Date: September 03, 2015

To: Interested Person

From: Arthur Graves, Land Use Services 503-823-7803 | [email protected]


The Bureau of Development Services has approved a proposal in your neighborhood. The mailed copy of this document is only a summary of the decision. The reasons for the decision, including the written response to the approval criteria and to public comments received on this application, are included in the version located on the BDS website Click on the District Coalition then scroll to the relevant Neighborhood, and case number. If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal. Information on how to do so is included at the end of this decision



Applicant: Dan Osterman | Tube Art Group | 503.653.1133 4243-A SE International Way | Milwaukie, OR 97222

Applicant: Kathy Fry | Mayer-Reed, Inc.| 971.255.5787 319 SW St, Ste 820 | Portland, OR 97204

Owner: Carol Gossett | Oregon Museum of Science and Industry 1945 SE Water Avenue | Portland, OR 97214-3356

Site Address: 1701 SE Water Avenue

Legal Description: LOT 3 TL 200, PORTLAND GENERAL ELEC STA L; TL 500 2.22 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E; TL 200 0.19 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E; TL 100 2.46 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E; TL 101 1.82 ACRES, SECTION 03 1S 1E Tax Account No.: R668200150, R991030700, R991030750, R991030760, R991030800, R668200150 State ID No.: 1S1E03DD 00200, 1S1E03D 00500, 1S1E03D 00200, 1S1E03D 00100, 1S1E03D 00101, 1S1E03DD 00200 Quarter Section: 3230 Neighborhood: Hosford-Abernethy, contact Joanne Stainbrook at 503-231-9245. Business District: Central Eastside Industrial Council, contact Peter Fry at 503-274-2744. District Coalition: Southeast Uplift, contact Bob Kellett at 503-232-0010. Plan District: Central City - Central Eastside Other Designations: The National Historic Landmark: Portland General Electric Co. Station L (listed on December 02, 1985) is located L Tax Lots 300 and 500. Zoning: OS, EG2, IG1g, s: Base Zones: Open Space (OS), General Employment (EG2), General Industrial (IG1). Overley Zones: Greenway; River General (g), Scenic Resouces (s)

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Case Type: DZ: Design Review Procedure: Type II, an administrative decision with appeal to the Design Commission.

PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Design Review approval for signage and wayfinding alterations to the site. The proposed alterations include the addition of 35 new signs, located throughout the site, and 3 new metal flag poles located together south of the existing buildings. The improvements provide increased clarity and coherency better directing and informing all users and modes: vehicle, cyclists and pedestrian, using the site. The proposed signs include the following:

• 5 - “Freestanding Signs” (see B style signs: see Exhibits 2-4), located at the east, west, and southern edges of the site. These signs are intending to provide information and wayfinding for bicycle and pedestrian users. • 5 – Pavement signs (see P1 and P2 style signs: see Exhibit 5), located on the existing bicycle and pedestrian muti-use path immediately west of the OMSI building and adjacent to the . These signs are intending to provide information and wayfinding for trail users. • 8 - “Freestanding Signs” (see R1, R2 and R3 style signs: see Exhibit 6), located along the existing bicycle and pedestrian muti-use path immediately west of the OMSI building and adjacent to the Willamette River. These signs are intending to provide information and wayfinding for trail users. • 3 - “Directional Signs” (see V1 style signs: see Exhibit 7), predominantly located at OMSI entrances off of SE Water Avenue, for vehicular users. • 3 - “Directional and Freestanding Signs” (see V2 style signs: see Exhibit 8), located on or adjacent to the OMSI building, for pedestrian users. • 10 - “Freestanding Signs” (see V3 style signs: see Exhibit 8), located in the north and south parking lots, for vehicle and pedestrian users. • 1 - “Directional and Freestanding Sign” (see V4 style signs: see Exhibit 8), located adjacent to SE 2nd Avenue, for pedestrian users.

The following additional signs, called out by staff on Exhibit C-1, are consistent with this application and are pre-approved for installation at a future date, but within the three year expiration date of this approval: B1-4, B1-7, P1-3, P2-4, and P2-5.

Because the proposal is for a new addition to the OMSI site [approved by a Conditional Use Review in 1987], Design Review is required.

RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA: In order to be approved, this proposal must comply with the approval criteria of Title 33. The relevant criteria are:

• Conditions of Approval CU 121-87/GP 21-87 & DZ 7-90 (Design Criteria are in Condition of Approval D, CU 121-87)


Site and Vicinity:

This site is a Major Event Entertainment use in a General Industrial zone. The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) use was approved as a Conditional Use in case CU 121-87. The northern portion of the site includes a warehouse building and parking lots, and a partial development of greenway improvements. The main portion of the site is developed with the OMSI structures, parking lots, and full greenway trail improvements. Riverward of the bank is a ramp and dock system leading to the exhibit of the USS Blueback . A portion of the dock extends upriver to protect the submarine and to provide public docking and river viewing space.

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Specific to this proposal regarding signage and wayfinding: The location of the proposed signs on the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) site spans three tax lots (TL): TL 200, TL 300 and TL 500, including three different base zones (EG2, IG1 and OS) and two different overlay zones (g and s). In addition, there are two National Historic Landmarks on or adjacent to the site(s): the Portland General Electric Company Station “L” Group, located on TL 300 and TL 500, and the USS Blueback a decommissioned barbell-class submarine, located adjacent to OMSI and accessed from TL 500, while being moored off the shore in the Willamette River.

Zoning - Base Zones:

The Open Space (OS) zone is intended to preserve public and private open, natural, and improved park and recreation areas indentified in the Comprehensive Plan. These areas serve many functions including: providing opportunities for outdoor recreation; providing contrasts to the built environment; preserving scenic qualities; protecting sensitive or fragile environmental areas; preserving the capacity and water quality of the stormwater drainage system; and providing pedestrian and bicycle transportation connections.

The General Employment 2 (EG2) zone allows a wide range of employment opportunities without potential conflicts from interspersed residential uses. The emphasis of the zone is on industrial or industrially-related uses. Other commercial uses are allowed to support a wide range of services and employment opportunities. The development standards for each zone are intended to allow new development which is similar in character to existing development. The intent is to promote viable and attractive industrial/commercial areas. EG2 areas have larger lots and an irregular or large block pattern. The area is less developed, with sites having medium and low building coverage and buildings which are usually set back from the street. Minimum lot area is between 10,000 and 20,000 square feet.

The General Industrial 1 (IG1) zone is one of the three zones that implement the Industrial Sanctuary map designation of the Comprehensive Plan. The zone provides areas where most industrial uses may locate, while other uses are restricted to prevent potential conflicts and to preserve land for industry. The intent is to promote viable and attractive industrial areas. IG1 areas generally have smaller lots and a grid block pattern. The area is mostly developed with sites having high building coverage and buildings which are usually close to the street. IG1 areas tend to be the City’s older industrial areas. Minimum lot area is 10,000 square feet.

Zoning - Overlay Zones:

The Greenway Overlay Zones, designated as “g”, “i”, “n”, “q” or “r” are intended to protect, conserve, enhance, and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, economic, and recreational qualities of lands along Portland's rivers; establish criteria, standards, and procedures for the development of land, change of uses, and the intensification of uses within the greenway; increase public access to and along the Willamette River for the purpose of increasing recreational opportunities, providing emergency vehicle access, assisting in flood protection and control, providing connections to other transportation systems, and helping to create a pleasant, aesthetically pleasing urban environment; implement the City's Willamette Greenway responsibilities as required by ORS 390.310 to 390.368; and implement the water quality performance standards of Metro’s Title 3. • The River General “g” allows for uses and development which are consistent with the base zoning, which allow for public use and enjoyment of the waterfront, and which enhance the river's natural and scenic qualities.

The Scenic Resource Zone “s” overlay is intended to protect Portland’s significant scenic resources as identified in the Scenic Resources Protection Plan; enhance the appearance of Portland to make it a better place to live and work; create attractive entrance ways to Portland and its districts; improve Portland’s economic vitality by enhancing the City’s attractiveness to its citizens and to visitors; and implement the scenic resource policies and objectives of Portland’s Comprehensive Plan. The purposes of the Scenic Recourse zone are achieved by establishing height limits within view corridors to protect significant views and by establishing

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additional landscaping and screening standards to preserve and enhance identified scenic resources.

Land Use History: OMSI was approved through Conditional Use Review case CU 121-87, CU 127-87, GP 23-89, and DZ 7-90.

• Other reviews include the installation of the submarine exhibit in case LUR 93-00368 CU DZ GW, an installation as a memorial for submarine veterans was approved in case 96-00224 DZ, LUR 96-00389 approved the use of the dock for tour boat docking, while continuing to allow temporary public tie-ups to the dock. • LUR 00-00462 GW DZ, approved a new exterior display called the river-walk exhibit. • LU 05-174846 GW: Approval of Greenway Review for the ESCSO Tunnel project including short and long term surface disturbance in the greenway overlay zones. • LU 06-168525 DZ GW CU approved an elevator addition and exterior courtyard improvements on the west side of the building. • LU 07-138197 DZ GW approved the installation of two cooling towers and screening added to the NW corner of the site, adjacent to the Greenway Trail. [Cases LUR 92-499 DZ GW and LUR 00-00464 GW were withdrawn.] • LU 09-172431 GW DZ – approval for a new solar panel array, support structure, and informational kiosks to be added to the existing electric vehicle charging station located in the north parking lot. • LU 10-169588 GW: Approval of Greenway Review to construct a 1,720 cable stayed bridge across the Willamette River.for the ESCSO Tunnel project including short and long term surface disturbance in the greenway overlay zones.

Agency Review: A “Notice of Proposal in Your Neighborhood” was mailed July 21, 2015. The following Bureaus have responded with no issues or concerns:

• Water Bureau: Terry Wenz: July 28, 2015. No concerns. (Exhibit E-1)

Neighborhood Review: A Notice of Proposal in Your Neighborhood was mailed on July 21, 2015. One written response has been received from either the Neighborhood Association or notified property owners in response to the proposal.

• Valeria Ramirez, Chief Operating Officer Portland Opera: July 27, 2015. No concerns. (Exhibit F-1)


Chapter 33.825, Design Review Section 33.825.010, Purpose of Design Review Design Review ensures: • That development conserves and enhances the recognized special design values of a site or area. • The conservation, enhancement, and continued vitality of the identified historic, scenic, architectural, and cultural values of each design district. • That the characteristics of an historical landmark, which led to it becoming a historic landmark, are conserved. • High quality of design of public and private projects.

Section 33.825.060, Design Review Approval Criteria The approval criteria for a design review on this site for the OMSI development have been established by the Hearings Officer in the Conditional Use review that established OMSI at this site. The criteria include:

1. Accommodation of a future light rail station and bicycle and pedestrian access to the Greenway and trail, including access through the site 2. Determination of the need for a view corridor and its appropriate location

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3. Siting of at least one public river access point within the site, such as to accommodate river taxi use 4. Compatibility with the design and character of the Riverplace development across the Willamette River 5. Compatibility with the industrial character of the Central Eastside Industrial District.

Findings: 1) The proposed wayfinding and signage will be located throughout the OMSI site addressing and accommodating the opening of the which will carry light rail trains, buses, streetcars, bicyclists and pedestrians to the site. The proposed signs and wayfinding are designed and placed in locations where each of the intended user groups: vehicle, bicyclist and pedestrian, will be most active. Proposed vehicle directional and freestanding signs will be located in areas on the site adjacent to SE Water Avenue and SE 2nd Place and both existing parking lots on the site. Bicycle signage is proposed along the Greenway Trail providing both directional and regulatory information to cyclists heading towards the OMSI campus and increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian wayfinding and signage is proposed at the perimeter of the site in the form of kinetic wind sculptures which help to orient users to the OMSI campus as well as surrounding adjacent amenities such as the Portland Opera, Portland Light Rail and Streetcar.

2) The location of the proposed signage and wayfinding will not block or obstruct any view corridors. In addition, none of the proposed signs are proposed to be larger than 6 square feet in size.

3) The proposal signage and wayfinding will not have an impact on access to the water’s edge.

4) The proposed signage and wayfinding features are well crafted and made with durable and long-lasting materials. These materials include painted aluminum with vinyl face lettering and artwork for all of the proposed signs above grade, and thermoplastic pavement marking for the at grade Greenway Trail images. The inclusion of the kinetic wind sculpture elements provide additional interest and investment to the site’s comprehensive wayfinding scheme while also serving a utilitarian a purpose. Collectively, the signage and wayfinding proposal adds a significantly improved coherency and organization to the OMSI campus for all users moving to, across and around the site.

5) This project will be compatible with the industrial character of the Central Eastside District by using materials consistent with, and not foreign to, the district. In addition, the proposed signage and wayfinding for the OMSI campus site, while intending to help orient and direct those on the site, is providing wayfinding and directional information for other district amenities as well. This is most noticeable in the use of the at grade thermoplastic pavement markings on the Greenway Trail which are consistent with other bicycle infrastructure signs in the area. The kinetic wind sculptures, which are composed of signs both with the specific color and name of key adjacent resources are another example of how the proposed wayfinding aims to be compatible with the surrounding district. These criteria are met and this design therefore merits approval.


Unless specifically required in the approval criteria listed above, this proposal does not have to meet the development standards in order to be approved during this review process. The plans submitted for a building or zoning permit must demonstrate that all development standards of Title 33 can be met, or have received an Adjustment or Modification via a land use review prior to the approval of a building or zoning permit.

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The design review process exists to promote the conservation, enhancement, and continued vitality of areas of the City with special scenic, architectural, or cultural value. The proposal meets the applicable design guidelines and therefore warrants approval.


Approval of Design Review for signage and wayfinding alterations to the site. The proposed alterations include the addition of 35 new pole mounted and freestanding signs, located throughout the site and 3 new metal flagpoles located south of the existing main buildings. The improvements provide increased clarity and coherency better directing and informing all users and modes: vehicle, cyclists and pedestrian, using the site.

Also approved, is the pre-approval of the following five signs, B1-4, B1-7, P1-3, P2-4, and P2- 54, for installation at a future date but within the three year expiration date of this approval.

Approval, per the approved site plans, Exhibits C-1 through C-9, signed and dated Monday, August 31, 2015, subject to the following conditions:

A. As part of the building permit application submittal, each of the 4 required site plans and any additional drawings must reflect the information and design approved by this land use review as indicated in Exhibits C.1-C.9. The sheets on which this information appears must be labeled, "Proposal and design as approved in Case File # LU 15-189159 DZ. No field changes allowed.”

Staff Planner: Arthur Graves

Decision rendered by: ______on Monday, August 31 2015. By authority of the Director of the Bureau of Development Services

Decision mailed: Thursday, September 03, 2015.

About this Decision. This land use decision is not a permit for development. Permits may be required prior to any work. Contact the Development Services Center at 503-823-7310 for information about permits.

Procedural Information. The application for this land use review was submitted on June 19, 2015, and was determined to be complete on July 16, 2015.

Zoning Code Section 33.700.080 states that Land Use Review applications are reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time the application was submitted, provided that the application is complete at the time of submittal, or complete within 180 days. Therefore this application was reviewed against the Zoning Code in effect on June 19, 2015.

ORS 227.178 states the City must issue a final decision on Land Use Review applications within 120-days of the application being deemed complete. The 120-day review period may be waived or extended at the request of the applicant. In this case, the applicant did not waive or extend the 120-day review period. Unless further extended by the applicant, the 120 days will expire on: Friday, November 13, 2015.

Some of the information contained in this report was provided by the applicant. As required by Section 33.800.060 of the Portland Zoning Code, the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that the approval criteria are met. The Bureau of Development Services has independently reviewed the information submitted by the applicant and has included this information only where the Bureau of Development Services has determined the information

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satisfactorily demonstrates compliance with the applicable approval criteria. This report is the decision of the Bureau of Development Services with input from other City and public agencies.

Conditions of Approval. If approved, this project may be subject to a number of specific conditions, listed above. Compliance with the applicable conditions of approval must be documented in all related permit applications. Plans and drawings submitted during the permitting process must illustrate how applicable conditions of approval are met. Any project elements that are specifically required by conditions of approval must be shown on the plans, and labeled as such.

These conditions of approval run with the land, unless modified by future land use reviews. As used in the conditions, the term “applicant” includes the applicant for this land use review, any person undertaking development pursuant to this land use review, the proprietor of the use or development approved by this land use review, and the current owner and future owners of the property subject to this land use review.

Appealing this decision. This decision may be appealed to the Design Commission, which will hold a public hearing. Appeals must be filed by 4:30 PM on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 1900 SW Fourth Ave. Appeals can be filed at the Development Services Center Monday through Wednesday and Fridays between 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and on Thursdays between 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. After 3:00 pm Monday through Wednesday and Fridays, and after 12:00 pm on Thursdays, appeals must be submitted at the reception desk on the 5th floor. An appeal fee of $250 will be charged. The appeal fee will be refunded if the appellant prevails. There is no fee for ONI recognized organizations appealing a land use decision for property within the organization’s boundaries. The vote to appeal must be in accordance with the organization’s bylaws. Assistance in filing the appeal and information on fee waivers is available from BDS in the Development Services Center. Please see the appeal form for additional information.

The file and all evidence on this case are available for your review by appointment only. Please call the Request Line at our office, 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 5000, phone 503-823-7617, to schedule an appointment. I can provide some information over the phone. Copies of all information in the file can be obtained for a fee equal to the cost of services. Additional information about the City of Portland, city bureaus, and a digital copy of the Portland Zoning Code is available on the internet at

Attending the hearing. If this decision is appealed, a hearing will be scheduled, and you will be notified of the date and time of the hearing. The decision of the Design Commission is final; any further appeal must be made to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) within 21 days of the date of mailing the decision, pursuant to ORS 197.620 and 197.830. Contact LUBA at 775 Summer St NE, Suite 330, Salem, Oregon 97301-1283, or phone 1-503-373-1265 for further information.

Failure to raise an issue by the close of the record at or following the final hearing on this case, in person or by letter, may preclude an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Also, if you do not raise an issue with enough specificity to give the Design Commission an opportunity to respond to it, that also may preclude an appeal to LUBA on that issue.

Recording the final decision. If this Land Use Review is approved the final decision must be recorded with the Multnomah County Recorder. A few days prior to the last day to appeal, the City will mail instructions to the applicant for recording the documents associated with their final land use decision. • Unless appealed, The final decision may be recorded on or after Friday, September 18, 2015. – (the day following the last day to appeal). • A building or zoning permit will be issued only after the final decision is recorded.

The applicant, builder, or a representative may record the final decision as follows:

Decision Notice for LU 15-189159 DZ: Signage and Wayfinding Alterations Page 8

• By Mail: Send the two recording sheets (sent in separate mailing) and the final Land Use Review decision with a check made payable to the Multnomah County Recorder to: Multnomah County Recorder, P.O. Box 5007, Portland OR 97208. The recording fee is identified on the recording sheet. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

• In Person: Bring the two recording sheets (sent in separate mailing) and the final Land Use Review decision with a check made payable to the Multnomah County Recorder to the County Recorder’s office located at 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard, #158, Portland OR 97214. The recording fee is identified on the recording sheet.

For further information on recording, please call the County Recorder at 503-988-3034 For further information on your recording documents please call the Bureau of Development Services Land Use Services Division at 503-823-0625.

Expiration of this approval. An approval expires three years from the date the final decision is rendered unless a building permit has been issued, or the approved activity has begun.

Where a site has received approval for multiple developments, and a building permit is not issued for all of the approved development within three years of the date of the final decision, a new land use review will be required before a permit will be issued for the remaining development, subject to the Zoning Code in effect at that time.

Applying for your permits. A building permit, occupancy permit, or development permit may be required before carrying out an approved project. At the time they apply for a permit, permittees must demonstrate compliance with:

• All conditions imposed herein; • All applicable development standards, unless specifically exempted as part of this land use review; • All requirements of the building code; and • All provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Portland, and all other applicable ordinances, provisions and regulations of the City.


A. Applicant’s Statement 9. Flags: Photo-Sim Rendering and B. Zoning Map (attached) Design C. Plans/Drawings: D. Notification information: 1. Site Plan (attached) 1. Mailing list 2. Sign Type B: Elevation and Details 2. Mailed notice (attached) E. Agency Responses: 3. Sign Type B: Location Plan 1. Water Bureau: Terry Wenz: July 28, 4. Sign Type B: Layouts and Colors 2015. 5. Sign Type P1 and P2: Details and F. Correspondence: Location (attached) 1. Valeria Ramirez, Chief Operating 6. Sign Type R: Elevation and Location Officer Portland Opera: July 27, (attached) 2015. 7. Sign Type V1: Elevation and G. Other: Location 1. Original LU Application 8. Sign Type V2, V3 and V4: Elevation, 2. Oregon Historic Site Record Details and Location (attached)

The Bureau of Development Services is committed to providing equal access to information and hearings. Please notify us no less than five business days prior to the event if you need special accommodations. Call 503-823-7300 (TTY 503-823-6868)