![Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ] RESEARCH ARTICLE ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫວ ງພະບາງ* † ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ ພາກວຊິ າ ບໍລຫິ ານການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລ ສຸພານຸວງົ ບດົ ຄດັ ຫຍ ໍໍ້ ໃນການວໄິ ຈໃນຄງັໍ້ ນ ີໍ້ ແມ່ ນມຈີ ດຸ ປະສງົ ສກຶ ສາການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງ. ນບັ ຕງັໍ້ ແຕ່ ສປປ. ລາວ ເປີດນະໂຍບາຍຕ່ ໍນກັ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ສາກນົ ໃນເດອື ນຕຸລາ ປີ 1989, ຂະແໜງການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວກ່ ໄໍ ດມໍ້ ບີ ດົ ບາດສໍາຄນັ ຕ່ ໍການພດັ ທະນາ ເສດຖະກດິ -ສງັ ຄມົ ແລະ ການລຸດຜ່ ອນຄວາມຄວາມທຸກຍາກໃນລາວ. ຈດຸ ປະສງົ ຂອງການຄນົໍ້ ຄວາໍ້ ໃນຄງັໍ້ ນ ີໍ້ ເພ່ ອື ສໍາ ຫ ວດຜນົ ກະທບົ ຂອງການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ໂດຍສະເພາະ ດາໍ້ ນເສດຖະກດິ , ສງັ ຄມົ ແລະ ສ່ ງິ ແວດລອໍ້ ມ, ສກຶ ສານະໂຍບາຍ ແລະ ຍຸດທະສາດຂອງລດັ ຖະບານ ຕ່ ໍກບັ ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງ. ຫ ງັ ຈາກນນັໍ້ , ເພ່ ອື ຮບັ ປະກນັ ຕ່ ໍກບັ ການພດັ ທະນາ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນຫ ວງພະບາງ ຜູສໍ້ ກຶ ສາສະເໜຂີ ໍແໍ້ ນະນາໍ ຕ່ າງໆຕ່ ໍພາກສ່ ວນທ່ ກີ ່ ຽວຂອໍ້ ງ. ຂໍມໍ້ ູນທ່ ໃີ ຊເໍ້ ຂາົໍ້ ໃນການວໄິ ຈໃນຄງັໍ້ ນແີໍ້ ມ່ ນໄດຈໍ້ າກຂໍມໍ້ ູນທຸຕຍິ ະພູມ ແລະ ຂມໍໍ້ ູນປະຖມົ ພູມ, ພອໍ້ ມດວໍ້ ຍການສງັ ເກດ ແລະ ສໍາພາດຜູໍ້ ບໍລຫິ ານຂອງລດັ ທ່ ກີ ່ ຽວຂອໍ້ ງກບັ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ເຈາົໍ້ ຂອງທຸລະກດິ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແລະ ປະຊາຊນົ ທ່ ອງຖ່ ນິ ຈາໍ ນວນ ໜ່ ງຶ . ຜນົ ຂອງການສກຶ ສາພບົ ວ່ າ ນບັ ຕງັໍ້ ແຕ່ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງຖກື ຄດັ ເລອື ກເປັນເມອື ງມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກຈາກອງົ ການອູຍ ແນສັ ໂກ (UNESCO), 1995, ຈາໍ ນວນນກັ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວເຂາົໍ້ ມາທ່ ຽວຫ ວງພະບາງໄດເໍ້ ພ່ ມີ ຂນຶໍ້ ຢ່ າງສະໝ່ ໍາສະເໝ.ີ ຫ ວງ ພະບາງຍງັ ໄດຮໍ້ ບັ ລາງວນັ ເມອື ງສຂີ ຽວ ແລະ ສະຫງບົ ສຸກ, ຖກື ຄດັ ເລອື ກເປັນເມອື ງປອດຄວນັ ຢາສູບ. ຕ່ ໍກບັ ຊບັ ພະຍາກອນການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວຂອງແຂວງກ່ ຍໍ ງັ ສວາຍງາມທາງທໍາມະຊາດ, ມຊີ ວີ ະນາໆພນັ ຫ າກຫ າຍ ແລະ ແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງ ທ່ ຽວທາງທໍາມະຊາດຫ າຍແຫ່ ງ. ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແນ່ ນອນແລວໍ້ ມຜີ ນົ ກະທບົ ດາໍ້ ນບວກ ແລະ ດາໍ້ ນລບົ ຕ່ ໍ ກບັ ຫ ວງພະບາງ ເຊ່ ນັ : ດາໍ້ ນເສດຖະກດິ , ສງັ ຄມົ ແລະ ສ່ ງິ ແວດລອມໍ້ . ສະນນັໍ້ , ຜູຮໍ້ ບັ ຜດິ ຊອບຂນັໍ້ ແຂວງ ກ່ ຄໍ ລື ະດບັ ປະເທດ ຄວນເອາົ ໃຈໃສ່ ແລະ ສາໍ້ ງນະໂຍບາຍ, ຍຸດທະສາດ ແລະ ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ເພ່ ອື ການປົກປັກຮກັ ສາ ຫ ວງພະບາງເມອື ງມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ກ່ ຄໍ ແື ຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວອ່ ນື ໆ ເພ່ ອື ໃຫເໍ້ ປັນການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນ ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະບາງ. ໃນຕນົໍ້ ປີ 2011 ຄະນະກາໍ ມະການທ່ ອງຖ່ ນິ ກ່ໄໍ ດເໍ້ ຫນັ ດ ີ ຕ່ ໍກບັ ການບໍລຫິ ານຈດັ ການເມອື ງຫ ວງພະ ບາງ ອອກເປັນ 8 ພາກສ່ ວນທ່ ສີ ໍາຄນັ ຄ:ື ຂອບເຂດມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ (PSMV:ZPP), UB: ເຂດໝ່ ບູ າໍ້ ນອອໍ້ ມຮອບ PSMV, UR: ເຂດໝ່ ບູ າໍ້ ນລຽບແຄມແມ່ ນາໍໍ້ , UC: ເຂດໝ່ ບູ າໍ້ ນຕາມພູຜາ, A: ເຂດສະໜາມບນິ , NC: ເຂດພູຜາ, NA: ເຂດກະສກິ າໍ ແລະ NR: ເຂດແຄມແມ່ ນາໍໍ້ . ຄາໍ ສບັ ສາໍ ຄນັ ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ , ແຫ່ ງທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ , ເມອື ງຫ ວງພະ ບາງ, ສປປ ລາວ. * ການອາໍ້ ງອງີ ພາສາລາວ ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ (2018). ການວາງແຜນຕວົ ເມອື ງ ແລະ ການພດັ ທະນາການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວແບບຍນື ຍງົ ໃນແຫ່ ງ ທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວມລໍ ະດກົ ໂລກ ເມອື ງຫວ ງພະບາງ, ວາລະສານວທິ ະຍາສາດມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸວງົ , ສະບບັ ທ ີ 3 : ໜາໍ້ 11-34. † ຕດິ ຕ່ພໍ ວົ ພນັ ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ, ພາກວຊິ າ ບລໍ ຫິ ານການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ,, ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸວງົ . E-mail: [email protected] - 11 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ] RESEARCH ARTICLE Urban Planning and Sustainable Development of Tourism in World Heritage Site, Luang Prabang Town ‡ Vilayphone SOMSAMON Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Economic and Tourism, Souphanouvong University ABSTRACT This paper investigates the urban planning and sustainable development of tourism in World Heritage Site, Luang Prang town. Since the Lao PDR was opened to international tourists in October 1989, the tourism development sector has played a very important role in the socioeconomic development and poverty reduction in Laos. This paper inspects the impact of tourism development in terms of economic, society, and environment, to explore for policies and strategies of government for urban planning of sustainable development of tourism in world heritage site of Luang Prabang town, then propose applicable recommendations to ensure the sustainable development of tourism in Luang Prabang. The primary and secondary data integrated into this work together with observed and interviewed with the tourism-related government officers, some private tourism business owners, and local people. The result we found that since Luang Prabang was appointed to be a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1995, the number of visitors increased dramatically. Luang Prabang also awarded accepted to be the Green and Peaceful Town, no smoking town. With regard to its provincial tourism resources still has virtually untouched natural beauty and biological diversity, historical sites. Tourism development has surely effect on both positive and negative to Luang Prabang as: Economic, Social, and Environment. Therefore, Luang Prang provincial, as well as Lao government, had to pay attention and making policy, strategy and urban planning for the preserve Luang Prang as a World heritage site and other side is for sustainable development of tourism in Luang Prabang. On earlier of 2011 local committees agree to manage Luang Prabang town into 8 important zones as PSMV:ZPP, UB: villages surrounding PSMV, UR: villages of the river bank, UC: villages of mountain, A: airport, NC: Mountains, NA: rice fields and NR: riverbank. Keywords Urban planning and sustainable development of tourism, World heritage site, Luang Prang town, Lao PDR. ‡ Correspondence Vilayphone SOMSAMON, Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Economic and Tourism, Souphanouvong University. E-mail: [email protected] - 12 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ] RESEARCH ARTICLE 1. INTRODUCTION northern part of Lao PDR, and far from Lao PDR (Lao People Democratic Vientiane, the capital city of Laos about Republic) is a landlocked nation in the 400 km. The provincial population is center of the Southeastern Asia peninsula. estimated at 430.000 persons, composed Human beings began living in the present of 12 different ethnic groups (Bounyang, territory of Laos more than 10,000 years 2010). The urban district of Luang ago. Since the Lao PDR was opened to Prabang has an estimated population of international tourists in October 1989, the 56,000 and the central town has 24,000 tourism development sector has played a inhabitants. The city is famous for varying tourist sites, and there is an important very important role in the socioeconomic development and poverty reduction in river as the Mekong River goes along the Laos. The tourism sector remarkably city as well. The Lao government had generates foreign exchange income and assigned Luang Prabang to be the cultural employer with the ability to spread its and natural tourism Center for the economic benefits to every community. It Northern part of Lao PDR. Since Luang has been the important major industry and Prabang was declared as a World Heritage is rapidly growing in recent years. The Town on December 9, 1995 (MSP, 2011- Lao Government has opened new tourism 2020), it is more attracted domestic and policies by improving tourism international tourists choose this town as infrastructures, accommodations and tour their holiday destination (Sirisack et al., route, including tour package among 2014). Every year, thousands of domestic countries in the Mekong Basin, have been and international tourists gather in Luang designed and introduced. These new tour Prabang to enjoy the several festivals such packages have attracted a large number of as, Lao New Year, the end of Buddhist international tourists. The various types of lent, boat racing festival and etc., various tourism are growing in a diversified ancient ritual and ceremonies of local sector, offering more attractive tourism people are conducted during the festival. products. In 2014 tourists arrivals to Lao The number of tourists has increased daily PDR was 2.158.719 and generated 641,6 and will continue to increase in the million US dollars. It has ranked as the coming years. number 2 in foreign exchange earnings in All these things have generates the Laos (TSRT, 2016). rapid growth for Luang Prabang’s tourism Luang Prabang province certified sector. Its tourism has become a well- the existence of such settlements. The known sector on the international stage rural community grouping of people and has been awarded as the world’s best slowly formed into Muong (Township) tourism destination for 8 years (2005 to 4 between 4th and 8th century on both sides 2015) (Wanderlust Travel Magazine, of the Mekong River and along its 2013-15). Luang Prabang is a beautiful tributaries. Luang Prabang is one of the 18 and green town and it has been declared to provinces of Lao PDR, located in the be a non-smoking town which, in turn, 4 Award from world famous magazines such as Wanderlust of England. - 13 - Somsamon. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal. 3 : 11-34. [ ISSN: 2521-0653 ] RESEARCH ARTICLE attracts more people to visit as well as to - 1373) had taken the Prabang Buddha come to work in Luang Prabang each Image from the King of Cambodia to year. According to Provincial Tourism Muang XiengThong for worship in this office of Luang Prabang (2014) cited city, and then the name of the city was Phosikham and friends (2015), there was changed to Muang Luang Prabang due to only 16,230 international tourists visited the name of the Buddha image from then Luang Prabang in 1995, the number of up till now. Luang Prabang is also the tourists has increased continually year by capital of the holy Buddha image is year, and the figure reached 643.319 situated wonderful geography and international tourists in 2016 (TSRL, location. It is city rich with diverse 2016), which generating a total revenue tangible as well as intangible heritage reach over two hundred US dollars.
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