Annual Report 2015

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Annual Report 2015 Annual Report 2015 Royal Arctic Line A/S (reg. no. A/S 209.527) This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event of any inconsistencies the Danish version shall apply. Annual Report 2015 This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event of any inconsistencies the Danish version shall apply. Company Details The Company Royal Arctic Line A/S Aqqusinersuaq 52 Post-box 1580 3900 Nuuk Telephone: +299 34 91 00 Fax: +299 32 24 50 E-mail: [email protected] Homepage: Registration number A/S 209.527 GER. number 16545538 Registered Nuuk, Greenland Share capital DKK120 million Ownership Wholly owned by the Government of Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland. Board of Directors Kuno Fencker, Chairman Erik Østergaard, Vice Chairman Mai-Lill Ibsen Amma Knudsen Tanja Nielsen Jens Peter Berthelsen* Aningo Broberg* Finn Lindberg* * Elected by employees in 2014 for a four-year term. Executive Board Verner Hammeken, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Management Group Bent Ole Baunbæk, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jens Boye, Head of Ship Management Niels Clemensen, Head of Network & Strategic Projects Ann-Britta A. Hansen, Head of Communications & Marketing Dragan Kesic, Head of IT (CIO) Tommy Ege Kristensen, Head of Secretariat/Acting Head of HR Taitsiannguaq Olsen, Chief Operations Officer (COO) Lars Borris Pedersen, Head of Sales & Customer Services Auditors Deloitte, Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, Chartered Accountants Content 7 Financial Highlights 26 Independent auditor’s report 26 To the shareholders of Royal Arctic Line A/S 8 ”A shipping company adapting to new times” 26 Management’s responsibility for the Annual Report 27 Auditor’s responsibility 10 Management report 27 Opinion 10 Tendency for cargo volume 11 Performance for the year 28 Income statement 12 Uncertainties in connection with recognition or measurement 29 Assets 12 Changes in Board of Directors and Executive Board 12 Events after the balance sheet date 30 Equity and liabilities 12 Group Enterprises and Associates 13 BAF/CAF 31 Statement of changes in equity 13 New ships 13 Corporate Social Responsibility 32 Cash flow statement 14 Outlook for 2016 33 Notes 15 Financial risks 42 Accounting policies 15 Market risks 42 Basis of accounting 16 The concession – a right and an obligation 42 Changes in accounting policies 17 Average punctuality 42 Recognition and measurement 16 Prices and contribution rates 42 Consolidated financial statements 43 Income statement 19 Royal Arctic Line Group 44 Balance sheet 20 Arctic Umiaq Line 21 Other Associates 22 Corporate Governance in Royal Arctic Line 24 Management statement 6 Financial Highlights Developments of the Group over a five-year period can be described with the following financial highlights: DKK mio. 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Income Statement Net revenue 767 746 719 794 827 Total revenue 833 812 783 864 897 Operating profit 90 37 (26) 8 104 Net financials 1 (4) 4 (1) 1 Profit for the year before tax 91 33 (22) 7 109 Profit for the year 63 22 (16) 6 73 Dividend 0 0 25 0 20 Balance sheet Balance sheet total 1,173 904 746 817 957 Investments, fixed assets 255 225 119 (179) 292 Net working capital 158 114 151 251 163 Long-term debt 365 172 24 34 162 Equity 551 487 490 502 512 Cash flow statement Cash flow from operating activities 108 75 2 55 159 Cash flow from investment activities (246) (219) (118) 184 (290) Cash flow from financial activities 199 128 (11) (148) 107 Increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents 61 (16) (127) 92 (24) Cash at year-end 235 174 190 317 225 Ratios * Profit margin (%) 11.7 % 4.9 % (3.7) % 1.1 % 13.0 % Return on capital (%) 7.7 % 4.1 % (3.5) % 1.0 % 11.2 % Return on equity (ROE) 12.2 % 4.4 % (2.9) % 1.2 % 15.4 % Solvency ratio (%) 47.0 % 53.9 % 65.7 % 61.4 % 53.5 % Return on invested capital (ROIC) 12.3 % 6.8 % (6.0) % 1.7 % 21.7 % Gearing operating assets 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.2 Average number of full-time employees 722 748 762 785 787 Pre-tax profit per employee (DK’000 ) 126 44 (29) 9 138 Revenue per employee 1.06 1.00 0.94 1.01 1.05 • Financial ratios are calculated in accordance with the Danish Society of Financial Analysts’ “Recommendations and Financial Ratios 2010” Definitions of ratios Net working capital = Current assets – short-term debt Profit/loss before financial income and expenses x 100 Profit margin = Revenue Profit/loss before financial income and expenses x 100 Return on capital employed = Total assets Profit/loss for the year x 100 Return on equity (ROE) = Average equity Equity at year-end x 100 Solvency ratio = Total assets 7 Profit/loss before financial income and expenses x 100 Return on invested capital (ROIC) = Average invested capital including goodwill Invested capital including goodwill Operating asset gearing = Equity at year-end Net working capital is defined as inventories, receivables and other operating current assets net of trade payables and other short-term operating liabilities. Income tax receivable and payable as well as cash are not included in net working capital. ”A shipping company adapting to new times” For many years, shipping to and from Greenland was a closed pressure on Royal Arctic Line will be increased significantly system between a base port in Denmark and the towns in because of these investments in coming years. But the obliga- Greenland. A closed system stands in stark contrast to the tion does not stop here. Royal Arctic Line must also take globalized, digital world market where opportunities are con- responsibility for the continued development of Greenlandic stantly growing by connecting business partners in the most society, which we have been created to support. We must look flexible ways. at this development together –”Ataatsimoorluni ineriartorneq”. The new, modern port in Nuuk will be ready for use by the end We have therefore changed course in 2015 to focus on this of November 2016. The new port is an important step towards responsibility. Our focus is now solely on our services to, from new times and it increases Greenland’s opportunities for com- and within Greenland. This has made a simpler organization merce all over the world through an open and more independ- possible, especially regarding management and particularly in ent transport system. Aalborg. We have also taken the necessary steps to consoli- date activities in Royal Arctic Line and the Group is therefore We will take delivery of our four new settlement ships and of a more transparent and easier to administrate. new ocean-going vessel in the first half of 2016. This will en- hance our ability to provide more reliable services for our cus- Royal Arctic Line now stands as a company with focus on tomers all over Greenland, for the benefit of the business com- supporting opportunities for growth in Greenland. We will also munity and society in general. make it as easy to do business with Greenland as it is to do business anywhere else in the world. This is our vision. The profits for 2015 were DKK 91 million (2014: DKK 33 million). An overall increase in volume, despite a drop from 2014 of 5 % To achieve this, we must win some battles: We aim at increas- in southbound freight, had a positive impact on the financial ing opportunities for better connections between Greenland performance. The increased freight rates that were approved in and the rest of the world. We will do this by building a strong 2014 and implemented in March 2015 together with the imple- international collaboration with other shipping companies. This mentation of 9/12 day frequency at the beginning of the year collaboration will improve our service and make it more efficient. have both made a positive contribution. The development of oil We want to make it easier to export and import and this is what prices has resulted in a significant reduction of costs and these our customers should measure us by. We must of course be reductions have been passed on to our customers. The finan- competitive, be efficient and be economical. We must be a cial performance is considered to be satisfactory and has workplace to be proud of and a workplace where we support helped to further equip the Company in the progression to- each other to constantly be better through cooperation across wards the new port, the new vessels and the new initiatives. sectors, by focusing on the needs of our customers and being consistent and dynamic. The Government of Greenland’s strategy for improving the infrastructure is based on visionary thinking and it is a step in We will be visionary and bring these visions to fruition to the right direction. This also entails an obligation. The economic develop Greenland. Kuno Fencker Verner Hammeken Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer Royal Arctic Line A/S The Government of Greenland has granted Royal Arctic Line Royal Arctic Line also operates 13 harbours in Greenland and A/S an exclusive concession for all sea transport of goods to has a branch in Aalborg. All concession sea freight to and and from Greenland and between the towns and settlements from Greenland is shipped via Aalborg, while goods from 8 of Greenland. The shipping company is therefore vital to Iceland, USA and Canada are shipped via Reykjavik. Greenland. Royal Arctic Line A/S started sailing in 1993 and it is wholly owned by the Government of Greenland. 9 Management report 2015 was a year of change in many ways, both with regard to Taking into consideration the ship-building program with the level of activity and to the organization.
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    Introduktion til Grønland Forlæg v/Mads Fægteborg Udarbejdet af Grønlands Repræsentation Redaktion: Susan Frydendahl Tilrettelæggelse: Susan Frydendahl Redaktionen sluttet 1. november 2018 Indhold 1. Introduktion til Grønland side 3 Areal og klima - 3 Befolkning - 4 Grønlands nyere historie - 4 Fødestedskriteriet - 10 Kulturelle forhold - 11 Grønland som fangstnation - 12 Råstoffer - 13 Uran - 14 Vandkraft - 14 Storskalaindustri - 15 Eksport af is og vand - 15 Handel og produktion - 15 Økonomien - 16 Infrastruktur - 16 2. Grønlands Selvstyre - 20 Partierne - 20 Inatsisartut (Landstinget) - 20 Naalakkersuisut (Landsstyret) - 22 De grønlandske kommuner - 28 3. Staten - 30 4. Erhvervslivet - 33 Fiskeriet - 33 Fangst - 35 Fåre- og rensdyravl 35 Handel - 35 Efterforskning og udnyttelse af mineralske råstoffer og vandkraft - 36 Bygge- og anlægssektoren - 37 Televæsen - 37 Serviceerhverv m.v. - 39 Erhvervsfremmeselskaber - 39 Bankvæsen - 41 5. Familie og fritid - 43 Sundhedsvæsenet - 43 Børnepasningsordninger - 44 Børne- og ungeområdet 45 Handicapområdet - 46 Skolen i Grønland - 46 Efterskoler - 47 Folkehøjskoler - 48 De gymnasiale uddannelser - 48 Erhvervsuddannelser - 49 1 Videregående uddannelser - 49 Kørekort - 49 Værnepligt - 49 Familieretlige sager - 49 Faderskabssager - 50 Abort - 50 Retsvæsenet - 50 Kirken - 50 Helligdage og festdage - 50 Penge - 51 Butikker - 52 Beklædning - 52 Friluftsliv - 52 Jagt og fiskeri - 53 Grønlands Idræts Forbund - 53 Skisport - 53 Over indlandsisen - 54 Fodbold - 54 Sports-events - 54 Aften- og fritidsundervisning - 54 Andre klubber og foreninger - 55 Aviser, radio og TV - 55 Fotografering - 55 Video - 55 Toldregler - 55 Washington-konventionen - 57 2 Kapitel 1. Introduktion til Grønland Grønlands grønlandske navn er Kalaallit Nunaat, grønlændernes land. Areal og klima Grønland er verdens største ø og tilhører det nord amerikanske kontinent. I syd afgrænses landet af Atlanterhavet, i nord af Ishavet, i vest af Davis Strædet, Baffin Bugten og Nares Strædet, der på sit smal- leste sted kun er 26 km.
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