THE LA.ST QUARTER of the Nineteenth Century Saw Detroit
OHS meµibera may join as many chapters as they desire. Several chapters publish excellent newsletters wit.h eignilioant scholarly con tent. Chapter and Newslett.e,. Met11beI'8hip FoundineDate Editor, Address -,; ( Date joined OHS} andAnnual Membership Boston Organ Club Newsletter, E. A. Alan Laufms.u 1966,1976• Boadway,$!> BollUM, lrardevtllo,N'fl 03460 British Columbia, none 1983 Central New York, The Coupler, $6 Culver Mowers 1976 2371 Slaterville Rd.,Box 130,Broolr.tondale , NY U817 The Organ Historical Society Chicago Midwest, The StoptDiapason, Julie Stephens 198 0 Susan R.Friesen, $12 620W. 47th St., Western Box 26811, Richmond,Virginia 23261 Springs,IL 60668 (804)353-9226 EasternIowa, 1982 Newsletter, August Knoll Archives Collection at Westminster Choir College, Mark Nemmers, $7.50 Boz179 Lowden, 1A62266 Princeton, New Jersey Greater New York TheKeraulophon, Alan Laufman (as TheNai:,ional Council City, 1969 John Ogasapian, $6 above) The Cypher, Officers and Councillors (all terms expire 1989) Greater St. Louis, Eliza- JohnD. Phillippe 1975 beth Schmitt,$5 4836DuPage Dr. William C. Aylesworth ..•..............•..•..••..•... President Bridgeton,MO 63044 8230 Harrison, Evaneton,IL 60201 Hilbus (Washington- Where the Tracker Peter Ziegler Kri& Farmer ..••..•........... , . , ... Vice President Action Is, 14300Medwiclr. Ct. 8060 .FraternityChurch Bd,., WJn8wn-&Jcni, NC 27107 Baltimore), 197 0 Carolyn Fix, $4 Upper Marlboro,MD Michael D.Friesen .................................. Secretary 20870 2139Hanell Rd.,Hoffman Eotatea, IL 60196 Mid-Hudson (New The Whistlebox, June Marvel David M. Barnett ...............•, . , ...•.......•....Treasurer York), 1978 Robert Guenther, $5 CrownHill Rd. 423N. Stafford Ave., Richmond , VA23220 WappingeraFallo, NY James J.Hammann .........Councillor forFinance & Development 12690 1646 S.Maple , AnnAlbor, MI 48103 New Orleans, 1983 TheSwell Shoe, Michael Christiansen Randall J.McCarty .
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