CHURCH ORGANS Been Restored by Thomas-Pierce, Ltd., of a Guide to Selection & Purchase Palm Beach, FL, and Installed in the Music Room of Thomas R
Members may join any number of chapters. Chapters, Newsletter, Editor, Mempi,rship Founding Date & Annual Dues Inquiries Boston Organ Club Newsletter, $7.50 AlanLaufman 1965, '76 OHS ����lie , NH 034;0 Charter Central New York, TheCoupler, $5 Phil Williams BoxF 1976 Remsen,NY 13438 Chicago Midwest, TheStopt Diapason, Julie Stephens 1980 Susan R. Friesen, $12 520W. 47t h St., West ern Spring s, IL 60558 Eastern Iowa, 1982 Newsletter, August Knoll Box486 The Organ Historical Society MarkNemmers, $7.50 Wheatland,IA 52777 Post Office Box 26811, Greater New York The Keraulophon, Alan Laufman (as 23261 City, 1969 John Ogasapian, $5 above) Richmond, Virginia Greater St.Louis, TheCypher, Eliza John D. Phillippe FAX(804)353-9266 (804)353-9226 1975 beth Schmitt, $5 4336DuPage Dr, Bridg et on, MO 63044 The National Council Hilbus (Washington Where the Tracker Ruth Charters Baltimore), 1970 Action Is, Carolyn 6617Brawner St Officers and Councillors (terms expire 1993) Mclean, VA Roy Redman .......................................President Fix, $5 22102 6812Robinhood Ln.,Fort Wo rth,TX 76112 Kentuckiana Quarter Notes, Lynn Ropke Pratt James J.Hammann .............................Vice President 2419 Carolina Ave, (Kentucky-S.Indiana), Philip T.Hines, Jr., Louisville,KY 40205 4113Tchou p itoulasSt., New Orleans, LA 70115 1990 $10 MaryAnn Crugher Balduf ............................Secretary • Mid-Hudson (New The Whistlebox, June Marvel 1046Coleman, Yp silanti, MI 48198 York), 1978 Robert Guenther, $5 Crown HillRd_ David M. Barnett .................................. Treasurer Wappingers Falls, NY 423N. StaffordAve ., Richmond,VA 23220 12590 Kristin Gronning Farmer ........................... Councillor New Orleans, 1983 TheSwell Shoe, Rachelen Lien 3060Frat e rnity ChurchRd., Wi nston-Salem,NC 27127 Russel Deroche, $10 1010 Nashville Avenue Culver L.Mowers .................................
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