Oiliessfiill Ilireuions Wstb Each '" Tne COMMISSION ME11CIIANTS "U'aipole, U.-- Siouiacti.As PR0DUCE JACKSON, N
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I . 71 (ur TU1 LLATION OF AEW HaMPSIIIP.K. The and IN b,lio"- - A has let'ii the case heretofore, the first Te iutroductiou ot this izreat developiuent .f "VTOTICE Is hereby given that 1 have , MOTT'S MAGIC . pilOF. returns are so far reported that the no'dica was throush a six warstri.ii in - JL cases sold to my son, Curtis Stacy the rcmaindcr ; TROF. MOTT'S MAGIC ,jav of our annual Fair opened rainy Xpw "tluate usually rouml aiiiong the poor, and G l X and llampshire m by "mi-th- E W 0 0 D S nf liic in!?mrit ntifl clinll nllini TinllP ff h? nrt rr papers put the populatlOn of mre their poor ltviiiK. ln all the eommoii p what is Powms for Cough and N cheerless : for more cheerless than a f?fatn I.hiir that of nis nor pay any ueots oi ms comracing aucr iaj. x i V 1 A 1 U 1L ' at JJ2,000,an mcreaseof only 4,000 a" toisood resuits is the iniroduciio.i r three perVct l - i bU It , , FOR late in ? Notwith-jtaiiJini- ..v.-- juw, iR-u- i Ol VIUIIUUIIV PUBJJFYING THE BIOOD. ct!d rain storm the fall ? m uiriii, aiMl a SlltllU- - X ten years. There is a falline-offi- n the ru lant as basU, produelnc on ran.i AVcst Concord, Scpt. 17, 18C0. IS DECIDED SCCCF.SI. Inert. Ti ive to the 1 And for 9-- A DECIUEI) SCCCEJs. the speedy cuxo of tho Hiljoined Torieties of world a preparatiou which you ts RECEIVED the weather, articles for exhibition ral towns arc obhjied to caution JUST Attcst Jcfferson Chase. Disease : and a gain in the manufacturing. to hbstain from where naiisea or prostration follows isnotoniyuiinaturalasa cure is mathe-matic- IT IS j and the pcople bcgan to "pour" in at an ear--h but i.gainst all ai Scrofula and Srrofalons AfTectlons,suck rortsmouth has shrunk a little. Iaws of If you c.timot make a a or your coimnon EW GOODS! BEAUTIFUL, Tuiaors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptionn, hour. eiiemy coin.kiint and use a constant weapon to at Pimplia, urlve by w N Pustulec, Blotcheti, BoUa, "New York itout a constant appiication ithout fear ot nau- - ELEOANT, Blalus, The great fcature of the Vill Follow Maine." sea or prostration. then yourcoinpialnt wlll hold itspol- - The subscribcrs have just rcceivcd a new and and all Skln Diacaacs. morning was the tioii your ' and syMein is beins debilitated and the om- - large of Crockcry and Glass Warc, DEL1GI11FUL. , Oakusp, Ind., 6th June, 1859. Frank B. Spinola telegraphed from Maine : plalnt ' assortment anival of town teams. The St. becotnes chronic. In the I'nlversalCouzh Rin,...iv which will .... Johr.sbury bc sold at rcduccd priccs. Mott6 Magic Hair lnvigorator ' kiiowlt-- what your "Dougltts is here surrounded by w STAXTON & is.raj.arilla has done for nis. r.uir.bercd forty-seve- n 30,000 BLINN'Si E. F. & L. P. BROAVN. llavin- - iiiherite,l u team sone yoke of Is only Scrofulous iufection. 1 have iufferef" the artkle 1 troui it in various ways for vouner eiants: Maim is nrp Tn Ut ytarg. SonieUmw it o O a n our irieims eii(lor&e our by Kor Restoring Hair to ltald heaiN, 1.1,-er- s burtt which was attached ' lilli ren.arks trial on ull Thr.n' ! I out in on my lwnda cattleto a "triumphal 1 "1 . ?..""l'"''n. and arnu; i J prevetitlng irom tallingoil', somrUnies r i.uniior Jlronchial Consplaints, and bcfore doinir o nro-cu- A N T E D For the Hair it i tunied lnward distressed ine ijougias Lonvenuon resnonded : "New and read the pamphlots to be on thc Corncr of Central and Main aud mc at thc stomach. Twc or teet i lound with our Strvcts, i rar" tinrty lorty leng, and high and ordealers.aiid buyiiiKonlyofMichai jears :u;o ii l.roko out on xnv head aud covtred my scalp they cn relyiipn Jolin-sbury- , w iuiA. wm iuuuw course" St. Vt. 500 Bnt-tc- For dresslng the liair, , and ears ith one sore. w hich was paiuful in proportion, .uaine. "In she toKetthe Kemiine;t;ie!i the endorsemni will be i0Ui By the subscriber, tubs extra quality r and loathsoma Lroail which was filled and d curling hair, Uyoiid 1 trii-- will. real and the resulth Vrfect. in tubs not larger than 50 lbs., for which the For th .Iwnption. many uiediciiiea and ceTeral See wlVfrUneiuciit. y-- i ry5imus. lut withont niuch relit-- f fmm nni-tl,t- n t- covercd with stock, agricultural products will 1000 mix-c- d - and highest market price be paid. doz. 111G1IL ! Uis-rde- r THAT IS YPERFCMED lact, tlie grew oro. At Ungtli socks, white tocs and tops, good size and well I was rejoiced farming implements. Other town teams were ff5" The Great Eastern, now IIiubick's Pii ls, Kvery person in world houId use to lead iu the tioel Meswnger that vou had prepared apparently To knit, before of the qtiiet the first day Octobcr or Novcmber an alterativo (Sarsiparilla), for I knew from your reputa-tio- n from destined Thc l exptcted Waterford and Barnet, but we for the American trade, is to leave iot next, in exchange for goods at thc lowest cash MOTT'S that auy thtus jou niado muat U pood. I sent to Of diseaso the vile scourc. Cinrinti.itiandmt it, and used it till it so Kngland for Hrri. l- lOI ..!. ., prics. cured me. I took to press early that we raust leave the New York in Oclober, and will FfJLL PARTICULARS XEXT AVEEK ! MAGIC it. as ou iidvix, in bniall doses ol" p A: d a- - sure n: ou live Farmers that arc doing or wish to do a ready-pa- y a teafpoonful overa . in'niJh, nnd liL-re- Ket-i- twd almost tliree lottles. New and healthj-skii- i thence go to Norfolk, Va., to It will lr. (iischarKU. I can assort-men- ts HAIlt n'port see if after all business, find herc one of the bcst wioii hegan to form llt l rnk's SuKar Coatcd J'ilN Mi'rtle the world with their under the tcsb. which after a cures; purely of goods in Northem Vermont, which is INYIGOllATOK. w liile fell o!T. My .kin is i:ow clear, I their clamor, the Southerners can make up a cannot lmrt an e.iual-- 1 and know by my applicable tor inUriu ! adapted to thc wants of cvery farmer andmechan-ic-, feelinss that dijt-as- gono oldafu. 25 cts. per box. See ad-- AND 0 L S tlie has from ruv Fvetcm. You i I Sold by Druyyists, Fun in St. Louis. cargo for her. vurtiseuieutou third page. V1UNTS embracing everything usually kept in a coun-r- y can well lielicvo th.it I feel what 1 nm saying when I ttll hold 1 AVhitc I.cad, storc. Great attention is paid to the sclec-io- n Sold by eccry slorckecper, yu, that I you to one of the apostles of the are, uaJ reiuain cv cr gratefully. tt?" In Indiana.during the last few weeks, Danrerotin Counferfcils. lTL'llCll of Sold Evayichcrc. Youre, Some wags in St. Louis have been enjoy-ir- g nic. ALFHED II. TALLEY. IIOTSEKtM'UiS nLWKE! Florence and Italian White, themselves by getting thirty persons have been killed or maimed TEAS, TOjLICCOS, lt can truly be rail and certitlcates can be shown lo at-te- st St. Anthonj 'g Plrc. Rose up a "Prince of Of all the impobitioiis practited upon tlie uiisuspectlnt: Hainpdcn Green, to the assertloii that tho or Erjrsipelas, for life, owing to publie bv HUKcrupuloUs nien, those i:i re,-.tr-d to articleH Tcttcr aml Salt Rhcuut, Scald Head, Wak's urrival." On Wednesday carelessness or inexperience u Furniture. Coacli and Damar Varnisli, Provisions. and all kinds of Doine$.tic Goods. A llingvvorni, morning coniiected our dally er Sorc ith bread are the inost vile. We ie-f- Tnrpentine, Magic llair lnvigorator Eyts, Dropay. partliulariy to large assortment of rustom-mad- e Uoots t in using threshing machines. Near Water- - the cminlii;;!y ot up but poisonou-- i and Dr. llolK-r- M. iTehle writes from flcm. X. Y 12th iwsters appeared stating that the Prince Jajie's J vi.e' Uikih: SAit:KaTus. Ihe justly All kinds Fancv Paints, Ihushes. Graincrs, Shocs on hand, and w ill bc made to to Btands unrivalled in the wholecatalosue of hair reniedies. lsjy. wliie-preii- inca.sure that lie has cun-- an invetcrate case ucquired and d reptitatioii ol U Ideal' of the and Is Used In thehi(;h-es- of uld arrive, via ' town' N Y" Iast week' a farmer named this ai ticle. ISlcntlers, ivc . .vc., hoiu ciieap. at fit any man, woman or child, at shoit notice, lt the "Beau toilet t Hropsy. which threateaod to the Acton and Chicaeo from its purily and Mrtiinth' has broiiKlit inullitudes and circles of suciety. terminate fatally, by tho 0 r E. F. & L. P. u-- e ofiuiitatioiis: and .oun-Krocc- retouimeiiil tlu-i- bew.uiM- - Jtf UROWN'S. warranted. Clothing made to order and warrant-e- d lTsvTiiis of our .'japarilla. aud also a daoger-o-u clock : Hathaway.aged 50 years, was drawn into the road. at nine 0 also civintr a nro- - mvj uj itniui; uiriii, iiiase a piolll on to lit. Ladies and Gents, attack t.r .KXgnant ErusijKlas by largo doses of th i lare &v cyhnder of one of these machines aiul killpfl !,0Vr.?r,I.cIe: ot.,j'J thc c.,ior .f thfpaper imiuted tays he cures tho comuiou Erurtiom by it y.