Aeromodeller April 1943
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Skyleada and Skyrova kits are by far the most popular of their type. They offer the best value and are easy to make up into first-class replicas of famous machines. Each kit contains semi-finished fuselage, wings, etc., and other necessary parts, fully detailed drawings and building instructions, and coloured transfer insignias to add the final professional touch. In spite of short supplies please try first to obtain locally and only send .to us if you have no © near stockist. Alternative kits should be stated and 4d. extra for postage must be included. A.HUNT<crovdok),Ltd.,5*7 SOUTH END,CROYDON April, 1943 THE AERO MODELLER 781 T H E F A M O U S SOLID SCALE C.M.A. MODEL KITS SCALE i in.— i ft. Kifs contain all parts cut to shape» Boats, comcnt, correct transfer insignia, three bottles of dope, sandpaper, fully detailed bluo-print, and comploto instructions. WESTLAND WHIRLWIND 6/6 DOUGLAS BOSTON SUPERMARINE MODELSNOT ILLUSTRATED FOKKER G .l. (DUTCH) 8/11 S.E.S 4/11 PFALZ D.12 4/11 MESSERSCHMITT B.F.109 4/11 BEAUFIGHTER. MORANE SAULNIER 405 S/3 BRISTOL FIGHTER 5/3 HAWKER HURRICANE S/3 D.H. DRAGONFLY.. 5/6 FÄIREY BATTLE .. 5/6 BRISTOL BLENHEIM, BELL AIRACOBRA .. 6/3 CURTISS P.37 6/3 STOP PRESS NOW READY 3 NEW ADDITIONS TO OUR WONDERFUL RANGE MESSERSCHMITT M.E.UO. 6/11 D. H. MOSQUITO . 7/6 JAPANESE S.00 (ZERO) . 6/- FOCKE WULF Fw 190 A3 .. 6/- CAPRONI RE. 2000 BOULTON PAUL DEFIANT. 6/9 BLACKBURN SKUA 6/9 WHOLESALE ONLY WESTLAND LYSANDER. 6/· POSITIVELY NO RETAIL POLISH P.Z.L. P. 24. 5/3 ORDERS ENTERTAINED Manufactured by CHXNGFORD MODEL AERODROME LTD. 155, Station Rd., LONDON, E.4. RATA 1— 16 BREWSTER BUFFALO. 6/9 Kindly mention THE AERO-MODELLER when replying to advertisers. April, 1943 THE AERO MODELLER 783 “VERON” “VERONITE” “TRUSCÄLE” SOLID “VERON” Series “ E A G L E ” - - - Price 18/4 Span 46 ins. (200 sq. ins.) Winner of Grafton Cup, 1942. Official time : 10 mins. 22 secs., and 12 mins. 3 secs, out of sight. Only two flights were required to beat A LL COM ERS. “ H A W K ” - - - Price 14/8 Span 39 ins. (150 sq. ins.) Best flight to date notified : 24 mins. 5 secs. R.O.G. “ B U Z Z A R D ” Glid er Price 13/5 Span 60 ins. Many out-of-sight flights recorded Untouched block of THE “ GRAFTON" CUP WINNER also 1st PLACE WINNER. EDINBURGH MODEL EXHIBITION (ADD 7d. CARRIAGE TO ABOVE.) (both Competitions Open to All Comers) “ V E R O N IT E ” Series are the very last word in COMPLETE Kits No. I Span 28 ins. - 10/1 No. 2 Span 31 ins. - 10/1 No. 3 Span 22 ins. - 7/4 No. 4 Span 22 ins. - 7/4 No. 5 Span 20 ins. - 6/1 No. 6 (Glider) Span 30 ins. 6/1 Add 7d. Carriage “TRUSCALE” I/72nd. SCALE SOLID “Spitfire," “ ME 109,” “Hurricane,” “ Defiant,” “ Buffalo,” '“ Tomahawk,” “ Aira- cobra,·" at 1/10. “ Blenheim,” “ Anson, " “MEMO,” “ Lysander,” “ Whirlwind,” at 2/5. “ Heinkel,” “ Hampden,” at 3/1. “ Wellington," at 3/4. Add 3d. postage to all prices. SEND FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED LIST MODEL AIRCRAFT STORES (Bournemouth) LTD. Phono : 127b HANKINSON ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH WINTON 1922 Kindly mention THE AERO-MODELLER when replying to advertisers. 784 THE AERO MODELLER April, 1943 “ ELITE” MODELS T H E “ G N A T ” 16" G L ID E R EL IT E “ AIRBO RN E ” G L ID E R ALL ACCESSORIES STOCKED, INCLUDING BALSA SUBSTITUTE, CEMENT, DOPES, FIN ISHED PROPS., ETC. Kit contains Plan, Ribs and Sheet, SEND 3d. FOR CATALOGUE, Cement, etc. 2/6 Post Free. FULLY ILLUSTRATED. COCKPIT COVERS & TURRETS JUST THE MODEL ‘‘ Y O U ’’ WANT Beaufighter Set . 1/1 Lightning .. .. 8d. Span 42*. C ontents of Kit:—Dopet, Cement, Tissue, Strip, Catalina „ . 2/2 Lysander .. I/- Wire, Sheet, CUT-OUT RIBS A Full »Tie Plan. Defiant „ .. 1/- Mess. I09F .. .. 8d. 11/I Post Free Halifax „ .. 2/6 Mustang .. 8d. FLYING AND SOLID MODELS Hurricane „ . 6d. Spitfires . 6d. Including ·' NIPPY," 30 Ins. S p a n ...................................... 10/7 ■· MAYBIRD,” 27 Ins. Span .......................... */7 Wellington . .i / i o Whirlwind.. 7d. Both Models contain finished Propellers. Illustrated Catalogue 3d. IfiFXTFK! MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES I j J L I -M. M j J 14, Bury New Bond, Manchester 8 WATERSLIDE TRANSFER INSIGNIAS GIVE THAT PROFESSIONAL FINISH PRICES PER DOZ. J= FULL ALPHABETS, A to Z. r r ·· 2d. each. Red,' Blue Blue Red, 1 Yellow Russian Crosses 3d. Red and German German v r ■· *> American Swastikas Diameter W hite and White, Blue 1' 4d. If NUMERALS, 0 to 9. r r r 2d. M ¥ 4d. 4d. 4d. 4 d . 4d. 4d. r i" .. 3d. I· ¥ 6 d. 6 d. 6 d. 6 d. 6 d. 6 d. 6 d. 6 d. RUDDER STRIPES, Red, W hite, Blue , 24" F r ·. 4d. each. 9d. 9d. 9d. 9d. 9 d . 9d. 9d. 9d. F H » American, 24' 4d. » 1" «/" V- 1/- 1/- 1/- V- 1/- 1/- r r ·. COMPLETE SETS OF TRANSFERS (roundels 1/3 1/3 1 /3 1 /3 1/3 1 /3 Ψ and rudder strip) . • ¥ r .· 2d. each. 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 » ' ■· 3d. tf 2" .......... .......... Sufficient to cover cost ol postage must be included with private o r d e r s ............................................Trade Supplied. = = = = = MODEL AERO SUPPLIES --- " 146, SPRING HALL LANE · HALIFAX · YORKS Ξ — Kindly mention TUE AERO MODELLER when replying to advertisers. Apríl, 1943 THE AERO MODELLER 785 MODEL AIRCRAFT PRODUCTS A First-Class Material— For a First-Class Job Approved by all the Leading Model Constructors. NEW SELLING PRICES Manufacturers to Liberal discount the Trade only. to the trade B A N A N A O IL N o . 1, th ick , CLEAR FABRIC DOPE for in 8d. and 1/4 size battles wing* (has extraordinary tightening properties) In 8d. BANANA OIL No'. 2, th in , and 1/4 sixe tins In Bd. and t/4 s lz o b o ttle s COLOURED DOPE o r BALSA WOOD CEMENT wings and fuselage En8d. and (both ordinary and field dry 1/4 size tins ing) in 5d, and 8d. size tubes RUBBER LUBRICANT, in SILVER DOPE, In 9d. and 5d. and 8d. size tubes 1/5 size tins SPECIAL ADHESIVE CAMOUFLAGE D O PE , PASTE, in large 5d. tubes brown and green, in 8d. size tin s BALSA PLASTIC WOOD, tn 8d. and 1/4 size tubes THOROUGHLY HIGH-GLOSS WATERPROOF FINISHING DOPE TESTED In 7Jd. and 1/2 bottles SPECIAL QUOTATIONS TO BULK BUYERS ofso MANU HIGHLY FACTURERS OF SMALL SIZES FOR USE IN KIT PACKS * MODEL AIRCRAFT RECOMMENDED W rite and ask for full particulars and best Export terms TRADE ASSOCIATION Manufactured B R A N D S L T D ., Waddon, Croydon, SURREY Please note that this announcement is addressed to the Trade ONLY and private individuals cannot be supplied direct, but SHOULD DEAL THROUGH THEIR LOCAL RETAILERS. SPECIAL______________ NOTICE. WE ARE ASKED BY THE BRITISH POSTAL CENSORSHIP TO INFORM OUR CUSTOMERS THAT NORTHERN “ When money is enclosed in a letter, the writer should always, in his own MODEL JL interest, refer to the fact in the letter, and state the amount enclosed.” AIRCRAFT LARGE RANGE OF SOLID MODEL ACCESSORIES * COMPANY ALL TO 1 /72nd SCALE 25 , LOWER COCKPIT COVERS a n d G U N T U R R E T S. The folIowing are now out of MOSLEY STREET, sto c k , NO more will be available a r a d o , ANSON, BATTLE, a l b a c o r e , b r e d a 65. C A N T Z506, C A P R O N I 2,000, D.C.2, D O R N IE R I8 and 24, F O K K E R G I, H U D SO N , H E IN K E L III, MANCHESTER, 2. H E N S C H E L I26, JU 52, JU 86, LERWICK. LONDON, MANCHESTER. OXFORD, ROC, SAVOIA MARCHETTI, SEAFOX, SKUA, STRANRAER, WALRUS, ZERSTORER, CONDOR. Telephone ; CENTRAL 1804. Lancaster, 3/- per set. Mosquito, 1/8 per set. Read/ soon, Typhoon. O v er 60 others in stock. MODEL KlY FOR MOSQUITO, Including Cockpit-Covers Etc: Ready in a few days. AIRCRAFT i / n r c π γ . ___ a i r y d a , t r u s c a l e , silverwings , s k y r o v a , k e i l k r a f t , H a l i f a x , IYIIJ Dl. SKYLEADA, DROME, ASTRAL .................................................................. 1/8 to 21/- SPECIALISTS. We are accredited Dealers In these “ SUPER QUALITY” KITS. They are absolutely complete. SEND 4d. for CATALOGUE Prices from 4/11 to 8/11 SPITFIRE. HURRICANE. LYSANDER. DEFIANT. ALL enquiries must hove AERO MOD ELS All to r Scale. 5 / 9 each. Post 6d. stamped addressed envelope. TH U N D ER B O LT, JU 87, P 38, VEN G EAN CE, FORTRESS I, WELLINGTON, LANCASTER, HUDSON, DIGBY, MANCHESTER, WING SERIES BLUEPRINTS Priority and Special Terms SUNDERLAND, FW 190. 9d., 1/2 and 1/6 to Engines, 9 cyi. and I4 cyl. Props, 4, 3 and 2 b laJed . A.T.C., R.A.F., ARMY, Cowls. Direction Finders. Joy Sticks. Pitot Tubes., R O V D O N New type Cowl in production. R.O.C., N.S.C. Kindly mention THE AERO MODELLER when replying to advertisers 786 THE AERO MODELLER, April, 1943 .