The Magazine of Rhodes College • Fall 2010 RHODES FELLOWSHIPS The New Big Thing FALL 2010 Contents VOLUME 17 • NUMBER 3 2 Remembering David Alexander A tribute to Rhodes’ 16th president 4 Providing the Catalyst for Change A brief history of student research opportunities 6 Stepping Stones and Capstones 2 Student fellowships—the new big thing 16 Robust Rhodes The college welcomes outstanding new faculty 25 A New Way To Play Students fi nd plenty of fun in The Big Diehl 28 A Great Day for Rhodes Newsweek names Rhodes Most Service-Minded School in America 6 29 Alumni News Class Notes, In Memoriam The 2009-2010 Honor Roll of Donors On the Cover Rhodes Fellow Lee Bryant ’11 is making a documentary about McCoy Theatre’s 30 years. (See story on page 6.) Photography by Jay Adkins 28 is published three times a year by Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112 as a service to all alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of the college. Fall 2010—Volume 17, Number 3 EDITOR Martha Hunter Shepard ’66 GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Larry Ahokas Robert Shatzer CONTRIBUTORS Jay Adkins, Justin Fox Burks, Daney Daniel Kepple, Emily Sullivan ’13 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Please address postal correspondence to: Martha H. Shepard, Editor, Rhodes Magazine, Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112-1690 E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: (901) 843-3544 Fax: (901) 843-3579 CLASS NOTES: Please send all Class Notes including marriages, births and obituaries to: Alumni Offi ce, Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112-1690 Phone: (901) 843-3845