TilE INDIAN STATES' PEOPLE'S. CONFE~ENCE. i ~=:~oOadgi~::~t,- _________________ ...... ____ __ i 11\\111 u~u IIIli 11m mll\111\ llll 1l~ _ _ '\ GlPE-PUNE-0313 6 REPORT OF THE SECOND SESSIONs:·~""'"'·-~-~-,- Bombay: Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26,1929. PUBLISH.E:D BY Prof. G. R. ABHYANKAR, B. A., LL.B. BALVANTRAY MEHTA, MANISHANXER S. TRIVEDI. General Secretaries. The Indian States' People's Conference, Asboka Building, Princess Street, BO:\IBAY. 9th June 1981. Price Eight Anna.s. Printed by B. V. Parulekar, at the Bombay Vaibhav Preee, Servants of India Bociety'e Homo, Sandhnrat Road, Girgaon, Bvmbay. ' . Office-bearers of the Reception Committee ''OF THE SECOND SESSIONS. Chairman. · P~OF; G. R •. ·ABHYANKAR.; Vice-Chairmen. I GOVINDLAL .SHIVLAL, . , RAMDEOJr PooAR, \ KESHAVLAL MULCHAND1 • ' ~• I } 1 Secretaries. · AMRITLAL. D. SH!!TH... · . 'BALVANTRAY MEHTA,' , NIRANJ~ SHARMA AJIT •. MANISHANKER: TRIVE.DI, Treasure,.. I LAxH~CHANl) M. DosHI. THE INDIAN STATES' PEOPLE'8 CONFERENCE fVithin 1 hree years. 1. Within Three years :-Much water bas passel through the Ganges since we submitted our Report of the first sessions of the Conference to the public in September 1928. The seemingiy placid waters of the public life in India have passed through various turbulent channels within the short space of three years. The country has under gone a wonderful transformation, and the Indian States have shared in this upheaval. This Conference bas tried its utmost to do its· duty by the public in these momentous days. The readers will get an idea' about this by a cursory glance at the proceedings of the Conference and Committees published elsewhere.
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