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UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS INCORPORTATED PALMETTO BASE NEWSLETTER April 2014 OUR CREED: To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its constitution. UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS INCORPORTATED PALMETTO BASE NEWSLETTER April 2014 1 Meeting Minutes 3 Old Business 4 New Business 4 Good of the Order 5 Members 6 Honorary Members 6 Base Contacts 7 Birthdays 7 Welcome 7 Binnacle List 7 Quote of the Month 7 Word of the Month 7 CO’s Stateroom 8 XO’S Stateroom 9 Lost Boats 10 Picture of the Month 21 Featured World War II Submarine Commanding Officer of the Month 22 Member Profile of the Month 24 Traditions of the Naval Service 31 Dates in U.S. Naval History 32 U.S. Submarine History 37 Submarine Memorials 58 South East Region Convention 62 Monthly Calendar 64 Submarine Trivia 65 Advertising Partners 66 2 Randy Brooks Ted R. Schneeberg Allen “Buzz” Danielson John Solis Michael Hoadley L. E. Spradlin Donald Kline Jim “Snake” Stark George “Scram” Kokolis Brian Steffen Bob Miller Savannah Steffen Charles Mink Don Van Borsch Terry Matlosz Jeffro M. Wagner Robert Molcan Steven Wagner Mark Morgan J. P. Watson Jim Null Robin White Tom Paige • Call to Order : 1900 hours by the Base Commander. • Invocation : Base Chaplain. • Pledge of Allegiance: Base Commander. • The Tolling of the Boats : Base Commander, Vice Commander and COB. • Member Introduction : 20 members and 3 guests were present. • Base Secretary’s Report : Approved as published in e-mail with the following corrections: the February minutes were incorrectly labeled as March’s minutes, and that DW did not have any procedure or operation lately as mentioned. • Treasurer’s Report : $7,110.09 (Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) $3,361.37, Float Fund $1,882.76, Operating Fund $1,895.96) was accepted and approved. 3 • Steven Wagner was present in Cracker Jacks, having just completed Nav ET school! BZ shipmate! He has been assigned a boat and Jeffro will keep the base updated • Gun Base Commander presents Buzz and L.E. with their 5 year loyalty patch, pin, and certificate. Congrats! • The Base Commander received a heartfelt card from the Fuhr family, thanking the base for its participation and assistance during this trying time • The Base Commander also received a card from the Charleston Base, thanking our base for its participation and assistance during Ken’s funeral • Koko and Jim Null developed challenge coin ideas and displayed them for the base • Base Elections were held: o Base Commander: Brian Steffen o Junior Vice Commander: Jeffro Wagner • Congratulations to our incumbent and new officers, BZ shipmates • The Vice Commander reminds the base that he has the ‘Veteran Stars’ if we need some. • The Base Commander informs the membership: o Veteran’s Rally will take place on the Statehouse grounds on April 23 from 10-2. The guest speaker will be Mr. Haley. Bring a hat and sunglasses if you attend. o Ken Fuhr paid for a 5 year membership prior to passing away. A motion is then made, seconded, and carries to refund $60.00 to Mrs. Fuhr. o Hunley museum is offering to have a private, behind the scenes tour for the Columbia and Charleston SubVets Bases in April. It is suggested that we have our April 15 th meeting on this day in Charleston; we get to Charleston at 5:30, get back to Columbia 11ish. The CO will get the details and let us know. o Massing of the Colors at 3:00 P.M. on April 6th and requests participation. o An estate auction at http://cogburnauction.com/ will take place due to his recent nuptial vows. • The COB informs the membership: o A retired veteran can show their DD214 when obtaining a Concealed Weapons Permit to take an abridged class. o Be aware of their CWP expiration date and not let it go by without renewing. o DW’s ‘Fishing with Veterans’ organization, which has veterans hosting active duty personnel fishing, is looking for sponsors and veteran participants. • Don Van Borsch tells the membership that Kamp Kemo is coming up, so be ready. • Buzz tells the base that May 10 is the Poultry Festival in Batesburg-Leesville. • Jim Null informs the membership: o Veteran’s board meeting that is looking to get a full time employee at the state level to be a veteran’s support person. o 80 sailors will be leaving to go to Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa soon. Also, the D-day WWII speaker that he brought to speak to us is being given an ‘all- 4 expenses-paid trip’ to Normandy for the 70 th anniversary of the landing. He will be arriving back on June 10. Also, on May 7, an Honor Flight will be returning. • Mark Morgan tells the base that the sendoff and return of an Honor Flight is a magnificent event. • Jeffro, our new JVC, tells the base of a travesty occurring at Nav ET school. A classmate of his son is being denied a security clearance due to the mother not being an American citizen. This student has exemplary academic scores and maintains the highest level of integrity. Without the security clearance, this brilliant sailor will be pushed into a less demanding rate, wasting his talent and costing the Navy a future success story. Jeffro asks for support in the matter and will keep the base posted on the situation. • None Meeting adjourned Benediction : Base Chaplain Depth Charge : Don Van Borsch 5 Brian Steffen Vice CDR : Tom Paige Jr. Vice CDR : Randy Browning Secretary : George “Scram” Kokolis Treasurer : J. P. Watson Chief of the Boat : Jim “Snake” Stark Chaplain : Bob Miller Bereavement Chair : Randy Browning Committee Chair : Tom O’Brien Events Chair : Allen “Buzz” Danielson Fund Raising Chair : Ted R. Schneeberg Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) Chair : Don Van Borsch Newsletter Editor : Randy Browning Ship’s Photographer : Jim Null Storekeeper : Mark Morgan Webmaster : Mark Basnight Milt Berkey John Jeffries Larry Peay James L. Charbonneau James N. Kirby Tommy Richardson Tracy R. Charbonneau Arnold Kirk James P. Scott D. W. Eggleston Donald Kline Leonard M. Snell Ronald Friend John J. Krause John Solis Julian Galloway Harold R. Lane L. E. Spradlin Joseph E. Gawronski Terry Matlosz Jerry Stout Joseph L. Geiger Charles Mink Thomas N. Thompson Glenn E. Harris Robert Molcan Jeffro M. Wagner William Hicks Davie Morningstar Robin White Stoney Hilton David Nates Michael Hoadley John Nesbitt Judy Cline Charlie MacKenzie Medal of Honor Recipient, Holland Club, Plankowner, Past District Commander, Past Base Commander, Past Vice Commander, Past Junior Vice Commander, Past Secretary, Past Treasurer, Past Chaplain, Palmetto Base Hall of Fame, Palmetto Silver Star Award 6 Commander : Brian Steffen (803) 897-2480 BSing4evr@aol.com Vice CDR : Tom Paige (803) 808-1801 Tpaige1150@windstream.net Jr. Vice CDR. : Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 randybrowning@windstream.net Secretary : George Kokolis (803) 460-5882 kokolisg@yahoo.com Treasurer : J. P. Watson (803) 361-4193 jpearthsource@yahoo.com COB : Jim Stark (803) 957-7153 Snake803@juno.com Chaplain : Bob Miller (803) 603-0538 dadcheckmail@yahoo.com Bereavement : Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 randybrowning@windstream.net Newsletter : Randy Browning (803) 808-7065 randybrowning@windstream.net Storekeeper : Mark Morgan (803) 356-4529 jatkig12@windstream.net John Nesbitt – April 6th Terry Matlosz Stoney Hilton – April 9th Michael Hoadley – March 28th Bob Miller Bob Miller’s daughter Evelyn Fuhr Julian Galloway “On no account brood over your wrong-doing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean.” Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963) lingua franca \ LING-gwuh FRANG-kuh \ , noun; 1. any language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages. 2. (initial capital letter) the Italian-Provençal jargon (with elements of Spanish, French, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish) formerly widely used in eastern Mediterranean ports. Origin: This term comes from the Italian literally meaning "Frankish tongue." It's existed in English since the 1600s. Origin: Moiety comes from Old French meitiet , from Late Latin medietas , from Latin medius , "middle." Source: http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday 7 Good Afternoon Gentlemen, Thank you for your confidence in me in reelecting me as your commander. I have found one of the most challenging things to do is talk about myself. I had to provide a 100 word script why I wanted the position of SE Regional Director, then, as if that wasn’t fun enough, a 500 word biography. The coming month brings about the following base activities, 1. Massing of the Colors: April 6, 2014 at 1500 at the Scottish Rite Center 7230 Garners Ferry Road 2. Meeting at Museum: TBD 3. Rally for Veterans: April 23, 2014 from 1000 to 1400 at the North End State House Steps Gentlemen, it is truly an honor to command what I think is the best base on the east coast, thanks again for re-electing me. All hands should possess a copy of their service record AND medical record. If you do not have yours, call me, when you are in from a your computer and I will guide you through obtaining it. A successful claim consists of a injury that occurred during active service, diagnosed, treated, and the same diagnosed condition or a resultant condition due to it, now! Anyone working around rotating machinery, MM’s, EM’s automatically has a hearing loss claim. It is only 10% max by law of congress, but, its FREE hearing aids. The massing of the colors is a very moving and meaningful ceremony, I highly encourage as many of you to show as possible.
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