Newsletter Lra:Yr
Volume 26, Number 1 Armenian Bar Association - Winter, 2015 NEWSLETTER LRA:YR: A Publication for Members and Friends of the Armenian Bar Association Volume 26, Number 1 Winter, 2015 ARMENIAN GENOCIDE CENTENNIAL ISSUE years and decades to come, in picture after ing us the way. Because they did not give Chairman’s Message picture, it was one visual dirge, one unmiti- up, because they believed, then we will not Armen K. Hovannisian gated lament after another, a funeral pro- give up and we will believe. cession that lasted for nearly all of her 91 With the stories of these girls embedded years. in my life and the stories of your families Fifty years in this country and she still engraved in yours, we must see to it that The two girls were born three months spoke English in choppy sentences, mis- the chronic pain and continuing effects of and three hundred miles apart in 1909, one conjugated verbs and mixed-up tenses, the Genocide are not dehumanized, that in Kharpert’s Kessrik village and the oth- outstretched arms and expressive eyes. they are not examined only analytically er in Ordu’s seaside hills and dales. Soon She went to no schools in America, made and scientifically, that their significance is enough, my grandmothers as girls were to no friends, played no games. She bent her never lost or forgotten. Though it is now have little in common and were to become, back, swallowed her pride, and went to a hardening scab, we cannot let the bleed- by circumstance, distant strangers in fate work in Fresno’s fields.
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