Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75.

RESEARCH ARTICLE ສະຖານະການປັດຈບຸ ນັ ຂອງເກາົ ຫສ ຼີ ກຶ ສາໃນປະເທດລາວ1 ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ* ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ສູນຄນົ ົ້ ຄວາົ້ -ຮຽນຮູປົ້ ະເທດເກາົ ຫ ,ຼີ ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸວງົ

ບດົ ຄດັ ຫຍ ົ້

ບດົ ຄນົົ້ ຄວາົ້ ນແຼີົ້ ມ່ ນໄດອົ້ ະທບິ າຍເຖງິ ສະຖານະການປັດຈບຸ ນັ ຂອງເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາໃນປະເທດລາວ. ປະເທດລາວ ຕງັົ້ ຢ່ ູອາຊຕຼີ າເວນັ ອອກສ່ ຽງໃຕ ົ້ ແລະ ເປັນປະເທດບ່ ມ ທຼີ າງອອກສ່ ູທະເລ ທ່ ເຼີ ຕມັ ໄປດວົ້ ຍພູຜາ ປ່ າດງົ ອນັ ກວາົ້ ງຂວາງ, ເປັນດນິ ແດນທ່ ອຼີ ຸດມົ ສມົ ບູນທ່ ສຼີ ຸດທ່ ລຼີ ຽບຕາມແຄມແມ່ ນາ ົ້ ຂອງ. ເລ່ ມຼີ ຕງັົ້ ແຕ່ ການ ສາົ້ ງຕງັົ້ ສາຍສາ ພນັ ຄນື ໃໝ່ ລະຫວ່ າງ ສາທາລະນະລດັ ປະຊາທປິ ະໄຕ ປະຊາຊນົ ລາວ (ສປປ ລາວ) ແລະ ສາທາລະນະລດັ ເກາົ ຫ ຼີ (ສ.ເກາົ ຫ )ຼີ ປຼີ 1995, ຫ ງັ ຈາກນນັົ້ ຄວາມສາ ພນັ ຂອງສອງປະເທດ ໄດມົ້ ກຼີ ານ ພດັ ທະນາຢ່ າງກວາົ້ ງຂວາງ ແລະ ຫດັ ແໜນົ້ ໃ ນຫ າຍຂະແໜງການ ເຊ່ ນັ ການຄາົ້ , ການລງົ ທນຶ , ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ ແລະ ການຮ່ ວມມຂື ອງລດັ ທະບານ. ເຫນັ ໄດກົ້ ານລງົ ທນຶ ຂອງ ສ.ເກາົ ຫ ຼີ ໃນລາວ ກ່ ຖ ວື ່ າຕດິ ອນັ ດບັ ຕນົົ້ ຂອງບນັ ດາການລງົ ທນຶ ຕ່ າງປະເທດໃນລາວ. ສ.ເກາົ ຫ ຼີ ບ່ ພ ຽງລງົ ທນຶ ໃນພາກລດັ ແຕ່ ຍງັ ມບຼີ ລ ສິ ດັ ເອກະຊນົ ຫ າຍແຫ່ ງຂອງ ສ.ເກາົ ຫ ໄຼີ ດມົ້ າລງົ ທນຶ ໃນ ສປປ ລາວ. ໃນຄະນະທ່ ຄຼີ ນົ ລາວໃຫຄົ້ ວາມສນົ ໃຈຕ່ ກ ບັ ຄນົ ເກາົ ຫ ຼີ ແລະ ວດັ ທະນາທາ ເກາົ ຫ ຼີ ລດັ ທະບານ ສ.ເກາົ ຫ ຼີ ແລະ ທຸລະກດິ ເກາົ ຫ ກຼີ ່ໄ ດພົ້ ະຍາຍາມສ່ ງົ ເສມຼີ ສາົ້ ງ ຄວາມສນົ ໃຈໃຫແົ້ ກ່ ສງັ ຄມົ ລາວ, ເຊ່ ງິ ເຫນັ ໄດ ົ້ ກະແສເກາົ ຫ ທຼີ ່ ສຼີ າົ້ ງຊ່ ສື ຽງໃນ ສປປ ລາວ. ແຕ່ ເຖງິ ແນວໃດກ່ ຕາມ, ເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາຍງັ ຢ່ ູໃນລະດບັ ໜ່ ຸມນອົ້ ຍໃນ ສປປ ລາວ, ແຕ່ ກ່ ເ ຫນັ ໄດກົ້ ານເຕບຼີ ໂຕຂອງການຮບັ ຮູກົ້ ່ ຽວ ກບັ ເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາໃນລະດບັ ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລ. ຈ່ ງຶ ມຄຼີ ວາມໝນັົ້ ໃຈວ່ າຄວາມພະຍາຍາມເຫ່ າົ ນນັົ້ ຈະສາົ້ ງ ພນືົ້ ຖານທ່ ແຼີ ຂງແກ່ ນ ຕ່ ກ ບັ ການເຕບຼີ ໂຕຂອງເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາໃນອະນາຄດົ ໃນປະເທດລາວ.

ຄາ ສບັ ສາ ຄນັ ເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາ, ພາສາເກາົ ຫ ,ຼີ ຄວາມຄດິ ເຫນັ ຕ່ ກ ບັ ເກາົ ຫ ,ຼີ ກະແສເກາົ ຫ ,ຼີ ເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາໃນປະເທດລາວ.

1 ການອາົ້ ງອງຼີ ພາສາລາວ

ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ (2018). ສະຖານະການປັດຈບຸ ນັ ຂອງເກາົ ຫ ສຼີ ກຶ ສາໃນປະເທດລາວ, ວາລະສານວທິ ະຍາສາດມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸ ວງົ , ສະບບັ ທ ຼີ 4 : ໜາົ້ 66-75.

* ຕດິ ຕ່ພ ວົ ພນັ ວໄິ ລພອນ ສມົ ສະໝອນ, ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ການທ່ ອງທ່ ຽວ, ສູນຄນົ ົ້ ຄວາົ້ -ຮຽນຮູປົ້ ະເທດເກາົ ຫ, ຼີ ມະຫາວທິ ະຍາໄລສຸພານຸວງົ , ສປປ ລາວ. ອເຼີ ມລ [email protected] - 66 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75.

RESEARCH ARTICLE Current Situation of Korean Studies in

Vilayphone SOMSAMONE

Faculty of Economic and Tourism, Korean Studies Research Center, Souphanouvong University

ABSTRACT This paper describes the Current Situation of Korean Studies in Laos. Laos is located in Southeast Asia and it is a landlocked country which is largely mountainous, with the most fertile land founded along the Mekong plains. Since the diplomatic relation between the Lao PDR and the Republic of Korea re-established 1995, then the relation of both countries has developed widely and closely at various kinds of trade, investment, tourism and government cooperation. Korean has engaged in major investment in Laos not only in the public sector, but private companies also have a heavy presence in Laos. While people in Laos have a favorable perception of the Korean people and culture due to promotional efforts by the Korean government and business concerns, it seems natural for the Korean Wave to gain considerable popularity in Laos. However, Korean Studies are still an infant stage in Lao PDR, but there has been growing recognition a bout Korean Studies at the Universities. It is quite sure that those efforts will end up creating a solid basis for the future growth of Korean Studies in Laos.

Key words: Korean studies, Korean language, Korean Perception, Korean wave, Korean Studies in Laos.

 Correspondence Vilayphone SOMSAMONE. Faculty of Economic and Tourism, Korean Studies Research Center, Souphanouvong University, Lao PDR. E-mail: [email protected] - 67 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75.

1. INTRODUCTION increased by 310 percent. Consequently, Lao PDR has seen steady improvement in Lao PDR is located in the its HDI value over time, making Lao Indochina peninsular or Southeast Asia, PDR one of the HDI growth leaders in It is a landlocked (called as land linked) the medium human development country bordering Myanmar, , category, where it currently sits. Lao , , and . The PDR was ranked 139 out of 187 countries country’s land area is 236,800 square in the 2014 UN’s Human Development kilometers, and about 6.8 million people Report. The Government’s 7th National 2 live in its 17 provinces, 3 cities and one Socioeconomic Development Plan (2011- 3 capital city . The most of people, around 2015) has resulted in a focus on high 63 percent still living in rural areas and economic growth that benefits all people more ethnics in nature. There are now and does not harm the environment. In about 49 ethnic minority groups in Laos addition, achieving the MDGs is and the majority of people living in rural incorporated as a key goal of the plan, in remote areas of the country. However, addition to an overall target of graduation urbanization is occurring at a rate of 4.9 of the Least Developed Country (LDC) percent each year. The country is largely status by 2020. Lao PDR is a country mountainous, with the most fertile land with the moderate economic growth rate found along the Mekong plains. The river in comparison to the countries in the flows from north to south, forming the region, the GDP growth rate in 2013 – border with Thailand for more than 60 2014 is 7.8% and GDP per capita is 1,671 percent of its length. Despite still being a US dollars. least developed country (LDC), Lao PDR has made significant progress in poverty 2. Objectives of the Study and alleviation over the past 2 decades with Research Methodology poverty rates declining from 46% in 1992 to 27.6% in 2008. The country is on The objectives of this study to course to achieve the Millennium searching the current situation of Korean Development Goal (MDG) target of Studies in Lao PDR. Find out the halving poverty by 2015, however the recommendation by discussion to challenge now is to ensure that all Lao propose applicable suggestions on people benefit in the country's making the best Korean studies in Laos development. Between 1985 and 2012, as well as in Souphanouvong University. substantial progress has been made in the This study is a qualitative study main Human Development Index by focusing mainly is primary data. indicators: life expectancy increased by Correcting the primary data researcher 19 years, mean years of schooling did the survey and interview some related increased by 2.5 years and Gross organization such as the Human National Income (GNI) per capita Resource Development Service of Korea (HRDK) in Vientiane, Laos, Embassy of 2 Luang Prabang city (Luang Prabang provincez), Pakse city (Champasack province) and Kaison the Republic of Korea to the Lao Phomvihan city (Savannakhet province) People’s Democratic Republic, Logos 3 Vientiane Capital is the first and the original capital city of Laos. Academy, Lao-Korea College, Institution - 68 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75. of Science Research of ministry of financed many projects. The grant aid Education in Lao, and Lao National which Laos receives that from the Korea Library, etc. International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and loans from the Economic 3. RESULTS Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF). Such investment shows no sign of 3.1 Current Status of Korean Studies slowing down: Laotian President in Laos Choummaly Sayasone’s visited in South Before the re-established the Korea for three-days (November 21-23, 4 diplomatic between Laos and Korea, 2013) , this was the first Laos-Korea there is individual person came to Laos state visit since the reestablishment of by traveling purpose, Mr. Lee Jeong- diplomatic ties and included summit talks with South Korean President Park Guen- Huan (이정환) the first Korean people Hye, in which a Memorandum of came to Laos in January 1991, after that Understanding was reached involving in 1994 he registers to study Lao more EDCF loans. language in National University of Laos to study Lao Language, he had studied Korean Companies also have a here since bachelor degree until master heavy presence in Laos. The South degree, and he graduated master degree Korean firms SK Engineering and in 2011. He is only one Korean person Construction and Korean and Korean who first enter into Laos’s country and Western Power Company are the primary specialize about Laos. finances as well as builders of the 410- megawatt Xe Pain Xe Namnoy October 25, 1995, the relationship hydroelectric power station. The between Laos (Lao PDR – Lao People’s automotive company KOLAO Holdings, Democratic Republic) and Korea which makes and distributes cars and (Republic of Korea) was re-established other vehicles in Laos, are also the the diplomatic, then the relation of both biggest non-state company and private countries has developed widely and enterprise in the country. Likewise, the closely at various kinds of trade, exporting of Korean products to Laos has investment, tourism and government increased and goods such as electronics, cooperation. The Korean investment cosmetics, and mobile phones are of companies take place one of the top particular prominence. investments in Laos. The number of Korean tourist has increased year by year. Korea has also engaged in major For the recent year’s Lao people, investment in Laotian higher education in especially the young people love to watch Laos, They have implemented many on Korean drama and listen to Korean projects within the National University of music (Vilayphone SOMSAMONE. Laos in providing facilities such as Cyber 2011). University for e-learning in NOUL 5 which has been finished installing and The Government and people of Korea, including non-government 4 organizations, social and religious Embassy of the republic of Korea to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic associations as well as individuals 5 National University of Laos - 69 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75. ready to run the programs. A new campus Korean Wave also gains of SU6 was built in 2007 financed by a considerable popularity in Laos, similarly loan from ’s EDCF, an to the situation in neighboring Asian arrangement set up by the Korean countries. The popularity of the Korean contractor POSDATA Consortium wave in Laos was just getting off the through the Korean government. On ground in the mid- 2000s. This was later September 9, 2016, the Government of than in neighboring countries due to the the Lao PDR and the Government of the lack of network and distribution channels Republic of Korea consignment in both countries (Vilayphone agreement – Recruiting Lao workers to SOMSAMONE. 2011). However, work in Korea. Then February 6, 2018, Korean drama, song, and dance were around 36 Lao workers had entered into introduced to the Lao people, these Korea (Mary Ainlie. 2017). On Korean entertainment contents won November 2, 2017, also opening tremendous popularity immediately. ceremony for Leading University Project for International Cooperation Project in Presently, the trend of the Korean SU. There is also the big contribution pop culture is quite visible on TV drama, from Government, organization and movies, pop music etc. Also, more and people in human development. Every more people, for example, are developing year some of the staff and students are in the taste of Korea food. Purchase of awarded to pursue their short term and Korean gift items, Korean dress, long term studies for their training within decorative items, mobile phones, Laos and in Korea. electronic goods etc. are growing. One more thing that needs special mention The combination of diplomatic here is the growing interest in Korean and civilian contact with Korea, though material art Taekwondo. Also, the slow in the beginning, has had great number of Korean tourists visited Laos impact on the desired among Lao people has rapidly increased. Study of Korean learn and to understand Koreans. Lao language has gained popularity in Laos perception of Koreans has been informed because people want to enjoy Korean by the exciting stories and films on TV songs and dramas more effectively (Saykhong Saynasine). Lao people’s through learning the language. perception of Koreans started since promotional efforts by the Korean 3.2 Korean Studies and Language government and business concern. As Korean Studies and Language are many Korean goods found their way to expanding widely in Lao country. There Lao markets, a new generation of Lao are a few Korean language colleges or people expressed their admiration of institutes in Laos even if in Vientiane Koreans as hard-working people who capital. Now there is only one Korean wisely adapted modern technology into language department in National production. As a result, they found University of Laos, Vientiane capital, and themselves eager to learn about Korea sooner there will be one more a new (Damrong Thandee 1). department of Korean Language at Souphanouvong University, Luang

6 Souphanouvong University Prabang province. There are also has - 70 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75.

Korean language colleges/centers in 1) Korean Language Proficiency; Vientiane as Logos Academy, Korean 2) Korean Linguistics; Letter School, Lao-Korea Collage, 3) Korean Literature; Vientiane Glory Center and Korea 4) Korean Culture; Together Center. In this section I 5) Translation Skills: Lao to Korean explicated the current situation on the and Korean to Lao Korean Studies and Language especially 6) Preparation course for Korean in a Lao educational institution. language testing: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking 3.2.1 National University of Laos 7) Korean Language for Mass media, Business Management and The National University of Laos Tourism (NOUL), established in 1995 as the first 8) Total credits are 165 credits university in Laos, has a Korean department and offers a Korean language Table 1. The credits of Korean course in 2004. The department of Language Course in NOUL Korean Language belongs to the Faculty of Education which covered French, Credits of Credits of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other Level Credits 1st 2nd language. Since the Department of Korea semester semester has been established, the Korean 1st 38 19 19 International Cooperation Agency year (KOICA) in Laos has supported NUOL 2nd 34 18 16 to strengthen the Korean language year 3rd Department by providing some 36 18 18 equipment and materials 7 at the year 4th Department. In order to make the 30 18 12 year teaching and learning more effectively 5th two to four Korean language teaching 27 15 12 year volunteers have been dispatched to Total 165 88 77 NUOL each year, and two to three Final 6 Scholarships annually are awarded to Lao thesis lecturers at NUOL for the pedagogical training in Korean Language for the Recently there are 7 teaching staff period of two to three months. In addition, in the department of Korean language, the best students are also awarded to there are 4 Lao teachers and 3 Korean attend intensive Korean language training teachers, and 2 master degree teachers for two to three months in Korea each (Lao) and 5 bachelor degrees (Referred to year. statistic academic year 2013-2014).

The Department of Korean The number of students enrolled language offers 7 core subjects: in the Department of Korean Language is limited compared to other foreign 7 10 computers, 1 television, 1 video player, 1 language departments at NUOL. The DVD player, 1 tape recorder, 1 set of Tradition number of students in the academic year music instrument, some text books for teaching and learning 2013 – 20 14 is 85 students (40 female - 71 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75. and 45 male). The first Korean-speaking 1) There is a Korean language center had contest was held at the National Culture opened in September 2012, to serve Hall in Vientiane on 17 March 2013 by Korean language program for the short the Department of the Korean language, course. The Korean language Center used NOUL and KOICA in Laos, to promote to be opened King Sejong course the Korean language studies in Laos. The (Sejonghakdang) from October 2013 to Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies June 2015. Korean language center belongs to the Faculty of Linguistic. The (KFAS) supports the research conducted objective of the center of educated by the Asia Research Centers (ARCs), Korean language to students at the basic established at NOUL in 2002, The ARCs level. Korean language providing around support a variety of scholarly activities, 3 times a week (4 hours to 5 hours per such as research findings. week). Recently, there 4 Korean teaching staff (2 Lao teaching staffs, both of them Table 2. Number of students in majoring in Korean language with master Department of Korean Language, NOUL degree from Korea and 2 Korean 2013-2014 volunteers teaching staff, one of them majoring in Lao language). Most of the Number of Year Female Male teaching textbook donated from Korea. students Year Table 3. Number of students study 22 12 10 1 Korean Language in Korean Language Year Center, 2017 19 3 16 2 Year 15 7 8 Number 3 of Period Teacher Year 15 8 7 Students 4 14/8- TOPIK Year 5 17/11/2017 Lao 14 10 4 1 5 (3 months) Total 85 40 45 14/8- TOPIK 4 17/11/2017 Korean 2 3.2.2 Souphanouvong University (3 months) 6/11/2017- Souphanouvong University (SU) Korean 7 28/1/2018 Lao Basic is one National University of Laos to (3months) serve higher education for 8 provinces in Total 16 the northern part of Laos. Which is located in Luang Prabang province and In the haft of 2018, there 60 was established in 2003. SU seems one students enrolled to study Korean symbolic of Korea in Laos, because SU language, with 11 weeks divided into 4 had received an ODA fund from the classrooms with 4 teaching staff. Korean government to establish the new campus and the project have completed According to the plan of the in 2007. Since that, there have been about Faculty of Linguistic, the Korean 35 SU teachers trained and conducted language course will open in the next master / Ph.D courses in Korea. semester (2019) which belong to

- 72 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75.

Department of Foreign Language, language, but many other fields related Faculty of Linguistic in SU. Korean such as Korean culture, Korea history, Korean economics, Korean 2) Korean institute names Korean society, etc. Including Korean activities Cooperation Center (KCC) was opened and the Korean program for Lao people in January 2008, then director of KCC more understand deeper about Korean. established of the Korean Studies Institute (KSI) at SU by 2015, it is 3.2.3 Private Institute expected to expand cooperation with Laos’ other research institutes and further 1) Lao-Korea Collage reach out to another center in other Lao-Korea College, established in countries in the region, but KCC either KSI had closed because of lacking 2000 in Vientiane, has offered Korea support fund and management of human language to local people from the resources. However, during operating beginning. The Korean language had KSI, there were some activities, such as a been taught 3 hours per day and around field experiences course in exhibitions, 15 hours per week. film screenings, taekwondo and traditional wedding ceremonies, which 2) Logos Academy / Logos College the part of the Korean studies program to attract more students. The center also Logos Academy was established published Korean studies teaching in 2001 in Vientiane the capital of Laos. materials as Korean History, Korean It changed to Logos College in 2014. Economy, Korean Politics, Korean Logos Academy has opened Korean Society, Korean Culture and Korean language for primary level every 3 Language. months. During 1 year. It has operated various kinds of Korean language class to 3) The Korean Studies Research Center study Korean letter, prepare TOPIK test (KSRC), established in June 2018 by and introduce Korean culture. receiving project fund from KSPS,

Academy of Korean Studies. The 3) In Vientiane also has other Korean objective KSRC provides a good languages college and centers such as the foundation of Korean culture, Korean Lao Top College has opened in 2008 in history, Korean society, Korean Vientiane, a Korean Letter school economics, including literature and established in 2003 (the course provide to philosophy. Also Korean Studies Korean children in Laos), the Vientiane researching, together holding activities of Glory Center opened in 2014, Korea the seminar and workshop related to Together Center established in 2015, etc. Korean studies. Broadening the 4. CONCLUSION community of Korean Studies in SU, serving the activities of cultural Korean Studies in Laos is still in exchanges and networking. Developing a the stage of infant, colleges or institutes training course of the Korean Studies providing Korean language are limited, program in SU. KSRC is necessary but it is gaining growth and widely in coordination and promotion in term of Laos’s society. Korean Studies in Laos Korean Studies, not only Korean has a significantly surely effect in term of

- 73 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75. language, food, favorite prefer, clothes, this year 2018 there are starting 3 etc. Some of Lao people like to learn institutions such as KSRC establishes Korean language because they want to from January 2018 and just open June understand about Korea content such as 2018. Chinese Confucianism Institute enjoy Korean music, movie, and drama. will open follow month as July 2018. The Lao person’s perception about Korea Vietnamese Language Center is studies is positive than negative view. constructing and it will be opened very soon. 5. DISCUSSION To establish KSRC in SU we face 5.1 Difficulties and Problems of some difficulties and problems: Korean Studies in Lao PDR - People around SU still confuse between Korea is the developed country, Korean Studies and Korean language. All economic growth faster compares with most of people thought Korean studies other developed country, the advance of will studied Korean language. So people technology, and the development of in here conflict between KSRC and culture as Korean Wave and K-POP. The Korean language Center. Korean main reason Lao people getting to know language center first established, but and interested about Korean is many KSRC just opened, therefore people Korean product introduce to Lao country thought KSRC belong to the Korean such as cars, automobiles, electronic language center. Because the responsible goods, cosmetic, dramas and songs. But person belongs to different department. Our member of KSRC belong to Faculty previously, there is none any of Korean of Economic and Tourism, but the studies courses providing in Laos, even if member of the Korean language center there are some Korean colleges, but there belongs Faculty of Linguistic. are very few Korean courses or textbooks. Another hand Lao people still confuse - As we mention earlier, KSRC just between Korean studies and Korean starting in Laos, the perception of people language, all most of Lao people around SU cannot understand enough the understand that Korean studies is the objectives of KSRC. same kind of Korean language. - We also face some difficult to operate There is no any of scholar or the centre, because there are no any researcher has an idea about Korean example in SU (other institute and center studies. The project to establish a Korean are also starting with same period). Studies Research Centre in SU will be - SU administrative people also have few the first one of Korean Studies in Lao ideas of making regulation to control all society. So there is no any relation or institutes and centers, so it is difficult network to overseas of Korean Studies. when operate KSRC without the exact regulation to follow in SU. 5.2 Difficulties and Problems of Korean Studies in SU - All members in KSRC are young both knowledge and experience not only Previously, In SU there is no any concern with Korean studies, but also institute concerning with foreign studies,

- 74 - Somsamone. 2018. Souphanouvong Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research of Souphanouvong University: ISSN 2521-0653 . Vol. 4 : Page 66-75. research, we still need a time to learn the about a project on Korean studies in a lessons and get experience. recent seminar organized by the AKS. / Courtesy of AKS 5.3 Suggestion Damrong Thandee. 2007. Koreans and - To make the better Korean Centre in SU Korean Studies in Thailand. Center for as well as in Laos, if possible, we need to Korean Studies, Ramkhamhaeng observe an example from the best Korean University, Thailand Studies Centre in other countries such as neighboring countries as Thailand and Damrong Thandee. 2010. Continuity of Vietnam. Korean Studies in Thailand. Center for Korean Studies, Ramkhamhaeng - KSRC not only train about Korean University, Thailand studies to students as well as general people, but among the member of our Le Quang Thiem. 2015. Koren Studies in center also need to train about Korean as Vietnam. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam well, especially the method of operation as how making detail of activities Mary Ainlie. 2017. Korean Overseas program and method to write research Investment and Soft Power: Hallyu in proposal etc. Laos. Korea journal

- To make the efficiency of making detail Saykhong Saynasine. 2013. “National of activities program and write a research University of Laos-vision and strategy proposal, we will hold the workshop or in the context of current higher training by invite the person who education development in Lao PDR, specializes or has experience or partnership and cooperation with knowledge about them. Republic of Korea”. Vice-President for Academic Affairs, National University 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Laos.

This work was supported by the Vilayluk Noipayak. 2015. Korean Wave. Korean Studies Research Center (KSRC), TAT Tourism Journal Souphanouvong University. However, I would like to thank all people who are a Vilayphone SOMSAMONE. 2018. Korean part supports to this article, such as Wave. Korean Studies Training 20-24 Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the August 2018 Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Vilayphone SOMSAMONE. 2011. “The Human Resource Development Service Korean Wave and Lao People’s of Korea (HRDK), government officers, Perception of Korea”. The Review of some colleges or institutions and teaching Korean Studies, The Academy of staff in the Souphanouvong University to Korean Studies. Vol 14, No. 1 (March spend their time of giving useful 2011): 115- 143. information to contribute my paper.


Chung Ah-young. 2015. Korean Studies expand to Poland, Laos. Presentation

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