NACC/WG/5 — DP/06 24/05/17 Fifth North American, Central American and Caribbean Working Group Meeting (NACC/WG/5) Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 22-26 May 2017
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NACC/WG/5 — DP/06 24/05/17 Fifth North American, Central American and Caribbean Working Group Meeting (NACC/WG/5) Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 22-26 May 2017 Agenda Item 3 Implementation on Air Navigation Matters 3.3 ANI/WG Progress on AIM, ATM and CNS PBN IMPLEMENTATION TASKFORCE PROGRESS REPORT (Presented by the PBN TF Rapporteur) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This discussion paper presents the updated progress report of the PBN Taskforce taking into consideration deliberations of the PBN Taskforce during NACC/WG/5. Strategic • Safety Objectives: • Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency • Security & Facilitation • Economic Development of Air Transport • Environmental Protection References: • NAMCAR Regional Performance-Based Air Navigation Implementation Plan (RPBANIP) • Minutes of PBN TF teleconferences • Final report of ICAO/IATA/CANSO Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Harmonization, Modernization and Implementation Meeting for the Caribbean (CAR) Region 28 March – 1 April 2016, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States • Final report of Third NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group Meeting (ANI/WG/3) ICAO NACC Regional Office, Mexico City, Mexico, 4 to 6 April 2016 • Progress Report by PBN Task Force WP/08 ANI/WG3 • Final report of Regional and National Air Navigation Performance Framework/Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) Implementation Workshop for the NAM/CAR Regions (Mexico City, Mexico, 22 – 26 August 2016) • Final report of Second ICAO/IATA/CANSO Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Harmonization, Modernization and Implementation Meeting for the Caribbean (CAR) Region San Jose, Costa Rica, 7– 9 December 2016 NACC/WG/5 — DP/06 — 2 — 1. Introduction 1.1 During the NACC/WG/5 Meeting, the PBN taskforce (TF) met as a Working Group Committee and discussed the following working papers/information papers: WP/02, WP/03, WP/09, WP/13, IP/02 1.2 The PBN TF also engaged in discussion relating to issues such as: • PBN Taskforce Terms of reference (TORs) • PBN Taskforce Points of Contact (POCs) • PBN Taskforce action plan • Progress and activities accomplished from ANI/WG/03 to date • Training needs • Assistance required from ICAO 1.3 The Working Group Committee consisted of representatives from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Mexico, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United States, Trinidad and Tobago, COCESNA, ECCAA, IATA and ICAO. A telephone call was also made to the CANSO Latin American and Caribbean Regional Director to discuss CANSO’s continued involvement in the PBN Task fForce activities. 2. PBN TF Progress and results 2.1 For ASBU Training, the ICAO NACC Office held the Regional and National Air Navigation Performance Framework/Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) Implementation Workshop for the NAM/CAR Regions (Mexico City, Mexico, 22 - 26 August 2016). The workshop was attended by 40 representatives of 15 NAM/CAR States/Territories, and 4 International Organizations. 2.2 Successful RNAV 5 live trials held within PIARCO’s Continental en-route airspace in July 2016, with the participation of major airline operators (e.g. AAL, ACA, DAL, TAM and UAL). Results from the trials showed savings in fuel, time and increased operational efficiency. 2.3 There were two PBN task force teleconferences held in June 2016. Items discussed were the new PBN route proposals and the submission in the ICAO format. Routes had to be finalized by June 30th 2016 for ICAO’s approval. 2.4 In preparation for the Second PBN Harmonization, Modernization and Implementation Meeting held in San Jose, Costa Rica, from 6- 9 December 2016, a series of monthly teleconferences was also held to discuss progress post ICAO/IATA/CANSO Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Harmonization, Modernization and Implementation Meeting for the Caribbean (CAR) as well as other matters. 2.5 There were four teleconferences held in total to discuss these matters. Items discussed: NACC/WG/5 — DP/06 — 3 — • Review and open items from previous meetings/teleconferences. • Updates on Modernization/Harmonization Activities – Group Rapporteurs • Updates on Implementation Activity • New route proposals as PfA1 to be presented at the Costa Rica meeting. This PfA will be included in ICAO DOC 7030 - Regional Supplementary Procedures and DOC 8733- Air Navigation Plan- Caribbean and South American Regions. 2.6 There was an ATS Routes review teleconference on 23 November 2016 for final review of routes before admission to PfA1 2.7 The Second PBN Harmonization, Modernization and Implementation Meeting updated information for the Proposal for Amendment (PfA) development to Doc 8733 – Air Navigation Plan — Caribbean and South American Regions. 2.8 The Meeting discussed relevant actions on the Proposal for Amendment implementation as follows: • Route proposals were reviewed one by one, allowing the interaction among stakeholders in order to concur in modifications, changes and agreements • United States noted that the PBN ATS Routes within its FIRs may be used by aircraft below FL180 and that for regulatory reasons, it does not use the Upper or Lower designator prefixes to differentiate • Dominican Republic did not reflect Venezuela and Curacao requirements • Colombia agreement is required on waypoints in the Maiquetia and Curacao FIRs • Jamaica expressed concern for not concluding their proposal • ICAO will assist States with the assignment of 5LNC with ICARD system usage 2.9 As agreed at the first PBN meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, all participating States agreed, to the extent applicable, to reduce longitudinal separation from 80 NM to 40 NM between transferred air traffic operating in the Flight Information Regions (FIRs) of the CAR Region. Some States, in some areas, further agreed to reduce separation to 20 NM between transferred air traffic operating in the CAR Region FIRs. 2.10 LoAs for the coordination and operational procedures between the air traffic control facilities continue to be negotiated and signed. As discussions have now included FIRs of States in the ICAO South America (SAM) Region, States and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) have agreed to further review and introduce applicable longitudinal separation minima of 40 NM or 20 NM between transferred air traffic operating in the FIRs of the CAR region and adjacent FIRs of the SAM Region. • There were review proposals of new PBN Routes, Implementation and trials in the FIRs of the CAR Region and Coordination with Adjacent Regions During these discussions, States and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) of the CAR and SAM Regions agreed to further review Air Traffic Service (ATS) new Routes, in order to introduce all the new requirements of the air traffic operating in the FIRs of the CAR Region and adjacent FIRs of the SAM Region, in this regard the Meeting agreed on the following: CAR States submit routes NACC/WG/5 — DP/06 — 4 — which have been agreed by the respective adjacent FIRs to ICAO for a Second Proposal for Amendment (PfA2) not later than 27 February 2017. • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will submit proposed Area Navigation (RNAV) routes from the METROPLEX and “Y” projects to harmonize regional ATS route network. 2.11 In order to have better coordination and harmonization within the sub-regions, the ANI/WG PBN Taskforce selected Regional champions as follows: • Mr. Robert Rooplal – Trinidad and Tobago- (ECAR) • Mr. Alexi Batista – Dominican Republic -Eastern (C/CAR) • Mr. Courtney Malcolm – Jamaica- Western -(C/CAR) Mr. Christopher Chambers (former) • Mr. César Turcios Valiente-Costa Rica—(Central America) 2.12 It was concluded the need for intersessional work. It was agreed that monthly teleconferences with the Regional champions be held to discuss the following: • Review of Completed Proposal for Amendment (PfA) • Submission/Briefings of New Proposals • Presentation by States • Review of Progress on Longitudinal Separation • Break-out sessions by Regions facilitated by Champions • Briefings by IATA on Operational Matters 2.13 During this meeting, Cuba, Curacao, Dominican Republic, and Trinidad and Tobago presented new ATS routes to be proposed for the second Proposal for Amendment, to be coordinated with adjacent FIRs through their Regional champions. 2.14 Monthly teleconferences were held on the following dates to discuss as follows: • 9 February 2017: Development of the Second Proposal for Amendment (PfA2)and report on the event logistics for the Third (3rd) PBN meeting in Florida, United States from 8 to 12 May 2017. • 17 March 2017 (For Champions): To report on Proposals for Amendment (PfA1 and PfA2). • 17 March 2017: To report on Proposals for Amendment (PfA1 and PfA2). • 28 March 2017: To update on Proposals for Amendment (PfA1 and PfA2). 2.15 An ICAO PBN Go Team Mission was conducted from March 13 – 15, 2017 in Jamaica. The team performed a gap analysis on the Jamaica PBN Implementation Plan and has since submitted recommendations aimed at accelerating their progress. NACC/WG/5 — DP/06 — 5 — 2.16 Regarding PfA2, champions were notified by ICAO NACC that there are still some unresolved coordination problems, delayed by lack of response of some states. ICAO NACC determined that 31 March 2017 as the new deadline for this submission (PfA2). 2.17 On 31 March 2017 ICAO NACC advised that the Third (3rd) Meeting (Florida, United States, 8-12 May 2017) will be postponed, due to venue conflicts. 2.18 There will be a teleconference on 21 April 2017 to provide follow-up in this matter and PfAs status. 3. Discussion 3.1 The WG discussed the importance of the PBN GO-TEAM Missions. All agreed that the missions were beneficial to those that have already received them and that all States/Territories/Organizations, that have not already done so, should seek to take advantage of this initiative. 3.2 The WG discussed the quantification of fuel savings by airline operators based on PBN implementation. IATA advised that actual fuel savings can only be quantified after the first phase of upper airspace PBN route restructuring takes place. 3.3 It was agreed that in order to obtain the current status of effective PBN implementation within the region, a new PBN survey should be conducted with all States/Territories/Organizations by the end of September 2017.