Historical Records

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Historical Records I T R I A L R E RD H S O C C O S . ’ ‘ ‘ lst KINGS OWN STAFFORD llLlllA. D u ri ng the time of t he great national trou bles u nder King R o al A m w as d an r e I . d Cha l s , the y r y raise by the nobility w ho d d u fr m mo e gentry , a here to the Royal Ca se, o a ng th ir enan and de e d and t he f w n e fr m t ts p n ents , ollo i g xtract o an of me da ed 2nd m e 16 48 Com Act Parlia nt t Dece b r, , appoints missioners for t he Cou nty o f Staff ord and the City of Lichfiel d, viz a bba hi 2 D mb 1 D ie S t , ece . 6 4 8. An Ordinance for the setling the M i litia in the se veral u and w t n d m Co nties , Cities , places i hin the Ki g o of E n land m n of W a les and w g , Do inio , To ne of Ba rw iclc u n Tw d po ee . HE r s and mm ns Assem e in ar a men t fin n it Lo d Co o bl d P li , di g necessar at t he sev erall u n t es of t he K in dome of y , Th Co i g T - E n la nd and D m n n of W a les and w ne of Ba t w ic k b e g o i io , To , ut nt a st ure of Defence for t h e rese r at n and saf t of th p i o Po , p v io e y e n ar i ament a nd K in dome Do Ordaine and b e it ere Ki g , P l , g ; , h by r a ne t he sa r s and mm ns at f or t he s t n o O d i d by id Lo d Co o , Th e li g f t he M ili tia in t he K in dom e and D m n n af resa and w n g o i io o id , To e of B a rw ic k The ers ns ereaf t er name s a b e mm ss ner f , p o h d , h ll Co i io s or t he se era u nt es t es and aces f or w t r v l Co i , Ci i , pl hich hey a e hereby res ect el a n te mm ss ners V iz p iv y p poi d Co i io . F or St afi ordshire and t he t of Lit chfield , Ci y . Sir W i llia m B reret on I ohn Bow er Thoma s Crom t on E dw r , y , p , a d Lee John S w in en M ichael N oble Sa muel Ter rieh W illi a m Joll , f , , , y , Edw a rd B ro ht on M a t he w M ort on John Chet i vood H en r St one g , , , y , G eor e B o wee M ichael Biddu l h Phi li I aoheon R o er H u r g , p , p , g t , 6 R ic ha rd F l er I nha Youn Lester B a rber Jose h W hi t hoo h y , g , , p g , Edw a rd M a n a ri n rv g . of of the u and en Most the Militia Co ntry , parti larl a n d B d of d d d w t h t he r y the Tr i e an s Lon on , si e i Pa lia n f e e f n s feud m o . e t . A t r the r storation Ki g Charle II , al t u d b Act of m a on en res being abolishe y Parlia ent, a N ti al w as d and u e e and su b Militia establishe , ho sek ep rs other st ant ial w e u nd t o find men a ms mmu persons re bo , horses , r , a nit ion and d a or n , pay, each accor ing to their re l perso al h w as d c ed f amen estates . T is Militia e lar by Act o Parli t to b e u d mmed a d f t he n b u t w as n er the i i te or ers o Ki g , d m mu d w e t and fe sel o stere o ing to the gr a expense, ll into t he e 1 5 m n . u 6 n n d abeya ce Abo t y ar 7 , the Natio bei g alar e by h n of n M w as a n n t u ed appre ensio an invasio , the ilitia gai i sti t , t n c On t h t r f ue and called ou o servi e . e cap u e o Q bec by n f in 17 5 9 w ar w n mina ed and Ge eral Wol e , the ith Fra ce ter t , the Militia w ere dispersed t o their homes and remai ned dis d d u t he 1 6 I t w u d a at embo ie ntil year 77 . o l appe r th a t afiord w as fi s d in 16 48 and con S Militia r t raise the year , s ed of m of and t w o o of r u nd si t a Regi ent Foot Tr ops Ho se , er mm nd of n n w of K n ersle the co a Colo el Joh Bo yer, yp y . This f d t he w of w as m u d u d orce garrisone to n Leek , ost n o bte ly a un and w as m d in ur o f Co ty Militia, e ploye the seiz e the e i d a - o n fo lo w n c R g ci e , M jor General Harris , as the l i g extra t from The History of the Hou se of Stuart proves ne w er w t u t an r er t a art of t he Colo l Bo y , i ho y o d , ook p y Stafi ordshi re t a and his ow n au t rit se e a r- enera Mili i , by ho y, iz d M jo G l w i d ar T e a r- n r h d n t e Harrison it h h s horses an ms. h M jo Ge e a l a o ic t at B w er w u so if he not fl fr m it w c he a s u t e h o y o ld do did y o , hi h b ol ’ l ref u se n u n it as fl n f r m t he ause t ho in t rut t he y d , looki g po yi g o C , h fled f r m him Bu t t er w as muc n Cause o . h e as h e t h u siasm in his lt ca as in his re us r nc es. po i i l , ligio , p i ipl - n w as x u d i te n 16 6 0. Major General Harriso e ec October, 7 u w ar e w a r t and ”7 3 D ring this year, in the b t een Gre t B i ain ' m r c n d d es t he St aflordshire t w as n e her A e i a epen enci , Mili ia o c m ed and m d d and d of m an e ore rais e bo ie , consiste eight co p i s 28 an ts 18 d u mme and 5 6 0 n and file The serge , r rs, ra k . follo w i ng ofli cers w ere appointed t o the Regiment on its em o d m z— n — h d e b i ent , viz . Colo el the Rig t Hon . Lor Pag t eu - — o n e r n Li t . Colonel Sir J h Wrott sley, Bart . Majo Joh — n e n R d VV hit w ort h H on . Da i l Captai s ichar , John Jervis, a F n rd and e n d a n Ch rles i ch , Richa Taylor, Walt r S ey Capt i — — and Lieu te nant William Ca rey Lieutenants Bartholomew n d w ns nd n and dw d m n Rey ol s , John To e Golli s, E ar Ke pso . The follo w i ng office rs w ere added to the Regi ment in — — 1 7 78 . z R d D o t t and dw d Disb row e , viz Captains ichar y , E ar ; u t en nt — u n F ern hou h dmu d u W m Lie a s Bo r e y g , E n So th , illia nd e c o r n and d Ha l y, Ni holas Jacks n , Cha les Robi son , Davi Bu fli n t on n n — n d olds g E sig s Charles Gree hea , George Reyn — ’ — S urgeon Thomas Peake S urgeon s Mate Charles Green — — head Chaplain Edmu nd Elliott Adju tant Bartholomew e d u r - as — ho R ynol s Q a ter M ter Nic las Jackson.
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