Exhibition under auspices of the President of LECH KACZY¡SKI

Catalogue published thanks to support of Warsaw Capital City Office

The most important plan of Warsaw development is „The Study on Conditions and Ways of the Warsaw Spatial Management”, which is almost accomplished. This document contains all decisions envisioning the shape of Warsaw in next 25 years. The city will develop dynamically. It is assumed that Warsaw population will increase to 2.5 – 3 million people. That means that Warsaw population will almost double. It is assumed, that during these years areas designated for services will increase by 1100 hectares. Dwelling buildings land will increase by 9 500 hectares and communication sites will increase by 300 hectares. How the „new Warsaw” can be perceived? Surely as a city that will become a metropolis significant in Europe. It will also be a dynamic capital city stimulating social and economical development of the country and it's metropolitan area with 6 – 6 millions of dwellers. Above all the capital has to become a city that is „friendly for inhabitants”. A place where one can live in convenient conditions appropriate to the contemporary times. A place where time can be spent pleasantly, where one can easily commute. Where public services can address inhabitant's needs. A city with cosy places and big-city downtown. What to do to carry out these aims? Above all the quality of the urban public areas must be improved for they are the visiting card of every developed area. The design of the restoration of the one of the most beautiful streets in Warsaw – the Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie St – came into real. This street is going to be changed from the road traffic crowded street into the street mostly for pedestrians – both, Warsaw dwellers and numerous tourists. The street where one can calmly and freely watches many precious historic sites. The next step that was taken is the spatial management plan of the Pi∏sudskiego Square. The plan that will ensure the recover of the square's spatial harmony that is the closing of the Western frontage. Some existing, incidentally constructed investments in the square's surroundings can not be changed, but in my opinion the restoration of the western frontage of the square will eventually restore the part of it's spatial picture quality. Similar solutions were prepared for other Warsaw squares such as: • Trzech Krzy˝y, which though partially has a chance to change to pedestrian area enriched in numerous cafes, shops and restaurants; • Teatralny Square where today's open-air parking will be replaced by underground garage. That solution will allow to gain outside foyer before the biggest theatre in the capital city; • Konstytucji Square where the closedown of the open-air parking and vehicular traffic reorganization is planned. It will allow building a service complex located under square's floor. The complex will be connected with the underground station in the Wilcza St area; • on the Powstaƒców Warszawy Square the closedown of the open-air parking and opening of the square's floor for the pedestrians is planned. The spatial management plan of the Culture and Science surroundings is being created. This place waited quite long to become valuable spatial and functional area. It is planned to concentrate there not only office and trade services but also building complexes with cultural functions. Perhaps the Museum of the Contemporary Art will be located here. It is possible that the concert halls or musical theatre will accompany the museum. A new square that will be replaced with today's Defilad Square will be a place for mass events. Here concerts, shows and New Year's Eve open air parties will be hold. There is a lot of plans. All the time local spatial management plans are being draw up. There are 112 plans enacted in Warsaw at the moment. Next 32 plans are draw up in accordance with the act from 7th of July 1994. 7 624.95 hectares of the city area are covered with the spatial management plans. It is about 15% of Warsaw. Resolutions to make up 44 plans were passed at the moment in accordance with a new Act from 27th of March 2003. These new plans cover about 10% of the city that is 5 200 hectares. It is planned that local spatial management plans will cover 80% of the city in few next years.

City area – 516 900 hectares Urbanized area – 243 220 hectares Potential reserve for constructions – 10 423 hectares Area included by the l.s.m.p. on 31st of January 2005, 112 plans, 7 625 hectares, 15%. Resolutions to draw up l.s.m.p. 44 plans, 5 200 hectares, 10%.

A significant number of building conditions decisions and a planning permissions were given to the investors. Total number of 7 219 motions about the building conditions were received till the end of year 2004. 4 539 decisions were given and next 2 507 motions are in advanced progress of proceedings. From total number of 9 510 motions about the building permissions 8 190 decisions were given and another 1 094 motions are in the progress of proceedings. It shows that Warsaw is still developing. How? I think that the best answer to this question one can find in the designs presented at this exhibition.

Chief City Architect Micha∏ Borowski It is the tenth edition of the "Plans for the Future. Architectural Drawings and Models of the New Warsaw Investments" exhibition organized by the ¸OWICKA Center, the cultural institution.

The idea arose ten years ago. First edition, in 1996 was modest. We exhibited about 50 designs in the clip frames. At that moment our gallery room was adequate place for such exposition. First exhibit had no catalogue. At the beginning there was only "Plans for the Future" section. During the following years we have added another sections, such as Spatial Management Plans, Old-New, Detached Houses. Tenth edition is also extended. This time we are presenting Urban Space and the winners' designs of the Chopin Center, Wiecha Passage and Dmowskiego Roundabout architectural competitions.

But our exhibition is not just and only designs and visions of the professionals. For 2 years our exhibition is accompanied by competitions organized for the architecture students. For them it is a great opportunity to express themselves freely and creatively, and to face the difficult problems of Warsaw architecture and urban planning. This years' catalogue contains winners' designs of the last year student competition.

"Plans for the future" exhibition and its catalogue became peculiar guide to Warsaw investments. It is a document illustrating city development in the past ten years, and, what makes us specially glad, a discussion forum. ARCHITEKTURA-murator monthly and Warsaw department of the Association of the Architects of the Republic of organized debates on the Warsaw problems - does the capital city need the City Architect (now we know it does) and the future of the Wilanów district and Defilad Square.

The Defilad Square issues were raised many times during the exhibition. Current Warsaw authorities are trying with new energy to solve the urgent problem of the Culture and Science Palace's surroundings development. Everybody is impatiently waiting for the results of their activities. Lowicka Center will gladly present the designs of the investments that will change this huge space into modern city center.

Over 600 designs that we have exhibited in 10 years period are first of all the presentation of the Polish architectural thought and its development. We have no aspirations to pass professional judgement. We want to stir up discussions in the circle of architects and decision-makers and encourage Warsaw dwellers to take part in it.

Katarzyna Hagmajer Director of ¸OWICKA Centre

Location Technical data CONCEPTUAL DESIGN the corner of Domaniewska and Wo∏oska Streets Overground volume: 346 000 m3 The central building glazed elevations have grass Architects Underground volume: 125 m3 imprint. It makes it a unique office complex with APA Kury∏owicz & Associates Total overground floor area: 95 000 m2 attractive work environment. Outside elevations Stefan Kury∏owicz – professor of architecture, Total underground floor area: 42 000 m2 complexity creates urban frontages of the Marta Chrzanowska, Overground usable floor area: 87 500 m2 Wo∏oska and Domaniewska Streets. Fully glazed Miko∏aj Kwieciƒski, Number of storeys: interior elevations allow interpenetration of the Piotr ˚abicki 12 overground office spaces and real and „virtual” courtyard Client 2 underground greenery. Globe Trade Centre Company Ltd. Parking space for 90 cars

Design + an underground parking for 1 270 cars Office Buildings Complex 2004 7 Location Design Technical data Nowogrodzka Street 2004 Volume: 149 670 m3 Architects Construction Total floor area: 49 886 m2 APA Wojciechowski Ltd. 2005/2006 Usable floor area: 47 392 m2 Szymon Wojciechowski, Number of storeys: Micha∏ Sadowski, 22 overground Witold Dudek, 4 underground

Office Building Magdalena Rachuta Parking space for 20 cars Client + an over ground parking for 420 cars Nowogrodzka Development + an underground parking for 316 cars 8 TYPICAL FLOOR

Location General contractor Grzybowska Center Complex. the corner of Grzybowska and Wronia Streets BUDIMEX DROMEX S.A. First stage of it is the Hilton Hotel with Architects Design Conference Center and sport and recreational Kazimierski i Ryba Designing Office sp.j. 2003 complex. Whole complex has 3 underground Tomasz Kazimierski – doctor of architecture, Construction – under construction storeys. Andrzej Ryba, B∏a˝ej Ma∏czyƒski, Second stage of it will be a multifamily dwelling Rafa∏ Paw∏owski, Micha∏ Hincz, Technical data complex with underground garages system. Maciej Ryba – technician Volume: 163 400 m3 Third stage of it will be the office complex. Collaborating architects Total floor area: 47 000 m2 There will be a 50 meters long and 55 meters FEIGIN ARCHITECTS J. Feigin, Y. Feigin Usable floor area: 40 624 m2 wide courtyard between office building and Structural engineers Number of storeys: Hilton. Hotel's main entrances located on the Biuro Projektów Konstrukcji Budowlanych – 28 overground side of Grzybowska and Wronia Streets and

Kapela Pachowski, Ltd. 3 underground designed square. Elevations are the curtain walls Multifunction Building „HILTON” Client Underground parking for 286 cars made of aluminium, glass and architectural Grzybowska Centrum, Ltd. A ballroom – conference room for 1200 guests ceramics. 13 conference rooms 9 Location Client Technical data Wo∏oska Street GTC Company Ltd. Total volume: 277 780 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: ~ 81 746 m2 JEMS architekci 2004 Usable floor area: 49 600 m2 Olgierd Jagie∏∏o, Number of storeys: Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski, 7 overground Maciej Mi∏ob´dzki, 1 underground

Office Buildings Complex Marcin Sadowski Parking space for 65 cars Collaborating architects + an underground parking for 827 cars Marek Moskal, Maks Potapow, on the 0 level and -1 level 10 Mateusz Âwi´torzecki GROUND FLOOR

Location Design Technical data 493 Pu∏awska Street, Ursynów district 2004-2005 Total volume: 11 508 m3 Architects Construction Total floor area: 3 429.2 m2 EM Jednacz Architects 2005/2006 Usable floor area of the overground part: 1 689 8 m2 Miros∏aw Jednacz Usable floor area of the offices: 1 155.4 m2 Collaborating architect Number of storeys: Wojciech Oleƒski 3 overground

Structural engineers 1 underground Office Building S∏awomir Szarleja and Krzysztof Paw∏owski Parking space for 7 cars Client + an underground garage for 25 cars Dorbud 11 NORTHERN ELEVATION – PI¢KNA STREET SIDE

Location Structural engineers Technical data 15 Pi´kna Street LGL Ltd. Total volume: 75 800 m3, including Architects Client overground part – 54 380 m3 RKW RHODE KELLERMAN WAWROWSKY „Pi´kna Galeria” Ltd. underground part – 21 420 m3 POLSKA Ltd. Design Total floor area: 21 321 m2 Wojtek Grabianowski – profesor of architecture, 2004/2005 Usable floor area: 17 9324 m2 Barbara Posinke Construction Number of storeys:

Office Building Ma∏gorzata Florczak-Puƒko, 2005/2007 7 overground Jakub Puƒko, 2 underground Konrad Zbikowski, An underground garage for 140 cars 12 Wojtek Pajzderski – architecture student Location Collaboration Technical data the corner of Mokotowska and Waryƒskiego Piotr Twardo – visualizations Total floor area: 27 000 m2 Streets at Jazdy Polskiej Roundabout Structural engineers Net floor area of the overground part: 18 000 m2 Architects ARBO Projekt Ltd. Number of storeys: APP Polska Ltd. Arkadiusz ¸oziƒski, 15 overground Andrzej Potyka, Bogus∏aw Wy˝ykowski, 2 underground Piotr Bujnowski, Jan Domurad An underground parking for 118 cars Filip Domaszczyƒski, Marta Nowosielska, Client Office and Service Building Dorota Sibiƒska, Ewa Bielobradek Pekao Development Ltd. Design 2004/2005 13 A-A SECTION

Location Construction Parking space for 120 cars 4 Post´pu St, S∏u˝ewiec 2005 + an underground parking for 30 cars Architects E&L Architects Ltd. Piotr Cegie∏ko, Technical data Miros∏aw Bia∏okowski, Total volume: 22 196 m3 Dariusz Leszczyƒski Total floor area: 6 978 m2

„4 POST¢PU Street” Office A Building – building Client Usable floor area: 6 546 m2 This is the first building from the office buildings Dorp-Tom Ltd. Number of storeys: complex with total of 28 550 m2 to let. The whole Design 7 overground + 1 technical storey complex was presented last year on the „Plans 14 2004 1 underground for the Future” exhibition. TYPICAL OFFICE FLOOR

Location Design Technical data 13 Fabryczna St, Solec 2003/2004 Volume: 50 000 m3 Architects Construction Total floor area: 17 200 m2 Aukett + APA Wojciechowski 2005 Usable floor area: 12 300 m2 Szymon Wojciechowski, Number of storeys: Micha∏ Sadowski, 6 overground Karolina Cegie∏kowska, 1 underground

Grzegorz Mizieliƒski Parking space for 4 cars Office Building „RIVERSIDE PARK” Client + an underground parking for 87 cars Riverside Park Ltd. 15 CROSS SECTION

Location Client Technical data 39 Domaniewska Street, Mokotów district GTC Topaz Ltd Total volume: 77 419 m2 Architects Design Total floor area: 20 218 m2 JEMS ARCHITEKCI 2004 Usable floor area: 18 973 m2 Olgierd Jagie∏∏o, Number of storeys: Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski, 7 overground Maciej Mi∏ob´dzki, 2 underground

Office Building Marcin Sadowski, An underground parking for 192 cars Micha∏ Kurzàtkowski Collaborating architects 16 Jacek Mroczkowski, Pawe∏ Natkaniec A-A SECTION

Location Client Technical data 31/35 Ogrodowa Street Private Total volume: 33 920 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: 8 760 m2 S.A.M.I. ARCHITEKCI Ltd. 2004/2005 Usable floor area: 7 630 m2 Anna Albiniak, Construction Number of storeys: Marta Bus∏owicz, 2005 6 overground Seweryn Grobelny, 1 underground

Mariusz Korytkowski, Parking space for 30 cars and the Extension ofConversion the Office Building Mariusz Lewandowski + an underground parking for 33 cars Structural engineers Marek Kuban, Marek Salak 17 NORTHERN ELEVATION

Location Technical data COMPETITIVE DESIGN NOT INDENTED the quarter of Boduena, Jasna, Przeskok Volume: 66 889 m3 FOR CONSTRUCTION and Szpitalna Streets Total floor area: 20 034 m2 Architects Usable floor area: 16 781 m2 KULCZY¡SKI ARCHITEKT Ltd. Number of storeys: Bogdan Kulczyƒski, Jan Pietrzak 9 overground Collaborating architects 1 underground

Supreme Court Administrative Court and Provincial Seat Pawe∏ Py∏ka, An underground parking for 38 cars Przemys∏aw Kokot Competition organizer 18 Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw – 2004 NORTHERN ELEVATION

Location Structural engineers Technical data Boduena Street, ÂródmieÊcie district Tomasz Zi´ta∏a, Total volume: 68 820 m3 Architects Dariusz P∏oszaj, Total floor area: 18 289 m2 S.A.M.I. ARCHITEKCI Pawe∏ Spi˝ewski Usable floor area: 9 589 m2 Anna Albiniak, Marta Bus∏owicz, Client Number of storeys: Seweryn Grobelny, Supreme Administrative Court 10 overground Mariusz Korytkowski, Design 2 underground

Mariusz Lewandowski, 2005 An underground parking for 41 cars Supreme Court Administrative Court and Provincial Seat Pawe∏ Py∏ka, Rafa∏ Turno Construction Collaborating architect 2005/2006 Pawe∏ Cichocki 19 GROUND FLOOR

Location Technical data suggested to build northern wing of the building 82 Marsza∏kowska Street Volume: 8 250 m3 and partly develop the inner courtyard. It yelded Architects Total floor area: 2 430 m2 additional office space and additional Biuro Projektów Kazimierski i Ryba Ltd. Usable floor area: 1 940 m2 courtrooms. Thanks to this solution ˚urawia St Tomasz Kazimierski – doctor of architecture 7 overground storeys frontage was filled in and new building entrance Andrzej Ryba, Micha∏ Hincz was created. It also increased the distinctive Client features of the old building. Added building District Court in Warsaw repeats existing rhythms and replaces existing Design materials with glass and steel. Explicit levels of 2004 cornices and height of storeys is the same as in The extension to the district courtThe extension the original. Whole new building is connected to The former Central Scout's Storehouse had the existing mass with steel, glazed overpasses. a shape of the U letter. During the building's New mass fits in into harmonious whole and is 20 conversion into Warsaw District Court architects a quality supplement of the existing form. NORTHERN ELEVATION

Location Technical data Conversion of the main pavilion built in the 137 Wo∏oska Street, Mokotów district The hospital 1970s. 1/3rd of the building is converted into Architects Total volume: 57 295.88 m3 hospital wards. Rest of the building was Zespó∏ Projektowy „KONTRAPUNKT” Total floor area: 17 600.95 m2 demolished and replaced with open garage and Aleksander Mirek – general designer, Usable floor area: 13 470.76 m2 helicopter pad. The converted pavilion will Ewa Dobrucka, Louay Farah Number of storeys: comprise of: dialysis station, transplant surgery Structural engineer 11 overground, 1 underground ward, cancer ward, internal diseases ward, Roman Mucha The garage heamatology ward, ENT ward and operating Client Total volume: 33 388 m3 block. Central Clinic Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior Affairs Total floor area: 11 495 m2 Design Usable floor area: 11 151 m2 ofConversion of the Main Pavilion the Ministry of the Interior Affairs Hospital 2004 Number of storeys: Construction 4 overground and helicopter pad under construction An overground garage for 252 cars 21 Location Client Technical data Warsaw, S∏u˝ewiec Przemys∏owy ENCO P.P.U. „Energetyka” Ltd. Total volume: around 26 500 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: 11 311 m2 STUDIO GOMEZ arch. Hernan Gomez 2003/2004 Usable floor area: 5 124 m2 Collaboration Number of storeys: Barbara Stopiƒska, 7 overground Joanna Brzeziƒska – technician, 1 underground

„ENCO ENERGETYKA” Seat „ENCO ENERGETYKA” Tomasz Rejf – technician, Robert Wasà˝nik – technician Structural engineer DESIGN MADE FOR THE COMPETITION 22 Pawe∏ Janowski PURPOSES. NORTH-WESTERN FRONT ELEVATION

Location Design 49 Ry˝owa Street, Ursus district 2002 Architects F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Tomasz Tomaszewski, Technical data Magdalena Federowicz-Boule Total volume: 7 690 m3

Structural engineer Total floor area: 1 760 m2 Office, Service and Storage Building Witold Rybiƒski Usable floor area: 1 100 m2 Client 4 overground storeys „Market Access” Parking space for 29 cars 23 OFFICE AREA





Location General constructor Technical data 9/11a P∏ocka Street, district INSBUD M∏awa Volume: 10 500 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: 3 300 m2 Autorska Agencja Architektury ARCHIDEA 2004 Usable floor area: 2 730 m2 Adam Kuêniewski, Construction Number of storeys: Pawe∏ ¸ysakowski 2005 5 overground Structural engineer 1 underground

Office Building Wojciech Grochowski, An underground parking for 25 cars Janusz Kowalski Client 24 Private SIDE ELEVATION (WEST-NORTHERN) FRONT ELEVATION (SOUTH-WESTERN)


Location Structural engineers Technical data 6 Jagielloƒska Street, Legionowo Marek Kuban, Total volume: 8 850 m3 Architects Marek Salak Total floor area: 1 749 m2 S.A.M.I. ARCHITEKCI Ltd. Client Usable floor area: 1 498 m2 Anna Albiniak, Sto∏eczne Przedsi´biorstwo Handlu 2 overground storeys Marta Bus∏owicz, Wewn´trznego Parking space for 30 cars Seweryn Grobelny, Design

Mariusz Korytkowski, 2004/2005 Furniture Store „MEBLE EMILIA” Mariusz Lewandowski Construction Collaborating architects 2005/2006 Piotr Guzik, Edyta Najmó∏a 25 FIRST FLOOR

Location Client Technical data 171b Grochowska Street, P∏d. district Warsaw Capital City Labour Office Total volume: 2 346.78 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: 516.54 m2 ARE Ltd. 2004 Usable floor area: 430.88 m2 Jakub Wac∏awek, Construction Number of storeys: Grzegorz Stiasny, 2005/2006 2 overground Wojciech Kotecki – architecture student 1 underground

The Extension to the Warsaw Capital City Labour OfficeThe Extension to the Warsaw Collaboration Parking space for 17 cars Wojciech Ingielewicz – student of architecture, Grzegorz Pietrzak, 26 Adam Kluczek – architecture student 1 UTILITIES 2 AUDITORIUM AREA 3 PRACTICE ROOMS, DRESSING ROOM, AND STAFF ROOMS 4 MUSEUM, IT CENTRE, LIBRARY, ATELIERS 5 WORKSHOPS, TECHNICAL ROOMS



Location Technical data DESIGN NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION. Karolin, Otr´busy Total volume: 61 337 m3 Achitects Total floor area: 13 990 m2 Concert and educational hall with parking and KULCZY¡SKI ARCHITEKT Ltd. Usable floor area: 13 412 m2 garage base for „Matecznik Mazowsza” Bogdan Kulczyƒski, Andrzej Fogtt Number of storeys: 2 + underground garage European Regional and National Culture Collaboration Parking space for 52 cars Promotion Center in Karolin. Krzysztof Grzesiak – architecture student + an underground parking for 169 cars

Competition organizer Educational and Concert Hall „MATECZNIK-MAZOWSZE” „Matecznik Mazowsza” European Regional and National Culture Promotion Center in Karolin 2004 27 Designed building has a cinema comprised of 3 screening rooms, services, catering establishments, trade and offices. The base of the elevation's structure is the contrast between massive, stone parts of the building and its glazed fields showing interior reception. Front elevation is building's interior visible through the glazed wall of the ground floor. „Energetic” colors and people's movement inside the cinema's space will be a mark of the building's public functions. Building's interior is optically connected with the city. Three-storey glazed corner of the cinema's foyer at the Floriaƒska Street axis is a good example. Architectural details were enriched by sculpture elements of today's „Praha” cinema and by contemporary sculpture exhibition located in the bay CINEMA FLOOR windows at K∏opotowskiego and Okrzei Streets.

Location Structural engineers Technical data 26 Jagielloƒska Street, Praga P∏n. district Biuro projektów KiP Ltd. Total volume: 54 016 m3, including Architects Client overground volume: 45 004 m3 Juvenes Ltd. Centrum Praha Ltd. Total floor area: 14 212 m2 Micha∏ Adamczyk, S∏awomir Stankiewicz, Design Usable floor area: 6 072.5 m2 Krzysztof Tyszkiewicz 2004 Net floor area: 10 488.6 m2 Coordination Construction Number of storeys:

„CENTRUM PRAHA” Office, Service and Culture Building PRAHA” „CENTRUM Miros∏aw Orzechowski – doctor of architecture 2005/2006 7 overground Collaborating architects 1 underground Agata D´bowiak, Krzysztof Matwiejuk, Parking space for 56 cars 28 Maciej Olczyk 555 seats in the screening rooms ISTNIEJÑCA ZABUDOWA TEATRU POLSKIEGO ISTNIEJÑCA ZABUDOWA MIESZKANIOWA ISTNIEJÑCA ZABUDOWA TEATRU POLSKIEGO TEATRU ZABUDOWA ISTNIEJÑCA


Location Client Total floor area: 5 209.7 m2 Sewerynów Street, ÂródmieÊcie district Polski Theatre Usable floor area: 3 763.6 m2 Architects General contractor Number of storeys: „Szymborski i Zielonka Architekci” Tulcon S.A. 7 overground Lech Szymborski, Wojciech Szymborski Design 1 underground Collaborating architect 2002 Parking space for 15 cars Maksymilian Skotnicki – design manager Construction Small-audience theatre area: 250 m2

Theatre technology engineer 2005/2006 The Extension of Theatre. the Polski Small-audience Theatre Maciej Wojciechowski Structural engineers Technical data Polski Theatre was enlarged by small-audience Wojciech Nazi´b∏o with a team Volume: 19 600 m3 theatre, multifunctional foyer and the backstage. 29 Location Construction Parking space for 4 cars the corner of the Wiertnicza and Obornicka 2005/2006 + an underground parking for 22 cars Streets, Wilanów district 1 ambassador's apartment Architects „Projekt P.B.P.A.” Ltd. Technical data Modernist architecture with Arabic decorations. Leszek Klajnert, Adam Wagner, Total volume: around 40 000 m3 Dariusz Bodzioch Total floor area: around 2 200 m2

The Embassy of the Saudi Arabia Client Usable floor area: around 2 000 m2 The embassy of the Saudi Arabia Number of storeys: Design 4 overground 30 2004 2 underground +1 LEVEL

Location Technical data 2/4 Twarda Street, ÂródmieÊcie district Volume: 9 233 m3 Architects Total floor area: 2 462 m2 APA Wojciechowski Usable floor area: 1 755 m2 Szymon Wojciechowski, Number of storeys: Micha∏ Sadowski, Magdalena Maciàg 5 overground Client 2 underground

„Peace” (SHALOM) American-Polish-Israeli An underground parking for 30 cars CENTER JEWISH CULTURE Foundation for Polish-Israeli Culture Promotion Design 2004 31 CROSS SECTION PERPENDICULAR TO THE STREET

Location Client Technical data 51 Lipowa Street, Pruszków Zak∏ady Farmaceutyczne „Unia” Spó∏dzielnia Total volume: 93 800 m3 Architects Pracy Total floor area: 24 533 m2 Apar Projekt Ltd. General contractor Usable floor area: 22 916 m2 Tadeusz Szumielewicz – general designer PBM Po∏udnie S.A. Number of storeys: Ewa Dobrowolska, Design 3 overground Julia Rola – student of architecture, 2001 1 underground

„UNIA” Pharmaceutical Factory „UNIA” Iwona Dobaczewska – technician Construction Parking space for 13 cars Structural engineers under construction + an underground parking for 88 cars TMJ Projekt 32 Location Client Technical data Former air force base in Modlin „Polish Airports” State Enterprise Total volume: 20 400 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: 4 800 m2 APA Kury∏owicz & Associates 2004 Usable floor area: 4 500 m2, including Stefan Kury∏owicz – professor of architecture, usable floor area of the arrivals and departure Jacek Syropolski, hall – 3 300 m2 Piotr Wilbik usable floor area of the entresol (offices and

Structural consultants technical rooms) – 1 200 m2 Cheap Air Carriers Air Terminal Kapela, Pachowski s.c. 2 overground storeys 33 Pavilion of sculpture. There is an exhibition of the original Reception pavilion. Designated for the tourists visits. The building is architectural sculptures from the Palace's attics, and part of the located on the northern axis between Przyczó∏kowa and St. Kostki- sculpture atelier with teaching and presentation functions. Amorphous Potockiego Streets. Traditional tent form made of the sheets of glass glass form built at the southern wall of the former stables. decorated with fabric covers.

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Location Reception pavilion Technical data of the pavilion of sculpture Museum of the Palace in Wilanów Jaros∏aw Piróg Total volume: 1 170 m3 10/16 Stanis∏awa Kostki-Potockiego Street Structural engineer Total floor area: 320 m2 Architects Jerzy Czubarowicz Usable floor area: 310 m2 Biuro Architektoniczne nonkanon Client 1 overground storey Rafa∏ Szczepaƒski architekt Museum of the Palace in Wilanów Technical data of the reception pavilion Rafa∏ Szczepaƒski Design Total volume: 560 m3

Pavilion ofPavilion Pavilion Sculpture and Reception Collaborating architects 2004 Total floor area: 150 m2 Pavilion of sculpture Construction Usable floor area: 145 m2 Micha∏ Kleniewski – student of architecture, Pavilion of sculpture – 2005 1 overground storey 34 Izabela Kalita-Brodziak – technician ”The exhibition space will be organized around the The termitary, which is going to be watched by Stalin's head will be lying on the Forum's floor Forum of Freedom. Leaving the labyrinth of the a social insect a one could feel like while walking before the old parade stand. Behind it there will be Palace's corridors, one will enter the authentic by. This design is just and only the interpretation of a screen where one will watch the films with all Parade Stand of the proletariat leaders. The stand the place that we are capturing. We are converting communist leaders. It will be the combination of is the same that now stands at Defilad Square. In the monument of the communist system into an peepshow and historical panorama from 19th the future, The Defilad Square has to be a great anti communist. Only that much, and so much. We century. From the courtyard before the Palace one urban agora. That's why we will dismantle the are locating Stalin's knocked down monument in will be able to look down and see everything that Parade Stand and put it together again front of the Stalin's Palace, on the square that had had to be hidden and that should not be underground (just like the altar from Pergammon in to be the Stalin's Square. Palace's top one will forgotten.” Berlin). From the underground Forum of Freedom watch from the underground forum through the through the glass skylight one will see the Palace. outline of Stalin's hand and beheaded torso.

Location Technical data Defilad Square Total volume: 55 500 m3 Architects Total floor area: 9 200 m2 DiM'84 Dom i Miasto Ltd Usable floor area: 6 800 m2 Czes∏aw Bielecki – doctor of architecture 2 underground storeys Collaborating architects 50 m high tower-flagpole Lenka Cederbaum, Marek WiÊniewski

Design A SOCLAND – a Museum of the Communism 2004/2005 Construction 2005/2006 35 GROUND FLOOR

Location Construction the corner of Marsa and Che∏m˝yƒska Streets, 2005/2006 Rembertów district Architects Pracownia HTT Ltd. Zygmunt Hoffman, Witold Thumenas, Technical data Wojciech Ràbalski Total volume: 720 m3

A Car Showroom Client Total floor area: 120 m2 „Suzuki Che∏m˝yƒska” Usable floor area: 141 m2 Design 1 overground storey 36 2004 Parking space for 17 cars Location Construction Mazowieckie province 2005 Architect „Artinex” Technical data Krzysztof Wolski Volume: around 5 500 m3 Collaborating architect Total floor area: 806.8 m2 Piotr Macura Usable floor area: 904 m2

Client 2 overground storeys ofConception Showroom Cars the HONDA Private Design 2004 37 FIRST FLOOR

Location Client Technical data Modliƒska Street, Bia∏o∏´ka district Bruno Tassi Ltd. Total volume: 16 698 m3 Architect General contractor Total floor area: 3 512 m2 Pracownia Architektoniczna SOL-AR Jerzy Solarek MBJ Ltd. Usable floor area: 3 192 m2 Jerzy Solarek Design 2 overground storeys Collaborating architects 2004 Parking space for 20 cars Adam Gorczyca – doctor of architecture, Construction

Wholesale Company with Administrative and Utility Rooms Wholesale with Administrative Company Barbara Jaworska, 2004/2005 Tomasz Swinarski Structural engineer 38 Andrzej Przedpe∏ski Location Client Technical data G∏´bocka Street, Targówek district Centrum Handlowe Targówek Ltd. Volume: 115 756.6 m3 Architects Design Total floor area: 16 688.4 m2 ARCHIGRAF Micha∏ Brutkowski 2004 Usable floor area: 14 261.7 m2 Micha∏ Brutkowski, 1 overground storey Agnieszka Nowak, Parking space for 617 cars, including 8 for disabled Jolanta Kazimieruk persons

Collaboration Service and Commercial Complex TARGÓWEK” „CENTRUM Joanna Musia∏owicz – student of architecture Structural engineer Andrzej Ko∏dej 39 Location General contractor Technical data Warszawska Street, Konstancin-Bielawa Budimex Dromex Company Ltd. Total volume: 115 000 m3 Architect Design Total floor area: 26 500 m2 DiM'84 Dom i Miasto Ltd. 2003/2005 Usable floor area: 23 300 m2 Czes∏aw Bielecki – doctor of architecture Construction Number of storeys: Collaborating architect 2005/2007 2 overground Marek WiÊniewski 3 underground

Transmission System Operator's Seat Transmission Structural engineer Parking space for 495 cars SAP-Projekt Ltd. + an open parking for 91 cars, ventilated in the Client natural way 40 Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne Ltd. Location Client Technical data 4a Annopol Street, ˚eraƒ, Warsaw Apollo-Rida Ltd. Volume: 147 000 m3 Architects Project manager Total floor area: 39 00 m2 APA Wojciechowski Portico Development Ltd. Usable floor area: 37 00 m2 Szymon Wojciechowski, General contractor 2 overground storeys Micha∏ Sadowski, HOCHTIEFF Polska Ltd. Parking space for 287 cars Rafa∏ Pamu∏a, Design

Marek Nowak 2003/2004 II” Logistic Center „˚ERA¡ PARK Collaborating architects Construction Magdalena Maciàg, 2004 Cezary Rewaj – technician 41 SOUTHERN HEAD – NORTHERN ELEVATION SOUTHERN HEAD – WESTERN ELEVATION SOUTHERN HEAD – SOUTHERN ELEVATION

The design takes into consideration the planning regulations and – corners – alternatery traceries into the „empty – full” rhythm, illuminated through the matt glass. the building conditions of the „Zdobycz Robotnicza” housing very well known from the Rudolf Âwierczyƒski's classical, – a part of the pergola under the ceiling is a base for the estate area. Design was inspired by the „bielaƒska” and prewar architecture. Pavilion's interior and outside illumination creepers and is making a plant roof of the pavilion. „˝oliborska” modernistic architecture from the 1930s. We like makes it a signal and a space mark after the dusk. The same this kind of architecture for its moderation and suitability. principle concerning the southern head of the station. The idea of Bielany and Wawarzyszew as a gardens of Warsaw was our guiding principle. According to this idea Wawrzyszew as Northern head of the station Southern head of the station a part of Bielany is filled with valuable buildings surrounded by – located at the junction of the Kasprowicza, Przytyk and Dantego – located in the area outlined by the junction of the Kasprowicz, greenery. It is increasing the quality of this housing estate as Streets; Lindego and Wolumen Streets; a place of living and working. – over the head there is a pavilion with entrance and exit, stairs – a skeleton of the pavilion will dominate over the southern head and escalators, police station, entrance hall, shops and main body made by the oval brick wall. It is a structural base of technical rooms; the oval mega-skylight. The skylight gives the natural daylight – pavilion elevations are composed of rectangural surfaces of to the station. It is also a base for the roof pergola. In the night glass and so called „˝oliborska” brick; the zenithal daylight illumination is changing into the lantern

Location Structural engineer Technical data In the area delimited Kasprowicza Street, Jan Domurad Total volume: 36 556.6 m3 between Lindego and Wolumen Streets, and Client Total floor area: 8 173.2 m2 Przytyk and Dantego Streets Warsaw Capital City Usable floor area: 5 477.1 m2 Architects Investor's representative Number of storeys: AMC – Andrzej M. Cho∏dzyƒski Ltd. „Metro Warszawskie” Ltd. 1 overground (a row of shops) Andrzej M. Cho∏dzyƒski Design 1 underground (a station)

A-22 WAWRZYSZEW Underground Station A-22 WAWRZYSZEW Collaborating architects 2004 Pawe∏ Kornecki, Tomasz Burno, 42 Rados∏aw GawryÊ NORTHERN HEAD’S PAVILLION



Final station of the first line of the underground with a siding. This and 24h dispenser. Similar functional program is designed for Structural and material solutions are considering the specific is not developed area at the moment. The design anticipates the the northern head of the station. location of the station and intensive commuters traffic. We have maximum integration between the station and public transport in – technical rooms are complementing the list of the functions. searched for the aesthetic and durable materials. Elevation made the M∏ociny area. Regardless the will of its architect the station of granite stones in the stainless wire netting should comply with was programmed as a shallow sunk. That's why it can't have the Northern head of the station those requirements. Glass in the elevations was reduced to entresol and underpass. – located between Nocznickiego and Pstrowskiego Streets. minimum. Both heads interiors are mainly zenithal illuminated It is a part of the pedestrian traffic layout. This is a pedestrian through the glass mega-ceilings. The lanterns made from the Southern head of the station square built on the North-West and South-East axis. It is located pavilions roofs, will ensure nighttime illumination. They will – located to the South from the crossroad of Kasprowicza and between tram and bus stations. The M∏ociny Hub designer plans organize the overground part of the station in the symbolic and Nocznickiego Streets together with the pavilion. It has to here a ground pass connecting both stations. Whole complex is functional way. service the pedestrian traffic and the connections with the located at the Northern side of the Northern Bridge route. surrounding housing estates. – this large square serves as a natural pedestrian connection – above the station there is pavilion with exits, stairs and between underground station, bus station, tram terminal and escalators, and entrance hall with symmetrical rows of shops multilevel underground parking planned behind the bus station.

Location Client Technical data at the junction of Kasprowicza and Nocznickiego Warsaw Capital City Total volume: 88 091 m3 Streets running at right angles Investor's representative Total floor area: 17 109.3 m2 Architects „Metro Warszawskie” Ltd. Usable floor area: 8 833.7 m2 AMC – Andrzej M. Cho∏dzyƒski Ltd. Design Number of storeys: Andrzej M. Cho∏dzyƒski 2004 1 overground (a row of shops) Collaborating architects 1 underground (a station)

Pawe∏ Kornecki, Bartosz J. Krzemiƒski, Agata Underground StationA-23 M¸OCINY with a Siding Ligmann, Natalia Regulska, Anna Dunajewska Structural engineer Jan Domurad 43 GROUND FLOOR

Location Structural engineer Technical data Konstancin-Jeziorna Biuro Projektów Konstrukcji Budowlanych KiP Total volume: 66 400 m3 Architects Piotr Pachowski Total area: 6 745 m2 Bulanda, Mucha – Architekci Ltd. Client Usable floor area: 5 744 m2 Andrzej Bulanda, Konstancin – Jeziorna Administrative District 3 overground storeys W∏odzimierz Mucha Design Parking space for 15 cars Collaborating architects 2004

The Extension of the Primary School Jacek Chyrosz, Ilona Bitel, Construction The school is extended by gym with sanitary Aleksandra Wrzosek, Magdalena Falska, 2005 base, new building with classrooms and locker Jaros∏aw Ptaszyƒski, ¸ukasz Baran, room, sports field, running track and courtyard. 44 Sebastian Tab´dzki – architecture student KITCHEN BACK ENTRANCE SOUTHERN ELEVATION – CLASSROOMS’ WINGRECEPTION CLASS ENTRANCE NORTHERN ELEVATION – CLASSROOMS’ WING



Location Client Technical data ZagoÊciniec, Wo∏omin administrative district Wo∏omin Administrative District Total volume: 13 000 m3 Architects Design Total area: 2 800 m2 STUDIO ARCHITEKT Juliusz Marcinowski 2005 Usable floor area: 2 500 m2 ARCHITEKCI RAFA¸ I MONIKA DEPOWSCY Ltd. Construction 2 overground storeys Juliusz Marcinowski – head designer, 2005/2006 Number of classrooms: 6 + 3 Monika Depowska, Parking space for 7 cars

Rafa∏ Depowski, Gym – 24 m x 12 m Primary School Jaros∏aw Wyszyƒski, Magdalena Nowosad – architecture student Primary school for 185 children. 45 B-B SECTION

Location Client Technical data 38 Jagielloƒska Street, Praga P∏n. district Praga Pó∏noc District of the Warsaw Capital City Volume: 17 935 m3 The King W∏adys∏aw IV Secondary School Design Total area: 4 911 m2 Architects 2004/2005 Usable floor area: 2 105.95 m2 P∏askowicki & Partnerzy Architekci Construction Number of storeys: Piotr P∏askowicki 2006 3 underground Collaborating architects 1 on the 0 level Przemys∏aw Tabor, Rafa∏ Stefanowski, Parking space for 11 cars Natasza Kulesza, Katarzyna Go∏´biewska, Agnieszka Skwarek – landscape architect The gym is an underground structure. On the Underground Gym with Base Structural engineers ground level there are transparent structures, Jakpol Biuro Us∏ug Projektowych which are not obstructing the view of the high i Wykonawczych w Budownictwie school historic building. 46 Krzysztof Jaszczuk, Andrzej Kulczycki GROUND FLOOR

Location Technical data W∏adys∏awa Reymonta Street, Sulejówek Total volume: 5 746 m3 Architects Total floor area: 1 064 m2 ART. GROUP Ltd. Usable floor area: 985 m2 Client 2 overground storeys MLKS VICTORIA Association Parking space for 42 cars Design

2004 Sports Club


Location Construction Design's main functional assumption was the corner of Niepodleg∏oÊci Avenue and Building under construction location in the building as many as it is possible Madaliƒskiego Street lecture rooms with appropriate infrastructure. Architects Bookstore and cafe are located on the ground Zespó∏ Projektowy KONTRAPUNKT floor. Whole building is fully equipped in high- Aoleksandra Mirek – head designer, tech audio-visual systems. Because parking had Ewa Dobrucka, Katarzyna Florek Technical data to be located underneath the building it was Structural engineer Total volume: 34 967.4 m3 equipped in the parking machines system. Roman Mucha Total area: 9 744.68 m2 Client Usable floor area: 9 492.7 m2 Warsaw School of Economics Number of storeys: General contractor 8 overground Building C of of School the Warsaw Economics MAXER S.A. (raw state of the underground part) 3 underground PORR (Polska) S.A. An underground parking for 118 cars, including Design KLAUS'es pallet parking system for 114 cars 48 2001 SOUTHERN ELEVATION

Location Client Net building area: 1 789.4 m2 6/8 Oboêna Street, ÂródmieÊcie district Warsaw University's Faculty of Law and Number of storeys: Architects Administration 4 overground PRACOWNIA ARCHITEKTONICZNA BNS s.c. General contractor 2 underground Witold Benedek – professor of architecture, BUDIMEX DROMEX Krystyna Szypulska, Ma∏gorzata Benedek Design Collaborating architects 2004 It is one of the first investments in Poland Ma∏gorzata Benedek, Construction subsidized from the structural funds of the Katarzyna Chmiel, 2005 as a part of the integrated Anna Bieniek, program of the operational regional Marcin Karbownik – architecture student development. In the building, there will be The Building of of the Faculty and Administration Law of University the Warsaw Structural engineers Technical data located the Institute of the Law and Andrzej Ko∏dej, Total volume: 7 933 m3 Administration Sciences, faculty's library and Jan Domurad Total area: 2 277 m2 Legislative Information Center. 49 Whole area is under conservators' protection and under protection of the Environment Conservator. Advantages of the surroundings had influence on the way the whole complex was designed. It concerns the urban planning of the development, materials and colors. Cobbled driveway was restored. It picked out the integration into the landscape and its atmosphere. Horses' diagnostic, carousel paddock, historic granary, riding arena and hippotherapy pavilion with covered carousel made up designed complex. Next to the stables are boxes for sick horses, treatment rooms and operation rooms with automatic transport for the animals, forage and manure. Here are covered lunges and running tracks for treated horses. Hippotherapy pavilion, where autistic children are being rehabilitating has the particular value.

Location General contractor Technical data 100 Nowoursynowska Street, Ursynów district „Budimex-Unibud”, Total volume: 31 600 m3 Architects „Mitex” – general contractor of the riding arena Total area: 5 966 m2 Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Ogólnego Design Usable floor area: 5 440 m2 „Budopol” S.A. 2001/2003 Number of storeys: 1-2 Stanis∏aw Fija∏kowski – head designer Construction Parking space for 61 cars Collaboration 2002/2004 Number of horses: 62 Urszula Gronek, Pawe∏ ¸uszcz Number of users: 160 – 340 Structural engineers Number of operation rooms: 2 Henryka Szymczyk-Sieradzka Number of clinics and treatment rooms: 12 Horses' Diagnostic Horses' Complex Roman Nalewajko Educational rooms: 5 Client Number of seats on the stand for spectators: 160 Szko∏a G∏ówna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego The riding arena measurements: 24 m x 60 m 50 w Warszawie Number of carousel lunges: 2 Dwelling buildings complex with high quality finishing. Buildings elevations made from natural stone – granite and Polish sandstone. Ground floor windows have antiburglar roller-blinds. Most of the ground floor flats have own garden. „Rezydencja Renoir” is closed off complex under video surveillance.

Location Landscape architect Technical data 61a,b,c Roso∏a Street, Ursynów district PARK Total volume: 57 862 m3 Architects Irena Bajerska Total area: 17 266 m2 Biuro Architektury i Urbanistyki Szweycer Ltd. Structural engineers Usable floor area: 11 210 m2 Janusz Szweycer – head designer, KiP Ltd. Number of storeys: Dorota Pu˝yƒska-Tappenden – head designer, Piotr Pachowski, Robert B∏oƒski 4 overground Anna Borecka-Warczak, Client 1 underground Zbigniew Grunwald BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER POLSKA Ltd. Parking space for 72 cars Collaborating architects General contractor + an underground parking for 162 cars Krzysztof Wiszowaty, Mariusz ¸oszakiewicz, BUDIMEX-DROMEX S.A. Number of flats: 92 Martyna Pawletko, Berenika Ziemkiewicz, Design Usable floor area of flats: 6 581 m2 Houses Complex RENOIR” Dwelling „REZYDENCJA Wioletta Wojtaszewska – technician, 2003 (from 31 m2 to 105 m2) Edyta ¸oszakiewicz – architecture student Construction 2004 51 WESTERN ELEVATION OF B BUILDING

Location Structural engineers Technical data 7 Bia∏y Kamieƒ Street, Mokotów district ABATOS Ltd. Total volume: 45 592 m3 Architects Jerzy Pe∏czyƒski Total area: 13 655 m2 KAPS – ARCHITEKCI Client Usable floor area: 12 169 m2 Tomaszx Korneluk, EKO-PARK S.A. Number of storeys: Maciej Parysek, Design 4 overground Tomasz S∏owik 2002 1 underground

EKO – PARK Housing Estate. BOLERO Stage Housing Estate. BOLERO – PARK EKO Cooperating architects Construction An underground parking for 87 cars ¸ukasz Krzesiak, 2005 Number of flats: 68 Tomasz Raczyƒski Flats area: 6 355 m2 52 (from 54.95 m2 to 211.21 m2) SOUTHERN ELEVATION

Location Structural engineers Total area: 23 929 m2 Êw. Andrzeja Boboli Street, Mokotów district CHODOR PROJEKT Ltd. Usable floor area: 17 343 m2 Architects Client Number of storeys: KAPS – ARCHITEKCI EKO-PARK S.A. from 4 to 8 overground Tomasz Korneluk, Maciej Parysek, Design 1 underground Tomasz S∏owik 2003 Parking space for 44 cars Collaborating architects Construction + an underground parking for 146 cars

Dorota D∏ugosz, ¸ukasz Krzesiak, 2005/2006 Number of flats: 143 Stage Housing Estate. ETIUDA EKO-PARK ¸ukasz Kuciƒski, Justyna Kwiecieƒ, Flats area: 12 075 m2 Magdalena Podczaska, Technical data (from 33.95 m2 to 182.15 m2) Tomasz Raczyƒski Total volume: 81 746 m3 53 THIRD FLOOR

Location Client Technical data Rostafiƒskich and Êw. Andrzeja Boboli Streets EKO-PARK S.A. Volume: 11 633.4 m3 area, Mokotów district Design Total area: 3 117.2 m2 Architects 2004 Usable floor area: 2 110 m2 Grupa 5 Ltd. Number of storeys: Roman Dziedziejko, Mariusz Jasiƒski, 9 overground Miko∏aj Kad∏ubowski, 1 underground

B7A-EKO-PARK – Apartment Building B7A-EKO-PARK Micha∏ Leszczyƒski, Number of flats: 16 Krzysztof Mycielski, Usable floor area of flats 1 675.2 m2 Daniel Cwalina, Andrzej Kikowski, (from 65 m2 to 170 m2) 54 Damian Cyryl Kotwicki Location Client Technical data Leszczyƒska Street, PowiÊle Viterra Development Polska Ltd. Total volume: 57 140 m3 Architects General contractor Total area: 18 038 m2 Grupa 5 Ltd. Hochtief Polska Ltd. Usable floor area: 13 217 m2 Roman Dziedziejko, Mariusz Jasiƒski, Design Number of storeys: Miko∏aj Kad∏ubowski, Micha∏ Leszczyƒski, 2003/2004 8 overground Krzysztof Mycielski Construction 2 underground

Collaborating architects 2004/2006 An underground garage for 100 cars Building „PRZY WIÂLE” Dwelling Monika Topolska, Jan Placha, Number of flats: 100 Artur Chocianowski, Tomasz Sier˝´ga, Flats area: 7 630 m2 (from 36 m2 to 165 m2) Marcin Klukowski – architecture student 55 Location Design Technical data Dzieci Warszawy Street, Ursus district 2005 Total volume: 80 100 m3 Architects Construction Total area: 26 700 m2 F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki 2005 Usable floor area: 18 250 m2 Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Number of storeys: Tomasz Tomaszewski 4 or 5 overground Collaborating architects 1 underground Agnieszka Kowalska, Monika Wojnowska Parking space for 81 cars Structural engineers + an underground parking for 210 cars Arcade Polska 7 service establishments Multi-family Housing EstateMulti-family Client Number of flats: 284 „Orkiestra Development Flats area: 17 700 m2 (from 45 m2 to 100 m2) General contractor 56 »Devcor« ELEVATION AT THE P¸ASKOWICKIEJ STREET SIDE A-A SECTION

Location Design Number of storeys: the corner of KEN and P∏askowickiej Streets, 2004 from 5 to 9 overground Ursynów district Construction 1 underground Architects 2004/2005 Parking space for 124 cars TRYBO¡ PPI + an underground parking for 175 cars Krzysztof Tryboƒ, Krystyna Anna Tryboƒ, Number of flats: 295 Marcin Baczewski, Robert Ogrodnik, Flats area: 19 101.4 m2 Ewa Wierucka-Lipka – coordination (from 30 m2 to 140 m2) Structural engineers Marek Fràczkowski, Technical data Jacek Lipiec Total volume: 113 201 m3 KEN-BIS Housing Estate with Services, Stage First Client Total area: 32 376.2 m2 Wersal Podlaski Usable floor area: 25 900.9 m2 Housing estates' entrances are monitored. Inside Garages area: 4 615.01 m2 it is a park with recreational area. 57 EASTERN ELEVATION

Location General contractor 21 755.6 m2 – overground part the corner of Popie∏uszki and S∏owackiego Modzelewski & Rodek 8 868 m2 – underground part Streets, ˚oliborz district Design Net area of the service establishments: 1 417.69 m2 Architect 2004 Parking space for 2 cars KULCZY¡SKI ARCHITEKT Ltd. Construction + an underground garage for 214 cars Bogdan Kulczyƒski 2004/2005 + parking for 11 cars at B building ground floor Structural engineer Number of storeys:

Dwelling Buildings Complex with Services Buildings Complex Dwelling Roman Nalewajko from 5 to 8 overground Client Technical data 2 underground VAN 8 Ltd. Total volume: 103 588 m3 Number of flats: 178 58 Total area: Net area of flats: 13 298.98 m2 Location Structural engineers Technical data 107 Rac∏awicka Street, Mokotów district Kuban & Salak pracownia konstrukcji Total volume: ~88 000 m3 Architects Client Total area: ~31 000 m2 Màka. Sojka. Architekci Fort Mokotów Ltd. Usable floor area: ~16 000 m2 Maciej Màka, Design Number of storeys: Rados∏aw Sojka, 2004 8 overground Grzegorz Pyzikiewicz – design manager Construction 1 underground

Katarzyna Bia∏a, 2006 Parking space for 14 cars WI6 A and B Buildings Multifunction Complex. „MARINA MOKOTÓW” Krzysztof Henger, + an underground parking for 206 cars Danuta Pawlak, Number of flats: 206 Piotr Skaliƒski Usable floor area of flats: 15 315 m2 (from 34 m2 to 116 m2) 59 Location Client Technical data Wilanowska Avenue, Wilanów district DiE Ltd. Total volume: 195 300 m2 Architects General contractor Total area: 68 300 m2 F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki Porr Polska Ltd. Usable floor area: 35 350 m2 Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Design Number of storeys: Tomasz Tomaszewski, 2002 5 overground Magdalena Federowicz-Boule Construction 1 underground Collaborating architects 2004/2006 Parking space for 141 cars Przemys∏aw Kalinowski, + an underground parking for 671 cars Mariusz Sza∏ajdewicz, Number of flats: 453 Multi-family Housing EstateMulti-family Marcin Wojnowski, Flats area: 34 450 m2 (from 35 m2 to 150 m2) Monika Wojnowska Structural engineer 60 Witold Rybiƒski WESTERN ELEVATION

Location Design Parking space for 100 cars Wilanowska Avenue, Stegny 2004 Number of flats:100 Architects Construction Flats area: 6 724 m2 (from 30 m2 to 108 m2) „Projekt P.B.P.A.” Ltd. 2006 Leszek Klajnert, Adam Wagner, Dariusz Bodzioch, Katarzyna Dawidczyk, Pawe∏ Strug, S∏awomir Wysokiƒski Technical data Collaboration Total volume: 42 012 m3 „Staner” Ltd. Total area: 13 183.46 m2 Structural engineer Usable floor area: 9 645.63 m2 Fenced-in dwelling complex with inner courtyard Buildings Complex Multi-family „ÂRÓDZIEMNOMORSKA” Jolanta Figura Number of storeys: and garage underneath. Children playground, Client 8 overground resting place and greenery are located in the BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER Polska Ltd. 1 underground courtyard. 61 Location Structural engineers Technical data Królowej Marysieƒki-BIS Street, between ARBO projekt Total volume: 53 010 m3 P∏askowickiej-BIS and Klimczaka Streets, Wilanów Client Total floor area: 21 012 m2 Architects Wilanów Investments Ltd. Usable floor area: 19 546 m2 F. P. Akcent Ltd General contractor Number of storeys: Jan S∏yk – doctor of architecture, POLNORD S.A. 5 overground Rafa∏ Bujnowski, Piotr Gastman, Design 1 underground

„NOWY WILANÓW” Housing Estate. The Northern WILANÓW” „NOWY Quarter Grzegorz Gawrysiak, Jakub Jasiewicz, 2004 An underground garage for 161 cars Marcin Kurman, Rajmund S∏yk, Construction Number of flats: 156 Hubert Szcz´sny, Karolina Tulkowska-S∏yk 2005 Usable floor area of flats: 12 848 m2 62 (from 35.5 m2 to 162.5 m2) Location Structural engineers Technical data: Królowej Marysieƒki-BIS Street, between ARBO projekt Total volume: 42 040 m3 P∏askowickiej-BIS and Klimczaka Streets, Wilanów Client Total floor area: 15 850 m2 Architects Wilanów Investments Ltd. Usable floor area: 14 775 m2 F. P. Akcent Ltd General contractor Number of storeys: Jan S∏yk – doctor of architecture, POLNORD S.A. 5 overground Rafa∏ Bujnowski, Piotr Gastman, Design 1 underground

Grzegorz Gawrysiak, Jakub Jasiewicz, 2004 An underground garage for 131 cars Housing Estate. The Southern WILANÓW” „NOWY Quarter Marcin Kurman, Rajmund S∏yk, Construction Number of flats: 136 Hubert Szcz´sny, Karolina Tulkowska-S∏yk 2005 Usable floor area of flats: 9 340 m2 (from 32 m2 to 156.5 m2) 63 NORTHERN ELEVATION AT THE SZTABOWA STREET SIDE B-B SECTION

Location Technical data Multi-family dwelling building located at the 17 Liwiecka Street, Praga Po∏udnie district Total volume: 12 400 m3 corner building lot. Its architectural design clearly Architects Total area: 7 000 m2 refers to the corner building form. Biuro Architektoniczne nonkanon Usable floor area: 4 300 m2 Rafa∏ Szczepaƒski architekt Number of storeys: Rafa∏ Szczepaƒski 4 overground Collaborating architect 1 underground Pawe∏ ˚mudowski Parking space for 8 cars Structural engineer + an underground parking for 32 cars Miros∏aw Dziekan Number of flats: 40 Multi-family Dwelling Building Dwelling Multi-family Client Flats area: 2 500 m2 (from 35 m2 to 70 m2) EGRIB Ltd. Design 64 2004 Location Client Technical data Oboêna Street, ÂródmieÊcie district „DEMBUD” housing cooperative Volume: 29 000 m3 Architects General contractor Total floor area: 9 068 m2 „Szymborski i Zielonka Architekci” Tulcon S.A. Number of storeys: Lech Szymborski – general designer, Design 7 overground Wojciech Szymborski 2001/2002 2 underground Collaborating architect Construction An underground parking for 71 cars

Jacek Morawski – project manager 2005 Number of flats: 41 House Dwelling Structural engineers Usable floor area of flats: 4 999.9 m2 Wojciech Nazi´b∏o and team of engineers (from 51 m2 to 240 m2) 65 THIRD FLOOR

Location Design Usable floor area of services: 600 m2 Bukowiƒska Street, Mokotów district 2001 Usable floor area of garage: 5 200 m2 Architects Construction Number of storeys: Apar Projekt Ltd. 2005 11 overground Tadeusz Szumielewicz – general designer, 3 underground Piotr Bielecki, Dominika Stanaszek, Katarzyna Parking space for 16 cars Rokicka-Muller + an underground parking for 129 cars

Multi-family Building Multi-family Client Number of flats: 122 Bukowiƒska Development Ltd. Technical data Usable floor area of flats: 7 500 m2 General contractor Total volume: 94 245 m3 (from 40 m2 to 140 m2) 66 Hochtief Polska Total floor area: 18 000 m2 Location Anna Âwiderska – student of architecture, Technical data WyÊcigowa Street, S∏u˝ew Piotr Twardo – visualizations Total volume: 147 651 m3 Architects Structural engineers Total floor area: 27 000 m2 APP Polska Ltd. Czes∏aw Hodurek, Janusz Kaletka, Usable floor area: 22 451 m2 Andrzej Potyka, El˝bieta Konecka, Andrzej Soboƒ Number of storeys: Piotr Bujnowski Client 14 overground Anna Luboƒska, PB Invest Ltd. 3 underground Magdalena Butryƒska Design An underground parking for 204 cars Building Multi-family Cooperation 2004/2005 Number of flats: 178 Flats area: 11 640 m2 Marta Gutweter, 67 Location Client Technical data 14 Franciszkaƒska Street, Nowe Miasto DEMBUD housing cooperative Total volume: 18 932 m3 Architects Design Total Floor area: 4 274.85 m2 ARE Ltd. 2004 Usable floor area: 3 768 m2 Jakub Wac∏awek, Construction Number of storeys: Grzegorz Stiasny, 2005/2006 5 overground Wojciech Kotecki – student of architecture 1 underground

Dwelling House with ServicesDwelling Collaboration An underground parking for 30 cars Wojciech Ignielewicz – student of architecture, Number of flats: 25 Grzegorz Pietrzak, Flats area: 2 423.13 m2 (from 50 m2 to 150 m2) 68 Adam Kluczek – student of architecture Location Technical data 20 Sklepowa Street, W∏ochy district Volume: 14 000 m3 Architects Total Floor area: 4 000 m2 Autorskie Zespo∏y Architektoniczne Ltd. Number of storeys: Leszek Ko∏acz, 3 overground Andrei Vitkowski, 1 underground Maryna Maszkiewicz-Ko∏acz A garage for 40 cars

Client Number of flats: 30 Housing Estate ”SKLEPOWA” REM-BUDEX Czes∏aw Iwanicki Usable dwelling area: 2 250 m2 Design (from 30 m2 to 94 m2) 2005 69 Location Technical data COMPETITION DESIGN Wilanów district Total volume: 131 175 m3 Architects Total Floor area: 43 750 m2 F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki Usable floor area: 27 00 m2 Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Number of storeys: Tomasz Tomaszewski 4 overground Design 1 underground

Housing Estate 2005 An underground parking for 520 cars Number of flats: 330 70 GROUND FLOOR

Location Technical data COMPETITION DESIGN Tarchomin district Total volume: 128 550 m3 Architects Total Floor area: 42 850 m2 F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki Usable floor area: 25 000 m2 Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Number of storeys: Tomasz Tomaszewski 4 overground Design 1 underground

2003 An underground parking for 420 cars Buildings Multi-family Number of flats: 420 Flats area: 24 000 m2 71 WESTERN ELEVATION

Location Damian Cyryl Kotwicki, Izabela Lisicka, Technical data the corner of Klimczaka and Królowej Marysieƒki Grzegorz Madejski, Iwona Sierpiƒska, Total volume: 134 238 m3 BIS Streets, Wilanów district Monika Topolska, Arkadiusz Trocewicz, Total floor area: 43 345 m2 Architects Jan Dowgia∏∏o – student of architecture Usable floor area: 31 814 m2 Grupa 5 Ltd. Structural engineers Number of storeys: Roman Dziedziejko, Mariusz Jasiƒski, Chodor Projekt Ltd. 4 overground + dominants Miko∏aj Kad∏ubowski, Micha∏ Leszczyƒski, Client 1 underground Krzysztof Mycielski Wilanów Investments Ltd. Parking space for 41 cars Cpllaborating architects General contractor + an underground garages for 295 cars Jan Brzozowski, Daniel Cwalina, POLNORD S.A. Number of flats: 237 „QUEEN MARYSIE¡KA APARTMENTS” MARYSIE¡KA „QUEEN Maciej Dembiƒski, Aleksandra Flesiƒska, Design Flats area: 19 979 m2 (from 28 m2 to 210 m2) Ma∏gorzata Gos∏awska, Ewa Gruda, 2004/2005 Rafa∏ Grzelewski, S∏awomir Janas, Construction 72 Andrzej Kikowski, Marcin Klukowski, 2004/2006 EASTERN ELEVATION

Location Design Usable floor area of services: 2 054 m2 64 Nowy Âwiat Street 2004 Number of storeys: Architects 5 overground JEMS architekci 3 underground Olgierd Jagie∏∏o, An underground parking for 70 cars Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski, Number of flats: 20 Maciej Mi∏ob´dzki, Usable floor area of flats: 2 331 m2

Marcin Sadowski, Dariusz Wasak Technical data (from 49.6 m2 to 203.9 m2) Building with ServicesDwelling Client Total volume: 26 305 m3 64 Nowy Âwiat Street Ltd. Total area: 7 620 m2 Wac∏aw Jacek Rybak Usable floor area: 4 385 m2 73 The main assumption was the building with „quiet” architecture. Toned down, blend in with the background; draw on from the architecture of the beginning of the 1930s. The inherent features of this architecture were sandstone, round corners and gates. It will be a high standard apartment building with services located on the ground floor. It will have 7 storeys (8 locally) and two-leveled underground parking. Although building's height is significant it will harmoniously blend in the surroundings. This height is a compromise between client's wishes and conditions imposed by the neighborhood. Apartment building is surrounded with both five- storeyed tenement buildings, and multi-storeyed „prefabricated concrete”. It has a S letter shape. This shape allows to dismember the mass from Pu∏awska Street. The building looks like it was made of 3 different parts. This form allows also to catch the significant amount of sunlight and to open it on the greenery at the back side. The opening in the central part of the building will serve as the entrance for the occupants. The central part of the building will be covered by white plaster. The flank wings of the building will have the stone slabs facing characteristic for the 1930s. BACK ELEVATION

Location Technical data the corner of Pu∏awska nad ˚ywnego Streets, Volume: 31 000 m3 Mokotów district Total area: 13 600 m2 Architects Usable floor area: 8 900 m2 Biuro Projektów Kazimierski i Ryba Sp. j. Number of storeys: Tomasz Kazimierski – doctor of architecture, 8 overground Andrzej Ryba, 2 underground

„PRZY KRÓLIKARNI” Apartment„PRZY KRÓLIKARNI” Building Micha∏ Kazimierski An underground parking for 75 cars Design Number of flats: 64 2005 Flats area: 8 200 m2 (from 56 m2 to 170 m2) 74 FLAT’S AREA 77,8 m2 FLAT’S AREA 50,7 m2

Location Bogus∏aw Baraƒski, Technical data the corner of Stryjeƒskich and We∏niana Streets, Andrzej Sowiƒski – architecture student, Total volume: 32 537 m3 Kabaty Mariusz Rek Total area: 12 932 m2 Achitects Structural engineer Number of storeys: ArchiCo-projekt Ltd. Andrzej Ko∏dej 5 overground Konrad Tanasiewicz, Client 1 underground Robert Muszyƒski – architecture student, BOUYGUES IMMOBILIER An underground parking for 105 cars

Piotr Pleskot, Design Number of flats: 105 Housing Estate KABACKIE” „OGRODY Krzysztof Idziorek, 2004 Flats area: 6 974 m2 (from 30 m3 to 125 m2) Magdalena Ga∏at-Kosieradzka, Construction Karina Siudziƒska, 2005/2006 75 Location Technical data Number of flats: 7 the corner of Naddnieprzaƒska and Tytoniowa Total volume: around 10 000 m3 Flats area: 500 m2 Streets, Goc∏awek Total area: 3 300 m2 Architects Usable floor area: 2 980 m2 Hotel and dwelling functions located in one Pracownia architektoniczna PRO-ART s.c. Number of storeys: building. Boles∏aw Niebudek, 5 overground Wojciech Go∏àb 1 underground

Dwelling and Hotel Building Dwelling Client Parking space for 8 cars Artur Piechowicz + an underground parking for 25 cars Design Number of hotel rooms: 40 76 2004 Hotel rooms area: 1 550 m2 TYPICAL FLOOR

Location Structural engineer Technical data 44a Brukselska Street, Saska K´pa Krzysztof Górski Total volume: 7 635 m3 Architects Client Total area: 2 421 m2 ArchiCo-projekt Ltd. TIiD DEVELOPMENT Ltd. Usable floor area: 1 652 m2 Konrad Tanasiewicz, Design Number of storeys: Robert Muszyƒski – architecture student, 2005 5 overground Piotr Pleskot, Construction 1 underground

Magdalena Ga∏at-Kosieradzka, 2005/2006 An underground parking for 26 cars Building „44” Dwelling Karina Siudziƒska, Bogus∏aw Baraƒski – engineer, Number of flats: 20 Andrzej Sowiƒski – architecture student, Flats area: 1 487 m2 (from 52 m2 to 140 m2) Mariusz Rek – technician 77 GROUND FLOOR

Location Technical data Urban layout in the „garden-city” form located by Kobia∏ka Street, Bia∏o∏´ka district Total volume: around 300 000 m3 the water (˚eraƒski canal). Whole composition is Architects Total area: 93 550 m2 opened to the water. A passage for pedestrians is DB-PROJEKT Ltd. Usable floor area: 67 574 m2 the central axis of the complex. In the center of Boles∏aw Niebudek Number of storeys: the housing estate there is a row of shops with Collaborating architect 4 overground the administration office. Modular buildings have Magdalena Strzylak – technician 1 underground central wiring and air conditioning unit. Client Parking space for 760 cars DOM DEVELOPMENT S.A. + an underground parking for 500 cars Design Number of flats: 1 193 Housing Estate 2004 Flats area: 66 574 m2 (from 33.3 m2 to 86.7 m2)

78 Location Structural engineer Technical data Królowej Marysieƒki Street, Wilanów district P.U.P. „Plan” Total volume: 98 758.3 m3, including Architects Robert ¸opat garage volume – 26 988.4 m3 Atelier3 Client overground storeys volume – 71 769.9 m3 Girtler&Girtler Biuro Architektoniczne S.C. Robyg Development Ltd. Total area: 26 767.2 m2 Ryszard Girtler, Marta Girtler-Szymborska, Design Usable floor area: 22 766.5 m2 Grzegorz Rycerz – building design 2004 Number of storeys: Wojciech Wierzbicki Construction 4 overground + 1 (a dominant) Collaborating architects 2006 1 underground Pawe∏ K∏udkiewicz, An underground parking for 248 cars ¸ukasz Kozio∏, Number of flats: 167 Housing estate. Second Stage Justyna Ciesielska, Usable floor area of flats: 15 453.8 m2 Krystyna Mieszkowska – technician (from 37 m2 to 221.4 m2) 79 Storage reservoir was designed as two tanks linked by the ramp. A footbridge goes over the ramp. One of the tanks is planted with water plants and the other one is the exact storage reservoir.

Location Dominika Stanaszek, Katarzyna Rokicka-Muller, Housing estate technical data Sobieskiego and Sycylijska Streets area, Julia Rola, Pawe∏ Kowalewski – students of Total volume: 35 800 m3 „Stegny Po∏udniowe” housing estate architecture, Total area: 11 570 m2 Architects Iwona Dobaczewska – technician Number of storeys: BUILDINGS Structural engineers 7 overground Apar Projekt Ltd. BUILDINGS 1 underground Tadeusz Szumielewicz – chief designer, TMJ Projekt, Tomasz Zi´ta∏a, Dariusz P∏oszaj An underground parking for 104 cars Piotr Bielecki STORAGE RESERVOIR Number of flats: 87 STORAGE RESERVOIR TMJ Projekt, Tomasz Zi´ta∏a Usable floor area of flats: 5 090 m2 Apar Projekt Ltd. Client (from 36 m2 to 114 m2) Tadeusz Szumielewicz – chief designer, MSM „Energetyka” Storage reservoir technical data Housing estate with Storage Reservoir Dominika Stanaszek, Katarzyna Rokicka-Muller, Design Total volume: around 2 000 m3 Piotr Bielecki 2003 Total area: 1 555 m2 Collaboration Construction Usable floor area: 1 450 m2 80 BUILDINGS 2005 A-A SECTION

Location Design Number of storeys: 131 Czerniakowska Street 2004 6 overground Architects Construction 1 underground Pracownia HTT Ltd 2005/2006 Parking space for 32 cars Zygmunt Hoffman, + an underground parking for 24 cars Witold Thumenas, Number of flats: 28 Wojciech Ràbalski Total flats area: 1 662 m2

Structural engineer Technical data (from 47.8 m2 to 103.7 m2) House with OfficesDwelling S∏awomir Pawelec Total volume: 11 585 m3 Client Total area: 4 244 m2 „ZBM Inwestor Zast´pczy” Ltd. Usable floor area: 3 537 m2 81 Technical data Detached houses Total volume: 17 135.24 m3 Total area: 4 943.76 m2 Usable floor area: 2 640.6 m2 Number of storeys: 3 overground 1 underground Parking space for 6 cars + an underground parking for 13 cars Number of flats: 18 SECOND FLOOR FRAGMENT Flats area: 640.6 m2 (from 90 m2 to 211 m2)

Location Multi-family dwelling building client Technical data Królowej Marysieƒki Street area Centrum Gie∏dowe Multi-family dwelling building Architects Detached houses client Total volume: 38 994 m3 Andrzej Kiciƒski architekt Ltd. AlpineBud Ltd Total area: 13 047 m2 Andrzej Kiciƒski – doctor of architecture General contractor Usable floor area: 6 074 m2 (head designer), AlpineBud Number of storeys: Marcin Bednarczyk, Marek Happach, Design from 3 to 5 overground Robert Jaworski, 2004 1 underground Rafa∏ Jedliƒski Construction Parking space for 7 cars Structural engineers 2005 + an underground parking for 100 cars

Dwelling Houses with ServicesDwelling Robert ¸opat, Marek Fedyna Number of flats: 58 Landscape architect Flats area: 5 149.77 m2 (from 48.6 m2 to 150.7 m2) Irena Bajerska 82 Location Client Technical data ZaÊciankowa Street, Wilanów district COGiK Ltd. Total volume: 10 995 m3 Architects Design Total area: 3 669 m2 S.A.M.I ARCHITEKCI Ltd. 2005 Number of storeys: Anna Albiniak, Marta Bus∏owicz, Construction 3 overground Seweryn Grobelny, Mariusz Korytkowski, 2005/2006 1 underground Mariusz Lewandowski Parking space for 10 cars

Collaborating architect + an underground parking for 37 cars Apartment Buildings Two Tomasz Grzenio Flats usable area: 1 836 m2 (from 55 m2 to 120 m2) Structural engineers Marek Kuban, Marek Salak 83 FORESHORTENET VIEW OF FRONT ELEVATION AT THE KOèMI¡SKA STREET SIDE THE BUILDING’S ENTRANCE

Location General contractor An underground parking for 25 cars The corner of Âniegockiej and Koêmiƒskiej „Warbud”S.A. Number of flats: 24 Streets, Solec Design Flats area: 3 384 m2 (from 98 m2 to 200 m2) Architects 2002 „Projekt P.B.P.A.” Ltd. Construction Building's facade is made of sandstone and Leszek Klajnert, 2004 metal panels. Large, stately hall. On the 6th and Adam Wagner, 7th floor are located exclusive apartments with Dariusz Bodzioch, Technical data garden terraces. Renata Bugalska, Total volume: 18 653.86 m3 Ewa Kolasiƒska Total area: 6 022.09 m2 „PHILADELPHIA”. Dwelling House with Offices Dwelling „PHILADELPHIA”. Structural engineers Usable floor area: 3 401.52 m2 Zbigniew Farasiewicz, Jolanta Figura Number of storeys: Client 8 overground 84 „Filadelfia” Ltd. 1 underground NORTHERN ELEVATION


Location General contractor Number of storeys: the corner of Madaliƒskiego and Niepodleg∏oÊci „Budizol” Building Enterprise 8 overground Avenues Design 1 underground Architects 2005 Parking space for 14 cars KULCZY¡SKI ARCHITEKT Ltd. Construction + an underground parking for 25 cars Bogdan Kulczyƒski, Jacek Bieƒ, 2005 Number of flats: 23 Marek Micha∏owski, Flats area: 2 387.59 m2

Maksymilian Zió∏kowski Technical data (from 54.98 m2 to 163.95 m2) House with Services Dwelling „DOM POD KLONAMI” Client Total volume: 18 099 m3 „Budizol” Building Enterprise Total area: 6 867 m2 Usable floor area: 4 456 m2 85 Location Client Usable floor area: 23 100 m2 Ksi´cia Boles∏awa Street area, Bemowo district Mostostal Invest Ltd. Services area: 500 m2 Architects Design Number of storeys: SzczeÊniak Denier architekci Ltd. 2004/2005 6 overground + entresols Marek SzczeÊniak, Construction 2 underground Karolina Tunajek, Rafa∏ Mazur, 2006 An underground parking for 231 cars Urszula Szutowska – architecture student, Number of flats: 165

Dwelling House Dwelling Agata Muszyƒska – architecture student, Usable area of flats: 14 000 m2 Agata Sobkowiak – architecture student, Technical data (from 35 m2 to 120 m2) Maja Zalewska – architecture student Total volume: 87 350 m3 86 Pawe∏ Malec – architecture student – visualizations Total area: 31 500 m2


Location Technical data K´pa Kie∏piƒska, ¸omianki Site area: 3 422 m2 Architects Construction area: 520 m2 Piotr Czuba, Greenery area: 2 372 m2 Maciej Latoszek, Volume: 1 461.7 m3 Waldemar Janiec Total area: 503.2 m2 Design Usable floor area: 441 m2, including

2004 basement – 12.5 m2 House Single-family Construction ground floor – 293.3 m2 under construction first floor – 135.2 m2 A garage for 3 cars 89 SOUTHERN ELEVATION

Location Design Technical data 39 Rosy Street, Wilanów 2005 Site area: 2 000 m2 Architects Construction Construction area: 259 m2 F.B.T. Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki 2005 Total volume: 1 150 m3 Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Total area: 394 m2 Tomasz Tomaszewski Usable floor area: 304 m2 Structural engineer 2 overground storeys

Single-family House Single-family Witold Rybiƒski Parking space for 2 cars Client A. i T. Tomaszewscy 90 NORTH-EASTERN ELEVATION SOUTH-WESTERN ELEVATION


Location General contractor Technical data 5 Starowiejska Street, W∏ochy district ZRB Siemiàtkiewicz Site area: 821 m2 Architects Design Construction area: 202 m2 EM Jednacz Architekci 2004 Total volume: 1 324 m3 Miros∏aw Jednacz Construction Total area: 401 m2 Collaborating architect 2004/2005 Usable floor area: 224.7 m2 Gra˝yna Bednarczyk 2 overground storeys

Structural engineers A garage for 2 cars House Single-family S∏awomir Szarleja, Krzysztof Paw∏owski Client private 91 Design assumptions Large forested site. Two-family house, smaller part could be used as a office or space to let. The form of the house is adapted to the specificity of the building lot. The building is separated from the noise of the road. It has scenic openings to the S-SW direction. It is one building containing two houses. The house refers to the original idea of housing. To the half-closed courtyards of the farms. House's form is simplified what makes it modern. Traditional details are maximally reduced. It gives the simplicity of form. Elevations are the reflections of the interior arrangement. The openings are subordinate to their functions. The house was designed in the traditional technology with the use of the recycled materials like stone, granite sett and clinker brick. The essential designing objective was to set the building into beautiful GROUND FLOOR landscape.

Location Client Technical data Józefów by Legionowo Private Site area: 10 000 m2 Architects Design Construction area: 318 m2 MATERIA architekci 2005 Volume: 900 m3 Marta ˚urek Total area: 429.2 m2 Collaborating architects Usable floor area: 325 m2 (without cellar) Miko∏aj Ko∏acz, Number of storeys: 1/2

Two-family House Two-family Krzysztof P´szkal

92 Design assumptions A house for young family. We designed it as non-schematic space for people of traditional needs. We have programmed the contradictions and the client took that risk. Our building is a clash of opposites – the high, economical main mass with facade partly made of stone and the complicated garage with facade made of veneered panels. Two-storeyed space with dining room and chimney is a heart of the house. Inside, there are communicational footbridges that are suspended between sleeping rooms located in both masses. Inside, one can't feel the close presence of two buildings. All large windows are to the southeast. Windows open to the forest garden. There is a pine forest at the end of the building lot. The entrance hall will be glazed and one will see forest through it. GROUND FLOOR

Location Client Technical data Izabelin Private Site area: 1 334 m2 Architects Design Construction area: 179.4 m2 MATERIA architekci 2004 Volume: 1 160 m3 Miko∏aj Ko∏acz, Total area: 369.6 m2 Krzysztof P´szkal Usable floor area: 252.99 m2 Collaborating architect 2 overground storeys

Marcin Zatoƒski House Detached

93 NOT REDESINGNED PART OF THE BUILDING Design assumptions Because of the different architectural styles of the surrounding buildings we decided not to refer to any of the „local” styles. We have emphasized this building by the contrast clarity. Designed mass has ambiguous, organic geometry and elevation made from unusual material – the high quality laminate. Inside the building there is two- storeyed entrance hall, which is library at the same time. Large skylight is providing daylight to the whole structure. At the top of the building there is additional room. It could be an atelier or home theatre. Building has one underground storey where home recording studio of perfect technical parameters can be build. 1. HALL – 4,5 m2 2. HALL – 17 m2 3. TOILET – 4,5 m2 4. TERRACE – 25 m2 GROUND FLOOR

Location Client Volume: Mokotów district, Private before conversion – 952 m3 Architects Design after conversion – 1 037 m3 MATERIA architekci 2003/2004 Total area: Miko∏aj Ko∏acz, before conversion – 386.4 m2 Sebastian Ba∏ut – architecture student after conversion – 431.3 m2 Collaborating architect Technical data Usable floor area:

Conversion and Extension to the Single-family House and Extension to the Single-family Conversion Marta ˚urek Site area: 449 m2 before conversion – 294.8 m2 Construction area: after conversion – 333.5 m2 before conversion – 115.7 m2 Number of storeys: 3 94 after conversion – 117.6 m2 EASTERN SIDE ELEVATION NORTHERN BACK ELEVATION

Location Design Technical data Kmicica Street, Mokotów district 2004 Site are: 247.5 m2 Architects Construction Construction area: 100.66 m2 „Artinex” 2005 Total area: 362.57 m2 Krzysztof Wolski Usable floor area: 338.71 m2 Collaborating architects Usable floor area of terrace: 23.86 m2 Jacek Szatkowski – technician, Number of storeys:

Ma∏gorzata Chudzyƒska 4 overground House with ServicesSingle-family Client 1 underground Danuta Karska, Pawe∏ Karski Parking space for 2 cars Number of flats: 1 95 2/1 HALL 2/2 BEDROOM 2/3 BEDROOM 2/4 BEDROOM 2/5 DRESSING ROOM 2/6 BATHROOM Two-storeyed detached house refer to the 2/7 BATHROOM surrounding development. Driveway and main 2/8 DRESSING ROM entrance are to the south. Ground floor consists 2/9 FITNESS of two parts. First part of the ground floor is a dwelling area, including vestibule, hall, kitchen with dining room, salon with study and staircase. Second part of the ground floor consists of garage for 2 cars, laundry room and boiler room, pantry, washing facility, dressing room and technical rooms with toilet. On the first floor there are 3 bedrooms with dressing rooms, bathrooms, fitness rooms, communal toilets and dressing room. Exit to the terrace is in the hall above the garage. Entrance to the garden from the ground floor salon (building's southern side). Entrance to the terrace from the FIRST FLOOR dining room (building's western part).

Location Client Technical data Konstancin-Jeziorna Private Site area: 805 m2 Architects General contractor Construction area: 190 m2 „STUDIO GOMEZ” Rafa∏ Adamczyk Total volume: 940 m3 Hernan Gomez, Design Total area: 348 m2 Zbigniew Boguszewski 2004 Usable floor area: 274 m2, including Collaboration Construction ground floor – 156 m2

Single-family House Single-family Tomasz Rejf] 2005 floor – 118 m2 Structural engineer 2 overground storeys Krzysztof Marczewski 96 Two-storeyed semi-detached house located at the border of two building lots. Driveway and main entrance are to the west. Both buildings ground floors consist of two parts. First part of the ground floor is a dwelling area, including vestibule, hall, kitchen with dining room, salon, study and staircase. Second part of the ground floor consists of dressing room, pantry, boiler room, workshop (A building only), garden rooms and garage for 2 cars. On the first floor there are 4 bedrooms, including main bedroom with dressing room and bathroom, communal toilet, fitness room (A building only), laundry room and technical room. Entrance to the garden from the eastern side of the buildings. Entrances to the terraces are to west, above the garages.


Location Structural engineer Technical data Stare Babice, Blizne Jasiƒskiego village Pawe∏ Janowski Site area: 2 078 m2 Architects Client Construction area: 504 m2 „STUDIO GOMEZ” Private Total volume: 2 953 m3 Hernan Gomez Design Total area: 951 m2 Collaboration 2004/2005 Usable floor area: Barbara Stopiƒska, Construction planned A house – 428 m2

Joanna Brzeziƒska, 2005 B house – 347 m2 House Semi-detached Tomasz Rejf, 2 overground storeys Robert wasà˝nik 97 1. LIVING ROOM 2. EATING ROOM 3. KITCHEN 4. GUEST ROOM 5. HALL

Location General contractor Technical data Warsaw Alisma Site area: 2 483 m2 Architect Design Construction area: 240 m2 Piotr Bujnowski 2004 Volume: around 1 600 m3 Collaboration Construction Total area: 560 m2 Marta Pawlukiewicz, 2004/2005 Net overground area: 300 m2 Piotr Twardo – visualizations Number of storeys: 2 overground + cellar

Single-family House Single-family Structural engineer Rodryg Czy˝ Client 98 Private GROUND FLOOR

Location Client Technical data Ursynów Private Site area: 788 m2 Architects Design Construction area: 298 m2 APA Kury∏owicz & Associates 2005 Volume: 1 576 m2 Stefan Kury∏owicz – professor of architecture, Total area: 654 m2 Ewa Kury∏owicz – professor of architecture, Usable floor area: 489 m2 Jacek Cieçwierz, Number of storeys:

Wojciech Pachocki – visualizations 2 overground House Single-family Structural engineer 1 underground EL-PO˚ Adam Heliosz 99 Location Design Technical data Stary Mokotów 2000/2001 Site area: 440 m2 Architects Construction Construction area: 196 m2 Màka. Sojka. Architekci 2005 Total volume: 1 594 m3 Maciej Màka, Total area: 647.9 m2 Rados∏aw Sojka Usable floor area: 516 m2 Collaboration and interior design Number of storeys:

Semi-detached House Semi-detached Bart∏omiej W∏odarczyk 3 overground Client 1 underground Private A garage for 2 cars 100 Number of flats: 1 Location Design Technical data Warsaw suburbs 2004/2005 Site are: 1 660 m2 Architects Construction Construction area: 329.4 m2 Màka. Sojka. Architekci 2005/2006 Total volume: 1 837 m3 Maciej Màka, Total area: 477 m2 Rados∏aw Sojka, Usable floor area: 348 m2 Rados∏aw Bajor 2 overground storeys Client A garage for 2 cars House Single-family Private Number of flats: 1 101 NORTHERN ELEVATION

Location Client Technical data Konstancin-Jeziorna Private Site area: 1 900 m2 Architects General contractor Construction area: 343.7 m2 „ROBERT CHARKIEWICZ „ADREM” – Zbigniew Adamczyk Total volume: 2 119.3 m3 I JOANNA LENGIEWICZ ARCHITEKCI” Design Total area: 569.8 m2 Robert Charkiewicz, 2003 Usable floor area: 446.97 m2 Joanna Lengiewicz, Construction 2 overground storeys

Single-family House Single-family Edyta Waleczek, 2004/2005 Number of flats: 1 Krzysiek Nowotniak Structural engineer 102 Krzysztof Kakowski A-A SECTION

Location Structural engineer Technical data Lesznowola administrative district PRO-INVEST Site area: 3 656 m2 Architects Krzysztof Kakowski Construction area: 575.3 m2 „ROBERT CHARKIEWICZ Client Total volume: 2 500 m3 I JOANNA LENGIEWICZ ARCHITEKCI” Private Total area: 1 183 m2 Robert Charkiewicz, Design Usable floor area: 789.66 m2 Joanna Lengiewicz 2003/2004 Number of storeys:

Collaborating architects Construction 2 overground House Single-family Edyta Waleczek, 2004/2005 1 underground Krzysiek Nowotniak, Jarek Niedêwiedzki – architecture student 103

STUDY OF CONDITIONS AND DIRECTIONS OF THE SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE WARSAW CAPITAL CITY By Chief City Architect Bureau and City Spatial Planning and Development Strategy Office

Study of conditions and directions of the spatial development of the Warsaw Capital City was based on Spatial Management and Planning Act from 27th of March 2003. This study determines spatial development policy for the administrative district of the city of Warsaw. Fragmentary local planning is taken into consideration. The President of the Warsaw Capital City will check the compatibility of the local spatial development plans with the city's spatial policy. Today we are presenting only the outline of the document. It depicts a small part of issues that, according to the regulations, this study should contain.

SPATIAL STRUCTURE City's spatial structure was planned with Urban area – characterized by substantial awareness of city's zones in order to protect diversification of the functions, conditions characteristic features of individual zone. of buildings and their surroundings. This The need to protect the characteristic types is an area dominated by housing estates of the development was the main reason and small business and services. It needs of isolating these areas. restructuring and modernizing activities. The following division was made: Suburbs area – these are outside areas City center area – the central area of War- of the city dominated by single-family saw. Except dwelling houses it also con- houses and agricultural lands.. centrates buildings with public, regional, national and international functions. The Study determines main trends of chan- ges and transformations. It also determi- nes priority areas that will be transformed as first. According to the Study the following elements shape the spatial structure of Warsaw: • city center • districts centers • local centers • mulitifunctional centers • main public spaces • public greenery



Study introduces the following division of the city area use: • city center and districts centers areas, • different services areas, • intensive housing industry areas, • extensive housing industry areas, • different forms of greenery areas, • open areas with water, • transport and communication areas, • technical infrastructure areas.

For each area the Study determines conditions of further development and development indications.



The Study proposes roads and streets layout based on the encircle-radial model. It means that basic layout routes, express routes and main routes of the fast traffic are providing exterior connections for the center of Warsaw with its conurbation and domestic roads. City center area and central area are encircled by ring roads. This kind of road system will protect highly urbanized areas against unnecessary traffic. The Study proposes realization as follows: • express roads providing efficient connections with the exterior roads; these roads will create the City Center Ring Road running on the outskirts of the urbanized areas, • the eastern closing of the Downtown Ring Road, • interdistrict ring roads and bridge routes bypassing central and heavy urbanized areas, like Northern Bridge Route, • streets layout serving investment areas. At the same time the Study proposes to change the character of the city center streets and include them in the public space, they can directly serve.



The Study anticipates that public transport should ensure effective and comfortable connections inside the city and Warsaw conurbation. Its development will be relaying on the track transport. High priority has been given to the integration of the track systems of the public transport: • rail transport - it needs infrastructure and rolling stock modernization, • development of the underground lines system, • very well developed tram lines system, mostly separated from the street traffic.

Integration of the above mentioned systems requires efficient traffic junctions. Bus transport will service areas without track transport and carry passengers to railroad, underground and tram junctions.





The Study shows the areas where many-sided activities will bring the improvement of the urban spatial development standard, including public space. Between these areas there are postindustrial lands that need functional and spatial transformations. The Study shows the agrarian lands as developing lands in the suburbs area. In the urban conditions they no longer comply with the economical requirements. Also some wooden lands that were prewar building lots now are included in the developing area. Depending on its location the developing areas have their fundamental destinations: • city center areas, • areas of services with different intensity development, • areas of housing development with different intensity.



The protection of the Warsaw historical identity is one of the main goals of the future spatial development policy. This protection is heading to: • preservation of the valuable culture heritage areas, • emphasizing of the culturally and historically essential structures and areas, • stopping the negative processes of the degradation of the historical buildings and counteracting against negative changes in the culture valuable areas.

To reach the above aims the Study describes: • areas and structures under conservator's protection because of their cultural values, • the rules of the protection of the historical and cultural values of these areas and structures.







• BUILDING LINES • CURRENT BUILDING LINES • IMPASSABLE BUILDING LINES • CURRENT ARCADE’S BUILDING LINES • IMPASSABLE ARCADE’S BUILDING LINES • IMPASSABLE BUILDING LINES OF THE ARCHITECTURAL UPLIFTS • IMPASSABLE BUILDING LINES OF THE ARCHITECTURAL OVERHANGINGS • AREAS DESCRIPTION • A – AREA ORDINAL NUMBER By City Atelier of Spatial Planning and Development Strategy • B – LETTER DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA PURPOSE • C – TOTAL AREA • D – MINIMUM HEIGHT OF BUILDING • E1 – MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BUILDING • E2 – MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BUILDING WITHOUT ARCHITECTURAL UPLIFTS • F – MINIMUM GREENERY AREA Spatial guidelines • G – BUILDING DENSITY INDICATOR Works on the local spatial development plan began after the adjudication of SARP's international competition. They were stopped in 2002. Analysis of the previous works made by the Chief City Architect Bureau between August and October 2003 and opinion of the Urban and Architectural Commission from May 2003 show that this area needs new plan and spatial guidelines. They will allow to continue work on the new local spatial development plan and to start the realization of investments in the Central Area of Warsaw in 2005. New conception and local spatial development plan procedures will be established in the future. The The park that is located along the Âwi´tokrzyska Street will be preserved and its quality will be improved. directives below concern around 25 hectares in the center of Warsaw located between Jerozolimskie Assumed buildings' density around the Palace of Science and Culture will be the same as buildings' Avenue and Marsza∏kowska, Âwi´tokrzyska and Emilii Plater Streets. density in the whole center of Warsaw (around 2.5). Buildings' height depends on buildings' location. It The character of building development in this area should comply as much as it is possible to the historical should be between 25 and 32 meters. Buildings' architectural high-altitude accents should not exceed layout of the streets. The dimension of buildings and development density should be in accordance with 40 meters. urban context of the surrounding streets. It should guarantee the full integration of the service, office, housing and public functions. Marsza∏kowska Street and Jerozolimskie Avenues character should be Approximate division of functions restored as city streets. services and commerce – 20%, It is necessary to create high quality public spaces such as streets, squares, parks, and pedestrian ways, offices – 20%, which will make the center of Warsaw a place with cultural character. dwelling buildings and hotels – 20% exhibit areas – 20%, Main problems and conditions public utilities and culture – 20%. City centre is a problem. It is necessary to solve it in order to correct functioning and for high quality development of the centre of Warsaw. Transport services The pedestrian ways that link the Central rail station, ÂródmieÊcie commuter train station, Centrum Public transport is a base for the whole city transport. The parking areas will be determined afterwards. underground station and public transport stops should be designed in the way that guarantees the convenient travelling to the different parts of Warsaw. Realization The integration of the Palace of Science and Culture with the city will be reached by: The extensiveness of this spatial development plan causes the need to form the special organizational - strengthening of the development of the exhibit functions, unit responsible for its realization and coordination. - creating of the clear streets and squares system, This unit should manage the development realization complying to all technical, organizational and other - developing the frontages of the Marsza∏kowska Street and Jerozolimskie Avenues. conditions. It also should determine the number of stages and number of units involved in city centre OF SCIENCE PLAN OF THE PALACE DEVELOPMENT SPATIAL THE LOCAL SURROUNDINGS AND CULTURE It will be done in accordance with the historical layout of the streets in spite of difficult technical conditions development. caused by the cross-town railway line and underground. „Trader's Department Store” will be located in Realisation of development considering technical, organizational, curricular and financial conditions will this area. Thus new potential of development for native small business will arise. be worked out in another study. 111 By Chief City Architect Bureau

First part of the Saska Axis was built in the first half of the 18th century. King of Poland August II The – ' front and back elevations, Strong had carried out 1.5 kilometers long urban layout, in the east-west direction. The kings' palace, – interior elevations of the annexes with their architectural and sculptural design. large court d'honour and park complex made up the unique and first of this kind urban layout in Poland. Pniewski added a pavilion to palace's main body with minister's apartment. This building was located Saska Axis is still one of the recognizable elements of the Warsaw urban structure despite of many within the historical borders of the Saski Garden. It had a modernistic design and it was not adequate modifications caused by Warsaw development. Former palaces' courtyard was transformed into urban to historical architecture. Modern architectural forms can replace this building but they must correspond square and always was one of the most important public places in the city. During the WWII palace to the reconstructed palaces. They also must be harmonized with Saski Garden but they cannot be and its surroundings were heavily destroyed. It was not reconstructed in its former shape. Today's located in Saski Garden as prewar pavilion was. Before the war the annexes on the Wierzbowa Street Pi∏sudskiego Square is a place of national remembrance related to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier side were rebuilt into arcades because of the narrow pavement. In this place reconstruction of the and a place of many state celebrations. facades is not necessary but it is recommended to preserve the relationship between new and old The following activities were taken after the war at the Saska Axis: buildings. Buildings' elevation must be constructed with the use of traditional materials. Elevations – Lubomirskich Palace was moved to the line of the axis what closed the perspective from the Saski at Saski Garden side and fragment of the western elevation at FredryoStreet side should be designed Garden; as modern elevations. They should be related to the historical buildings for their partition or used – Victoria Hotel was built; materials. – square floor was arranged and its communication layout was modified; Technical data – office building was built in 2002. Building with office and service functions In May 1998 Council of Warsaw passed the resolution „Binding decisions for the local spatial Construction lot area – 9 245 m2 development plan of Marshal Józef Pi∏sudski Square and its surroundings”. Architectural forms that Buildings height – from 12 to 15 meters will outline Saska Axis range will increase its prestige. Total area of the over ground storeys – around 19 100 m2 Pi∏sudski Square will be measured and its walls will be shaped by architectural structures located Total area of the underground storeys – around 18 490 m2 along its former building development. The structure scale and design will be adapted to the existing Parking space for around 600 cars buildings. Saski Palace In October 2003 Warsaw Capital City Council voted to adopt the resolution No XVIII/271/2003 Between 1832 and 1842 Adam Idzikowski rebuilt the Saski Palace. In 1921 the General Staff of Polish concerning the reconstruction of the western frontage of the Pi∏sudski Square. The Council decided Army was located in this building. Designed by Idzikowski architectural form of the palace with its to reconstruct the historical buildings of the squares' western frontage and Królewska Street exit. The openwork colonnade is the most valuable fragment of this building. Palaces' main body and its Council also agreed to choose the subject that will finance and build new buildings. In exchange the elevations should be reconstructed with the use of the traditional technologies and materials. The subject will have temporal right of usage. historical facade and number of storeys should be kept. It is allowed to locate at the ground floor the Brühla Palace additional gates and doors but their size and shape must be the same as the historical forms. They Outstanding urban, architectural and historical values are justifying Bruhl Palace's reconstruction in should be symmetrically arranged in front and western facades. It is possible to locate the services PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE its shape from 1932-1937 when rebuilt it for Ministry of Foreign Affairs. in the protruding projections' ground floor. In the reconstructed building ground floor at the Tomb of The following elements should be reconstructed: the Unknown Soldier side there can be located only stately functions. There should also be located – palaces' main body with annexes that flank court d'honeur, rooms for the soldiers of the guard of honour (around 30 m2) and exhibit room (around 150 m2) for 112 – main gateway with its layout, courtyard proportions and dimensions, permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of the Saski Palace. RECONSTRUCTED ELEVATIONS





Pedestrian traffic on the upper level of the colonnade, between palaces' wings should depend on the function that this place will meet. Today's form of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier should be appropriately emphasized in the reconstructed colonnade. Different functions of the palaces' wings are possible on conditions that elevation symmetry will be preserved and the same materials will be used to build them. Buildings' function and proposed public function will be defined when put out in tender. Technical data Building lot area – around 6 800 m2 Buildings' height – 16.5 meters Total area of the overground storeys – around 19 800 m2 Total area of the underground storeys – around 13 200 m2 Parking space for around 440

Closing of the southwest frontage of the square, along Królewska Street. New buildings' architectural form should correspond to the building from 1939. It is recommended to preserve the historical line of building development at the Królewska Street side and clear separation between new building and reconstructed Saski Palace. It could be achieved by moving back some fragments of the front elevation to the place where the gate was. The building line at the Saski Garden side should be the same as building line of the Saski Palace. New buildings' height should not exceed 19.5 meters. It would be one storey higher than main body of the Saski Palace, which was 14.5 meters high without the attics and around 16.5 meters high with the attics. The elegant finishing materials must be used. New buildings' form and design should correspond to the buildings at the Pi∏sudskiego and Ma∏achowskiego Squares. Service functions located at the western side of buildings' ground floor should be open to the Saski Garden. Technical data Office and service functions are recommended Construction area – 2 800 m2 Building height – up to 19.5 meters Total area of the overground storeys – around 13 000 m2 PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE Total area of the underground storeys – around 5 200 m2 Parking space for around 170 cars 113 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTION OF THE WESTERN FRONTAGE OF THE PI¸SUDSKI SQARE

„PROJEKT. Polsko-Belgijska Pracownia Architektury, In˝ynierii i Urbanistyki” for the Bouygues Batiment Architectural details of annexes, gates, fences and entrance gate are based on the historical forms. International, Bouygues Polska S.A. Building development at the corner of Wierzbowa and Fredry Streets refers to the scale of the buildings Architects from 19th and 20th century. Its architectural form is based on the design from first half of the 19th Leszek Klajnert, Adam Wagner, century. Such solution was adopted because of rich, eclectic design of the elevations from second Dariusz Bodzioch, Renata Bugalska, half of the 19th century. Katarzyna Dawidczyk, Ewa Kolasiƒska, Bartosz Kowalski, Jan Placha, SASKI PALACE Barbara Radlicz, Pawe∏ Strug, Because of the locations' prestige between we have designed Palace's wings only entrances to the S∏awomir Wysokiƒski rooms for the guards of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and exhibit rooms. On Palaces' wings ground floors and on the upper storeys we have located offices with additional functions. The courtyard will The construction includes the reconstruction of the western frontage of the Pi∏sudskiego Square, be public space with limited access. 0 level and upper storeys will not be accessible for tourists. On reconstruction of the Saski and Bruhla Palaces and reconstruction of the buildings at the Królewska the -1 and -2 levels we have located technical rooms and an underground garage for 140 cars. and Wierzbowa Streets. Architectural mass and outside facades refer to the historical prewar forms. The colonnade was These buildings are still present in public memory and preserved historical documents allow to designed in accordance to its prewar shape. Three original arcades of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier reconstruct their masses and their facades' details. Designed building development refers by its scale, will be specially marked in reconstructed colonnade. In the arcade part at the Saski Garden side we form and colours to the prewar and 19th century buildings. have located partly opened wrought-iron fence that provides access to the Saski Garden. Except facades of the both Palaces' wings we do not anticipate the reconstruction of the historical forms. BRÜHL PALACE Palace’s architectural complex and surrounding buildings have commerce, service and office functions. TENEMENT HOUSE AT THE KRÓLEWSKA STREET In the main body of the building we have located the main hall with reception, lifts, staircases, exclusive Multifunction building. On the ground floor are located shops and restaurants. On the upper storeys shops, cafes and restaurants. The courtyard will be public space during the day. At the Fredro Street we have located offices. Entrance to an underground garage is located at the Królewska Street side. side the Palace will be connected with Saski Garden's new fence. Outside facades at the Królewska Street side are divided into 2 parts in accordance to the historical Building's main body higher storeys will form the office space. Underneath the Palaces' annexes and division of the tenement houses. These facades were reconstructed in accordance to archive materials. courtyard we have located an underground parking with 103 parking lots. On the -2 level technical Saski Garden elevation at the corner of Królewska Street is an original design because of the lack of rooms and parking for 147 cars will be located. the third tenement house. The rest of the Saski Garden elevation was reconstructed in accordance to PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE The thickness of the Palace's walls refers to the 18th century building. Facades were designed in the archive materials from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. New building has the inner courtyard accordance to the prewar and interwar archive materials and in accordance to the 1932-1937 rebuilding. covered by the roof made of glass. Dimensions of the rest of the buildings of the Brühl Palaces' complex were reconstructed in accordance 114 with the archive materials from the beginning and first half of the 20th century. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTION OF THE WESTERN FRONTAGE OF THE PI¸SUDSKI SQARE

Architects TriGranit Consortium Bose International Planning & Architecture Marek Tryzybowicz and his Team, Witold MyÊliwiec, ¸ukasz Osuch, Borys Juraszyƒski, W∏odzimierz Sidorczuk, Rela Juraszyƒska, Tadeusz Nikiel (collaboration), Wojciech Go∏àb (collaboration)

Our design consists of three parts: Saski Palace with its central location, Bruhla Palace surrounded – reconstruction of the main body of the Palace with the annexes that flank court d'honeur and the by Wierzbowa and Fredry Streets and by Saski Garden and new building located along Królewska entrance gate; Street. Each building is a different design but together they form the western frontage of the Pi∏sudski – reconstruction of the courtyards' masses dimensions and their proportions in accordance with Square. historical documentation; SASKI PALACE – reconstruction of the Brühl Palaces' front elevation in accordance with historical documentation; Our design assumption was the reconstruction of the original architectural form of the Saski Palace – reconstruction of the building at the Fredro Street side in accordance with historical documentation; at the Pi∏sudski Square side and at the Saski Garden side. Reconstruction of the Palaces' outside mass – reconstruction of the courtyard annexes' interior elevations in accordance with historical documentation. and reconstruction of the elevation at the Pi∏sudski Square side is based on the archive materials. The As it is not necessary to reconstruct elevations at the Saski Garden side and fragment of the elevation fragment of the colonnade of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is integrated with the reconstructed at the Fredro Street side in the historical form, we have designed them as modern. Their scale and structure. Preserved fragment is highlighted by differences in texture and colours. Palaces' elevations character refers to the historical buildings. The main body of the Brühl Palace was designed for hotel at the Saski Garden side are reconstructed in accordance to historical documentation. Architectural functions. In the reconstructed annex at the Wierzbowa Street we have located services. Two smaller details are accurately reconstructed on the outer facades. annexes next to the gate are designed as office buildings. Underneath will be located two-storeyed Saski Palace is located in the very special place. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier nearness and underground parking. stately character of the Pi∏sudskiego Square enable to locate there special category functions adequate BUILDING DEVELOPMENT ALONG KRÓLEWSKA STREET to Square's prestige. Warsaw has no place with symbolic and monumental character that goes beyond Buildings' architecture has modern character and refers to prewar building development. Elevated ground stately administrative functions, that could be the multifunction "stage" for history related with the floor with commerce function is located along Królewska Street and it resembles the prewar architecture present times. There is no space that could be transformed into place of public gatherings, exhibits, located in the same place. Vertical proportions of windows refer to both the prewar tenement house and stately and museum functions for the city and the state. Many European capitals have "hearts" where the Squares' surroundings (except Victoria hotel). New buildings' outline considers the historical building people are gathering in moments significant for them. This living "Pantheon" spatially related with development. Buildings' facade is clearly separated from the Saski Palaces' facade. It was achieved by Pi∏sudskiego Square could be natural and valuable complement of the outside space of the Square. moving back the fragment of the building that was connected with the Saski Palace. Elevations are in Live place of diplomatic meetings and stately celebrations where one can see exhibits or listen to the warm colors just like the rest of surrounding buildings (except Metropolitan office building). Buildings' music. Place, where one can contemplate the monumental architecture atmosphere. The interior could stone facing is related with the colours of the Saski Palace and other surrounding buildings. Office be for example a Monumental Public Hall covered by transparent roof. Exhibitions, official meetings building at Królewska Street will be five-storeyed. Services will be located at the ground floor. Main and rooms for the Guard of Honour will be located in protruding projections. Two-storeyed underground entrance will be located at the Królewska Street side. The main reception hall will be two-storey high parking will be located underneath the Palaces' wings. and it will be with a glass wall at the street side and at the interior atrium side. Atrium will be accessible BRÜHL PALACE from the Saski Garden side and is surrounded by services. It will be also accessible at the entrance hall PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE The annex and Saski Palaces' entrance gate are the integral elements of the reconstructed Pilsudski side. Lifts' shafts are with a glass walls so natural daylight is reaching the atrium interior at the Królewska Squares' frontage. It is located at the corner of the Wierzbowa and Fresdry Streets. Street side. Driveway to the two-storeyed underground parking is located at the Królewska Street side. These are our guidelines for the Palace reconstruction: Typical office storeys allow to arrange the office space in many different ways. 115 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTION OF THE WESTERN FRONTAGE OF THE PI¸SUDSKI SQARE Because of that we have separated two "ways": – "Way of Freedom" - Pi∏sudski Square, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with modern colonnade, "Way to Freedom" Museum located in the Saski Palaces' wings and high political and public prestige Architects offices; Buelens Real Estate – "Way of Culture" - Zach´ta National Gallery, "Gallery of Youth" located in the Kings' Tenement House, Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków "ZAMEK" Ltd. restaurants and exhibition rooms located in the Saski Palaces' ground floor with garden in the Przemys∏aw Woêniakowski, Jaros∏aw Grzegory, transparent interior patios, restaurants and gallery of art in the reconstructed part of the Bruhl Palace. Adam Bia∏obrzeski, Adam Figurski, SASKI PALACE Adam Orlewski, Monika MaÊlanka, Pi∏sudski Square was and still is a very important place for our country. Its special meaning is associated Emiliana Woncisz, Sylwia Trza∏kowska with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier located under Saski Palaces' colonnade in 1925. In the parts of the Saski Palace adjoining the square in front of the ancient colonnade we have located the "Way to Freedom" Museum illustrating historical events and eminent commanders. Underneath the squares' floor we want to build a cellar with crypts and exhibition space. The colonnade was designed in a special way. The present architectural form of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was made a "permanent ruin". It is a symbol of the WWII and the main point of the "saska axis". In our design we have proposed to fill the missing colonnade between Palaces' wings with the colonnade made of the last generation "architectural glass". It will be in the same rhythm, dimension and architectural order as "permanent ruin" Spatial, architectural and conservators' of monuments assignment: and it will highlight its meaning. Except the museum we have also located in Saski Palace administrative • Saski Palace's reconstruction in accordance to Adam Idzikowski's design from 19th century in and service functions, but because of the prestigious character of this place only institution of the high public contrast to modern form of the reconstructed colonnade; and political prestige can be located in it. In the immediate neighbourhood that will be city greenery, restaurants • Bruhl Palace's reconstruction in accordance with designs made by F. Poppelmann, J. K. Nauman and exhibition halls. The upper storeys and the ground floor at the squares side were allot for offices. and J. D. Jauch architects of August II and August III the kings of Poland; BRÜHL PALACE • building development at Królewska Street and extension of the Bruhl Palace designed as a modern The historical building accessible at the squares' side and Fredro Street side were allot for offices of architectural forms. the institutions of high prestige. Stately ground floor and upper storeys of the buildings' main body Objectives: are spatially joined together by two transparent patios. In the modern building development at the buildings' scale designed in modern style, details, rhythm of elevations and used building materials Saski Garden side and in the building at the corner of Fredro and Wierzbowa Streets there will be (stone) will give them the historical form; restaurants, exhibition halls and galleries. PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE contrasted with historical, it will single out the historical objects. ROYAL TENEMENT HOUSE Programme assumptions: On the ground floors are services and commerce functions. At the Saski Garden side are restaurants programme and spatial solutions were subordinated to the separation of functions because of the and in the central part of the building the courtyard illuminated by daylight. Offices will be on the 116 different importance of areas surrounding the building development. upper storeys. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT OF THE WESTERN FRONTAGE OF THE PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE Reconstruction of the historical colonnade moved back to the west from the Pi∏sudski Square, in the background, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Architects It is suggested to introduce the porte-fenetre in the historical stone base of the building. „AMC – Andrzej M. Cho∏dzyƒski” Ltd. Original design of details based on the details from the 19th century. They are made of materials Andrzej M. Cho∏dzyƒski characteristic for the modern architecture. Collaborating architects Bogumi∏ Kidziak, J. Bartosz Krzemiƒski, BUILDING DEVELOPMENT AT KRÓLEWSKA STREET Agata Ligmann, Katarzyna ˚urecka, Design inspired by Italian ' architecture shared in our opinion by all buildings surrounding Natalia Regulska, Piotr Dynowski, Pi∏sudski Square. Monika Wrzeszcz, Rados∏aw GawryÊ Naturally we are talking here about elevation's proportions, the layout of the interior courtyards and relations between buildings and their surroundings changed during and classicism. ”BRÜHL PALACE Modern building development at Królewska Street has elliptical connecting courtyard. Reconstruction of the Palace's elevations layout, composition, building materials and details in the Bruhl Palaces' longitudinal axis and buildings' at Królewska Street longitudinal axis are crossing in form from the beginning of the 20th century in accordance with the existing historical documents. one point in the eastern frontage of the square just like in the Italian historical urban planning. Reconstructed building's outer elevations contrasted with original, modern design of the interior. The „great order” monumental colonnade followed by the „avant cour” closes the square next to the Palaces' wing at the Saski Palace side designed and built as monumental. Its windows rhythm is in Ma∏achowski Square. Buildings' details and elevation's morphology are inspired by Italian so called „great order”. It is a new frontage opened to the park. craft like masonry and metalworking.” BUILDING DEVELOPMENT OF THE WESTERN FRONTAGE OF THE OF THE WESTERN FRONTAGE DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PI¸SUDSKI SQUARE SASKI PALACE It is necessary to leave the original fragments of the colonnade well-known as a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. DESIGN REJECTED AFTER THE FIRST PHASE OF THE TENDER 117 A square in front of monument to Kopernik Solar system in the floor’s design.

Architects and in the WZ Route bridge area; Krzysztof Domaradzki (doctor of architecture) and his Team – area for the pedestrians will be enlarged, the roadway will be narrowed to 2 lines (7 meters), the pavements will be broaden and pavement cafes will be located on them; Study made as detailed conditions for the „Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street Restoration”. Employer: – new squares located in the surroundings of the Saint Anna Church, Carmelites Church, the Order Chief City Architect Bureau. Made by Krzysztof Domaradzki (doctor of architecture) and his Team of of the Nuns of the Visitation Church and on the axis of the Warsaw University, and in the monument Architects in collaboration with Chief City Architect Bureau. to Kopernik area; – reconstruction of the KaraÊ Palace in the monument to Kopernik area; – repair of the streets' floor along the whole Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street; CONDITIONS FOR THE KRAKOWSKIE PRZEDMIEÂCIE STREET TRANSFORMATION IN THE – conversion, development and extension of the underground utilities located underneath the eastern AREA FROM ZAMKOWY SQUARE TO ÂWI¢TOKRZYSKA STREET part of the Hoover Square, it will be accessible at the pedestrian way side in front of Dziekanka building, transparent architectural form can be located at the Hoover Square; Basic assumptions – present elements of the streets' design such as poster pillars, benches, bollards, waste bins, bus – increasing of the Krakowskie PredmieÊcie Streets' public area prestige as part of the Royal Road stops, stands, street lamps and city greenery will be changed and straighten up. New elements will that is an important element of the City Salon and one of the most important Warsaw tourist attractions; be located along the street such as small restaurants, street trading and elements needed for – introduction of the ban on vehicular traffic except bus transport, parking forbidden area. No delivery exhibitions and outdoor events; KRAKOWSKIE PRZEDMIEÂCIE STREET KRAKOWSKIE trucks traffic except delivery hours; – the above mentioned elements should correspond to the historical design of the street. Modern – taxi ranks and parking lots located at the side streets which cross Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street. elements should be aesthetic, high quality, light, simple and not aggressive architectural forms. It It is possible to locate underground parking underneath Teatralny Square, Pi∏sudski Square and should be system of harmonized forms. 118 Polish Community Abroad Houses' courtyard. Parking lots for coaches will be located at Mariensztat – these elements should not obscure the view of the historical buildings and view axis. A square on the axis of the University and Academy of Fine Arts Rynek Bernardyƒski Zebra crossing connecting courtyards of the Reconstruction of the square between Saint Anna University and Academy of Fine Arts. Church and Matka Boska Passawska statue. It is possible to locate a gallery-passage in the Broad terrace next to tennement houses at the underpass. western side of the street.

The following division of the Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street was made: NEIGHBORING AREAS OF THE KRAKOWSKIE PRZEDMIEÂCIE STREET – SECTION No 1: from Zamkowy Square to Miodowa Street Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street should become a greater attraction for tourists when we open – SECTION No 2: from Miodowa Street to the Church of Carmelites for them courtyards, backyards and buildings, which are not accessible now. Also ground floors – SECTION No 3: from the Church of Carmelites to Królewska Street and basements could be used for different activities. – SECTION No 4: from Królewska Street to the monument to Kopernik Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street should be connected to the other attractive public areas like Stare – SECTION No 5: from the monument to Kopernik to Âwi´tokrzyska Street (Nowy Âwiat Street Miasto, Mariensztat, PowiÊle, Teatralny Square and Pi∏sudski Square fragment) – Krakowskie PprzedmieÊcie Street should be connected to the city greenery like Saski and Kazimierzowski Parks; Kazimierzowska Axis connecting Warsaw University with its new library – suggested transformation of the streets' interior consider the highlighting of the characteristic should be stimulated; buildings and elevations, – Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street should be involved in the cultural and historical theme routes – the stronger illumination of the individual elevations and frontages closing the view axis should layout (like Canaletto trail or Chopin trail, etc.) highlight the whole street, also interior elements like arcades should be highlighted by the use of the softened light, – present city greenery should be replaced by ball-shaped trees, they can not obscure the view of the historical elevations (existing greenery at squares will be preserved), – street advertising system and city information system should have the uniformed system of PRZEDMIEÂCIE STREET KRAKOWSKIE boards and signboards. Advertisements should be placed only on the bus stops and poster pillars. 119 ul. Grzybowska ul. Siedmiogrodzka

ul. Towarowa

ul. ˚elazna

Location – ˚elazna Street is located between two transit routes that are Jana Paw∏a II Avenue and Towarowa Wola district Street. We think that this street could become a space-time route just like Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Architects or Nowy Âwiat Streets. Its culminations could become clearly readable – Districts' Office area and Biuro Projektów Kazimierski i Ryba Sp.j. new square at Ch∏odna Street (in front of Sanepid building). It could be a peculiar continuation of Tomasz Kazimierski – doctor of architecture, the Saska Axis. A horse tram could be introduced as far as Deawoo tower. Andrzej Ryba, Micha∏ Hincz Client – the section from Z∏ota Street to Chmielna Street need conservators' and architectural activities. Wola District Office of the Warsaw Capital City Restored tenement houses from 19th century that are located at ˚elazna Street could make this Design street as prestigious as Nowy Âwiat Street, but ˚elazna's Street advantage is its bigger scale. ˚elazna 2002 Street could become a key element of the Salon of Warsaw because if it can be entered from the Jerozolimskie Avenues. New building development with 19th century character, new surfaces of The Study consists of: report, studies, analysis, historical study of the ˚elazna, Grzybowska and roads, old-fashioned street lamps, new vehicular traffic organization and large number of small Siedmiogrodzka streets and assessment of the actual state. Drawings and documents with analysis restaurants and bars could make the area between Chmielna and ˚elazna Streets a real Wola style BROADENING AND MODERNIZATION OF THE ˚ELAZNA, GRZYBOWSKA AND MODERNIZATION BROADENING STREETS AND SIEDMIOGRODZKA of the spatial situation and streets' frontages shaping. We have found that these streets form urban street. spaces that could be close to the archetype of the basic urban space – the street. The street that is not just and only fast vehicular traffic route. Detailed historical studies and spatial analysis gave us 120 the set of proposals for district authorities. For example: LOCAL SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN







Architects PRACOWNIA ARCHITEKTONICZNA SOL-AR Jerzy Solarek Krystyna Solarek – doctor of architecture (chief designer) Jan Maciej Chmielewski – professor of architecture Collaborating architects Barbara Jaworska, Jerzy Solarek

AREA'S LOCATION AND CHARACTERISTICS public spaces and too close neighbourhoods, large number of stalls, lack of the parking lots, lack Whole area (around 2 km2) is located in the southern part of the Mokotów district. Its neighboring of sports and cultural objects. Plan's most important objective is reduction of the building development areas are: that is beyond control. It lowers the spatial quality and standard of living. S∏u˝ewiec Przemys∏owy to the west and partly to the north, DESIGN OF PLAN Racecourse to the south, Plans' main objectives are: improvement of the standards of living in the S∏u˝ewiec Wschodni housing „S∏u˝ew nad dolinkà” housing estate to the east, estates by its modernization, dwelling areas protection against accidental building development. On and Ksawerów housing estate to the northwest. the outskirts of housing estates the service and dwelling building development was introduced. It Important city communication routes cross the area of study (Niepodleg∏oÊci Avenues, Pu∏awska gave the big-city character to the frontages of the streets (along Wilanowska Avenue, Modzelewski Street, Rzymowski Street and Wilanowska Avenue). Street, Rzymowski Street). In the remaining part of the housing area will be located multileveled This area clearly emerges as housing complex consisting of few housing estates. There are located overground garages, sports and cultural objects and few dwelling buildings that will „close” the both high (with 11 or 14 storeys) and low (5 storeys) multifamily buildings. Single-family houses neighborhoods. The greenery will be protected in the maximum way. New pedestrian ways and complex is located to the northwest. Housing estates are accompanied by typical services, although bicycle lines will be marked out (clearly connected with the Fort). Communicational layout will be there are a few objects with more than local character: Institute of Physics of Polish Academy of developed, new local and approach roads will be built. Many new parking lots and overground and Sciences, College of Trade and Law, Congregation of the Barnabici Priests, petrol stations, etc. At underground garages will be located there. WSCHODNI AREA PLAN OF THE S¸U˚EWIEC DEVELOPMENT SPATIAL THE LOCAL Smyczkowa Street there is a large Warsaw University complex and in Bem Fort is the seat of the Modzelewski Street and two new squares will form the composition axis and main communication „Czo∏ówka” Film Studios. route. Each function has it individual area. It is possible to locate the building development at the These problems are typical for other Warsaw housing estates: low quality of surroundings, lack of S∏u˝ewiec Fort area but it must harmonized with existing greenery and historical fortress layout. 121

Contest of the Concept of the Marsza∏kowska Street and Jerozolimskie Avenues Crossroads in Warsaw.

Organizer Warsaw Capital City The announcement of contest results – 26th of October 2004.

The judging panel Architects Andrzej Kiciƒski – chairman, Grzegorz Chodkowski – speaker, Henryk Drzewiecki, Marek Mikos, Jerzy Skrzypczak, Rafa∏ Mroczkowski – secretary

SARP's Contest of Redesigning of Wars & Sawa and Junior, and Wiech Passage in Warsaw.

The announcement of contest results – 30th of November 2004.

The judging panel Architects Krzysztof Chwalibóg – chairman, Grzegorz Buczek – speaker, Tomasz Gamdzyk, Maciej Kysiak, Zbigniew Maçków, Grzegorz Podlasek, Marek Szeniawski – secretary

Architectural Contest of the Concept of the Chopin Centre Building at 43 Tamka Street in Warsaw.

Organizer National Institution ofFryderyk Chopin and SARP Warsaw Department The announcement of contest results – 9th of February 2005

The judging panel Professor Adam Myjak – Vice-chancellor of the Academy of Fine Arts, Grzegorz Michalski – the Director of the National Institute of Fryderyk Chopin, Architects Andrzej Bulanda – chairman, Micha∏ Owadowicz – speaker, Janina Trepczyƒska, Katarzyna Nowicka – the Ministry of Culture representative Marek Szeniawski – secretary


ARCHITECTS Staniszkis-Architekt Magdalena Staniszkis COLLABORATION Mateusz Herbst, Marta Wroceƒska STRUCTURAL CONSULTATIONS Krzysztof Guraj VISUALIZATIONS Marek Ziarkowski

Equal prize winner was awarded for: – solving (in the plan) the northwest quarter in the way that gives relatively best spatial connection between streets (lengthened Widok and Poznaƒska Streets) and row of promenades reached by the triangular square; – different character of public interiors.

”Warsaw is almost deprived of traditional character of the city. We are searching for solutions that will let us feel we are in real city city. The roundabouts' shape creates identity of this place. The perfect solution was to create in its area a flower bed, individual CITY SIGN that informs that Warsaw is a city full of greenery. There is traditional building development around the flower bed. Buildings are up to 30 m high. They have hotel and service functions. Pulled back from the crossroad squares create the friendly atmosphere of the traditional city in human scale.

In my design there are four buildings located at four corners. They show that this is a crossroad not a square. That's why it should not be designed in the integral way. One of the design's assumption is that Cepelia pavilion, Metropol Hotel, Uniwersal building, Rotund and Novotel Hotel do not comply with the character of the place. These buildings should be demolished.

Metropol and Novotel Hotel should develop and enrich their functions. These are my propositions: – Cepelia pavilion demolition, conversion and extension of the Metropol Hotel and new service passage creation; the similar programme at the Novotel Hotel area will shape the space of the small square at the end of the Parkingowa Street. – Universal and Rotund buildings will be demolished. A small piazetta should be located there, as a spirit of the Rotund that will preserve tradition of place of meetings and will form connection between Wiecha Passage and Marsza∏kowska Street and Jerozolimskie Avenues, – location of the triangular square (people will quickly exit the underground station and enter the public space) and traditional form tenement house with narrow courtyards at the Palace of Science and Culture side, in its lower levels there will be the shopping and service center and on the upper levels there will be flats and an apartment, – second square is located at the Jerozolimskie Avenues side – this is a entrance square to the ÂródmieÊcie commuter train station; both squares are connected and separated by small loggia. To increase the prestige of this special place of Warsaw our design Roundabout Dmowski introduces the greenery (trees, low plants, plant elevations) and small architectural forms (floors, bus and trams shelters, street lamps).” 125 EQUAL PRIZE

ARCHITECTS APA Kury∏owicz & Associates Ltd. Stefan Kury∏owicz, Pawe∏ Grodziski, Marcin Goncikowski, Tomasz Olszewski

Equal prize winner was awarded for: – original design of the public square based on the crossroads with information and city promotion functions, – the diversity of the public areas character; – an attempt to connect the present and designed rows of streets and promenades of the northwest quarter area.

„Marsza∏kowska Street and Jerozolimskie Avenues crossroad is the central point of the city. Its present spatial character is dominated by the transit traffic. Our spatial solution of the crossroad base on the development of the public city square; it has to be a missing, central element connecting the most intensively used areas of Warsaw.

Square's area is parallel to the Jerozolimskie Avenues axis and Marsza∏kowska Street axis. The frontages that will be minimum 25 m high and maximum 30 m high will shape the square. Their lower storeys will have the arcades. Services will be accessible from the pavement level (the important solution is to keep uniform design of the elevations).

The square has rectangular shape (around 140x120 m). In its southern part corrected junction of the traffic arteries divides it. In the northern part we have enlarged the public area of the pavement level. Buildings that are adjoining it have 14 m high overhangs that are covering square's end. We have located there as follows:

the eastern side of the square: – City Promotion Center, transparent exhibit rotund (rebuilding of today's PKO Rotund), there will be double spiral ramps that will be the connection of the pavement level with the passages located on the -1 level. On the overhangs located at the rotund side must be situated an information screen (45x15 m).

the western side of the square: – the shopping center entrances will be located on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd storey, they will be transparent and they will allow to look inside the shopping center and down on the -1 level; from there will be also a view on the triangular square located in the center of the complex; this central part will be the space of services; the gardens are the greenery annexes located on the storeys destined for services.” Dmowski Roundabout Dmowski


Equal prize winner was awarded for: – gaining the city interior in the crossroads area; – separating two different small interiors; these are potential places of meetings (the amphitheatre, the square replacing the Rotund building); – best communication solutions of the crossroads (bus stops grouped at the underground station and ÂródmieÊcie commuter train station side; separated bus lanes). ARCHITECTS Zdzis∏aw Joƒca, Marek Koz∏owski, Micha∏ Joƒca The crossroads of the Jerozolimskie Avenues and Marsza∏kowska COLLABORATING ARCHITECTS Street should have a new spatial format. We want to narrow the Sebastian Ba∏ut, Jan Strumi∏∏o space around the crossroads and gain by that the city character of COMMUNICATION the surroundings and economical profit. Because it is planned to Krzysztof Pog∏ód reduce the traffic on this crossroads we decided to change its shape from the roundabout to the crossroads with segregated traffic directions. The gained space we are using to continue the frontages of the streets. Today's traffic junction was moved on the northwest corner. The tram stops were connected by subways and by the zebra crossings at the Marsza∏kowska Street. This area is characterized by the large pedestrians traffic that's why we have connected the 0 and -1 levels by the amphitheatre that allows change levels easily. Buildings that we have designed in this area have the commerce, service and administrative character. The central point of the whole complex is the exhibit building located over the empty space and amphitheatric descent. The amphitheatric descent allows enter the underground station, commuter train station, the passage leading to the Central Station and the passage leading to Âwi´tokrzyska Street. Our proposition is to eliminate the Rotund building. A square that is the ending of the Wiech Passage we have located in this place. It is a place of meetings and rest. The Square of Rotund is closed to the north by advertising surface located at the ending of the Central Department Stores and by new building replacing the Zodiak building. We have also completely changed the architecture of the Universal office building. The Metropol Hotel will be replaced by new office building with shopping arcade. A new building with bridge structure that will be the Jerozolimskie Roundabout Dmowski Avenues frontage we have located at the southeast corner. It will have the exhibit functions. Forum Hotel we have left in today's shape. Only its ground floor was redesigned. 127 FIRST CLASS HONORABLE MENTION

ARCHITECTS Stelmach i Partnerzy Biuro Architektoniczne Ltd. Boles∏aw Stelmach, Zbigniew Wypych, Marek Zarzeczny

The authors got an award for: – valuable attempts to create the architectural themes (proportions, the scale of the facades' transparency, elevations' vividness); – space economical solution of crossroads of Jerozolimskie Avenues and Marsza∏kowska Street and simultaneous section off a square in the northwest corner.


ARCHITECTS Pracownia Architektury Urbanistyki i Wn´trz Bart∏omiej Bie∏yszew Bart∏omiej Bie∏yszew, Andrzej Skopiƒski, Piotr Ob∏´kowski, Natalia Hincz, Agnieszka Kowalska

The authors got an award for: – new urban square of original character; – an attempt to solve the northwest quarter with large atrium that connects main routes (Widok Street and part of the Poznaƒska Street) and newly-designed (promenades of the Palace of Science and Culture surroundings). Dmowski Roundabout Dmowski


ARCHITECTS Atelier 3 Chwalibóg Zak∏ad Studiów Krajobrazowych, Katedra Architektury Krajobrazu SGGW, Biuro Prac In˝ynierskich ARCHITECTURE Krzysztof Chwalibóg COLLABORATING ARCHITECTS Maja Ha∏atek, Mariusz Krispel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Przemys∏aw Wolski COLLABORATING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Katarzyna R´dziƒska, Marek LeÊniewski COLLABORATION Artur Bronisz, Grzegorz Zaleski, Marcin Szatan, Anna Gigiel, Maciej Sikorski COMMUNICATION Marek Wi´ckowski, Grzegorz Bondaryk

Authors got an award for: – dominating greenery of different forms in the City interior composition; – environment-friendly solutions.


ARCHITECTS Bulanda-Mucha Architekci Ltd. Andrzej Bulanda, Aleksandra Wrzosek, Paulina Utratna COMMUNICATION Zygmunt U˝dalewicz RENDERING Bartek Witczak GRAPHICAL WORK OUT Sebastian Tab´dzki

Authors got an award for an attempt to introduce original although controversial spatial solutions. Dmowski Roundabout Dmowski


ARCHITECTS OP ARCHITEKTEN Ziviltechniker GmbH Andrzej Orliƒski, Wojciech Pop∏awski

Authors got an award for an attempt to introduce original although controversial spatial solutions.


ARCHITECTS ARCA Biuro Projektów Urbanistyki i Architektury Krystian Stangel – doctor of architecture

Krystian Stangel, Agnieszka Kruczek, Bartosz Majewski, Micha∏ Stangel

Authors got an award for an attempt to introduce original although controversial spatial solutions. Dmowski Roundabout Dmowski


ARCHITECTS mass s. c. Dariusz Hyc, Henryk ¸aguna Bulanda, Mucha Architekci Ltd. Andrzej Bulanda, W∏odzimierz Mucha

First prize winners were awarded for redesigning in original and make it a more prestigious passage and gallery elevation. gallery is located the scenic axis, extensive form the Wiech Passage and the surroundings of the Wars, 4. Introducing transparent vertical screens on the ground floor levels – Central Square – located at the junction of the shopping axis and Sawa and Junior Department Stores, especially for the idea to roof as an irregular composition what gives the passage a friendly shopping gallery, here Chmielna Streets' traffic enters the Galeria the Passage and to redesign its western wall. Their design is full of character. Centrum, interesting details, which can be realized. This is a high standard 5. Four squares system with different functions and different – Square of meetings – the southern entrance square – resting area architecture. dominating element (light, water, greenery, sound) but having the and small restaurants – it is linked with the Central Square. same rhythm of composition. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC 6. Quarters' identification – new system of the small architecture – closing of the Z∏ota Street at the Marsza∏kowska Street side, Modern city centre require the radical planning, urban and architectural forms corresponding with its style with new elements of the Central – elimination of the Sawa and Junior Department Stores' ramps, decisions worthy of 21st century. Prestige of the public spaces must Department Stores (light screens, roof over the passage, columns). delivery traffic located at the -1 level, be increased; the squares must be given back to pedestrians; new 7. Pedestrian zone enlargement and new square's development – underground garage located underneath the Square of Water. spatial forms must be developed; all of this solution will create the achieved by underground garages development and limitation of PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC image of the new, attractive and people friendly metropolis. Warsaw the delivery ways. – additional pedestrian ways as a main gallery annexes, city center should be like that. – attractive and safe circulation in the quarters' area, PUBLIC SPACE STRUCTURE – elimination of the architectural barriers. Our postulates s and design assumptions: Axis GALERIA CENTRUM – gaining the new quality space corresponding with modern city – Green Axis – over the Z∏ota Street tunnel – public park, Modernized Passage area with the elements of: small architecture, centre needs, – Shopping Axis – Chmielna Street is the main crossing axis identification and greenery. It is a living, active, year-long, attractive – restoration of the passage for the people, – Culture Axis – Sienkiewicz, Warecka and Ordynacka Streets, and safe area. – making the passage a place alive for 24 hours a day. – Galeria Centrum Axis – roofed, year-long and safe public space ILLUMINATION with high standard, this is the crossing axis connecting squares Diffused light illuminates whole gallery area. Low illumination system Activities in the passages' scale together. of the park type makes the pedestrian area readable. It also highlights 1. The change of the passage – from pedestrian way into shopping Squares the elements of the spatial composition (seats, greenery). center. – Square of Water – new northern square with modern underground ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 2. A roof preading along the Central Department Stores above the parking, it has dynamical functions using water, music and light, Small architecture, benches, information boards and greenery Wiech Passage last shopping level (around 1 630 cm) will form sort of a Passage strong element that introduces the concert hall into the square – integrated with roof trusses. Reproducible, resistant and easy to „spine”. Slender pillars deployed in the irregular way support it. this is the culture axis, replace. 3. Redesigning of the Central Department Stores' back elevation to – Square of Trees – an important element; in the central part of the 131 Chmielna Band, with the stave on the squares' floor and mobile roof. It will be a place of different musical events and the Concert Hall nearness will have a great influence on the musical productions level. At Z∏ota Street axis we have located the „Garden of Water”. It is a complex of fountains. Z∏ota Street exit is underlined by the golden stripe on the fountains' axis. Another square is a „Garden of Books”. It is simply a square of second-hand booksellers with the monuments to Wiech and Walery Wàtróbka. It will have the 40 cm high reproduction of the prewar building development. That clinker walls are the place for booksellers' wares and the seats. The last square to the south is the „Garden of Flowers” with the flower and perhaps spices trade. Its attraction is the water pool (planted by water plants and with monument to the mermaid the SECOND PRIZE Culture surroundings transformation the passages' and whole City one drawed by G. Miklaszewski for example). role will be increased. Passage and the gardens will be connected with the city center ARCHITECTS Passage that was built in the 1960s is functional and it is a friendly streets layout; it will be the „city salon”. In the public areas structure Aleksander Chylak, and important space in the city center. But it is almost 40 years it will be the most important place. Above all it will be a place with Andrzej Miklaszewski, old so it should be redesigned again and its prestige should be strong Warsaw character. Andrzej Pazdej, increased. Here should be located the Salon of Warsaw and Its connection with the western side of the Marsza∏kowska Street Hubert Roguski suggested by the competition conditions benches, baskets and is very important. But it cannot be connected with today's „small VISUALIZATIONS greenery operating is not enough. Salons' form must be found. This corridor” at the Z∏ota Street area. We have designed there a wide FAMA form is only partly determined by the passages' frontages with some underground connection with rows of shops. corrections of course (”Relax” cinema area and „Atlantic” cinema As it was mentioned above one of the most important elements of „backyard”). Whole passage will be covered by roof that is different the passages are their floors. We have accepted its uniformed and in the daylight (rouge, orange) than in the nighttime (starlit sky). elegant form; both in the Passage and along the Marsza∏kowska The salon of the city should have a ceiling because it makes us Street. The whole will be made of elegant materials: light surfaces Second prize winner was awarded for „consequent original feel safer and more festive. made of granite; crossing lines of black syenite; and brightest lane proposition of the Wiech Passage restoration that could be achieved The elegant floor and passage's architecture is also important. In of the passage will be covered by red granite. with the use of simple means and for interesting original designs the Passage restaurants, cafes, clubs, shops, libraries, etc are Mentioned above „Gardens'” floors except syenite surfaces are for the individual areas and their detailed solutions”. situated. They will spread on the outside with their shop windows, covered by granite sett. stalls and stands. We see the Passage as a place for the street Roof structure is made of steel pillars deployed in the similar The quality of public spaces decides of the city identity. Their theatres, exhibitions, concerts, etc. Perhaps it could also become modules (9x9 m and 9x6 m) and delicate structures of the glass structure is the based genetic code of the city. Warsaw public Warsaw Hyde Park. Of course there is no place for very well known ceiling. The Dutch common ivy plants the pillars in the western spaces are scattered, some of them are at the Stare Miasto, some „street trade”. Everything what happens in the passage must be row. This is fast growing plant. It will be watered by the irrigation at the Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street, some are in the Warsaw under control. There should be Passage Administrator. The squares system controlled by the computer. Wiech Passage malls like Arkadia or Wola Park. are very important – in our design we have called them „gardens”. The passage and „Gardens” arrangement should be rich. Benches, Which of these places prove Warsaw identity? They are strictly linked with the Passage. sculptures, stands and other artistic elements should be designed One of the places predestined to such functions is the city center At Sienkiewicz Street over the lightly lifted underground parking in the following phase. That's why the „Salon” should have its 132 passage at the Eastern Wall side. After Palaces' of Science and we have located the „Garden of Music” with the monument to Administrator.” FIRST CLASS HONOURABLE MENTION

ARCHITECTS Broadway Malyan Polska dip. arch. RIBA Paul Arye, dip. arch. RIBA Melvin Davies, Krzysztof Miros∏awski, Beata Kosno, Gra˝yna Suchaƒska, Piotr Macura

OPINION OF THE JURY Authors got an award for: „bold, original vision of the Wiech Passage that highlight its potential and for interesting design of the connections between Wiech Passage and its surroundings”.


ARCHITECTS RKW Rhode Kellerman Wawrowsky Ma∏gorzata Florczak-PuNko, Jakub Puƒko, Adam Balcerek, El˝bieta Majewska, Konrad Zbikowski COLLABORATION Piotr Rylski – architecture student CONSULTATION W∏odzimierz Anio∏ – communication, Iwona ¸azarska – sanitary fittings

OPINION OF THE JURY Authors got an award for „interesting, original, high quality details designed for the Wiech Passage and Wars, Sawa and Junior Department Stores' surroundings”. Wiech Passage

133 transparent spatial structure. It has the same height as neighbouring tenement house at 45 Tamka Street. Its shape allows for maximum opening to the western fronton of the Ostrogscy Palace at the Ordynacka Street side. Its mass was shaped as three parts: full base (Anasiƒski tenement house), upper storeys with a cornice crowning a wall at the +23.60 ordinate and most transparent last storey. Upper structure modules are repeated by elevation and are the result of the reconstructed tenement house elevations' partitions. Vertical rhythms are adequate to the surroundings. Elevation at the Palaces' side is transparent and screened by the preserved trees. SURROUNDINGS Buildings' surroundings remain unchanged. Squares area between Palace and the building is also unchanged. We have introduced a line of sandstone in the floor before the building. The trees that are in front of the Centre are one of the values that define place's identity. They are characteristic vertical rhythms of the surroundings. The building has three entrances. The main entrance is located between the wall and reconstructed tenement house. At the Ordynacka street side there is +2 level entrance located. Staff and delivery entrance is located at Tamka Street side. A garden is located on the +2 level FUNCTION Public functions are located in the reconstructed part of the building. FIRST PRIZE – using the expressive details related to vertical forms present in Level 0 – entrance hall, reception, tourist information, cafe, bookshop the architecture of Warsaw; and second-hand bookshop. ARCHITECTS – very good solution of the main entrance at the upper foot-pace Level -1 – multifunction hall and restaurant. Stelmach i Partnerzy Biuro Architektoniczne Ltd. area; original solution of the former backyard and correct indication Level -2 – toilets, storerooms and technical rooms. Bogus∏aw Stelmach – chief designer of the Ordynacka Street area that will be the area of connections Level +1 – library. between Pakace, academy and an underground garage; Level +2 – Fryderyk Chopin National Institute will be located there. First prize winner was awarded for: – correct and full answer for the conservators' of monuments Many cultural institutions will be located on the upper levels between – designing an original and monumental architectural form; conditions; preservation of the good exposition of the Palace at +3 and +7 levels. On the last level there will be rooms for guests. – remarkable character and ageless form of the building that is both streets; marking of the demolition tenement house' SPATIAL STRUCTURE balanced between monumentality and dignity, between openness dimension; reconstruction of tenement house' elevation and using This building consists of two spatially different volumes. Levels and modernity – the seat of the prestigious institution; it for new building development; subordination of the building from -1 to +1are multileveled public space. Hall and stairs connect – for the best, original use of the unique topographic and symbolic to the historical tenement buildings composition rules. them. Halls' ceilings are partly transparent. The building is more features of the location and for the very good placement of the transparent to the south and east because of the view and the buildings' architecture into urban context of the Tamka Street and energetic economy. Elevations at the Tamka Street side are less Gniƒscy Palace; the vertical form is enriching and strengthening IDEA transparent and have better acoustic isolation. the ravine character of the street; building has the noble expression We have decided to place our design in the best possible way into MATERIALS AND COLOURS and eastern facade symmetry is adequate to the symmetrical the landscape defined by the Ostrogscy Palace, neighbouring Outside walls are opaque and light grey. The surface of the Anasiƒski The Chopin Centre facade of the building; tenement houses and Musical Academy. The Chopin Center building tenement house elevation will be made of white limestone. Buildings' – cohesion of the buildings' systems; functional, structural and at 43 Tamka Street was designed as one, two-part mass. Its base base, cornices and windows' frames will be made of grey-beige installation systems form readable, consequent and unique is the reconstructed dimension and elevation of the Alojzy Anasiƒski sandstone. Screens at the northern elevation and „light-breakers” 134 architectural structure; tenement house. Its continuation is light, opaque and partly at the southern elevation will be made of white alabaster. SECOND PRIZE for the place of Fryderk Chopin's cult. In accordance with the Chopin's music that was modern and avant-garde the historical elements of the demolished Anasiƒski tenement house were designed ARCHITECT simply. All cornices, woodwork, metalwork, etc. have the modern look in accordance with modern Jacek Rzyski design and technology (their location in the elevation is the same as in historical building). Gentle shifting and graduating details are the architectural counterparts of the Chopin's rubato that was the characteristic shifting and graduating on the musical graduation scale. The simply and strong form of the stone base (it is the effect of the conservator's of monuments directions) was contrasted with SECOND PRIZE WINNER WAS AWARDED FOR: the transparent finial that is light and poetic. As a symbolic element it is describing the identity of – very good functional predisposition: multifunctional hall was located on the first floor (it is directly Chopin Center and its functions. It is a counterpoint in the game between Palace, Chopin Center and connected with buildings' office part) and library on the last floor (specialist library should not be Musical Academy and Park. The parallel symbolic „layer” used for the building's decoration was the easily accessible); very good spatial and functional solution of the multifunction conference room Chopin's Autograph. Composer's manuscripts are the record of his emotions and they are introducing that have outside staircase and can be divide into smaller rooms; us into the world of his feelings and dreams. They are creating the intimate atmosphere of the commune – attractive interior hall and restaurant area that connect building's public areas; with living Chopin. – interesting use of the elevation materials and architectural detail; „everything is inside him [...] colourful robes, clothes of gold, Cracow four-cornered hats, the clang – original development of the conservator's of monuments conditions that resulted in proportional of the sabres, the glaze of the scythes, the groan of the wounded heart, the rebellion of the bounded building. spirit, the graveyard crosses, the roadside country churches, the prayers of the worried hearts, the pain of bondage, the grief over freedom, the curse on the tyrants and cheerful song of the victory.” Newly designed Chopin Center building is a symbol. It is a temple of Polish cultural identity. Readable (Ignacy Jan Paderewski, 1910, Lwow) and strong in form building embodies the features of artistic work of the Polish greatest composer. The Chopin Centre These features are strength and purity. We have used materials that have the similar, elegant features: strength is symbolized by grey sandstone and purity is symbolized by glass, – a pure „crystal”. It has to form the proper architectural setting 135 HANOURABLE MENTION

ARCHITECTS Architecture Dariusz Herman, Piotr Âmierzewski COLLABORATION Wojciech Subalski, Rafa∏ Sobieraj, Tomasz Puszkarski

AUTHORS GOT AN AWARD FOR: – elegant and simple architectural form of the facades designed as surfaces made of transparent and semitransparent glass; – appropriate proportions of elevations based on the rhythms of the reconstructed tenement house; - interesting use of the different levels of the Tamka and Ordynacka Streets noticeable in building's mass and structure.


ARCHITECTS Marek Skurnóg, Katarzyna Wierzbiƒska, Piotr Janowski, Krzysztof Czerwiƒski - visualisations

AUTHORS GOT AN AWARD FOR: – expressive form of the mass that very well displays the Gniƒscy Palace; – interesting form of the elevations that are the background for tenement house's facade; building's vertical partitions of elevations create symbolic form of the Chopin Centre building. The Chopin Centre


ARCHITECTS APA Kury∏owicz & Associates Stefan Kury∏owicz – professor of architecture, Micha∏ Adamczyk, Miko∏aj Kwieciƒski

Authors got an award for uncompromising original and modern subordination of the conservator's guidelines to the architectural vision. In the end Chopin Centre seat has modern and bold form. Very good solution of building's functions.


ARCHITECTS P.A.NOVA Ltd. Stanis∏aw Lessaer – doctor of architecture, Arkadiusz P∏omecki, Sylwia P∏omecka, Sebastian Borecki, Monika JaÊkiewicz, Grzegorz Krajewski

Authors got an award for original combination of the new mass and reconstructed tenement house's facade. Its upper transparent storeys are compositionally integrated with „historical” base. The Chopin Centre


Second edition of the architectural contest for the students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw Technical University. Contest of concept of the Marsza∏kowska, Âwi´tokrzyska and Zielna Streets' quarter development.

The jury: S∏awomir Gzell – Professor of architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the WTU, chairman, Jerzy Skrzypczak – architect, the Faculty of Architecture of the WTU, Szymon Wojciechowski – architect, APA Wojciechowski, Ewa P. Por´bska – architect, editor-in-chief of the ARCHITEKTURA-murator magazine, Dariusz Bartoszewicz – journalist, „Gazeta Wyborcza” newspaper, Marcin Górski – the Faculty of Architecture of the WTU, secretary of the jury, Dorota Katner – ¸OWICKA Centre

has awarded first prize and gave two first class honourable mentions and one second class honourable mention. • First prize – two salaried practices in APA Wojciechowski architectural studio; • Two first class honourable mentions – ARCHITEKTURA-murator magazine subscription; • Second class honourable mention – books about architecture. 138 The jury also gave the Special Warning Mention. Architecture students: URBAN PUMP Marcin Iwaszkiewicz and Piotr Person FIRST PRIZE

Our design works as pump that sucks pedestrians in from the ground level, especially those who are exiting underground station. It takes them up to the height that guarantees vast view on the city. It unfolds then and gently goes down to the Saski Garden direction. Our pump is an attempt to introduce the art into daily life. It refers to the prewar tradition of the urban salons when a walk was strictly connected with the aesthetic experiences and commune with art. The core of the gallery that goes along the plots' axis is the main exhibit space. It is connecting remaining buildings, which were designed as office and trade architectural structures. Such solution gives a chance to bring world of art and business together.


First prize winner was awarded for designed buildings skillful adjustment to the surroundings scale. Appropriate building development division, and simultaneous communicational and spatial footbridge connection of the buildings reached it. Designing idea originality and bold and explicit architectural form suiting to the prestige of the location of the competition building lot deserves attention. Competition entry merits are correctly solved corners of the designed buildings at the Âwi´tokrzyska Street side as well as at the Królewska Street side. Authors are taking the ambitious attempt to „introduce art into daily life”. 139 Architecture students: Maciej Kowalczyk, FIRST CLASS HONOURABLE MENTION Katarzyna J´druszczak, Jan Chwedczuk, Marek Kuciƒski LOWMARKET

OPINION OF THE JURY ABOUT ENTRY No 54490 The authors got an award for original connection of the designed building development with the underground entrance function. Consequence in architectural form shaping and preservation of the appropriate building development scale in the surroundings context deserves attention.

Architecture students: FIRST CLASS HONOURABLE MENTION Micha∏ Rokiciƒski, Kuba Jasiewicz SASKI PASSAGE

OPINION OF THE JURY ABOUT ENTRY No 25947 The authors got an award for maturity and consequence of the spatial arrangement of the competition quarter of the city. Original solution of the open corner at the Królewska Street side deserves attention. The corner of Âwi´tokrzyska Street needs further study upon it. Design of the interior passage that connects two designed squares deserves a 140 notice. Architecture students: Justyna Chmielewska, ON THE LINE OF ... Anna Kowalczyk, Ma∏gorzata Ràczka SECOND CLASS HONOURABLE MENTION

OPINION OF THE JURY ABOUT ENTRY No 37552 The authors got an award for the search of the different way of building development disassembling and for introducing of the transparent elevation at Marsza∏kowska Street side. This kind of solution arranged this part of the city.

Architecture students: PINK HALL Marcin Domitrz, Maciej Utliƒski WARNING MENTION

OPINION OF THE JURY ABOUT ENTRY No 14107 The authors got an award for unwaveringly adaptation to the competition regulations. Especially to the article 9.5 clause b that forces to adapt the urban and architectural design to the atmosphere and spirit of the historical and modern Warsaw. 141


The legislative base of the Chambers' activity is the Act of 15th of December 2000 "On Artchitects, Structural Engineers and Urban Planners Professional Councils'", with the following changes. Mazovian Regional Chamber of Architects is the largest regional chamber in Poland and in February 2005 it had more than 1 500 members. MRCA began its activity at the beginning of 2002 after First Chamber of Architects Convention. MRCA' statutory organs are: Regional Chamber Convention Regional Chamber Council – Chairman Wojciech G´siak – Vice chairman Marek Mikos – Vice chairman Leszek Ko∏acz – Treasurer Pawe∏ Kasprzycki Regional Audit Committee – Chairman Micha∏ Jaworski Regional Qualifying Commission – Chairman Antoni Beill Regional Disciplinary Court – Chairman Micha∏ Zwoliƒski Regional Professional Responsibility Spokesman – Andrzej Kaliszewski

MRCA task is not only to represent but also to protect professional interests of its members, to supervise ethics of the profession. It is also entitled to grant extra qualifications or to deprive of them. MRCA keeps a register of its members living at the Mazovian province area that also have qualifications of civil engineers. MRCA ensures improvement of qualifications and working conditions and ensures legal help and protection.

MRCA office is at 27 Królewska Street, 00 060 Warsaw, 323 room, second floor, entrance B. Office hours: Monday – Friday 10.00-17.00 Phone No 0 48 22 653 38 65, fax No 0 48 22 653 38 64. e-mail: [email protected] Introduction by the Chief City Architect Micha∏ Borowski ...... 3 Multi-family Building at WyÊcigowa Street ...... 67 Introduction by the Director of ¸OWICKA Centre Katarzyna Hagmajer ...... 4 Dwelling House with Services at Franciszkaƒska Street ...... 68 PLANS FOR THE FUTURE „SKLEPOWA” Housing Estate in W∏ochy district ...... 69 Office Buildings Complex at the Corner of Domaniewska and Wo∏oska Streets ...... 7 Housing Estate in Wilanów district ...... 70 Office Building at Nowogrodzka Street ...... 8 Multi-family Buildings in Tarchomin district ...... 71 „HILTON” Multifunction Building at Grzybowska Street ...... 9 „APARTAMENTY KRÓLOWEJ MARYSIE¡KI” at Klimczaka Street ...... 72 Office Buildings Complex at Wo∏oska Street ...... 10 Dwelling Building with Services at Nowy Âwiat Street ...... 73 Office Building at Pu∏awska Street ...... 11 „PRZY KRÓLIKARNI” Apartment Building at Pu∏awska Street ...... 74 Office Building at Pi´kna Street ...... 12 „OGRODY KABACKIE” Housing Estate at Stryjeƒskich Street ...... 75 Office and Service Building at the Corner of Mokotowska and Waryƒskiego Streets ...... 13 Dwelling and Hotel Building at Naddnieprzaƒska Street ...... 76 Office Building at Post´pu Street ...... 14 „44” Dwelling Building at Brukselska Street ...... 77 „RIVERSIDE PARK” Office Building at Fabryczna Street ...... 15 Housing Estate in Bia∏o∏´ka district ...... 78 Office Building at Domaniewska Street ...... 16 Housing estate. Second Stage at Królowej Marysieƒki Street ...... 79 The Extension of the Office Building at Ogrodowa Street ...... 17 Housing estate with Storage Reservoir at Sobieskiego Street ...... 80 Supreme Administrative Court and Provincial Court Seat ...... 18 Dwelling House with Offices at Czerniakowska Street ...... 81 Supreme Administrative Court and Provincial Court Seat ...... 19 Dwelling Houses with Services in Wilanów District ...... 82 The Extension of the District Court ...... 20 Two Apartment Buildings at ZaÊciankowa Street ...... 83 Conversion of the Main Pavilion of the Ministry of the Interior Affairs Hospital „PHILADELPHIA”. Dwelling House with Offices at Âniegocka Street ...... 84 at the Wo∏oska Street ...... 21 „DOM POD KLONAMI” Dwelling House with Services at Madaliƒskiego Street ...... 85 „ENCO ENERGETYKA” Office Building at S∏u˝ewiec Przemys∏owy ...... 22 Dwelling House at Ksi´cia Boles∏awa Street ...... 86 Office, Service and Storage Building at Ry˝owa Street ...... 23 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSES ...... 87 Office Building at P∏ocka Street ...... 24 Single-family House in K´pa Kie∏piƒska ...... 89 „MEBLE EMILIA” Furniture Store in Legionowo ...... 25 Single-family House in Wilanów district ...... 90 The Extension of the Warsaw Capital City Labour Office at Grochowska Street ...... 26 Single-family House in W∏ochy district ...... 91 „MATECZNIK-MAZOWSZE” Educational and Concert Hall in Karolin ...... 27 Two-family House in Józefów ...... 92 „CENTRUM PRAHA” Office, Service and Culture Building at Jagielloƒska Street ...... 28 Single-family House in Izabelin ...... 93 The Extension of the Polski Theatre. Small-audience Theatre at Sewerynów Street ...... 29 Conversion and Extension of the Single-family House in Mokotów district ...... 94 The Embassy of the Saudi Arabia at Wiertnicza Street ...... 30 Single-family House with Services in Mokotów district ...... 95 Jewish Culture Center at Twarda Street ...... 31 Single-family House in Konstancin Jeziorna ...... 96 „UNIA” Pharmaceutical Factory in Pruszków ...... 32 Semi-detached House in Stare Babice ...... 97 Cheap Air Carriers Air Terminal in Modlin ...... 33 Single-family House in Warsaw ...... 98 Pavilion of Sculpture and Reception Pavilion of the Palace's Museum in Wilanów ...... 34 Single-family House in Ursynów district ...... 99 A SOCLAND – a Museum of the Communism at Defilad Square ...... 35 Semi-detached House at Stary Mokotów ...... 100 A Car Showroom at Marsa Street ...... 36 Single-family House, Warsaw suburbs ...... 101 Conception of the HONDA Cars Showroom ...... 37 Single-family House in Konstancin Jeziorna ...... 102 Wholesale Company with Administrative and Utility Rooms at Modliƒska Street ...... 38 Single-family House, Lesznowola administrative district ...... 103 „CENTRUM TARGÓWEK” Service and Commercial Complex at G∏´bocka Street ...... 39 URBAN SPACE ...... 105 Transmission System Operator's Seat in Konstancin Jeziorna ...... 40 Study of Conditions and Directions of the Spatial Development of the Warsaw Capital City ....106-110 „˚ERA¡ PARK II” Logistic Center at Annopol Street ...... 41 The Local Spatial Development Plan of the Palace of Science and Culture Surroundings ...... 111 A-22 WAWRZYSZEW Underground Station ...... 42 Conception of the Spatial Development Plan of the Pi∏sudski Square ...... 112-116 A-23 M¸OCINY Underground Station with a Siding ...... 43 Building Development of the Western Frontage of the Pi∏sudski Square by AMC Cho∏dzyƒski ...... 117 The Extension of the Primary School in Konstancin Jeziorna ...... 44 Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie Street ...... 118, 119 Primary School in ZagoÊciniec, Wo∏omin administrative district ...... 45 Broadening and Modernization of the ˚elazna, Grzybowska and Siedmiogrodzka Streets ...... 120 Underground Gym with Base at Jagielloƒska Street ...... 46 The Local Spatial Development Plan of the S∏u˝ewiec Wschodni Area ...... 121 Sports Club in Sulejówek ...... 47 COMPETITIONS ...... 123 Building C of the Warsaw School of Economics at Nepodleg∏oÊci Avenues ...... 48 Basic informations about competitions ...... 124 The Building of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University at Oboêna Street ...... 49 Dmowski Roundabout – Equal Prize ...... 125 Horses' Diagnostic Complex of the Warsaw Agricultural University Dmowski Roundabout – Equal Prize ...... 126 at Nowoursynowska Street ...... 50 Dmowski Roundabout – Equal Prize ...... 127 „REZYDENCJA RENOIR” Dwelling Houses Complex at Roso∏a Street ...... 51 Dmowski Roundabout – First and Second Class Honourable Mentions ...... 128 EKO – PARK Housing Estate. BOLERO Stage ...... 52 Dmowski Roundabout – Second Class Honourable Mention and Honourable Mention ...... 129 EKO-PARK Housing Estate. ETIUDA Stage ...... 53 Dmowski Roundabout – Honourable Mentions ...... 130 B7A-EKO-PARK – Apartment Building ...... 54 Wiech Passage – First Prize ...... 131 „PRZY WIÂLE” Dwelling Building at Leszczyƒska Street ...... 55 Wiech Passage – Second Prize ...... 132 Multi-family Housing Estate at Dzieci Warszawy Street ...... 56 Wiech Passage – First and Second Class Honourable Mentions ...... 133 KEN-BIS Housing Estate with Services, First Stage ...... 57 Chopin Centre – First Prize ...... 134 Dwelling Buildings Complex with Services at Popie∏uszki Street ...... 58 Chopin Centre – Second Prize ...... 135 „MARINA MOKOTÓW” Multifunction Complex. WI6 A and WI6 B Buildings ...... 59 Chopin Centre – Honourable Mentions ...... 136 Multi-family Housing Estate at Wilanowska Avenue ...... 60 Chopin Centre – Honourable Mentions ...... 137 „ÂRÓDZIEMNOMORSKA” Multi-family Buildings Complex at Wilanowska Avenue ...... 61 2004 STUDENTS' COMPETITION ...... 138 „NOWY WILANÓW” Housing Estate. The Northern Quarter at Królowej Marysieƒki BIS Street ...... 62 First Prize ...... 139

CONTENTS „NOWY WILANÓW” Housing Estate. The Southern Quarter at Królowej Marysieƒki BIS Street ...... 63 First Class Honourable Mentions ...... 140 Multi-family Dwelling Building at Liwiecka Street ...... 64 Second Class Honourable Mention and Warning Mention ...... 141 Dwelling House at Oboêna Street ...... 65 ¸OWICKA Centre advertising page ...... 142 144 Multi-family Building at Bukowiƒska Street ...... 66 Mazovian Regional Chamber of Architects page ...... 143 EXHIBITION

Exhibition spatial arrangement Grzegorz Rytel

Exhibition programme Dorota Katner

Exhibition charts printout MAXIPRINT. Digital Printing House, 20 Stanów Zjednoczonych Avenue, 03-964 Warsaw, Phone No 740 67 95


Catalogue draft Dorota Katner, Joanna Maciejewska

Cooperation Rados∏aw Katowicz, Urszula Âcibor-Rylska

Translation into English Rados∏aw Katowicz

Graphical design ¸ukasz Wawrynkiewicz

Situation plans elaboration in "Plans for the Future" and "Single-family Houses" sections Sebastian Tab´dzki

Edited by Lowicka CENTER, 2 100 copies

Setting and make up Bartosz Mularczyk

Printed by PPUH Zak∏ad Poligraficzny Jolanta i Zbigniew Bryk, 25 Bernardyƒska Street, 02-904 Warsaw, Phone No 651 57 04 MAIN SPONSOR SPONSORS