Increased Levels of Proneurotensin/ Neuromedin N mRNA in Rat and Accumbens Induced by 7-OH-DPAT and Nafadotride Beth Levant, Ph.D., Bina Garimelli, B.S., Rose A. Shafer, Ph.D., and Kalpana M. Merchant, Ph.D.

The D3 receptor has been proposed as a potential mRNA levels in the shell and site. In this study, the effects of the dorsomedial to levels comparable to those

D3-preferring compounds 7-OH-DPAT and nafadotride on produced by . Nafadotride also increased proNT/N levels of proneurotensin/neuromedin N (proNT/N) were mRNA in the anterior and dorsal caudate but to a lesser assessed. Adult, male, Sprague-Dawley rats were injected extent than haloperidol. These data indicate that 7-OH- subcutaneously (s.c.) with the agonist 7-OH-DPAT (0.1 DPAT and nafadotride increase proNT/N mRNA levels in mg/kg) or antagonist nafadotride (1 mg/kg) at doses areas affected by antipsychotic drugs and suggest that previously shown to produce negligible occupancy of D2 the D3 receptor may regulate proNT/N mRNA expression receptors in vivo. As a positive control, an additional group in the nucleus accumbens shell. of animals was treated with haloperidol (3 mg/kg, s.c.). [Neuropsychopharmacology 21:304–311, 1999] © 1999 ProNT/N mRNA levels were determined by in situ American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Published hybridization. 7-OH-DPAT increased proNT/N mRNA in by Elsevier Science Inc. the nucleus accumbens shell. Nafadotride increased proNT/N

KEY WORDS: D3 ; 7-OH-DPAT; present in roughly 10-fold lower density than D1 or D2 Nafadotride; ; Striatum; Nucleus accumbens receptors, the D3 receptor is of particular interest be- cause it is expressed primarily in brain regions such as The D dopamine receptor, cloned in 1990 by Sokoloff 3 the nucleus accumbens, , and islands and colleagues, is similar in sequence and pharmacol- of Calleja (Bouthenet et al. 1991; Bancroft et al. 1998), ogy to the D receptor (Sokoloff et al. 1990). Although 2 terminal fields of the mesolimbic dopamine projection that has been hypothesized to mediate psychotic symp-

toms (Stevens 1973). Unlike the D2 receptor, only very From the Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Thera- low densities of D3 receptors are detected in either the peutics (BL, RAS), University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas caudate nucleus or the pituitary, brain areas associated City, KS; Department of Biological Sciences (BG), Western Michigan with the untoward neurological and endocrine effects, University Kalamazoo, MI; and Pharmacia & Upjohn (KMM), Kalamazoo, MI. respectively, associated with most conventional anti- Address correspondence to: Beth Levant, Ph.D., Department of psychotics. These observations suggest that the D3 re- Pharmacology, University of Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow ceptor, alone or in conjunction with other receptors, Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160–7417. Received October 13, 1998; revised February 8, 1999; accepted may be a target for novel antipsychotic drugs with an February 15, 1999. improved side effect profile (Sokoloff et al. 1990).

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 21, NO. 2 © 1999 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 0893-133X/99/$–see front matter 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S0893-133X(99)00033-0

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 21, NO. 2 7-OH-DPAT, Nafadotride Effects on ProNT/N mRNA 305

Although it is well established that clinically effica- cle. As a positive control and for the purposes of com- cious antipsychotic drugs are dopamine antagonists parison, an additional group of rats was treated with (for review see Seeman 1981), it is likely that the thera- haloperidol (3 mg/kg, s.c.) in 0.3% tartaric acid vehicle. peutic effects of these drugs are not mediated solely by Control animals were treated with 0.3% tartaric acid in dopamine receptors. Considerable evidence suggests saline. All drugs were administered in a volume of 1 that the neurotensin (NT) ml/kg. Rats were sacrificed by decapitation three hours may also play a role in the pharmacological effects of after drug treatment. Maximal induction of proNT/T antipsychotic drugs (for review see Nemeroff et al. mRNA by haloperidol has been previously shown to 1992). Of note, the behavioral and physiological effects occur within three hours after treatment (Merchant et of NT in animals are similar to those produced by an- al. 1992b). Given the relatively short half-lives of 7-OH- tipsychotic drugs. Moreover, NT concentrations in the DPAT and nafadotride in previous studies (Levant et cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of some schizophrenic pa- al. 1996; Levant and Vansell 1997), the three hour time tients is lower than that of controls. Treatment of these point was selected for all compounds tested. Following patients with antipsychotic drugs is associated with in- decapitation, were rapidly removed, frozen in creases in CSF NT concentrations to control levels. Sim- isopentane, and stored at Ϫ70ЊC. ilarly, both acute and chronic treatment with typical an- tipsychotic drugs, such as haloperidol, increase NT In Situ Hybridization Histochemistry concentrations and density of proneurotensin/neurome- din N (proNT/N) mRNA, the mRNA encoding NT, in Details of proNT/T mRNA detection by in situ hybrid- specific brain regions, most notably the nucleus accum- ization histochemistry are published previously (Mer- bens and caudate nucleus, of the rat (Govoni et al. 1980; chant et al. 1992b). Briefly, coronal sections (20 ␮m) Merchant et al. 1991). These observations suggest that were cut at the level of the nucleus accumbens and cau- antipsychotic drugs produce an increase in regional NT date- (Bregma 2.20 mm-Bregma 0.9 mm) using concentrations that results, at least in part, from an in- Leica Jung Frigocut 2800N motor-driven cryostat and crease in biosynthesis (Merchant et al. 1992a, 1994b). thaw-mounted, two per slide, onto Superfrost/Plus A previous study using the antipsychotic drug halo- glass slides (Fisher, Pittsburgh, PA). Slide-mounted sec- peridol suggests that, in contrast to D2 blockade, block- tions were post-fixed in paraformaldehyde, acetylated, ade of D3 receptors may decrease levels of proNT/N delipidated, and dehydrated. Sections were then hy- mRNA (Diaz et al. 1994). This observation suggests that bridized overnight with a saturating concentration of a 35 blockade of D3 sites may ultimately decrease NT neu- S-labeled cRNA probe complementary to nucleotides rotransmission in some brain areas. Since the cloning of 626–961 of the proNT/N mRNA. Hybridization solu- the D3 site, several D3-preferring compounds have been tion was made up in Tris-EDTA buffer (pH 7.4) contain- identified including the agonist 7-OH-DPAT and antag- ing 0.3 M NaCl and 50% formamide. After an overnight onist nafadotride. In this study, the effects of 7-OH- incubation in a humid chamber, sections were treated DPAT and nafadotride on proNT/N mRNA levels in with RNase A prior to high stringency washes in 0.1X rat striatum and nucleus accumbens were assessed. We SSC at 55ЊC. Slides were then dehydrated through a will show that 7-OH-DPAT increased the density of graded series and air dried. proNT/N mRNA in the nucleus accumbens shell while Slides were apposed to Kodak Bio-Max film (East- nafadotride increased proNT/N mRNA levels in the man-Kodak, Rochester, NY) for seven days. Films were nucleus accumbens shell and dorsal striatal regions. developed according to the manufacturer’s instruc- tions. Slides were subsequently coated with Kodak NTB2 emulsion, exposed for three weeks, developed, MATERIALS AND METHODS and counterstained with Cresyl violet for microscopic analysis. A 35S-labeled cRNA sense probe produced All experiments were carried out in accordance with negligible hybridization signal (Merchant et al. 1992b). the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Ani- mals. All efforts were made to minimize animal suffer- Data Analysis ing, to reduce the number of animals used, and to uti- lize alternatives to in vivo techniques. Hybridization signal was considered to be specific if it was bilaterally symmetrical and consistent from section to section and from brain to brain. Autoradiograms Drug Treatments were quantified according to the methods of Chesselet Adult, male Sprague Dawley rats (200–250 g; Harlan and Weiss-Wunder (1994). Autoradiographic images Sprague-Dawley, Indianapolis, IN; n ϭ 5–7 per group) were digitized and quantified using the Macintosh- were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) with 7-OH-DPAT based video densitometry program NIH “Image” ver- (0.1 mg/kg) or l-nafadotride (1 mg/kg) in saline vehi- sion 1.61. An optical density (OD) standard curve was

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alterations in proNT/N mRNA levels were assumed to be significant at p Ͻ .05.

Drugs 7-OH-DPAT (7-hydroxy-diphenylaminotetralin) and haloperidol were obtained from RBI, Inc. (Natick, MA). l-Nafadotride was generously supplied by Dr. Pierre Sokoloff (INSERM, Paris).


Figure 1. Schematic illustration of brain areas sampled for ProNT/N mRNA levels were determined in the stria- quantitative analysis of proneurotensin/neuromedin N tum and nucleus accumbens of rats treated with the ag- mRNA. Autoradiograms were quantified by volume analy- sis in subregions of the caudate-putamen and nucleus onist 7-OH-DPAT or the antagonist nafadotride. The ef- accumbens. Hybridization signal optical densities were fects of 7-OH-DPAT and nafadotride were compared measured in duplicate sections at four levels through the with those of haloperidol. forebrain with two anterior levels at Bregma 2.20–2.00 mm As previously described (Levant et al. 1992; Merchant and two posterior levels at Bregma 1.50–0.9 mm. The et al. 1992a), in vehicle-treated, control animals, proNT/ nucleus accumbens was divided into shell and core. The N mRNA hybridization signal was observed primarily caudate-putamen was divided into six subregions: anterior in the nucleus accumbens shell (Figure 2). A somewhat (a), dorsomedial (dm), dorsal (d), lateral (l), medial (m), and lower level of proNT/N mRNA was observed in the ventral (v). nucleus accumbens core. ProNT/N mRNA signal was low to very low in the caudate-putamen of control animals. generated using a Kodak Step Tablet. A best-fit curve of In animals treated with the agonist 7-OH-DPAT (0.1 optical density was generated using a Rodbard plot. mg/kg), a significant increase in proNT/N mRNA to Brain regions were identified in cresyl violet-stained 150% of control was observed in the nucleus accumbens sections according to the atlas of Paxinos and Watson shell (Figure 3). ProNT/N mRNA levels were not al- (1986). Autoradiograms were sampled bilaterally. Mea- tered in the nucleus accumbens core or caudate-puta- surements represent average pixel optical density by men following treatment with the agonist. volume analysis. Pixel size was calibrated to 5.9 ␮m2. Treatment with the antagonist nafadotride (1 mg/kg) Optical densities were measured in duplicate sections induced significant increases in proNT/N mRNA lev- at four levels through the forebrain with two anterior els in nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen. In the levels between Bregma 2.20 and 2.00 mm and two pos- nucleus accumbens shell, proNT/N mRNA signal was terior levels between Bregma 1.50 mm and 0.9 mm. Op- increased to 150% of control (Figure 3). In the caudate- tical density values from each animal were averaged putamen, proNT/N mRNA signal was increased roughly and background hybridization signal subtracted. Back- 2- and 4-fold, respectively, in the dorsomedial and ground hybridization signal was sampled in frontal dorsal portions of the nucleus relative to control (Figure cortex where proNT/N mRNA is not expressed. To 4). ProNT/N mRNA levels were not altered in the nu- best describe to effects of the compounds tested on cleus accumbens core, anterior, lateral, medial, or ven- proNT/N mRNA expression in the caudate-putamen, tral caudate-putamen following treatment with the an- the brain region was subdivided into six subregions for tagonist. sampling purposes as shown in Figure 1. Because OD As previously described (Merchant et al. 1991, values for the two anterior levels and posterior levels 1992b), the antipsychotic drug haloperidol produced in- were not significantly different, as analyzed by ANOVA creases in proNT/N mRNA levels in nucleus and cau- (see below), data from the anterior and posterior levels, date-putamen. ProNT/N mRNA was increased 1.8- repsectively, were pooled for subsequent analysis. and 2.7-fold in the nucleus accumbens shell and core, respectively, relative to controls (Figure 3). ProNT/N mRNA levels in the anterior, dorsal, and lateral cau- Statistics date-putamen were increased to roughly 10-fold that Quantitative data from autoradiograms are expressed observed in controls (Figure 4). Increases in proNT/N as the mean Ϯ S.E.M. Data were analyzed for statisti- mRNA signal of 2.5- and 4-fold, respectively, were ob- cally significant effects with planned comparisons for served in the dorsomedial and medial portions of the each brain region by ANOVA followed by the Student- caudate nucleus. The increases in the levels of proNT/N Newman-Keuls multiple comparisons test. Drug-induced mRNA in the anterior, dorsal, and dorsolateral portions

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 21, NO. 2 7-OH-DPAT, Nafadotride Effects on ProNT/N mRNA 307

Figure 2. Effects of 7-OH-DPAT, nafadotride, and haloperidol on the density of proneurotensin/neuromedin N mRNA in the caudate-putamen and nucleus accumbens. Rats were treated with (A) vehicle, (B) 7-OH-DPAT (0.1 mg/kg), (C) nafado- tride (1 mg/kg), or (D) haloperidol (3 mg/kg). The effects of drug treatment on proNT/N mRNA levels were determined 3 hrs after treatment. In situ hybridization for proNT/N mRNA was performed as described in “Material and Methods.” Ante- rior sections shown are at approximately Bregma 2.10 mm, posterior sections at approximately Bregma 1.00 mm.

308 B. Levant et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 21, NO. 2

Figure 3. Quantification of the effects of 7-OH-DPAT, nafadotride, and haloperi- dol on the density of proneurotensin/ neuromedin N mRNA in the nucleus accumbens. The intensity of proNT/N mRNA hybridization signal was quanti- fied by volume analysis in subregions of the nucleus accumbens as indicated in Figure 1. Autoradiograms from dupli- cate brain sections were sampled bilater- ally at four levels through the forebrain (Bregma 2.20–0.9 mm). Data represent the mean Ϯ S.E.M.; n ϭ 5 to 7 animals per group. *p Ͻ .05, **p Ͻ .01 vs. vehicle; †p Ͻ .01 vs. nafadotride by ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls multiple com- parisons test.

of the caudate were significantly greater in magnitude drugs is well established (for review see Nemeroff et al. than those observed in animals treated with nafadot- 1992); however, the roles of the novel dopamine recep- ride. The level of proNT/N mRNA in the ventral por- tors in modulation of regional NT concentrations has tion of the caudate nucleus was not altered by treat- yet to be determined. A previous study using high ment with haloperidol. doses of haloperidol suggested that blockade of the D3 receptor might decrease levels of proNT/N mRNA in the nucleus accumbens shell (Diaz et al. 1994). Accord- DISCUSSION ingly, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of

D3-preferring compounds on proNT/N mRNA levels Modulation of NT and proNT/N mRNA in the stria- in specific brain regions as determined by in situ hy- tum and nucleus accumbens by antidopaminergic bridization.

Figure 4. Quantification of the effects of 7-OH-DPAT, nafadotride, and haloperidol on the density of proneurotensin/neu- romedin N mRNA in the caudate-putamen. The intensity of proNT/N mRNA hybridization signal was quantified by vol- ume analysis in subregions of the caudate-putamen as indicated in Figure 1. Autoradiograms from duplicate brain sections were sampled bilaterally at four levels through the forebrain (Bregma 2.20–0.9 mm). Data represent the mean Ϯ S.E.M.; n ϭ 5 to 7 animals per group. *p Ͻ .05, **p Ͻ .01 vs. vehicle; †p Ͻ .01 vs. nafadotride by ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls mul- tiple comparisons test.

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 21, NO. 2 7-OH-DPAT, Nafadotride Effects on ProNT/N mRNA 309

One of the primary limiting factors in the study of localized in the mediodorsal striatum as well as in the the functional role of the D3 receptor has been a lack of nucleus accumbens (Bancroft et al. 1998). Likewise, al- selective pharmacological tools. Although several D3-pre- terations in the activity of ascending pathways from the ferring agonists and antagonists, including 7-OH-DPAT , which also expresses D3 sites (Levant and nafadotride, have been identified, the D2/D3 selec- 1998), might also contribute to the effects of nafadotride tivity of these compounds in vitro has been controver- on striatal proNT/N mRNA levels. While it may seem sial (for review see Levant 1997). To aid in elucidating contradictory that an agonist and an antagonist might the functional role of the D3 receptor, we performed in both increase proNT/N mRNA levels in the accumbal vivo occupancy studies to determine doses of 7-OH- shell, the indirect agonist also produces DPAT and nafadotride that lack interaction with striatal substantial increases in NT concentration and proNT/

D2-like receptors in vivo following systemic administra- mRNA levels in the nucleus accumbens and caudate tion (Levant et al. 1996; Levant and Vansell 1997). These nucleus but in a different population of cells than those studies indicate that 7-OH-DPAT produced significant affected by haloperidol (Merchant et al. 1987, 1994b). occupancy of striatal D2 receptors only when adminis- Accordingly, nafadotride and 7-OH-DPAT might in- tered at doses у1 mg/kg (s.c.) in rats; nafadotride, at crease proNT/mRNA levels in different cell types. doses у10 mg/kg (s.c.). Because in vivo occupancy Alternatively, the regional similarity between the ef- studies may underestimate the interaction of a drug fects of nafadotride and haloperidol on proNT/N mRNA with a receptor, the doses selected for use in this study levels raises the question of whether this dose of nafadot- were behaviorally active doses 10-fold lower than the ride is entirely selective for the D3 receptor. As such, the lowest dose required to produce significant occupancy effects of nafadotride, which exhibits 10-fold D3/D2-selec- of D2 receptors. Thus, these doses may be considered to tivity in vitro (Sautel et al. 1995), on proNT/N mRNA be putatively D3-selective. could be due to blockade of D2 receptors. Of note, nafadot- The agonist 7-OH-DPAT, used at a dose that inhibits ride produced stimulation of locomotor behavior in both locomotor activity (Daly and Waddington 1993; Ahle- D3 receptor knockout and wild-type mice suggesting pos- nius and Salmi 1994; Khroyan et al. 1995), produced a sible activity at D2, or other, receptors (Koeltzow et al. significant increase in proNT/N mRNA level selec- 1998). Should nafadotride prove to be acting at D2 and D3 tively in the nucleus accumbens shell. This observation receptors, the smaller magnitude of the increases in concurs with those of Tremblay et al. (1997) which indi- proNT/N mRNA levels produced by nafadotride com- cated that D3 receptor antisense decreased proNT/N pared to haloperidol could be due to the combined effects mRNA levels in the accumbal shell thus providing ad- of stimulation of proNT/N mRNA expression mediated ditional evidence for a role for the D3 receptor in the by D2 blockade and inhibition of expression mediated by modulation of NT in this brain area. As drug-induced D3 blockade (Diaz et al. 1994; Tremblay et al. 1997). On the increases in proNT/N mRNA has been shown to pre- other hand, the differences in the effects of nafadotride cede increases in regional NT concentration (Merchant and haloperidol may simply be dose-related. The dose of et al. 1991; Levant et al. 1992), it is likely that this in- haloperidol used in this study should produce nearly crease in proNT/N mRNA would result in increased 100% occupancy of D2-like receptors in vivo (Matsubara et NT content in the accumbal shell and ultimately an in- al. 1993), and thus produce near-maximal to maximal ef- crease in NT neurotransmission. Interestingly, centrally fects on regional expression to proNT/N mRNA. Because administered NT also decreases locomotor activity in of the limitations imposed in this study by selecting a pu- rats (Rinkel et al. 1983; Elliott et al. 1986). Thus, alter- tatively “D3-selective” dose of nafadotride, it is likely that ations in NT neurotransmission may play an intermedi- the dose selected is blocking a smaller percentage of ary role in 7-OH-DPAT-mediated effects on locomo- D3 and/or D2 sites. Thus, the haloperidol-mediated in- tion. Moreover, the effects of 7-OH-DPAT are in clear creases in proNT/N mRNA in the nucleus accumbens contrast to the effects of , a D2/D3 receptor core, and anterior, medial, and lateral caudate, which agonist that increases locomotor activity (Dall et al. were not observed following nafadotride treatment, may

1988; Eilam and Szechtman 1989) and decreases NT be the result of greater D2 receptor blockade. It must be concentrations in both the nucleus accumbens and stri- noted, however, although the interaction of haloperidol atum (Merchant et al. 1989) further supporting selective with the D2 receptor in vivo has been clearly demonstrated actions of 7-OH-DPAT at the D3 site. (Matsubara et al. 1993), the percentage of D3 sites occupied Treatment with the antagonist nafadotride signifi- in vivo by either haloperidol or nafadotride is not known. cantly increased proNT/N mRNA levels in the nucleus As such, the contribution of D3 blockade to the observed accumbens shell and the dorsal and mediodorsal stria- effects of either compound on proNT/N mRNA levels tum. Unlike D2 receptor antagonists which inhibit loco- cannot currently be discerned. motor activity in rats, nafadotride, at the dose used in While the effects of nafadotride and haloperidol on this study, increased locomotor activity (Sautel et al. proNT/N mRNA expression were quite similar, it must

1995) suggesting selective activity at D3 sites which are be noted that although D2-like receptor antagonists ap- 310 B. Levant et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1999–VOL. 21, NO. 2

pear to produce a common pattern alterations in proNT/ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS N mRNA levels or NT content (Nemeroff et al. 1992), the role of D2 blockade in these effects has not been defini- The authors thank Dr. Pierre Sokoloff (INSERM, Paris) for tively demonstrated. For example, BMY 14802, a sigma providing us with nafadotride. Supported by NIMH site ligand purported to lack activity, pro- MH52839 (B.L.) and the Stanley Foundation (K.M.M.). duced increases in NT concentration and proNT/N mRNA that were similar to those produced by haloperi- REFERENCES dol in both regional distribution and magnitude (Levant and Nemeroff 1990; Levant et al. 1992). Likewise, CI-943, Ahlenius S, Salmi P (1994): Behavioral and biochemical a putative antipsychotic with negligible affinity for a vari- effects of the dopamine D3-selective ligand 7-OH-DPAT ety of sites including dopamine receptors, also increased in the normal and reserpine-treated rat. Eur. J. Pharma- NT content in nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen col. 260:171–181 (Levant et al. 1991a). Thus, if the dose of nafadotride used Bancroft GN, Morgan KA, Flietstra RJ, Levant B (1998): Bind- 3 in this study proves to lack activity at D2 receptors as sug- ing of [ H]PD 128907, a putatively selective ligand for gested by behavioral and in vivo occupancy studies (Sau- the D3 dopamine receptor, in rat brain: A receptor bind- tel et al. 1995; Levant and Vansell 1997), the effects of ing and quantitative autoradiographic study. Neuro 18:305–316 nafadotride, and perhaps haloperidol and other antipsy- chotics, could be mediated by some other, as yet undeter- Bouthenet ML, Souil E, Martres MP, Sokoloff P, Giros B, Schwartz JC (1991): Localization of dopamine D3 recep- mined, mechanism. tor mRNA in the rat brain using in situ hybridization Previous studies suggest that antipsychotic drugs histochemistry: comparison with dopamine D2 receptor produce specific patterns of alterations in regional NT mRNA. Brain Res 564:203–219 concentrations or levels of proNT/N mRNA. In rats, Chesselet M-F, Weiss-Wunder LT (1994): Quantification of in both acute and chronic treatment with typical antipsy- situ hybridization histochemistry. 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Interestingly, , a Daly SA, Waddington JL (1993): Behavioural effects of the highly efficacious antipsychotic with negligible inci- putative D-3 dopamine receptor agonist 7-OH-DPAT in dence of extrapyramidal effects (Gerlach 1991), in- relation to other “D-2-like” agonists. Neuropharmacol- creases NT concentrations and proNT/N mRNA levels ogy 32:509–510 in the nucleus accumbens but not in the caudate nucleus Diaz J, Lévesque D, Griffon N, Lammers CH, Martres MP, (Kilts et al. 1988; Merchant and Dorsa 1993; Merchant et Sokoloff P, Schwartz JC (1994): Opposing roles for dopamine D2 and D3 receptors on neurotensin mRNA al. 1992b, 1994a). Accordingly, it has been hypothesized expression in nucleus accumbens. Eur J Neurosci that drug-induced increases in the concentrations of NT 6:1384–1387 or proNT/N mRNA, particularly in the nucleus accum- Eilam D, Szechtman H (1989): Biphasic effect of D-2 agonist bens, may be associated with antipsychotic activity quinpirole on locomotion and movements. Eur J Phar- (Kilts et al. 1988). The results of this study indicate that macol 161:151–157 7-OH-DPAT and nafadotride alter proNT/N mRNA Elliott PJ, Chan J, Parker Y-M, Nemeroff CB (1986): Behav- levels in brain areas associated with antipsychotic activ- ioral effects of neurotensin in the open field: Structure- ity. The functional relevance of drug-induced alter- activity studies. Brain Res 381:259–265 ations in NT expression, however, requires further elu- Gerlach J (1991): New : Classification, efficacy, cidation. Future study must determine the functional and adverse effects. 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