for the New Millenium Reading excerpt Homeopathy Medicine for the New Millenium of George Vithoulkas Publisher: Int. Academy of Classical Homeopathy

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About the Author...... i Foreword to the Twenty-Sixth Edition...... xiii Foreword to the First Edition ...... xvii

1. Coming of the New Millennium ...... 1 2. and the Law of Similars...... 5 3. Preparation of Homeopathic ...... 15 4. The Vital Force...... 20 5. The Dynamic or Subtle Plane ...... 24 6. Predisposition to Disease...... 29 7. The Homeopathic Interview ...... 42 8. A Sample Case: Influenza...... 49 9. The Patient's Responsibility ...... 63

10. Does Homeopathy Work?...... 70 11. How Cure Occurs ...... 89 12. More Laws of Cure...... 95 13. Plans for the Future...... 100 14. Promise for the 21st Century...... 106 14.The Great Misunderstanding...... 112 14. What is the Alternative? ...... 116

Appendix I: Five Remedy Pictures...... 120 Appendix II: A revolutionary proposal for National Health Policies ...... 222 Bibliography ...... 230


Narayana Verlag, D-79400 Kandern, Tel: 07626 / 974 970-0 George Vithoulkas „Homeopathy-Medicine for the new Millennium“ Foreword to the 26th Edition

More than thirty years have passed since I first wrote this little introductory book for the sake of the public who were interested to know the basic principles underlying the sci- ence of Homeopathy. At that time nobody could imagine that these advanced ideas - such as how a human being is diseased, and how the best way to recover his or her health can be found - would find such wide acceptance in a mechanistic medical world that believed entirely in material means and in the tangible. To bring a new dimension into medical practice, that of 'energy medicine', was so heretical or suspicious at that time that I ran the danger of being excommunicated. But the thousands of doctors who surrounded me in order to hear and receive the new knowledge confirm my belief that medical thinking has entered a new epoch where the 'energy part' of the human being is a crucial element for the accomplishment of a real cure. Many conventional medical schools invited me to speak in order to hear these new ideas. A lot of other events took place that also substantiated the belief that something new was coming up fast for the new millennium in the medical world. In 1996, I received the extraordinary distinction of being awarded, in the Swedish Parliament, the Alternative Nobel Prize for Health, an award that is given exclusively to people who have helped human- ity to better living.


Narayana Verlag, D-79400 Kandern, Tel: 07626 / 974 970-0 George Vithoulkas „Homeopathy-Medicine for the new Millennium“ FOREWORD TO THE 26TH EDITION

I could not believe that I had received such a distinction from the 'heart' of Sweden, a country that was always a pioneer in chemical drugs, since all my life I had been opposing the mechanistic way of treatment that was implemented with such chemical drugs; my theories have been considered all along not only revolutionary but also dangerous for the pharmaceutical industry. After such a distinction I was officially invited to visit the European Parliament and meet the President, the Minister of Health and Environment, as well as the allotted group of members from the Parliament that were studying opportuni- ties for alternative medicine. I think that my intervention resulted in the passing of a positive directive for research in homeopathy and other alternative ways of treatment. But that was not all; the Council of Europe invited me in a special session to hear my ideas on how these new theories could best be implemented within the European Community. What was really impressive was the wide acceptance of homeopathy on the part of the suffering peoples of Europe, America and Asia, who did not wait to hear the official reports that were rather slow in coming, but rushed to experience the new energy medicine, that had been there for two centuries and yet had been suppressed by the conven- tional medicine and health authorities of the Western countries. With this widespread acceptance my books were translated into more than twenty-five languages. The teaching of groups of doctors from thirty countries which started in the small Greek island of Alonissos in the Aegean sea, back in the seventies, is today spreading like fire


Narayana Verlag, D-79400 Kandern, Tel: 07626 / 974 970-0 George Vithoulkas „Homeopathy-Medicine for the new Millennium“ FOREWORD TO THE 26TH EDITION

in the whole of Europe and soon, I hope, in the great continent of North America. It finally seems to me that I was not wrong when 30 years ago I first thought that, after an adventure of two hundred years, the time for homeopathy had at last come to stay, in order to benefit suffering humanity.

George Vithoulkas Alonissos, October 1999


Narayana Verlag, D-79400 Kandern, Tel: 07626 / 974 970-0 George Vithoulkas „Homeopathy-Medicine for the new Millennium“ George Vithoulkas Homeopathy Medicine for the New Millenium 27th Edition 2008

234 pages, pb publication 2008

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