Graphemic Methods for GenderNeutral Writing Yannis Haralambous & Joseph Dichy Abstract. In this paper we present a model and a classification of graphemic genderneutral writing methods, we explore current practices in French, Ger man, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, and we investigate in teractions between genderneutral writing forms and regular expressions. 1. Introduction: The General Issue of, and behind, Gender Neutral Writing The issue behind genderneutral writing is that of the representation of intergender relations carried by languages. What is at stake is the representation of equality, or not, between genders. The issue is also re ferred to as “inclusive writing,” which apparently refers to human rights, but does not cover all cases, i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons. The term “GenderNeutral Writing” is, in fact, both clearer and more inclusive. Generally speaking, languages are conservative, if not archaic. A sig nificant example is that of the idea of time, which is traditionally repre sented as a dot sliding along a straight line in a continuous movement. This has been a philosophical image of time since ancient Greek philoso phers and throughout the Middle Ages both in Arabic and European phi losophy, but can no longer be considered as a valid representation after 20th century existentialist philosophers and Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit. Yannis Haralambous 0000-0003-1443-6115 IMT Atlantique & LabSTICC UMR CNRS 6285 Brest, France
[email protected] Joseph Dichy Professor of Arabic linguistics Lyon, France
[email protected] Y. Haralambous (Ed.), Graphemics in the 21st Century.