Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]


ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫວ ງພະບາງ*

ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ†

ພາກວຊິ າ ບໍລຫິ ານການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລ ສຸພານຸວງົ

ບດົ ຄດັ ຫຍ ໍໍ້ ໃນການວໄິ ຈໃນຄງັໍ້ ນ ີໍ້ ແມ່ ນມຈີ ດຸ ປະສງົ ສກຶ ສາການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງ. ນບັ ຕງັໍ້ ແຕ່ ສປປ. ລາວ ເປີດນະໂຍບາຍຕ່ ໍນກັ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ສາກນົ ໃນເດອື ນຕຸລາ ປີ 1989, ຂະແໜງການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວກ່ ໄໍ ດມໍ້ ບີ ດົ ບາດສໍາຄນັ ຕ່ ໍການພດັ ທະນາ ເສດຖະກດິ -ສງັ ຄມົ ແລະ ການລຸດຜ່ ອນຄວາມຄວາມທຸກຍາກໃນລາວ. ຈດຸ ປະສງົ ຂອງການຄນົໍ້ ຄວາໍ້ ໃນຄງັໍ້ ນ ີໍ້ ເພ່ ອື ສໍາ ຫ ວດຜນົ ກະທບົ ຂອງການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ໂດຍສະເພາະ ດາໍ້ ນເສດຖະກດິ , ສງັ ຄມົ ແລະ ສ່ ງິ ແວດລອໍ້ ມ, ສກຶ ສານະໂຍບາຍ ແລະ ຍຸດທະສາດຂອງລດັ ຖະບານ ຕ່ ໍກບັ ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງ. ຫ ງັ ຈາກນນັໍ້ , ເພ່ ອື ຮບັ ປະກນັ ຕ່ ໍກບັ ການພດັ ທະນາ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນຫ ວງພະບາງ ຜູສໍ້ ກຶ ສາສະເໜຂີ ໍແໍ້ ນະນາໍ ຕ່ າງໆຕ່ ໍພາກສ່ ວນທ່ ກີ ່ ຽວຂອໍ້ ງ. ຂໍມໍ້ ູນທ່ ໃີ ຊເໍ້ ຂາົໍ້ ໃນການວໄິ ຈໃນຄງັໍ້ ນແີໍ້ ມ່ ນໄດຈໍ້ າກຂໍມໍ້ ູນທຸຕຍິ ະພູມ ແລະ ຂມໍໍ້ ູນປະຖມົ ພູມ, ພອໍ້ ມດວໍ້ ຍການສງັ ເກດ ແລະ ສໍາພາດຜູໍ້ ບໍລຫິ ານຂອງລດັ ທ່ ກີ ່ ຽວຂອໍ້ ງກບັ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ເຈາົໍ້ ຂອງທຸລະກດິ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແລະ ປະຊາຊນົ ທ່ ອງຖ່ ນິ ຈາໍ ນວນ ໜ່ ງຶ . ຜນົ ຂອງການສກຶ ສາພບົ ວ່ າ ນບັ ຕງັໍ້ ແຕ່ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງຖກື ຄດັ ເລອື ກເປັນເມອື ງມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກຈາກອງົ ການອູຍ ແນສັ ໂກ (UNESCO), 1995, ຈາໍ ນວນນກັ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວເຂາົໍ້ ມາທ່ ຽວຫ ວງພະບາງໄດເໍ້ ພ່ ມີ ຂນຶໍ້ ຢ່ າງສະໝ່ ໍາສະເໝ.ີ ຫ ວງ ພະບາງຍງັ ໄດຮໍ້ ບັ ລາງວນັ ເມອື ງສຂີ ຽວ ແລະ ສະຫງບົ ສຸກ, ຖກື ຄດັ ເລອື ກເປັນເມອື ງປອດຄວນັ ຢາສູບ. ຕ່ ໍກບັ ຊບັ ພະຍາກອນການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວຂອງແຂວງກ່ ຍໍ ງັ ສວາຍງາມທາງທໍາມະຊາດ, ມຊີ ວີ ະນາໆພນັ ຫ າກຫ າຍ ແລະ ແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງ ທ່ ຽວທາງທໍາມະຊາດຫ າຍແຫ່ ງ. ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແນ່ ນອນແລວໍ້ ມຜີ ນົ ກະທບົ ດາໍ້ ນບວກ ແລະ ດາໍ້ ນລບົ ຕ່ ໍ ກບັ ຫ ວງພະບາງ ເຊ່ ນັ : ດາໍ້ ນເສດຖະກດິ , ສງັ ຄມົ ແລະ ສ່ ງິ ແວດລອມໍ້ . ສະນນັໍ້ , ຜູຮໍ້ ບັ ຜດິ ຊອບຂນັໍ້ ແຂວງ ກ່ ຄໍ ລື ະດບັ ປະເທດ ຄວນເອາົ ໃຈໃສ່ ແລະ ສາໍ້ ງນະໂຍບາຍ, ຍຸດທະສາດ ແລະ ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ເພ່ ອື ການປົກປັກຮກັ ສາ ຫ ວງພະບາງເມອື ງມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ກ່ ຄໍ ແື ຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວອ່ ນື ໆ ເພ່ ອື ໃຫເໍ້ ປັນການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງ. ໃນຕນົໍ້ ປີ 2011 ຄະນະກາໍ ມະການທ່ ອງຖ່ ນິ ກ່ໄໍ ດເໍ້ ຫນັ ດ ີ ຕ່ ໍກບັ ການບໍລຫິ ານຈດັ ການເມອື ງຫ ວງພະ ບາງ ອອກເປັນ 8 ພາກສ່ ວນທ່ ສີ ໍາຄນັ ຄ:ື ຂອບເຂດມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ (PSMV:ZPP), UB: ເຂດໝ່ ບູ າໍ້ ນອອໍ້ ມຮອບ PSMV, UR: ເຂດໝ່ ບູ າໍ້ ນລຽບແຄມແມ່ ນາໍໍ້ , UC: ເຂດໝ່ ບູ າໍ້ ນຕາມພູຜາ, A: ເຂດສະໜາມບນິ , NC: ເຂດພູຜາ, NA: ເຂດກະສກິ າໍ ແລະ NR: ເຂດແຄມແມ່ ນາໍໍ້ .

ຄາໍ ສບັ ສາໍ ຄນັ ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ , ແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ , ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະ ບາງ, ສປປ ລາວ.

* ການອາໍ້ ງອງີ ພາສາລາວ ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ (2018). ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫວ ງພະບາງ, ວາລະສານວທິ ະຍາສາດມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸວງົ , ສະບບັ ທ ີ 3 : ໜາໍ້ 11-34. † ຕດິ ຕ່ພໍ ວົ ພນັ ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ, ພາກວຊິ າ ບລໍ ຫິ ານການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ,, ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸວງົ . E-mail: [email protected] - 11 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE Urban Planning and Sustainable Development of Tourism in World Heritage Site, Luang Prabang Town Vilayphone SOMSAMON ‡ Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Economic and Tourism, Souphanouvong University ABSTRACT This paper investigates the urban planning and sustainable development of tourism in World Heritage Site, Luang Prang town. Since the Lao PDR was opened to international tourists in October 1989, the tourism development sector has played a very important role in the socioeconomic development and poverty reduction in . This paper inspects the impact of tourism development in terms of economic, society, and environment, to explore for policies and strategies of government for urban planning of sustainable development of tourism in world heritage site of Luang Prabang town, then propose applicable recommendations to ensure the sustainable development of tourism in Luang Prabang. The primary and secondary data integrated into this work together with observed and interviewed with the tourism-related government officers, some private tourism business owners, and local people. The result we found that since Luang Prabang was appointed to be a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1995, the number of visitors increased dramatically. Luang Prabang also awarded accepted to be the Green and Peaceful Town, no smoking town. With regard to its provincial tourism resources still has virtually untouched natural beauty and biological diversity, historical sites. Tourism development has surely effect on both positive and negative to Luang Prabang as: Economic, Social, and Environment. Therefore, Luang Prang provincial, as well as Lao government, had to pay attention and making policy, strategy and urban planning for the preserve Luang Prang as a World heritage site and other side is for sustainable development of tourism in Luang Prabang. On earlier of 2011 local committees agree to manage Luang Prabang town into 8 important zones as PSMV:ZPP, UB: villages surrounding PSMV, UR: villages of the river bank, UC: villages of mountain, A: airport, NC: Mountains, NA: rice fields and NR: riverbank. Keywords Urban planning and sustainable development of tourism, World heritage site, Luang Prang town, Lao PDR.

‡ Correspondence Vilayphone SOMSAMON, Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Economic and Tourism, Souphanouvong University. E-mail: [email protected] - 12 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE 1. INTRODUCTION northern part of Lao PDR, and far from Lao PDR (Lao People Democratic Vientiane, the capital city of Laos about Republic) is a landlocked nation in the 400 km. The provincial population is center of the Southeastern Asia peninsula. estimated at 430.000 persons, composed Human beings began living in the present of 12 different ethnic groups (Bounyang, territory of Laos more than 10,000 years 2010). The urban district of Luang ago. Since the Lao PDR was opened to Prabang has an estimated population of international tourists in October 1989, the 56,000 and the central town has 24,000 tourism development sector has played a inhabitants. The city is famous for varying tourist sites, and there is an important very important role in the socioeconomic development and poverty reduction in river as the Mekong River goes along the Laos. The tourism sector remarkably city as well. The Lao government had generates foreign exchange income and assigned Luang Prabang to be the cultural employer with the ability to spread its and natural tourism Center for the economic benefits to every community. It Northern part of Lao PDR. Since Luang has been the important major industry and Prabang was declared as a World Heritage is rapidly growing in recent years. The Town on December 9, 1995 (MSP, 2011- Lao Government has opened new tourism 2020), it is more attracted domestic and policies by improving tourism international tourists choose this town as infrastructures, accommodations and tour their holiday destination (Sirisack et al., route, including tour package among 2014). Every year, thousands of domestic countries in the Mekong Basin, have been and international tourists gather in Luang designed and introduced. These new tour Prabang to enjoy the several festivals such packages have attracted a large number of as, Lao New Year, the end of Buddhist international tourists. The various types of lent, boat racing festival and etc., various tourism are growing in a diversified ancient ritual and ceremonies of local sector, offering more attractive tourism people are conducted during the festival. products. In 2014 tourists arrivals to Lao The number of tourists has increased daily PDR was 2.158.719 and generated 641,6 and will continue to increase in the million US dollars. It has ranked as the coming years. number 2 in foreign exchange earnings in All these things have generates the Laos (TSRT, 2016). rapid growth for Luang Prabang’s tourism Luang Prabang province certified sector. Its tourism has become a well- the existence of such settlements. The known sector on the international stage rural community grouping of people and has been awarded as the world’s best slowly formed into Muong (Township) tourism destination for 8 years (2005 to 4 between 4th and 8th century on both sides 2015) (Wanderlust Travel Magazine, of the Mekong River and along its 2013-15). Luang Prabang is a beautiful tributaries. Luang Prabang is one of the 18 and green town and it has been declared to provinces of Lao PDR, located in the be a non-smoking town which, in turn,

4 Award from world famous magazines such as Wanderlust of England. - 13 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE attracts more people to visit as well as to - 1373) had taken the Prabang Buddha come to work in Luang Prabang each Image from the King of to year. According to Provincial Tourism Muang XiengThong for worship in this office of Luang Prabang (2014) cited city, and then the name of the city was Phosikham and friends (2015), there was changed to Muang Luang Prabang due to only 16,230 international tourists visited the name of the Buddha image from then Luang Prabang in 1995, the number of up till now. Luang Prabang is also the tourists has increased continually year by capital of the holy Buddha image is year, and the figure reached 643.319 situated wonderful geography and international tourists in 2016 (TSRL, location. It is city rich with diverse 2016), which generating a total revenue tangible as well as intangible heritage reach over two hundred US dollars. including the outstanding achievements in both civil and religious building, natural 1.1. World heritage site and Luang ponds, rivers, art and handicrafts, and had Prabang Town kept until today its century-old festivals, Luang Prabang is an outstanding rites, and traditions which are still very example of the fusion of traditional intertwined with the life of the people of architecture and Lao urban structures with Luang Prabang. those built by the European colonial authorities in the 19th and 20th centuries. According to the above mentioned Its unique, remarkably well-preserved factors and conditions, Lao government townscape illustrates a key stage in the recognized that Luang Prabang met the blending of these two distinct cultural criteria for cultural properties outlined in traditions (UNESCO). It is located in the World Heritage Convention 1972 northern Laos at the heart of a (ratified by Lao PDR in 1987) and mountainous region. The town is built on considered to submit Luang Prabang to be a peninsula formed by the Mekong and the the member of UNESCO. The city was Nam Khan River. Mountain ranges (in noted for its “This town reflects the particular the PhouThao and PhouNang exceptional fusion of traditional Mountains) encircle the city in lush architecture and urban structures built by th th greenery. 19 and 20 Century European colonial rules. Its unique township is remarkable Luang Prabang is the ancient well preserved, illustrating a key stage in capital of Laos, is one of the oldest cities the blending of these two distinct cultural of Laos which was established, preserved traditions” (Bounyang, 2010). and developed more than 1.200 years. A long time ago, Luang Prabang used to be 1.2. Objectives of the Study the capital of Lane Xang country for The objectives of the article can be hundreds of years and was called by many briefly summarized as follows: first, to different names as follows: Muang5 Swa, inspect the impact of tourism Muang Xiengthong. Then in the year 1489 development in term of economic, King Fagnum (Former King of Laos 1316 society, and environment. Second, to

5 Muang is mean city or town - 14 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE explore and search for policies and or profession dealing with the growth and strategies of government for urban functioning of cities and towns, including planning of sustainable development of environmental concern, zoning, the tourism in world heritage site of Luang infrastructure, etc. Many different names Prabang town. Then find out the of urban planning such as town planning, recommendation by discussion to propose country planning, city planning, physical applicable suggestions to ensure the planning etc. Urban planning is simply a sustainable development of tourism in special case of general planning which Luang Prabang. incorporates a spatial component. Understood as a rational (highly 2. METHODOLOGY technical) and systemic process of 2.1. Research Methodology forethought set in motion by the need to This research is based on both primary resolve urban and regional problems. It and secondary data integrated into this may be interpreted as a highly political work. For the primary data, in terms of and economistic process (Kevon, 2012). statistic related to tourism, author used “Towns and cities are not God- data from statistic report of Tourism given or ‘natural’. They are the result of Promotion Department of Ministry of centuries of decision-making by Information, Culture and Tourism. individual owners and developers, and of Secondary data has collected some data government intervention. Whilst from section of Tourism Promotion of topography and geography do pay a part, provincial Department of Information, they do not absolutely determine Culture and Sport, World heritage development. The nature of towns and provincial department in Luang Prabang. cities, to a considerable extent, it Author also gathers many data from the dependent on who shouts the loudest, and published textbooks, journals, magazines who has the greatest influence over and research online. To make this study policy” (Kevon, 2012). more accurate, actual survey fieldwork has also been done. The author has visited, There are many approaches and observed and interviewed with the ways of defining the concept sustainable tourism that can be found in the literature, tourism related government officers, some private tourism business owners, and many of them start the inquiry by and University teaching staff and informal making a transition to the concepts of interview with some local persons, and sustainability or sustainable development. examined the urban structures and tourism The abundance of definitions, meanings, development. and implications will be further reviewed in order to reveal the essence of the 2.2. The concepts and Definitions sustainable tourism concept. related to Urban Planning and The concept of sustainable Sustainable Development of tourism emerged from the early 1990s, by Tourism connecting sustainable development ideas Collin English dictionary, and principles with tourism. This new Definition of ‘urban planning’ is the study concept, at that time, was quickly - 15 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE accepted and promoted by many local communities, as well as the international and national organizations. environment. For instance, the International Union of From above of definition and Nature Conservation, World Federation concept, I adapted the principle concept for Nature Protection, and the European such as economic impact, social impact Federation of National and Natural Parks and environment impact to this study defined sustainable tourism in 1991 as “Urban Planning and Tourism development, marketing, and Development” management of all forms/types of tourism taking into account the natural, social, and economic environment and preserving the Economic natural and cultural resources for future generations. From this definition it Urban Planning and follows that tourism (ecotourism, green Sustainable Development of Tourism tourism, rural tourism, business tourism, urban tourism, etc.) should be based on the principles of sustainable development. Environment Social Currently, there is a strengthening of political concerns for nature conservation Source: Adopted by author due to the aggravation of environmental problems and due to the acknowledgment Figure 1. Urban Planning and Sustainable Development of Tourism. of the importance of maintaining the quality of the environment for future generations (Andreea and Razvan- 3. RESULTS Andrei). 3.1. Current State and Tourism According to the World Tourism Development in Luang Prabang Organization, the development of sustainable tourism responds to the 3.1.1. Tourism Arrivals Trends present needs of tourists and to those of The tourism in Luang Prabang is the host regions, and also protects and fast growing. In general, the number of increases future chances and tourist arrivals to Luang Prabang opportunities. Through sustainable increased constantly. According from the tourism, all resources can be managed so statistical report on tourism in Laos, in as to satisfy needs and to maintain cultural general, the number of tourist arrivals to integrity, biological diversity, ecological Luang Prabang increased constantly from dimensions, and the life system. 2012 to 2016. We can see the number of Accordingly, sustainable tourism can be visitor arrival decreased from 410.855 in defined as a form of tourism that takes 2012 to 467.911 in 2013, and continued into account present and future impacts increasing from 2013 and 2014 which (economic impact, social impact, and reach 531.327 tourist arrivals in 2014 environmental impact), and responds to (Table 1). There are more international the various needs of tourists, industry, and visitors than domestic tourists in Luang

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RESEARCH ARTICLE Prabang. The international tourist arrivals recorded to have visited Luang Prabang, to Luang Prabang have increased steadily this figure had grown to 342.557 in 2013 from 2012 to 2016. In 2012 there are and continued to increase to 445.872 in 294.213 international visitors were 2015 and 469.586 in 2016.

Table 1. The number of visitor arrivals to Luang Prabang 2012-2016 2012 2013 2014 Country of Origin Number Number Number (change %) (change %) (change %) 128.483 130.879 163.631 Asia and Pacific (54,06) (55,06) (68,84) 119.482 151.097 153.226 Europe (50,27) (63,57) (64,47) 42.124 54.143 55.296 The Americas (17,72) (22,78) (23,26) Africa and middle 4.124 6.438 6.846 east (1,74) (2,71) (2,88) Laos (domestic 116.642 125.354 152.328 tourist) Foreigner 294.213 342.557 378.999 (international tourist) Total 410.855 467.911 531.327 2015 2016 Change (%) Country of Origin Number Number 20162015 (change %) (change %) 201.334 209.497 Asia and Pacific 4,05 (84,71) (88,14) 171.884 178.134 Europe 3,64 (72,32) (74,95) 64.762 72.780 The Americas 12,38 (27,25) (30,62) Africa and middle 7.892 9.175 16,26 east (3,32) (3,86) Laos (domestic 161.712 173.733 7,43 tourist) Foreigner 445.872 469.586 5,32 (international tourist)

Total 607.584 643.319 5,88 Source: Statistical report on tourism in Laos

Among the tourist arrivals Luang Prabang, ASEAN countries. Perhaps the main the number of international tourists is factor that influenced this growth was the higher than a number of domestic tourists. introduction to visa exemption from In 2016, there is 45% of total international ASEAN countries in 2006 to boost tourist arrivals were from Asia and the tourism in the region. Tourists from Pacific, overwhelmingly from other represented the largest portion of - 17 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE ASEAN tourists, maybe because there are Hmong festival. Sightseeing such as four bridges across the Mekong River Morning arm-giving, Night market, Food linking between Laos and Thailand.6 The etc. Natural Tourism such as Tad tourist destination as Luang Prabang also Kuangsi, Tad Sae, Wetland walk, natural was impressive tourists from Korea as we garden. Historical Tourism such as can see the rapid growth number of National Museum, Phousi Stupa. There Korean tourists to Luang Prabang, are12 ethnic groups of Luang Prabang, because of the direct flight from Vientiane one of the largest ethnic group of Lao to Incheon. Tourists from Europe also ethnic, then Hmong, Kmu, Tai Lue, Tai represented a big percentage of the total Lao, Tai Dam. The ethnic (MORIMOTO, tourist arrivals. Maybe because the Town Magazine, Visiting Laos special issue of Luang Prabang received “the world the 2010). most popular town gold awards” from the Luang Prabang World Heritage UK’s travel magazine, Wanderlust, Area consists of mainly a small peninsula though no data were gathered on whether located in the Luang Prabang District, British visitors knew of the award or the which most of the tourists visit, stay and magazine. eat. Main urban functions of the Luang 3.1.2. Tourism Attraction Prabang Province are concentrated on the Luang Prabang has many tourist area. The main street of this area are full attraction sites. According to the of hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, cafes, Provincial Tourism Department (2014), in bars, and different tourism facilities 1997, there were 129 tourist sites in Luang including beautiful temples, which show a Prabang province. This number increased splendid harmony of Lao traditional and to be 199 in 2002, 311 in 2008 and 440 in French colonial constructions (JICA, 2009. At present, there have 1.923 2016). registered tourist sites include 534 cultural 3.1.3. Tourism Infrastructure tourist sites; 1.116 natural tourist sites; While Economic, population and and 273 historical tourist sites (SRTL, tourism industry are increasing gradually, 2016). Categories of tourist attractions in the infrastructure is not able to meet the Luang Prabang are Eco-tourism such as social condition. Thus, Luang Prabang has Jumping, bicycle, walking, home staying to provide a plan for development, urban etc. Cultural (Temple) such as classical and infrastructure, providing, such as living style of the Luang Prabang. rehabilitation of road, drainage, river bank Cultural (Village traditional product) such construction, water supply improvement as Handwoven textiles and mulberry and etc. The government has dedicated its paper. Festival such as Lao New Year, efforts into developing infrastructure such Rocket festival, Buddhist Lent, Boat as the construction of roads to link all racing festival, end of Buddhist lent, northern, central and southern regions

6 Laos-Thai Friendship Bridge linked between Laos-Thai Friendship Bridge linked between Vientiane Capital (Laos) and Nongkhai (Thailand), Khammuan (Laos) and Nakhonphanom (Thailand), Second Laos-Thai Friendship Bridge linked between and Fourth Laos-Thai Friendship Bridge linked Savannaket (Laos) and Mukdahane (Thailand), Third between Borkeo (Laos) and XiengRai (Thailand). - 18 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE (Keomanivong, 2009). There are many 3.1.4. Accommodation large infrastructure construction projects It is evident that the Luang entitled the “Heritage Protection Area Prabang province has experienced a phase Development Project” was launched in of rapid development. According to the 2001 and completed in 2004, this project [Figure 2], the growing number of funded by the French Agency for accommodation establishments was Development is directed at electricity slowly comparing with the growing cabling, public lighting networks and the number of room establishments, the road, alleys, and traffic system growing of rooms it growth of 2010 to (UNESCO, Bangkok, 2004). 2014, after that decline to 2016. In Souphanouvong University Established in contrast, the growing number of travel 2007 where is providing for human agencies is dramatically increasing, but resource development for tourism the growing number of branches has been industry growth. Luang Prabang constant, but no branch of 2014. International Airport, which was constructed through the support of Among tourist facilities, the only had already completed in 2013. National restaurant increased from 68 in 2013 to Road No. 13 (North Side) is paved with 457 in 2016. Other tourist facilities a little asphalt and has two lanes, and some bit decreased or constant because the damages can be locally found on the majority of these guesthouses is pavement. On the other hand, according to developed from local houses because it the Department of Public Works and was not easy to build new buildings due to Transport (DPWT) of Luang Prabang the restriction of the Heritage House Province, traffic congestions occur on the regulation. The Luang Prabang is a calm road between the airport and the city. and quiet place for relaxing so the National Road No. 13 (North Side) serves government has not supported to as the entrance from the airport to the establishments, many places of noisy Luang Prabang tourist zone. The road business entertainment like the night club. must give a good impression of the In conjunction with the growth of tourists for comfortable transportation travel agencies [Figure 3], other tourist accessibility of Luang Prabang tourism facilities, such as accommodation and (JICA, 2016). The main road and restaurants, also decreased slowly in the sidewalk are well maintained because of Luang Prabang province. From 2013 to the support of the Agence Française de 2016, the number of hotels, guest houses, Développement (AFD). Motorbikes, tuk- resorts, restaurants and entertainment tuk, mini vans, bicycles, and walking are decreased from 454 in 2013 to 820 in the main modes of tourists’ transportation, 2016. and taxi is almost not used.

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Accommodation Rooms 6000 5634 5005 4844 4126 3529 4000 2894 3241

2000 253 297 296 380 312 299 297 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: Statistical report on tourism in Laos Figure 2. Accommodation and rooms establishments in Luang Prabang 2010-2016.

Travel Agents Branch








25 25 25

24 24

23 0

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: Statistical report on tourism in Laos Figure 3. Travel agencies and branch establishments in Luang Prabang 2010-2016.

1000 820 800 591 600 457 454 378 400 320 287 289 254238 200 60 58 61 49 68 72 6 3 3 27 0 Hotel GH, Resort Restaurant Entertaiment Total

2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: Statistical report on tourism in Laos

Figure 4. Number of tourist facilities, establishments, 2013-2016.

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RESEARCH ARTICLE the country in the form of economic 3.1.5. Other tourism product leakage from foreign-owned businesses Other tourism products of Luang and outside tour operators. While official Prabang town are ① Heritage Tour, a job creation figures of the tourism sector heritage tour by car is one of the main appear to be strong, it is necessary to tourism products and usually includes consider exactly what types of jobs are visit to main temples in town, national created through tourism in Luang Prabang museum, and Phousi Hill. ② Mekong and to consider who benefits from these Cruise, a Mekong boat cruising tour to jobs. Though employment opportunities Pak Ou Cave is popular. The cave is have increased to local people, many of located upstream the World Heritage area. these jobs are low-paying and are Visitors stop by at Xanghai Village to unskilled or semi-skilled in nature. In enjoy a local traditional alcoholic drink addition, because of the limited called “Laoh Lao”. ③Elephant Park, an educational opportunities locally, optional tour to an elephant park is also residents of Luang Prabang have few organized in combination with the visit to opportunities to gain more skills and Kuang Si Waterfall and/or ethnic therefore higher-paid jobs. Moreover, minorities’ villages. (JICA, 2016) business people from outside the province 3.2. Impact of Tourism Developme- and the country represent a significant nt in Luang Prabang proportion of those profiting from high- return tourism investment projects. 3.2.1. Economic 3.2.2. Social In terms of economic, Tourism is one of strategy for economic development While yearly tourism targets are in Luang Prabang as well as in Laos. The increasing to the number of both domestics economic strategy pursued in Luang and international. There can be no doubt Prabang was based on the production of that the people of the local community of agricultural products. The growth of Luang Prabang are both positively and tourism-based industries, including the negatively affected by their interaction sale of handicrafts and other local with tourists and their observation of products of visitors have presented local tourist behavior. Many residents of Luang residents with new options and an Prabang link on the increase in crime and alternative source of income. However, drug abuse to the rise of tourism in the there is not yet an accounting system in town and perceive that these will increase Laos to determine the economic effects of as tourism numbers grow. Tourism is not income, there is no doubt that the financial the only influence on Luang Prabang returns to tourism activity are having an society. However, the behavior, speech effect on the society. It is very difficult to and attire of community members are also determine the overall economic benefit of influenced by Thai and Western music tourism for the community. Because in and Thai satellite television programs. It developing countries, economies a is important to remember that Luang significant proportion of the money spent Prabang is not just a tourist destination; it by tourists, but those moneys may leave is the home of thousands of people. It is a - 21 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE place where people are born, grow up, pace of the increase in visitors. Unless have their own families and pass away and improvements are made, this shortfall in it is where people live, work, eat, infrastructure and services will mean that socialize, attend school, worship and the standard of public services throughout celebrate. Luang Prabang is, first and the town will decrease, lowering the foremost, a living and evolving community’s standard of living, while community exposed to all the increasing the cost of services, for visitors opportunities and threats that the global and residents alike. environment presents. There are many 3.2.3. Environment activities concern the familiar tasks of daily life such as morning offering alms to the Rural people come in to urban monks, celebrating the birth to a child, migration makes population is increasing planting a garden, weaving fabric, building a day by day, it is rising density and rapid house are all the part of the community’s changing lifestyles are at the heart of a tourism product. The traditional culture of number of environment issue in Luang Luang Prabang is no longer the private and Prabang. Growth pressures have seen exclusive domain of the local community. Luang Prabang’s boundaries encroach on Local inhabitants are now not the only ones untouched and cultivatable land and a experiencing their own heritage as this growing population stretch infrastructure experience is now being sold to tourists. It is important that the community understands the and services beyond their limits. While social impacts on having their culture and way tourism is not the only causal factor, of life viewed and sold as a commodity, so tourism and associated development have that they are able to make prudent decisions definitely intensified environmental as to how to manage the impact this has on problems. Therefore, when determining their society. the ideal form of tourism development, There remains a general optimism the capacity of Luang Prabang’s in both the community and government environment and ecological systems to regarding the future of tourism. However, sustainably accommodate an increasing it may be only through careful residential and tourist population must be sociological studies and community considered. The environment problems education that residents should be made include waste removal problems, aware of the true impacts of tourism on increased traffic and pollution and the their society and can make prudent destruction of wetlands and waterways. decisions about whether they need to Waste Removal Problem: adopt more measured means of tourism According to the report of UNESCO development. While yearly tourism Bangkok and School of Travel Industry targets are increasing, relatively little Management University of Hawaii attention has been paid to the capacity of (2004), Luang Prabang did not have a Luang Prabang to host increasingly larger formal waste collection service until numbers of visitors, in terms of water, 1997. Since its implementation, with sanitation, food and other basic services. uprising incomes and rising use of plastic Although there are plans to expand these and other packaging, the amount of solid capacities, the expansion is not keeping waste collected in Luang Prabang has - 22 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE increased at a rapid rate, putting pressure becoming a major transportation and on employees and equipment. In addition, pollution issue. Certainly large buses the combination of insufficient outside hotels, taxis lining the main tourist equipment, poor roads and the likelihood routes and three-wheeler ‘Tuk-Tuks’ are of less revenue for more work means that the consequence of tourism activity. It is outlying areas are unlikely to receive not only the land traffic situation that has collection services in the near future. changed, air traffic is also increasing. Unfortunately in villages where solid With continued tourism growth, air traffic waste is not collected, rubbish is often is also greater transport capacity is burned or dumped in waterways. required in order to cope with rising According to data collection tourist numbers. However, the increased survey on tourism development in Luang of the flight of air traffic had also caused Prabang in Lao PDR (JICA, 2016), noise pollution which reduces the currently, there still lacks sewerage calmness of the area and is disturbing for treatment systems in Luang Prabang local residents. These traffics and district. There are individual equipped transportation impacts indicate a need for tanks, but domestic wastewater is a broad-based planning process that seeks discharged untreated into drainage to find transportation solutions that are channels or local rivers. Some hotels and acceptable to all stakeholders. restaurants in Luang Prabang District Wetland and Waterways have community wastewater treatment pollution: Wetlands and Waterways in plants equipped with grease traps or Luang Prabang are also being seriously aeration tanks, but the maintenance of damaged due to the dumping of raw these plants is not enough, and processing sewage and other waste products, which is not sufficient. 7 Outline of the Luang in part can be traced to tourism. While Prabang District Sewage System Plan The guesthouses, restaurants, laundries and Luang Prabang District Sewerage Plan local residents generate substantial was formulated in March 2013 with the amounts of wastewater, it is not currently support of the Agence Française de being adequately managed. The pollution Développement (AFD) as the “Master caused by waste dumping and wastewater Plan for Drainage and Sewerage System.” not only damages local ecological systems Traffic and Pollution: In recent and reduces biodiversity but also make the year there are increasing in motorized wetlands breeding grounds for infectious vehicles in Laos as well as in Luang disease. Dumping of waste into Prabang. It has been one of the most waterways also puts the town’s freshwater significant changes in the town. While the resources in danger. increase in traffic cannot be traced solely The waterways of Luang Prabang to tourism there is no doubt that tourism is are also being impacted by the additional seen as the major cause of what is water traffic brought about by tourism

7 At a medical school in the World Heritage district, similar community sewage treatment facility (for 30-40 20-30 related houses share one small-scale community houses) near the Luang Prabang National Museum. sewage treatment facility. There are plans to install a Sewerage facility conditions. - 23 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE activity. The primary to be uses boats is According to Lao PDR Tourism for transporting tourists as boat for Strategy 2006-2020 and following the IV Mekong river sightseeing, transport Party congress in 1986 which defined new tourist to Pakou or Ting cave. Those boats intergraded policy and open door policy, make noise pollution to the local residents tourism has gradually been raised nearby the river bank. important. The government has identified and declared the implementation, 3.3. Urban Planning of Sustainable development and promotion of cultural, Development of Tourism in Wo- natural and historical tourism as to foster rld heritage, Luang Prabang T- the growth in tourism and other service own sectors. The government has dedicated its According to the 15 efforts in developing infrastructures such recommendations of ICOMOS as the construction of the roads to link all (International Council for Monuments northern, central and southern parts and Sites) on November 22-28, 2007 there (LNTA, 2006:4). Tourism planning and are two points related of Luang Prabang development is conducted of four major urban planning or management as as Human resource planning and Revision of Outstanding Universal Value development, Development of of Luang Prabang and Revised of Luang participatory, Planning and develop Prabang Urban Plan by establishing a tourism site and Development of Buffer Zone and adjust Urban Plan’s Law. domestics, provinces and neighboring To preserve the Outstanding Universal counties link (Somsamone, 2009:57). The Value of Luang Prabang as well as a tourism development in Lao PDR is World heritage site and sustainable defined of long term and short term development of tourism in Luang development. Long term tourism Prabang. The objective the policies and development is a strategic plan to improve strategies are focus on improve of urban and reform organization and tourism plan, green and heritage town, cultural management, Program to formulate plan town and convenient town. Strategy for and development tourism, Program of develop Luang Prabang town had given tourism advertising, promoting and priority for developing and promoting two information, Tourism business on areas to join together of developing such management program, Personal as Northern develop to be economic Development program, International central and Southern develop to be cooperation program and Investment tourism heritage and natural central. The promotion program (Somsamone, challenging for urban planning are 2009:63). Environment impact: sustainable development and the town spread over of Tourism strategy is a master plan rice farm of the town’s Southern part, document to define policy groups, this Tourism impact and new Infrastructure. strategy have been developed after wide consultation with public and private 3.3.1. The Strategy of Lao PDR sectors. As a national strategy, its main focus on national issues affecting tourism

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RESEARCH ARTICLE development in Laos (Okawa and conference of 15 years Luang Prang Chansada, 2008: 14). Guidelines and World heritage celebration (December overall goal of the development and 16-17, 2010). The head of Luang Prabang promotion of tourism which will be in line provincial Tourism department pointed with the party congress resolution, out that: for preservation and conservation national socio-economic plan and strategy of Luang Prabang World heritage and in order to strengthen and development tourism development, the provincial of tourism to be an industrial sector that tourism department have strategic plans in generate foreign exchange revenue for the the medium and long-term for the year country; provides more employment; 2008-2015 and 2020. The strategies promotion the cultural conservation and consist of some activities as programs for preserve the nation good norms and coordination among stakeholders in the customs including the protection of tourism infrastructure development to abundant natural resources; promotes response the continuously grow of sectorial products in order to contribute to tourism; continue to build up Luang poverty reduction of all ethnic groups Prabang as the attractive destination on its (Chansone, 2009:15). The main duties and culture, nature, and history; to encourage responsibilities are to prepare the laws, the involvement of communities in the rules and regulations on tourism and the tourism development; tourism tourism industry, strategy on tourism development and promotion in Luang development, and promotion targeting in Prabang must be done in accordance with the National Socio-Economic its carrying capacity, having a focal and development plan. Lao National Tourism exact goal of its economic benefit and the Administration also has the right to preservation of Luang Prabang; tourism administer, manage, and monitor the development and promotion must relate to activities of the tourism operation units as the basic of the economy in order to the policies and the laws specify strengthen and simultaneously an (Chansone, 2009:18,19). extension of its economy structural; tourism development related to national 3.3.2. Policy and strategy relevant of security, environmental protection as well provincial level the natural biodiversity. At the same At the provincial level, as well as conference, the head of Luang Prabang the national level, tourism is one of the provincial Heritage department also many sectors that the Lao Government commented that: sustainable management has considered as a tool for development of heritage preservation, Luang Prabang of the country. According to Thongmala authority defines it strategy such as Phosykham refers to the Luang Prabang sustainable preservation of Luang Governor 2007 (Phosykham, 2010:4), the Prabang as Word heritage city, promotion strategy is to develop Luang Prabang as a of Luang Prabang as a tourism centre of tourism centre for cultural, natural and culture, history and, nature, the historical sites, and to promote Luang establishment of Luang Prabang to be a Prabang as a linked land and a wonderful refreshing park, attractive city; and with holiday town. According to the - 25 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

RESEARCH ARTICLE good environment, research centre of the committees agree to manage Luang outstanding value of the Lao culture. Prabang town into 8 important zones as Development Division of PSMV: ZPP, UB: Ban surrounds PSMV, Department of Information, Culture and UR: Ban river bank, UC: Ban Mountain, Tourism in Luang Prabang also issued A: Airport, NC: Mountains, NA: Rice Luang Prabang Tourism Development fields and NR: River bank. and Marketing Strtegy Plan for 2011- ① UB: The area Surrounding PSMV 2020, 8 The contents of document des- This zone is location around cribes the ten strategies for tourism PSMV, there are 15 villages. The develop-ment and promotion such as Goal character of the area is not crowd of the 1 is Insti-tutional Improvement for World house and building but there are field of Heritage, Goal 2 is Cultural‐ Natural‐ farm, service activities as offices, Historical tourism development (Public education institute, hospital and awareness, Poverty reduc-tion, handicraft factory. This area have Infrastructure), Goal 3 is Protection of characteristic and has potential to extent diversified flora and fauna, Goal 4 the function of the town like offices, is Cultural‐ Natural‐ Historical tourism education institute, hospital and development (Strengthening the existing handicraft factory but architecture should tourism resources), Goal 5 is be close to the architecture in the PSMV. Improvement of tourism manage-ment, Goal 6 is Improvement of tourism Activities allow for UB zone are services, Goal 7 is Development of personal house, guesthouse, hotel, tourism tour products, Goal 8 is restaurant, shopping center, handicraft Tourism Information, Goal 9 is Tourism center, some small business which don’t promotion and Goal 10 make pollution of environment and sound, is Human resource development in touri office, temple and public yard. Activities sm sector. not allow for UB zone are factory, business to make pollution of 3.3.3. Managing Zone and Making environment and sound, animal industry Policy for Urban Planning of farm. Building high is maximum high is Luang Prabang Town 15 m (from roof to ground). According to conference of local committee for Luang Prabang World heritage March 01, 2011. Local

8 Luang Prabang Tourism Development and Marketing,[email protected]. Strtegy Plan for 2011-2020, Tourism Developmenttourismluangprabang. Division of Department of Information, Culture and Tourism in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. www.tourism - 26 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]



Source: Heritage department Photo 1. Map of Luang Prabang Town by managing zones.

② UR: The area surrounding river bank Activities allow for UR zone are area (Mekong and Khan rivers) private house, office, temple, hotel, GH, small business which don’t make This zone is situated surrounding pollution of environment and sound, Mekong and Khan rivers bank, there are public yard, planting and animal feeding 21 villages. The character of area is for family. Activities not allow for UR villages situate there for long time ago; zone are factory, business to make there is not cloud of the house or building. pollution of environment and sound, There are farm, activities service, office, animal industry farm. Building high is education institute and handicraft. This maximum high is 12 m (from roof to area have characteristic to be connecting ground) between river bank and village. The architecture can be traditional or modern ③ UC: the area surrounding mountain but close of river bank nature This zone is located surround combination. bottom the mountain, there are 14

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RESEARCH ARTICLE villages. The character is not crowd of the  From 2 km maximum high is 4 m house or building. There are farm, (from roof to ground) activities service, office, education  From 3 km maximum high is 7 m institute, handicraft and factory. This area (from roof to ground) has characteristic to extent the town; it is connecting between mountain and the  From 4 km maximum high is 11 m area surrounding PSMV. (from roof to ground) Activities allow are private house, ⑤ NC: Mountains GH, hotel, restaurant, market, small This area is covered of 9 business which don’t make pollution of mountains as: Lek Mt, Xang Mt, Xuang environment and sound, office, temple Mt, Keiwtuan Mt, Choumhuan Mt, Kai and Public yard. Activities not allow area Mt, Sone Mt, Tangyai Mt, Dadkea Mt. factory (accept the factory established The character are small and long before), business to make pollution of mountain surround look like wall of the environment and sound, animal industry Luan Prabang town. This area has farm. Building high is maximum high is characteristic of history of those 20 m (from roof to ground) mountains has meaning relation with ④ A: Airport establishing of the Luang Prabang town, which important reason of natural view This zone is located covering for the town. airport and some villages surrounding, there are 11 villages. The character is flat Activities allow are excavate of land and there is not crowd of the house or natural forest thing, common castle by building, there are private house, office, using natural material for tourist looking organization and other activities. This view. Activities not allow are cutting tree, area has characteristic to reserve for construction over 350 m, to excavate communication of airplane. mining as; stone and ground Activities allow are activity for ⑥ NA: Rice fields using for communication of airplane, This zone is located of rice field private house, GH, restaurant, market, surround the bottom of mountain as: Xang handicraft, small business which don’t Mt, Due Mt, Phongvan Mt, Sangkhalok make pollution of environment and sound, Mt and Nakham Mt. The character is for office, temple, public yard. Activities not agriculture, large and flat land for rice allow are big and medium factory and car field and vegetables. This area has auto service, all activities effect to characteristic of green area and natural communication of airplane, noisiness beauty for the town. Activities, effecting light and pollution, animal industry farm. Building high Activities allow are rice field, (according of airplane department policy): farm, lake, rice field storage is common model. Activities not allow area  From 1 km not allow to build any permanent of construction, animal feeding construction industry.

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RESEARCH ARTICLE ⑦ NR: River bank ⑧ PSMV: ZPP (Plan de Sauvegarde et de Mise en Valeur = PSMV, s = 800 ha ) This zone is situated between Mekong and Khan rivers. Mekong river Activities allow (2011) are private bank from Done Village to Chomnguao house and sharing house maximum 3 village and Khan River bank from families, GH or small hotel, activities Donekeo village to Pak-khan village. The trading: shop and market, activities character is natural beside Mekong and handicraft and activities public service. Khan River includes islands and diversity Activities not allow (2011) are noisiness of bio ganic. This area is characteristic activities and pollution (Auto service, connecting between communications by club and petroleum station), hotel river, farm (vegetable) and to be (established before), factory, trading and composed for the town and natural view. storage within 100 square, animal farms. Activities allow are farm and tree The building in the list 2011: there are 444 planting, port, stair and water way, public buildings conservation in PSMV area. yard. Activities not allow are all construction, fish feeding, permanent service as: restaurant and GH raft, from 2020 not allow taking out the soil

Source: Heritage department.

Photo 2. Map of PSMV World heritage preservation area.

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Type 1: Project for reconstruct of the urban agriculture; the historic urban the house or building should attend to the landscape of the hills and the townscape; policy strictly and follow the origin style the historic town morphology that shows especially is material and technical (167 the Lao villages inside the urban grid, building). forming the urban blocks. Type 2: Project for reconstruct of Tourism human resource the house or building should attend to the management and development is often policy strictly and follow the origin style thought of as important factor because but can develop some part of the building. tourism is a big generator of jobs. This case can use new material 30% (228 Employing helps a lot of people in building). achieving poverty reduction. However, capacity building on the local level to host Type 3: in this case can construct communities and local officials develop new building but should be same style as and promote their tourism resources in a the original, size, material and technical sustainable manner, with full participation (49 Building). by all sectors of the community-women, The lake in the list 2011: There are the youth, ethnic groups, the disabled and totally 141 of the lake in the list for the elderly. conservation. Education and training 4. DISCUSSION stakeholder as local communities should get right knowledge and understanding of The tourism industry has regulation and also vocational skill of developed rapidly in Luang Prabang with operating of tourism industry. For the development of Lao, many tourism sustainable tourism could be improved areas related policies and projects have through curriculum development and been implemented in order to cope with gradually raising the qualifications of the increased demand by international teachers, especially in higher education. tourists. However, further policy development is necessary to ensure that Tourism development is limited future tourism development in Luang by the low level of infrastructure Prabang will be sustainable. The some key development. Improvement in the issues to develop of tourism in Luang transportation system, in particular Prabang World heritage sustains are as domestic flights and roads, is needed both below: in quantity and in quality. Urban planning for maintain the Tourism policies and regulation is “Outstanding Universal Value” of Luang not sufficient and implementation, Prabang, it is vital that all future uncontrolled tourism development may developments in this World Heritage- lead to the destruction of cultural heritage protected area protects the riverscape and the degradation of environmental (view of the river) and relationship resources. Moreover, although good between the built area and the river; and progress has been made with the the urban wetlands (the urban ponds) and development of environmental legislation

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RESEARCH ARTICLE and regulations, it is important that alleviations. Luang Prabang has large adequate resources be directed to the potential to develop the tourism industry monitoring and enforcement of these under conditions of rich of tourism standards. resource and the trends of tourism in Preservation and conservation of Luang Prabang has been developed in tourism World heritage in Luang Prabang: each years. The impact of tourism local communities should be educated on development in Luang Prabang are the history, culture, and heritage and to Economic, Social, and environment. protect the natural environment at the Therefore, Luang Prang provincial as well as Laos government have to pay attention heritage site including the benefits to the community on preservation, knowledge and making policy, strategy and urban and information about world heritage and planning for preserve Luang Prang as a sustainable tourism are necessary to World heritage site and other side is for motivate local people to preserve the sustainable development of tourism in original cultures, traditions and styles as Luang Prabang. Local committees agree tourism products which captivate visitors, to manage Luang Prabang town into 8 community should be aware at all levels important zones as PSMV: ZPP (heritage of decisions, and to get regular benefits area), UB: Ban surrounds PSMV (villages for preserving culture. Therefore, Luang surrounding heritage area), UR: Ban river Prabang Authority should have a system bank, UC: Ban Mountain (villages to involve the community in all kinds of surround mountain), A: Airport, NC: decisions, it would be appropriate to Mountains, NA: Rice fields and NR: develop a code of conduct for the world River bank. cultural heritage site, in Luang Prabang 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS town area that could help in the This work was supported by individual improvement in quality of residence, researcher. However, I would like to travel, entertainment that provides thank all people who are a part supports to knowledge, skills, education and this article, such as government officers, awareness. It helps to learn best practices business owners and teaching staff in on the part of all stakeholders, and Souphanouvong University to spend their environmental awareness programs can time of giving useful information to produce dual benefits: it can reduce contribute my paper. leakage by encouraging using local products/services, and reduce waste, 7. REFERENCES garbage, and environmental degradation. A Guide to Luang Prabang. (2010). Luang 5. CONCLUSION Prabang Timeless Tourism development in Luang Abby, L and Geoffrey, W. (2005). Prabang has a significantly positive Planning Tourism Employment. impact to the development of local people, Faculty of Tourism, Aletheia heritage area in Luang Prang and also of University, Taiwan. And Faculty of the Lao Economy; it contributes to the Environmental Studies, University government’s objective on poverty - 31 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]

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