I . 71 (ur TU1 LLATION OF AEW HaMPSIIIP.K. The and IN b,lio"- - A has let'ii the case heretofore, the first Te iutroductiou ot this izreat developiuent .f "VTOTICE Is hereby given that 1 have , MOTT'S MAGIC . pilOF. returns are so far reported that the no'dica was throush a six warstri.ii in - JL cases sold to my son, Curtis Stacy the rcmaindcr ; TROF. MOTT'S MAGIC ,jav of our annual Fair opened rainy Xpw "tluate usually rouml aiiiong the poor, and G l X and llampshire m by "mi-th- E W 0 0 D S nf liic in!?mrit ntifl clinll nllini TinllP ff h? nrt rr papers put the populatlOn of mre their poor ltviiiK. ln all the eommoii p what is Powms for Cough and N cheerless : for more cheerless than a f?fatn I.hiir that of nis nor pay any ueots oi ms comracing aucr iaj. x i V 1 A 1 U 1L ' at JJ2,000,an mcreaseof only 4,000 a" toisood resuits is the iniroduciio.i r three perVct l - i bU It , , FOR late in ? Notwith-jtaiiJini- ..v.-- juw, iR-u- i Ol VIUIIUUIIV PUBJJFYING THE BIOOD. ct!d rain storm the fall ? m uiriii, aiMl a SlltllU- - X ten years. There is a falline-offi- n the ru lant as basU, produelnc on ran.i AVcst Concord, Scpt. 17, 18C0. IS DECIDED SCCCF.SI. Inert. Ti ive to the 1 And for 9-- A DECIUEI) SCCCEJs. the speedy cuxo of tho Hiljoined Torieties of world a preparatiou which you ts RECEIVED the weather, articles for exhibition ral towns arc obhjied to caution JUST Attcst Jcfferson Chase. Disease : and a gain in the manufacturing. to hbstain from where naiisea or prostration follows isnotoniyuiinaturalasa cure is mathe-matic- IT IS j and the pcople bcgan to "pour" in at an ear--h but i.gainst all ai Scrofula and Srrofalons AfTectlons,suck rortsmouth has shrunk a little. Iaws of If you c.timot make a a or your coimnon EW GOODS! BEAUTIFUL, Tuiaors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptionn, hour. eiiemy coin.kiint and use a constant weapon to at Pimplia, urlve by w N Pustulec, Blotcheti, BoUa, " itout a constant appiication ithout fear ot nau- - ELEOANT, Blalus, The great fcature of the Vill Follow Maine." sea or prostration. then yourcoinpialnt wlll hold itspol- - The subscribcrs have just rcceivcd a new and and all Skln Diacaacs. morning was the tioii your ' and syMein is beins debilitated and the om- - large of Crockcry and Glass Warc, DEL1GI11FUL. , Oakusp, Ind., 6th June, 1859. Frank B. Spinola telegraphed from Maine : plalnt ' assortment anival of town teams. The St. becotnes chronic. In the I'nlversalCouzh Rin,...iv which will .... Johr.sbury bc sold at rcduccd priccs. Mott6 Magic Hair lnvigorator ' kiiowlt-- what your "Dougltts is here surrounded by w STAXTON & is.raj.arilla has done for nis. r.uir.bercd forty-seve- n 30,000 BLINN'Si E. F. & L. P. BROAVN. llavin- - iiiherite,l u team sone yoke of Is only Scrofulous iufection. 1 have iufferef" the artkle 1 troui it in various ways for vouner eiants: Maim is nrp Tn Ut ytarg. SonieUmw it o O a n our irieims eii(lor&e our by Kor Restoring Hair to ltald heaiN, 1.1,-er- s burtt which was attached ' lilli ren.arks trial on ull Thr.n' ! I out in on my lwnda cattleto a "triumphal 1 "1 . ?..""l'"''n. and arnu; i J prevetitlng irom tallingoil', somrUnies r i.uniior Jlronchial Consplaints, and bcfore doinir o nro-cu- A N T E D For the Hair it i tunied lnward distressed ine ijougias Lonvenuon resnonded : "New and read the pamphlots to be on thc Corncr of Central and Main aud mc at thc stomach. Twc or teet i lound with our Strvcts, i rar" tinrty lorty leng, and high and ordealers.aiid buyiiiKonlyofMichai jears :u;o ii l.roko out on xnv head aud covtred my scalp they cn relyiipn Jolin-sbury- , w iuiA. wm iuuuw course" St. Vt. 500 Bnt-tc- For dresslng the liair, , and ears ith one sore. w hich was paiuful in proportion, .uaine. "In she toKetthe Kemiine;t;ie!i the endorsemni will be i0Ui By the subscriber, tubs extra quality r and loathsoma Lroail which was filled and d curling hair, Uyoiid 1 trii-- will. real and the resulth Vrfect. in tubs not larger than 50 lbs., for which the For th .Iwnption. many uiediciiiea and ceTeral See wlVfrUneiuciit. y-- i ry5imus. lut withont niuch relit-- f fmm nni-tl,t- n t- covercd with stock, agricultural products will 1000 mix-c- d - and highest market price be paid. doz. 111G1IL ! Uis-rde- r THAT IS YPERFCMED lact, tlie grew oro. At Ungtli socks, white tocs and tops, good size and well I was rejoiced farming implements. Other town teams were ff5" The Great Eastern, now IIiubick's Pii ls, Kvery person in world houId use to lead iu the tioel Meswnger that vou had prepared apparently To knit, before of the qtiiet the first day Octobcr or Novcmber an alterativo (Sarsiparilla), for I knew from your reputa-tio- n from destined Thc l exptcted Waterford and Barnet, but we for the American trade, is to leave iot next, in exchange for goods at thc lowest cash MOTT'S that auy thtus jou niado muat U pood. I sent to Of diseaso the vile scourc. Cinrinti.itiandmt it, and used it till it so Kngland for Hrri. l- lOI ..!. ., prics. cured me. I took to press early that we raust leave the New York in Oclober, and will FfJLL PARTICULARS XEXT AVEEK ! MAGIC it. as ou iidvix, in bniall doses ol" p A: d a- - sure n: ou live Farmers that arc doing or wish to do a ready-pa- y a teafpoonful overa . in'niJh, nnd liL-re- Ket-i- twd almost tliree lottles. New and healthj-skii- i thence go to Norfolk, Va., to It will lr. (iischarKU. I can assort-men- ts HAIlt n'port see if after all business, find herc one of the bcst wioii hegan to form llt l rnk's SuKar Coatcd J'ilN Mi'rtle the world with their under the tcsb. which after a cures; purely of goods in Northem Vermont, which is INYIGOllATOK. w liile fell o!T. My .kin is i:ow clear, I their clamor, the Southerners can make up a cannot lmrt an e.iual-- 1 and know by my applicable tor inUriu ! adapted to thc wants of cvery farmer andmechan-ic-, feelinss that dijt-as- gono oldafu. 25 cts. per box. See ad-- AND 0 L S tlie has from ruv Fvetcm. You i I Sold by Druyyists, Fun in St. Louis. cargo for her. vurtiseuieutou third page. V1UNTS embracing everything usually kept in a coun-r- y can well lielicvo th.it I feel what 1 nm saying when I ttll hold 1 AVhitc I.cad, storc. Great attention is paid to the sclec-io- n Sold by eccry slorckecper, yu, that I you to one of the apostles of the are, uaJ reiuain cv cr gratefully. tt?" In .during the last few weeks, Danrerotin Counferfcils. lTL'llCll of Sold Evayichcrc. Youre, Some wags in St. Louis have been enjoy-ir- g nic. ALFHED II. TALLEY. IIOTSEKtM'UiS nLWKE! Florence and Italian White, themselves by getting thirty persons have been killed or maimed TEAS, TOjLICCOS, lt can truly be rail and certitlcates can be shown lo at-te- st St. Anthonj 'g Plrc. Rose up a "Prince of Of all the impobitioiis practited upon tlie uiisuspectlnt: Hainpdcn Green, to the assertloii that tho or Erjrsipelas, for life, owing to publie bv HUKcrupuloUs nien, those i:i re,-.tr-d to articleH Tcttcr aml Salt Rhcuut, Scald Head, Wak's urrival." On Wednesday carelessness or inexperience u Furniture. Coacli and Damar Varnisli, Provisions. and all kinds of Doine$.tic Goods. A llingvvorni, morning coniiected our dally er Sorc ith bread are the inost vile. We ie-f- Tnrpentine, Magic llair lnvigorator Eyts, Dropay. partliulariy to large assortment of rustom-mad- e Uoots t in using threshing machines. Near Water- - the cminlii;;!y ot up but poisonou-- i and Dr. llolK-r- M. iTehle writes from flcm. X. Y 12th iwsters appeared stating that the Prince Jajie's J vi.e' Uikih: SAit:KaTus. Ihe justly All kinds Fancv Paints, Ihushes. Graincrs, Shocs on hand, and w ill bc made to to Btands unrivalled in the wholecatalosue of hair reniedies. lsjy. wliie-preii- inca.sure that lie has cun-- an invetcrate case ucquired and d reptitatioii ol U Ideal' of the and Is Used In thehi(;h-es- of uld arrive, via ' town' N Y" Iast week' a farmer named this ai ticle. ISlcntlers, ivc . .vc., hoiu ciieap. at fit any man, woman or child, at shoit notice, lt the "Beau toilet t Hropsy. which threateaod to the Acton and Chicaeo from its purily and Mrtiinth' has broiiKlit inullitudes and circles of suciety. terminate fatally, by tho 0 r E. F. & L. P. u-- e ofiuiitatioiis: and .oun-Krocc- retouimeiiil tlu-i- bew.uiM- - Jtf UROWN'S. warranted. Clothing made to order and warrant-e- d lTsvTiiis of our .'japarilla. aud also a daoger-o-u clock : Hathaway.aged 50 years, was drawn into the road. at nine 0 also civintr a nro- - mvj uj itniui; uiriii, iiiase a piolll on to lit. Ladies and Gents, attack t.r .KXgnant ErusijKlas by largo doses of th i lare &v cyhnder of one of these machines aiul killpfl !,0Vr.?r,I.cIe: ot.,j'J thc c.,ior .f thfpaper imiuted tays he cures tho comuiou Erurtiom by it y. rauime of the procession which would be uul trade-mari- c (iuctlliej U so ;:e:nlv c. DICKLNSON. Aent GEXTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Ie your hair tliin and fallinKoir: the upper half of his body being literally uui ciii fApvi iuiitcu auu areiiii ooMM ier an detect the II. -I- OH- ls your hair harh aud dry ; iormtd to escort him to his lodgings. At fraud. Such iloperato eitorls to Uhe l' lr".-- brand are the ,T 13 Hats and Caps. of the latest Summcr styles, Bronchorele, Goitrc or Swelled Xeck. . L . II O E R T S , Are you troubled with dan.lrull : , btroiiKtstevidenceot its vaiue. ltewaie ol'ull Mich. llaying bulon ?Ioan nf l'nispi-ct- Texas. WTites : bot-tk-s the liour appointed a torn to pieces. tools, chcaper than ever before, Scythcs. Are you troubled w ith sores on thc scalp ! "Three superb coach and four, in reil or ptnK p.ipers, unless the ot bid-eo- iiaine Jame l'yle, 33 of Iron Piailin'is of warranted. you of your Sar.vaparilla cured me from a Goitrc a as w asmnyuu Mreet, .N . 1 .. la on llie p.ickafie Manufaiturer every varicty, Are troubled with scurf : with iiveriud ' ! for of Cominons, tiwtllini; on tho neck, which 1 had mffensl frota servants, was drawn up on the New Power. Paris was astonished the inelosnre Cenieterv Lots. PAIXTS, OJJ.S, (JLASS, Do you wish over two not ,tc". a beautiful head orhair; years."' . ATWOOD'S UL'INI.VKTO.VIC ltlTTKllS-t- hp I r- - Publsc l!i:ildiii''s, Privati' Kesideiites. Do you your !u-e- wish hair restored I a Says the JJemocrat : long since by d J the sight of a carriage propell-e- oiuat icTonicever oileivd to the publie. All Dni.itw Also, Iron Vases, Gravc Horders. Chairs, Set-- I Zine, Lime, and all kinds of Ilardware and house Do joti uir-- a perlect j;eui ; Lnicorrhn-- or White. Ovarlan Tnmor, have Do you w uuvcriiincm. car trimmings. Salt Fish, Sal-mo- n ish au elegant article ! Ltcrlne Vlcvruliou, Feinale Dlseaaca. Directly upon the arrival of the ferry-lio.- it by neither tCfs Trccs Ulubrt.ila Stands. Bracket. &c. Flour. Pork, Lard. steam nor gas, going with such Dr. J. 1!. S. Channing. of New Y'ork e,nplo;,"a ,)r:lw Ware-- j Trout, Vinegar and Picklcs. Citr, writes 5 1 the Prince and his J Save Kxms: Donu phy?,cian xourM-lfo- r Mott's Magic Hair mrr.t rheerfully suitc ir.cluding the amazing swiftness as to leave far if , '"TJ" K? All the abovc stock will lnvigorator cmply with the rcqticit of your agent in behind the any or yovr tumily are uilenusl'rom hUMis. seal.is, "OUse htore, ViXl be sold very low in hare found I toni, MinI your Sars.iparilla a niost excellent Duke of Newcastle slepped ashore, tincr.-eiicic- and four-in-han- cuts woiinds, btiliioiH. or any Minil.ir atilii timi. Kailrnad for Meets AI.I. such d carriages of the Club. NtriTt. St. Jolmslmrv. hltimtivo in tho nuni. rous complaints for which w Jockey JtUhsia Salve can beh.nl lur 25.. a is i were received with shouts of enthusiasm. bo., and a ure euie. CAS1I employ such a lemoiy. hnt cspecially in which cr.deavored COUNTKY PKODUCE lt in llrrt class article. fhnak fiitcaul The l)jke of Newcahtlc, immediately after in vain to keep up with it. It Isa iirt cla?oarticle. of thc Srrofulnus diathei!. I have cured many inveter-al- e AlUialivc. TOWN LIQU011 AGENTS caM--s Leurorrha-- rQ or good crcdit. Meaning. as I do, of ly it, and iimo whcre'the com-plii- nt the l.mdingf was seized with a violent attack The inventor is said to be a poor man. who to render thc Beautiful. elepu.t. ilelightful was cause.1 The hllbtle clioliilr.il ilal allinlti.'- - .irt(vr :it rnrV lnr best t.attsfai hy ulcmitivn of thc utcrust The ulcer-ati- on ! ! tion, that i may merit the lieautilul, elegant, which or undcr.-ine- d, continued delihtlul itself was soon knowl-eU- of sneezing, caused his cocked hat to has constructed the vehicle himself, "';Mt' reiiovation of the titie ihe I'lil'ViA.N The connnissioner for the sale cured. Nothinp within my 'e entirelv lr,,n- latronagc of my former customers and the nub-li- c juals it for iau irom nis neau, anu inereoy ieu nis 'lialu l.bnrM.nrv!?! t'll'mt'll!I - ,oflituors in Massachusctts, is now alloued bv lt U the best prcparatlou tlice female derRiiKcmcnU." y lite an ivc, and can be generally. Kdward ?. Marrnw, Ala- daa-ppro- and will not disclose pro-perl- aent never lt is the best preparatiou of Newbury. -, writej, the secret till he is absent withont Iii Ifiw l" .S('H ,0 authorized a;cnts of the ritnw and "A pate' exposed. We readiiy recognized him deranxenient of the vital lunction.. ILT Persons bringing butter arc rcquestcd not For nrnrian lumor on 0110 of tho females Jn my family this Mow and alterative process, it b tnilva rt in.vatinn towns in all the New Enijland states. I keep on the hair, for the hair. whi by his royal mirk, of which mention has secured by patcnts. to bnng it Mondays. and to weigh thcir tubs be- For the hair, tor the hair, lihad defied all the renudies we could cmploy, has ,'.t!.VnS "I'.r'J";'."!'; ,!!,sr,,-v- - f'"'.-- hand a large a.ssortnient iif imported aml dmnes- - at len-rt- been completely cured your r. last I Mtnercil Irom lnd ! fore packing. Iu the world. ly Extract of heretofore been made in the newspapers. .' vV.i..i "i-- which Ly Our physician The dlsordered liver. an'l an Ulln, r:. i l r luiuors. are all analyzed a "btate 1 ti the world. thoupht nothing but extlrpa-tio- n Xf President declined the invitation GEORGE SPENCKR. could affoni The Prince, after giving orders in relation to maiieileMremel irksome to me to attend to biisines-- . 1 Vssavor" accordini' to lavv, and In the world. relief. l,ut he advifod tlie trial of your East Burke, July 11. 1SG0. 99-t- la.-- to attend the Prince of Wales ball in New resorted to the ue ol l'eru vian Sj rup, w hlch liail a mo.t f tarsaranlla as the t heforo cutting, and his baggage, stepped hastily into his coach. bii Mr. A. me plea-ur- e rfrt it semai eueci upon my systeiu. I was muiii restored bv it t Cerliicd him to bc Pitre J. i:Er.. Jiy Dcar Sir: lt aflord provcd effectual. After tak. j , vour remedy eight weeka The crowd was hrge,and manifested a York, but it is niy uual heallh and snirin. I chei-rlull- recci::iiiieiul th!c to inlonu voti Ihat ;he"l'rot ilott's .MjbIl Hair liniijora-tor- " no symptom of tho strong understood that Miss Harriet M ! . disease ains." as a valuable iiiidicine to persons whoa'le sitilerin and suitable for Medicinal.Mrchanieal and Chem - 1) E 0 V A L obtained olyou three inonths siiue, ha.-- leen Used by n. horses ' lndiKtf.-tlo- trin desire to detach the from the coach, Lanc. Mr. Huehanan's niwp. U'ill 1p nrpennt ordibility. oranv.if thc coimil.iiti! imidciit tcal (xirposcs. and sold m large or small quanti - AIKS. JOILVSO.V mj dauj;hler with complete riiccess. lt slopiied the hair Syphllis aud 3It rcnrlal Dlgeaie. , v , . M y-o- i' edentary habit.-.- espcciaiiy th,.M- - toiuiiiK out in a ery short tline, and prodtued a healthv ani with their own hands convev the reenW .. . . .!' whodo ties at uniform prices. j New Orleans, 2oth AiiRust, 1R59. 1B 1101 .. Would say to her patrons removed - O 31111 IT cllrmitDM...thnl chn if.M hn cq UMiii taKe slimc uM.r.'l-- lilllV II that shc has conditloiiof the scalp. We aie now iisinj; thc "lnxigoia- DR. J. C. ATFR : Sir. I choprfiillr , ' Itl'iv - rnmnlr nurty ui) town tne earnest remonstrance , , . Agents niay beassured of obtaining liqtiors of to the storc foruierly occupied bv S. Randall, tor a.- a toliet article. and i.m Irtilv f.iv oiialilK'? in nn...f . V e. "cont. and reprt toyou some -. respect are un.Mirpa.-e- d. delu-at- of the eflects nonor i wnere this Its jet delicious w-- ! , of Prince, however, his rs tor tne ol tne hrst dance with His p.. me is now opening a more than usual 1 eahzed with your the enthusiastic A Friend in Need. 1 1 periuuie, ls a trature iu its coiupoiiiid. and I luzard uolh- - Sirsapanlla. ii. GUARANTEED PU1UTY j 1 large of v nave with 11. desisted from so doing, Iloyal Ilighness. Swect'r.lnfalllb!e I.lniment - nrftiared from the rcflnc stock i:ip in rayiuit stands unsurpa-e- d 111 the h. le tataloSue j cunil m uiy prartice. most of thecom- - and contented j plaints wliicli Ur. ehc-whcr- oi hair reuiedies. 1.. .M. D. for it U rcroniniciided. of Stepheu Sucet, ot Comii'ilicut. tlie ;rrat l.one and at low cash prices as can e. lt. IIkkiih k. nnd have Cmnd its ai they bchad AM) eiu-ct- s thetr.selves with following after the ve- MlUJXEUr STItAW GOODS, ilcr-cur- regal and has l.eei: uscdin his pri;cticefor thc last nuiuy TState st.,Allauy, X. Y. uuiy wondtrlul iu the curo of Vmmal and al Uxkxow.v Axckstky. year-- . I ...... V I Tl ' . Ono hicle in a large body. An Thegrandfather with theniost astomjhnixsiiiie-.- . As an extciiial , j Itisthe most worthy preparatiou for with Ihs'nsr. of my jmtients had Sytphilitie nlccra i(. iiiiiiiiuigN, ku. .iit in want oi a new fall or the hair, of tlie Hon. C'ovode PennRvlvaniu reiiieoy it ithout a rhal atxl wlll al!eiate pain more EDWAItl) F. rOUTEU, Commissioner. W which 1 ever bicauteaKjiiuiiited. in his throat, which were consnminc his palate and the The Prince was dresspil In miliinrv nnJ. John of speedily than an other pre l'ur all niter bonnet are mvitcd to examine hcr new aralion. Kher.ui.itic ' Dr. Joii.ssox, K. Iteikhnv, Vt. H "f hw mouth. Your Sarranarilla, taken, was at Amsterdam when a child and Xervous I)iurders lt Is truly iiiMllil.le, and as a c.ua-tlv- e stvies of Goods. fonn of a somewhat I P'cked ul' of crsTo.M s'J'HKKT 1 cured him in live weeks. Another was ry extravagant character, for lirui-e- s, norsK was bald for vearB this luvtsoralor restorei! my hair, attacked l.y Sores, U'oi'niN, Sprauis, Ae.. its MM.thins;, St. Johnsbury, Scpt. IS, 1SG0. f . lhree or f(,ur on board a vcssel, . BOSTOX. which has never lallen oil mihx-- syiiiptoiu in his iioso, and the ulceration and seemetl to be decorated with an unneces-- 1 J'ears' Put heallic aml pouerlul streiilht niin prnpi-rtK"- e.Mite Ihe had t eateii away a 1 Just ttonder aml atoniliini-n- ol all !io ivenit a (Jlo. F. .Maxhkm., Ju., Auburn, X. Y. coniderable jiart of it, so that I believe Ui sarv sunnlv of ribbons. As the coach reach-- a"a brou"',lt t0 hiladelpma, where he was i.ie would soon reach his braiu ! I trial. Over four hundred iertiliia.es ol roniark.ible cnres and kill him. Uut Cfllrl Kt' lliu )ant-it- no n Itputiimntmnnti" AND ATTEACTIVE Three uionths iijte 1 was entinly bald. at this time my it nntil perlormed by it withiu thelasi two years bear witness to I yielded to my adminMration of your Sarsaiiarilla: jd Kourth street the crowd increased in den- - PERUVIAN SYRUP, STOUK OF head ls covered with new hair. I am lt u- - lon- - th tliis fact. at:liel ulcers heale.1, nnd he is Wi 11 acain. not mnrvo he was 28 years of age, the captain giving d li i;row by the u.--e 01 yuiir .M.ii;ic llair lnvigorator 1 nf itli.it jtr. and tlie greatest excitement prevailed See M,," f.ic,-- . advertlsement. Oll I'KOTECTED - re-- ' J'tn"r:ition to his A woman who had been him the name C'ovode. He sold ble every G- ! had been bald about eichtor tenyear?, jv hair has Lailies on foot mixed themselves up with the of was to a drulsts where. DKY O O D S turned to its toruier color. neui.n kt me eauie lv mercury was tuSeriuc ' man in Chester county named Miller. He SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF 1R0N GGMBINED. Just opened in new Jajiks 11. Aiikoir. Cabot. Vt. lr""' tl" I'isou m her Ihjih- -. Thev had sn n. in the most promiscous the store, corncr of Itailroad er crowd manner, and I sniv u uiv on I that a d.inip day rtc Fufierrd never learned to read or write. After he had THE MAKKETS. i Street and Kastern Avenue, would pay flfty doilars pervear ratlmr than Iv v.iihout ladies in vehicles impatientlv importuned This well known Heineily lins lieen nscd cxtcn-sivel- y jiain in her j..ints and Umes. Shc,too,wa your lnvioiator. II. Jou.vmi.v, I'tica, Y. ' served his j X. cured entirelv bv vour in u out time he married the widow of aml with reat suceess for SWX OF THE GOI.DES 1SALL. : aiai.iiril!:i ua.,1. thtir Jehus to 'hurry up' and get as near the Invi-orat- or vv t BOSTOX MAKKKT, Sejit. 1'.'. This e have ti i. d and llke it. lt is no.re know fioai it- - fonnulx which our asent cave me. that a Uritish officer, ollicer Ilavine; 1 v,U,-r- roval couch possible. the having died at I just purchased au entirelv new stock of ' cUea,,W ,1'J"a"i ' ,fcis as Occasionally His Fl.OL'll-p- er barrel. 1 TW'"y P1tion f.on. yourlal,rato7vmut W a great fioods ,f the most stvlest in rons-queut- ly, iluyal Ilighness would favor the crowd with York, Penn. There was one son, the issue desii.ible we feel confi- -' StoK rcmJv. thesc truly rLmarkablo rcsults flenesee. iC,(.o a 7.1'.". e.tra DYSPEPSIA, dent in Itisw ithout e.xception the and mo-- t le ) have uniri-r- (JeiieM-e.couiinn- .saymj: to tlie publie that tli$ is the place safet with it not l me. and of that marriage, and the Hon. John Covode 6,il u U'M Or Iinpnireil Iinpcrfect known. a most gruceful bow, judging from the and Diestion; to niake thcir puichascs. hair ielorative aml thr tn.ui it Frateruallv yours, u. V. 31. is the oldest son of that son, his father hav- St. Louis, lancy o.n a :.- -' use. reach u trom ev ery dirtioii. Wel. arn that Dr. I.. UUU.MER, D. anxiety of the fair scx, it was Uichijian, ti,ct 7,2. Foa tiik eossrijun.NT We now apparent they extra a are recciving a large and varicd stock of K. Ileniik, with others in thi vicinity opeaX ot th'oarti- - Rhcumntism, ing died about time of his first election CKAlX-perbud- 111 N K.- Gont. Llver Comnlalnt. coiisidered g the iel. j cle the highest prabe- .-' lbanv, . V. .Moniiui; - , to slightly change the phraseol-o- DETERIORATiON OFTHE Hritish, Frenth lM.tPow.M-r- Pn-st-. to Congress. Some time since an effort was pre-- s. n Co., Va.. f.th July, IH'J. Coru.soiithern j ellow a ,7rt j and Gennan i - UH)l) ; Our rc uders kt.ovv-- that w e cannot be hired to "pml - a ave. pain- made to trace the familv in Amsterdam, but Wheat.weslern l.i'.l a l.t.'. Dress Goods, f?' 'One glanue from out his soul-l- it eyes. O.ils.noriheiu ,12 n ,4.". taft' AND FOtt T1IR Fot.I.nwiN(? w ill f M" and stmk to uw m pite of all tho no name of the kind could be found there, White lieaun ,!'5 a --',.'ii Linens. White Goods ilotfs SlaRic llir lnvigorator be niore thau ple.ieil I'yaus. la. Were worth a "dozen on the half shell." w i niri-n.i- n ' unu. 1 ine--l yonr.-ar.apanl- & ili lt. .Xortheni iVt.i VMtor. "euira lom.i uiitu On leadinjr sunposition HOl'S ier pound. Knibroideries 111 to the that the captain , nm iwo Weeks. aud restoled mv Ceneral As the royal party passed Clamorgan's, ,. . , , ... which originate iu Al.M). And in this w.iy we could uo 011 .1011 soon; an.i.in.- - , ..... , , . ui sort, ,;i ,2.'. Mot of a lart;e 1 Fimt li5. a ( assoitnient of American I'rints. J)v merule Io.wh) dlllerelit retomtnrnds of thia vvuiuliTliil 11. . 111.1a wiore was : I lMlUVlSlOXS-perpou- nd. DVSI'EPSIA Laiues and Doinestic .Silks in tlcle. Tiylt d. tluiik lt u wouderful medirina. J. FUKAM. Am-- 1 fine (iualities and :. i At another time tlie American Lonsul at n 1 re-- entirelv new Ju'-- s Y. fli 11. out, aml the rnice ncknowledaed their i Hains, nortliern , 12 a ,13 LIVKK J'O.IIPLAIXT, DltOPSy, XEl RAf.GIA styles. Cape, Shawls. Mantles, etc. Wholesale Agents cf St. Ixuis. writt: 'I have leea sterdam was asked to cwicernmgal ntlli'-tt-- l year-wit- , i mquire piod ,1- - ,1U - - for h nn i:..i ltnttei, a ninl V..U-- t- - I- aj'trlitmvf I.mr. which m,c NF.KVOrs AFFIXTIO.XS, LOSS OF WATCH-.Sl'KIN- V..tt McITj .n 1'i.hl.lii- H...t.n :... t:..:- - d,lld hat u iJutter, coininoii ,12 a ,liJ ; G SKI11TS, Tr.,v t tiT., . . .r,:.. lKiilth. I tne.1 every tliinp. and every thiuc ' ae at DFI'UICS-SIOX- di " M.ii!cs. .f tlo,st I.AXfJI .. faiI,-.lt-o The Prince was driven through the l'Ut,S0 Cheese a ,11 OKan.I i;rMi,", ' i. nheve and I have a I.m iken-ilo- ,j j ine: n man had M,IKITi.CAKHr.ri.Esant1 HOII.S, Children. Misses and Ladies. Under - fi.-u- i prindpal and was mat bf J1! St,lcn n.ndf Carrtlefd i'OTATOKS per fr Ladies' 1.. Johnsburv- by Itinyhaui: bv no other caue than JrrtwgtHicnt streets, greeted all along .f bllshel. KVA'. Vehts, Drawers. J.C. and ;Vr;'u" of I'll.FS M'l AFFIX'TIO.NS OF THE Corsets, c. one or v illdi;es. U - Kev. "S learne,1 '' a"d ("otuuion W'hites , a t nioru lu all ''" 'J,r- Jlr. hpv. advised uith curiositv and Mean- -' - bw-aus- great enthusiasm. BK1X. j uie to try your Tthe search is now i l'each llloiv a ro.sr.MITIVE TEXDEXCIES, .Sirsai.arilla. he said he krew you, - j Glovcs ;.nv you was bless-in- s dnie, his baggage, consisting of several , Xew, per bM. 1.0' a I,:!7 Itr.O.M'IIITlS VISE.SI- I'ECl I.IAK and Hosiery. aii.i uiin m.nie wortU tiymi:. Ily the 4. ofd'-- l it has cnri'd me, has lough-lookin- g dry-goo- TO FE.11A1.ES. AM. ( OJll'l.Al.lTS and purified my bl;J boxes and two enip- - WOOI. doniestlc pel pound. j One of the best in in all "USE THE BESTS" A assortnients thc County, a to lirik. a new man of me. I feel young apun. Tho i BciTER AM) Cheesk. Busincss has been ro.lIIM.MEl UY CJE.NERAL fv trunks, was conveyeu to ins quarters. ! Saxonj'and Alerluo, line ,.V. a ,07 the varicty and stvlcs and sizes. K--t that can I .iid ofyou i3 not half good ciiourIi."' UEBIMTY, KEQLIKING I more hvelv than usual, at the freight depot Killl bl.iod ,M a anl A eordial invitation is oxtended to all to call 1 he hoax was not discovered by the crowd , (,'omtnuii a .1J Seliivvtss.Cnnoer Tumors, Enlarccment. this town, for a few days past. We are A TONIG AND and examine our stock before ltc-- 1 riet-ration- , ALTERATIVE MEDIGSNE. purchasing. , Curies aud Kxfoliatiou of till evening, and the wags who got it up en- -, informed by Major Chandler, the etKcient BIHTHS. nieinbcr the place the lioncs. .Xolc The failure of IltO.V a a reir.cdy for ' I ioved tlie occasion greatly. The prime mover clurk tl,at in tne rur days ending Tuesday, Jti$- - Sl( i N i) F TJ '. ( i OT.DEX BAI.T. A :reat v arivty of raes have heen reported to tis where a had state of the blood, j - thr-- e Sunda-v- wcre 28 cars pcpiia. aiul the numerous JOHNSON' CO j ruie.- of f.irnii.l.ible cotnphiints have resultcd from in'the for-- 1 ) C. K., 10, Mr. K. C ari-o1!- t the u-- e of lhi- - -- paco airair was a I)r. Bohanan, who in CUf" ,thec, In C'ompton, Scpt. a son to caueil theieby, has from the want ofsuch a St. 10 reimsly, but our here will not ndniit l em- - Johnsburv Scpt 1860 8tf j thein. S. the products coantv " me .f theui may le found in our American mer exploits of this char-- . Stone. prrparation of Iron aj shall entiT thc (.foniarh 111 a Plto- - Ahnansc. years indulged in bracing about seventy-fiv- e tons of butter and ' which the ajrents lmow nimcd are pleascd to toxide state, an.! assimilate at once with thc blood. This PHE NEW STAIRS ! 1 furnih pratis to nll who call the Duke of Newcas-- cheese, liojrs, &c. for thetn. acter. He uersonated i one hundred and twenty want the lT.KfVIAN SYKfP suppliVs, and do.v so -- MARRIAGES. it in r,..,. Dysiciisin. Disease, Kpllep-Kj- -, largcst nroportion has ' Ilenrt, Plts, tle with great dignity. Ihe of the cheese heen the only fonn in which it i possible for Iron to tnter the l.ahnt ihe patrons to the St. Jol.nsbury Meliiui-huly- .Xcurnlgia shipped Alfred circulation Forti.js oft.-- '.,,rlralt Oalleiy in a more comfortable manner ' by Keith, esq., of Sheldon, Worcester, Mass., 20, Mr. Wiiliam reaon thr ITKITUV svnrp Many ure of the.--e alTectioiis kavc been At Scpt. - u!l("rL' tllL t radicallv nrnr, .ij.raCP. in nf V.,i"..,!,'p- " of thc "HOUGH J iiiade hy tlie nltcrative power of this medicine. It stimu-- j for the Liverpool and Bremen Markets. Por ..,,!,.,' Parks of Springficld, Mass., (formerly of thi. ' niav be found for a few dav f! l.it- i- thevit.nl functioiis viporou-- - We find in the lioston Atlas of Iron and other meilicincs have been found to no avail. into actioii, and tbus 07 most of the cheese recently purchased ten beof uvem-nif- r-- and Miss Myra A. Aldrich of Springficld- - l. which would be supjKsl liryond its following mention ol place.) 1 T Tuesday, the a pleasant cents has been paid ; and twenty cents for Corliiionlcof A. A. 1IAVKS. M. D.. of B0M011. learh. Sm h a lemedy has lonp nquinil hy the ne-r-e K E S 8 M A it: the peopl- -, and we contidcut compliment paidto Hon. Justin S. Morrill of butter. St. Albans Messcnger. In West Burke, Scpt. 18, bv Joel Trull. L'sii., It well known that the medicinal rtfects of Protnide jj) K1NG if are thut this will ' d for thrm all that iuediciue caa do. Mr. Ilenrv Canley and Miss Alinvra Mclchore, n'nthvviiaeryl.rief .xposuretoair.andtliat Vermont, in Poston, on Monday : toiiiaiutaiuasoliitiouof ProtoMiIe nf Irou, ! evening "v- - uitlioutfurther Bayard Taylor Makes A RkI'L'ULICAN 1. n .1. :.,.: 1 ... kuui uit n cu.uk. o.m.iiioii, 111- - 11 iierini'il IiiipoMlile. s. e. cfiissoisr MRS. WILSON'S 4L'0UKTKSIES TO A VkKMOXT MkMHKR OF 1 1A-- 1:1 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral l , , , h pomt Would inform J SPEECII. At a ereat mass cat henriL' of the T . . t, , .'" V'!' t'" u at the Ladies of St. Johnsburv and (' i' 'I'lii. I.incnln CInor1 Vn 1 " " J" iieciucn, ociii. ... .111. laini'O nv ( OMlll.v.' ATIOX IX A WAV IHM lllll' I S'k MiU V iiii ' Ji.uv' lui. oiuri," vicinity that she has taken the roonis fortnerlv oc- - KEGENERATOR.i rOR THE R.Vl'ID CCRE OF ' llePubllcans of laware, Ches.er and Other nffJlnvpr. aml Miss nf thi? "l"tion may rcplar- - all the proto caiboiiates, citratcs HAIR a parade, last night, .Thn Flnnil l.vilia- flrav- eupied by Miss M. J. and respeet'fully outon leaming that the , ' and Uirtrates of the M iteria Mtdira. Clement. C'OTihR, Colds, InrlueitTn, Iloarseueas, ' Iuc-ipicn- counties of Tuesday ot A. r.s. t,.. r , j solicits thc patronae;e of hnr former t t'oli-siim- iit Hon. Justin S. Morrill, Memher of Ccncress Peunsvlvania, on last Wheelock. .. iiay i.o.,.r t.. ;t..o customers. The IveeneraJor is tn two M7.es, nnd CroKji. HronrltitiM, i Having put nj l'roni Vermont, was the trctt' just reecivtd the ion, aml for thr Itelief at Tremont House, week, on the spot where the celebrated "bat-- 1 In this place. Scpt. 24. hy Kcv. W. W.Tlmer, tonL retails for 50 cents for jiint bottles, and 51 for of roiiMiniiitive Putieuta ; halted in , ( ! front of that establishment, and tl r tho Tin,i,-tt.;- n n( r nc i Miiinr lmti, Cortificntcof Jus. lt. hiii.m.M. D..of Xev. Vork. LATEST FALL STYLES iit iidvanccil StngcB rvnli;n itr MUinsv ik, iii,;, , qnart bortles. The quart bottles u:c inuch the i ni" rn ' '" 'f the rvruvi.-u- .syMiP, DIscnNC. called him out. After some little delav. hav ' "!t: she is now vvork pcrtain-in- g of tlie ' 1 I i i c UI IVW II. IIK IIOTH' f)t prepared to exeeute all tnimbt f Karav n nv tho i ct nirn t hnri UilS t)mP lt! Ihat tlie ir I'lirwr'il iu.i.oiu eheapest. Tlii-- is u lemedy --3 universnlly known to rarpas any Itiil nartiallv ' J 1in 1 f. I i to the neat-- . retired. he made his annearance ' ur.i .vr...t,f.m.-ii- tmr i i.. J.K f lLk kU- - Dressinaking departmcnt, with ' uii uoi mn i"uim m iiitiit iuuii.iiiiJii ti l other f.r the ruie of tlnoat ulid lunjr coniplaints, that it 8-- In Danville, Scpt. M, hy llcv. Jehn Kasttnan, poi-on- ness tf i- and was introduced bv a Vermont member I Poet traveler, &c, presided, and on taking ble principlo. aud dcspatch. - h. ie tu publish the evidenre t.f its virtui-- . lta .via- - The ii i "Who Good Use - of hpliraim roster. hsq., of Walden, aud Axrs. main active iniedirnt in its rompo-itio- a salt of wants a Head of Hair? ui.n.ailed eMehenti- for intiph and colds. and its trcly the Uuard. Mr. Morrill responded in a the chair made an speech in favor y eloquent ria Lowell of Danville. the I'iotoide of Iimi, whh h i m, judiciou-l- coniluncd cuies ,f puInion::ry diM.m?. have made it ! Mrs. Wilson's Hair Regenerator and , nnd IMMEDIATELY happy speech, full of point. He alluded proterted that it iloes not uuilcrgo imy chaiige by ex-I- n ,7'AXTE1) kunwii llinuiiout the civilir d nntiutiF of the eailb. of the Kepublican cause and the election of ! Walden, Sept. 1G, hy Ilirani I'crkins. Es., posure to the air. IVu ar- - tiie even fauiilies. hritlly to the honor paid him in the call and ' Hair Dressiag'. or anionz tlum - 11 is well y Lincoln and Hamlim. Mr. Newcll II. AflaillS of Newport.aiid .Miss Ma- ri"Mr known that it has been found vrrydirti-r- toat, rant and Vest Makers. Good wages wli have i:! ii p ronal pxj' iience .f itsftlects then passed on to the topics of the canvass, ruUto pneivein ai,.vi..vTAM.r. fonn, for :. deriialileii paul s.'i-i- tn.pl.y in its victory over Wheat of Walden. iith aud constant eniplovment L'iven. Please read a few ccrtiflcates from thc foliowinj; relia- - j liiins their mid: of tha of tiiii.roiiipoiindsof the IVolonle of Iron. The "IVru- - 1f c r, i ilaiisn'ri i!ij.r.l.-r- s closed by repeating his thanks his 1 c'r VTrtV us t.f thc throat aud lunpa. ad to I 0 1.1.11OA V ivv ble Biul well known people. In Glover. Sept. 13, by Itev. N. W. Seott. Ir. "M syrup," am plcafed tn ,ay, am.inpHMii d this do- - II.I..N As .ii! know tli.i ilri.i.lftil f.iLalityrt these disorders, ani. frier.'is. His remarks elicited ap-phu- e. Mpssks. P. .V Cn is hearty State Convention. iiral.le en.i. JA.MF.S K. CIIII.TOX, M 1)., Chemut. IlKNnr V4"nos Jly nife now ( a- - they kn.iw, ts. !h-- ' efliTtr.f this vn- - not Ehas liandall and Ahss K. Clark, . 0;i Regenerator ind Aliout one thousand 0. Lltanor piince Street. New York, Aug. 8, IS:,9. J)H. F. A. EVAXS, uiti? your for tl.e hair, aml proi.ouiire. it do ni.nx than toa-wi- e them that it lias now all - persons were Anti-Sla-ve- their- Thc anuual mcetinj; of the Vermont f.ir siiperi.it to Hiiythilii: she ever uwil for the hair tne-- that it did wl-i- i tii.ikin the both of Glover. & . rures whhh hare outside the hall. Had the occasion IIOMlKOPATHIC PHYSICIAX SUUOEON, app!i-d- tlieh-a-- l Insnoili-airrei--ah'- .r I -- pthered Convention will be held at Bradford, on rerliiiento from well l.rniwn ritiensof Itoston. ".ifily dis not soil in woii so tr icly uj.n tl.c conf.d. nn- - cf uiankind. nndersi.jnri!. i:l- - WATEK ji'-vei:- t been known the crowd would have Wednesday and Thursday, the 17th and 18th of Tho havin exiierirlict d the bcneflcial STKI.KT, 1'KACIU.M. VT. o.bir. iarre i.ts tlie crowth of hair, it fall ' genei 1 Prepared Dr. C. AYER &, C0., fertsof thc PKIirVlAX SYltfl1, !o iti otf, and ofle:i cure the headarhc. f.irwanl vou ly J. Lowell, Kasa. livc-fol- Especial given liten u Morrill is one of the Octobcr. DEATHS. attention toScrofulous Discases. I meud it to the ution of the publie. thi rertltieate uiisolicited. think an j ; atti beraie attclr And frvai by I. C. BINGIIAM and IIOVT & t.1"-- The enslavement of four millions in our land rulnionary Diseases trealed by mcdicated vapor-ou- s will d what your Ilmr fliest mcn in ' House. Itev. Jolm 1'ierp.int, lYtt r Harvcv, that Resenerator will. shuld be : UKhEX, St. Johnsburv. and A 1 drngists Kenerally the indescribable wron(?s done to the opprcssed, In Greensboro, Aug. o, Mr. llenjamin Coomer, A. substanees. full set of Day's Supcrior wi.lely ktiowii. tl.ii.k it i the be- -t ai ticle for thr; hati Thoinas Dexter, James C. Diiun, . to give unrecog-nize- d thc continued refusal of politieal parties, and of 11. Splints. for fractures. now iu um-- HtrpfrtfnHv, 4c, C?" It is propv'd the aged 79- - S. Kendall, M. 1), Samuel Mav, ) . 1SC0. 7-- IUv. JAC0I! M'EVKXS, yewl uryport, Ms. many reliojious seets to detnand the abolition of Thoma.-- C Auiory, 1L-V- Thos. 'Whittcmore. Peacham, Scpt lALL STYLES EIgin"com-Rio- n dead of the ste.1iJie'" uLd' slavery, the increase of the slave trade, the In Greensboro, Aug. 10, at the resi'lenee of his " likc the ( Iltytnfratnr av.i Dnssinij itry . from (ir:o. stren;"th and daring attempts of the slave power Ccrtificatc ivell Lnuwn f'itiens of X. York. OOD TO EAT ! much."1 Kev. V. Woomv:. Hartford, (t. 0 burial with a monument sou, Col. Samuel Rakcr, Capt. Wiiliam Haker, a I at Chicngo, 1 CZ rl 1? New 17th, l8."9. i (lm Twwl nrt nrnrti .t oti t nn tli nitrn tf York, Xov. G " I uhhisilalinglj prottounrt it an arti-rf- r i The exprrienrc wliicli cv."111- - vvcll "atlvc of Sahshury.Mass.. for more than ,0 years we have had of the l'KHl'VIAX from thr ejfic.t on on n tumniemorative of the Terror in the South, as as the persecutin- - I tl :.i i i . Sweet and I'ty AriiJ.' . . . . . , .. . , - . . - , . . - . , cvi'i'ij . oi. iu.. t; iii.-j- i .i..i r coinipon jiotatoes, onions, cating . x. - i iu iias oeciieiiioiieu io uMii S.'A Rev. lli'.l, N. m au a .i oi m.ul- i anu jTn.at and cooking 11.il, wifeof llenry .Manchester, II. MILLINERY of land has spiru mannesieu uie iurui, u.iu ira laige ( loiucui iius ai isi.uc, oianyc Ml,.,.cs5 in the cure of many diseases, satisfies us apples, prime butter and cheese, Cc" A of 120 I " patent ares anu entnusiastic asseinnung oi me irienus oi 13arrc, and for the last oS years at Greensboro, tiwt m-- a iiiniieinai asent nr remarkable power and lard. pork, tripe, saltnon, salmon trout, maekerel lt rtndrrrd my han soft and yfoy" without distinction. , , , , . , seiviii'' the attention of invalids. and codfihh, Jll.NoT Fakkvh, aiatoj'H bprinirs. N. Y. just been issued to Abraham Lincoln, the n, : good and fresh. just rcceivcd and liiii JCST Ol'ESED : ,i vears, anu jx uays. nis o .i i. aea1 montns ut ' oeeKiiiL; iiii; L'uiaiiiiiaviou uit iiic ,i.,.,i anu i JOUN E. WII.I.IAMS, Ksq., sclling ctcap at E. F. & L. P. BUOWN'S. tfttl conf.dtnt th it it operatrs sor .t ailyf,hut l'vt'publican candidate for Presid nt, as cap- of common let the children but 3 survivc him. Printers in N. II. 1n 6illu"t 'he Metropoliun Bank. to rrttorc thr roots to thtir hialthy itatr." the highest good our country, Rev. AEEL STEVKXS, A T tain in the militia during .lhe Black earnest friends of human rights, in obcdience to and Mass plcasc copy. I. K'Iit"r Christian Advocate i JournaL REAT BAltGAIxl Hp.v. E. M. Kelloo, Xashua, X. II. the voics of God, of humanity, and ofpatriotism, JOUX G.NEI.SO.V. Ksq, Q " most chicrfully ml it )OI'G-AX,IJ'- S ! Kinn or NcUon A Richmond, Sl John St, rrrommi tuall vernon.'' E. McJ Hawk war. In Greensboro, Sept. 20, of fever, Mary C, C. for full and free discussion of the 10-ye- Kkv. Kt ssEi.l., Littleton, N. II. conie together a Rcv.P.CIIUKUI, The subscribers will sell a oldmarc and A large stock of now before Friends of and Olivc aged ..h'.'j'orXfw York Chronicle. Noveniber 1. great questions the pcople. daughter Eleazcr Scott, ISAAC Y.FOWI.Ult.Ls.)., harness. blanket, etc., at a great bargain. Said t A young woman named Fanny B'ryne mvited to attend Me'ssrs. IU.nkt P. Wn.sos SiCni I hnve no heitanry BOXNETS, of Freedom in other states are 15 leaving of was recently a hap- Post .Masier, Xcw Vork City mare is sound, and jiibt what in Reeenerj-to- &f years, what but a farmcr wants for in siyhnr, my i.piui'.n, Mrs. Wilson'n Hair r Haltimore, Md., upon whom was found a aud join in the dcliberations of the Convention. in 1k prcp jmw PJBIJOXS, py fatnily of thrcc persons, only thc bercaved TESTniOXIALS FKOM t'LERGY.MEX, scrvice any place. and Hair Prefin are the t hair iratldtis Salem, E. 8-- - plea-ur- Charles Lenox Iteymond of Mass.. tf in use. I bhal! eontiuu-- to use theui with r. lttti--r had On the cfiicacy of the Penivian and bonurtts E. F. & L. P. BROWN. FLOWEliS, showing that her husband gone1 II. Heywood. of Boston. and II. Ford Douglass widow, hcart stricken and dcsolate. Syrup the Bkv. II. II. IIAKTWEI.L, Ijiwrence, Mass. they have dcrived from its Arc . which will sold West for the Balti- Chicago, 111.. eloquent champions of freedom, Use: bc at her usuallv low prices. divorce, took the cars of if In Greensboro, Sept. 19, much lamented, Mr. Xovember. In'sides others in our own State, will address the Kcv. JOII.V riEKPONT, Medfonl, MaB.-- IU cfficccy In Salt CAn'AIGN COMMEiXCED more and railroad westward, a few days Eleazer Scott, agcd Co years, 11 months and 2S Itlieuiu uud otlicr Ciitaueoun Uiscoin. Mkrsiis. Hksrv P. Wii sos Jk Co. : I have us.-- vour EMJ3IIOID Kli'lES. meening. Iire-sin- Rev. WAKUEN lUJRTO.V, Iloston, Mass.-- lts efflcacy in Ilpnd-sili- c, Hair ReKenerutor and Hair c. aml have reo-ive- . , , since, will open on Oppn.-siop- Atlcc-tiuni- A ncw 01 s,tSIars, .ScCVCS apparently in the most cheerful spirits, The sessions of thc Convention days. l..i.s of Appetite. Ncuralgia. NVnoud i, EVEEYD0DY zrcat benefit frr.ni them. I dwui the nrlirles worthy i.f j lut and hetS Very cheap aii.i Uencral Dubiuty ; Its Value to Cleiv - Wednesday at 10 o'clock, and continuc through nien. hicheonimendation, and cheerfolly teroinin nd th- m to . 1 and was con-tacto- r, B. F.flicacy invitcd to call and see my new stock of Goods. JtliESS GOODS soon after found dead hy the the two days and cvcmngs. In Greensboro. Sept. 12, Mr. John Moody, a IStv.ARTIirit FFI.LEIt.-- If in Ntrvotn Hcad- -i vll who want to retnre ijray hair to its oriinal ciJ.ir, or i Kjl.auli.i:i, I.'crvcunics, Siibstitute tor Alcolallc Spir-i- t, They arc iu the niarkct and to anv who are troubled with (landnilf, a dteaerecahle Elegant Stvles u ho collect her fare. J. M. Coni'K.v, native of Scottand, aged 50. uinl Gciurut jjcbility; lus Yuiue lo Clerpynun. oi attempted to itcl.inp of thehiail or humor, or to thuse whosc is In of the Rcv. K. POPE, Somtnllle, BoU ! hair uf Pojilins. laud-anu- Jehif.lCi.oflin'. behtlf Al'Gl'STUS JIu. Cur for MUST BE SOLD She had taken as many as 500 drops of In South Boston, Mass., Sept. IS, of typhoid and Gviieral liel.ility. lailing irom ine neaii. Thibets. All JAS Hl'TCHINXOX, Jlt., ( Statc Comnnttce. IUv. G. VV. II CI.AHK, Great l alls, N. H. JUHXSTON, fever, Thomas S., eldest son of ltobcrt 2d and Rer. GfltnOM ROlimXS. Hartfonl, Conn.- -lt ElTicacvin I have just returned from Boston with a full Wool DeLaines, N. It. General Debility. l.iver Ccmiluiut, Djspepsiu, Sutwtitute stock of goods VVil-on- Mrs. Nancy Gibson, of Ilyegate, aged 25. lor Akoholic StinuilunL". adapted to the season, and they MtMsns. Hksbt P. Wilson & Cn. : 1 ltem Mrj. 's will be sold l)re?in Cushmorcs and Prints. ascension Rev.SVI.VAXI'S COHn.RutonMoFS.-- Th T're nnd Efflcacy at Hair Rejienerati.r aml lUir the W John LaMountain made an DYSPKl'SIA. 18, Ed-war- d Strcngth In Danville, Scpt. Elihu, son ofltev. iu fnmily; Itei.torution of after Typhoid Ftver. jrtifles of ad hair preparalions. I hnve, in uiany 8-- VERY LOW PRICES. St. Johnsbury, Sept. 20. lSf.0. tf Albany, on Priday, and sailing eastward DYSPKPSIA. E. and Mrs. Itebecca Atwater, of New Ha-ve- n, Rer. THO.M. WIUTTEMORE. Boston, Mass.-- lts lljc and Val-- known th-u- i to rr-to- re the hair where it Irid DYSPKPSIA. Ct. aged 5 years. uein Puralyn.", l)fptpsia,and Dropny on the Chert; ond a.lils, The Ladies w ill find a good assortment of dress fll-- 'iff, ivc d ii'dmtT, retore ihe AV(- Itgivea ine new Vigur, Uuoyuucy of SjpinU.KIasticity ot Mutcle ur-- - BEMEDY caught in a which he vvhlch destroya the happl-nes- s goods and trimmings, Thibets, Cashmcres, Meri- - colnr, care entirely tlie t iainful A tomado, during U pcrhaps no Ilar-ve- y. helidn! Thcrc New Rev. OSUOUN MY1UCK, Piovincctowii, Maaa. "LA" A c.v.l In Salem. Mass., Sept. 9. Mr.Abner Iui.Uicacy ia 10 omzitistances m. ?t IVrsoniUv. I hive I ,ol: 'w:rci. ofindlvlduals and famllles to the same bi. vuus a uunce, nnu i,iironic uruncnuu. noes, good anu hanusome DeLames at from to to land in East Lanesboro, Mass. and comfort agcd 20. son of Mr. Levi II. and thc late heen a sharsr ui sver:l of the-- : l:n fits suf;.u-a)ATi;- i) or Indlgestion. Rev. EI'HRAIM NUTE.Jr.. Ijjwrence. Knnsas Territonr. 1! - CClltS ! liCSt (pialltv and Style Of 1'nntS fro.m iiKuitiCK's pii.lsi estent as Dyspepsla Mrs. Abigail Ilarris, formerly of n..- - l'r.Mtt.tt...... i - . , i i T, 1 1 , l r . . ltuv. HEXKY IULL, Manchester, N. II He was first dashed against a stone wall, and Danville. n.hiii.v The familv Cathartlc Previouly to the dlscovery of the ln theWOKUI: Usd 25 1 j a"(I Rc'vTMAS loaks cloaking. shawls and scarfs, bordering PKR-SO.N- then dragged until he came in contact with a Oxygenated Bitters & viarr. by .r,.ii.i S DICRERMAN, BAItNEY CO., i hsastk.nof Nmoiis Syatem. for scarfs. A good assortment of embroiaery, Ia- - auuually; aluayri -- - Mas.-i- J MHS. j:ive t'te, learing the balloon ; thence he was car- no medicine accessible to thoae pt'.nerlnf; 120 and 128 Milk street, Boston, Kct.riciiaki) M ETCAI.F, Bolton. ts x:se as a Pro-- dies' and misscs ncts, verv cheap. Hosiery and WILSON'S .iti!.icll.iii:contal!i there cxlted Cam- - llul"0Vd the'rouic V ni.thins iiijnnous: pat-- fc(i any Manufacturersand Wholesale De.ilorsin Fluidand "lt Ju,t gloves. double and single'Zephyr, Shetland vvool, ut a fearfn! r.ntn nntil pnmlit ...?n .IP.nther irnm tbls whlesnrcad dlseaoe, which rolieved it iu phene, Oils.Soaps, U.inilles,4c. Kerosene Uilconstantly - RovI.Vpv:nsTER Sta.-i- wo1 and cotton yarn, bleaehcd and brown cot- - T markcd decree. au naiiu and ijualliy w arrai ieu. Botton. ts Vaiuc in Dvfpcniia C0C0A-NU- tot, where the Cluonic Diarrhwj. Deraiigtnitiit i.t l.iver ar.d Stiimath. tons. the balloon burst, dropping P.ltters over the above named dis-- 1 w The power of these Jlms.-I- ouled ith suar. Ijirce i Bev.JOS. II. CI.iXCH. Kofton, ta Efficacy Dbr- - s .. ii .u..-- n l.ai-i.1- tl.Mir i.rifln in & in 1hii-- Jj ets. . biie-- . to the LaMountain was easeas uii - J R. DELANO CO., ihoea Dibil.ty. i 1S& i Sl. ground. weiiasovea CA.RPETISra5 HAIR DRESSING.OILiESSFiill ilireuions wStb each '" tne COMMISSION ME11CIIANTS "U'aipole, U.-- siouiacti.as PR0DUCE JACKSON, N. 1U Efficacy bocking. perlect disestiou and functlonal diseastso! Rev. abraham nainted do.. wideand narrow I have W'nrralited stipetl-i- .i n TM.-- I H hPO ! t f . . . senielt'ss bv some farmers, and much ques- - 27 & 29 CTTY VVHAKP, nosro.v. ... Iltcnantm nn.l ...... Annoht i ' li. 'nd as and General Debility is beyond all j an(1 intcn(j t0 Kct.p a jT00(1 assortment oiciotntng, lo ai.y Fin belorc the well Aithma Mai8- EiScacy ,n L:'J:sfcd R. D. & Co., would call the special attention of ,"rt, -It . Wil-on- publie. by his adventure hc arrived home at J. lii.t"ndKDHfe consisting of coats, pants and vests, boots, shoes Mrs. 's Hair Bres?inK i, pr.t up i larpe boitlc, tlon. lonslKuerstothc lact that they conliue themselvesex-iluslvel- y cures of some of the severcst reUil-f- :r ihilngburg, Its pecdv and permanent toa Coiumission business. Rev. AUTHUIl R.R. CRAWI.EY, rierthoda, Burmah, . I. and gaitcrs. and 37 cts. per bo'tle, aii.i for dreailiiK the. HKRRICKS X. Y., on Saturday. of Clima:ielAbility,Swlilii1g.ttheE2trem.tieS. cases on record is sufflclemi connrmation ' of anv : ol 1. there U not tts c.U:,l iu and stnbborn Hlfl GlnRq WflTP hair pero.n. vouaKor STHf-yGTlIEXIX- Prof. E. V1TAI.IS SC11EUIJ, Boton, Ma&s. lta Rencratlve L'lOChet) ,,.-..,- . KIP PLASTEltS AVOOD - vvi-- li C? Hon. this fact. KNAPP, GREEN & CO., Power ilter Fever, Kxl.uu:i..n of tl.e the niaKt- everytl.ijis it Amos Kendall, the personal .rcus Svstem.and ln.". i". t. : Cutc h and of the brva-- Importers and Dealers ln l)y.Itp-.i- P,(comraeiidationto,'SclioUri, Teache'rs, Clergy- - i- - lv sideand tr;u OXTGEKATKD BITTE11S. a JargC assortment. Table Ctltlerv, Kerosene to be, and inoP.-ove- it ha" r. ix rfume that itir.nit. haik.uiid riii r.i ritlctoiiipl.tliil-- - iu politieal an--- r euallv short perlod frieiid of Gen. Jackson, in l d OXYGK.VATKD BITTERS. Gloves, Goods, ifcc, ifcc, Miss.-- lt3 lamps. a great varicty and en cheap. AU extracts, tither f time. SprealiiilieauiUul white lamliaklii. Thelr Uvt Hosiery, Fancij Rev. HENRY 'c'PlIAM.BoMon Effiocy in Dyipep- - in suptTor t linv of the fashionahle .rein s sul the wi arer toiio h wlll to a er BITTEKS. ia nnd Afivctionf of tne Liver. of more light are mvited to this - ii.ioiivenieuie.uiid .ai one letter of Hon. James L. Orr, OXYGKXATED want cxamtne Amer1cM M a!oi.t. b!l0Bu eatitle it to a place on oin- wi-e- ( a. 1 ilirh we.ir irom t three months. lsX-- i 18 MILK ST., T..- - C TT I) I n n L' I fad fa Pahi t - . 1 a. C U Annl Price cents. of .V. Y., Aug. UM. lnn - toilct table lUrrhkSutnrCoatisl PiH, and Kld Pjisters aie sold the House of Representatives, has FRiSKroiiT. Oppositc Old South. BOSTON. Iad'Scstlon' rrI':J 'Ntura!3'. and.Vrvou. , and" evrrj- lady'i bv dnv.i-t- - i tMM M fiuid camphenc. and merehaiiw in all parti of the L'nited --5(k bt jt.- - ;.u.a.las and South known I Aiutrica, and mav be obtained his views disunionism in Rev. P. C. IIEADLEY, Grecnf.eld Maj. Its GrnnincneM i i!,p nijht, and by callh:- - - on s o IF. . GOODS AND GR0CER1ES Fe R. Prncrator hefoie letir.r? at tor them be their full n.inn- a psi AgiD! uidltlittcviii Uj.npsH, uioinii.l' appU little f at.d vour I.. U. IIKP.ItlCK r.g and MHt-- Pieurtfy. bi,n,, hn the a Y- Ik. 4 CO., Albanv.X. T. foreible language, and uttered a s.veral rcu.edies thvt cTTFsl nf the best cualitv. In a word, I have and in - . T :.::..;:, . : ...... - trvim; was cured .Si? kj "JiVV. use your Ox.vfenated Rcv.J OI.MSTEAT). Mas. (Jcncrcl Rectimmen. was advlsedto Chemical, Brfton. a cood assortment of goods sell the-- e and Detersivc, Oriental, I tcnd kecninK and v. ri,.i.. nn v.mr l. iir imt iirei.urations, ounuation of disunionists somewhat in a U dation, nnd Contiilrin-- in its Ge iiuinriieit iia a Medicine; lta T V" 6cni 1UGGY WAGONS Uebiiity. ! can t bc beat I and we warraut these Bitters '! - 1 Familv, Soda, Castilc, Etticacv iu and Xenous them for CASH, at prices that usethene accordini tn directions, jou "jrci'"e Iverecommended ' I le and at great length. He treats oha- Brown Windsor, Yankce, E. JEWETT a good hcalthy head of hair. i Transparent, . Por salc bv the snliseriher. pnnd new B. ramphlcts conlainiiis I.etters from the ISfiO "vVil-so- n ' thrrr. fet- - fcept. 0 f Manufactured and sold at wholev.Ie hy Hcnry P. in the w are sunenne iro m nbvenniue.r;eiitleiiieii nml others, nnd Jotnsbury, Buggy Wagons verv low Jackson style. His statement recommend tbem to all ho AND BALL S0APS fcivins N whom all Itttera ehould at jirices. Uieestlve U.r.a.13. BAR fnl! Um S;ri:p, cuu ! & Co., Manchester. IIto l"dl orany dlsorder of the stoiiiacU or infon::r.tion of behad oudik E. CIIAMBEllLIN. in the ac-i- r't Uliealioii tu the AnenU, or lo be addrefsed. event of secession on " sold cheap at ; G-- southern P BOKUEK. St Johnsbury, Sept 5. rf Youm Uuby. WALTEK 9tf E. F. & L. P. BllOWN'S. L U U K ! L U U lt cf Jmcoln's election, will be 200- - t Johhjburyand there CO.. Boston, and for II, Clark & Go., Proprietors, J. C. BINGIIAM lueut forSt. vicinity. ! "J Prepared bv SETII VT. FOWLE k I. F ANI) LIGHT oluntetrs in St. Johnsburv Bcst brands Flonr from new wheat, Lv the har JyVM1's ready to assist the latter alehyJ.C.BiNGUAM nd llon Greew, I I LyJ ArINEGAR barrel and bag. just received and . ASSORTMENT I Ulforc"in8 the JonsBACOK.St.JohnsburyCentre; 11. A. Qcimbt, yiNEGAR! COILVN Bunrxcs, rel, half selling 2j.llEAI 0P Just received a large supply. of al Ikinds and laws, a I is said to have created b No. W SUDBURY STREET, BOSTOX. cheap. Also, Graham llour, corn and rye meal. X donCentre; W. H. McUifrsr, Lyndon Corner; O. G.t j prices, of Kerosene and Fluid I.amj s. Also. & llon- - - quality Cidcr Vinegar. cheap at new, He is denounced as an abolition- HobMEB, Concord; Best of Sold by DrufiiiUts generally throothout the Unitcd buckwheat flour, fre.h and at V0YS' CLOTIUXG, fresh supplv of oil, fluid and ea.idles. aiit.Lower Waterford. Darlisc t & L. P. BROWN'S. 9tf E. F. States. E,F.&L.P.BR0WN'S. at S. RAXDALL'S. ' E. F. L. V. BUOWN'S. S. Gocld k Co., West Concord. ;