATP]

K Glc K ATP ␯ ϭ HK VHK [Glc] [Tre 6-P] [ATP] 1 ϩ ϩ 1 ϩ K Glc K i,Tre 6-P K ATP The term in square brackets was introduced only for the wild-type model, which exhibits trehalose 6-phosphate- (Tre 6-P) dependent feedback inhi- ϭ M –1 ϭ M ϭ M ϭ M bition of the HK module (see below). The parameter values were as follows: VHK 68 m min ; KAT P 0.15 m ; KGlc 1 m ; Ki,Tre 6-P 4.422 m . The kinetics of this module33 are proposed to be dominated by HK (i.e. it is assumed that the glucose transporter does not exert a signifi- cant control on the flux through this module at the high glucose concentrations employed34,35). The HK is taken to be insensitive to its products (product inhibition by glucose-6-phosphate is very poor36). Complete irreversibility and product insensitivity are simplifications that allow a rigorous analysis in terms of rate characteristics of the partici- pating enzymes to be made (see Box 2). Including reversibility and weak product sensitivity in the model of unguarded glycolysis leads to a high, constant HMP level at which mass action and the weak inhibition become significant (B. Teusink, M. C. Walsh, K. van Dam and H. V. Westerhoff, unpublished; see Fig. 3a). This would not, however, alter the essence of the metabolic problem: accumulation of hexose phosphates at con- stant ATP levels. For the sake of analytical power, we have not considered these kinetic details in our core model. Although the precise molecular mechanism of action of Tps1p is unclear, it is clear that Tps1p negatively affects the activity of the HK mod- ule – either through competitive inhibition of HK22 or through the formation of a complex involving both the transporter and HK13. Here, we have used the competitive inhibition model because the alternative is difficult to describe in terms of a rate equation. Glucose 6-phosphate is a sub- strate of Tps1p and fructose 6-phosphate is an activator of Tps1p15,37. Rather than introducing a new variable into the model, we have used a simple quadratic relationship between the Tre 6-P concentration and that of the HMP concentration: [Tre 6-P]ϭ[HMP]2. PFK is modelled as a two-substrate Monod–Wyman–Changeux enzyme38, using the rate equation from Ref. 39 (also used in Ref. 40) with HMP and ATP as PFK substrates. A modification describing ATP inhibition, rather than AMP activation, has been incorporated because AMP is not consid- ered in the core model. Other regulatory interactions of PFK have also been omitted for the sake of simplicity. The rate equation for PFK follows: ␭ ␭ gR 1 2R ␯ ϭ V PFK PFK R2 ϩ LT 2 The following expressions are defined:

␭ ϭ 1 [HMP]/KR,HMP

␭ ϭ 2 [ATP]/KR,ATP

␭ ϭ 3 [ATP]/Ki,ATP ϭ ϩ ␭ ϩ ␭ ϩ ␭ ␭ R 1 1 2 gR 1 2 ϭ ϩ ␭ ϩ ␭ ϩ ␭ ␭ T 1 c1 1 c2 2 gTc1 1c2 2 1 ϩ c ␭ 2 ϭ i 3 L L0 ϩ ␭ 1 3

ϭ M ϭ ϭ ϭ ϭ M ϭ ϭ The parameters for the above expressions had the values: KR,HMP 1 m ; gR 10; c1 0.0005; L0 1000; KR,ATP 0.06 m ; gT 1; c2 1; ϭ M ϭ M –1 ϭ Ki,ATP 10 m ; VPFK 30 m min ; ci 10. The lower part of glycolysis (from aldolase to alcohol dehydrogenase) is also grouped into one module in the core model. The expression of most enzymes in this module – especially pyruvate decarboxylase – is glucose induced41,42, suggesting that adaptation (in this module) is re- quired for the switch from gluconeogenesis to glycolysis. An important assumption in our model is that, at the moment of glucose addition, the capacity of the lower part of glycolysis is lower than that of HK and PFK. The lower part of glycolysis is therefore modelled in such a way that it fol-

lows Michaelis–Menten kinetics (with Fru 1,6-P2 and ADP as substrates) and its Vmax is set at a level lower than that of PFK and HK:

Ϫ [Fru 1,6-P2] (5 [ATP])

K Fru 1,6-P K ADP ␯ ϭ 2 lower Vlower Ϫ [Fru 1,6-P2] (5 [ATP]) 1 ϩ 1 ϩ K K Fru 1,6-P2 ADP

The parameters for the above expression had the values: V ϭ 20 mM min–1; K ϭ 1 mM; K ϭ 0.1 mM. The ADP concentration was lower Fru 1,6-P2 ADP taken as a function of the ATP concentration: [ADP] ϩ [ATP] ϭ constant ϭ 5 mM. (continued)


Box 1. Description of the kinetic model (contd)

The general ATPase is also described by Michaelis–Menten kinetics, with ATP as the substrate. The ATP dependency of the general ATPase in our model is justified by the experimental results of Buttgereit et al.43, who showed that the rates of ATP-consuming processes depend on the availability of ATP. Although the kinetics of such a general ATPase are necessarily oversimplified, the details do not affect the conclusions of this paper (B. Teusink, M. C. Walsh, K. van Dam and H. V. Westerhoff, unpublished). The rate equation for the ATPase module was as follows: [ATP] ␯ ϭ ATPase VATPase ϩ KATP [ATP] ϭ M –1 ϭ M The parameters for the above expression had the values: VATPase 68 m min ; KATP 3 m . The models were run on a personal computer, using the metabolic modelling software SCAMP44.

Fig. 3a). These results – especially the Why does glycolysis go awry? the concentration of hexose monophos- accumulation of hexose phosphates at What exactly goes wrong in unguarded phate and that of Tre 6-P was employed constant ATP concentration – are con- glycolysis? In the absence of feedback (see Box 1). An obvious question is sistent with the phenotype observed inhibition from hexose monophosphate whether the feedback by Tps1p (through when a yeast tps1-⌬ mutant is given high to the HK module, the rest of metabolism Tre 6-P) might not also be achieved amounts of glucose (see Refs 20, 21 for can only communicate with the HK mod- by direct product inhibition of HK (by clear examples of this phenotype). ule via the ATP concentration. A detailed hexose monophosphate) – a phenomenon analysis of the ATP-dependency of the that is common in many mammalian sys- A guard at the gate of glycolysis helps model’s four modules is carried out in tems. One important difference between Figure 3c,d presents data obtained for Box 2. In summary, it shows that the lev- mammalian cells and yeast cells is the a model in which ‘guarded’ glycolysis is els of hexose phosphate are not at steady relatively constant glucose concentration simulated. The guard is modelled as an state, because of the absence of a regu- encountered by the former as compared inhibition of the HK module by hexose latory feedback mechanism between the with that encountered by the latter. It monophosphate (see Box 1 for details). upper and lower parts of glycolysis – might be that regulation by Tps1p has For S. cerevisiae, this regulation would other than ATP. Owing to the turbo design evolved specifically to cope with sudden involve Tps1p. The introduction of such of glycolysis, there are two requirements and large variations in the extracellular feedback inhibition was effective in restor- if a steady state is to be achieved: the glucose concentration. This possibility is ing a steady state at high glucose concen- ATP production and consumption should investigated in Table I, where the behav- trations. The hexose monophosphate, be equal (see Eqn 1), and the rates of re- iours of four versions of the core model

Fru 1,6-P2 and ATP concentrations reached actions of the enzymes in glycolysis were calculated at an extracellular glu- constant levels, and the ATP level was should be equal (and twice that of the cose concentration 100 times lower than considerably higher than that in the un- ATPase reaction; see Eqn 2). The latter that used in Fig. 3. Because of the low guarded glycolysis model (Fig. 3a). The condition implies the former, but not glucose concentration, all models reached rates of the HK reaction, the PFK reac- vice versa. It is apparent that, in the ab- a steady state, irrespective of the pres- tion and the lower part of glycolysis did sence of feedback regulation of HK (as in ence of feedback inhibition on the HK become equal, and that of the ATPase the case of the tps1-⌬ mutant), the ATP module. The steady-state concentrations became twice that rate. The model in concentration is tuned to satisfy the for- of ATP, hexose monophosphate and Fru which regulation of the HK module oc- mer condition. ATP – as sole feedback 1,6-P2, and the steady-state flux through curs was therefore able to reach a com- regulator in this case – is ineffective be- the modules were calculated for un- plete steady state at high glucose levels cause it becomes trapped at a concen- guarded glycolysis, glycolysis with re- – as wild-type yeast cells do. tration that tunes ATP production to ATP duced HK activity and glycolysis with Deletion of the HK PII gene (which consumption (see Box 2). Being trapped either of two types of feedback on the encodes one of the three glucose phos- in this ‘ATP-steady’ state, it can no HK module: indirect, through Tre 6-P; or phorylating enzymes) can suppress the longer serve to tune hexose phosphate direct, through hexose monophosphate. phenotype of the tps1-⌬ mutant in S. synthesis to hexose phosphate degra- The version of the core model repre- cerevisiae19, and reduced glucose trans- dation, and so the second condition is senting the tps1-⌬ mutant (unguarded gly- port can do the same in Kluyveromyces not satisfied. Wild-type yeast cells have colysis) showed a higher steady-state lactis21. In Fig. 3e,f, we show data from a the required extra feedback mechanism glycolytic flux and a higher steady-state model in which, rather than introducing in the form of Tps1p. The case of reduced ATP level compared with the other ver- feedback inhibition, the activity of the HK HK activity (Fig. 3e,f) demonstrates that sions. In the version with reduced HK module has been reduced to about 20% of such a feedback mechanism is only re- activity, the rate of ATP consumption was its wild-type level. A reduction in the ac- quired when the capacity of the first always higher than that of ATP production tivity of the HK module led to restoration (ATP-driven) reaction exceeds that of (owing to the activity of the ATPase), of a complete steady state (i.e. both the the later ATP-producing reaction. and the level of ATP rapidly decreased concentration of ATP and that of hexose to zero; the fluxes were therefore zero as phosphate became constant) – as in the Why did yeast evolve feedback of the well. In the version in which Tre-6-P- case of feedback inhibition. We there- HK module by Tps1p and not by direct mediated feedback inhibition of HK oc- fore conclude that our calculations con- product inhibition of HK? curs, which ensured a steady state at high firm that feedback regulation at the gate Tps1p inhibits the HK module, either glucose concentrations (Fig. 3b,c), the of glycolysis is necessary, if a complete directly or through Tre 6-P. We introduced flux and steady-state ATP concentration and viable steady state is to be achieved inhibition by Tre 6-P into our core model, were about half those of the version of at high glucose concentrations. and a quadratic relationship between the model representing the TPS1 deletant. 165 TALKING POINT TIBS 23 – MAY 1998

deletant (Table I). This is explained as (a) (b) follows: in order to achieve the same in-

) 300 4 60 hibition by Tre 6-P or hexose monophos- M phate at high glucose concentrations, the (m

) inhibitory constant of hexose monophos- M

3 ) nHK phate needed to be much smaller than (m

200 Ð1 40 that of Tre 6-P (see legend to Table I); HMP min

this stronger inhibition would then be a

M n 2 PFK liability at the low glucose concentration. concentration (m


P Inhibition through an external effector nlower 100 Fru 1,6-P 20 introduces an extra layer of regulation 2 Rate 1,6- 1 [i.e. regulation of the regulator (Tre 6-P) Fru ATP concentration ATP nATPase by the hexose monophosphate concen- ATP tration and possibly other factors],

HMP, HMP, 0 0 0 thereby increasing the dynamic range 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 of the inhibition under highly variable Time (min) Time (min) environmental conditions. As a conse- (c) (d) quence, a regulatory mechanism is ob-

) tained that limits the turbo effect at high, 12 4 M 60 HMP but not at low, glucose concentrations. (m This could be the reason why indirect ) M ATP feedback through Tps1p is preferred – 3 ) (m

Ð1 as opposed to feedback through direct 8 40 n product inhibition. It should be noted min ATPase

Fru 1,6-P2 M that expression of the TPS1 gene is glu- 2 concentration 17,24 2 (m cose repressed and the activity of P 4 the Tps1p is controlled by post- 20 nHK nPFK Rate 1,6- translational modification25. The dynamic 1 nlower Fru

ATP concentration ATP range of inhibition by Tps1p is therefore not only enlarged by the specific kinetics

HMP, HMP, 0 0 0 of the enzyme, but also by controls at 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 the levels of gene expression and pro- Time (min) Time (min) tein specific activity. It is interesting to note that the con- (e) (f) ditions under which trehalose metab-

) olism is active coincide with the condi-

M 60 HMP 4 tions under which the danger of the (m turbo design of glycolysis is potent: that 6 ) M

) is, in glucose-derepressed cells where the

3 1 (m

Ð 40 lower part of glycolysis is not induced. It

min appears that Tps1p has evolved to play 4

M a dual role: trehalose formation under concentration ATP 2

2 n

(m ATPase

P glucose limitation; and feedback regu- 20 lation on subsequent sudden exposure

2 Rate 1,6-

1 nHK nlower Fru 1,6-P2 to glucose excess. Fru

ATP concentration ATP nPFK The danger of pathways with turbo design 0 HMP, HMP, 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 It is important to note that the prob- lems that we have analysed in this paper Time (min) Time (min) are quite specific to pathways that have Figure 3 what we term a ‘turbo design’. If, in tran- Simulations of time courses for the core model of glycolysis (Fig. 2) in three different sitions where substrate becomes sud- cases. (a,b) Unguarded glycolysis. (c,d) Glycolysis with product inhibition of hexokinase denly available in excess, there are bot- (HK). (e,f) Unguarded glycolysis with reduced HK activity. In all cases, the initial concen- tlenecks further down in the pathway, trations of hexose monophosphate (HMP), fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (Fru 1,6-P2) and ATP then ‘turbo pathways’ are especially vul- were 0.1 mM, 1 mM and 4.0 mM, respectively. ␯ , rate of the hexokinase reaction; ␯ , rate ␯ HK ␯ PFK nerable. As its coupling to ATP hydroly- of the phosphofructokinase reaction; lower, rate of the lower part of glycolysis; ATPase, rate of the ATPase reaction. sis renders the activating step thermo- dynamically irreversible, regulation of the rate of that step cannot occur at the level If, however, direct feedback inhibition extracellular glucose concentration), the of mass action26. Regulation is therefore by hexose monophosphate was used, model performed much worse than the needed at the level of enzyme activity. rather than inhibition through Tre 6-P (in Tre 6-P inhibition model: the ATP level Whereas adaptation to a new environ- such a way that the same steady state and the flux through glycolysis were now ment through regulation of gene expres- would have been reached at the high less than a tenth of those of the TPS1 sion and protein turnover takes place on 166 TIBS 23 – MAY 1998 TALKING POINT

Box 2. How can ATP be at steady state whereas the hexose phosphates are not?

Figure 3 shows that feedback inhibition of the hexokinase (HK) module or a reduction in its (a) (b) nconsumption V both allowed glycolysis to achieve a steady nHK max 120 state. How do we understand this? In (a), the 60 )

rate characteristics (with respect to ATP) of the ) Ð1 four modules in the core model are shown at Ð1 nATPase n 80 production

saturating concentrations of hexose monophos- min

min 40

phate (HMP) and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate M M nPFK (m

(Fru 1,6-P ), because the concentrations of (m 2 these species are very high in the tps1-⌬ mu- 20 40

tant. HK (K for ATP of 0.15 mM) and ATPase Rate m Rate nlower M (Km for ATP of 3 m ) show Michaelis–Menten steady ATP level hyperbole (see Box 1). PFK is only very slightly inhibited by ATP at the saturating fructose 6- 0 0 phosphate concentration, whereas the lower 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 M part of glycolysis is indirectly sensitive to ATP. ATP concentration (mM) ATP concentration(m ) This is because the sum of the ATP and ADP concentrations is set to be constant (5 mM) (c) (d) in the core model (see Box 1). The lower part of glycolysis is taken to follow the rate of PFK 60 120 – up to the V of the former (20 mM min–1). ) max ) Ð1 From (a) it should be concluded that the only Ð1 nATPase ‘complete’ steady state, where the rates of 80 min min 40 n the HK and PFK reactions and the lower part nproduction consumption M of glycolysis were equal, would be at an ATP M (m (m

concentration of zero. This is not the state that nPFK is reached in the model (unless the initial 20 nHK 40 Rate state was close to this state). Rate The energetic implications of (a) are shown steady ATP level n in (b), where the rates of the HK, PFK and lower 0 0 ATPase reactions in (a) are summed to give 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 the total rate of ATP consumption, and the ATP concentration (mM) ATP concentration (mM) total rate of ATP production is equal to four times the rate of the lower part of glycolysis (see Eqn 2). The two curves intersect at a (e) (f) ϭ point (other than [ATP] 0) where ATP produc- 60 120 tion equals ATP consumption and, therefore, )

the concentration of ATP remains constant. ) Ð1 This ‘ATP-steady’ state is stable, because an Ð1 nATPase

increase in ATP concentration leads to a higher 40 min 80 min M

consumption rate and, consequently, a reduc- M nconsumption (m

tion in ATP concentration. At the ‘ATP-steady’ (m

state, however, the rates of the HK and PFK 20 40 nproduction Rate

reactions, and the lower part of glycolysis are Rate nHK not equal (a); therefore no true steady state steady ATP level nlower is achieved (see Eqn 2). This explains the ob- nPFK served patterns in metabolites: the only way 0 0 for the lower part of glycolysis to slow down 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

either the PFK or the HK reaction is through ATP concentration (mM) ATP concentration (mM) the ATP level; however, the ATP level is trapped in an ‘ATP-steady’ state and accumulation of Rate characteristics of the steps of the core model with respect to the ATP concentration. sugar phosphate can only continue. Changes ␯ , rate of the hexokinase reaction; ␯ , rate of the phosphofructokinase reaction; ␯ , in the level of ATP cannot cause changes in HK ␯ PFK ␯ lower rate of the lower part of glycolysis; ATPase, rate of the ATPase reaction; consumption, rate of the reaction rates of HK, PFK, the lower part ATP consumption; ␯ , rate of ATP production. of glycolysis and the ATPase that would give production rise to a ‘carbon-steady’ state as well. (c) and (d) show a similar analysis for the wild-type situation (i.e. with feedback inhibition of HK). The ATP dependence of the rates is now analysed

at the steady-state levels of HMP and Fru 1,6-P2 (c). The rate of the lower part of glycolysis again follows the rate of the PFK reaction – up to the 45–49 Vmax of the former. A flux-control analysis of the steady state shown in Fig. 3c,d broke down as follows: HK, 40 %; PFK, 34%; ATPase, 25% (a flux control of 50% by an enzyme means that an increase of 1% in the activity of that enzyme leads to an increase in the steady-state flux of 0.5%). The lower part of glycolysis exerted no control on the flux, which justifies its dependence on the rate of the PFK reaction. The total flux control is 100%. As a consequence of the lowered rates of the HK and PFK reactions, there is a steady state for ATP at a higher ATP level (d). Importantly, at

this ATP level (and of course at the corresponding HMP and Fru 1,6-P2 levels), the rates of the HK and PFK reactions, and that of the lower part of glycolysis, are equal, and each is half the rate of the ATPase reaction – phenomena that are compatible with a complete steady state (Eqn 2). Inhibition of PFK by ATP is crucial in this case, because it decreases PFK activity to a level with which the lower part of glycolysis can cope. (e) and (f) show the analysis performed for the case where HK activity is reduced to 22% of the wild-type level. HK completely controls the flux (its flux control amounted to 114% and that of the ATPase amounted to Ϫ14%; the flux control coefficients of PFK and the lower part of glycolysis were zero). The rate of the PFK reaction and that of the lower part of glycolysis therefore follow the rate of HK – until the ATP concentration becomes inhibitory (at Ͼ1.7 mM). The reduced activity of HK causes the flux through HK to be (just) small enough to allow the lower part of glycolysis to proceed, and a true steady state is reached. In this case, therefore, the need to regulate HK activity is relieved by removing its excess capacity.


Table I. Steady-state concentrations and rates for different versions of the core model of hexose phosphate to extremely high and glycolysis, at an extracellular glucose concentration of 0.1 mM, rather than 10 mM. unrealistic levels (B. M. Bakker, pers. commun.). ␯ ␯ ␯ ␯ [HMP] [Fru 1,6-P2]ATP HK PFK lower ATPase The danger of accumulation of inter- Model (mM)(mM)(mM)(mM min–1)(mM min–1)(mM min–1) (mM min–1) mediates can only effectively be cleared tps1-⌬ 2.1 0.3 0.5 4.7 4.7 4.7 9.4 through some feedback inhibition of the reduced HK 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 ATP-activated step by a means other Tre 6-P inhibition 1.4 0.2 0.3 2.75 2.75 2.75 5.5 than the ATP concentration. Direct prod- HMP inhibition 0.8 0.02 0.04 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.9 uct inhibition might work for cells in The direct feedback inhibition of HK by hexose monophosphate (HMP) is set so as to reach the same organisms with extracellular homeostatic mechanisms or constant substrate sup- steady state as that for Tre 6-P inhibition at the high glucose concentration of 10 mM. The Ki of HK for Tre 6-P was therefore 11.06 times higher than that for HMP. This is because, rather than ply, but probably does not have the dy- [Tre 6-P]/K = [HMP]2/K , one has the term [HMP]/K in the nominator of the rate equation i,Tre 6-P i,Tre 6-P i,HMP namic range required by cells that live for HK (see Box 1), which means that Ki,Tre 6-P = [HMP]*Ki,HMP. The concentration of HMP was 11.06 mM in the steady state in Fig. 3c. (or have evolved) under highly variable environmental conditions (see Table I). Substrate-accelerated death could there- a timescale of minutes to hours, accumu- S. cerevisiae, but is a potential danger fore be related to the absence of specific lation of intermediates can occur in sec- for all activated pathways where the ac- regulatory mechanisms that prevent acti- onds. We therefore expect that kinetic tivity of the activated (ATP-consuming) vated pathways with a turbo design de- signals, and not adaptive ones, are re- step is in excess of that of the ATP-gener- manding their toll before proper adap- quired to communicate dangerous meta- ating steps. Indeed, substrate-acceler- tation to the new environment has bolic bottlenecks, following a sudden ated death of wild-type S. cerevisiae, fol- occurred. The ubiquity of activated path- transition to a state of plentiful substrate lowing growth under maltose limitation ways suggests that there are a number availability. These fast kinetic signals and subsequent pulsing with excess of genes that will produce apparently allow the slower adaptive responses maltose, has been attributed to an un- paradoxical phenotypes when deleted: (which could also remove existing bottle- restricted uptake of maltose while ATP that is, growth defects, at improved necks) time to take effect. In S. cerevisiae, levels remained relatively constant6. metabolic rates, that arise because of glucose induction of the lower part of In yeast, maltose is actively taken up by (sudden) substrate availability. glycolysis goes hand in hand with glucose a proton symporter27 and can therefore repression of TPS1 gene expression. be considered to be an ATP-consuming Acknowledgements ATP levels might initially be thought of step – glycolysis as a whole producing at We thank Jannie Hofmeyr, Johan as a good and sufficient kinetic signal (in least four molecules of ATP for each mol- Thevelein, Jacky Snoep, Mike Schepper the short term), because the first step of ecule of maltose transported. Further- and Barbara Bakker for discussions, glycolysis uses ATP as a substrate. A step more, substrate-accelerated death in bac- suggestions, and critical reading of the that is driven by ATP hydrolysis should teria is associated with a repression/ manuscript. We also acknowledge the fi- be considered to be an ATPase and, if it derepression mechanism28,29 – an obser- nancial assistance of the Foundation for proceeds too fast, the resultant decrease vation that also points to poor (or too Chemical Research (SON), which is sub- in ATP levels should automatically slow slow) adaptation to a sudden change in sidized by the Netherlands Organization down such a step. No additional regu- the environment. Another good example for Scientific Research (NWO), the lation would be needed; regulation would is ‘lactose killing’, which occurs when Netherlands Association of Biotechno- merely be a matter of sufficient sensitiv- Escherichia coli grown in a lactose-limited logical Research Centres (ABON) and ity of the first step to ATP. However, in- continuous chemostat are plated on lac- the European Union through a grant to creasing the sensitivity of HK for ATP in tose plates: 85–98% of the cells die, be- M. C. W. (grant number BIO4 CT950107 our core model (by decreasing the affin- cause of excessive uptake of lactose30. of the BIOTECH programme). ity of hexokinase for ATP from 0.15 mM In Trypanosoma brucei, compartmen- to 5 mM) did not prevent the accumu- talization of glycolysis into the glycosome References lation of hexose phosphate, and the overcomes problems caused by the turbo 1 Bernard, S. A. (1988) Cell. Biophys. 12, 119–132 2 Heinrich, R. et al. (1997) Eur. J. Biochem. 243, ATP level became constant [at 2.7 mM design of glycolysis: inside the glyco- 191–201 (B. Teusink, M. C. Walsh, K. van Dam and some, glycolysis proceeds as far as the 3 Melendez-Hevia, E., Waddell, T. G., Heinrich, R. H. V. Westerhoff, unpublished)]. generation of 3-phosphoglycerate, which and Montero, F. (1997) Eur. J. Biochem. 244, Our analysis has pointed to the spe- is then transported into the , 527–543 4 Postgate, J. R. and Hunter, J. R. (1963) Nature cific danger that pathways with turbo where it yields ATP through the pyruvate 198, 273 design face: the fact that the steps after kinase reaction. There are therefore two 5 Calcott, P. H. and Postgate, J. R. (1972) J. Gen. the activated one produce a surplus of pools of ATP, and the part of glycolysis Microbiol. 70, 115–122 ATP can lead to a state in which ATP con- that occurs in the glycosome invests as 6 Postma, E. et al. (1990) Yeast 6, 149–158 7 Rizzi, M. et al. (1996) Biotechnol. Bioeng. 49, sumption and ATP production are equal much (glycosomal) ATP in the HK and 316–327 – even when the flux through the carbon PFK steps as it produces in the phospho- 8 Van der Poll, K. W., Kerkenaar, A. and is not in steady state (see Eqns glycerate kinase reaction. Indeed, an Schamhart, D. H. (1974) J. Bacteriol. 117, 965–970 1 and 2). Under these conditions, accu- example of feedback regulation of HK 9 Navon, G. et al. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 31 mulation of intermediates could con- has not been found . A kinetic model of 4487–4498 tinue, but the ‘trapped’ ATP would be Trypanosome glycolysis32, in which the 10 Breitenbach-Schmitt, I., Schmitt, H. D., unable to signal the failure of the rest compartment boundaries were removed Heinisch, J. and Zimmermann, F. K. (1984) Mol. Gen. Genet. 195, 536–540 of the pathway. This phenomenon has and hence the turbo design of glycoly- 11 Hohmann, S. et al. (1992) J. Bacteriol. 174, been observed in the tps1-⌬ mutant of sis restored, showed accumulation of 4183–4188 168 TIBS 23 – MAY 1998 PROTEIN SEQUENCE MOTIFS

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are essential components of the protein from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius9,10, A ferredoxin-like domain transcription apparatus in eukaryotes7 a member of this family. However, while in RNA polymerase and are also remotely similar to the RpoA the M. jannaschii protein identifies all bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerases members of the family with BLAST11 30/40-kDa subunits (␣ chain)6. The RPB3 subfamily members scores of more than 132 and p-values less are subunits of RNA polymerase II (Ref. 7), than 1.4e-11 in the non-redundant while the RPC5 subfamily members are protein database, the S. acidocaldarius The 30/40-kDa subunits of DNA-dependent subunits of RNA polymerases I and III protein6 (herein called aRpoD – to RNA polymerases (EC form a (Ref. 3). With the complete sequencing of distinguish it from the RpoD sigma protein family named RPB3/RPC5, with the Methanococcus jannaschii genome8, subunit) in addition identifies ferredoxin members in animals1, plants2, yeasts3, the RpoD protein (ORF MJ0192) has been domains with scores as high as 120 and protozoa4 and archaea5,6. These subunits found to be highly similar to the RpoD p-values as low as 1.2e-09, which have not been recognized before6. To further investigate the possibility of an insertion and clarify the intra-family (a) Box ABox B Fdxl Box C (a) relationships of the 30/40-kDa RNA polymerase subunits, we have obtained 0 100 200 300 400 500 the nineteen members known to date*, after eliminating redundancy. These are about 300 residues long, (b) while the resulting multiple alignment12 extends to 534 residues, with large insertions. Three conserved boxes FER_METTL 14 CAECVNACPMEVFEIQGD-----KVVVAKEDDCTFCMVCVDVCP 52 FER3_DESAF 14 DGECVDVCPVEVYELQDG-----KAVAVNEDECLGCESCVEVCE 52 (herein called A, B and C) clearly FER1_DESVM 14 DGECVDVCPVEVYELQDG-----KAVPVDEEECLGCESCVEVCE 52 correspond to the family signatures FER2_DESDN 15 CGECVDVCPVEVYELQNG-----KAVPVNEEECLGCESC I EVCP 53 RPOD_SULAC 176 CEKAVEVCPEGVFAMENN -----KLVVKNELSCILCEECLKYCA 214 (Fig. 1a). The Gibbs sampling technique RPOD_SULSO 177 CEKAVNVCPEGVFELKDG-----KLSVKNELSCTLCEECLRYCN 215 using Blockmaker13 defines these blocks RPOD-METTH 176 CLEC IEACPRDVLGEESG-----KPVVVDL ENCSMCKSCVRACD 214 RP3A-ARATH 285 AERL VNVCPQNVFD I EDMGKGKKRAT VAQPRKCT LCKECVRD -D 327 at positions 106–149 for box A, 246–288 RP3B-ARATH 292 AEELVKVCPKKVFD I EDMGQGRKRATVARPRDCS LCRECIRDGV 335 for box B and 367–396 for box C, in the family alignment. These areas are the most-conserved parts of the family, while Figure 1 the 80-residue region between boxes B (a) The domain structure of the nineteen known members* of the RPB3/RPC5/aRpoD fam- and C contains a ferredoxin-like domain ily. Boxes A, B and C correspond to the most-conserved regions. The total alignment length

is 534 residues (see URL: Fdxl is the * ferredoxin-like domain present in five members. (b) Alignment of the fdxl domains from the Note: after this work was completed, RPOD_METTH (2621073) appeared as ORF_MTH37 (aRpoD) in the five RPB3/RPC5/aRpoD members that contain it, with representative members of the ferre- complete sequence of Methanobacterium doxin family. For naming conventions and accession numbers see Fig. 2. Numbers signify thermoautotrophicum19. In addition, ORF AF2282 start and end of the domain within the corresponding protein sequences. Invariant residues from Archaeoglobus fulgidus20 also contains the are boxed and coloring represents hydrophobicity over a window of seven residues. fdxl domain (not shown). Copyright © 1998, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0968 – 0004/98/$19.00 PII: S0968-0004(98)01203-1 169