Date: September 03, 2015 To: Interested Person From: Arthur Graves, Land Use Services 503-823-7803 |
[email protected] NOTICE OF A TYPE II DECISION ON A PROPOSAL IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD The Bureau of Development Services has approved a proposal in your neighborhood. The mailed copy of this document is only a summary of the decision. The reasons for the decision, including the written response to the approval criteria and to public comments received on this application, are included in the version located on the BDS website Click on the District Coalition then scroll to the relevant Neighborhood, and case number. If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal. Information on how to do so is included at the end of this decision CASE FILE NUMBER: LU 15-189159 DZ: SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING ALTERATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: Dan Osterman | Tube Art Group | 503.653.1133 4243-A SE International Way | Milwaukie, OR 97222 Applicant: Kathy Fry | Mayer-Reed, Inc.| 971.255.5787 319 SW Washington St, Ste 820 | Portland, OR 97204 Owner: Carol Gossett | Oregon Museum of Science and Industry 1945 SE Water Avenue | Portland, OR 97214-3356 Site Address: 1701 SE Water Avenue Legal Description: LOT 3 TL 200, PORTLAND GENERAL ELEC STA L; TL 500 2.22 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E; TL 200 0.19 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E; TL 100 2.46 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E; TL 101 1.82 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E Tax Account No.: R668200150, R991030700, R991030750, R991030760, R991030800, R668200150 State ID No.: 1S1E03DD 00200, 1S1E03D 00500, 1S1E03D 00200, 1S1E03D 00100, 1S1E03D 00101, 1S1E03DD 00200 Quarter Section: 3230 Neighborhood: Hosford-Abernethy, contact Joanne Stainbrook at 503-231-9245.