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Cambridge University Press 0521854393 - Aristotle and the Science of Nature: Unity without Uniformity Andrea Falcon Index More information Index of names Alcmeon of Croton, 103 Easterling, H. J., 114 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 19, 21, 22, 65, Effe, B., 72 77, 80, 84, 92–3, 102, 107–8, Egli, F., 116 114, 115 Eudemus of Rhodes, 48 Anaxagoras, 3, 38, 111–12, 117 Euripides, 117 Anaximenes, 120 Eudoxus of Cnidus, 74, 75 Andronicus of Rhodes, 69–70, 114 Antiphon the Sophist, 27 Falcon, A., 14, 70, 80, 84 Anton, J. P., 104 Frede, M., 17, 89, 109 Apollodorus of Seleucia, 36, 53 Furley, D., 72, 88 50 Balme, D., 88 Gaiser, K., 4 Gigon, O., 72 Barnes, J., 42 109 Beere, J. B., 13 Gill, M. L., , 100 Blank, D. L., 51 Goldstein, B. R., 67 Bodna´r, I., 11, 42, 84, 107 Gottschalk, H. B., 62 Boethus of Sidon (Peripatetic philosopher), Grant, E., 69 70 Guariglia, O. N., 105 – 77 Boethus of Sidon (Stoic philosopher), 37 Guthrie, W. K. C., Bogen, J., 104 24 Hahm, D., 114, 117 Bostock, D., 63 70 Broadie, S., 19, 76 Hankinson, R. J., , 4 Heinze, R., 81, 82 Brunschwig, J., 120 Burkert, W., 50 Heraclitus, 2 8 13 17 20 Herminus, 84 Burnyeat, M. F., , , , , 27 Byrne, P. H., 105 Hippocrates of Chios, 77 120 3 Jaeger, W., , Cappelle, W., Jouanna, J., 27, 103 Caston, V., 19 84 120 Judson, L., Cleanthes, Julianus of Tralles, 84 Charles, D., 102, 108 Charlton, W., 109 116 37 118 120 Kahn, C. H., Chrysippus, , , Kingsley, P., 116, 117 Code, A., 4, 7, 9, 21, 39, 41 50 42 Koller, K., Cohen, S.
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