The Van Dinter Organ Builders
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OHS members may join as many chapters as they desire. Several chapters publish excellent newsletters with significant scholarly con tent. Chapter and Newsletter, Membership Founding Date Editor, Address (•Date joined OHS) andAnnual Membership Boston Organ Club Newsletter, E. A. Alan Laufman 1966,1976* Boadway, $6 Bo><104, Harrisville, NH 034.60 Central New York, The Coupler, $6 Culver Mowers 1976 2371 Slaterville Rd., Box 130, Brooktondale, NY 14817 The Organ Historical Society ChicagoMi dwest, TheStopt Diapason, Julie Stephens 1980 Susan R.Friesen, $12 620 W. 47th St., Western Post Office26811, Box Springs, IL 60658 Richmond,Virginia 23261 Eastern Iowa, 1982 Newsletter, AugustKnoll (804)353-9'J28 Mark Nemmers, $7.60 Box 486 Wheatland, IA 62777 Greater New York TheKeraulophon, Alan Laufman(as The National Council City,1969 John Ogasapian, $6 above) Officers and Councillors (allterms expire 1991) Greater St.Louis, The Cypher, Eliza John D.Phillippe Roy Redman ....................................... President 1976 beth Schmitt, $6 4336 DuPage Dr. 6812Robinhood Ln.,Fort Worth, TX 76112 Bridgeton, MO 63044 Kristin Gronning Farmer ........................ Vice President Hilbus (Washington Where the Tracker Ruth Charters S060 FraternityChurch Rd., Winston-Salem,NC 27127 Baltimore) , 1970 Action ls, Carolyn 6617 Brawner St. Mclean, VA Michael D.Friesen .................................. Secr etary Fix,$6 22102 n. 2139 Haeeell Rd., Hoffman Estates, 60196 d TheWhist lebox, David M.Barnett ................................•..Treasurer Mid-Hu son (New June Marvel York), 1978 RobertGuenther, $5 Crown Hill Rd. 423 N. StaffordAve., Richmond, VA 23220 Wappingel'II Falle, NY James J.Hammann ..•......Councillor for Finance & Development 12690 1787 University, Lincoln Park, MI 48146 New Orleans, 1983 TheSwell Shoe, Michael Christiansen Timothy E. Smith . .. .. .. .. Councillor forHistorical Concerns Travers C. Koerner, UNO Boxl378 Bo><146, Milford, CT 06460 $6 New Orleans, LA 70148 John Panning ........................Councillor forConventions Pacific-Northwest, The Bellows Signal, David Ruberg Bo><101, Lake City, IA 61449 a a d 1976 Beth Barber, $3 Box 2364 James C rmich el ......................Councillor for E ucation SeatUe, WA 98111 243 8th Avenue, #2, San Francisco,CA 94118 Pacific-Southwest, The Cremona, Jim Stephen Baker John Ogasapian ........... Councillor forResearch & Publications 1978 Lewie,$4 612 S. Ivy Ave. 14 Park St., Pepperell,MA 01463 a a Monrovia, CA 91016 Rachelen J. Lien ........... Councillor forOrganiz tion l Concerns SouthCarolina, 1979 Newsletter, Kristin Kristin Farmer 1010 Nashville Ave., New Orleans,LA 70016 Farmer, $6 3060 Fraternity Church Rd. OHSStaff Winston-Salem, NC 27107 William T.Van Pelt ......................... Executive Director SouthTexas (The TheWell-Tempered 3217 BrookRd., Richmond, VA 23227(804) � San Antonio Pipe Communique, $16 Tom Johnson .........Administrative As$t ant & Order Procee-sing Organ Society),1977, JerryD. Morton .......••....•.... Administration & Publications 1981* Stephen L.Pinel ............... , ................ , ....Archivist Tannenberg (Central TheDieffenbuch, James McFarland a 629 EdieonDr.,Eaet Wlndaor,NJ 08620(609) 4.4 .8,8-U? P .), 1976 John L.Speller, $5 114 N. George St. Millersville, PA 17661 THE TRACKER® Staff Wisconsin,1988 Die Winer/1.IJte,Davi d Phyllis Frankenstein Susan R. Werner Friesen .........•...................... Editor a Bohn, $6 120 DanaDrive Je� D.Morton ..............................Man ging Editor BeaverDam, WI 63916 William T.Van Pelt ................................ Production d a a a THE TRACKER® ie publishe four· times a ye r by the Organ John Og eapian,Alan Laufman,Eliz beth T. Schmitt Historical Society, Inc., a non-profit, educational_ organization. Stephen Pine}.William Van Pelt ................. EditorialReview Annual membership dues, (including THE TRACKER): Regt{]ar members $25.00 (over age 66, full-time students, and additional mem Committees a d Julie Stephens ................................ Biggs Fellowship ber in l:iousehol $20.00 ); Contributing members $36.00; Sustaining n. members $�0.00; Patrone $100.00; Benefactors $260.00. lnstitutjone 620 West 47th St., WesternSpring•, 60568 d Theodore F.Reinke ............... 1990 Convention Chair, Acting an businesses may be non-voting subscribers at the same rates. Foreignmembers an d subecriber.s add $5 for postage ou�ide U. S. or, 601 NorthRoaa Road, Madi eon, WI 63706 . David M. Storey .........................1991 Convention Chair $12 forAir .Majloutside NorthAmerica. Back issues of THETR.ACKER are obtainable at $8.26 each. or ·$12.60 per volume, plus S&H..Se nd 1518 Hollin• St., Baltimore, MD 21223 d a Alan M. Laufman ...........•........... Convention Coordinator me�berab}i>, inquiries, nd addresJ change!! to: The Organ Hi.a P. 0. Bo><104, Harriaville,NH 034.60 toncalSoc1ety, Inc., P.0. Box 26811, Richmond,Virginia 23261.Make all checks J>ayableto the Organ 'Historical Society, fuc, Hammann ....................... Development Committee Davtdand Permelia Sears ....... , ................Extant Organs . Adve�ers may �ddress inquiries to the Managing Editor.Adv:er t)eemen�sm no way IDlp)y OHS endorsement of goods or services. P. 0. Box69, Dunstable, MA 01827 d d d Timothy E. Smith ...............� ...•.. •........Historic Org ans Edit-Prial con-espondence an articles to be consi ere for-publica• tionmay be addressed to�he OHS Offices.Responsibility forfacts and Charles Ferguson ..................•.. , ..International Interests d a d Bo><44, E. Vaaaalboro, ME 04936 opinions !Xp�sse in_ artjc1esrests UJ)9n_ the authere n not uponiihe 01,'gan Histencal Society, Inc. All matenal accepted forpublication in William Hays, Alan Laufman, LoisRegistein, Julie Stephens, THE LarryTrupiano, Chair ................... Nominating Committee TRACKERbecomes the property�f the O.rgan.HistoricalSocieW Inc., and c.annot tie retw:ne.d. l\.fo�rlal published in THE TRACKER John K. Ogasapian .................... Organ Archive FeUowel,i_p d 14 Park Street, Pepperell,MA 01463 may not be repro uced without permission of tb,e Editor. BruceStevens ...................................Recital Series THE ORGANIDSTORICAL SOCIErt"is not obligatedto any com• St. Jamee'■ Church, 1206 W. FranklinSt., Richmond, VA 23220 m�rc.ial interest.There is no intentionto discreditor recommendany Michael D. Friesen .............................. Service Award ,Xlst�g organ manuf!'-ct.oryor con�rn. No�oh info1'lllation inferred, d gr i.mplied,�r constniedmany Jo m,ay be used ina�vert isingor forany KristinFarmer ............................ Sli e-TapePro am � _ a S060Fraternity Church Rd., Winston Salem, NC 27127 commercinl.purpo�. The Soc1ety will t ke all steps• to prevent or prosecute such use of its material, the name TRETRAOKEll- or ·the name $. ORGANIDSTORICAL SOClETY, THETRACKER"& OHS OrganArchive at TalbottLibrary, ia a registered trademark, Copyright '�989 The Organ Iliatorical Westminster ChoirCollege, Princeton, New Jersey Society, Inc. ISSN: 0041-0330. 2 Volume 33, Number 3, 1989 COVER: The San Francisco Earthquake of October 17 cawed the collapse of a wallat the Citric Auditorium, rendering se"ere magda e to the PedalDi(lision ofthe THE TRACI<ER 1915 Awdn Op. 500 that was heard during the 1988 OHS cont1ention and is jOURNAL OF THE ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY featuredin the new OHS recording, HistoricOrgans of San Francisco. Othermajor damage from the earthquake and from Hunicane Hugo is reported in the Organ Update beginning on page 11. Photo lryCharles Swisher. Donationsfor restoration of the Ci(lic Auditorium Austin ma:y be made co Friends of the Am Citric Organ TrustFund, 220 Montgomery Sc., Suite 330, San Francisco, CA 94104. The Van Dinter Organbuilders • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •••.13 Michael Friesen Gathers a Biographical and Genealogical Record of This European and Midwestern U.S. Family of Organbuilders Frederick J. Simmons, Detroit Organbuilder • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••18 Early Instrument Makers in Detroit, Frederick & AlfredSimmons Receive A Biographical Sketch by Michael Friesen; Frederick May Have Been a Partner of L. H. Van Dinter Restoration of the Van Dinter Organ, Huntington, Indiana • • • • • • • • •.24 Tim Drewes Describes a Fascinating, Original InstrumentBuilt by L. H. Van Dinter &Son Of Mishawaka, Indiana, and Its Restoration by George Bozeman, Jr., & Co., Organbuilders DEPARTMENTS Letters • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . Reviews . • . • • . 4 The Organ, A Book by Peter Williams and Barbara Owen, Reviewed by John T. Fesperman . 7 MakingMusic on the Organ, A Book by Peter Hurford, Reviewed by Carol Teti OrganMusic of John Cook, RecordingA by Marian Metson, Reviewed by George Bozeman 300 Yearsof French Glory, A Recording by Herndon Spillman, Reviewed by Thomas F. Froehlich The Paradise Garden, A Recording by Michael Stairs, Reviewed by Albert F. Robinson Archivist's Report . • • • . • • • . • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • . 11 Organ Update • • • . • . • • • • • • • . 11 The Extant Organs Lists at Age Thirty EDITORIAL HIRTY YEARS AGO the Organ HistoricalSociety launched one of state wherever possible: city, location (church, other building), its most ambitiousprojects with a front-page announcement builder'sname, date, opusnumber, number of manuals, and number Tin the October 1959 issue of The Tracker. The goal was to of ranks. However, as it is often impossible to list all the details assemble and publish a list of all early American