Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Aaron, Chester Gideon 7 F x x x Adachi, Agnes Child of the Winds: My Mission with Raoul 8 NF x x Wallenberg Adelson, Alan [editor] The Diary of Dawid Sierakowiak 8 NF x x x Akavia, Miriam An End to Childhood 8 F x x Alagna, Magdalena : Young Voice of the 7 NF x x x Holocaust Almagor, Gila Under the Domim Tree 8 F x x Altman, Linda Jacobs Adolf Hitler: Evil Mastermind of the 7 NF x x x Holocaust Crimes and Criminals of 7 NF x x x x Forever Outsiders, and History 7 NF x x from Ancient Times to August 1935 Forgotten Victims of the Holocaust 7 NF x x x x Hitler's Rise to Power and the Holocaust 7 NF x x The Holocaust Ghettos 7 NF x x The Holocaust, Hitler and 7 NF x x Impact of the Holocaust 7 NF x x Importance of Simon Wiesenthal 7 NF x Jewish Victims of the Holocaust 7 NF x x x Resisters and Rescuers 7 NF x x x Altshuler, David Hitler's War Against the Jews 7 NF x x Ambrose, Kenneth The Story of Peter Cronheim 6 F x x x Ambrose, Stephen E. Good Fight, How World War II Was Won 6 NF x x Anflick, Charles Resistance, Teen Partisans and Resisters 7 NF x x x Appleman-Jurman, Alicia Alicia: My Story 8 NF x x Arad, Yitzhak [editor] Pictorial History of the Holocaust 8 NF x Asscher-Pinkoff, Clara Star Children 6 F x x x Atkinson, Linda In Kindling Flame: The Story of Hannah 7 NF x x x Senesh Auerbacher, Inge I Am a Star 6 NF x x x Beyond the Yellow Star to America 6 NF x x x Axelrod, Toby Hans and Sophie Scholl: German Resisters 7 NF x x x of the White Rose In the Camps, Teens Who Survived 7 NF x x x Rescuers Defying the Nazis: Non-Jewish 7 NF x x x Teens Who Rescued Jews Ayer, Eleanor H. Cities at War, Berlin 6 NF x x A Firestorm Unleashed, January 1942 7 NF x to June 1943 From the Ashes, May 1945 and After 7 NF x x Inferno, July 1943 to April 1945 7 NF x x x In the Ghettos, Teens Who Survived 7 NF x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Ayer, Eleanor H. Parallel Journeys 8 NF x x x x The Survivors 7 NF x x x The United States Holocaust Memorial 6 NF x Museum, America Keeps Memory Alive Bachrach, Deborah The Resistance 7 NF x x Bachrach, Susan D. The Nazi Olympics, Berlin 1936 6 NF x x x Baer, Edith A Frost in the Night 7 F x x Banet, Chana Marcus They Called Me Frau Anna 8 NF x Bar Oni, Bryna The Vapor 8 NF x x Bard, Mitchell G. [editor] The Holocaust 8 NF x Barth-Grözinger, Inge Something Remains 7 F x x x x Bartoletti, Susan Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler's Shadow 8 NF x x x x Bat-Ami, Miriam Two Suns in the Sky 7 F x x Bayer, Linda Elie Wiesel, Spokesman for Remembrance 7 NF x Baylis-White, Mary Sheltering Rebecca 6 F x x Begley, Louis Wartme Lies 8 F x Bennett, Cherie Anne Frank and me 7 F x Berenbaum, Michael The World Must Know 8 NF x Bergman, Tamar Along the Tracks 6 F x Bernbaum, Israel My Brother's Keeper 6 NF x x Bernheim, Mark Father of the Orphans 6 NF x x Beyer, Mark Emmanuel Ringelblum, Historian of 7 NF x x x the Warsaw Ghetto Heinrich Mueller: Gestapo Chief 7 NF x x x Bielenberg, Christabel Christabel Bielenberg & Nazi Germany 8 NF x x Bierman, John Righteous Gentile: Raoul Wallenberg 8 NF x x x Blumenstein, Lili Wider Lili 7 NF x x Bor, Josef The Terezin Requiem 8 NF x x x Boraks-Nemetz, Lillian Tapestry of Hope 7 NF x x x Boyne, John The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 6 F x x Bradfield, Susi But Some Became Stars 7 NF x x x Brager, Bruce L. The Trial of Adolf Eichman 8 NF x x x Brand, Sandra I Dared to Live 8 NF x x Bretholz, Leo Leap into Darkness 8 NF x x x Brimner, Larry Dane Voices from the Camps: Internment of 7 NF x x x x Japanese Americans during WWII Buchignani, Walter Tell No One Who You Are 7 NF x x x Byers, Ann The Holocaust Camps 7 NF x x The Holocaust Overview 7 NF x x Oskar Schindler 7 NF x x x Callahan, Kerry P. Mordechai Anielewicz: Hero of the 7 NF x x x x Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Cefrey, Holly Dr. Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death 7 NF x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Chaikin, Miriam A Nightmare in History 6 NF x Cheng, Andrea Marika 7 F x x Chotjewitz, David Daniel Half-Human and the Good Nazi 8 F x x x Christophe, Francine From a World Apart: A Little Girl in the 8 NF x x x x Concentration Camps Cohn, Lilo A Shadow Over My Life 6 NF x x x Cooper, Michael L. Fighting for Honor, Japanese Americans 7 NF x x x x and World War II Remembering Manzanar 7 NF x x x x Cormier, Robert Tunes for Bears to Dance To 6 F x x x Cretzmeyer, Stacy Your Name Is Renee, Ruth's Story 7 NF x x x Dafni, Reuven [editor] Final Letters, From Victims of the 7 NF x x Holocaust Damon, Duane Mein Kampf: Hitler's Blueprint for 8 NF x x x Aryan Supremacy Daniels, Fred Shadows in Twilight 6 NF x x x David, Kati A Child's War: World War II Through 8 NF x x x x the Eyes of Children Denenberg, Barry Journal of Ben Uchida: Citizen #13559, 6 F x x x x Mirror Lake Internment Camp One Eye Laughing, the Other Weeping 6 F x x x Shadow Life, Portrait of Anne Frank 7 NF x x x and Her Family Deutschkron, Inge Outcast: Jewish Girl in Wartime Berlin 8 NF x x x Draper, Alison Stark Pastor André Trocmé: Spiritual Leader 7 NF x x of the French Village Le Chambon Drucker, Olga Levy Kinderstransport 6 NF x x x x x Dvorson, Alexa Hitler Youth: Marching Toward Madness 7 NF x x x x Eliach, Yaffa Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust 8 NF x Elmer, Robert A Way Through the Sea 6 F x x x Elster, Aaron I Still See Her Haunting Eyes 7 NF x x x x x x x Faber, David Because of Romek 8 NF x x x Feldman, George Understanding the Holocaust [Vol. 1 & 2] 7 NF x Fettman, Leo Shoah: Journey from the Ashes 8 NF x x x Figes, Eva Little Eden 8 NF x x Fink, Ida A Scrap of Time 8 F x Finkel, Sidney Sevek and the Holocaust 7 NF x x x x Finkelstein, Genya Genya 8 NF x x x Fireside, Harvey Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes Trials 8 NF x x x x Fischel, Jack R. The Holocaust 8 NF x Flinker, Moshe Young Moshe's Diary 8 NF x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Flutsztejn-Gruda, Ilona When Grownups Play at War 8 NF x x x Forman, James D. My Enemy, My Brother 8 F x x x x Frank, Anne Diary of a Young Girl 6 NF x x x Diary of Anne Frank: Critical Edition 8 NF x x x x Diary of a Young Girl: Definitive Edition 8 NF x x x x Tales from the House Behind 6 F x x x Tales from the Secret Annex 7 NF x x x Fremon, David K. The Holocaust Heroes 7 NF x x x Japanese American Internment in 7 NF x x x x American History French, Jackie Hitler's Daughter 6 F x x x Friedman, Carl Nightfather 8 F x x Friedman, D. Dina Escaping into the Night 8 F x x x x Fruehauf, Ernest My Early Years 1929-1942, from Nazi 7 NF x x x x Germany to the United States Games, Sonia Escape into Darkness 8 NF x x Garner, Eleanor Ramrath Eleanor's Story: An American Girl in 8 NF x x x Hitler's Germany Gehrts, Barbara Don't Say a Word 6 F x x x Gelman, Charles Do Not Go Gentle: Memoir of Jewish 8 NF x x x x Resistance in Poland, 1941-1945 Georg, Willy In the Warsaw Ghetto Summer 1941 8 NF x x Giddens, Sandra Escape, Teens Who Escaped the 7 NF x x x Holocaust to Freedom Gies, Miep 7 NF x x x Giff, Patricia Reilly Lily's Crossing 6 F x x Glatshteyn, Yankev Emil and Karl 8 F x x x Glick, Susan Heroes of the Holocaust 7 NF x x x Gold, Alison Leslie Fiet's Vase and other stories of survival 7 NF x Memories of Anne Frank, Reflections of 7 NF x x a Childhood Friend A Special Fate, Chiune Sugihara 7 NF x x x x Goodrich, Frances The Diary of Anne Frank 7 F x x x Gotfryd, Bernard Anton the Dove Fancier & Other Tales 8 F x x x x Gottfried, Ted Children of the Slaughter 8 NF x x x Deniers of the Holocaust 8 NF x x x Displaced Persons: Liberation and Abuse 8 NF x x of Holocaust Survivors Heroes of the Holocaust 8 NF x x x Martyrs to Madness: Victims of Holocaust 8 NF x x x x Nazi Germany: Face of Tyranny 8 NF x x x Grant, R.G. The Holocaust 7 NF x x x x Grapes, Bryan J. [editor] Japanese American Internment Camps 8 NF x x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Greene, Betty Summer of My German Soldier 7 F x x Greenfeld, Howard After the Holocaust 7 NF x x x The Hidden Children 6 NF x x x Greif, Jean-Jacques The Fighter 8 F x x x x Griffis, Molly Levite Simon Says 6 F x x x Gurdus, Luba Krugman The Death Train, A Personal Account 8 NF x x x Haas, Gerda Tracking the Holocaust 7 NF x x Handler, Andrew [editor] Young People Speak, Surviving the 6 NF x x x Harris, Mark Jonathan Into the Arms of Strangers 8 NF x x x x x x x Harris, Samuel R. Sammy, Child Survivor of the Holocaust 6 NF x x x x x Hart, Kitty I Am Alive 8 NF x x x Return to Auschwitz 8 NF x x x Heck, Alfons A Child of Hitler 8 NF x x x x Hemmeldinger, Judith Survivors: Children of the Holocaust 7 NF x x x x x x Hermann, Spring Anne Frank 7 NF x x x x x x Hersh, Gizelle Gizelle: Save the Children 8 NF x x x x Hillman, Laura I will plant you a lilac tree 8 NF x x x x x x x Hesse, Karen Witness 6 F x x x x Holliday, Laurel Children in the Holocaust & WWII 8 NF x x x x x x x x Why Do They Hate Me? 7 NF x x x x Holm, Anne I Am David 7 F x x x Houston, Jeanne W. Farewell to Manzanar 7 NF x x x x x x Hughes, Shirley The Lion and the Unicorn 7 F x x Hyams, Joe A Field of Buttercups 8 NF x x x x x x Isaacman, Clara Clara's Story 6 NF x x x x Isaacs, Anne Torn Thread 7 F x x x Jackson, Livia Bitton Elli Coming of Age in the Holocaust 8 NF x x x Hello, America 8 NF x x x I Have Lived a Thousand Years 8 NF x x x x My Bridges of Hope 8 NF x x x Jeffrey, Laura S. Simon Wiesenthal 7 NF x x x x x Joffo, Joseph A Bag of Marbles 6 NF x x x x Justman, Stewart The Jewish Holocaust for Beginners 7 NF x x x Kacer, Kathy Hiding Edith 6 NF x x x x The Underground Reporters 6 NF x x x x x Kahn, Leora When They Came to Take My Father 7 NF x x x x x x x x Kallen, Stuart The Holocaust (6 volumes) History of Hatred 70AD-1932 6 NF x x x Nazis Seize Power 1933-1939 6 NF x x x Holocaust 1940-1944 6 NF x x x x Faces of Resistance 6 NF x x x Bearing Witness, Liberation, Nuremberg 6 NF x x Holocausts in Other Lands 6 NF x x x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Kanner, Mia Amalia Shattered Crystals 8 NF x x x x x x x x Keeley, Jennifer Life in the Hitler Youth 7 NF x x x x Kerr, Judith The Other Way Round 7 F x x Kerr, M.E. Gentlehands 7 F x x Kherdian, David The Road from Home 8 NF x x x x Kluger, Ruth (Aliav) The Last Escape 8 NF x x x Kluger, Ruth Still Alive 8 NF x x x x x x Koehn, Ilse Mischling, Second Degree 7 NF x x x x Kopf, Hedda Rosner Understanding Anne Frank's Diary 8 NF x x x Korczak, Janusz King Matt the First 6 F x x

Korn, Abram Abe's Story, A Holocaust Memoir 8 NF x x x Kositsky, Lynn The Thought of High Windows 8 F x x x x Kotlar, Helen We Lived in a Grave 8 NF x x x x Kramer, Aaron Last Lullaby: Poetry from the Holocaust 8 F x x x x Kronenwetter, Michael United They Hate, White Supremacist 7 NF x x x x Kuper, Jack Child of the Holocaust 7 NF x x x x x Kurwin, Yala H. To Tell the Story: Poems of the Holocaust 6 NF x x Kustanowitz, Ester Hidden Children of the Holocaust 7 NF x x x x x x x Lace, William W. The Death Camps 7 NF x x x x Hitler and the Nazis 7 NF x x x x The Nazis 7 NF x x x Laird Christa But Can the Phoenix Sing? 7 F x x Shadow of the Wall 7 F x x x Landau, Elaine Holocaust Memories: Speaking the Truth 7 NF x x x x Nazi War Criminals 6 NF x x x x The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 6 NF x x We Survived the Holocaust 6 NF x x x x x Larsen, Anita Raoul Wallenberg: Missing Diplomat 6 NF x x x Lawton, Clive Auschwitz, Story of a Nazi Death Camp 7 NF x x x x x Lazo, Caroline Elie Wiesel 6 NF x x x x Leapman, Michael Witnesses to War 7 NF x x x Leitner, Isabella Fragments of Isabella 8 NF x x Isabella, from Auschwitz to Freedom 8 NF x x x Lemelman, Martin Mendel's Daughter 8 NF x x x x x Lester, Eleanore Wallenberg: Man in the Iron Web 8 NF x x x Levin, Jane Whitbread Star of Danger 7 F x x x Levin, Nora The Holocaust Years 8 NF x x x Levine, Ellen Darkness Over Denmark 7 NF x x x Fence Away from Freedom, Japanese 8 NF x x x x x x Levine, Karen Hana's Suitcase 6 NF x x x x x Levitin, Sonia Journey to America 6 F x x Room in the Heart 7 F x x Levoy, Myron Alan and Naomi 6 F x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Levy, Pat(ricia) Causes 7 NF x x x Survival and Resistance 7 NF x x Lewin, Rhoda G. Witnesses to the Holocaust 7 NF x x x x Lichter, Uri In the Eye of the Storm 8 NF x x x Lindwer, Willy The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank 8 NF x x x x Lisle, Janet Taylor The Art of Keeping Cool 6 F x x Lobel, Anita No Pretty Pictures, A Child of War 7 NF x x x x x Lowenstein, Sallie Claire Waiting for Eugene 7 F x x Lyman, Darryl Holocaust Rescuers, 10 Stories of Courage 7 NF x x x x Mace, Elisabeth Brother Enemy 7 F x x x Mandell, Sherri Lederman Writers of the Holocaust 8 NF x x x x x x Maaren, Jacqueline van A Friend Called Anne 7 NF x x x x x x Matas, Carol After the War 7 F x x x Code Name Kris / Kris's War 6 F x x The Garden 7 F x x x Greater Than Angels 6 F x x x In My Enemy's House 7 F x x Lisa's War 6 F x x Mazer, Harry The Last Mission 7 F x x Mazer, Norma Fox Good Night, Maman 6 F x x x McArthur, Debra Raoul Wallenberg: Rescuing 1,000's 7 NF x x x McCann, Michelle Roehm Luba: The Angel of Bergen-Belsen 6 NF x x x x x McKain, Mark Anti-Semitism 8 NF x x x McMillan, Frank Cezanne Is Missing 7 F x x Melnikoff, Pamela Prisoner in Time, Child of the Holocaust 6 F x x Meltzer, Milton Never to Forget: Jews of the Holocaust 7 NF x x Moore, Lisa Elie Wiesel 7 NF x x x Moskin, Marietta D. I Am Rosemarie 7 F x x x Napoli, Donna Jo Stones in Water 7 F x x Neshamit, Sarah The Children of Mapu Street 7 F x x x Newbery, Linda Sisterland 7 F x x Nicholson, Dorinda M. Remember World War II: Kids Who 7 NF x x x x Survived Tell Their Stories Nicholson, Michael Raoul Wallenberg 6 NF x x Nieuwsma, Milton J. Kinderlager 8 NF x x x Nir, Yehuda Lost Childhood 8 NF x x x x x Noble, Iris Nazi Hunter, Simon Wiesenthal 6 NF x x x Nolan, Han If I Should Die Before I Wake 8 F x x x Nostlinger, Christine Fly Away Home 7 F x Novac, Ana The Beautiful Days of My Youth 8 NF x x x x Oberski, Jona Childhood 6 F x x Orgel, Doris The Devil in Vienna 6 F x x x x Orlev, Uri The Lady with the Hat 7 F x x Lydia, Queen of Palestine 6 F x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Orlev, Uri The Man from the Other Side 7 F x x x x Run, Boy, Run 6 F x x x x Pariser, Michael Elie Wiesel: Bearing Witness 6 NF x x x Pausewang, Gudrun The Final Journey 8 F x x Perl, Lila Behind Barbed Wire 7 NF x x x x Pettit, Jayne A Time to Fight Back 8 NF x x x x Pressler, Mirjam Anne Frank, A Hidden Life 8 NF x x x Rabinovici, Schoschana Thanks to My Mother 8 NF x x x x Radin, Ruth Yaffe Escape to the Forest 6 F x x x x x Ramen, Fred Herman Göring: Hitler's 2nd in Command 7 NF x x x Reinhard Heydrich, Hangman of 3rd Reich 7 NF x x x Albert Speer, Hitler's Architect 7 NF x x x

Ray, Karen To Cross a Line 8 F x x x Reiss, Johanna The Journey Back 6 F x x x x The Upstairs Room 6 F x x x Resnick, Abraham The Holocaust 6 NF x x x x x Rice, Earle Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany 7 NF x x x x The 7 NF Nazi War Criminals 7 NF x x x x The Nuremberg Trials 8 NF x x x x The Third Reich 8 NF x x x Richter, Hans Peter I Was There 7 NF x x x x Rittner, Carol Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews 8 NF x x x Roberts, Jack L. The Importance of Oskar Schindler 7 NF x x x x x x Roberts, Jeremy Adolf Hitler: A Study in Hate 7 NF x x x x Joseph Goebbels: Nazi Propaganda 7 NF x x x x Oskar Schindler: Righteous Gentile 7 NF x x x Rochman, Hazel, ed. Bearing Witness 8 NF x x x x Rogasky, Barbara Smoke and Ashes 6 NF x x x Rogow, Sally M. Faces of Courage, Young Heroes 7 NF x x x x x x Rol, Ruud van der Anne Frank, Beyond the Diary 7 NF x x x x x Romm, J. Leonard The Swastika on the Synagogue Door 8 F x x x Rose, Leesha The Tulips Are Red 6 NF x x x Rosenberg, Maxine B. Hiding to Survive 6 NF x x x Rossel, Seymour TheHolocaust, The Fire That Raged 7 NF x x x Holocaust, the World and the Jews 7 NF x x x Roth-Hano, Renee Touch Wood-Girlhood in Occupied France 7 F x x x x Roubickova, Eva We're Alive and Life Goes On 8 NF x x x Rubin, Susan Goldman The Cat With the Yellow Star 6 NF x x x x x Fireflies in the Dark 6 NF x x x x x Searching for Anne Frank: Letters from 7 NF x x x Amsterdam to Iowa Ruby, Lois Skin Deep 8 F x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Sachs, Marilyn Lost in America 7 F x x x x Sachs, Ruth Adolf Eichmann: Engineer of Death 7 NF x x x x x Saldinger, Anne Grenn Life in a Nazi Concentration Camp 7 NF x x x x Samuels, Gertrude Mottele, A Partisan Odyssey 6 F x x x Sawyer, Kem Knapp Anne Frank 6 NF x x x x x Schapiro, Raya Czerner Letters from Prague 1939-1941 8 NF x x x Schmidt, Gary Mara's Stories 8 F x x x Schmittroth, Linda People of the Holocaust 6 NF x x Schroeder, Peter Six Million Paper Clips 6 NF x x x Schulman, Faye A Partisan's Memoir 8 NF x x Schur, Maxine Sacred Shadows 8 F x x Semel, Nava Flying Lessons 7 F x x Sender, Ruth Minsky The Cage 7 NF x x x x The Holocaust Lady 7 NF x x x Sender, Ruth Minsky To Life 7 NF x x x Senesh, Hannah Hannah Senesh, Her Life & Diary 8 NF x x x x x x Serraillier, Ian Escape from Warsaw 6 F x x Sevela, Ephraim We Were Not Like Other People 8 F x x Sheehan, Sean After the Holocaust 7 NF x x x The Death Camps 7 NF x x x The Holocaust, How Did It Happen? 7 NF x x x Sherrow, Victoria Blaze Engulfs, Jan. 1939 to Dec. 1941 7 NF x x Cities at War, Amsterdam 6 NF x x x Righteous Gentiles 7 NF x x Smoke to Flame-Sept 1935 to Dec 1938 7 NF x x x Shulman, William L. 1900-2000: A Genocidal Century 6 NF x x x x x Resource Guide, Comprehensive Listing 7 NF x Salvar Una Vida, La Historia de Los 6 NF x x x x x Gentiles Justos Voices and Visions 7 NF x Siegal, Aranka Grace in the Wilderness 8 NF x x x Upon the Head of the Goat 7 NF x x x Siegel, Bruce H. Champion & Jewboy 8 F x x x Silton, Faye Of Heroes, Hooks, and Heirlooms 6 F x Silton, R. Gabriele Between Two Worlds 6 NF x x x x Sommerfelt, Aimee Miriam 7 F x x Soumerai, Eve Nussbaum A Voice from the Holocaust 8 NF x x x Spiegelman, Art Maus: A Survivor's Tale 8 NF x x x x x x x x Maus II: And Here My Troubles Began 8 NF x x x x x Spinelli, Jerry Milkweed 7 F x x x Spring, Debbie The Righteous Smuggler 6 F x x x x Staden, Wendelgard von Darkness Over the Valley 7 NF x x Stanley, Jerry I Am An American 6 NF x x x x x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Starkopf, Adam There Is Always Time to Die 8 NF x x x x x x x [republished as: Will to Live] 8 NF x x x x x x x Stein, Drs. Leon & Judy Holocaust: Turnng Point of Our Time 8 NF x x x Steiner, Barbara Courage and Resistance 7 NF x x x x x Steinhouse, Carl L. Righteous and Courageous 8 NF x x x x Stern, Ellen Norman Elie Wiesel: Witness for Life 7 NF x x x x x Stewart, Gail B. Life in the Warsaw Ghetto 7 NF x x x Strahinich, Helen Holocaust-Understanding & Remembering 7 NF x x x Streissguth, Thomas Adolf Eichmann 7 NF x x x x x Raoul Wallenberg: Swedish Diplomat 7 NF x x x Suhl, Yuri On the Other Side of the Gate 7 F x x They Fought Back: Jewish Resistance 7 NF x x Tames, Richard Nazi Germany 7 NF x x x Tatelbaum, Itzhak Through Our Eyes: Children Witness 6 NF x x the Holocaust Tec, Nechama Dry Tears 8 NF x x x x Ten Boom, Corrie The Hiding Place 8 NF x x x x x Thalmann, Rita Crystal Night 9-10 November, 1938 7 NF x x x Tito, E. Tina Liberation, Teens in Concentration Camps 7 NF x x x x x Toll, Nelly S. Behind the Secret Window 7 NF x x x x Tunnell, Michael O. Brothers in Valor 7 F x x x Children of Topaz 7 NF x x x x x x Uhlman, Fred Reunion 8 F x x Ungerer, Tomi Tomi: Childhood Under the Nazis 7 NF x x x x Vande Velde, Vivian A Coming Evil 7 F x x x x Vegh, Claudine I Didn't Say Goodbye 8 NF x x Vinke, Hermann Short Life of Sophie Scholl 7 NF x x x x x x Vogel, Ilse Margret Bad Times, Good Friends 6 NF x x x x Vogiel, Eva Friend or Foe? 7 F x x Voigt, Cynthia David and Jonathan 7 F x x x von der Grun, Max Howl Like the Wolves Vos, Ida The Key Is Lost 6 F x x x x Walters, Eric Caged Eagles 7 F x x x x Warren, Andrea Surviving Hitler: Boy in Nazi Death Camps 8 NF x x x x x Weinstein, Frieda Scheps A Hidden Childhood, 1942-1945 7 NF x x x x Whiteman, Dorit Bader Lonek's Journey 8 NF x x x x x Whiting, Jim Story of the Holocaust 7 NF x x Wiesel, Elie Night 8 NF x x x Wigoda, Geoffrey, ed. The Holocaust, a Grolier Student Library 7 NF x Williams, Laura E. Behind the Bedroom Wall 7 F x x x x Wilson, Paul R., ed. We Are Children Just the Same 8 NF x x x x x x x Winkler, Allan M. Cassie's War 6 F x x Winter, Kathryn Katarina 7 F x x AUTHOR TITLE RL STYLE SUBJECT CATEGORIES

Recommended ReadingLevel Anti-Semitism, Racism& Prejudice The Arts Biography Camps Children Deniers & Denial Escape Foreign Language Genocide Ghettos History Hitler & Nazism Liberation / Postwar Other Victims Personal Accounts Rescue & Resistance Wiseman, Eva No One Must Know 6 F x x x Wolf, Jacqueline Take Care of Josette 6 NF x x Wolff, Marion Freyer The Shrinking Circle 6 NF x x x x Wolff, Virginia Euwer The Mozart Season 6 F x x Worth, Richard 7 NF x x x x Jewish Immigrants 6 NF x x Wukovits, John F. The Importance of Anne Frank 7 NF x x x x Oskar Schindler 7 NF x x x x Wurman, Nachemia Nachemia: German & Jew in Holocaust 8 NF x x Yancey, Diane Internment of the Japanese 7 NF x x x x Yeatts, Tabatha The Holocaust Survivors 7 NF x x x Zar, Rose In the Mouth of the Wolf 8 NF x x x Zeller, Frederic When Time Ran Out 8 NF x x x Ziemian, Joseph Cigarette Sellers of Three Crosses Square 6 NF x x x x x Zienert, Karen The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 6 NF x x x Zuckerman, Abraham A Voice in the Chorus 8 NF x x x Zuker-Bujanowska, Liliana Liliana's Journal 8 NF x x x Zullo, Allan Survivors, True Stories of Children 7 NF x x x x x Zurndorfer, Hannele The Ninth of November 8 NF x x x Zusak, Markus The Book Thief 8 F x x x Zyskind, Sara Stolen Years 7 NF x x x x [republished as: Struggle] 7 NF x x x x