[Pennsylvania County Histories]
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?'7 7--/' P 3tc,ii V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries https://archive.org/details/pennsylvaniacoun53unse / I A Page B Page B Page mix, s Page Page S Page T UV w BE w w XYZ 1 BBAOB UP! came, but it was almost entirely ruined. [From the Bally of June 3.] The Sun and Banner was the only I The people of Williamsport know full E well by this time that they have been daily paper in V/ifliamsport that didn’t visited by an awful calamity. The ex¬ give up the ship. While the other papers tent of the damage cannot now be esti¬ despaired anu talked blue, this journal mated any more than reliable details of told the people to brace up and be of j the loss of life and casualties can be had good cheer, and many compliments are by the press. Much news has been given pouring in on us from the people for the out that is not authentic, and doubtless staud we took while the people were there have been many fatalities of which frightened and dismayed. It is the duty we now know nothing and the sad details of a newspaper to be courageous and of which are yet to be recorded. But one cheerful in the hour of need, and now thing we do know, and that is that no that the danger is over we are deeply matter how serious our calamity no good gratified to bo told by the people that will be served by sitting down and look¬ our policy during the dark trial is under¬ ing blue, while on the other hand much stood and appreciated. ® is to be gained by keeping up bravely. .JJayor Poreshan’s attention is here¬ Bet us all stick together, fortunate and by directed to the immediate necessity of unfortunate, and we will come out right sanitary precaution. Let him take in the end. It behooves all to relieve the prompt measures, or have the proper present needs of the distressed, wherever committee take measures, to have sev¬ they are found, and we hope soon to an¬ eral wagon loads' Q? lims brought up nounce that some definite action has from the lime kilns. L? hie is a powerful been taken by the authorities and citi¬ disinfectant and absorbs njojsture. A zens looking to the establishment ot bushel of it should be dumped into every headquarters for relief. While Williams¬ cellar that was inundated, after the cellar port has received a blow that may crip¬ is cleaned out. ple her, she is far from being in a hope¬ What’s the matter with'Williamsport? less condition,and the people will see the She’s all right! Our own people have day when they can look back to this raised over 810,000 for relief, and when it Black h riday with all our industries, and is known that the majority of contribu¬ prosperity re-established on as firm a tors to this fund are the heaviest losers basis as ever. Have courage! Many the remarkable vitality of our city be¬ logs, it is reported, have lodged not far comes apparent. below us, and it is believed that there will be more sunshine after this great The morning paper was somewhat night than we expected. rattled by the flood. The calamity was Brace up ! Let us be men 1 overwhelming, to be sure, but nil des- perandum. Although the flood was a TO THE PUBLIC. big one, Williamsport does not mind a The Sun and Banner, laboring under little thing like that. almost inculculable disadvantages, has managed to appear through the great How this calamity does show up human' flood without missing a single issue ex¬ nature, to be sure ! Our people seem to cept on Saturday evening, at which time vie with each other in good-heartedness. there were six feet of water in our press One touch of nature makes the whole I room and business office, and when no world kin. paper in the city could publish. Not- j Let us not think of our bad luck, but withstanding these drawbacks, we have of our good fortune. Bad as it was, it surmounted the greatest difficulties and might have been worse. printed the most complete reports of the flood of any other newspaper. By reason What’s all that talk about a flood in of the fearful havoc wrought in our sup¬ 1865? It wasn’t a oircumstance to 1889, ply ot raw news paper we are obliged to No Williamsport household is com¬ publish a half sheet,but we hope in a few plete without its boat. flays, when we can get a new supply of paper, to appear in our usual shape. We God bless Williamsport I elivered papers to all city subscribers Tuesday, and from this time on our car¬ Children Born. rier service will work regularly. We re¬ During the flood a child was born to a tamrly named Guiner in Fisher’s row. i quest advertisers to indulge us until our A child was born on Woodward’s hill | uew supply of paper arrives. We had a 'i Sunday morning to one of the refugees. carload of paper on hand when the flood I There was no bed or physician, the little one being born right out in the open _Leld. What a dreary, rude ushering 2,000 of the second edition and will into the world was that! enough to satisfy all demands. i A house floated down the river Sun- , day in which was a woman who had just WHAT WE NEED, heen delivered of twins and who was still Williamsport needs a“ in bed. At South Williamsport the wo- j man and her children were saved by a provisions. Money is lost man named Calvert. The tether should chase clothing for os name her children June and Hiawatha, theirs, and to build houses fcrth^P ^ TGsnectiveiv, in commemoration oi ^h.© people whose homes wer^ expense day. It is said the twins were taken to the Home for the Friendless. ruined by the flood. rebuilding our of cleaning our streets, - ^ rain The Women of Williamsport- bridges, and repairing every- The disaster through which we have* iust passed “held the mirror up to* where, will be a g we believe ! nature” and showed the noble, apd V ignoble attributes of human nature. It shoulders of our citize « ^ntributed developed the true woman and gentle- that sufficient money will be «int man as well as the boor and the churl, by the good people of > State to _s the man as well as the hog. Especially did the noble women of Williamsport show their colors. Mrs. Donald McDon¬ ald’s generosity was but one of a hundred that are coming to light. Mrs. H. G. MoCormick gave provisions from her house and did all in her power to relieve the distressed, and there were many XaTe WmiSS^i^wfrSely more like her, whose names are not now should be secured at once. known. Send in the names of these good atreet and alley and every cellardaffiP women, that the people may know them. a»4 a»A with a tbe <>'"»“• “ p dod maj . Williamsport in the lace, M AND * BANKER. 1889. XS.vwuta. °< FRIDAY, JUNE 7, ca..8t,opWwobavo,aatP^tb»|gn ^ SECOND EDITION. Our most urgent and preseipg . The demand for the Flood Edition of Z w.y of df.iDf^ »% The Sun and Banner has been so great that we print a second edition authorities to secure a plentiful Over 4,500 copies of the first and have it liberally used through the edition were printed and so • city. Let the Mayor at once see The second edition contains almost that at least a bushel of lime, » entirelyfentirely wwthe same —-matter that was', free if necessary, to every habitation, ed in the first edition, and where change bo»» and stable, Id the city, and oompd are made they were introduced to mk^ the occupant of every nouse to put it n the edition more complete than L cellar, where it will absorb the mois^ when originally issued. The * 1 lood Edi tore, take up the noxious exhalation,. tion,comprising the news publishedm our and purify the air. _ „ tally editions of Monday, Tuesday, Sanitary precautions to be e&o<A - Wednesday and Thursday, June , > . should be prompt. We trust th and 6, contains the most complete »nd importance of this warning will be under¬ compact history of the great; fldpd of June stood. ___ 1, 1889, at Williamsport, of any journa As soon as our new stock of paper ar¬ published. The paper on which it wa rives The Sun and Banner will appear went through the flood, having $Sd in regular size and with all the regular been submerged all of Saturday and Sum features. A new stock is on the way, day last in our press rooffi, and it is o which was ordered by telegraph the first that account a unique souvefilr of this day the wires began working, through calamity to save as a relic or to se the courtesy of the Pennsylvania Rail¬ away to friends. After the flood the nlper was taken to a kindling wood mill, road Company.______ Jut ini dry kiln and dried. The Flood ApLE-BomEDmen who reffise to work Edition is a relic that tells its own story.