Mayor Bill White Named 2006 Commencement Speaker
U) NI66 IffiMSfWyy oef 0 7 20BS er Vol. XCIII, Issue No. 8 SINCE 1916 Friday, October 7, 2005 Committee considering minors by Amber Obermeyer Sept. 28 meeting. The committee to.' This way, people might stop once THRESHKR EDITORIAL STAFF did not vote on that proposal either, they have a minor." instead asking Jones School Dean Psychology Professor Jim Pomer- A proposal from Dean of Under- William Glick to compile logistical antz, also a curriculum committee graduates Robin Forman calls for the information about the potential un- member, said having two or more establishment of academic minors. dergraduate business program. majors is sometimes appropriate. The University Standing Committee The proposal considered at "For some students, it's not a bad on the Undergraduate Curriculum Tuesday's meeting defines a minor thing to double and triple major, but discussed the proposal at its meet- as an interdisciplinary group of sue to for others, they're going for a cre- ing Tuesday. Curriculum committee eight courses and lists business, legal dential at the expense of breadth," chair Bill Wilson said committee studies, medical humanities, African Pomerantz said. members like the idea of minors but American studies, communication Registrar David Tenney, an ad- wanted a more detailed proposal to and leadership as examples. viser to the committee, is compiling be developed. President David Leebron said add- data on how many students have "Since there is interest in looking ing minors could give students more multiple majors. into it, we decided Dean Forman and I flexibility in choosing their courses. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, wou Id draft a concrete proposal of just "Minors allow students to get rec- Rice offered "coherent minors," a what the rules would be, send it out ognition in an area of concentration set of three or four courses, usually to the committee, and then get back without the burden of an additional from the same department, intended together and talk about it some more," major," Leebron said.
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