Jeremiah Taylor, Who Exchanges, Receiving the Commissions Signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the Difference
[ 1051 ] Jeremiah Taylor, who exchanges, receiving the Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the difference. Dated 3- 1 st May 1 83 f . County of Southampton. ]2th Foot, John .Hyndman Cameron, Gent, to be John Ingram. Lockhart, Esq. to be Deputy Lieu- Ensign, by purchase, vice Villebois, who retires. tenant. Dated 15th April 1831. - Dated 3 1 st -May 1831. North Hants Yeomanry Cavalry. 40/ft Foot, Ensign Thomas Sidney Powell to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Low, who retires. Robert Titchbourne, Gent, to be Lieutenant, vice Dated 3 1st May 1831. Baring, resigned. Dated 11th May 1831. James Frederick Elton, Gent, to be Ensign, by pur- chase, nee Powell. Dated 3 1st May 183 1 . Commission signed by the Lord LieutenanJ. of the 55th Foot, Ensign George Abercrombie Robertson County of Carnarvon. to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Trydell, Royal Carnarvonshire Militia. deceased. Dated 1 3th May 1 83 1 . Owen Jones Ellis Nanney, Esq. to be Captain, vice Henry Bayly, Gent, Ensign, vice Robertson. Priestley, succeeded to the command of the Corps. Dated 3 1st May 1831. Dated 16th May 1831. GSth Foot, Serjeant-Major.. - Newel, from the 90th Foot, to be Adjutant; with the rank of En- Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the sign, vice Bolton, promoted. Dated 31st Mav County of Forfar. 1831. Foot, Thomas Webb, Gent, to be Ensign, by Forfar and Kincardine Regiment of Militia. purchase, vice Alison, who retires. Dated 31st Alexander Boyd Higgins, Esq. to be Captain.. Dated May 1831. 10th March 1831. 9Sth Foot, Ensign John Henry Armstrong to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Freebairp, who re- Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the tires.
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