RP21I1 Volume 4

World Bank Loan

Public Disclosure Authorized Urban Development Project Corridor Component ( Section)

Resettlement Action Plan Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

Prepared by Hunan Provincial CZT Economic Public Disclosure Authorized Integration Office Mar. 2004 - Fi Giypv4

World Bank Loan

Hunan Urban Development Project

Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Resettlement Action Plan

Prepared by Hunan Provincial CZT Economic Integration Office

Mar. 2004

Approval Shou Xian Qing

Check Xie Zeng

Compile Zhao Geng Qiang Liu Yi Wei

Major participators Zhao Geng Qiang Cao Huan Fu Huan Yu Long Zhou Qiong Hu Ying Lu Hai Tang Tan Zhi Juan Ren Bin Liu Yi Wei


1. Summary 1-1

1.1 Project Background 1-1 1.1.1 Project name and Location 1-1 1.1.2 Briefing on the Employer 1-1 1.1.3 Project Background 1-3 1.1.4 Roles of Project in the Region 1-5 1.2 Project Briefing 1-9 1.2.1 Geographic Position of the Region 1-9 1.2.2 Major Construction Contents 1-9 1.2.3 Cost Estimates and Schedule 1-10 1.2.4 Social and Economic Benefits of the Project 1-10 1.3 ProjectAffected Scope . 1-15 1.4 Preparation of Resettlement Plan 1-15 1.4.1 Basis for Preparation 1-15 1.4.2 Methodology for Preparation 1-17

2. Project Impact 2-1

2.1 Measures to Avoid or Minimize Land Acquisition and Relocation 2-1 2.1.1 Measure in the Design Stage 2-1 2.1.2 Measures in Construction Stage 2-2 2.2 Physical Indexes Affected by the Project 2-4 2.2.1 Measures and Procedures in Investigation 2-4 2.2.2 Land Affected by the Project 2-4 2.2.3 Population Affected by the Project 2-5 2.2.4 Relocation of House and Affiliated Buildings 2-6 2.2.5 Scattered Trees and Tombs 2-6 2.2.6 Infrastructure and Special Facilities 2-8 2.2.7 Enterprises and Privately Owned Shops 2-8 2.2.8 Culture Relics and Vulnerable Group 2-10 2.3 Project ImpactAnalysis 2-10

3. General Situation of Natural and Social Economic in Project Affected Area 3-1 3.1 The General Situation of Nature and geography in Project ImpactArea 3-1 3.2 The General Situation of Social Economy in Each project Impact County () 3-6 3.2.1 3-6 3.2.2 3-14 3.3 Social and Economic Conditions of Townships (Town) Affected by the Project 3-21 3.3.1 Muyun Town 3-21 3.3.2 Datuo Township 3-26 3.3.3 baseline of Village 3-28 3.4 basic Economic Codition of Resettlers' Families Affected by the Project 3-29 3.4.1 Survey Content 3-29 3.4.2 The Methods and Process of Investigation 3-30 3.4.3 Social and Economic Situation in Project Zone 3-31 3.4.4 Living Standard in Project Zone 3-32 3.4.5 Public Infrastructure in Project Area 3-33 3.5 Impact of Land Acquisition on Social and Economy of Local Population 3-33

4. Law Framework and Policies 4-1

4.1 Law Framework 4-1 4.2 Related Policies of World Bank 4-1 4.3 Policies Target of the Project 4-3 4.3.1 Compensation Qualification 4-3 4.3.2 Compensation Principles 4-4 4.3.3 Varies Land Requisition Compensation Policies and Standards 4-5 4.3.4 Ownership Sheet 4-22

5. Resettlement Measures 5-1

5.1 Resettlement Strategy 5-1 5.1.1 Resettlement Targets 5-1 5.1.2 Resettlement Principles 5-1 5.2 Resettlers' Living Restoration Plan 5-5 5.2.1 Principle and Procedures of Resettlement Points Alternative 5-5 5.2.2 Plan of House Reconstruction and Reconstruction 5-6 5.2.3 Infrastructure and Public Facilities 5-7 5.3 Resettlers' Production Arrangement Plan 5-9 5.3.1 Resettlement and Production Arrangement tasks 5-9 5.3.2 Targets of Resettlement and Production Arrangement 5-9 5.3.3 Environment Capacity Analysis 5-11 5.3.4 Agricultural Arrangement Scheme 5-13 5.3.5 Non-Agricultural Arrangement Scheme 5-14 5.3.6 The Restoration Measures of Enterprises, Institutions and Sideline of Villages & 5-16 Groups 5.3.7 Resettlement of the weak group 5-24 5.3.8 Restoration Measures for Resettlers' Economic Income 5-24 5.3.9 Economic Income Level Comparison and Analysis of Resettlers before and after 5-25 Relocation

6. Organization and Responsibilities 6-1

6.1 Organization Participating Resettlement Planning 6-1 6.2 Organizations Implementation Management Organizations 6-1 6.3 Supervision Organization 6-2 6.4 Resettlement Management System 6-2 6.5 Staffing and Facilities for Resettlement Organizations 6-4 6.5.1 Responsibility of Project office 6-4 6.5.2 Responsibilities of Resettlement office 6-4 6.5.3 Responsibilities of Leaders of Townships (Town) 6-4 6.5.4 Responsibilities of Design Units 6-5 6.5.5 Responsibilities of Monitoring Units 6-5 6.6 Staffing and Equipments Provided in Resettlement Organization 6-5 6.7 Training 6-5 6.7.1 Training Plan of Resettlement Management Staff 6-6 6.7.2 Resettlement Production Skill Training Plan 6-7 6.8 Measures for Organization Strengthening 6-7

7. Public Participation and Harmonization with Residents in the Host Sites 7-1

7.1 Public Participation Strategy 7-1 7.2 Public Participation Approach and Measures 7-1 7.2.1 Participation Approach 7-1 7.2.2 Participation and Consultation Measures 7-2 7.3 Public Participation in Preparation of Resettlement Planning Report 7-3 7.4 Public Participation Plan during Resettlement Report Implementation 7-4 7.5 Women's participation 7-5 7.6 Harmonization with Residents in the Host Sites 7-6

8. Appeal Procedures 8-1

8.1 Potential Complained Problems and Resolutions 8-1 8.2 Appeal Channels and Procedures 8-2

9. Environmental Protection and Management 9-1

9.1 Needs for Environmental Protection 9-1 9.2 Dismantling and Cleaning up 9-1 9.3 Environment Management in Resettlement Area 9-1

10. Monitoring and Evaluation 10-1

10.1 Internal Monitoring 10-1 10.1.1 Internal Monitoring Purposes 10-1 10.1.2 Internal Monitoring Organization 10-1 10.1.3 Internal Monitoring Content 10-1 10.1.4 Internal Monitoring Responsibilities 10-2 10.2 External Monitoring Evaluation 10-2 10.2.1 Purpose of Monitoring 10-2 10.2.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Organization 10-2 10.2.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Content 10-3 10.2.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Responsibility 10-3 10.2.5 Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Measures 10-5 10.2.6 Monitoring Evaluation Period 10-6 10.3 Resettlement Evaluation 10-6

11. Compensation Cost Estimate 11-1

11.1 Cost Estimate Narrative 11-1 11.1.1 Basis Cost 11-1 11.1.2 Other Cost 11-2 11.1.3 Basic Contingency 11-3 11.1.4 Relevant Taxes 11-3 11.1.5 balance of Land Compensation Fee and Production Resettlement Investment 11-4 11.2 Fund Use 11-5 11.3 Fund Management and Auditing 11-6

12. Resettlement Implementation Scheduling 12-1

12.1 Principles for Scheduling 12-1 12.2 Schedule 12-1 12.2.1 Resettlement Implementation Schedule 12-1 12.2.2 Yearly Fund Use Plan 12-2

13. Attached Drawings 13-1

13.1 Attached Drawing 13-1 13.2 Attached tables 13-1

14. Annex 14-1

14.1 Agreement 14-1 14.1.1 Important Contract and Agreement 14-1 14.1.2 Contract of Resettlement Project Construction 14-2 14.1.3 Measurement and payment 14-3


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l *_i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L - Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

1. Summary

1.1 Project Background

1.1.1 Project Name and Location

Project Name: Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component (FCLRP, Changsha Section) of CZT.

Project Proposed Location: The route is from the east of Houzishi Bridge along the Xiangjiang River, passes the Jiefangyuan, Nantuoyuan, reaches Changsha Gaoguo Sweet Factory, and meets national highway No.107 with a total length 21.58km.

1.1.2 Briefing on the Employer

The Employer: Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd.

According to the Official Reply on Setting up Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd. by the government and the Corporation Law of P. R. , Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd was formally registered for establishment on 18th August 1998, with the independent legal person qualification. The company represents Changsha municipal government as the investor, functioning as the main body of property rights for Changsha urban construction state-owned assets. And the company is responsible for efficiently operating urban construction state-owned assets, widely tapping financing channels and improving the effect of urban construction capital usage, in order to improve the urban construction, and social and economic development in Changsha. The concrete function of the company is to function as the main body of investment for urban construction state-owned assets, operate pursuant to law and manage the state-owned assets within the authorized scope, secure the safety of state-owned assets, and safeguard the rights and benefits of state-owned assets. According to the urban construction plan and its own economic strength, the company shall raise capital for urban construction by every means and forms. Well manage, use and activate the urban construction capital, and raise a loan or provide with guaranty for urban construction to the outside on behalf of municipal government. Entrusted by the

1 -I Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) municipal government and municipal Construction Committee, when investing in the authorized urban infrastructure, the company is responsible for compensated investing, compensated using and providing with compensated service, in order to ensure the safety and added-value of the capital for investment. In accordance with the plan of capital usage for city maintenance issued jointly by municipal Planning Committee, municipal Financial Bureau and municipal Construction Committee, the company shall verify and allocate the capital, and entrust the bank to grant a loan. Through overall development in real estate and building material assets trade as well as some other project investment and operation activities relevant to urban construction, the company is also responsible for accumulating capital for urban construction. Changsha municipal Financial Bureau appropriated the company's first-stage registered capital of 50 million yuan in cash. On 28th, August, 1998, with the approval of Changsha State-owned Assets Management Bureau, the state-owned assets in 9 enterprises, including The First Water Plant, The Second Water Plant, The Third Water Plant, The Fourth Water Plant, The Fifth Water Plant, The Seventh Water Plant, The First Sewage Disposal Plant, The Second Sewage Disposal Plant and Changsha Gas Corporation, were put under the administration of Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd. And it is allowed to increase the registered capital. As the capital comes from the state-owned assets in above mentioned 9 enterprises, the existing total assets of the company are 958 million yuan.

The company practises general manager responsibility system, led by the board of directors. According to the requirements of operation, such four function departments as administration office (comprehensive depart.), planning and financial department, operation and development department and project management department, were set up. There are 20 permanent employees with the educational background above college, among which the employees with high- or medium-grade professional title account for 95%.

Since the foundation of company, supported by the municipal committee and government and some other relevant departments, the company has made full use of the state-owned assets, actively participated in business and capital attraction, and undertaken project financing. It negotiated with and Tai land International Group and has

1-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Cornidor Component (Changsha Section)

initiatively signed an agreement.

Only in 1999,300 million yuan of capital was raised and 3 million yuan of loan was repaid. 237 million yuan of investment in projects such as Liberation West Road, Baisha North road, Chengnan West road, Tongzipo road, flood control project on both banks of Xiangjiang River, Laodong road, etc, has been accomplished.

1.1.3 Project Background

Located in the center and east forward of Hunan province, the region of Changsha, and is in the key position of the intersection of southern China. It is the region with high concentration of large, medium and small cities in Hunan Province or even in central and western part of the whole country, which includes 3 prefecture-level cities, 4 county-level cities, 8 counties, 166 towns and 362 townships. It is also the region with the most developed economy in Hunan province, and its total area is 28,254 square kilometers, which accounts for 13.34% of the whole province. At the end of 2000, the number of the whole population was 12.38 million, accounting for 18.9% of the whole province.

Located in the geographic central part of Hunan province, the three cities, Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, are not only in the region with the most developed economy, but also the political, economic and cultural center of whole province. In terms of geographic location, the three cities all face the Xiangjiang River, with the triangular balance of power. It has been the hinterland of with the pivot role of linking the north to the south and connecting the east with the west. Its geographic superiority is very obvious. In terms of communications, the three cities have very convenient cubic comprehensive transport network of water, land and air. In terms of air transport, this region has Huanghua international airport. In terms of highways, it has 3 vertical and 4 horizontal communication lines, which are Jingzhu express way, NO.106 national road, NO.107 national road, Shangduan expressway, Changchang expressway, NO.319 national road, and NO.320 national road. In terms of railways, it has 3 trunk lines like Jingguang, Zhegan and Xiangqian; 4 local railways like Shichang, Liliu, Licha and Tanshao; and Zhuzhou station which is the largest railway freight service train-assembly station. In

1-3 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section) terms of water transport, it has the main course of Xiangjiang River, which connects with the Changjiang River.

In 2000, the accomplished GDP in the three cities were 116.2 billion yuan, with a growth of rate of 10.6%, which accounted for 31.9% of the whole province. The contribution rate the three cities to the economy of the whole province reached 38%. Per-capita GDP was 9,386yuan. The ratio of three industrialized structure was 13.5:42.7:43.8. The industrial level was 3.1 percentage points than the average level of the whole province. In 2002, the total financial revenue in the three cities was 13.73 billion yuan with a growth rate of 8.4%, which accounted for 42.6% of the whole province. The disposable income of the urban residents was 6,732yuan and the net increase of rural residents' income was 2,834yuan, with an increase of 917yuan and 687yuan than the whole province respectively. The total retail sales of social consumer goods were 38.98 billion yuan, accounting for 31.7% of the whole province. The total volume of import and export was 2.152 billion dollars, accounting for 85.7% of the whole province. Of this total, the export value was 1.58 billion dollars, accounting for 88.3% of the whole province. The district area of cities was 278.41 square kilometers, accounting for 36.02% of the cities in the whole province. The density of GDP was 3,841,200yuan per square kilometer, 2.44 fold as the average level (1,572,100yuan) of the whole province.

In order to improve the changes from the partial superiority of the three cities to scale superiority, from city partition to city combination, and from resource extensive form and low benefit to resource intensive form, high technology, high benefit and export-oriented economy, Hunan provincial government made a decision to strongly propel the economic integration of the three cities and create a city group with its own characteristics in the central and western part of our country. A large core economic growth pole, which can attract and absorb such economic elements as talent, materials circulation, information flow etc, will appear and generate great economic benefits as a result.

The centers of the three cities are about 40-50km away from each other and distribute along the Xiangjiang River in a triangle shaped. It is 128km form Yueliang island of Changsha to Kongzhou island of Zhuzhou. Along the line, there are 84 square kilometers of river area, 13.1 square kilometers of islands, 354.7 square kilometers of land area on

1-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

both banks, over 100 hills and mountains, 15 islands, 3 large cities and 11 small towns. In light of these characteristics, experts and scholars put forward the view of taking the Xiangjiang Landscape Belt project as the breakthrough point for raising capital, in the early stage of study on the economic integration of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan. After over two years' early stage preparation, the provincial Planning Committee organized a large number of professionals in and out of our country to perform field investigation and theoretical research. In April 2001, Xiangjiang Ecological Economic Belt was formally listed into Hunan Economic Integration in Tenth Five-year Plan. After that, Xiangjiang Ecological Economic Belt Conception Program was drafted by the Germany Obermeyer Design Consulting Corp. and passed the professional review in the last ten-day period of March. In August, 2002, China City Planning Design Institute and Hunan Provincial Planning Committee jointly drafted The General Program Scheme of Xiangjiang Ecological Economic Belt Development and Construction. The scheme put forward that with Xiangjiang River as bridge, the landscape road with integration of flood control, ecological greening and tourism, shall be constructed and a batch of tourism leisure district, high-tech garden, high-grade residential quarters, and key small towns shall be constructed along the landscape road to form an intensive economic comprehensive entity.

At present, Xiangjiang Ecological Economic Zones has initiated the project taking flood control Corridor Component a key point. The Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd. has entrusted resettlement design unit to prepare resettlement action plan, and after they accepted the task, they organized a investigation group with good technology and go to the locale to investigate.

1.1.4 Roles of Project in the Region

The Changsha section of Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone is the beginning part of the whole Economy Zone. It is suited at a very important position, has significant function and meaning in traffic improving, three-city integration, the urban and rural areas' development, flood control, damage reducing and ecological environment protection, etc. This Project is the key to CZT economic integration

1-5 Resettlement Action Plan for Comidor Component (Changsha Section)

and CZT city group economic integration is a dynamic process, and the development propeller. construction of the Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone is exactly the key and

Xiangtan to First, Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone covers Changsha, Zhuzhou, and United make up a belt region, which breaks the limitation of single city administration. of planning, administration and development is favorable for harmonizing the relationship ecological land management, urban and rural areas' construction, finance and revenue, the three protection, infrastructure construction, landscaping and other aspects among economy cities and villages and towns along the river, which can speed up the CZT integrative process.

will play a Second, the coordination development of Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone development demonstration role and have an important function and meaning in the zone housing from belt to plane. This development of Xiangjiang banks' ecology, agriculture, unifying, and traveling model area is a typical performance and sample for CZT economy the ecological while gaining experience from these models, so as to apply the model of economic practice into everywhere of the CZT cities.

In addition, CZT now has basically possessed the regional unifying development move and qualifications. The Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone construction is a economic breakthrough, which powers Hunan economic development. With some coastal function, Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone makes good use of the beautiful and ecological environment to pull the boost of the third industry such as tourism ecological entertainment while ensuring and well constructing the mother river's develop environment condition, which makes this region's ecology, society and economy Xiangjiang harmoniously. This demonstration construction can enhance the influence of board and Ecological Economy Zone and the popularity of CZT, benefit in absorbing home investments, and accelerate the unifying process.

into This Project is the necessity in bringing the Golden Region Advantages full play.

the east or Analyzing from Changsha space structure evolvement trend, extending to government south is definitely the major direction of the city land usage. As the provincial

1-6 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) moves south, Changsha Road opens to traffic, Road carries on reform and broadening, Huoxing Road commence to build and series of other basic projects start, "Southern Changsha" is ready to portrait itself during Changsha modernization process. Taking the prior traffic area advantage, 'Southeast New Town", which rounded by the third circle Road and Jingzhu expressway, is likely to be the core of CZT cities. Changsha Section of Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone traverses this area, through Houzishi bridge, turn west to reach Xiaoxiang Road and Yuelu university town, turn north to connect Xiangjiang Road to join Wuyi Road and many other main roads, turn east to connect the second Ring Road, Changsha Road and directly link Jingzhu expressway, and turn south to stretch to Zhaoshan scenery zone contacting some other scenic spots like Muyun town etc on the way.

The planning and construction of this project can rationalize the south Changsha's main road and branches to improve the road usage efficiency; make the south Changsha Central Business District traffic more accessible to meet the even larger financial activities requirements and enlarge city development space; regular the out-move population living in city major district within the first ring road, to guide the urban suburbanizing movement from passive to voluntary and convert the old region and perfectly expand the new city region; furthermore stimulate the growing of 'integrative cities" business in south Changsha to foster new hot interests in city's development and construction, and outline the city's new look combing both pleasant environment and modern atmosphere.

Besides, the project applies the highways to connect sight-seeing zone such as the moon island, Juzizhou, Zhaoshan. With the common ware projections like green fields, cultural viewpoints, entertainment facilities along the road, the citizens' living standard is greatly lifted. This Project meets the deed of flood control and damage reduction along the Xiangjiang River

Changsha city, with dense population, concentrative properties, locates at the lower reaches of Xiangjiang, Dongting region. The flood is always foul here for the low-lying topography. The square of area bellow the water level takes up 25.3% in case the serious

1-7 Section) Resefflement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha

is average between 30m to floods in 100 years occur. In particular, the riverside surface above the surface from 1 to 3 33m high, and the average water level of many years' is difficult to withstand large scale meters, so it is vulnerable to the threat of flood strike. It's facilities because they are of flood with the city's present flood and logging control considered, so the protection low-efficiency, the embankment construction is not well is short in height, of circle hasn't closed, the already built body of embankment haven't been tackled and low-standard, and the vulnerable sections, invisible dangers capability can not resist flood in cleared off completely. Changsha' overall flood control status as the province less than 20 years, which does not go with its social economic city has been averagely capital. Ever since 1950, the direct economic loss of Changsha to 780 million RMB in 1994, over 10 million yuan in the serious flood years. It amounts and social advancement, the and 1860 million in 1998. With the economic development floods would cause even greater losses and worse consequence.

project, and the main function of Flood control construction is an important purpose of this flood control construction Xiangjiang Ecological Economy Zone. The Changsha section's to zhaoshan, the total area is scope ranges from Heishipu station, Jingguang railway and Nantuoyuan(13.6KM2) of 28.07km2, with Jiefangyuan(14.47KM ) of Changsha city altogether in length, made of Changsha's county included. The two sections is 23.9km wide. The body is built earth. The top of the embankment is 37-39m high and 4-10m so the earth fulfillment is through multi-heightening and thickening stage by stage, due to the attacks of various relatively complicated, plus the different degree of damages situations occur here nature disaster, geographical effects and human factors, dangerous come, especially incessant and there on the embankment whenever the flood periods The project upgrades the threats appear in part of it during several great floods in 90s. Nantuoyun 50 years (also at standard of Jiegangyuan to withstand flood in 100 years, the control can practice close lock the road flood control standard). The standard of logging rainstorm for 24 hours within 24 gate for 10 years and drain the area stricken by the heavy suffering of floods in the flood hours. If completed, the local people will shake off the periods.

I -8 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

1.2 Project Briefing

1.2.1 Geographic Position of the Region

Changsha City is located in East Longitude of 111055'-114°14',North latitude of 28000'28030', with the Xiangjiang River running through the center of the city from the north, and then through to Changjiang river. The physiognomy is that one half is covered with hills and the other half is covered with plain. The city is coupled with mountains and rivers, with the Xiangjiang river running through from the North to the south, and the Yuelu Mountain, Gu Mountain on the west. The eastern part of Changsha is fairly flat. The anabranches of Xiangjiang in this area are river, and Qijiang river.

1.2.2 Major Construction Contents

Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha section) is given in Table 1.2-1.

Major Construction Contents of The Project Tablel.2-1 Item Unit Quantity 1) Road project Line length (Grade I) km 21.43 Roadbed earthwork mJ 3136000 Roadbed protection m3 5000

Drainage m3 30000

Pavement m'z 269000 Bridge mZ 830 Culvert m/hole 6439/88 Intercrossing No. 10 Traffic works and facilities km 15.375 Special roadbed treatment mz 1125000 2, Hydro and flood control works Dike heightening and thickening km 23.9 Dike body grouting i/hole 13215/1752 Dike foundation treatment (high-pressure swing grouting) i/hole 26564/3677 Lengthening culvert gate No. 17

1-9 ResefttementAcfion Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Major Construction Contents of The Project Tablel.2-1 Item Unit Quantity Reconstructing culvert gate No. 1 Installed capacity of electric drainage station Set /kw 22/3910 Strengthening flood channel No./km 5/10.8 River channel clearing barrier house mr/ridgepole 11750/44 River channel clearing barrier waste dock No. 4 Slope and foot protection m 7100 3, Road landscape and afferestation Afferestation area (km)' 0.9 Humanizing and scenic spot No.

1.2.3 Cost Estimates and Schedule

The total cost of Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha section) project is 481.3342million yuan, the time limit for the project is 29 months, from September of 2004 to December of 2007,of which, the compensation fund is 122.3781 million yuan. The resettlement is planned to begin in April of 2004 and finish in July of 2006.

1.2.4 Social and Economic Benefits of the Project Assessment Basis and Narratives

The assessment of the Project is divided into two part: domestic economic assessment and financial analysis. According to the Economic Assessment Methods and Parameters of Construction Project (2nd edition) and the implementation detail provision for the Economic Assessment Methods and Parameters of urban public facilities construction, which are issued jointly by the State Planning and Development Commission and the Ministry of Construction, with the principle of that benefit should be consistent with the cost, domestic economic analysis and financial assessment is applied. National Economic Assessment

According to the principle of collocating the resource suitably, domestic economic assessment observers the benefit. and cost of the project from the aspect of the:whole of

1-10 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section) the country, calculates the net contribution of the project to the country with several economic parameters such as shadow price, shadow salary, shadow exchange rate, and reality accounting, assesses the rationality of the project. The nation profit analysis is used by the way of calculate the direct quantitative economic benefit with the Yes-No method.

1) Methods and Parameters

Domestic Economic Assessment is based on the Economic Assessment Methods and Parameters of Construction Project (2 nd edition) and Economic Assessment Methods of road construction project. The assessment model refer to the methods for the investment environment optimization and feasibility research .

According to the principle that benefit should be consistent with the cost, the value of the parameters are as follow:

Social converting rate: 10% Trade cost rate: 6% Shadow price: based on port price Shadow exchange rate: ldollar=8.3RMB Salvage value: according to the Assessment Methods, 50% of the project cost is calculated into the last year as minus. Time limit of the assessment: the assessment period comprises construction period and operation period, the construction lasts 2 years (2004 -2006), the operation lasts 20years.

2) Calculation of Economic Cost

The cost comprises the construction investment and the interest of loan of the construction period, the maintaining cost, management cost, mending cost of the flood-prevention project, operation cost of the flood-prevention facilities and administration cost etc. It is adjusted to economic cost according to the requirement for analyzing the domestic economy. That is 396.0149 million yuan.

1-11 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

3) Economic Benefit Assessment

The benefit of the project is from reducing the operation cost, the time of the passengers and traffic accident. The detail can be seen on Tablel.2-2.

National Economic Cost and Benefit Analysis Table Table1 .2-2 Social discount rate(10%)

Cost (10 4 Profit Static Cost Benefit Net Economic Year cot(0 (10 ~ profit Discount YYuan) uan) (104 Yuan) factor present present present evaluation index value value value

2005 19801 -19801 0.9091 18001 0 -18001

2006 19801 -39601 0.9264 16364 0 -34365

2007 596 8775 -31423 0.7513 448 6593 -28220

2008 614 8903 -23134 0.6830 419 6081 -22559

2009 632 9046 -14720 0.6209 393 5617 -17334

2010 651 9743 -5628 0.5645 368 5500 -12202

2011 671 9823 3524 0.5132 344 5041 -7506

2012 691 9911 12744 0.4665 322 4623 -3204

2013 712 10005 22038 0.4241 302 4243 737

2014 733 10107 31413 0.3855 283 3897 4351

2015 1406 12139 42145 0.3505 493 4255 8113

2016 777 9587 50954 0.3186 248 3055 10920 ENPV (104

2017 801 9843 59997 0.2897 232 2851 13539 Yuan): 36292;

2018 825 10129 69301 0.2633 217 2667 15989 EIRR(%): 20.57; EBCR: 1.97; 2019 850 10447 78898 0.2394 203 2501 18287 Payback period

2020 875 15297 93320 0.2176 190 3329 21425 (year): 8.8

2021 901 11174 103593 0.1978 178 2211 23458

2022 928 12069 114734 0.1799 167 2171 25462 2023 1782 13253 126205 0.1635 291 2167 27337

2024 985 14832 140052 0.1486 146 2205 29396

2025 1014 16958 155996 0.1351 137 2292 31550

2026 1045 19846 194598 0.1228 128 2438 36292 Salvage 19801 -2432 value

1-12 Resettlement Action Plan for Comidor Component (Changsha Section) Financial Analysis

According to the Guide to Feasibility Study of Investment Project compiled by the China International Engineering Consulting Corp. entrusted by the State Planning Commission, financial internal benefit rate, financial net present value, investment payback period are not included with the financial analysis method as to the nonprofit project, and the payback day should be calculated for the project with loan and income.

When the item is operated, normal maintaining and administration cost is 4.74 million yuan, of which: road mending cost 910 thousand, flood-prevention project cost 3.43 million, administration cost 400thousand.

The Project Employer is the Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Co. Ltd., the loan will be paid off with the appropriated money from city maintenance fund of Changsha and the land operation revenue of the Changsha Urban Constructiorn Investment Development Co. Ltd. Based on the conditions above, the World Bank loan will be repaid based on 5 year grace period and later 15 years repaid in an equal amount. As to the loan from the national banks, only the interest is repaid during the construction period, and the loan will be repaid in an equal amount in 18 years after operation, the total loan period lasts 20 years. Social Assessment

1) Analysis of the Social Impact of the Project

A) The fast development of the Xiangjiang economy zone and the built road along the river can lead to the growing up of the towns along the river, laying a steady foundation for the CZT integrating;

B) The along-river sight road ,with the main purpose of touring, lie fallowing and sighting, will fully bring forth the special Jingchu culture charm of Xiangjiang river;

C) With the protection and resume of the ecological environment and the development and prosperity of the township economy, the two shores of the Xiangjiang in the future will be very beautiful and the residential condition along with the life quality will be

1-13 Resettlement Action Plan for Coridor Component (Changsha Section)

much better.

D) The massive remove of the houses and the resettlement affected by the project, will gain compensation by the government of Changsha City according to the related laws.

2) Compatibility Analysis of the Project Locus

A) The attitude of different groups: i ) The most important of the sustainable developing ecosystem in the CZT area is the Xiangjiang and coastwise ecosystem. As long as Xiangjiang river and its coastwise become the embryo of the ecological economic development, the sustainable development of the CZT city-group area can realized. So the Hunan provincial government brings forward the built of Xiangjiang ecological economy band, strengthening the function of the economic development axis, and ranks it as one of the marking project of CZT integration; ii )The project could beautify the coastwise environment, speed the development of touring-and -sighting, entertainment and lie fallow etc, as well as develop non-pollution high-tech 2nd industry and sighting ecological agriculture, making the ecology society and economy develop harmoniously, which is consistent with the benefit and development goal of the local government. So the Changsha Municipal Government attaches great importance to this opportunity, plunges into the construction actively;iii) The good coastwise ecological environment could provide a wonderful ground for the citizens' entertainment, improve their life quality, so the people of Changsha City expect that the project will soon be implemented;iv) As for the involved relocatees, with the reasonable compensation and resettlement of the government, they will accept the arrangement of the government considering the whole.

B) The attitude and support of the organizations of all levels: because the construction of the project is an important decision based on the investigation and reasoning of the Hunan provincial government, the subordinate governments will try their best to provide advantage of transportation, communication, power, water-supply and favor of social welfare and others.

C) The compatibility of the local culture: the Xiangjiang and its coastwise has a very

1-14 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

long history, with many famous historical people and plenty of historic site. Changsha is a famous historic city, with the special local advantage and profound inside culture, possessing good development foundation and immense potential. According to the Development Plan of the Culture Industry of Hunan Province, with 10 years' endeavors, Changsha City will become the central cultural city with profound anthropological spirit, dense cultural atmosphere and developed cultural industry, and the famous destination for tourist. All of these will offer strong security for the successful implementation of the project.

3) Conclusion on Social Assessment

A) The project is an important part of the CZT economic integration, provides the possibility of the ecological construction, tourism development, agriculture progress, industry prosperity, environment beautification of the coastwise of Xiangjiang River.

B) There is risk in it, however, if the governments of all levels and the related organizations could strengthen the governing, adopt effective prevention measurements and pay attention to the integrative planning and harmonizing, the amount of risk could be reduced to the minimum.

1.3 Project Affected Scope

Project affecting zone covers from Xiangjiang riverside at the east of Houzishi Bridge of Changsha city to Gaoguo Sweet Factory of Changsha city at Zhaoshan , it has the whole length of 21.58km. The width of investigation includes all of outside embankment and 50m of inside embankment. The residence relocation affected 13 villages (52 groups), like Muyun town of Changsha County, Datuo Township in Tianxing Area, Xinkaipu Office and so on; land acquisition affects 12 villages (57 groups), and another 55 units in all.

1.4 Preparation of Resettlement Plan

1.4.1 Basis for Preparation Basis for Preparation

(1) Xiangjiang Ecological Economic Zone Concept Plan prepared by German

1-15 Resettlement Acdon Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Obermeyer Consulting Corporation;

(2) Development and Construction Integral Planning Scheme for Xiangjiang Ecological Economic Zone prepared by China City Plan and Design Research Institute and Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Committee;

(3) Changzhutan Economic Integration Plan for Transportation, Electricity, Finance, Information and Environment Protection prepared by Hunan Provincial Development and Planning Committee and CZT Economic Integration Office;

(4) Preliminary Design Report for Changsha Urban Flood Control Project prepared by Hunan Hydro and Power Design institute;

(5) Changsha Urban Flood Control Plan jointly prepared by Changsha Flood and Drought Control Headquarters and Changsha Hydro and Power Survey and Design Institute;

(6) Geological Investigation Report for Jiefangyuan, Nanyuan Embankment Project prepared by Changsha Investigation Design and Research Institute, China Non-ferrous Metal Industry;

(7) Survey Technical Report for CZT Landscape Road of Flood Control (Changsha Section) prepared by Changsha Investigation Design and Research Institute, China Non-ferrous Metal Industry;

(8) Feasibility Study Report (Changsha Section) for CZT Urban Development Program of Landscape Road of Flood Control Project prepared by Hunan Provincial International Consulting Corporation. Targets

(1) The engineering, technical and economic measures shall be employed to avoid or minimize land acquisition and relocation physical quantities; when land acquisition and relocation is inevitable, effective measures shall be employed to reduce the impact of land acquisition and relocation on the local residents' production and living as much as possible;

1-16 Resefflement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

(2) Social economic investigation and corresponding resettlement action plan are made during the preparation of the project.

The resettlement is based on physical indexes and compensation criteria, targeting to improve or at least rehabilitate resettlers' original living standard.

(4) Development-oriented resettlement is highly recommenced. The rural resettlement should depend on land as well as in virtue of the developed second and third industry to increase the employment opportunities;

(5) Resettlers and existing residents in the host site are encouraged to participate the planning of resettlement and planning scheme;

(6) Resettlers will be given prior consideration for relocation in the original community.

(7) Both resettlers and existing residents in the host sites will benefit from this project.

1.4.2 Methodology for Preparation

Hunan Provincial Changzhutan Economic Integration Office, with participation of related units, resettlement consultant unit as well as government at all levels jointly organizes resettlement action plan work. In July, 2003, with the active cooperation of government at all levels in project zone, dedicated people perform physical indexes in the scope affected by land acquisition, and full investigation Stat. of resettlers' household basic conditions, adapt sampling survey investigate their willingness. Meanwhile, holding a resettlement coordination meeting with the participation of the employers, the designers, government at all levels affected and the resettlement representatives, they listened to the opinions of various parties, discussed resettlement scheme, the ways of resettlement living restoration, compensation by adapting law framework and criteria etc., then proposed initial resettlement planning program. In line with the established policies of our country, law and statute and requirements of the World Bank for resettlement, they performed reasonability analysis and feasibility study analysis for how townships at all levels (street office) in project zone affected, improved and perfected in accordance with the suggestions of technical assistance experts of the BANK and consultant experts of Motor MacDonald Company after their reading and observation on site, completed preparation of resettlement action plan report at last. It was checked and approved by local government in project zone.

1-17 i i Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

2. Project Influence

2.1 Measures to Avoid or Minimize Land Acquisition and Relocation

In order to minimize the influence on the local social economy due to the project construction, the plan of flood control landscape road shall be modified and optimized, and special technique demonstration is needed. The main purpose of optimizing plan is to reduce the construction land acquisition, decrease resettlement relocation, lower project cost and facilitate the construction.

2.1.1 Measures in the Design Stage

During the project planning and designing, when in the comparison of optimized plans, the influence on the local social economy due to the project construction shall be taken account of as much as possible, as the key factor in comparison of plan optimizing.

(1) In the juncture between Sanxing village of Muxun town, and Xingang village of Datuo town, there is a tributary of named Xingang River, on which there is a lower standard highway bridge. And the existing dyke here along the river embankment is more than 1700 meters.

If a high standard highway bridge is built in the river mouth to match with the new dyke road later, it will not only straighten the road along the dyke, but also reduce the physical relocation resettlement 44 households 179 persons (including agriculture population 165 2 persons), house relocation 9204.1Gm (including brick and concrete 5090.67m2, brick and 2 timber 1966.24m , earth and timber 144.02m2, sundry house 1347.02m2) and land acquisition 180.41mu(including water land 79.74mu, dry land 64.71mu, pond 19.75mu and residential house land 16.21 mu), as well as a little affiliated facilities such as sunning ground, bounding wall, etc.

(2) At the forth group of Nantuo Village, Muyun Town, there is a Temper of Baogong of Tongzhi Period, . In order to protect this ancient construction, the original modification line is changed in the project designing. In this way, physical relocation resettlement of Baogong Temper and Muyun Headquarter for

2-1 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

2 (including brick Flood-prevention and Drought-fighting can be minimized 1037.50m 2 2 2 timber 144.02m , and concrete 344.69m , brick and timber 692.80m , earth and 2 such as sunning sundry houses 1347.02 m ) as well as some additional facilities ground and bounding wall.

Physical indexes affected by the reducing is given in table 2.1-1, 2.1-2.

Indexes of Land Occupation Reduction by Scheme Optimization Table2.1-1 Dry land Pond Residential site Township Paddy field Subtotal Groups Village (mu) (mu) (mu) (Town) (mu) 38.99 4.22 7.10 88.48 Muyun Shanxing Huangjiaping 38.17 8.5 41.71 Damaoping 13.25 16.62 3.34 9.1 8.65 4.15 50.22 Datuo Xinghang Xiangpuyuan 28.32 64.71 16.21 19.75 180.41 Subtotal 2 3 79.74 shall be shortened (3) The construction plan shall be optimized, time limit for the project arranged in and the period for house relocation and construction shall be properly period for house order to minimize the resettlers' property cost. For example, the land occupation is relocation and rebuilding is usually chosen in slack season and usually arranged after harvest.

production due to the (4) The inconvenience brought to local residents' life and of in planning. construction of flood control landscape road shall be taken fully account residents' life and Generally speaking, considering the convenience of local facilities due to the production, make sure the damage of infrastructure and special guaranteeing the construction of flood control landscape road could be restored, normal performance of infrastructure and special facilities.

2.1.2 Measures in Construction Stage

As far as the whole Land acquisition and relocation in this project are distributed in linear. influence on the local project zone is concerned, the project construction has not large However, in order industrial and agricultural production, people's life and social economy. more attention must to minimize the influence on local area due to the project operation, of construction plan, be paid to the arrangement on the work site and the selection much as possible. avoiding the unnecessary land acquisition and house relocation as

2-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Indexes of House Relocation Reduction by Scheme Optimization Table2.1-2

Household People Brick and concrete Brick and wood Earth and wood Miscellaneous Township (Town) Village Group Subtotal 2 2 2 2 (household) (No.) (m) (m) (m) house (m)

Residence 2 3 44 179 5090.67 1966.24 144.02 1347.02 9204.10

Muyun Shanxing Huangjiaping 24 94 2233.58 1034.55 114.23 755.06 4137.42

Damaoping 9 41 1111.35 453.55 360.44 2581.49

Datuo Xinghang Xiangpu yuan 11 44 1745.74 478.14 29.79 231.52 7485.79

Non-residence 344.69 692.80 1037.50

Total 2 3 44 179 5435.357 2659.043 144.02 1347.02 10241.59

2-3 Resettlement Action Plan for Cormidor Component (Changsha Section)

2.2 Physical Indexes Affected by the Project the In June, 2003, according to the project land occupation scope defined in the design, land investigation staff performed all round survey and register of the population quantity, of wood type and area, house structure and area as well as affiliated facilities, quantity Corridor and fruit trees in affected areas. The project of Flood Control Landscape and Component of CZT (Changsha section) involves Muxun town of Changsha County, and Datuo town as well as Xinkaipu town of Tianxin district, Changsha, totally 13 villages 52 groups.

Physical indexes affected by the project for more detail is shown in Appendix 1.

2.2.1 Measures and Procedures in Investigation

design, In June, 2003, according to the project land occupation scope defined in the all coordinating with working staff of towns and villages, the investigation staff performed structure round survey and register of the population quantity, land type and area, house areas. and area as well as affiliated facilities, quantity of wood and fruit trees in affected 1:2000 All round survey on project land occupation was performed in group as unit. With topographic maps, the investigation staff laid out the boundary line on the spot, measured the on the map with computers and calculated the land area. With maps, they checked to the house to be relocated within the scope on the spot, measured the house according and type of household and structure, registered affiliated facilities, scattered fruit trees with sundry trees one household after another and obtained the approval of the resettlers signature. The special facilities affected by the project such as simply-built highway, restored broadcast line, telecommunication line, transmission line, etc, which need to be or reconstructed, were investigated and registered on the spot.

2.2.2 Land Affected by the Project

1) Permanent Project Land Occupation occupy Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha section) needs land 2094.55mu permanently, including collective land 2023.10mu, state land 71.45mu. land The collective land includes the cultivated land 1592.27mu(including water pond 767.77mu, vegetable land 454.50mu, dry land 370.01mu), pond 86.10mu, fish land 5.07mu, orchard 1.17mu, wood land 5.76mu, grass land 27.72mu, residential house land 91.78mu, public land 145.29mu, road land 19.60mu, channel land 0.84mu, other 47.50mu.

2-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Engineering Permanent Occupation Collectively-owned Land Table Table 2.2-1

Tianxin District Changsha County Item Unit Total Datuo Village Xinkaipu Muyun town 1) Cultivated Land mu 970.60 14.87 606.80 1592.27 Paddy Field mu 272.85 494.92 767.77 Vegetable Land mu 351.81 14.87 87.81 454.50 Dry Land mu 345.94 24.07 370.01 2) Pond mu 42.46 43.64 86.10 3) Fish Pond mu 1.59 3.47 5.07 4) Orchard mu 1.17 1.17 5) Forest Land mu 5.76 5.76 6) Grass Land mu 26.54 1.19 27.72 7) Residential Site mu 62.08 29.70 91.78 8) Public Use Land mu 21.23 75.62 48.44 145.29 9) Road Use Land mu 13.16 0.69 5.74 19.60 10) Channel mu 0.57 0.26 0.84 11) Other Land mu 15.23 0.04 32.23 47.50 Total mu 1159.23 92.41 771.46 2023.10

Permanent project occupied land for more detail is shown in Appendix 2.

2) Temporary Land Occupation

The project shall occupy temporary land 1097.64mu, including economic forest 268.36mu, timber forest 439.75mu and wasteland 389.53mu. The influence of permanent land occupation should be considered in the construction temporary facilities. No other additional occupied land should be considered.

2.2.3 Population Affected by the Project

1) Relocation population: 588 people

2) Requisition and relocation population: 1314 people

3) Requisition population: 715 people

2-5 Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha

4) Population of enterprise: 236 people

5) The total population affected by the project: 2853 people.

Population Affected by the Project

Table 2.2-2 Agriculture population (people) Enterprise Total Township Requisition population County (people) (people) (District) (Town) Relocation and Requisition relocation 116 1790 Tianxin Datuo 426 874 374 92 Xinkaipu 2 8 26 56 64 971 Changsha Muyun 160 432 315 236 2853 Total 588 1314 715

2.2.4 Relocation of Houses and Affiliated Buildings

in Changsha county and The project involves 3 towns, 13 villages and 52 groups with 1902 persons Changsha Tianxin district. The relocation population is 502 households houses are 142315.09m2 (including agriculture population 1760 persons). The relocation 2 2, brick and residential houses 94865.61m (brick and concrete 48275.59m including 2 2 2 houses 16991.47m ), timber 28349.82m , earth and timber 1248.73m , sundry 2 2, brick and timber non-residential houses 47449.48m (brick and concrete 29009.90m 2 2). Sunning ground 15568.69m2, earth and timber 21.72m , sundry houses 2849.17m 2 methane tanks are also 38830.59m2, bounding wall 12873.51m , 375 wells and 54 affected.

House relocation detail is shown in Appendix 3.

2.2.5 Scattered Trees and Tombs 3837 sundry trees are 5797 scattered trees including 1960 scattered fruit trees and affected by the project.

8 tombs are relocated due to the project affection. in Appendix3. Scattered trees and tomb influence for more details is show

2-6 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

House Relocation Indexes Table

Table 2.2-3

Brick and Brick and County Township Village Group Earth and Miscellaneous (District) (Town) (No.) (No.) concrete wood Subtotal wood (m2) house (m2) (m2) (m2)

Residence 2 3 13 52 48275.59 28349.82 1248.73 16991.47 94865.61

Tianxin Datuo 5 28 30618.48 21987.48 665.16 11699.16 64970.28

Xinkaipu 1 2 92.5 365.67 135.4 593.57

Changsha Muyun 7 22 17564.61 5996.67 583.565 5156.91 29301.76 Non-

Residence 29009.90 15568.69 21.72 2849.17 47449.48

Total 2 3 13 52 77285.49 43918.51 1270.45 19840.64 142315.09

2-7 ResettlementAction Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

2.2.6 Infrastructure and Special Facilities

the According to the scope of the project land occupation defined in the design, or investigation staff investigated and registers the affected special facilities to be restored reconstructed on the spot, including simply built highway, broadcast line, telecommunication line, transmission line, etc. All that have been affected are simply-built highway 3.65km, tractor road 0.12km, high voltage transmission line 8.88km, low voltage transmission line 9.06km, 11 transformers, telecommunication line 6.06km, channel 0.58km, 15 electrical water supply machines and 1 wharf.

Special facilities affected for more detail is show in Table 2.2-4.

2.2.7 Enterprises and Privately Owned Shops

Through investigation, totally 55 enterprises and units with 236 persons are affected and involved within the scope of project land acquisition, including 30 enterprises 215 persons and 5 units 21 persons (NO.2 Light Industry School, NO.4 General Investigation Group of Geological Administration, Construction Part of Changsha Railway General Corporation, Datuodi Committee and the Power-supply Station of Hunan Electric Corporation). Other 20 enterprises are the public houses and the pump houses of the village or group.

In the 30 enterprises, seven enterprises including Timber Corporation of Hunan province, China Hydro power-baju Group, Meats Alliance Processing Factory, Dasheng Furniture Factory, Bashang Meats Alliance Factory and Black Limewater Factory have an impact on the demolish and remove of the houses. Expect Gaoguo Sugar Enterprise, Changsha Machine Tool Factory and Zhongyi Stock limited Corporation; the other 23 enterprises all have to be relocated.

Privately owned shops are not affected within the scope of project land acquisition.

Affected enterprises detail is show in Appendix 3 and 4.

2-8 Resefflement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Special Table 2.2-4 Facility Table Affected by the Project

Road Facilities Power Transmission Facilities County Township ~~~Tractor Hih LwTelecommunication Pump (District) Township Village (No.) Simple Road Voltage Voltage Transformer Line (km in Station Canal(kim) DockShip Highway(km) Line Line (Set) (No.) (No.) (kin) (km) (km) Changsha Muyun 1.04 5.76 7.23 5 4.44 County Town 4 0.58 1

Muyun 0.54 1.1 2.32 1.82 1 Lianhe 0.07 0.86 1 0.42 1 Fengcheng 1.45 0.75 0.58 Yaotang 1.55 1 1 Nantuo 0.1 0.79 0.8 1 0.8 1 Sanxing 0.4 0.8 2.5 2 1.4 1 Tianxing Datuo 2.61 0.12 3.12 1.83 6 District. 1.62 11 Xingang 0.31 0.31 0.22 1 0.61 2 Datuo 0.14 0.07 0.77 0.64 0.34 Xinglong 0.16 0.05 0.59 0.14 1 0.47 Total 2 Muyun 3.65 0.12 8.88 9.06 11 6.06 15 0.58 1

2-9 ResettlementAction Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

2.2.8 Cultural Relics and Vulnerable Groups

1) Cultural Relics: cultural relics are not affected by the project construction.

minority are affected in 2) Vulnerable groups: 25 impoverished households not including the project zone.

2.3 Project Impact Analysis

within the affected Affected by the project construction, the original production system on the local scope will be damaged to some degree, which will has a little influence part of peasants residents' life and production. The decrease of land resources makes have to adapt to the lose their dependent material base for livelihood, which leads them to project designing, the new environment again for life and production. However, during the to local life and project designing unit has taken fully consideration of the damage the project program production system caused by the land acquisition, kept on optimizing in order to and taken measures to reduce the scope of relocation and land acquisition, As a result, the minimize the influence of project construction on local life and production. of life and construction of this project will not make large damage to the original conditions of this project production in each village. Meanwhile, because the land occupation is obvious distributes along the river embankment in the form of belt, the project influence The project only in part of project zone as far as project construction is concerned. production, construction will not have large influence on local industrial and agricultural people's life and the development of social economy.

from floods, which At present, most of the area along the Xiangjiang River often suffers landscape road restrict the fast development of local economy. The project of flood control system. After provides an opportunity for local residents to rebuild society and production and deal with the the completion of project, it will strengthen the capacity to fight a flood for safeguarding emergency, decrease the impact of flood, provide a good environment circulation of local citizen's life and property to the maximum degree, speed up the Besides, with the agriculture products and improve the development of local economy. transforming compensatory payment, by means of improving farmland irrigation facilities, the patential of farmland with middle and lower output, and adjusting industry structure,

2-10 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) exiting land resources can be fully explored and the unit output can be increased so as to make up for the lost of income due to the decrease of cultivated land and reach or surpass the original level as soon as possible.


Resefflement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

3. General Situation of Nature and Social Economy in Project Impact Area

3.1 General Situation of Nature and Geography in Project impact Area

The project's location, Changsha, is situated in the north of the central part of Hunan province, and is in the lower reaches of The Xiangjiang River. It is the capital of Hunan province and the core area of the Five Region and Corridor economic belt. The completion of this project will improve the ecological environment in project impact area, flood control capacity and investment environment, which will make Changsha not suffer from the flood and improve sustainable development of local economy.

1) Location

Changsha is located between eastern longitude 111°55' and 114014',and between northern latitude 28°00 and 28030'. The Xiangjiang River flows through the center of the city from south to north, and flows into Changjiang River in Yueyang. The topography and landforms of Changsha are 50% mountains and hills, and 50% flatlands. The city depends on the mountain and river, and Xiangjiang River runs through from south to north. There are Yuelu Mountain and Gushan Mountain in the west while it is flatter in the eastern part. There are such rivers, which flow into Xiangjiang, as Liuyang River, Laodao River, Jinjiang River.

2) Administrative Divisions

Changsha, which has 3,000 years history, is famous as the Famous City in Chuhan and is the capital of Hunan province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province and also the center that Dongtinghu area opening and development in the Changjiang development area of China relies on. There are such five districts as Furong, Tianxin, Yuelu, Kaifu and Yuhua, and such four counties as Changsha, Wangcheng, Ninxiang and Liuyang. The total area is 11800 kM2, of which the is 554 km2. The total population is 5,830,000, of which the non-agricultural population in the urban area is 1,860,000.

3) Natural Resources

3-1 Resettlement Actfon Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

a) Tourism resources: Changsha has a long history, beautiful scenery, plentiful famous places, historic sites and memorial places, and is one of the first 24 historical and cultural famous cities which were approved by the State Council in China. It is so famous that it has the title of The Famous City in Chuhan and beautiful landscape and historical prefecture. It has formed such a city structure as one river, two banks, and culture in east while market in west. There are such the most famous places and historic sites in them as Yuelu Mountain, Lushansi Temple, Yuelushuyuan which is one of the most 4 famous academies of classical learning in Chinese antiquity, Kaifusi Temple, Tianxinge, Juzizhou, Martyr Park, Qingshuitang which is the old site of CPC Xiang area Committee, Hunan first Normal School, the old site of Hunan Self-study University, the old site of Xinmin Association, Mawangdui ancient tomb of Xihan and the former homes of some historic famous people as Yang , Huang Xing, Cai Hesen, Xu Teli, . Liuyang and Huitang are also good places to take a trip. At the end of 1998, Changsha was among the first group of cities that were given the title of China Excellent Tourism City by the nation.

b) The mineral resources: Mineral resources of Changsha is abundant, the mineral mostly distributes in Ningxiang, Liuyang and north of Wangcheng. There are 51 kinds of mineral such as coal, phosphor, sulphur, and chrysanthemum stone and so on. It has 27 large mineral beds, 56 small mineral beds and 256 mineral points. The mineral, which reserves rank the first in the whole country, contains Haicang Stone, chrysanthemum stone, etc. And the reserves, which rank the first in the whole province, contain phosphor, sulphur, copper, zinc.

c) Biological resources: There are 26 sections, 881 categories and 1973kinds of altitude foliages in the whole city. There are 14 kinds belong to the national pivot protection, and 14 kinds belong to two or three grade protection. Animal's species are also numerous.

4) General Situation of Social Economy

Since the reform and opening, both the economic construction and development of the

3-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

social causes in Changsha have achieved great success. The local total output value amounted to 65.641 billion Yuan, the total production value of industry and agriculture amounted to 73,727 billion Yuan, and the total value of foreign import and export amounted to 1.644 billion dollars. The average of income can be dominated by urban citizens is 7985 Yuan, in 2002.

Changsha is an important basement of merchandise and merchandise pig in the country and the production of food and porker is on the top in the whole country. Large amount of agricultural products as well as sideline products such as marine products, vegetable, fruit, tobacco, Xiang lotus, edibility germ, tea etc, form the vivid characteristic of Changsha agriculture. In accompany with the development of the market economy, Changsha agriculture should pay attention to change the traditional agriculture into the market agriculture, suburb type agriculture and ecosystem agriculture.

The industries in Changsha take food, light spin, electronics, machine as pillar industry, and other industries such as chemical engineering, building materials, medicine, car, metallurgy.. .etc. have good foundation too. We have developed the multicolor tube, computer, cigarette, electric appliances in car, air condition, etc. There are 100 various products that have been launched into the international market, and sold to more than 100 countries and regions. The total production value of 62,049 billion Yuan was completed in industry, state-owned business enterprise and state-owned shareholding enterprise. It had made up the deficits and get surpluses in the mass, in 2002. The industry of Changsha has stepped into the orbit characterized by centering on improving economic benefits, and continual, stable, and coordinated development.

Changsha has a developed commerce and it is a commodity staple place, which had a warm of merchants and prosperous trade since ancient times. Since the reform and opening, Changsha's circulation has quickly developed into the most superior industry. The construction of market is developing vigorously and net points of market spread all over the city. There are more than 120,000 kinds of business net points and the total value of social commodity retail was 30.788 billion Yuan in 2002. The business net, which is a unite of large, middle and small; a unite of high, middle and low; a unite of comprehensive and professional market, rational arrangement, clear levels, and multilevel, has been

3-3 Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Cormidor Component (Changsha

have entered the first hundred formed. Youyi Group and Dongtant department building about staple commodity powerful retails of the whole country. The radiation coverage important position in the whole quantity, trade volume, and activities of business has an in china. Changsha is situated on province even in the whole center of southern region area along the Changjiang River the communicated point of opening and development region economic developing and economic circle of south China. It is the most important point is Changsha, and the line is strategy named One Point, One Line' in Hunan. The and Pudong. It from to Guangdong. It closes to Han and Hui, connect Our country encourages foreign is the inland of coastland and the front line of inland. area, in order to reduce the merchants to invest in the central and southern inland area in the east and inland economic development special differences between coastland inland and coastland, Changsha area in the center and south. Being the connection of region condition. has become a foreign investment hot spot due to its special

5) Situation of Communications

are four kinds of comprehensive It has advanced communications in this region. There transport as aviation, railway, highway, water transport.

was built in 1980s, is a a) Aviation: The Changsha Huanghua airport, which for taking off and first-class airport. It can offer large and middle sized airplane been opened and some touching down during the day and night. 39 airlines have , , large and middle-sized cities like Beijing, , Hong Kong, Bangkok, etc, can be arrived in immediately.

from north to south b) Railway: The Jing-Guang Railway multiple tracks run through east and west. The and both the Xiang-Qin railway and he-Gang railway connect begun to perform. railway from Changsha to Shimen has been completed and country. Changsha will be an important transportation junction in the

taking the national and c) Highway: Highways in Changsha extend in all directions, town level roads as provincial roads as major lines and county level and national road which branches. 910km of road has been opened to traffic. NO.107 national road.which connects Beijing with Shenzhen is in the city and NO.319

3-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Cornidor Component (Changsha Section)

connects and is in the city. The highways, which connect Changsha and Xiangtan, Changsha and , and the high standard road, which connects Changsha and Liuyang, have been completed and opened to traffic. The roads to every city in the province have been more and more convenient.

d) Water transport: The Changsha port can load to rivers and the sea and the natural river's line in the whole port area of the city is about 95 km long, so that 1000 tons heavy ship can navigate every season.

6) The Existing Major Problems

a) The total economy quantity is not large, and the whole quality is not high, both of which do not conform to the development position and mission of Changsha. There are clear bottleneck of insufficient capital and problems of low economy outward degree during the economic operation.

b) Economic construction is not reasonable enough, the nonpublic-owned economic specific gravity is on the low side and the step of traditional industry technique innovation is not quick. The pillar industry scale is over small, the economic construction adjustment mission is heavy and the economic movement quantity needs to be increased;

c) The employment pressure is large. The urban and rural residents' income increase slowly.

d) The change of government function still can't adapt to market economy development. The economic order still should be strict regulated and organized;

e) The pressure exists due to both international and internal economic development competition and the large pressure of carrying out the economy transformation exists.

7) The Target of the Regional Social Economy Development

The primary struggling targets of Changsha social economic development in the period of

3-5 Resefflement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Tenth Five-year are as follows:

a) The target of the economy increase: The local total output value will increase above 11% on average a year and the local total output value of whole city will reach 130 billion Yuan in 2005.The social fixed assets will increase 14% on average a year and the investment rate will be about 30%. The total amount of import and export will increase 13.4% on average a year, directly make use 2 billion dollars, and will increase 29% on average a year. Local public financial income will increase above 11% on average a year, reaching 6 billion dollars in 2005.

b) The social development target: the rate of population natural increase will be controlled within 5 %oin the whole city, the total population of whole city will be 660*1 04 in 2005 and the level of urbanization will increase 46%. The high school education will be gained ground basically and the proportion of people who accept senior education in the population of the same age will increase to 20%. The contribution rate of technology advancement to economy will increase 10 percentage points.

c) People's life index: all the disposal income of residents in urban area will reach 12100 Yuan per person in 2005 and all the disposal income of farmers will reach 4100 Yuan per person. The greening rate of the city will reach 40% and the rate of 2 forest coverage of the whole city will reach 52%. The housing area will reach 15m per person in city and the housing area will reach 45 m2 per person in countryside.

3.2 General Situation of Social Economy in Each Project Impact County (District)

3.2.lTianxin District

The whole district made every effort to carry out the strategy of Improving Quality and Thriving the northern and the Southern Cities, persisting in walking a road as three product rich the district, industry strong the district, science and education alive the district, legally manage the district in 2002. Every business presented a flourishing situation.

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1) Comprehension

National economy persistently, steadily, quickly increases. 1,705.99 millions Yuan of the local total output value was achieved in a whole year. Computing according to the comparative price, it up 16.6% more than 2001. Of this total the value of increase in the first industry was 86.55 million Yuan, up 4.5%; the value of increase in the second industry was 546.96 million Yuan, up 23.1 %; and the value of increase in the third industry was 1, 072.48 million Yuan, up 14.6%. The ration of the first, the second and third industry was 5.07: 32.06: 62.87.Comparing with 2001, the proportion of the first industry reduced 0.38 percentage points, the proportion of the second industry reduced 1.4 percentage points, and the proportion of the third industry reduced 1.35 percentage points. The local financial normal budget income exceeded 0.2 billion Yuan in the whole district for the first time. Achieving 209.53 million Yuan, this was computed in old caliber, up 45.2% more than the same period last year. Normal budget income achieved 168.90 million Yuan, which was computed in new caliber, up 43% more than the same period last year.

The adjustment of economic structure is continuously becoming better and better. In 2002, with the direction of market requirement in agriculture, the planting industry was adjusted in strength and became much larger. The increases of the second industry speeded up clearly and the progress of economic structure adjustment speeded up much more. Reform on enterprises was made an outstanding effect and the industry gardens construction progress speeded up comprehensively. The drawing power of investment in fixed assets and requirement of consumption was strong, the progress of new district construction speeded up and the real estate was keeping growing smoothly. Scale of investment was enlarged continuously and effect of enlisting merchants was outstanding.

Progress of Three Changes was moving on continuously. A new structure of agricultural industry has been formed in the whole district. Four companies, which are engaged in producing agricultural products, have been developed. The controllable income of farmers is 4967 Yuan per person, up 10.4% comparing with the same period last year. The Hunan Tianxin environment industry garden is being constructed smoothly, and has been ratified as province-class garden by the provincial government. Three companies

3-7 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Sectfon) which achieved output value above 0.1 billion Yuan such as High Voltage Switch Corporation have been developed. Six large sized industry companies have been increased. Results of new district's planning construction and old district's transformation are very outstanding, with 46,000 m2 slums transformation has been completed, and 193,000 m2 economical and suitable house built. Progress of urban construction is speeding up.

Labors' employment is stable and wage increase is stable too. In 2002, 7227 persons were employed, up 3.3% comparing with last year. There were 4293 persons in state-owned units, 1714 persons in collective-owned units, and 1220 persons in the others. The average wage of the workers, who were employed, was 14170 Yuan at the end of the year, up 23.23% compared with last year.

The economic environment has been much more perfect. Farmer's burden is lessened and 19 charge tablets in agriculture were built as requirement in 14 villages, which are controlled in the district. Effect of tax reform in countryside was outstanding. Compared with last year, 67 Yuan per person of farmers' burden was eased. Reporting center of administrative economic development environment has been founded. 26 requirements of every kind were received in 2002, and the rate of finished was 100%, and it promoted the economic development environment to be better effectively.

The major problems of economic and social development are: The deep contradiction in economic operation was still outstanding relatively. The support of economic increases still has not formed a structure, effect of agriculture is not good enough, companies' abilities of self-creative and adapt to the market need to be improved. The pressure of employment and reemployment in the city are still heavy.

2) Agriculture

Agriculture and rural economy are developing smoothly. 130.15 million Yuan of the total output value in agriculture, forestry, stock raising and fishery has been completed in the whole year, up 5% compared with the same period last year, among them: there were 78.89 million Yuan in agriculture; 2.09 million Yuan in forestry, 38.19 million Yuan in stock raising and 11.05 million Yuan in fishery. The total grain yield is 2773 tons, down 67.3%

3-8 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) compared with the same period last year. Some adjustment in agricultural product structure has been made and there was the yield was increase or decrease to some extent, among it: Cereal yields were 1949 tons, down 76.3% compared with the same period last year, 156 tons in fruit, 9 tons in lotus seeds, up 87.95%, 50% respectively. There were 11700 mu of cultivated land at the end of the year.

The stock raising and fishery are developing smoothly. 59.8 thousands of pork pigs were produced in the whole year, up 13.7% compared with 2001; 2296 tons of aquatic products were produced, up 9.2%; and the product quantity of pork pig was 3932 tons, up 12.6% compared with the same period last year.

The progress of planting industry structure's adjustment speeded up. In 2002, 13350 mu of rice planting area were reduced in the whole year and the target of canceling rice production came true. A product structure like the major of three economical plants such as vegetable, young soybean and nursery stock had been formed. In 2002, the planting area of vegetable and economical crops was 23250 mu, a increase of 3300 mu compared with last year, up 16.5%. Milk industry developed quickly. There were 350 cows living stock on hand at the end of the year, up 4.2% compared with 2001 and the output of milk was 590 tons, up 71 %.

3) Industry and Construction

Industrial production is developing smoothly. In 2002, 1794.93 million Yuan of total output value in industry was completed, up 13.4% compared with last year. Among it: there were 764.23 million Yuan in the industrial companies sales revenue above 5 million Yuan, up 44.4% and 1030.69 million Yuan in the industrial companies sales revenue less than the former, up 1.2%. Among the companies which scale is over it, there were 256.07 million Yuan in light industry, up 32.3% and 508.15 million Yuan in heavy industry, up 51.4%. Among the output of the companies which scale is over it, there were 104.8 million Yuan in collective-owned companies, 57.53 million Yuan in joint - stock companies and 148.93 million Yuan in limited duty companies and 294.45 million Yuan in privately companies.

The degree of technology development is strengthened. The industrial companies, which scales are over it, completed a value of new product 123.07 million Yuan in the whole

3-9 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section) district, up 175% compared with last year. The independently business accounting industry companies, which scales are over it, completed a total value of profit of 37.7 million Yuan, a increase of clearly 9.89 million Yuan, up 35.5%. The sales rate of industry products had been improved 3.1 percent, and reached 101.2% and the total economy benefit is very good.

Construction production and management are developing smoothly. In 2002, Grade 4 and above construction companies completed an output value of 304.33 million Yuan in the whole district, and reached to 224.36 million Yuan, up 58.6% compared with the same period last year. The house area, which was completed, was 23414 m2 and the rate of completed house building was 26.1%.

4) Investment in Fixed Assets

The fixed assets investment is developing continuously and quickly. The guidance of City Management and the strategy of speeding up the urbanization progress are being carried out vigorously. Investment projects are growing to a great extent. There are 65 projects of fixed assets investment in the whole year, up 20 compared with last year. The fixed assets investment of total society was completed 2522.66 million Yuan, up 77.03% compared with the same period last year. The state-owned fixed assets investment and the others completed 2214.81 million Yuan, up 69.57% compared with the same period last year.

The achievement of basement construction is outstanding and the real estate investment created a new history level. In 2002, an investment of 1019.24 million Yuan of basement construction was completed in the whole district, up 16.25% compared with the same period last year and an investment of 1263.62 million Yuan of real estate was completed in the whole year, up 231.48% compared with the same period last year. 23 meters of vehicle road in the second and third section of Changsha Road was opened to traffic. 35 million Yuan of the Shuyuan South Road's enlarging project funds was in place, and 100% relocation and removal mission was completed. The situation of commercial houses' selling was good and the area of the house which had been sold was 172 thousands m2, up 143.63%.

The degree of technology transformation is being enlarged and the construction of key

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projects is moving on smoothly. An investment of 106.06 million Yuan of technology transformation was completed in the whole year, up 120.45% compared with the same period last year. There were12 projects being built in the whole year, and the construction were undertaken smoothly.

5) Business and Trade

The consume commodity market keeps growing vigorously. In 2002, Because of exhibitions and holidays, a total value of 2206.76 million Yuan of social retail sales was completed, up 21.2% compared with 2001. In terms of the economic type, public owned economy completed a value of 277.03 million in retail, up 19.7% compared with the same period last year, and made up 12.6% of social retail sales. Nonpublic owned economy completed a value of 1929.73 million in retail sales, up 22.5% compared with the same period last year, and made up 87.4% of social retail sales. In terms of the class of the business, the total value of wholesale and retail was 1673.78 million Yuan, up 23.6% compared with the same period last year; the value of catering service was 491.48 million Yuan, up 19% compared with the same period last year and the value of the other forms were 41.5 million Yuan, up 4.7% compared with the same period last year.

6) Business and Capital Attraction

Work of business attraction made a gratifying result. There were 33.35 million dollars worth of foreign capital in the whole year, up 63.8% compared with the same period last year and 1792.04 million Yuan of domestic capital from the other provinces, up 94.2% compared with the same period last year, which ranked the third in the city continuously. The total income of the three kinds of companies such as foreign, private, and joint ventures companies' sales was 1.018 billion Yuan and the total value of import and export was 23.83 million dollars. 780.34 million Yuan of nongovernmental capital were initialized and utilized.

7) Education and Science Technology

The education cause is developing smoothly. There are 9 middle schools, 55 primary schools and 35 kindergartens, in the area under the district's jurisdiction, the total number

3-11 Resettlement Acfion Plan for Comidor Component (Changsha Section) of the students is 26092; Of which, the there are 18708 primary school students, 7384 middle school students, and 4018 kindergartens students In 2002, the investment for improving education conditions was 5.8 million Yuan. The enrolment rate in primary school for the students of right age is 100% and the proportion of graduated students in primary schools entering higher school is 100%.

New results have been achieved in education. The education results are gratifying. The Tongpujie primary school was nominated as one of the first hundred of United Nations environmental protection government. The Yoyo primary school got the honor title as the excellent activity school of the nation juvenile work committee Young Pioneer Creative Cup. The Shuguang primary school got the first place of The Ninth Five Years art education task. The 22nd middle school in Changsha became a practice basement of nation creative education and the gth middle school in Changsha became one of the five schools, which have the qualification for recommending students to the higher school.

The science and technology develop further. 2.29 million Yuan of the three kinds of funds for science technology reached in the whole district, and made up 1.36% of the whole district's financial budget expenditure. The exact value of science technology, which was put on market, was 3.69 million Yuan in the whole district. 55 new science technology products were exploited. There are 9 high new technological development companies. 2495.66 million worth of high new technological products output value were completed, up 37.1% compared with 2001 and 313.88 million Yuan of tax revenue was achieved, up 32.1 % compared with the same period last year. The contributions of high new technology and progress of science technology to Tianxin's economy was enlarged day and day.

8) Hygiene, Culture and Sports

The hygiene cause is developing smoothly. There are 231 medical organizations in the area under the district's jurisdiction. There are 30 hospitals and public health clinics, 1 health supervision organization, 1 organization for caring for women and children's health, 1 disease prevention and cure control center. There are 1200 personnel with 885 doctors and 315 nurses. There are 20 villages, which have medical treatment station, and there are 60 hygienic personnel in the-countryside. In 2002, the death rate of pregnant women

3-12 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) was 0 and the death rate of babies was 9M6. The work of caring women and children had been in the position of NO.1 comprehensively in the whole city for five years continuously.

The culture and sports activities are developing vigorously, and have a brilliant result. The work of sports persists that the masses and the competitive sports develop coordinately. In the Ninth Sports Game of the whole province, the gymnastics delegation as the major of District Huang Xing primary school gymnastics team got 23 golden medals, and was given the Contribution Praise in the Ninth Sports Game.

9) Environmental Protection

The comprehensive regulation in the city environment has made an outstanding effect. 69 environment pollution disposal projects were completed in the whole district and 1.75 million Yuan for pollution disposal was invested. Both the industrial waste water disposal rate and comprehensive use rate of industrial solid waste material were improved. The newly added greening area was 361000 m2 and the area of removing nonconforming buildings for greening was 28000 m2. Greening area of 273000 m2 was newly added in the key projects and its located units.

10) Population, People's lives and Social Security

According to the statistics from the public security department, the total population of the whole district was 386443 persons at the end of the year with a increase of 17361 persons compared with last year. The birth rate in the whole district was 6.82%9, and increased 0.28 micro points compared with last year. The death rate was 6.12%0, and increased 2.18 micro points compared with last year. The natural growth rate was 0.7%o, and declinel.89 micro points compared with last year.

The district service function has been improved further. In 2002, 4.25 million Yuan of community funds were allocated in the whole district, and 46 projects as 'stars' light plan' were fixed in advance, with funds of 3.4 million Yuan invested. The total area of houses for communities' offices, activities and service in the whole district reached 24000m2. There were 2 streets, which were appraised as cities-class model in the whole district, 10 communities were appraised as the demonstration model in the whole city and 22

3-13 Resettlement Ac&on Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section) demonstration communities were checked and reached the expected standard.

The social security work was further strengthened. A total value of 2.09 million Yuan of companies' old age pension was levied in the whole district, the number of workers who participated in the unemployment pension was 6613, and 14.5 million Yuan unemployment relief fund was allocated. The number of people who receive the lowest city lives security fund was 16379, the total value which had been allocated was 13.37 million Yuan, and the enough social specified quantity had been allocated. The number of people who participated in the basic medical insurance was 4200. The work on employment and reemployment got substantial gains. 10256 persons in urban area were arranged for work in the whole year, with 6021 laid-off workers reemployed, which took the NO.1 position in the whole city.

3.2.2 Changsha County

In 2002, the Sanhua strategy was implemented in an all-round way. With the focus on the strategic economic goal of Super Normal and Development with Leap and Bound, the reform on economic structure was continuously deepened, the environment for economic development was further optimized and the intensity of financial construction was strengthened. As a result, each item of economic index reached or even surpassed the expected target, national economy maintained rapid and healthy development, and every social cause prospered. All that paved the way for the complete fulfillment of Tenth Five-year Plan and created a good beginning for building comprehensive well-off society.

1) Synthesis

In 2002,1066309*1 04 Yuan of the local total output value was achieved in a whole year. It is the first time to breakthrough 10 billion Yuan. Computing according to the comparative price, it up 13.2% more than 2001. Of this total the value of increase in the first industry was 187407*104 Yuan, up 4.1%; the value of increase in the second industry was 576427*104 Yuan, up 16.4%; and the value of increase in the third industry was 302475*1 04 Yuan, up 13%. The ration of the first, the second and third industry was 17.6: 54: 28.4. Comparing with last year, the proportion of the first industry reduced 1 percentage point, the proportion of the second industry reduced 0.2 percentage points,

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Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

and the proportion of the third industry reduced 0.4 percentage points. In the accumulative amplitude, the contribution rate of the first, second and third industries are 5.8%, 67.4% and 26.8% respectively; make the GDP increase 0.76, 8.91 and 3.53 percentage point respectively. The per capita GDP is 14508 Yuan; which is 1400 Yuan more than that in 2001, up 5.8%. The total quantity of the economy and benefit keep on improving. The economic structure is being more reasonable. Structural adjusting is the main point of agriculture with three supporting industries. The industrialization of agriculture has made a great breakthrough. The second industry develops steadily; industry is strengthened with the nucleus of 'one district and six gardens'. The industrialization paves into the substantiality phrase and industry economy becomes more important in the county economy. The third industry becomes stronger and the commercial houses and sell become the shining point in the county economy.

2) Agriculture and Rural Economy

Rural economy is developing smoothly. In 2002, 301147*104 Yuan of the total output value in agriculture, forestry, stock raising and fishery has been completed, up 4.5% compared with the same period last year. Of which the total output of agriculture is 167257*104 Yuan, up 9.1%; forestry 5658*104 Yuan, down 0.6%; stock raising 119353*104 Yuan, down 0.2%; fishery 8879*104 Yuan, sown 4.8%. The rural structure adjusting has made a great breakthrough. Tea, vegetable, flower and nursery become intensives and stipulates. The high quality food supplies reaches 75%; tea garden area is 3.3*104 mu, up 11.9% compared with last year; of which well-bred tea area is 1.1*104 mu with the quality of 4522*1 04 ton. The vegetable area is 29.97*1 04 mu with total output of 69.7 ton and 27.2*104 ton garden truck. The product quantity of food is 48.52*104 tons, down 8.6% compared with the same period last year; production is 33 ton, down 3%; the oilseed production is 7378 ton, up 14% compared with last year; total output of fruit is 4.6*1 04 ton, up 2.8 times. Flower and nursery industry become large scale and good with the area of 6.36*104 mu of 270 kinds; the output is 319 million, up 1.6 times compared with last year.

With the base on afforestation and greening, and the focus on resources exploitation, utilization and protection, the industrialization of forestry production has been propelled.

3-15 ResettlementAction Plan for Comidor Component (Changsha Section)

All that accomplished in a whole year were reforestation area of 12,000mu, tending of middle or young trees 23,000mu, low yielding forest renovation 1018.7mu, forest reservation 12,488mu, and 1.55 million new-planted trees. The output of tung tree seeds and oil tea seeds were 178 tons and 25,850 tons respectively, more or less increase than previous year.

The production of animal husbandry has developed smoothly. Pig raising industry, featuring breed improvement and resources exploitation, maintains stable development. The output of full-grown pigs was 1.888 million heads and the full-grown pork pigs were 1.768 million heads. The total amount of raised pigs was 2.732 million heads and 964,000 heads in sheds. Compared with previous year, all that mentioned above increased with different degrees. Herbivore breeding develops well, especially milk production, which is the main direction of animal husbandry restructuring in this county. The number of existing milk cows are 1,282 heads with a growth rate of 46.3%, compared with the same periods. The milk output is 3,120 tons, up 97.5%. At present, the number of households engaged in milk cow breeding has reached 50.

In terms of fishery production, the breeding area of famous aquatic products increases. The output of aquatic products in the whole county was 14,000 tons, up 5.8% than previous year and fresh fish were 12,400 tons, down 6% than previous year. Over 8,300mu of breeding area for famous aquatic products such as Baichang, Jiazhou lu, Chawei fish, Huangsong ye fish, etc, were extended in a whole year. The contract on aquarium fish breeding in Huangxing Township was signed in Trade Fair, with 20 million yuan.

Success has been achieved in the rural infrastructure construction. The effective irrigation area is 672200mu and the total power of machinery used in agriculture is 6.485 million kw. Land area ploughed by tractors reaches 1.07 million mu and 50 combines were popularized. The capital of 49.76 million yuan was invested in the water conservancy construction. 9.67 million cubic meters of earth and stone were removed, 80 standard ponds were newly increased and 56km of standard canals were in masonry. 68 water pump station in 65 sites of 2,200kw were reconstructed and repaired, which improved the capacity of flood prevention and drought defying.

3-16 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

3) Industry and Building

In accordance with the industrial development path of 'one zone with six parks, driving the whole county's economy", the industrialization process is strongly promoted. The industrial development pattern under the jurisdiction of county has initially taken shape, with industry at zone as its driving force and machinery industry as its main part. Private enterprises develop rapidly, invited enterprises have an obvious advantage and industrialization steps into the rapid development orbit. 17,360,210,000 yuan of aggregate industrial gross production value was accomplished, up 27.8% than previous year. Of this total, the stat-owned enterprises and that with yearly sales revenue above 5 million yuan, achieved output value 11,278,160,000 yuan, up 35% than previous year and the industrial enterprises below specific scale achieved total output value 6,082,050,000yuan, up 3%.

In 2002, the operation quality of industrial enterprises above specific scale was improved and the industrial added value above scale in the whole county was 2,880,370,000yuan, up 33.2%. Among the industrial enterprises, the output value in light industry totaled 3,879,390,000yuan, up 2.62% and that in heavy industry totaled 7,389,710,000yuan, up 47.24%. The sales revenue achieved was 11,269,100,000yuan and the production and marketing rate was 99.77%, with 1.9 percentage point than previous year. The proportion of profitable enterprises in the whole county was 77.3% and the amount of profit totaled 869,600,000yuan. There were 15 enterprises with sales revenue above 100 million yuan. Among them, there were 11 enterprises with revenue between 100-500 million yuan, 1 between 500-1000 million yuan, and 3 above 1 billion yuan.

The production and operation of building industry have increased smoothly. In 2002, the accomplished total construction value in the whole county was 3,537,400,000 yuan, up 12% than that in 2001, achieving added value 1,099,100,000yuan, up 11% than previous year. The area of completed building reached 1,660,000m2, up 4%. The construction completion rate was 56% and the rate of building acceptance at one time was 92.2%. There are 31 construction enterprises with level above Grade 4 in the whole county.

4) Fixed Assets and Investment Promotion

3-17 ResettlementActfon Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

The investment in fixed assets has increased smoothly. The accomplished investment in fixed assets was 3,211,980,000yuan in a whole year, up 23.2% than previous year. Of this total, the investment accomplished by the state-owned as well as township collective-owned enterprises, was 2,236,990,000yuan, up 37.7%, the investment in real estate was 283,690,000yuan and that in rural fixed assets was 473,390,000yuan, up 14.5%.

Investment promotion has injected infinite vitality and activity in the economic development under the jurisdiction of county. Totally, 174 internal and external projects were signed, with internal capital in place 1.78 billion yuan, up 132% compared with the same periods. The contractual foreign capital utilized reached 142,150,000yuan, up 167.87% compared with the same periods and paid-in foreign capital was 117,600,000 dollars, up 47.8% compared with the same periods. The output value achieved by the invited enterprises was 11.663 billion yuan, up 66% compared with the same periods, profit achieved was 904 million yuan, up 21%, and the tax turned over was 784 million yuan, up 48%. The accomplished total volume of import and export was 345 million dollars; including export value 103 million dollars and import value 243 million dollars.

5) Communications, Post and Telecommunication

Such industries as transportation, and post and telecommunication develop very fast. In 2002, the total output value and added value achieved in traffic transportation and post and telecommunication were 1,613,000,000yuan and 800,090,000yuan respectively, up 10.5% and 10.3% respectively compared with the same periods. 22 roads of 589km at county and town level were newly constructed and reconstructed. In 2002, the accomplished volume of freight traffic, revenue of transportation and volume of circular flow in a whole county were 8.64 million tons, 248.25 million yuan and 385.83 million km respectively, up6%, 4.8% and 7.4% respectively. In 2002, the total business volume of post and telecommunication in the whole county was 131.7 million yuan, up7.3% than previous year. Of this total, the total business volume of post was 31.67 million yuan, up 10.6% and that of telecommunication was 100.04 million yuan, up 4.2%. By the end of the year, the users of telephone and mobile phone had reached 154,000 households and 146,000 households respectively, up 9.2% and 46% respectively than previous year. And_

3-18 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) the users of internet had reached 21,700 households.

6) Trade Industry

The consumption market keeps stable and tends to be blooming. The total retail sales of social consumer goods achieved were 2,040,200,000yuan in a whole year, up11.5% than previous year, with 1,552,820,000yuan in wholesale and retail trade and 173,140,000yuan in catering service, both of which accounted for 76.1% and 23.9% respectively. In terms of attribute, the proportion of nonpublic economy continued to increase, with proportion 75.5%. The retail sales accomplished by nonpublic economy were 1,541,890,000yuan, up 16.1% than previous year. The commercial enterprises in the whole county, which adopted such approaches as system innovation, flexible operation, supermarket, exclusive sales and general distribution, increased.

The general level of commodity tented to decline. In a whole year, the resident's consumption price index declined 0.8% than previous year and the general level of retail price of social consumer goods dropped 1.3 percentage points than previous year.

7) Finance, Banking and Insurance

Year 2002 has been the fastest one in financial revenue increase. The total financial revenue and local revenue were 753,980,000yuan and 338,400,000yuan respectively, up 28.7% and 20.9% respectively than previous year, both of which ranked the first in the whole province. The total financial expenditure was 642,480,000yuan, up 24.2% than previous year.

The banking order keeps well, and deposit and loan continue to increase. In 2002, every item of deposit balance in the bank of the whole county totaled 4,924,220,000yuan with residents savings balance 3,310,990,000yuan, up 8% and 17.9% respectively than previous year. Every item of loan balance totaled 3,362,040,000yuan, up 2% than previous year.

Larger breakthrough has been made in widening social insurance coverage and the social insurance becomes obviously more effective. In 2002, the number of people in administrative units, enterprises and institution, taking part in the basic pension insurance,

3-19 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) reached 12,950. In the whole county, 625,000yuan of basic subsistence for laid-off workers was allocated and 72,740,000yuan of pension for retirees was allocated. The total volume of insurance premium and expenditure for reparations in insurance companies of the whole county were 25,329,000yuan and 12,649,000yuan respectively, up 17.5% and 1.2% respectively than previous year.

8) Science, Education, Culture and Hygiene

Science and technology cause develops step by step. For consecutive 7 years, this county has maintained the name of technological advance county at national level. 3 projects at provincial level and 6 projects at municipal level were applied for. Base on consolidating the result of meeting the standard of utwo basis", in 2002, the education cause in the whole county prospered. There were 51 common middle schools, 7 vocational middle schools and 319 primary schools, with 103,479 students and 6,559 faculties. The enrolment ratio in primary school was 100%, the enrolment ratio in middle school was 99.12% and the enrolment quotas in senior middle school were 75.6%. There were 2,455 students in the whole county above college enrollment pass level, with a ratio of 76.8% for students above the pass level. Reform on structure of education fund management and system of personnel management, was implemented. The lay-out of schools was adjusted, the staffs were reduced, the faculties were optimized and the new school management mode was explored.

Culture cause witnesses free development of different forms and styles in the culture. In 2002, there were 20 township cultural stations, 21 film projection units. 2,600 films were showed and over 60 theatrical festivals were organized by cultural departments, which enriched people's life in spare time. The extension rate of TV was above 80%. The China Enterprise Culture Forum was successfully held in Xingsha for the first time.

Hygiene cause develops with stable steps. At the end of the year, there were 39 hygiene institutions, with 1,236 sick beds, 1,514 working staffs and 1,306 hygiene professionals.

Sports cause prospers, as sports meeting has been totally held for 21 times, with 5,860 participants.

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9) Population and People's Life

According to the statistics released from Public Security Annual Report, at the end of the year, the number of total population was 734,000, down 0.3% compared with the same periods. Among total population, the number of agricultural population and non-agricultural population were 670,000 and 64,000 respectively. The population of birth and death this year were 7,683 persons and 8,251 persons respectively. The birth rate, death rate and natural growth rate were 10.5%o, 11.2%o and -0.8%0 respectively. The population density was 368 persons per square kilometers. The proportion of urban population in the total amount increased and the urbanization rate was 25%, 1.3 percentage point increase than previous year.

People's living conditions keep on improving. In 2002, the disposable income of rural residents was 3,702yuan with a growth rate of 7.8% than previous year, per-capita consumption expenditure was 2,780yuan with an increase of 48yuan and a growth rate of 2%, and per-capita savings were 4,504yuan with a growth rate of 18.7%.

3.3 Social and Economic Conditions of Townships (Towns) Affected by the Project

3.3.1 Muyun Town

1) Comprehensive

Muyun Town is located in the southwest of Changsha County, with Xiangjiang River on the west. There is only a river between Xiuhua Town, Xiangtan City, Pingtan County, Wangcheng County, Wangcheng County and Muyun Town. On the north are Tianxi and Yuhua districts of Changsha City; on the east lies Tiaoma Town; on the south stands Zhaoshan Township, and on the southeast Zhuzhou City. The eastern part of the town is high and the west is low. The landform is half-hilled. The People's Government of the town, 18 km away from Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, and Changsha, is situated in Nantuoling, which is called 'Golden Triangle" and about 40 km away from Changsha Town. It covers an area of 64.96 square km-cultivated land 20878.68 mu (paddy field 18380.68 mu, dry land 2498 mu), mountain forest 28116 mu, waters area 2638 mu. It dominants two committees of Muyun City and Nantuo residents committee as well as

3-21 Resefflement Action Plan for Cornidor Component (Changsha Section)

Gaotao, Yuntang, Yuetang, Huaxing, Litang, Beitang, Nantang, Lianke, Yangqiao, Sanxing, Naotang, Fengcheng, Muyun, Xingma, Huangjin, Xuqiao, and Litang administration villages and 184 village people groups. It has a population of 32767-agricultural population 26928, non-agricultural population 5839, floating population 23000.

2) Infrastructure

The consummate infrastructure and convenient transportation are the advantages of Muyun Town. National Highway 107 and Jiangguang ( Bejing to Guangzhou) railway are crossing the town south to north. Mushi and Lianyun highways are connected with National Highway 107. From 2001 to 2002, Nanhu Road, Muyuan Road ( the first term), Donghua Road, Beihuan Road and Market Road were built to make the road structure of the town. There is a transformer substation of 110000v in the town center. The agricultural network was rebuilt and finished in 2002. the communication equipment has developed rapidly. There are 2 cellphones launching stations and a big number of people using cells in the village. Fixed phones has also progressed rapidly. By the end of 2002, the number of fixed phones has reached 10100, which has increased 581.9% compared with that of last year 1481. In 1998, Rongcheng Water Factory was built in Sanxing Village, which could produce 50000 kg water each day. The pavement of the water net was carried out along National Highway 107 in July 2002.

3) Education

There are one middle school, 13 primary schools and about 10 kindergartens in the town. The southern campus of Changsha Civil Administration college, Hunan Second Light Industry School stand still in the town. It basically forms the education pattern combining Children education, public education, vocational education and advanced education. In the town lies 3 first-class hospitals. The sanitation stations spread all over the town. And the sanitation facilities and hospitalization situation have obviously been improved. The wired net covers 80% of the families in the town. TV sets, refrigerators and washing machine come into the civilians' houses. Self-governing system has been set up in the village. It implements the village affairs publication and put much emphasis on family

3-22 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) planning. Because of its success in family planning, it won the honor of model town in carrying out family planning policy in 2001 and 2002 and its practice and experience have been introduced and popularized.

4) Finance

Compared 2002 with 1998, the town's GDP has added up to 950,000,000 yuan form 680,000,000 yuan, increasing rate 39%. The overall agricultural production value has added up to 101,380,000 yuan from 94,980,000 yuan, increasing rate 6.7%. the overall industrial production value has added up to 721,000,000 yuan from 51 0,00,000 yuan, the increasing rate 41.4%. The third industry such as diet, leisure and service has developed rapidly, the production value of which has added up to 127,620,000 yuan from 80,000,000 yuan, increasing rate 59.5%, which is 13.4% of GDP. Finacial income has added up to 21,420,000 yuan from 18,680,000 yuan, increasing rate 13.5%. The average governable income of farmers has added up to 3705 yuan from 2928 yuan, increasing rate 26.5%. The resident's banking amount has added up to 202,480,000 yuan from 93,000,000 yuan, increasing rate 117.7%.

5) Recruiting commercial and inviting investment

The town ranks ahead in recruiting commercial, inviting investments, comprehensive fathering, justice, education, public security, women union and league committee. Since 2000, the development of Muyuan Industry Garden has provided better conditions for realzing modernization and stepping into rich and prosperous society.

Relying on its geographical, transportation and resources advantages as well as the plafform of Muyuan Industry Garden, Muyuan has created a new idea of recruiting commercials and inviting investments, and tried to improve the environment for economic development, broaden the finacing channels, and dredge the channels for recruiting commercials and inviting investments. During 5 years, it has recruited 36 units, made use of 715,000,000 yuan. In total, there is 950,000,000 yuan by contract. In 2002, it recruited 12 enterprises and invited foreign investment 2,000,000 dollars, home investment 180,000,000 yuan. The health care center of the Second Hospital attached to , Hunan Coal Production Bureau, Yatai Industry Co., Ltd settled in Muyun

3-23 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Town. Yatai Industry was built in Oct. 2001 and achieved production value 30,000,000 yuan at the end of 2001, which created a miracle in Muyun, honored 'Muyun Speed".

6) Industry

Muyun Industrial Garden is a major part of Changsha Economic Technological Development Zone, which lies in the 'Golden Delta" at the link of Changsha, Xiangtan and Zhuzhou and on the north of National Highway 107. In March 2000, it was approved the town industrial district of municipal level by Changsha Town Enterprise Bureau. In 1999, Planning and Designing Institute of finished its planning and designing, with the whole design area of 8km2, At the end of 2002, the zone extended south and east of National Highway 107, and Changsha Road of programm construction is the outside transportation frame for the east direction in the garden, while Changsha No.4 Fast Tract of the program is the transportation frame for the south direction. The area has added up to 10-sqaure km, first year 2 km2 finished; third year 6 km2 finished; fifth yearlO km2 finished. It is planned to make a comprehensive ecological industrial zone, in which the principal part is enterprise. On 28th of August, 2001, the new zone was started to set up. By the end of 2002, the total investment has reached 1,900,000,000 yuan, in which there is 350,000,000 yuan for the road net, water-supply net, electric power net, telecommunication net, multimedia net, ecological net and some other net infrastructure facilities, and 1,550,000,000 yuan for the project. The fixed capital the zone possesses now is 1,200,000,000 yuan.

With the geographical, traffic, resource and assets advantages, the zone takes advantage of the combination of Changsha, Xiangtan and Zhuzhou, the provincial government moving south, Xiangjiang River scenic zone development and the redressal of the urban industry and develops the supporting enterprises. So far, it has formed an industrial system with electronic equipment, package, construction, new material, mechanism and feed, in which the principal part is mould. From 1998 to 2002, the zone has recruited 36 units and 0.95 billion Yuan contract capital, the actual national and foreigner capital is 0.715 billion Yuan, In 2002, the zone achieved industry production value 1,870,000,000 Yuan. Thereinto, some company like Sweden enterprise gets more than I billion each year; some company like Changsha Zhengda company, the Fourth Provincial Construction

3-24 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Company, 5712 factory and Nantuo Construction Company can gain more than 10 million per year.

The zone is operated by Muyun industrial garden of Changsha economic technological development zone and urban construction development Co., Ltd., according to the policy of government leading, market functioning, head driving, industry supporting, making money on the land, rolling development. On 12th of July,2001, Secretary of the provincial committee Yang Zhengwu and Nomarch Zhuang Yunchuan made an investigation to Muyun Industrial Garden and showed their full affirmation on its market operation and development.

The Industrial Zone won the first prize of Construction and management of Town Industrial Garden twice, awarded by the municipal committee and government. In Sep., 2002, it won the honor of demonstrational garden awarded by the municipal committee and government. At the end of 2002, it was appointed as the national town enterprise science and technological garden by the agricultural department.

7) Water Conservancy

There are 3 yards and 6 reservoirs inside Muyun Town-the riverbanks of Guanjia lake, Xingma Lake, Nantuo Lake are 27.63km in total. The three yards is the first yard of over 10 thousand mu from Xiangjiang River to Changsha. Thus floods always visit Muyun town. In the middle of July, 1994, flood event occurred in Xingma Island. More than 1000mu area of paddy field were totally flooded, residents destroyed, 1200 people transferred and the direct economic loss 2,630,000 yuan. In June, 1998, constant rainstorms attacked Changsha and made the water level rise up to 39.59m. The section of Xuqiao embankment of Guajiahu was broken down for 200m, which caused 1500mu paddy field out of harvest and the direct loss 2,750,000 yuan. During 2002, the fall flood was following summer flood, which was worse than the former one. The town devoted 6000 labors in total, 350 labors per day and spent 200,000 yuan, prepared pebble 2000kg, stones 2000kg, timber 131 cubic meters, knitting bags 20000, machine vehicle 20, renewed brakes 15 sets. After the flood prevention, the town, according to the policy that it is better to prevent flood more than dealing with it, while it is better to build more than preventing

3-25 Reseftlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) flood, the town increased the investment on the construction of water conservancy and made 4 maintenance on Xiangjiang bank. Thereinto, it invested 3,400,000 yuan in decorating 3.5km embankment and building up the provincial standard bank of 3.4 km, setting up a new dock in Xingma island and reconstucting 5 pump station, thus 260 spots of projects has been started, finishing land and sand area of 152000m 2, supplying a spot for Winter Building Water Conservancy Meeting.

8) Tourism

According to the Concept that I have what others don't have; I have better quality than others; I am earlier than others, Muyun Town party committee and the government has cultivated and developed some key enterprises in tourism, sight-seeing, leisure, and vacation in order to promote the agricultural modernization and lead farmers to improve the agriculture industries structure. In recent years, Village Corridor of Green Island in Lishan Hill, Tanwan Village Club, Kunlun Lake Farmer Fazenda in Litang Pool, four-seasons fruit garden in Lishan Hill and Lidaren Tour technological Garden in Moon Pool attract may visitors for their splendid country scenery and unique wild sentiment, which can not only increase the farmers' income but also promote the improvement of the agricultural structure. In 2002, it got income 75,820,000 yuan, which caused the improvement of the agricultural structure of 368mu field.

3.3.2 Datuo Township

1) Agriculture

Agriculture and rural economy are developing smoothly. 28.64 million Yuan of the total output value in agriculture, forestry, stock raising and fishery has been completed in the whole year, up 4.9% compared with the same period last year, among them: there were 27.49 million Yuan in agriculture, 10000 Yuan in forestry, 27.93 million Yuan in stock raising and 5.78 million Yuan in fishery. There were 10975 acres of cultivated land at the end of the year.

2) Industry and Construction

Industrial production is developing smoothly. In 2002, 172.15 million Yuan of total output

3-26 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) value in industry was completed, up 11.9% compared with last year. Construction production and management are developing smoothly. In 2002, Construction companies completed an output value of 397.95 million Yuan in the whole district, up 26.6% compared with the same period last year.

3) Investment in Fixed Assets

The fixed assets investment is developing continuously and quickly. The guidance of City Management and the strategy of speeding up the urbanization progress are being carried out vigorously. Investment projects are growing to a great extent. There are 19 projects of fixed assets investment in the whole year, up 5 compared with last year. The fixed assets investment of township was completed 621.64 million Yuan, up 66.12% compared with the same period last year.

4) Business and Trade

The consume commodity market keeps growing vigorously. In 2002, Because of exhibitions and holidays, a total value of 533.89 million Yuan of social retail sales was completed, up 15.1% compared with 2001. In terms of the economic type, public owned economy completed a value of 45.06 million in retail, up 16.8% compared with the same period last year, and made up 11.4% of social retail sales. Nonpublic owned economy completed a value of 439.58 million in retail sales, up 18.4% compared with the same period last year, and made up 68.9% of social retail sales. In terms of the class of the business, the total value of wholesale and retail was 39265million Yuan, up 19.2% compared with the same period last year; the value of catering service was 92.82million Yuan, up 16.1% compared with the same period last year and the value of the other forms were 8.21 million Yuan, up 3.9% compared with the same period last year.

5) Education

The education cause is developing smoothly. There are 1 middle school, 13 primary schools and 8 kindergartens, in the area under the district's jurisdiction. The number of children who are in kindergartens is 6785. Of which, the there are 4403 primary school students, 1687 middle school students, and 695 kindergartens students In 2002, the

3-27 Resefflement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section) investment for improving education conditions was 1.03 million Yuan. The enrolment rate in primary school for the students of right age is 100% and the proportion of graduated students in primary schools entering higher school is 100%.

6) Hygiene, Culture and Sports

The hygiene cause is developing smoothly. There are 31 medical organizations in the area under the district's jurisdiction. There are 215 personnel with 175 doctors and 40 nurses. There are 9 villages, which have medical treatment station, and there are 21 hygienic personnel in the countryside. In 2002, the death rate of pregnant women was 0 and the death rate of babies was 9M6.

The culture and sports activities are developing vigorously. The work of sports persists that the masses and the competitive sports develop coordinately.

7) Population

According to the statistics from the public security department, the total population of the whole district was 22954 persons at the end of the year The birth rate in the whole district was 6.87%o, and increased 0.35 micro points compared with last year. The death rate was 6.14%o, and increased 2.2 micro points compared with last year. The natural growth rate was 0.73%o, and declinel.87 micro points compared with last year.

3.3.3 Baseline of Village

There are 12 village will be affected by the project of Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha section), such as Sanxing, Muyun,lianhe, Fengcheng, Yaotang and Nantuo of Muyun town, Xinglong, Datuo, Xingang, Huanghe and Heishi Village of Datuo Township, culture village of Xinkaipu office, The project zone house mainly involves 13 villages See Table 3.3-1.

3-28 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Table3.3-1 Baseline of Villages Affected by the Project Existing dry Per capita No. Of Subtotal Existing paddy Village People (No.) land cultivated land groups (No.) (mu) field (mu) (mu) (mu/ person)

Shanxing 17 2203 2043.20 1691.06 352.14 0.93 Muyun 11 1518 999.64 827.00 172.64 0.66 Lianhe 14 2051 2726.00 1599.00 1127.00 1.33 Fengcheng 11 1639 1140.04 974.04 166.00 0.70 Yaotang 6 963 1014.40 856.71 157.69 1.05 Nantuo 8 1282 1505.78 1090.00 415.78 1.17 Xinglong 23 2623 2111.00 1324.00 787.00 0.80 Datuo 24 2029 1430.94 1015.31 415.63 0.71 Xinghang 19 2254 1307.42 1042.46 264.96 0.58 Huanghe 18 2548 1124.85 712.00 412.85 0.44 Heishi 23 3213 471.60 145.72 325.88 0.15 Culture_ . 8 683 285.32 285.32 0.42 Village

3.4 Basic Economic Condition of Resettlers' Families Affected by the Project

The main mission of the social & economic investigation is to survey the social & economic conditions within the project scope, the impact of engineering scale and project on the society & economy in the region, and also to provide fundamental data for preparing the program of land acquisition and relocation, the resettlement investment cost estimation, resettlement implementation, monitoring and evaluation etc.

In June 2003, the investigating team of designing unit performed a complete investigation on various physical indexes within the project-affected zone. Special trainings have performed before the investigation.

3.4.1 Survey Content

Social and economic investigation is classified into such two categories as Resettlement Baseline Investigation and Resettlement Willingness Investigation.

The main contents of Resettlement Baseline Investigation contain family basic conditions, family property, economic income and expenditures, contracted collective land etc.

1) Family basic conditions: includes family members, their ages, their sexes,

3-29 Resettflement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

education level, their nationalities, the housing area and structure of the housing etc.

2) Family property: Means of livelihood includes heavy furniture, Color (white/black TV) TV, fridge, washing machine, VCD (DVD) , air conditioner, motorcycle, bike, telephone etc; Means of production includes contracted land with output, pond, family industry and sideline, production machine (including vehicle and boat etc)

3) Family income and expenditures: Family income 6Doperational income from planting, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, industry and commerce, ( non-operational income includes dividend, gifts from others, various subsidy, others. Family expenditures (X production expenditures includes seeds, fertilizer, pesticide, seedling, feedstuff etc (2)tax expenditures includes agriculture tax and retention, leasing farming machine, irrigation, water and electricity, burden on social obligation etc () living consumption expenditures Includes main and sub-main food, clothing, daily commodity, newspapers and books, education, fuel, water and electricity, medicine expenditures etc.

Survey content of Resettlement Willingness Investigation includes awareness of Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha section), attitudes towards the Project, receivable for the methods of production arrangement and physical relocation resettlement mode, the occupation they hope to deal with, the demands of the address of new house etc.

3.4.2 The Methods and Process of Investigation

In June 2003, with the cooperation of government at all levels, Resettlement Designer organized the special persons to make inquiry about the basic conditions of their family and Resettlement willingness in area scope affected. The survey was adopted the methods of full investigation and sample analyzing and filled in by settlers. The survey forms were given to 500 settlers in area scope affected by the Project and 480 forms were effectively gotten back with efficiency 96%. As to settlers' willingness, sampling was adopted for investigation, sampling rate 25%. Designer provided the forms, which were filled in and signed by settlers, and the Employer sent them out.

3-30 ResettlementAction Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

3.4.3 Social and Economic Situation in Project Zone

Settlers in the Project affected zone are investigated door by door. The contents of the investigation include their name, their sexes, and relationship with the householder, their ages, education, nationality, occupation, willingness about place and mode of relocation etc.

According to the investigation, the characteristic of the people affected by the Project as followings:

1) The Project entails a relocation of 502 households (including1902 persons), of which the number of agriculture population in the zone affected by Project is 1760, accounting for 92.5%, and the others who work in units or have retired accounts for 7.5%.

2) Sex proportion: 1: 0.86 (the proportion of male and female)

3) The structure of age: The number of the laborer between 17 and 60 years old accounts for 69%, under 17 accounts for 18% and up to 60 accounts for 13%.

4) Education level: 95 persons received high grade education, accounting for 5%, 266 persons received high school education, accounting for 14%, 685 persons received junior middle school education, accounting for 36%, 780persons received elementary school, accounting for 41%, and 76 persons received no education, accounting for 4%.

5) The scale of household affected: The average population in each family is 3.8,of which the labors of 17-60 years old accounts for 2.5; the members below 17 years old accounts for 0.64; the members over 60 years old accounts for 0.66.

6) Family property: In project affected zone, every 100 resettlers' households on average own 119.1 TV sets (29.2blacklwhite TV sets and 89.9 color TV sets), 245.6 electric fans, 58.4 refrigerators, 67.1 washing machines, 120.8 bicycles, 24.3 motorcycles, 797.3 big furniture such as sofa, coat cabinet, secretary etc.

7) Family income: Family income is 21181.30 Yuan each year, and per capita yearly

3-31 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

income is 5574.03Yuan. Because the place of inhabitation is near to city, the family income has a lower dependency on land. Most of the inhabitants take an occupation at enterprises around or do business themselves.

8) Family expenditure: Family spends 19012.93 Yuan each year, and each number spends 5003.40 Yuan on average a year.

9) Housing conditions: The residence of relocation project lies at the edge of the city, The current residences (accounts for 51%) are relatively good, whose structures are mostly brick and concrete, and most of the residences have toilet and press well. The housing area is relatively large, per household housing area is 190.29m2 and per capita housing area is 50.22m2.

10) Contracting for collective land: each farming household on average contracts for 0.81 mu collective land, of which 0.54 mu is paddy field and 0.27 mu is dry land (vegetable land)

11) Resettlement willingness: Most of the households (93%) choose to reconstruct new residences near their existing residences to be favorable for employment and children schooling, and also they are familiar with local environment around. Some households will choose a new site out for considering the employment or close to the relatives.

12) Vulnerable group: The old and the children who live together with their family's members, can get care from others in the family. It is not necessary to grant women special privilege because that both the female and male enjoy equal position in Changsha, they also participate in the whole of the project; Because the resident in the Project affected zone are all Han nationality, no special attention shall be given. So far, there is no special difficult community appeared in the process of relocating and resettlement due to deficiency in economy and living ability.25 households, 95 persons of vulnerable families need special care.

3.4.4 Living Standard in Project Zone

The main economic income of the residents in project zone comes from household

3-32 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) operating. At present, the per capita yearly income of residents is 5574.03 Yuan, and per capita net income is 2718 Yuan. Of the per capita gross income of farmers: the planting income is 285.43 Yuan, accounting for 5.12%; the forestry income is 0.23 Yuan, accounting for 0.01%; the income of animal husbandry is 328.99, accounting for 5.90%; the income of industry and sideline is 4764.44Yuan, accounting for 85.47%; and the income of the others is 194.93, accounting for 3.50%. Per capita expenditure is 5003.4OYuan, of which: living expenditure is 2129.03Yuan, accounting for 42.55%; production expenditure is 2856.25Yuan, accounting for 57.09%; and the other expenditure is 18.12Yuan, accounting for 0.36%.

3.4.5 Public infrastructure in project area

According to investigation, the public infrastructures likes the transportation, water supply, electric power supply, telecommunication in the project-affected zone are comparatively developed. The external transport is very convenient; highway, railroad, water transport, aviation etc are all available. The residenters' water source is mainly from the well; water drainage system has basically been formed; rural web reconstruction has been finished too, electricity is transmitted to each household; IDD telephone is available in each village, and cell phones now are used by many residents

3.5 Impact of Land Acquisition On Society and Economy of Local Population

Implementation of the project will produce impact on society and economy of the population affected to a certain degree.

1) The acquisition for land will cause different degrees for them: a) Land acquisition will make the peasants who rely on land making living to lose their living sources. So they have to leave the land where they have lived for several generations, and they have to choose the living mode, learn and master the new living skill, and to be familiar with new working circumstance. They may have some difficulty adapting them to new life environment and their living standard may be reduced within a short time. b) Land acquisition will not affect those residents who rely on non-agricultural production. The income mainly comes from the Second, third industry and the income from the planting accounting for a little proportion. No matter which resettlement method will be taken, reduce of the total income caused by the land reduce will not greatly impact

3-33 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

their living.

2) The physical relocation of residents may consume a certain manpower and material resources. The project administrative department may take some measures which including resettler subsidy, transition compensation, shortening the transition period, subsidy for the vulnerable group building house and resettlement etc, helping the resettlers and reducing the loss of resettlement to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

3) The remove of the enterprises may cause losses for them. a) For partly influenced enterprises, the influences of remove are partly and linear, the remove can't change the enterprises' total distribution. These enterprises won't stop producing or close because of the riverbank construction. The enterprises that reverse influenced by this project should be compensated by means of current compensation. At the same time, the safety and development of the enterprises will be greatly improved because of the increase in height and the consolidation of the river bank, and also because of the built of the road; b) For enterprises that need totally relocating, their normal production will be interrupted for a short time. And it will take more time and energy to remove the enterprises and rebuild the new location at the same time. When the project is carried out, the main remove managing department shall take a series of measures, such as current compensation, help of location choosing, privilege policy, so as to reduce the loss of the enterprises as little as possible; c) For enterprises that need partly closing or stopping, the remove will influence them the most. The main remove managing department shall take current compensation to these enterprises. The re-employment of the workers and staff members shall be well taken, or the public welfare shall be well taken, too. The life of the workers and staff members shall be guaranteed not to be influenced so great.

3-34 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)


4.1 Law Framework

* World Bank, operational policy on involuntary resettlement OP/BP 4.12

* National Laws and Regulations:

(1) Land Administration Law of P.R.C. (1999)

(2) Designing Method of Hydropower Reservoir Inundation Treatment Plan (1996)

* Hunan Provincial Laws and Regulations:

(1) Hunan Provincial Implementation of Land Administration Law of P.R.C. (2000)

(2) Land Requisition and Resettlement Compensation Method of Changsha (May, 2000)

4.2 Related Policies of World Bank

The Resettlement Policies' target of the Bank is to enable the persons displaced by the project to share the benefit from the project. The involuntary resettlement is an inevitable problem in the project, and the overall objectives of the Bank's policy on involuntary resettlement are the following:

(1) Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible, or minimized, exploring all viable alternative project designs. Where it is not feasible to avoid resettlement, resettlement activities should be conceived and executed as sustainable development programs, providing sufficient investment resources to enable the persons displaced by the project to share in project benefits. Displaced persons should be meaningfully consulted and should have opportunities to participate in planning and implementing resettlement programs.

(2) This policy applies to all components of the project that result in involuntary resettlement, regardless of the source of financing. It also applies to other activities resulting in involuntary resettlement, that in the judgment of the Bank, are (a) directly

4-I ResettlementAction Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

and significantly related to the Bank-assisted project, (b) necessary to achieve its objectives as set forth in the project documents; and (c) carried out, or planned to be carried out, contemporaneously with the project.

(3) (a) The resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure that the displaced persons are informed about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement;

i) Informed about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement;

ii) Consulted on, offered choices among, and provided with technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives; and

iii) Provided prompt and effective compensation at full replacement cost for losses of assets attributable directly to the project.

(b) If the impacts include physical relocation, the resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure that the displaced persons are:

i) Provided assistance (such as moving allowances) during relocation; and

ii) Provided with residential housing, or housing sites, or, as required, agricultural sites for which a combination of productive potential, locational advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the old site.

(c) Where necessary to achieve the objectives of the policy, the resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework also include measures to ensure that displaced persons are

i) Offered support after displacement, for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living; and

ii) Provided with development assistance in addition to compensation measures described in paragraph (a) (iii), such as land preparation, credit facilities, training, or job opportunities.

4--2 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

(4) (a) Specific components of the project will be prepared and implemented;

(b) The criteria for eligibility of displaced persons will be determined;

(c) Measures to assist the displaced persons in their efforts to improve their livelihoods, or at least to restore them, in real terms, while maintaining the sustainability of the park or protected area, will be identified; and

(d) Potential conflicts involving displaced persons will be resolved.

4.3 Policies Target of the Project

4.3.1 Compensation Qualification

All buildings, landowners and users in the land requisition relocation area of the project will get reasonable compensation and assistance.

The relocation office shall make a house relocation notice 3 days after the House Relocation Certificate has been rectified and issued to make public of displaced persons, relocation area and time limit, and a written notice for related dept. shall be given to stop doing the following procedures in the relocation area:

(1) The business license rectifying and issuing for doing business in the relocation house.

(2) Procedures for sell, exchange, division, present, remising, mortgage of house except the effective judgment made by People's Court or arbitration organization.

(3) Examination and approval procedures for newly-built, improving and reconstruction of the house and its attachment.

The deadline decided by the governments is considered as the final compensation requirements-met date in the project. The project impact persons are considered to be the persons who lose land and house and their livelihood impact because of the construction, they shall be compensated and restored in the line of their loss and quantities as well as if they are included in the final construction diagram completed before the government

4--3 Resettlement Action Plan for Conridor Component (Changsha Section) deadline. Or in the construction, they shall be compensated because of temporary impact. After the deadline, the cultivated land, house or resettlement of impact persons in the project impact area shall not be compensated.

4.3.2 Compensation Principles

House relocation resettlement compensation work is a strong-policy, heavy-task and wide-aspect work, it is related to the direct profit of displaced persons. The compensation and right criteria are as following according to the requirements of Chinese government and World Bank laws and policies:

(1) The compensation and right provide to the impact persons shall be equity and at least keep the original livelihood level before project, and the improving is needed.

(2) In principal, the compensation for residential house is the way of monetary or ownership exchange; for non-residential is the way of monetary. In obeying the policies of the World Bank, the compensation fee shall be decided according to the related criteria of Urban House Dismantling and Relocation Compensation Stipulations of Changsha city.

(3) The building affected by the project shall be compensated (including the waste production and living facilities of the requisition land).

(4) After the land requisition, the per capita cultivated land of land requisition peasant shall be enough to maintain its living standard; if the per capita cultivated land is not enough to maintain living standard, other income resources work shall be provided.

(5) In the suitable time, the related qualified conditions, compensation ratio and criteria, living restoration and income plan as well as project schedule shall be public to the impact persons.

(6) The relocation building and its appendixes shall be dismantled and relocated after the compensation and resettlement receiving. All cost for land requisition shall be paid 3 months after compensation and resettlement plan approval.

4--4 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

(7) Before the impact persons satisfy, the land requisition and relocation shall not be performed.

(8) In the construction, if the temporary land using influence exists, the related compensation fee shall be paid. The compensation fee for temporary land using includes young crops fee, land loss compensation and reclamation fee. The land loss compensation fee shall be determined based on the yearly output and occupied period; the reclamation fee shall be determined based on the actual necessary cost.

4.3.3 various Land Requisition Compensation Policies and Standards

1) Related Provisions in the Law of Land Administration of P.R.C (Jan.1st, 1999)

Article 2 The State may requisition land owned by collectives according to law on public interests. The State introduces the system of compensated use of land owned by the State except the land has been allocated for use by the State according to law.

Article 44: Whereas the land requisition for construction purposes involves the conversion of agricultural land into construction land, approval should be obtained for the agricultural land conversion.

For the land acquisition of road and pipeline engineering projects and large infrastructure construction projects approved by the provincial people's governments, autonomous regions and municipalities, and of construction projects approved by the State Council, approval should be obtained from the State Council whereas conversion of agricultural land into construction land is involved.

Article 45: The approval of the following land acquisition should be obtained from the State Council:

1) Basic farmland; 2) Over 35 hectares of land beyond the basic farmland; 3) Over 70 hectares of other land.

4--5 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Requisition of land other than above-mentioned shall be approved by the provincial People's Government, autonomous regions and municipalities, and submit to the State Council for record.

Article 46: Where land is to be acquired by the State, the acquisition shall, after approval is obtained through legal procedure, be announced by people's governments at or above the county level, which shall help execute the acquisition.

Article 47: In case land acquisition shall take place, compensation shall be made in accordance with the original usage of the acquired land, which shall include a land compensation fee, a resettlement subsidy and a compensation fee for the attachment of the land and standing crops. The land compensation fee for the acquired cultivated land is 6-10 times the average annual output value (AAOV) of the land in the previous three years before land acquisition. The resettlement subsidy of acquired farmland shall be calculated according to the agricultural population to be resettled. The agricultural population to be resettled is computed with the quantity of acquired farmland divided by farmland quantity per person of the acquired unit. The resettlement subsidy for the agricultural population to be resettled shall be 4-6 times the AAOV in the previous three years. But the resettlement subsidy for farmland shall not exceed 15 times the AAOV. However, in special cases a higher resettlement subsidy may be given to a maximum of 15 times the AAOV over the last three years. The provinces or municipalities directly under the central authority shall determine the standards of compensation for the attachment of the land and standing crops. If land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy paid as per the regulations cannot keep the resettled farmers at the original standards of living, the resettlement subsidy can be increased with the approval of the governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. But the algebraic sum of land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy shall not exceed 30 times of the AAOV for the three-years of the said land before acquisition. The State Council can raise the standard of land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy under special circumstances according to the social and economic development level.

Article 48: Once a plan for compensation and resettlement subsidies for acquired land is defined, the local people's government concerned shall make it known to the general public

4--6 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) and solicit comments and suggestions from the collective economic organizations, the land of which is acquired, and the peasants.

Article 49: The rural collective economic organization, the land of which is acquired, shall accept supervision by making known to its members about income and expenses of the compensation received for land acquisition. The compensation and other charges paid to the unit for its land acquired is forbidden to be encroached on or misappropriated.

Article 57: The state-owned land or farmers' collective-owned land is required for temporary use for the construction and geological perambulation of the project. Approval shall be obtained from the land administration of the people's government at the county level. Land acquisition for temporary use within the city planning area shall be approved by the city planning administration and then submitted to the land administration for approval. The land user shall sign a land application contract with the land administration or countryside collective economic organization or villagers committee according to the land right or ownership and pay the compensation fee for temporary use of land as per the contract. Temporary user of land shall use the land according to the use specified in the land contract and shall not build permanent buildings on the land. The duration of land for temporary use normally shall not exceed two years.

2) Designing Method of Hydropower Reservoir Inundation Treatment Plan issued by Electric Power Industry Dept.

The target of the Resettlement Plan shall be analyzed and prepared through the prophase compensation and the anaphase help based on the recourses and development condition, society and economy development plan in the relocation area according to the principle of keeping the original living standards

Article 6.0.1 the enterprises reconstruction could be planned and done together with the technique improving and industry structure adjustment. The investment of reconstruction in original scope and standard shall be considered as the hydropower compensation investment; the added investment for broadening scope and promoting

4--7 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

standard shall be collected by the related units. For enterprises that can't reconstruct or is hard to reconstruct, the reasonable compensation shall be given based on the concrete inundation condition.

3) Hunan Provincial Implementation of Land Administration Law of P.R.C.(2000)

Article 10 if there is no condition for cultivated field reclamation or the reclaimed field is not up to the requirements, the reclamation fee should be paid to Land Administration Dept. of Provincial People's Governments according to the following criterions when the examination and approval procedure for agricultural land transition is done.

(1) The reclamation fees for basic cultivated land shall be 10-12 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the basic cultivated land; the reclamation fee vegetable field shall be 10-12 times the average output value of the three years preceding the neighborhood paddy field;

(2) The reclamation fees for other cultivated land shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the land.

The construction unit shall place the reclamation fee on the construction investment as construction cost. The Land Administration Dept. of the Provincial People's Government shall bank the reclamation fee in special account according to the stipulation of the Provincial People's Government, the Dept. shall organize reclamation based on reclamation plan and give it to the reclamation units timely and sufficiently.

Article 18 the land compensation fee for requisition land shall be calculated and paid according to the following standards:

For cultivated land (including paddy field and dry land, vegetable field), rearing pond and lotus root pool, the compensation fee shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the land.

For orchard, tea garden and economic woodland, the compensation fee shall be

4--8 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

the 50%-100% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee; for other woodland, fee. compensation fee shall be 30%-50% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation

For grassland, the compensation fee shall be 30% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee.

For villages (towns) public facilities and commonweal, enterprise land and farmer field residential site, the compensation fee shall be equal to the neighborhood paddy compensation fee.

the For barren and other unused land, the compensation fee shall be 20% of neighborhood paddy field compensation fee.

Article 32 one householder shall own only a residential site in the village. The residential construction in the villages shall meet the Land Usage Plan in the villages 2 (towns).The land using area for each householder shall be less than 130m in 2 cultivated land, 201m2 in barren, and 180m in other land.

4) Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Method of Changsha City (May, 2000)

Article 9 after the issuance of the land requisition notice, the requisitioned rural collective economic organizations and peasants are forbidden to cultivate, feed and plant against time and change the using character in the requisition area. The crops planted and cultivated against time will not compensate, for the lands that change the using character; the compensation fee shall be given based on the original using character.

Article 16 the land requisition compensation fees shall be paid totally 3 months after the compensation and resettlement method approval. For the refused compensation fees, the land administration dept. shall be bank the fee in the special account under the name of requisitioned land after the municipal or county People's Government consent.

in The requisitioned rural collective economic organizations and peasants shall displace

4--9 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

the time limit described in the land requisition compensation and resettlement method.

Article 20 the land compensation fee for requisition land shall be calculated and paid according to the following standards:

For paddy field and dry land, vegetable field, rearing pond, the compensation fee shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the land.

For orchard, tea garden, the compensation fee shall be equal to the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee; for other economic woodland, the compensation fee shall be 50%-70% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee.

For woodland, the compensation fee shall be 30%-50% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee; for barren and other unused land, the compensation fee shall be 20% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee.

For agricultural land such as pond, channel, dam, the compensation fee shall be equal to the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee; for reservoir, the compensation fee shall be 60% of the neighborhood paddy field compensation fee.

For road, the compensation fee shall equal to the compensation standard of other land in neighborhood.

Article 21 the resettlement fee for requisition land shall be calculated and paid according to the following standards:

The for requisition cultivated land shall be calculated accordingto thenumberof agricultural population to be resettled. The number of agricultural population to be resettled shall be calculated by dividing the amount of cultivated land requisitioned by the per capital land occupied of the unit whose land is requisitioned. The resettlement fees for each agricultural person to be resettled shall be4-6timesthe average annual output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land. But the maximum resettlement fees for each agricultural person to be resettled shall not exceed 15 times of the average annual output value of the three years prior to the requisition. The resettlement fee for

4--10 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) professional rearing pond shall be paid according to the stipulations mentioned above.

For orchard, tea garden, the resettlement fee shall be 4-6timesthe average annual output value of the three years preceding the neighborhood paddy field; for other economic woodland, the resettlement fee shall be 70% of 4-6timesthe average annual output value of the three years preceding the neighborhood paddy field.

For woodland, the resettlement fee shall be 30%-50% of 4-6timesthe average annual output value of the three years preceding the neighborhood paddy field; for the barren and free mountain, there are no resettlement fee.

For irrigation land such as pond, channel, dam, the resettlement fee shall be the resettlement fee shall be 4-6timesthe average annual output value of the three years preceding the neighborhood paddy field; for the reservoir, the resettlement fee shall be 70% of 4-6timesthe average annual output value of the three years preceding the neighborhood paddy field.

For road that need reconstruct, the resettlement fee shall be paid according to the resettlement fee standard of neighborhood land; for the road that needn't reconstruct, there is no resettlement fee.

Article 41 for the peasants who own 2 in or above residential site on the rural collective-owned land, if one is dismantled, and the other meet the stipulated land using area, the reconstruction could not be done.

4--11 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Attachment 1: Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Method and Implementation of Changsha City

Table 4.3-1 Land Acquisition Compensation Criteria in Changsha City (1)

Unit: yuan/mu

Per capita cultivated land <0.34 o0.34- 0.47- ¢0.69- 117 Remarks Land Cat. Grade Average 10 9 8 7 6 Output

1 1900 19000 17100 15200 13300 11400 Irrigated paddy filed with ditch, canal and dam Paddy filed 2 1520 15200 13680 12160 10640 9120 Climate field, cold high water table field, valley tail field.

3 1140 11400 10260 9120 7980 6840 Abandoned paddy field

1 5000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 Brick or concrete ditch, canal and basin Professional 2 4000 40000 36000 32000 28000 24000 Having part of condition of grade 1. Vegetable land 3 3000 30000 27000 24000 21000 18000 Having earth ditch, canal and basin.

Brick, concrete, stone ditch, canal, slope 1 3370 33700 30330 26960 23590 20220 Professional protection and oxygen equipment

fish pond 2 2620 26200 23580 20960 18340 15720 Having part of condition of grade 1.

3 1870 18700 16830 14960 13090 11220 Earth ditch, canal without slope protection

1 ~1330 13300 11970 10640 9310 7980 Dry land cat.is defined based on such Dry land 2 1140 11400 10260 9120 7980 6840 conditions as soil, terrain, and sunshine,

3950 9500 8550 7600 6650 5700 irrigation condition based on soil

4--12 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Table 4.3-2 Land Acquisition Land Compensation Criteria (2)

Land Category Grade Compensation Criteria Remarks

Orchard, tea garden Compensation as per paddy field criteria nearby

1 Compensation as per 70% paddy field criteria nearby Regular planting, large area with good hydro condition.

Other economic forest land 2 Compensation as per 60%paddy field criteria nearby Regular planting, large area with good hydro condition.

3 Compensation as per 50% paddy field criteria nearby Regular planting, large area with good hydro condition.

1 Compensation as per 50% paddy field criteria nearby Man made timber land

Timber land 2 Compensation as per 40% paddy field criteria nearby Non-man made arbor land.

3 Compensation as per 30% paddy field criteria nearby Shrubbery land.

Waste land and hill Compensation as per 20% paddy field criteria nearby

Water pond, canal, and dam Compensation as per paddy field criteria nearby With fish in pond, compensation as per 50%

Reservoir Compensation as per 60% paddy field criteria nearby With fish in reservoir, compensation as per 30%

Road Compensation as per paddy field criteria near the road required

4--13 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Attachment 2: Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Method and Implementation of Changsha City

Table 4.3-3 Land Acquisition Resettlement Subsidy Criteria in Changsha City (1) Unit: yuan/mu

Percapita cultivated land <0.34- 030.38- -0.42- -0.47- ¢0.53- ¢0.60" B0.69- ¢0.81- ¢ 0.96- Ž 1.17 <0.34 >- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.5 (mulperson) <0.38 <0.42 <0.47 <0.53 <0.60 <0.69 <0.81 <0.96 <1.17 c<1.5

Land Cat. Grade Average 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Output

1 1900 28500 26600 24700 22800 20900 19000 17100 15200 13300 11400 9500 7600 Paddy field 2 1520 22800 21280 19760 18240 16720 15200 13680 12160 10640 9120 7600 6080 3 1140 17100 15960 14820 13680 12540 11400 10260 9120 7980 6840 5700 4560 1 5000 75000 70000 65000 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 Professional 2 4000 60000 56000 52000 48000 44000 40000 36000 32000 28000 24000 20000 16000 3 3000 45000 42000 39000 36000 33000 30000 27000 24000 21000 18000 15000 12000

1 3370 50550 47180 43810 40440 37070 33700 30330 26960 23590 20220 16850 13480 Professional______Pfishsional 2 2620 39300 36680. 34060 31400 28820 26200 23580 20960 18340 15720 13100 10480 3 1870 28050 26180 24310 22440 20570 18700 16830 14960 13090 11220 9350 7480 1 1330 19950 18620 17290 15960 14630 13300 11970 10640 9310 7980 6650 5320 Dry land 2 1140 17100 15960 14820 13680 12540 11400 10260 9120 7980 6840 5700 4560 3 950 14250 13300 13250 11400 10450 9500 8550 7600 6650 5700 4750 3800

4--14 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Table 4.3-4 Land Acquisition Resettlement Subsidy Criteria (2)

Land Category Grade Subsidy Criteria Remarks

Orchard, tea Subsidy as per 4-6 times annual Per capita cultivated land 60.5mu, 6 times, garden average output of nearby paddy >0.5c-<1.5mu, 5 times,>1.5mu, 4 times __ __ field. Other economic Subsidy as per 70% 4-6 times Per capita cultivated land 60.5mu, 6 times, average output of nearby >0.5-'<1.5mu, 5 times,>1.5mu, 4 times forest paddyannual field. Subsidy as per 50% 4-6 times Man made timberland.Per capita cultivated 1 annual average output of nearby land < 0.5mu, 6 times, >0.5 - 6 1.5mu, 5 paddy field. times,>1 .5mu, 4 times Subsidy as per 40% 4-6 times Non man made arbor.Per capita cultivated land limber land 2 annual average output of nearby < 0.5mu, 6 times, >0.5 ' 1.5mu, 5 paddy field. times,>1 .5mu, 4 times Subsidy as per 30% 4-6 times Shrubbery.Per capita cultivated land S0.5mu, 3 annual average output of nearby 6 times, >0.5S-'1.5mu, 5 times,>1.5mu, 4 paddy field. times Water pond, Subsidy as per 4-6 times annual Per capita cultivated land 60.5mu, 6 times, canal, dam, etc. average output of nearby paddy >0.5c <1.5mu, 5 times,>1.5mu, 4 times field. Subsidy as per 60% 4-6 times Per capita cultivated land (0.5mu, 6 times, Reservoir annual average output of nearby >0.5'-1.5mu, 5 times,>1.5mu, 4 times paddy field.

Road Subsidy as per nearby land Reconstruction is required in other place. category subsidy of road required

Attachment 3: Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Method and Implementation of Changsha City

Table4.3-5 Rural Houses Compensation Criteria for Land Acquisition and Relocation in Changsha unit: yuan/M 2

Compensation Category House structure Deduction and addition factor unit price

Reinforced concrete beam, pillar, board

as bearing component, wall body as

protective component, plywood door, Reinforced Outside wall without ceramic tiles -4% aluminum alloy window, painted inside concrete 560 Wooden window -5% wall, outside wall with ceramic tile, structure storey height± 10cm, ± 1% cement floor, water, power and lavatory facilities complete in order,. storey height of 3m

4--15 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Table4.3-5 Rural Houses Compensation Criteria for Land Acquisition and Relocation in Changsha unit: yuan/M2

Compensation Category House structure Deduction and addition factor unit price

Over 24cm with solid and brick wall, Whitewashing outside and inside walls -

structure beam and pillar, reinforced 3% Brick and concrete floor, ceiling board, painted and Below fifth floor Door and window without painting - 2%

concrete brighten glass window, packing door, 330 without roof board - 8% structure cement floor, painted inside wall, outside Above sixth bamboo mat ceiling - 5%

(1) wall with drydash stone water, power, floor400 earth ground - 4%

lavatory facilities complete, storey height of tabia floor - 2%

3m storey height +10cm,+1%

Solid and hollow wall, structure beam, Brick and reinforced concrete floor, ceiling, painted Without whitewashing inside and outside concrete and brightening glass window, packing 310 walls- 5% structure door, cement floor, whitewashed outside Other items as above (2) and inside walls, storey height of 3m

Solid and hollow wall, wooden floor,

wooden frame, wooden or T-ceiling Brick and sunshade, painted and brightening glass Without ceiling - 8% wood 250 window, packing door, cement floor, Other items as above structure (I) whitewashed outside and inside walls,

storey height of 3m

Without whitewashed inside and outside Outside wall solid and hollow, brick column walls- 5% Brick and inside or wood column wedged in wall, Without painted door and window -2% wood wooden house frame, bamboo mat ceiling, 230 Without ceiling- 3% structure painted glass, window, and floor, tabia earth ground - 2% (2) floor, whitewashing outside and inside cement floor +2 % walls, storey height of 3m storey height ± 1Ocm,+ 1%

4--16 ResettlementAction Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Table4.3-5 Rural Houses Compensation Criteria for Land Acquisition and Relocation in Changsha unit: yuan/M 2

Compensation Category House structure Deduction and addition factor unit price

Without whitewashing inside and outside Inside and outside earth brick and earth walls- 5% filling wall or a part of red brick wall, Earth and Without painted door and window - 2% wooden house frame, tile roof, painted wood 210 Without ceiling- 3% glass door and window, bamboo mat structure (I) earth ground - 2% ceiling, tabia floor, whitewashing outside cement floor+2% and inside wall, storey height of 3m storey height ± 1Ocm, 1%

Inside and outside earth brick and earth Earth and filling or inside wood column wedged in Glass, door and window painted +2% wood wall, bamboo wall, ordinary glass door and 190 Cement floor+2% structure window, earth ground, roof with straw, Storey height ± 1Ocm, ± 1% (2) storey height of 3m

Attachment 5: Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Method and Implementation of Changsha City

Production and Living Facilities Compensation Criteria for Land Acquisition in Changsha

Table 4.3-6

Compensation Item Unit Remark cost (yuan)

Cement sunning ground m2 15

Tibia sunning ground 2 5

Bounding wall with 24cm solid and 2 Bounding wall should be built by the whole m 46 hollow wall brick mortar bond and whitewashed.50%

Bounding wall without 24cm solid 2 of compensation must be done, if it is built m 42 and hollow wall with residual bricks, a part of a brick and

4--17 ResettlementAction Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Production and Living Facilities Compensation Criteria for Land Acquisition in Changsha Table 4.3-6

Compensation Item Unit Remark cost (yuan)

18cm solid and brick wall m2 48 slurry.

Bricklaying m3 160

Bar stone masonry m3 145

Block masonry - m3 115

Pump well made up of brick and No. 600 stone

Firedamp basin No. 800 Including pipe, gas meter

Tibia, brick and stone tomb No. 800 Plus 50% for double tombs

Table4.3-7 Land Acquisition and Construction Land Use Compensation Cost and Other Compensation Cost Criteria in Changsha

Compensation cost Item Unit Remark (yuan)

House relocation Calculated as per legal m2 ~~~6 building area. compensation cost

Calculated as per legal building area, suitable

25 for the houses of township (Town),village

House transition enterprise Month/m 2 subsidy cost Calculated as per legal building area, suitable

4 for villagers' houses, 40% increase for

operational house enterprise

3000 The original is cultivated land. Land reclamation mu 2000 The original is non-cultivated land.

5) Compensation standards

(6)land compensation rate

4--18 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

The land compensation rate shall be determined based on the land compensation multiply described in the stipulations mentioned above.

a)collective-owned land compensation rate:

The compensation rate for various land in project zone shall be calculated base average output in nearly 3 years, land compensation multiply described in the stipulations mentioned above. Collective-owned land compensation rate are as follows:

Rate Calculation Table of Land Compensation

Table 4.3-8

Permanent Acquisition Land

Output Resettlement Land Compensation Young crop Item Per mu Cost Compensation Remarks _Compensation (Yuan) Compensatio Subsidy Rate (Yuan) Multiple \lMultiple Cost Cost Cost As Per 0.81

Paddy Field 1520 7 10640 7 10640 760 20240 mu/person cultivate land

As per dry land,

Vegetable Land 1140 7 7980 7 7980 570 16530 vegetable land for family plot

As per 0.81

Dry Land 1140 7 7980 7 7980 570 16530 mu/person cultivate land

Pond 1520 7 10640 5 7600 1520 19760

Fish Pond 1520 7 10640 5 7600 1520 19760

Orchard 1520 3.5 5320 2.5 5320 760 11400 Man -made timber

Timber 2128 2128 Newly residential

Grass Land 7980 7980 570 16530 site as per occupied dry land

Residential Site 10640 7980 18620

Public Land 7980 7980

4--19 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Rate Calculation Table of Land Compensation Table 4.3-8

Permanent Acquisition Land Output Resettlement Land Compensation Young crop Item Per mu Cost Compensation Remarks C.ompensation (Yuan) ompensation Subsidy Rate (Yuan) Multipl Multiple Cost Cost Cost Road Use Land 10640 5 7600 18240 Tunnel 10640 7980 18620 Others 2128 2128

b) Stated-owned land compensation rate

The stated-owned land compensation standards shall be determined referring to the related articles in the stipulations mentioned above:

Enterprise land 22040yuan/mu

c) Temporary land occupation compensation unit price

Temporary land occupation compensation unit price includes young crop compensation cost and land reclamation cost. Young crop compensation of timber is calculated on the basis of 40% of

(M)House compensation rate

a)House compensation rate

Based on form mentioned above, the compensation rate of various houses shall be reset price: brick and concrete structure is 320yuan/m2, brick and wood structure is 240yuan/ m2, earth and wood is 200yuan/ m2, repository is 60 yuan/m2. The reset price shall be determined base on the typical house designing and the local lately building materials rate price: brick and concrete structure 276yuan/m2, brick and wood structure is 214yuan/ m2, so the rate compensation is higher than the actual reset cost, the resettler can take

4--20 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) full use of the compensation funds to build new house. The detail of the reset rate price analysis is shown in Table 4.3-9.

Rate Area Reset Price Analysis calculation Table Table 4.3-9

Residence - Brick and Rate Concrete Brick and Wood Structure Remarks (Yuan) Structure Amount Qty. un) Qty. Amount (Yuan)

1 Major building materials 192. 158.7 Steels kg 2.7 15.7 42.3 4.28 11.56 Tile No. 0.13 18C 23.4 Cement kg 0.25 120 34.8 23.2 6.7 Timber m3 600 0.05 3 0.1 6 Iron cast pipe kg 1.e 2.2 3.9c Felt m2 1.2 0.85 1.02 Asphalt kg 2.05 1 2.05 Glass m2 18.2 0.15 2.73 Brick No. 0.18 240 43.2 218 39.24 Lime kg 0.13 35 4.55 48.3 6.28 Sand m3 36 0.35 12.6 0.2 7.2 Gravel m3 45 0.1 13. 0.05 2.2 Nail kg 4.2 0. 2.1 0.; 2.1 2 Scattered materials 192.9 7.7 158.79 6.3 4% sum of item 1 3 Wage Work. da 19.7 3.2 63.04 2.25 44.3 4 Fee of water and electricity m2 12 5 5 Total cost m2 279 21 iRound up Rate compensation 32( 24(

b) Compensation rate of affiliated building and scatter trees:

The compensation standards shall be determined according to the Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement Method and its Implementation of Changsha.

Based on the standards mentioned above: the cement bleachery is 15yuan/ m2 , tabia bleachery is 5yuan/ m2, wall is 45yuan/ m2 , slope is 140yuan / m3 , press well is 600 yuan/well, firedamp basin 80OYuan/basin, tomb 800Yuan/tomb.Earth well, pool and

4--21 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

scatter trees compensation standard shall be determined referring to the similar project: earth well is 200yuan/well, pool is 80yuan/ m3, scafter fruit trees(growth)60yuan/ tree, fruit trees(young)20yuan/ tree, other scafter trees is 5yuan/tree.

c) Resettlement subsidy fee:

The house relocation subsidy shall be calculated as 6yuan/m 2, the house transition subsidy fee shall be calculated as 25yuan/month.m 2 for public, 4yuan/month.m2 for individual house.

d)special facilities compensation standards:

Compensation rate of traffic, communication and electricity facilities shall be determined base on the reset rate calculated by local material rate in 2002 based on the needed equipment and material for similar facilities: the simple road is 70,000 yuan/km, machine cultivated road is 30,000 yuan lkm, high tension line is 25,000 yuan /km, low tension line is 10,000 yuan /km, transformer is 3000 yuan/km, mail line is 12,000 is yuan /km, pump station 5*1 04 Yuan/No., channel is 30,000 yuan/km, port is 50,000yuan/No..

4.3.4 Ownership Sheet

4--22 Resettlement Action Plan for CorridorComponent (Changsha Section)

Ownership Sheet Table 4.3-10 Impact Type Affected Resettlement Polices Compensation Criteria people 1) Monetary resettlement, evaluation and compensation are Brick and concrete: 320 yuan/M2 : brick and wood: 240 principles for relocation house, and yuan/mi : earth and wood(wood): 200 yuan/M2i miscellaneous on the basis of replacement 2 relocatees build house by themselves with the compensation cost. house: 60 yuan/iM

Residence Owner 2) Poverty household can be carried out by other Poverty household: 3000 yuan/household resettlement mode. Government should help them to get bank loan Vulnerable household: 600 yuan/person preferably.

3) Physical relocation cost 6 yuan/ M2

1) Monetary resettlement

Unit and 2) Compensation cost Residence compensation criteria Non-residence staffs 3) Facilities relocation compensation cost, Relocation and non-relocation, discount as original fixed capital.

2 4) Interruption loss subsidy cost 25 yuan/M

Temporary User No temporary building within project zone Building

Collective 1) Land compensation fee Paddy field2O240 yuan/ mu: dry land16530 yuan/ mu: orchard land 2) Reselement forsvoubsyc S 19760 yuan/ mu, pond 19760 yuan/ mu, Timberl1400 yuan/ mu land3)CmestofoyoncrpPermanend acquisition Enterprises State-owned land within project zone 20240 yuan/ mu / Unit Temporary 1) Young crops compensation cost: Compensation as per annual Timberl216 yuan/ mu, land average output of land category year by year Economic forestland 1824 yuan/ mu acquisition 2) Land reclaim cost 2000 yuan/ mu

4--23 9I i i i Reseltlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

5 Resettlement Measures

Since this project is a flood protection, landscape and road project, which can bring about the safety control, beautify local environment and provide entertainment and and convenient traffic, so the affected residents in project zone are satisfactory to this project. Even though in the areas affected by project land occupation and relocation, almost every affected resident is favorable to this project.

5.1 Resettlement Strategy

5.1.1 Resettlement Targets

It is to make the rational compensation and perfect arrangement to the people affected by the Project, and ensures them to restore or surpass the original production level, income level and living standard after resettlement.

5.1.2 Resettlement Principles

In accordance with laws, rules and principles of other laws and regulations concerned mentioned in resettlement law frame, in combination with experience and lessons of the built dike resettlement, under active coordination of governments at levels in project zone, the fallowing resettlement principles are primarily drawn up:

1) The presentation of resettlement plan depends upon the social and economic investigation and affected physical indexes statistics in project zone and takes the State and local policies, laws and rules on land requisition and removal and the World Bank's Operation Policy for Involuntary Resettlement OD/BP4.12 as the principles.

2) Optimize project design, pay attention to protect the cultivated land and reduce the affected scope of land requisition and removal as soon as possible. Avoid the population dense zone or multistory and high-rise buildings as far as possible, and reduce the involuntary resettlers to minimum. The convenience-for-people measures and the construction schemes for reducing disturbance to residents will be taken in the process of construction.

5-1 ResettlementActon Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

3) Compensation and resettlement to all involuntary resettlers are a part of project construction. It is necessary to provide sufficient funds to resettlers and help them to obtain profits from the project.

4) Ensure that the affected people can receive all compensation for resettlement losses before removing. It is necessary to make the rational living arrangement and effective production restoration to them and to give them subsidy and help for their temporary difficulties.

5) Ensure that the living standard, production capacities and income of the affected people by land requisition and removal will be restored and increased to the standard and levels before land requisition and removing.

6) The compensation for house or other properties is the replacement price, and the depreciation or discount shouldn't be deducted from the compensation. The compensation has the money compensatory way and physical compensatory way. Both money compensation and physical compensation (e.g. property right is exchanged) should, at least, be satisfied with purchasing the-houses of equal area, similar structure and similar conditions in the same area. The project unit should recommend the economical and appropriate houses to removing households and help the organizations concerned handle the physical relocation procedures (including the preferential policies that they can enjoy according to the stipulations).

7) This project will give compensation all people and all buildings affected by the Project construction in the project zone. Even if one or two people have had imperfect household register procedure or imperfect leasing procedure or imperfect business procedure or imperfect law procedure of a few of buildings, it does not become a reason to refuse to give compensation and help.

8) Some one who gets into the project zone to seize hold of land or houses without authority out of limited period will not be given compensation and resettlement. Some one who does not sign the agreement of compensation and resettlement or does refuse removing after being signed the agreement should be subject to deal with according to administrative and judicial procedures.

5 -2 Resettlement Action Plan for Corrdor Component (Changsha Section)

9) The resettlers will obtain compensation in the transition stage of physical relocation and in the process of physical relocation. The proposed resettlement area should have the elementary infrastructure and service facilities.

10) The physical relocation of non-residential house unit will obtain subsidies for physical relocation and for losses of production stop and business stop. The local reconstruction or relocation resettlement should meet the plans and avoid the second physical relocation for the near term.

11) It is necessary to give rational consideration for the vulnerable groups and help them choose the resettlement houses and remove.

12) Units of infrastructure property right will be given the compensation for relocation and reconstruction and function restoration of infrastructure affected by the Project.

13) Make the rational compensation for the requisitioned land and losses arisen from it. The land compensation fee should be owned by the collective and used for collective economic development, improvement of the public good and resettlement of the affected villagers. The resettlement subsidy disbursement will be given the resettlement units or the resettled persons or will be used to pay the insurance expenses of the resettled persons.

14) All expenses for requisitioning land should be paid by means of the full disbursement in three months from beginning of the approval date of land requisition compensation and resettlement scheme, and the latest allowable date should be the day when this stretch of land has begun to be used for construction purpose.

15) The temporary use land is generally limited in two years. When temporarily occupying cultivated land, the occupant should restore the planting conditions in one year from the expiration date of temporary use land. If the land of temporary use is the one owned by the collective, the rural collective organization or villagers' committee should on behalf of the land owners sign the contract of temporary used land with the users and should collect the subsidies for temporarily used land from the users. When setting up the compensatory criterion of temporarily used land, it is

5 -3 Resettlement Actfon Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

necessary to consider the losses of the owners and users of the original land, including agricultural tax to be paid. When the temporarily used land will be returned, the land use character or land ownership have changed, it is necessary to relevantly increase the land compensatory level and properly arrange the users of the original land.

16) It must be to give the work arrangement all labors affected by land requisition and relocation and ensure that their living standard and income would not be reduced in spite of the land requisition and relocation. It is necessary to encourage to resettle depending upon land and support to develop the second and third industry. The farmers could volunteer to select the employment, if possible. Provided their rural residence registration will be changed into the city's, the original economic organization should help them pay all kinds of insurance expenses of resettlement population.

17) The resettlers will be encouraged to take part in drawing up resettlement action plan and executing resettlement, and the policies and criteria of compensation and resettlement should be opened and published in time. In the process of investigation to the affected persons who will be asked to make suggestions for compensation and resettlement, and these suggestions shall be reflected in the report.

18) It is necessary to pay attention to complaint and resentment of the affected people and help them rationally overcome the difficulties and inconveniences in the process of land requisition and physical relocation. It is necessary to listen to resettlers' opinions about the compensation standard, which should be solved through consultation. If it is fail in consultation, the methods of arbitration award or prosecution could be taken.

19) The concerned organizations of resettlement work should strengthen combination and coordination each other. The resettlement organizations at all levels should be perfected and train all persons at posts.

20) In the process of executing project the owner will make internal survey for project implementation, and, in addition, the survey units will be engaged to carry out

5 -4 ResetlementAction Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

external survey and will periodically submit the survey report to the World Bank. The resettlement work assessment will be done after completing all activities.

21) In the process of resettlement action plan execution, the any large changes (including reducing compensation criteria, changing the place and scope of project's land requisition and physical relocation, increasing new sub-item, changing some sub-item into domestic investment item, etc.) should be reported to The World Bank. It is possible to amend the resettlement action plan or prepare the other resettlement action plan.

22) In the World Bank's project zone, if the land requisition and relocation work of non-the World Bank project will be in advance or this work will be carried out at the same time with one's of the World Bank, the World Bank's project could be "get a lift". However, all compensation and resettlement policies should conform to the requirements of resettlement action plan.

5.2 Resettlers' Living Restoration Plan

In June 2003, the resettlement design unit organized professional technician, under great coordination of the Project Employer and local governments, to conduct the on-the-spot survey, optimization and demonstration for resettlement area in the project zone. Based on actual conditions in the affected areas by the project, in combination with resettler wishes, the scattered and backward-removed way is the main resettlement way according to the project planning, and, in addition, a few people will be resettled by means of going to their relatives or friends for help.

5.2.1 Principle and Procedures of Resettlement Points Alternative Principle

The purpose of house relocation and reconstruction is to provide the safe, convenient and perfect living environment to the resettlers.

1) The new resident point should possess the good topographic conditions and reliable drinking water source;

5-5 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

2) It must conform to production development plan;

3) It is useful to production and convenient to living and easy to management;

4) It can economize land, it is necessary to do not occupy land or to less occupy land as far as possible;

5) Considering the population growth in the future, the developing room should be left;

6) The layout of house complexes should be based on topographic features and should consider other conditions, including lighting, ventilation, afforestation and so on.

7) House designs should conform to the resettlers' wishes and their investment capacity. Procedures

The new site of resettlement point as been decided such that the local governments, resettlers' representatives and governments of resettlement zone will jointly made consultation in accordance with the above principles; the local governments and technicians concerned made the on-the-spot survey and shose the point and made the synthetic analysis of geology, topography, traffic, power, water source, etc; the resettlers' production and living conditions will well be considered.

5.2.2 Plan of House Relocation and Reconstruction Resettlement target and scope

In light of resettlement principles, in combination with actual conditions and resettler wishes in different places, it is determined that the scattered and backward-removed resettlement way will be taken as the main resettlement way in project zone, the resettled target is all relocation households with backward-removed conditions, the resettlement scope is the administrative division of this village or the present neighborhood committee, which is in the safe zone of 50-70m from the levee toe of new dike. Resettlement Point

In the project zone there are 48 scattered and backward-removed resettlement points to

5 -6 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

and other 18 be set up and 484 households with 1849 persons to be resettled, help. households with 53 persons will be go to the relatives and friends for Criteria of Using Land land in the State Land Based on the stipulations and criteria concerned for house site use Method AdministrativeLaw of P. R. China and the Hunan ProvincialImplementation site land criterion for for Land Administrative Law, it is determined that the house houses is resettlers of using scattered and backward-removed reconstructing 130-21 Om2/h. Housing Reconstruction

be built by resettlers The backward-removed and scattered resettlement houses will administration are themselves, and the local resettlement office and state land resettlers can select the responsible for the land requisition for new houses building. The also make a design reasonable dwelling house type for building houses and they can based on their own wishes and economic situation.

For more detail, see table 5.

5.2.3 Infrastructure and Public Facilities

infrastructure and Because move-back resettlement mainly depends on local existing and public social service system, no special plan is made. The affected infrastructure by typical analysis. facilities will partially be compensated according to the criteria defined scale, original In addition to reconstruction that will be made according to original fund or standard, original function, the local special organizations can concentrate construction to increase appropriate investment to make rational layout and uniform status and improve original facilities on the basis of the regional economic development for Production and development plan and in light of the principle of Favorable Convenient for Livelihood.

5-7 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

Table 5.2-1 House Building Resettlement Program Table

Backward-removed resettlement Going with relatives and friends Total Township Village Group (No) (No) Household Population Resettlement Household (HH)(person) (HH) (person) site (HH) ~~~~~population (person) Household (HH) population(person)

Muyun 7 22 147 576 Within group 6 16 153 592

Datuo 5 28 332 1263 Within group 12 37 344 1300

Xinkaipu 1 2 10 Within group 5 10

Total 13 52 484 1849 Within group 18 53 502 1902

5-8 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

5.3 Resettlers' Production Arrangement Plan

5.3.1 Resettlement and Production Arrangement Tasks

need The agricultural populations who have lost farmland due to project land requisition the production arrangement plan. According to the investigation result, the production resettlement population in the project zone will be 2029 persons.

Table The production resettlement population in the project zone is detailed in the Annex 6.

5.3.2 Targets of Resettlement and Production Arrangement

standard to Reconstructing production activities and restoring resettlers' living standard are main agricultural judge whether or not the resettlement action plan is practicable. Concerning the In order to income, the phenomena of level difference, high or lower, naturally exist in any place, necessary to ensure that the individual living standard will not decreased after resettlement, it is of resettlement take restoring and surpassing resettlers' existing per capita income as the target of quality action plan. It is necessary to take help measures to improve the agricultural in aspect income of and technique, and, at the same time, to take the stability of gradually increasing resettlers as a target of resettlement action plan.

5 -9 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Special Facilities Relocation Program Table Table 5.2-2

Road facilities Electrical power facilities Pump District (Township) Village Simple Tractor High-voltage Low-voltage facilities line (km) station Canal Dock (No) highway road (km) (km) (km) (No) lin )(No) (

(kmn) ______(No) _ _

Changsha Muyun 1.04 5.76 7.23 5 County 4.44 4 0.58 1

Muyun 0.54 1.1 2.32 1.82 1 Lianhe 0.07 0.86 1 . 0.42 1 Fengcheng 1.45 0.75 0.58 Raotang 1.55 1 1 Nantang 0.1 0.79 0.8 1 0.8 1 Sanxing 0.4 0.8 2.5 2 1.4 1 Tianxin District Datuo 2.61 0.12 3.12 1.83 District. 6 1.62 11

Xingang 0.31 0.31 0.22 1 0.61 2 Datuo 0.14 0.07 0.77 0.64 0.34 Xinglong 0.16 0.05 0.59 0.14 1 0.47 2 Total 3.65 0.12 8.88 9.06 11 6.06 15 0.58 1

5- 10 Resefflement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

resettlement In June 2003, under coordination of owner and governments at all levers, the expenditures of design unit conducted the surveys of family properties and incomes and the agricultural affected households and made records and books. According to analyzing income was 2733 family income of 95 households of them, the resident per capita net and economical Yuan in 2002. Regardless of presence and absence of project, the social income also is levels in project zone are continuously increasing, and resident per capita per capita increasing accordingly. In 2000-2002, the annual increase rate of countryside the resettlers' income in project zone was 12.3%. In order to ensure that, after relocation, in 2006, living standard can reach or surpass the original, and, up to project completion the target value of per capita net income should reach 3447 Yuan.

5.3.3 Environment Capacity Analysis

quantity that The environment capacity in resettlement zone means the resettlement population under ensuring can stably be supported and absorbed by economic development in one area, quality. The natural ecological sound cycle and keeping certain living standard and environmental on the resettler's investigation scope of the resettlement environment capacity was based arrangement scheme stipulated by Resettlement Rehabilitability Program Report. Analysis of Land Bearing Capacity

population Villagers cultivate most of existing farmland in project zone, so the agricultural resource with to be resettled by the agricultural way has to share the original land residents and residents of resettlement zone, but it is necessary to make both the taken the a lot of resettlers to be benefited. In order to reach this aim, it should be adjust crop measures such as increase agricultural investment, increase soil fertility, as to increase varieties, improve low-yield land and change dry land to into paddy field agricultural income.

than 0.50 mu/m. In the affected villages and groups, the surplus farmland mostly is more Village (1.17 The most surplus farmland quantity is in the Yanzitang Group of Lianhe Quite a number mu/m) and the least-in Liangjiawan Group of Heishi Village (0.17mu/m). input, extensive of surplus farmland in the affected villages have low yields due to lower and so on. management, low-fertility soil, single crop variety, short of field water facilities

5 -II ReseftiementAction Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Based on the analyzing information concemed of soil improvement in Hunan Province, the per unit yield of low-yield field could be increased by 100Kg, if taking the following improvement measures: increasing investment, improving soil, improving crop varieties, adjusting cultivation system, building water conservancy projects, strengthening field management, etc. The dry land in partial low country could be transformed into paddy fields after taking measures of increasing irrigation facilities, improving soil and so on. After that, the agricultural income of 625 Yuan/mu could be increased. In villages and groups there are total surplus farmland resource of 18503 mu, 7600 mu of them could provide the additional agricultural income of 760,000 Yuan/yr through low-yield fields improvement measures. In additional, the dry land of 628 mu could be transformed into paddy fields, it could increase the agricultural income of 392,500 Yuan/yr. Up to the planning level year, resettlers' per capita planting income will increase from 1084 Yuan/yr to 1952 Yuan/yr. By calculation of this level, through transforming low-yield fields and dry land into the paddy fields, the farmlands load capacity increase quantity of villages will reach 2045 pr. Capacity Analysis of Second and Third Industry

In recent years, the second and third industry rapidly develops in project zone. In 2000, their increase value accounted for 19.6% and 39.2% respectively of gross national product. Owing to increase of dike standards, decrease of flood disasters and stability of public feeling and investment increase of infrastructure (power, communications and transportation) and strengthening of information and material exchanges inside and outside the province, the second and third industry will further develop. With implementation of this project and other projects, speeding up of population urbanization progress and favorable changes of industrial structure in project zone, the proportion of second and third industry will gradually increase. The dependence on the land is reduced gradually for the farmers, and the traffic is convenient in this project district. This project district is located in the suburbs of provincial capital Changsha. The area superiority is obvious. And the number of people who are engaged in the second or the third industry is increased annually. It is predicted that the emigrants can be well settled by developing the second and the third industry such as: transportation industry, restaurant industry, business in the project influence district.

5- 12 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

As the project is carried out and accomplished, the traffic conditions in the project district will be improved further; the construction of a great batch of projects such as Muyun industry garden and Tianxin district industry garden, will supply a much broader markets for the second and the third industry. When the project is carried out, a much bigger developing space will be supplied for the transportation industry, restaurant industry, service industry and so on. It is predicted that more than 200 people is occupied, of which 55 people are in the transportation industry, 65 people in the restaurant industry, and 80 people in the service industry.

5.3.4 Agricultural Arrangement Scheme

The agricultural settlement will be carried out according to the principles as follows: 1) For villages which have sufficient surplus cultivated land, the cultivated land adjustment pattern is adopted for all of them in the settlement; 2) For villages which have abundant surplus cultivated land, it is considered that the cultivated land is readjustment in their own village, and the cultivated land is distributed equal between the emigrants and the non-emigrants; 3) For villages which have not too much surplus cultivated land, it is considered that compensable adjustment, with the cultivated land of the same quality in other villages nearby, is carried out; 4) The determination of the cultivated land adjustment pattern shall be carried out, after consulting with the villagers in the settlement district and the local government. And it is shall be put into effect after approved by the local villagers.

From the above analysis, it is clear that most of the affected villages and groups in project zone are rich in land resources. After reforming of low-yield fields and transforming dry land into paddy fields, output value per unit area will be increased and farmland bearing capacity will be increased. After project implementation, through adjusting cultivation ways of this village and its groups, it is fully possible to well resettle the resettlers in this village and its groups, and, by planning, 781.74mu of farmland will be readjusted within the groups and 1221 resettlers will be resettled. And after land occupation, a few of group have less surplus farmland, they should go out to get the adjusted farmland which is

5- 13 Resefflement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

259.79 mu by planning, of them the paddy field of 176.2 mu and dry land of 83.59 mu, and 745 resettlers to be resettled.

5.3.5 Non-agricultural Arrangement Scheme

There is less farmland resources in the Muyun Village of Muyun Town, Datuo Village and Heishi Village of Datuo Township, Tianxin District and Wenhua Village of Xinkaipu Township, and after adjusting a small number of farmland and resettling a part of resettlers, there are still 63 persons to be made the production arrangement.

These villages are close to urban area and have convenient transportation; it provides the advantageous conditions to develop the second and third industry. By planning, 63 resettlers will be resettled by means of second and third industry ways, among them 10 persons in transportation sector, 18 pr. in food and beverage sector, 20 pr. in commercial sector and 15 pr. in service sector.

The villages' production arrangement plan is detailed in Table 5.3-1.

More details about production resettlement program in project zone is shown in Annex 7.

5- 14 Resettlement Action Plan for Cornidor Component (Changsha Section)

Production Resettlement program Table


Adjusting cultivated land resettlement 2nd and 3rd industry resettlement

Village Adjust within group Adjust outside group Sum-total Resont Total(person) Township (NO) Resettlement Resettlement Resettlement Item (Mu) population (Mu) population (Mu) population (person) (person) (person) (person) Service, 611 47.94 116 452.94 727 , 20 747 Muyun 6 404.99 transportation

restaurant, 1248 5 376.74 610 203.42 602 580.17 1213 35 Datuo commerce, service

8 34 Xinkaipu 1 8.42 26 8.42 26 Restaurant 63 2029 Total 12 781.74 1221 259.79 745 1041.52 1966

5 - 15 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

5.3.6 The Restoration Measures of Enterprises, Institutions and Sideline of Villages & Groups

1) Enterprises: on the basis of investigation, the project land requisition will affect 30 enterprises, On the basis of the consultation with the influenced enterprises, the main managing department of the enterprises and the local government, these enterprises are settled as the following way: a) provincial wood corporation, the eighth hydroelectric bureau, the shipping corporation, the meat united processing factory, Dasheng furniture factory, Pingshang meat united factory and Heshi water factory and so on, these 7 enterprises are only influenced by the houses remove. It is considered that current compensation pattern is adopted in the settlement. And these enterprises are recovered by rebuilding in another place. b) The High-Molegular Fluctose Mill, Changsha City Machine Tool Plant and Changsha Zhongyi Co., Ltd (3 enterprises) are influenced partially, it is considered that the money compensatory way will be used and themselves will be allowed to make reconstruction or no making reconstruction. c) The other 20 enterprises should be relocated fully, which basically are aggregate reclaiming plants. After their relocation, they will not be reconstructed and restored, and their resettlement will be done by means of money compensatory way, because they will affect the use and beauty of the Flood Control, Landscape Corridor Component. These enterprises are mostly two types: One is the former state operated enterprises (7 enterprises such as the second sandstone corporation of Changsha county shipping corporation, the fourth sandstone corporation of Changsha county shipping corporation, Tianxin sandstone ground, Taiyin sandstone industry Tongda sandstone ground, Changsha city sandstone corporation Baijiahe sandstone ground, and Benchi sandstone ground), they are contracted by individual entrepreneur after convert, the workers and staff members are the former workers; the other type is privately operated enterprises (13 enterprises such as Honghua sandstone ground, Fengcheng sandstone ground, Raotang sandstone ground, Sanxing sandstone ground, Yongsheng electroplate factory, Datuo sandstone ground, Datuo prefabrication ground, Changjian sandstone ground, Xinglong cement brick factory, Xinglong prefabrication ground, Datuo central sandstone ground, Dasheng milk cow ground and

5- 16 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Dasheng sandstone ground), the workers and staff members are local farmers. They live on plant products industry. They work here in the slack season in farming. When these 20 enterprises are closed or stopped, for the first type workers, low-insurance taking pattern is adopted as settlement; for the second type workers, they will be recommended to work in the riverbank construction. An opportunity of re-employment is applied for them, so as to guarantee that the emigrants' income is not too much influenced. The settlement program of the influenced enterprises is specified in Table 5.3-2.

2) Institutions: The project land requisition is referred to 5 institution: The Second Light Industry School, The Fourth Reconnaissance Survey Team of the Ministry of Geology, The Jiancheng Building Section of Changsha Railway General Company, Datuo Dike Administrative Committee and The Muyun Power Supply Station of Hunan Electricity. The influence on them is only house removal. The four units' relocation quantity is smallest, but the relocation quantity of the Datuo Dike Administrative Committee (DDAC) is larger. The DDAC will locally be reconstructed in combination with flood protection, and other 4 units will be given money compensation and allowed to make reconstruction or no making reconstruction.

1) The 20 public houses and machine-houses of villages and groups. The machine-houses and switch rooms will locally be reconstructed and resettled. The others will be given the money compensation, and they can decide to make reconstruction or no making reconstruction.

2) The project land requisition will not affect the individual commercial shop fronts.

These enterprises are mostly two types: One is the former state operated enterprises (7 enterprises such as the second sandstone corporation of Changsha county shipping corporation, the fourth sandstone corporation of Changsha county shipping corporation, Tianxin sandstone ground, Taiyin sandstone industry Tongda sandstone ground, Changsha city sandstone corporation Baijiahe sandstone ground, and Benchi sandstone ground), they are contracted by individual entrepreneur after convert, the workers and staff members are the former workers; the other type is privately operated enterprises (13

5- 17 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section) enterprises such as Honghua sandstone ground, Fengcheng sandstone ground, Raotang sandstone ground,-Sanxing sandstone ground, Yongsheng electroplate factory, Datuo sandstone ground, Datuo prefabrication ground, Changjian sandstone ground, Xinglong cement brick factory, Xinglong prefabrication ground, Datuo central sandstone ground, Dasheng milk cow ground and Dasheng sandstone ground), the workers and staff members are local farmers. They live on plant products industry. They work here in the slack season in farming. When these 20 enterprises are closed or stopped, for the first type workers, low-insurance taking pattern is adopted as settlement; for the second type workers, they will be recommended to work in the riverbank construction. An opportunity of re-employment is applied for them, so as to guarantee that the emigrants' income is not too much influenced. The settlement program of the influenced enterprises is specified in Table 5.3-2.

5- 18 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Affected Enterprise Resettlement Planning

Table 5.3-2

Affected degree Relocation enterprise Stop enterprise Partly affected

No. of enterprise Stop Rebuilding affected Site time time saffnd timetf ______~~~~~ ~~workers Changsha 64

Contracted No. 2 Sand Pit of Changsha County to Traffi indivdual, Norma 12 V 2004.6 Low social County Shipping Company Bureau iperationnsurance (rate)

No. 4 Sand Pit of Changsha ounty Traffic ndivid to Low social County Shipping Company Bureau ndividual Norma _10 4 2004.6 insurance (rate) 3peration~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Afe crovincialAfe Provincial Wood Company Forestry Bureau top V scattered in 2004.5 ______~~~~~~~place______No. 8 Bureau of Water and National Electri ea ormal operation After Electricity Bureau Power Company ._. V scattered in 2004.5 place _ After County Traffic Shipping Company Bureau Normal operation V scattered in 2004.5 ______place

Ioa idivdu Honghua Sand Pit Embankment Fengchen peration u 5 2004.6 Construction peration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Team 4ormal .d' 'd ~~~~~~~~~~~~Embankment engchen Sand pit engchen Noratindivu 12 V 2004.6 Construction 5e-atin lTeam

5 - 19 Resettlement Action Plan for Corndor Component (Changsha Section)

Affected Enterprise Resettlement Planning

Table 5.3-2

Affected degree Relocation enterprise Stop enterprise Partly affected

District Unit Dep. Status staff Partly Rebuilding Relcation Job arrangement Relocation Remarks Stop Rebuilding afce Site tmtie of staff and time RaotangSandpiRaotan Nommaloperabon______indiv staff ______Pa7l Reuldn Reoato workersam______wke Relocationtrutio 4ormal individia Ebnmn aotang Sand pit aotang operation 7 2004.6 Construction Team 4ormal individual ~~~~~~~~~~Embankment Sanxin Sand Pit Sanxin oprmationdivdu 2004.6 Construction peration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Team____

Yongsheng Electroplate anxin Nomal individua i 2004.6 Construction Factory peration _ Team

Changsha Zhongyi Stock Municipal Co.,Ltd Commerce Normal operation 2004.7 Co__ _td_ _ ureau rianxin 151

Normal individualEbnm t Datuo Sand pit Datuo ommatin 14 4 2004.6 Construction peration Ta Team

Normal individualEbnm t Datuo Precasting Yard Datuo oratin 8 4 2004.6 Construction peration Ta Team

Normal individualEbnm t Changjian Sand pit Datuo ommatin 15 4 2004.6 Construction peration Ta Ater Team istrict FoAfe Meat Joint Processing Plant Dis Fooc Normal operation 4 scaUtered in 2004.5 place asheng Furniture Factory uanghe Nomral individua After 2004.5

5 - 20 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Affected Enterprise Resettlement Planning

Table 5.3-2

Affected degree Relocation enterprise Stop enterprise Partly affected No.o enterprise District Unit Dep. Status sotaffP Rebuilding Relocation obarrangement rart Relocation Remarks Stop Rebuilding afce Site tmtie of staff and tm workers place After Pingshang Meat Joint Plant stict Food Normal operation scattered in 2004.5 Supplies Bureau place______After Heishi Water Factory Heishi Collectivity Nomma l scattered in 2004.5 operation place _

Embankment inglong Cement Bric Knlg Normal individual 046 Cntuto actory inglong peration 5 4 2004.6 Construction Embankment inglong Precasting Yard Xinglong Normal individuai 10 V 2004.6 Construction )peration Team

Datuozhongxin Sand Pit Datuo Normal individual 15 4 2004.6 Embankment 3peration ______ontruction C_ Team ______Embankment Dashen Cattle Farm Huanghe Normal individua 4 2004.6 Construction operation Team Embankment Dasheng Sand pit Huanghe Normal individua 16 4 2004.6 Construction operation Team

Changsha City Machine Tool Municipal Iant Machinery Normal operation 42004.7 IBureau unicia Fo Gaoguo Sugar Factory unpl Buea top 4 2004.7

5-21 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Affected Enterprise Resettlement Planning

Table 5.3-2 Affected degree Relocation enterprise Stop enterprise Partly affected No.of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~enterprise Jtafflob arrangement Remarks District Unit Dep. Status Stop Rebuilding affected Site time time of staff and time workers Low social District Contracted tc 2004.6 insurance (rate) Tianxin Sand Pit onstruction ndividual, Norma 13 V Bureau operation Low social Changsha Huafeng Sandisrc 2004.6 Construction ndividual, Norma 9 V insurance (rate) Company . Bureau operation Low social Sand Buriau individ tc Tongda Station of Taiyin 42004.6 'onsrucion ndividual ,Norma 16 (rate) Company ueupeaininsurance Low social Bojiahe Pi of Changsha San unicipal individ to 2004.6 onstruction ndividual ,Normal 15 4 (rate) 2itCompany ueupraininsurance social ,otrctd oLow ounty 2004.6 insurance (ob) enchi Sand Pit n dividual Norma 1t1 rnatrtctiinoinsurancen(rate) urau prto

5 -22 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

5.3.7 Resettlement of the Weak Group

During the whole process of the resettlement, the administration department will attach great importance to the resettlement of the weak group. Certain favor will be offered to secure the rebuilding is successfully completed. 1) There are 25 weak households in the project affected area, the people in these households are aged and weak, single-relative, unable to work etc. 3 000 Yuan per capita of building compensation fee will be paid to these 25 households; 2) 600 Yuan per person of living compensation will be paid to the 95 people of the 25 households to help them overcome the difficulty during the remove; 3) After the implementation of the project, with the application of the weak people and the assurance of the local collective, priority can be given to them to gain the loan from the local credit cooperatives; 4) During the implementation of the project, the local collective should help the weak people select the ground for housing and arrange labor to building their houses.

5.3.8 Restoration Measures for Resettlers' Economic Income

In the process of resettlers' livelihood rehabilitation, the units in charge of land requisition will give more helps to resettlers as far as possible.

1) Deliver resettlement subsidies and help resettlers search for their own jobs.

2) Strengthen the resettlers' production skill training, and the experienced experts will be asked to instruct the resettlers to develop planting and raising and rearing industries.

3) Precedently consider that use resettlers as the workers at project working site. The project construction will provide some job opportunities to resettlers, including leveling land, forestation, etc. Though some works are temporary, they can provide the short-term income source for the local resettlers, and it can help the affected persons increase the living standard and restore their livelihood.

4) The local governments will give the policies of tax reductions and financial

5 -24 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

encouragement policies on subsidies, and banks will provide loan in advanced to them.

5.3.9. Economic Income Level Comparison and Analysis of Resettlers before and after Relocation.

After relocation, the resettlers who resettled by means of adjusting farmland way will still mainly be engaged in agricultural production, and their main income source is the planting income. After reinforcing dikes, floods will be reduced and production input will increase, and then agricultural output will increase year by year, so the planting income also will be raised year by year. Up to year 2006, the planting income of resettlers will reach 1952

Yuan/yr., and it will increase by 80% in comparison with that before resettlement. The per capita net income will be up to 3634 Yuan/yr. and it will exceed the economic target of

3447 Yuan/yr. For emigrants who are settled by the second or the third industry pattern, the industry and sideline income are the main resource of economic income. When the project is put into effect, the local economy will develop further, the superiority of the second or the third industry will be more obvious. After emigration, the industry

and sideline income will increase annually, too. Till 2006, the total industry and sideline income of the emigrants is 23898.45yuan, the average net income is 3643yuan, and it exceeds the economy target value 3447yuan, too.

The comparison of family economic income level before and after resettlement is shown in the Table 5.3-3,5.3-4

5 - 25 Resettlement Action Plan for Cormidor Component (Changsha Section)

Family Income Comparison Table before and after Relocation (Agriculture resettlement)

Table 5.3-3

Item Unit Y 2003 Y 2004 Y 2005 Y 2006

A) Family members Person 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8

1.17-60 years old laborer Person 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

2. Non-laborer Person 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

B) Contracted Collective land Mu 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.78

1. Paddy field Mu 0.54 0.54 0.56 0.56

2. Dry land (Vegetable land) Mu 0.26 0.26 0.22 0.22

C) Family income and expenditure

1. Total Income yuan 21181.30 22677.53 24173.75 25669.98

Planting income yuan 1084.62 1518.47 1807.71 1952.32

Forest income 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88

Animal husbandry income yuan 1250.17 1250.17 1250.17 1250.17

Industry & sideline income yuan 18104.89 19915.38 21122.37 21725.86

Other income yuan 740.74 740.74 740.74 740.74

2. Total expenditures yuan 19012.93 19963.58 20597.35 20914.23

Living expenditure yuan 8090.32 8494.84 8764.51 8899.35

Production expenditure yuan 10853.75 11396.44 11758.23 11939.13

Other expenditure yuan 68.87 72.31 74.60 75.75

3 Total net income yuan 10327.55 12029.20 13163.64 13730.85

4 Per capita income & expenditure yuan

Per capita income yuan/person 5574.03 6164.64 6558.39 6755.26

Per capita expenditure yuan/person 5003.40 5253.57 5420.35 5503.74

Per capita net income yuan/person 2718 3165.58 3464.11 3613

D) Economic production value 3447

5 - 26 ResettlementAction Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Family Income Comparison Table before and after Relocation (Second, third Industry resettlement)

Table 5.34

Item Unit Y 2003 Y 2004 Y 2005 Y 2006

A) Family members Person 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8

1.17-60 years old laborer Person 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

2. Non-laborer Person 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

B) Contracted Collective land Mu 0.81

1. Paddy field Mu 0.54

2. Dry land (Vegetable land) Mu 0.26

C) Family income and expenditure

1. Total Income yuan 21181.30 22750.95 24320.59 25890.24

Planting income yuan 1084.62

Forest income 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88

Animal husbandry income yuan 1250.17 1250.17 1250.17 1250.17

Industry & sideline income yuan 18104.89 21001.67 22932.86 23898.45

Other income yuan 740.74 740.74 740.74 740.74

2. Total expenditures yuan 19012.93 19963.58 20597.35 20914.23

Living expenditure yuan 8090.32 8494.84 8764.51 8899.35

Production expenditure yuan 10853.75 11450.71 11848.68 12047.66

Other expenditure yuan 68.87 72.31 74.60 75.75

3 Total net income yuan 10327.55 12085.06 13256.74 13842.58

4 Per capita income & expenditure yuan

Per capita income yuan/person 5574.03 6193.62 6606.69 6813.22

Per capita expenditure yuan/person 5003.40 5253.57 5420.35 5503.74

Per capita net income yuan/person 2718 3180.28 3488.62 3643

D) Economic production value 3447

5 - 27 Resettlement Action Plan for Comridor Component (Changsha Section)

6 Organization and Responsibilities

6.1 Organization Participating Resettlement Planning

The employer-Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Company entrusted resettlement design units to complete the investigation of land acquisition and relocation and the work of resettlement action plan. The design units assigned dedicated people to undertake the work.

Officials from hydro bureaus of various counties (district) and embankment committees (water committee) under it in the project zone participated in the investigation and planning. And officials from townships, villages, village leaders and representatives of people in the zone affected by the Project, participated in investigation and planning too.

6.2 Resettlement Implementation Management Organizations

Staff Composition of Engineering Construction Headquarters Table 6.2-1 Name Position Major Responsibilities

Project legal person, responsible for directing whole project Xiang Enming Head completely, mainly in financial plan and operational work

Responsible for resettlement work, directing compensation policy Mo Shugeng Deputy-head approval, disbursements of resettlement cost, mainly in resettlement depart.

Responsible for resettlement work, directing, coordination Liao Yingce Deputy-head resettlement work between relocation headquarters and units, supervision and management relocation safety

Zhu Xinyu Professional Responsible for implementation of resettlement work

The Employer takes full charge of resettlement implementation. Project offices of province, cities, and districts at all levels have formed dedicated resettlement offices, which are responsible for resettlement implementation work specifically. The staff quota in resettlement office are 1-8 persons. Because resettlement is a work of governmental

6--1 Resettlement Action Plan for Comidor Component (Changsha Section) act with strong social activities, the staff of resettlement offices at all levels should be the officials transferred from local governments, stated-land administrative departments, hydro departments, agricultural departments etc. A person with rich management experience usually undertakes the leader of a resettlement office.

Each township (town) and village affected by the Project has 1-2 major leaders (for township, 1 government official and 1 official from stated-land administrative station undertake township leaders; for village, head of village undertake the leadership), who are responsible for resettlement under its jurisdiction.

6.3 Supervision Organization

The Employer will entrust qualified monitoring units-Changsha Xinghuan Hydropower Engineering Technology Development Co., Ltd. as independent external monitoring unit, which is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of land acquisition and relocation and resettlement compensation. Independent monitoring unit will perform internal supervision, and manage and provide technical consulting for the employer, provide with full information of resettlement implementation, report the progress, existing problems and suggestion to World Bank and the Employer.

Internal monitoring unit is Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Company

6.4 Resettlement Management System

Resettlement engineering management implements such three systems as the employer responsibility, and project tendering, and contract administration. The Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Company takes fully charge of resettlement implementation work and tendering work of special facilities and infrastructure constructions. Additionally, independent monitoring and evaluation unit will be invited and contracted to supervise and monitor the resettlement.

In addition, project resettlement management office at all levels will use computer for information management and keep all resettlement files and data during implementation.

6--2 Resettlement Action Plan for Cornidor Component (Changsha Section)

Project Resettlement Organizational Chart

| ~~~~~CZTEIOl

Hunan Provincial Project H r i Construction Leading Group|l HunanProvincial World Bank Project Office I Cangsha World Bank | . ~~~~~~ProjectOffice

Changsha Municipal Project Construction Leading Group

IChangsha Urban Construction Investment Operation Co., Ltd

IMunicipal Resettlement Office

l l l I Ind~~~~~~~~~~~~nependent

County (district) Resettlement Monitoring Resettlement Leading Group Design unit and

. ~~~~~~~Oraanizationl

; | County (district) Resettlement Office

Township (Town) Resettlement Office

Village committee and Villager group


6--3 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

6.5 Staffing and Facilities for Resettlement Organizations

6.5.1 Responsibilities of Project Office

Changsha Urban Construction Investment Development Company takes full charge of various works. Financial group, comprehensive group, consulting group, engineering group, resettlement groups (offices) under it are in charge all specific work.

District project offices involved manage various works uniformly under the juridical areas. Financial group, comprehensive group, consulting group, engineering group, resettlement groups (resettlement offices) under it are in change of various specific work.

6.5.2 Responsibilities of Resettlement Offices

Resettlement offices are on behalf of the employers to exercise the function of management, planning, coordinating, and supervision. Resettlement offices at all levels take responsibilities of resettlement work under the jurisdiction of the scopes.

1) Physical indexes investigation, resettlement compensation, setup of resettlement program and late resettlement implementation are in need of the participation of resettlement offices and coordination with local governments.

2) Resettlement offices organize and manage specifically the work, which involves counties, township government implementation, plans and funds arrangement, coordinate the relationship of monitoring units for resettlement implementation and are responsible for resettlement work on behalf of the Employer.

3) Resettlement offices assign people to cooperate with design units to do specific planning work of various resettlement work

4) Resettlement offices at all levels supervise and monitor its affiliated resettlement offices to exercise resettlement work. Local resettlement offices are responsible for supervision and monitoring work of resettlement implementation and complete the resettlement progress report and submit to its upper monitoring departments.

5) Conditions for monitoring work and cooperation from resettlement offices will be provided.

6.5.3 Responsibilities of Leaders of Townships (Towns)

6-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

The leaders shall assist the resettlement offices to carry out land adjustment and the development of second industry and service sector, help resettlers to rebuilt house, make them know the related policies, solve the problem during the resettlement implementation, intercede the resettlement entanglement, resettlers to be rich from being poor.

6.5.4 Responsibilities of Design Units

In planning and design stage, it should exactly investigate physical index of land acquisition and relocation, environment capacity, developable utilization resources, assist district government in project zone to develop resettlement schemes, prepare the cost estimate of compensations investment of land acquisition and relocation and resettlement action plan report, and make the relevant drawings.

In construction stage, it should provide the Contractor with design document, technical, drawings and notices in time, perform design technical transfer to project offices at all levels in stages, assist the resettlement offices at all levels in physical relocation and production resettlement, and improve and perfect the program in line with the actual situation.

6.5.5 Responsibilities of Monitoring Units

A qualified monitoring unit, entrusted by the Employer as resettlement monitoring unit, will take responsibility for monitoring and evaluation of the work of relocation resettlement and implementation effect and the adaptability and provide consulting service for the Employer.

6.6 Staffing and Equipments Provided in Resettlement Organization

The staff in resettlement organizations includes managers, financial analyst, engineering technicians, social workers, material supply personnel, logistic coordinator, assistants etc.

The equipment provided in resettlement organization mainly involves office building, office equipment, traffic equipment, and telecommunication equipment. The detail is given in table 6.6-1.

6.7 Training

In order to smoothly implement resettlement, it is necessary to train resettlers and

6--5 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

resettlement working staff and develop a training plan.

Table6.6-1 Facilities Provided for Resettlement Organization No. Equipment Type Qty. Remarks 1 Computer Lenovo YANGTIAN 3 sets One for municipal project office 6110 and one for county project office 2 Printer Minolta 2200DL 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 3 Copy Machine Nikon FT-5832 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 4 Digital Camera SONYDSC-V1 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 5 Air-conditioner Green 505TLY 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 6 Tables and chairs 6 sets Two for municipal project office in the office and two for county project office 7 Jeep Mitsubishi V6 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 8 Scanner Fonder Z810 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 9 Fax Machine Cannon FAX-L240 3 sets One for municipal project office and one for county project office 10 Telephone Siemens, type 3 sets One for municipal project office 8000 (6) and one for county project office

6.7.1 Training Plan of Resettlement Management Staff

Personnel training and human resources development system in city, county (city, district), township, and village resettlement organizations at all levels will be established. The ways of training includes speech made by leaders/experts, technical training program set by various units, visiting other resettlement projects as well as on-site training of technicians and management personnel. Training contents include

Principles and policies of resettlement;

Resettlement engineering planning management training;

Resettlement implementation planning design

Resettlement implementation schedule management

6-6 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Resettlement financial management

- Management information system

-Resettlement engineering quality control;

-Resettlement monitoring and evaluation;

Resettlement project management;

6.7.2 Resettlement Production Skill Training Plan

Before moving into new sites and livelihood environment, resettlers shall be trained in production technology and agriculture technology management. Some farmers may be not familiar with the agriculture product in host site and some may develop many kinds of economic plants (such as vegetables, flowers, landscape forest, fruits). This may need training and assistance in agriculture development. Some farmers will get opportunities of employment in second industry and service sector; they may need special employment training. Some young people who had good education background can be sent to colleges to receive 1-2 year's high-level training. After graduations, they can go back, which will be favorable for training local people.

For more detail, see table 6.7-1.

6.8 Measures for Organization Strengthening

(1) To define the responsibilities and incumbent scope of resettlement organizations at all levels to strengthen supervision and management.

(2) To enrich strength of resettlement organizations at all levels gradually, especially specific technology strength. All kinds of people must have a certain professional and management quality and the organizations shall be equipped with technical equipment such as computer, detecting equipment, traffic tools, etc.

(3) To select staffs strictly, enhance technical training, perform training for management people and technicians of resettlement organization at all levels to improve their abilities in operation and management;

6--7 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

(4) To staff with woman carders to play important role in resettlement implementation.

(5) To establish extemal monitoring and evaluation mechanism and forecasting and warning system.

6-48 Resefflement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Resettlement Training Plan Table Table6.7-1 Time Place Speech-maker Trainee No. Training content Training fee ProvincialMaaeet saf1pro Wang Liangfang Management staff 1 person Domestic improvement procedures World planning from World Bank Provincial planning Hu Shunong Bank Project 500 yuan committXieJea Project Office committee training commifteeXie Jian Project Office committee training center 1, training center Main contents of project preparation.

Changsha Urban 1. Management staff from 8 person (of 1. Principles and policies of resettlement; Development project office which 2 2.Resettlement planning management training; Construction 2.Management staff from women) 3.Resettlement financial management Nov.2003. Investment Cop. World Bank official Towns (districts) 4.Management information system 4000 yuan 12 person (of which 4 5.Resettlement implementation management women) etc. 1. Townships ( Towns ) 9 person (of management staff which 2 Datuo Township Management staff 2.Villages management staff women) Jun. 2004 Government from project office Do. 17500 yuan 26 person (of which 5 women) Resettlement 120 person (of 1. Production technology management Fub.2004 Muyun Town Town management Fub.2004 Government staffs representative from Muyun which 50 2. Agriculture technology management 60000 yuan Town s women) 3. Employment in second and third industry

Datuo Township Township Resettlement 120 person (of Feb. 2004whc50D.600ya representative whc 50 D6 y Government management staffs from Datuo Township women) women)

6-9 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Domestic similar Management staffs from 4 person (of engineering 120000 yuan June.2004 engineering Municipal project office which 1 Similar women)

Domestic similar Management staffs from 16 person (of engineering 80000 yuan Aug.2004 engineering project offices which 4 Similar women)

Domestic similar Management staffs for 16 person (of engineering 80000 yuan Aug.2005 engineering project offces which 4 Similar .______I w om en)

6-10 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

7. Public Participation and Harmonization with Residents in the Host Sites

7.1 Public Participation Strategy

Before undertaking investigation, the work outline as well as survey content, method. requirement, etc, should be worked out according to the opinion of the local government. Also the assigners of the local government should be involved in the investigation group and work together.

During investigation, the person in charge of the country, village and group as well as the immigrant representatives would be invited to participate in the investigation. Some issues about the necessity of Droect, project benefit, project influence, principle of compensation and resettlement progress will be publicized and the possible resettlement orientation will be discussed together.

During the period of resettlement programming, the staff members of resettlement program unit will consult with the leaders of different level from the city, county and county, and choose the host sites in accordance with their opinion, requirement and the exiting problem. While undertaking on-the-spot investigation, the local people and relevant leaders will participate in choosing the site. It is proved that the consultation with local governments and local people is of active significance to choose the promising host sites and formulate the plan suited to the adaptation level of immigrants.

What has to be mentioned is that the women enjoy the same right as the men in the above procedure. They do not only actively take part in the resettlement work of different stages, but also play an important role in the consultation of resettlement orientation and approach.

7.2 Public Participation Approach and Measures

7.2.1 Participation Approach

Public participation and consultation mainly take the form of informal discussion and spot check of resettlement willingness. By this means, the purpose of project as well as the content and importance can be illustrated to the immigrant representatives with whom

7-1 Reseftlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) some issues about resettlement program could be discussed.

the project In Jun2003, with the effective cooperation of each department responsible for in the project zone, the immigrant willingness survey was held by the resettlement showed program unit as the survey targets were all immigrants who move out. The survey the project that all of the immigrants supported the project and 79.3% immigrants thought and had a very big influence on them as 14.8% immigrants thought it had small influence after 5.9% immigrants thought it had little. With regard to the form of house rebuilding resettlement, most of the immigrants preferred building house backward and centralized, for 9.8%. which respectively accounted for 74.3% and 15.9% as the other form accounted to adjust With regard to the form of making a life after resettlement, 76% immigrants opted or third farmland from their own villages, 22% immigrants opted to engage in the second farmland. industry and 2% immigrants choose some other means such as opening up new of public The unit responsible for the resettlement program should take fully account participation and consultation. On the base of not violating the general programming should be principle, the program of house rebuilding and production after resettlement so that the properly formulated and get close enough to the immigrant willingness immigrants could be satisfied.

and During the period of resettlement implementation, the form of informal discussion immigrant resettlement willingness spot check will still be taken in order to collect program information, survey the immigrant willingness and improve the resettlement further.

7.2.2 Participation and Consultation Measures

project, the In the whole process of resettlement implementation from the beginning of immigrants national laws and regulations of resettlement have been publicized to the (TV), etc. through the approach of public participation (informal discussion), local media understand The staff members and local governments should make the immigrants surely means of the amount of physical indexes, the calculation methods and compensation the fund for compensation criteria, resettlement measures, appropriating and using policy, compensation and subsidy of immigrants, the right of immigrants and preferential

7-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section) etc. Meanwhile, the immigrants information should also be made public to the residents in the host sits so that they may understand the situation of land requisition, the criteria of land compensation and the fund usage as well as the situation of immigrants in the host sites. Improve the degree of transparency in resettlement so as to win the support and trust of both two communities in resettlement action plan, which ensures the smoothly ongoing process of the project.

7.3Public Participation in Preparation of Resettlement Planning Report

Public Participation and Opinion Table Table 7.3-1 Time Place Participant No. of Discussion Final Result participation Content Jun. 2003 Changsha Urban Changsha Urban 38 people (of Project Support to the Construction Construction which 21 introduction, project Investment and Investment and women) affective scope operation, Development Development and the approval in Co., Ltd Co., Ltd, preliminary principle of the Muyun town, resettlement resettlement Datuo town scheme policy and government and scheme resettlement representatives Sep. 2003 Changsha Urban Changsha Urban 45 people (of Asking for Establish each Construction Construction which 23 advice of item of Investment and Investment and women) compensation compensation Development Development criteria, criteria, Co., Ltd Co., Ltd, resettlement resettlement personnel in scheme and policy and land charge of each land acquisition acquisition policy village, resettlement representatives

7-3 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

Policy Openness Table 7.3-2 When Where Purpose Content Who with whom Jun. 2003 The administrative Project impact while The amount of each type The survey group made organs in project conducting survey of of physical indexes and of Changsha Urban zone, town social economy the scale of physical Construction Investment villager relocation and land and Development Co., govemment, affected acquisition, social Ltd and resettlement committee, and economic situation in program unit house project affected area non-residential house When Within the scope of The preliminary Listening to the opinion Construction committee undertaking project consultation of and advice about project in each county (zone), the compensation policy plan, relocation and Changsha Urban possibility and relocation plan resettlement work Construction Investment study of the when prepare for and Development Co., project the resettlement Ltd and affected person scheme

7.4Public Participation Plan During Resettlement Report Implementation

Policy Openness Table 7.4-1 When Where Purpose Content Who with whom 6 months Relocation site The further Held consultation Changsha Urban before consultation of meeting, introduce the Construction relocation compensation policy relevant issue intensively; Investment and and restoration plan continue listening to the Development Co., while modifying opinion and advice. Ltd, relocation resettlement Held relocation meeting, office and scheme disseminate the representatives of resettlement scheme and immigrants who compensation criteria, move out answer questions of immigrants who will move out After The relocation office The compensation Consultation of the The relocation completion of consultation of unsatisfied item in office and affected resettlement several problem resettlement scheme person scheme and in when the the course of resettlement operation scheme is completed

7-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

Infonnation Openness Table 7.4-2 Document Measure to open Date to open Place to open Introduction of the project situation Hold conference, Jun. 2003 Project zone including land acquisition and Bulletin Board relocation Introduction of the project of land Immigrants propaganda Nov.2003 Project zone acquisition and relocation manual Announcement of open the Bulletin Board Nov.2003 Project zone resettlement scheme Open resettlement scheme report Bulletin Board, publish in the Dec.2003 Project zone, newspaper Municipal news Submission to World Bank Changsha Urban Dec.2003 Changsha Urban Construction Investment and Construction Development Co., Ltd, Investment and Website of World Bank Development Co., Ltd Report content that amended in the process of implementation 7.5. Women's Participation

The Changsha's Women enjoy equal rights with men. They not only actively have participated in works of resettlement stages, but also have played a big role in consulting about resettlement direction and ways.

In common investigation period, women, as representatives, have been asked to participate in surveying work. They not only actively participated in the whole process, but also displayed more high enthusiasm than men.

Most of participant of resettlers' meeting in the villages were women. They have payed attention to main problems that are soundness of physical criteria, rationality of compensation standards and whether the compensation expenses can timely be in place.

In resettlement planning period, the working people of resettlement design units carefully listened to women's opinions, requirements and existing problems. At preparing the reports, they fully considered women's opinions that are reflected in the reports. In this period, women especially pay attention to resettlement and production arrangement patterns, the cultivation radius after farmland adjustment, housing arrangement modes

7-5 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) and directions.

was established, the women's In addition, when the project implementation organization have been allocated in it so as to important effects are fully considered; the female cadres fully pay women's role in project implementation.

7.6 Harmonization with Residents in the Host Sites

house by themselves and The resettlers in this project mainly take the form of purchasing in line with their own choice, building house centralized. The former purchase the houses the living environment for the so they will easily adapt to the life in the new host sites. As and they all share the same latter will not change a lot before and after the resettlement, other residents harmoniously. life style and custom, it is not hard for them to live with the conflict will not exist between Of course that does not mean that misunderstanding and improve the harmony between the resettlers and residents in host sites. In order to must be well performed: resettlers and the residents in host sites, the following work

in host sites shall be (1) Before physical relocation, the resettlers and the residents and feed back involved in the resettlement planning. If cooperation, participation sites are needed, the information of the resettlers and the residents from the host be introduced to them right they enjoy and the program that can be selected should with them or making a while drafting the resettlement scheme. Direct consultation are both all right. Under decision with formal or informal leaders and representatives be established such most of the circumstances, the institutional arrangement could which pave the way as routine meeting between project officials and local parties, opinions in resettlement for the resettlers and residents in host sites to reflect their must be paid to the work during the period of planning and implementation. Attention vulnerable groups to ensure their opinion can be fully reflected.

to minimize. When the (2) The influence on the residents in host sites shall be managed water, wood and social resettlers move into host sites, the requirements for land, and house facilities service, etc, will increase. When the conditions of social service in host sites have, provided for the resettlers are better than what the local residents avoid the occurrence of the conflict between the two parties will probably occur. To

7-6 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

such conflicts, the living conditions and social service for the residents in host sites should also be improved or at least not deteriorated. Perfect service including education, water supply, medical care, etc must be provided for the two communities as much as possible, in order to create a better social atmosphere for the harmony of both communities.


Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

8. Appeal Procedures

8.1 Potential Complained Problems and Resolutions

The resettlement schemes shall be integratively planned in view of the whole project affected area. During implementation, resettlers may have complaints resulting from actual condition change and deviation of operation. According to the experience of dealing with resettlement in the ongoing or completed projects, the complaint of resettlers can be generally divided into the following categories.

1) Index Problem

Because of the error in the process of survey, statistics and calculation, such phenomena as missing items, failing to register and erroneous register will probably take place in physical indexes of relocation, which may affect the interest of resettlers. When that happens, the affected person or the villager committee that the affected person belongs to may report to the district resettlement agency in oral or in written form. Then after the data reorganized, the district resettlement agency will report to the employer and supervision unit. Led by the Employer, the professionals will be organized to check on the spot, sign the resolution comments, re-register the physical indexes for the missing items as well as what failed to register and registered wrongly, and compensate according to relevant criteria.

2) Compensation Criteria Problem

Minority of resettlers does not know much about national policies, laws and regulations on resettlement. They seem to worry about the compensation criteria and complain that the compensation criteria are lower, which is thought not to be able to meet the requirements of their house rebuilding and production resettlement. Before and during the implementation of the project, the designers shall, cooperating with the local governments and the resettlement agencies at different levels, explain in detail on the spot of the resettlement scheme and the calculation procedure of the compensation criteria, and disseminate the documents about national resettlement policies and regulations, so as to make resettlers clear that the compensation criteria is prepared in accordance with relevant national regulations. These can ensure them to be able to move out, live stably and be able to develop, in a bid to eliminate the gain-giving in their minds.

8-1 Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha

3) Fund Problem

the resettlement fund is not During the implementation, such circumstances that affect the house rebuilding and disbursed timely may probably happen, which will finally. To resolve this kind production resettlement and affect the normal life of resettlers management personnel do well of problem requires that the resettlement implementation quality, to guarantee that the fund in controlling such three aspects as fund, progress and also coordinate and supervise can be only used for the resettlement. Besides, they shall with the progress of the the financial departments in fund disbursement in accordance of resettlement schedule. implementation every month to ensure a timely implementation

8.2 Appeal Channels and Procedures

endowed by the constitution and Resettlers enjoy the citizen's right and obligation that ensure citizen's legitimate right laws. The existing laws and regulations can completely and interests of resettlers are and interest not to be violated. When the legitimate rights to law until their deserved right is violated, they have right to propose an appeal pursuant satisfied.

(1) Appeal Channel

city and province where the ---- Citizen appeal offices, established in all the county, the common appeal lodged by resettlers live, can receive, investigate and deal with resettlers.

institutions at different ----The legally established local resettlement administrative government's performance in levels have the authority to supervise its subordinate and deal with the issue about resettlement from city to district. They can also receive appeal.

evaluation organization is --- The independent reseftlement monitoring and to relevant national laws. It responsible for supervising the resettlement work pursuant right, to accept and report the is its obligation to safeguarding the resettlers ' lawful authority. problem that resettlers 'right is infringed upon to relevant

supervision, audit, discipline ----The legal departments like executive administration

8-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Corrdor Component (Changsha Section)

inspection, judicature, procuratorate organ are established at country, province, inquisitor resettlers in which the law and discipline have been violated.

The Resettlement Appeal System for the Project is given in figure 8.2-1.

(2) Appeal Procedures

The resettlers may reflect to the villager committee, if they do not satisfy with the resettlement. The villager committee (or resettlers) may directly consult with the local resettlement office for resolution, or can appeal to the upper resettlement office in oral or in written form. The upper resettlement office will make a record for the appeal and study together with the villager committee and the local resettlement office to resolve the problem within 10 days. If there is dispute and conflict which can not be resolved, the villager committee can appeal through appeal channels level by level to the administrative organs in charge such as project office, resettlement administrative institution, resettlement monitoring organization, citizen appeal office, executive administration supervision, discipline inspection, procuratorate organ, according to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. If the villager committee or resettlers refuse to accept the resolution, they directly file a suit in a people's court. The resettlement office shall be responsible for filing all the problems that appealed and the resolution process detail records.

8-3 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

, Provincial, City, County Hunan Province Planning Legal Juridical Dept. Committee

1 I City Project Reseftlement Provincial, City, County Implementation Management Discipline Inspection Office Ai

Reseftlement Provincial, City, County District Project Reseftlement Monitoring & Aprval, City Implementation Management Appeal Office Office Evaluation Organ.

Townships (Offices) Project Reseftlement Implementation Management Office

Villager Committee or Group Villager Committee or Villager groups

I Affected Household

l 8.2-1 Resettlement Appeal System for the Project

8-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

9.Environmental Protection and Management

9.1 Needs for Environmental Protection

The environmental assessment, which is a major investment item for resettlement, shall include the impact of resettlement on environment. The Resettlement Action Plan must perform by combining with environmental assessment. Resettlement zone shall be demarcated, and population density growth value of unit land area shall be calculated. As far as agriculture project is concerned, if number of resettlement exceeds the number of people existing in the host sites, it will bring such environment problems like lopping forest, unduly browse, water-soil loss, deterioration of sanitation, pollution, etc. Therefore, the Resettlement Action Plan shall not only include proper mitigation measures (including training of resettlers), but also allow to select other host sites. The town resettlement will bring other relevant problems related to population density (like communications capability, portable water sources, sanitation system, medical treatment hygiene, social security etc.). The constructive environmental management methods can provide good opportunities and benefits for resettlement and residents in the host area. If the resettlement may produce unacceptable impact on environment, then, other resettlement sites or more resettlement sites shall be found out.

9.2Dismantling and Cleaning up

All the various garbage produced by dismantling various buildings and appendixes within the project area will be dumped into designated disposal sites specified by the Zhuzhou Environment and Hygiene Bureau.

All the houses and appendixes within the project area shall be dismantled and leveled. For all the pollution sources within the project area, sanitation and sterilization shall be performed. The accumulated wastewater produced by industrial enterprises shall be discharged based on regulation. Poisonous waste residues shall be transported to designated sites for burying or filling. The storehouses for storing chemical material, disinfections and neutralization treatment shall be performed to make the soil reach sanitation criteria.

9.3 Environment Management in Resettlement Area

Environment protection shall be adequately considered in planning, design and construction of resettlement zone and it is necessary to make the surrounding environment beautiful and comfortable as much as possible.

9-1 (Changsha Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component

be leveled with drainage ditches a) During earth excavation, excavation face shall on excavation surface. Trees provided if necessary to mitigate hydraulic scouring disposal area to avoid water-earth and grass shall be planted as early as possible in reconstruction, the damage to loss. Four house construction and public facilities much as possible. Tress along the forest and vegetation shall be minimized as highway shall be planted. moving into new resettlement houses, b) Sanitation in new residential house: Before by means of sprinkling mosquito the surrounding environment shall be sanitized containers around the new pesticide, and cleaning ruderal and waste water residential houses after move in from time to time. water tanks shall be constructed for c) To select clean water source: Tight and sound like WC, cesspit, stockyard dust the spring sources and no such pollution sources around water sources. heap, and waste residue piles can be provided 20-30m

9-2 Resefflement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

10. Monitoring and Evaluation

10.1 Internal Monitoring

10.1.1 Internal Monitoring Purposes

The Employer performs the internal monitoring. Its purpose is to maintain a good function of resettlement organization at various levels during project implementation, cooperate and coordinate work of each party, and master resettlement status in implementation from time to time.

10.1.2 Internal Monitoring Organization

The internal monitoring organization for the Project is the Hunan Provincial Changzhutan International Logistic Company. The organization will assign a dedicated leader in charge of relevant resettlement issues, who shall have resettlement working experience and authority to coordinate various departments related to resettlement. The organization shall have enough working staff. The staff shall have knowledge in dealing with resettlement working and social problems, in order to be able to perform its responsibilities.

10.1.3 Internal Monitoring Content

1) Status of resettlement physical relocation, residential site assignment, residential house reconstruction etc.;

2) Implementation progress and quality of resettlement production development projects;

3) Investigation, coordination and suggestions for main problems existed in resettlement and implementation organization during implementation;

4) Status of family income restoration after resettlement Physical Relocation;

5) Restoration status of vulnerable groups;

6) Disbursement, use and in position status of resettlement compensation fund;

7) Resettlers' participation and consultation extent during implementation;

8) Resettlers' training and its effect;

10-1 Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha

and efficiency of local resettlement 9) Working organization, training, working time office.

10.1.4 Internal Monitoring Responsibilities implementing organizations, upper 1) To cooperate the work of resettlement supervision units; administrative departments, external monitoring and corresponding forms to require 2) In line with monitoring content, to establish departments and the implementing units fill and submit to upper administrative Employer every month; by supervision staff, and take 3) To take part in monthly field check and investigation part in take-over acceptance of resettlement works; plan, fund use and organize yearly 4) To supervise implementation of yearly working administrative department; fund auditing jointly with provincial resettlement upper twice a year, on every April and 5) To submit status report to the BANK (proposing October); government periodically, and consult 6) To report implementation status to provincial from time to time. with upper administrative departments as necessary

10.2 External Monitoring Evaluation

10.2.1 Purpose of Monitoring

an evaluation on resettlement work, The purpose of independent monitoring is to provide views in a bid to evaluate and to check implementation work in extensive and long-term whether the resettlement targets are reached.

10.2.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Organization Changsha Xinghuan Hydropower The Employer shall retain monitoring unit, and evaluation work for land Engineering Development Co., Ltd. in charge of monitoring The independent monitoring unit acquisition, relocation and resettlement compensation. implementation information will provide the Employer with comprehensive resettlement existing problems and handling and report resettlement implementation progress suggestions to the BANK and the Employer.

10-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

10.2.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Content

The independent monitoring unit will perform monitoring and evaluations on rural resettlement physical relocation, resettlement implementation effect, special facilities and infrastructure relocation and reconstruction as well as resettlement fund use effect.

1) Monitoring and evaluation of the planning and implementation of rural resettlement. Its working contends include preparation work before resettlement and relocation, planning, designing, the preparation of financing and plan implementation as well as the preparation of livelihood and production material of the resettlers. During the resettlement, the monitoring and evaluation mainly lies in the production development, land adjustment, housing relocation and reconstruction, the restoration of water supply, electricity supply, road and the progress status of other supporting infrastructure works, social service system restoration, and also the quality and the change of live and production level of the resettlers before and after the resettlement, lies in the whereabouts of the resettlers engaged in the second and third industry and their income and living after employment, lies in the investigation of their training of production and technique skills and the effort to improve their comprehensive cultural quality.

2) Monitoring and evaluation of the relocation and reconstruction of special facilities. It includes the supply of water and electricity, post and telecommunications, broadcasting and television, transportation, etc. All should be done on the baseline of the approved documents of engineering design to make monitoring and evaluation on the whole process of engineering quality, progress, and effect of the relocation and reconstruction.

10.2.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Responsibility

Independent monitoring and evaluation organization should perform as the consultant of the employer, evaluate the activities by resettlement office and propose some alternative activity methods in case of potential problems to realize all the objectives of resettlement and relocation according to the action plan. Especially, the independent monitoring and evaluation organization should carry out the activities listed as follows. Living standard evaluation

The independent monitoring organization will perform living standard baseline investigation before resettlement implementation, in line with random sampling and a control group of the affected people. The iterant living standard investigation will be

10-3 Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha

to measure the change of done each year (at least twice after implementation) is one of methods to determine livelihood criteria of the affected people. The activity people. the change of livelihood criteria of the affected Public consultation will periodically take part in public The independent monitoring and evaluation unit Evaluation can be made to participation consultation meetings held by villages and towns. extent of the affected people effect of the affected people and cooperation participation Plan by means of monitoring these during implementation of Resettlement Action organization will also consult with the consultation meeting. The independent monitoring expectation of the affected people in affected people to learn their knowledge, taste and resettlement office the findings. These restoration of their livelihood,and will report to implementation. activities will continue during and after resettlement Complaint problems visit the affected sites,and The independent monitoring organization will periodically the affected people to understand interview with local resettlement offices and with monitor resolution efficiency for complaint problems. It is necessary to continuously potential change if necessary,in a bid to complaint problem, and to propose suggestion for be more effective in the process. Other Responsibilities suggestions in preparation of The independent monitoring organization will also.propose to resettlement office,and monitor Resettlement Action Plan and during implementation the following indicating items:

(1) Compensation fund disbursement;

(2) Land readjustment;

(3) Resettlement site preparation and adequacy;

(4) House Reconstruction;

(5) Physical Relocation of affected people;

(6) Training;

(7) Vulnerable groups restoration;

10-4 Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attached TWOI. App.nd.. BoId.ng Stt64IO T-a PpolaIno_ FolmalHou.. FIua 9.1.0 S..-9 GC--K~n') maO(w ) GoOop No H-oih.liftd, Na... WVl PiolWli. F-ad-fp T-60N. Coont 10D90) Ta.. (R.ntdnl,a S.,,t., Bin anda RnnB,k.nd EalS afld Bouding Ta. (Off-6) C..n.itl.) 0. 9 o. nd nol Bank(,l') Eal iNoi 96f od). O-(N)0 o Popsyolion ~~~~~Coo,..Tin,b. Woo aat Lli.G.o

7455 1141 IN 8.1? L. Yoio.n 4 4 26982 19527 19S27 64 5 1976 1976 9-17 Lio)ia 2 2 25625 19175 19175 3 21 925 41 29 1 6.19 WangZlioqi. 5 5 331983 310903 239961 7492 2 7 38097 954 9 48 I 9-209 X3nZha.09f 3 3 1992 15933 15933 a 14 a 1131 2647 1 1 6-21 L. Jianyuh, 4 4 245 13 23913 14923 999 I IS5 273 7995 9-22 L. Jialan 4 4 24362 21632 21632 9 15905 6975 1 7.12 Loi.DoognIo 7 5 1766 1406 160 M896 07 Lwyolno 21907 21 I 10 26 91 35 15 1235 3000 G.a.Oba I 1 4 4 31606 29991 290 10 26 33 15 1235 3000O 1 S12 X.oogZhp.g 4 4 31906 26091 29091 5 1 a 109 174 143401 6 56909 131151 197805 576 1 0.W.064 14 23 04 69 336974 3003996 158365 IS 3 62 55 21326 2 7.1 L.iZanhu a S 435 55 353 17527 17773 Ui Zh6,y.V U Jinqoan I9 2641 11I179 9999a I 7.26 XOLianig... 7 7 20631 16299 911 91DI95

a 25989 go959 4042 1 7.21 74*ai 5 5 23657 2109N 21099 I1I 40 35 102985 1995 I 7-22 X.oaGoo.a 4 4 24726 20691 205691 5 a 97982 7644 a900 I 7.23 X.aGalyo 4 4 27276 11499 79983 6913 20 22 5 25 7172 2 6.23 LiBingllo 5 5 14217 13992 13092 10 20 6 64 05 713 1 9-24 X. AV"fo 4 4 23335 7693 1633 3 20 71 8-25 0a.Zhankln, 5 2 2011is 30115 20325 9790 IS IS 496 624 000O 1 9-26 X* Zlwigilin 4 4 2049 1553 1553 294O. 6-27 L. Ynanoi 1 go 6968 698 10 lS 67 1728a 16 00 5 76 I I B-28 X.akaHoa 5 2 22575 25975 25975 X.aTa.gu

8 30 75 97 92 8-29 X.aWWooo I1 II 3723 3649a 3949a X. ..O-gng X.. Shio,ngq... 61 26 7644 150 1so2 9-30 OnaSi.-Ng 8 6 373 12 21199a 31199


Xi. Kaibin IS IS 9 54 6-31 iFolI. 3 3 11647 10741 10747 21 2 49 1 109 i22 11217 21948 61617 10224 10050o OSanglang 23 24 92 99 429975 307059 23294 5 197685 2392 7.24 X.aZdii4h 546 234 32 64


A-12 Atta|*d TWO Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attached Table3

Popultion FormalHous. App-d,.B.l6dng Sc.anrd Tn.. T-hilrp. Vl9ga TotalHtoo R-OOy -Oar (R-.daol. Gtop No P..W.lodor N.n-~.8 d SrongGoo)n o gWS rdr68.8 Conoty(Dratnidl ~ | r i.rl | trr- Pr)d.o F Ba_- |P ' TbNo rt og Rna (0810T. ConrGnH l Ppao Sul| cona | T mtrkN Wod yr. Ce.n G"olnd . 1 Om.) ____- SodMiour PaI ... Ia Graa Tra.

88 W.n Ch.nhrn 7 7 29t 34 245 59 24559 3575 14805 7224 _ 30 10

8-9 W"n,owol 5 4 18607 16343 13 43 3284 83 s6 = 7 25 13 1 Wangoloig 5542 2402 24 02 314 _

Li. Ha500 3828 38 28 38 26

Tang A88h8 2886 286 288 a 7-n L. Ana 3 3 90 19 90 l 5183 38 38 4 7-2 WangZlrrg 5 5 27965 19249 19249 87 38 104 78 s 30 _ 1

25 7-3 U. JrArrn 4 4 2373e 17123 17123 as Is 86 39 5012 1 4 12 7-4 LollIang 4 4 33993 313 54 97 2 21e34 26 39 10881 14 50 1 3 12 7-5 L.oG.o". 9 9 55179 48005 38208 5822 1974 9174 111 51 39 2 L. Zll86gOh

12304 5 324 OM 7-1078- W4L hoanJlon 47 74 142439798 24739?83 37 37 I0281432 22 83597 131244 e 48 72 1

3 78I W8 M5N- n s 13715 35 1 8131 1 lo 491 59

09 9 4s rIs 1 so 75 XW 20 22 77 74 404028 337125 179558 157507 069 03 145733 Igo 7.17 WangZ7rar3war 6 622843502818 2 48181 0258 1125t 714 I 212

1 7 12S28 4 4 35206 281 1 14 75 52 1273 11825 3 5 7813 LooJInSo 3 3 22607 165834 = 5834 4472e 58 45 1

= 13 h."ng s s 20309 15748 15748 =4= 41r 11go 24 03 =I= 1 = = 20 7-1037-15 .LomogkJr 1 4 84397 64397 0 635 3 843184U3

7-10 X, .M- 3 3 207 9 W7552 175 52 32 38 Be s

I I 1o 25 7-117.17 W.ngPLn JShrrt9 Zh- 5a 8 2e4174451 35 1233201 el 20181 1 28392 4808e2 54 11255 5 714_36

W.ng Ymgn ======

1 2 3 o-1 To. Jasp.g 4 4 1743e 1053e re3e6 9 882

1 = =20 = = 0-11 LU.Y.y."r 8 s 13715 12315 12315 _ _ =

Fr. H- c M.,e 8.13 L.. D-onk I I e3 9 e3 9 63 B e3 9

i 8ng rsShrYln P 2 2 ee 70 7 ee~6e M17e1 =

= = =- 6-8I L- Jr.nh.. 3 3 19970 1550 _ 15504 44 ?5 11 7.7 45 50

A- Il Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attached TsbIe3 Appo4odsrduioWg s40lOr d 7ruu Popc94,on FoooalHOc.. .1P'. WOO(wok) Ol. l.l ooo rl.l P,n94, ') T-0(N _ _ R m" Gwop No H0.0.0084 8.01.MN nd 5000. S.fo.l .o_..' Oin3gWOm=WTE n,_ _ _ C"o8 (D.W6-a Y00 (R..ft.4..l Bock404~~~A BooErean k1 E.nlhenhin Sbn C m n :wat > E u -lo o )Gloo Y-0 T,.. (~~~-~~ od"um ToI701.1 ~sn ~r ~~~TH U a BrckX d c004 Lo.-. G-aco .nd in .1()EO C ka"_4,, To PWo (RZ N HO* Popol.Ooo C0nor~~~~.7,0184,b Tro. T- SO M.ol03.0 *Wo

1 2 20 7 8 80 6 39 20 6-25 ,,y.ng Z-,ng 6 O 27768 2778 277 03 79863 = 1 82 190627 161135 740 O e260 *446 28491 72686 Duol 2 a 10 34 33 76 79483 _ 1 55 96 740 06 86122 44 68 26787 50 PW.ogo 7 9 29 27 173365 1465 I 10 16468 3405 13333 105W4 0-27 L. Zo..h 3 3 31003 27596 11132 1 10 15 o0, I 42 25 57 74 5194 0-20 W.ogOXo 3 3 21587 15613 1154 9 9 66 83 62 4 42 92 8O 5-31 P.ng Zh rs_n 3 2 29592 291 s 227 2356 44 68 791 402 62869 5-32 Zh.ngCGoq.ng 5 5 26619 28029

Zh.Qngoor I_

=h = =h_4= _ = _ = _ = = Zh ng aurqlo = 1 I 1 5 75 63 25 9l 3 070 4e 20 6-2e29 6OOogXco 3 3 244 3 153 G I 9 10 14125 479 4 25 33 81 200 6-30 W._g X1d. 5e 2em34 1169 21 27 6 74 1 6-31 P.N R.o00, 8 8 17 118 74 44 7 7 143 22 18 50.08 7 6 172602 1402 1 1 7 14539 27 24 1953 5-30 Zou 6hwhw. 8 6 172602 14538 79 1402 272703 8e65 I 145 18 35 5 703 2600 99 1504109 MI4698 41092 020 49 1304301 =xogloog 14 170 189 85 6068 3412144 17 42 49879 9403 594 3e 21343 Zh.o 5 5 28 20 129718 120311 70733

1 3 s 0.1 28625 76 5-33 Ts T i..qSo _ 26825 2e625 4 37 9 24 13004 12863 13 5_34 Zhng Lnhs 5 5 344 93 33569 33589 1 78 79 so00 6-32 Zh8.g FLpo 3 3 208 20e 132 1 e4 2072 20 so 6-33 Zh.ng G-o>g 7 7 239t4 239e4 239 54671 1021i2 1408 1 6-34 ZO.ogYlogoO 5 5 20634 153853 15353 76 308 448 19 666 21 5 I 146 4 30274 173458 13244 68633 171529 .gt.1. 24 35 171 102 558s7 494 I 3 3 2069 2794 39 93 491 5-35 uJ..nhig. 5 5 27667 238 74 4 r 7883 1 3 38444 =1e 09 5s3e Li. Dro 3 2 38444 38444 6 5409 24 6-38 L.o Yqiun 4 4 768s 5409 1 5 5469 39 s0 6-3e L. hMngOh.n 3 3 94 25 84 I a I 32 94 16 79 74 75 1286 I _ _I Zoo Shubkg 2 2 21715 20436 23142 1o s5 1 I 6 04 4 312 13913 32 6-2 L.l. B.. 9 7 1158 1156

L.. J.- 8 8 Li. Jooqo.,l _1 21 38 19405 12 34 6016 _63 L.u rOh. 5 4 21089 19 55 _ 5 8l 79480 240 _64 Zh.ng JnI-ng 2 2 224 36 22435 1 20 20 20354 21 19 47 73 6-s L. HmI.n 6 6 224 73 20354

0e 7 170278 868 8-e XU 00..I.o 1 1 17076 77076 20 20 35850 0 W 26193 33 0 17495 =6-7 W.ng Ji.londg 5 4 295 48 26193

20 2A _.:-- 5 Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attadhed TablIe3

Populelion Forma-House App-ndroB.lidng Satenrd TI. T VWr.tp Orgtw oal0.5 Sundry ______Cooy(lto) T-o R8.r.t.l G-op No Ho.rOldrNn.ad ad Hos Sunnn9G .... (nr BouirgWa ,toeFh,a. W4) 5 Mce mek (Off-c) Corlooffe1)Toa WIIOSboa ouee Tnbher Wooh.d F.onldYoungPoo-Hn, ) Torr)No Tre CE1..t Dd ..Wd.N..TOW[' H-eH r.t. T-zW d Cor t Lr(Grne.n S,' 9enK(tn) E.dth Plessur Boe4*nr Tre re T-______2.?? LaLragq. 3 3 429 I2N 390124 272344 711767 39 go 03 00 I 5 2 12 21

7 2-20 Zh.ngJa-inrg 3 3 1932 78e 75 M11 7 2 83 _ 20

2-29 Z.oOboe 4 4 1435 1435 1435 _____7

5 6 2 5 2-39 ZooGadro 3 3 191 135 135 I 55 102 5200 I 8 I 2-31 ZoouCnrnq 5 5 M90 174 174 18 148 280 _ I ZooBor9ref ______2-32 ZIrooCh.. 9 9 23715 23715 180 571is94 37864 I 4

I I 7 4 4 so s 90 2.24 M.8rogw. 4 4 so 90 s0

I s441 In^14 13356 13354 10332 3024 1 4 9

P,. Song Jinnger 13350 13358 70332 3724 7 4 N. StW4VtIei .ed

TIeodn.a 2 8 30 30e 349 1310 1262 8s95385 5372929 3071098 22353 IS 89s5 118347 2439235 34201 5445s0 28827 2 250 49 7148 7 1355 97 2370

_do 8 2s 301 344 1300 1254 8487028 5327112 3081S48 2190748 as51 1168 916 2411307 34201 533449 28 27 2 254 49 1148 7 134 97 2399 xu.g" 3 14 18 88 64 358227 32 689 2m 94 1154 21 9s 31559 1273I94 3978 7 13 3 _9 95 O4rng 7 4 4 28413 24353 20953 34 408 9ss 1345 1 2 8

0-79 H4 Hrr 4 4 28473 24353 20953 34 40 e 9ss 13 45 1 2 L e,aorrna8 8 26 28 191 e8 98022 46154 504 1308 19244 42003 75376 5 50 13 9 5-21 Zh..r ChMNaan 2 2 16eI sow so as 3524 I 3

5-22 Zhrgouorng 4 4 20072 76 52 2084 14490 352 8i 18 77 7l 1 40 5-23 Zh-ngMeor.r 2 2 82864 3002 22 34 1389 48862

6-21 ZhagFu.og a 8 32483 3263 281r4 47 43 71454 12500 I 7 4

a-22 Zh.0g Faq..n 8 a 245 239 19O 79 8 129 1

=-23 ZhengZhoghrn 8 8 216318 14890 195 12949 89 38 953737 = 9 7I

Lrp.-oo 7 II 37 32 210048 2023893 739087 8180 0 8 62 55 59309 24473 5 95 7 3 47 76

5-24 Pan Lrpng 3 2 26400 22808 1108 18 09 394 O927 4193 _ 2 35

5-25 OovangZhongyu 70 10 40218 3903 32502 8528 11=b 132489

_.__ - uOurXeoql ___

5-28 Zh.NgZhhlre 3 2 223068 22308 8183 13185 83896 9548 0 95 7 5 4 20 30 6-25 Go Jianhl 10 7 72492 7129 525 7879 12 14183 52 50 3 1

0o ZIhertn

6--2 Yr SW.n 2 2 9s 43 es 43 9o43 a 24

.-27 Zh-H-eng 3 3 14153 12229 0976 52 5 1927 0890 1502

A-9 X -2I2E S ra rr - r

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------~~ Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation Attadhed TWbO3 Scartard T-a Populall- For-I Hu.- Appa.M..Buorbogi TotalHos.. Sufldy T-1,"r.n. Vdl.g.. .. FrI. R-Pnto,. N..n .... rc.0 O dS.-.9n G-Oud(fl) nrtrk Co_ty tOr.9t05 Toot (Ra..4.r. Grop N. H-hd.rud.r 8.. l') F-thPrnu-pir 0pm T- Growl Youn d C-rnnrt.) ¶o. o uttl Cnrt ib,.., Wood1 Coot r.Onod 8 (.'dq (Gifo.) C-w B..k(. I Well -1111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I. Sad Motor. 9589 *~~~~~~~~PWoO______1__ Y. Tr. _

I 58 G L.Lbbo.nT-. 2-34 H.a Fuq,fg 4 4 2025 2025 131 85 7065 84 30 I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(0 SF885

1 2a 2.35 L.0 Hanq.n 7 7 4222081 295731 too 115731 120865 1424 s08as 1 8 tO 2.38 Zlabor 5 27176 27170 IGO85 51 2 04 06 1085 7478 I1 3-12 Ztr.ng G.".qr 4 22817 17873 17973 40 44 11033 4311 1 5 2 3-13 Yuan Fuq.ra 9 6 30737 1886 18080s 14046 139803 84 13 I tO 3-14I L. B0091 5 5 13881l 8772 8772 5108 110 to5 3 3-15 M.a Wa.PNgn 5 6 2058 22825 17586e 0037 8o958 1232 4 2 9-4 T.ng Fupro 4 I 25486 23454 18238 52 22 20 02 70 2 7Ot81 2 8 3-a Tarrg Gaql.ng I I 71 82 7182 4942 224 2 3-7 Zr.. Sh.h8. 8 8 31051 29021 29021 753 12088o I I46 3-9 TangZt..rgt.n 3 3 230925 22433 19473 3186 1292 8894 21 12

3-9 UaNgl8goh. 3 3 7031 8742 87 42 2 89 30 04 3202 10 3-10 Y. . 0 14944 14944 60 72 139464 I 4 4-1 J.-T..q 5 5_ 7249 1249 78 469 73 4.2 J-1i.UN 4 4 ~ 12408 12488 78 38 405 92603 6 8 5 4.3J..h-.g UN a a 22079 22079 14104 79 75 84 42 22 00 I 1 4 2 5 4 4-4 T.qJ. . 4 09177 69 77 89 77 9442 2250 4 8 II 9 4-5 Y9Z.g.g 5 5 220385 220385 M0173 la6655 1125 1 4 4-8 L1 C.9.4 4 15437 15437 15437 29816 I I 2 7 4-9 .f 8i 5 10041 10041 10041 40 29 W.Gooho 72 38 7238 72 38 46 21 3-5 ZhaNgZarou 2 32342 24955 249055 73937 737 16 M740tI 3 7 3-11I Yu.n D-rin 5 24818 17952 5 7452 8a064 746 8386 30 6 39 70 H"ain 9 9 32 32 1722327 149983 732594 17338 22297 74022 1940so 1 I 19 4-11 Wu Funong 3 3 149 149 105 44 58 5 6 4-12 H.h Chon,ini 3 3 179 179 179 72 IOD00 1 8 29 4-13 H..aN.rrl 4 4_ 182 182 154 29 14628 1 I 4 7 3-76 H.aSoNglin 4 4 15973 6783 87983 71 9 78954 7 3-17 HanJ-9r15 3 3 le6196 128688 12868 53 3 1127 4 3 3-189 L,Xu.M. 4 4 14088 11225 75 57 3864a 28681 I a 3-19 L..uY.yp,ng 9 9 20079 29068 29068a 15 12 1167 2730 1 15 4-8 Y... G-oh. I I 2191? 10408 1940 0 404 700870 4-7 Zhr.ngL-oh,ng 1i 1 2058 2059 1411'2_ 940 7980as5 24 t4P19p6 9 9 41 35 I8O895 164734 138931 27803 2196 62373 4-14 H.. M-h"n I I 294 294 2054

A-S 2 ^9f -- _ --_ L-r------r L-- _-- L--- Permanent Land Occupation Survey Table

Attached Table2 Tianxin District Changsha Counry

Item Unit Total ______Datuo Township Xinkaipu District Muyun Village L n~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Xnln|ignToa Datuo eHuanghe| Heishi | Wenhua < SubtotalXigogDtoXnagHage esh Subtotal Wnu Subtotal Sanxing Nantuo Yaotang Fengcheng Lianhe Muyun Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village

Total mu 2023.10 1159.23 412.21 117.93 79.17 269.13 280.80 92.41 92.41 771.46 195.53 78.41 92.82 223.97 28.35 152.38

1,Cultivated Land mu 1592.27 970.60 351.48 81.44 62.34 207.95 267.41 14.87 14.87 606.80 159.99 57.86 73.40 191.21 23.40 100.93

Paddy Field mu 767.77 272.65 112.00 65.19 43.82 35.15 16.70 494.92 123.04 36.13 58.14 188.40 15.00 74.21

Vegetable Land mu 454.50 351.81 123.55 16.25 18.52 47.79 145.70 14.87 14.87 87.81 20.43 16.11 14.41 2.81 7.33 26.72

Dry Land mu 370.01 345.94 115.93 125.01 105.00 24.07 16.52 5.62 0.85 1.07

2,Pond mu 86.10 42.46 16.14 9.79 5.89 3.27 7.37 43.64 7.12 4.93 2.60 8.97 1.07 18.97

3,Fish Pond mu 5.07 1.59 1.59 3.47 3.47

4,Orchard mu 1.17 1.17 1.17

5,Timber mu 5.76 5.76 5.76

6,Grass Land mu 27.72 26.54 26.54 1.19 1.19

7,Resident Site mu 91.78 62.08 33.89 2.15 2.37 21.50 2.18 29.70 8.40 5.02 3.62 1.39 1.14 10.14

8,Public Land mu 145.29 21.23 16.99 0.19 3.83 0.21 75.62 75.62 48.44 7.96 5.46 10.94 9.72 14.36

9,Road Use Land mu 19.60 13.16 2.43 0.46 2.98 4.46 2.83 0.69 0.69 5.74 2.76 0.51 0.84 0.57 1.07

10,Tunnel mu 0.84 0.57 0.42 0.15 0.26 0.26

11,Other mu 47.50 15.23 2.09 7.10 3.65 1.58 0.81 0.04 0.04 32.23 4.41 4.64 1.42 12.12 2.75 6.90

Need Occupation State-owned Land 71.45mu

A-3 Land Impact Physical Indexes Summary Table of Acquisition

Attached Tablel

Qty. Remarks Item Unit

5.07 3,Fish Pond mu 1.17 4,Orchard mu 5.76 5,Timber mu 5.76 Timber mu 27.72 6,Gross Land mu 91.78 7,Residential Site mu 145.29 8,Public Land mu 19.60 9,Road Use Land mu 0.84 10,Canal mu 47.50 11,Other Use Land mu mu 71.45 (2) Stated-owned Land 1097.64 (3) Temporary Land 268.36 1,Production Forest mu 439.75 2,Timber mu 389.53 3,Waste Land mu No. 5797 4,Scaetered Tree 1960 1, Fruiter No. No. 1850 Mature Tree No. 110 Young Tree No. 3837 2,0ther Tree No. 8 5,Tomb

6,Special Facilities

1,Road Facilities km 3.65 Simple Highway 0.12 Tractor Road km

2,Power Transmission Facilities km 8.88 High Voltage Line km 9.06 Low Voltage Line 11 Transformer Set 6.06 3,Telecommunication Line km 15 4,Pump Station Site 0.58 5,Canal km 1 6,Dock Site

A-2 Impact Physical Indexes Summary Table of Acquisition Land

Attached Tablel

Item Unit Qty. Remarks

1,Population Householder No. 502

Population No. 1902

2,Houses and Appendix Buildings 2 (1) Houses m 142315.09 2 1,Public House m 47449.48 2 Brick and Concrete m 29009.90 2 Brick and Timber m 15568.69 2 Brick and Timber m 21.72 2 Sundry House m 2849.17 2 2,Private House m 94865.61 2 Brick and Concrete m 48275.59 2 Brick and Timber m 28349.82 2 Brick and Timber m 1248.73 2 Sundry House m 16991.47

(2) Appendix Buildings 2 1, Sunning Ground m 38830.59 2 Cement unning Ground m 38488.58 2 Earthen Sunning Ground m 342.01 2 2,Bounding Wall m 12873.51

3, Protective Bank 8695.26

4, well well 375

Earth Well well 4

Pressure Well well 371

5,Firedamp Basin No. 54 3 6, Pond m 1463.6


(1) Collective Land mu 2023.10 1,Cultivated Land mu 1592.27 Paddy Land mu 767.77

Vegetable Land mu 454.50

Dry Land mu 370.01

2,Pond mu 86.10

A-1 - - l I Resettlement Action Plan for Coridor Component (Changsha Section)

The collection of the above documents has replaced the agreements, records of talks and all other documents accepted jointly by two Parties for signing the this contract prior to signing this Agreement.

3. The contractor will guarantee to fully complete the all contracted works according to the stipulations in the contract and undertake the contractor's all obligations stipulated in the contract.

4. The Contract Party will guarantee to make payment according to stipulations in contract and undertake all obligations of the contract Party.

5. This agreement will go into effect upon the signatures of the legal representatives or authorized representatives of both parties and the seals of current units.

6. This contract is done in . Of which originals, Party A and Party B have one

each; _ copies, _ for contract party and for contractor. Contract party will send other copies to related enterprises.

Contract Party: (Official seal): Contractor: (Official seal):

Legal Representative (Signature): Legal Representative (Signature):

Handler: Handler:

Add: Add:

Post Code: Post Code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Bank of deposit: Bank of deposit: Account: Account:

Annex-7 Section) Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha


Construction Contract of Resettlement Project

Name of Contract:

Number of Contract:

(Hereinafter referred to as the Contract Party) has (Hereinafter a construction project and has accepted and have referred to as the Contract Party) bid. Both have made the following Agreement,

- (day), _ (year). signed this contract agreement on - (month)

The total amount of the contract is Yuan.

to the meanings of 1. The meanings of words of words in this Agreement are similar in the Clause words in special contract provision and common contract provision listed 2.

2. This contract includes the following documents:

1) Agreement (including the memorandum of agreement)

2) Notice to contractor.

3) Bidding sheet.

4) Provisions of special contract.

5) Provisions of common contract.

6) Technical provisions.

7) Drawings.

8) Priced quantity sheet.

9) Other documents of contract.

Annex-6 ResettlementAction Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

Resettlement and habitability Implementation Program of Flood Control and landscape Corridor Component of CZT(Changsha Section)>, the Party B will unhook connections with the Party A in resettlement and arrangement.

9. If the obligations stipulated in clauses concerned of this Agreement will not be fulfilled in resettlement and arrangement areas, two Parties can make an appeal to the Project Offices of counties (districts) through the resettlement channel. And the Project Offices of counties will provide solving methods after making investigation.

10. This Agreement is done in triplicate, Party A and Party B has one copy each, and one copy will be Kept on a file in the Project Office of counties (districts). It will go into effect upon both signatures and seals.

Party A (Official seal):

Party B (Signature):

Legal Representative (Signature):

Resettlement Office of counties (districts) (Official Seal):

Legal Representative (Signature):

Annex-5 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

2) Party B should handle the acceptance certificate in the groups (with signatures and seal of more than 70% of households of this group), villages of host sites, and should handle the registry permit of household in the Township (town) People's Government, and in addition, Party B must deal with household removal certificate at the original census register department.

Party The Party A will make examination and approval in accordance with the copies of B's of acceptance certificate, registry permit of household and household removal B certificate and can make Lump-sum payment of compensation and subsidy to Party trees (10% of the Compensation for scattered trees will be left as expense for cutting down, and after completing cutting down it will be repaid).

3. Panty B should abide by requirements of township (office), county and city People's Governments and guarantee to complete the house pulling down and removing resettlement before (month) _ (day), _ (year) and to remove to to houses only once. It is not allowed to random change the removing program and come back.

4. If Party B will not have completed the removal before (month) _ (day) (year), it should be responsible for all losses arising there from.

a 5. Party A and People's Government of acceptance place will jointly sign contract on Party B's production and arrangement which People's Government of acceptance place will conduct.

6. The production and settlement population will take the population at accounting settlement allowance in closing day as the guideline, not accounting the population natural growth.

must 7. After the resettlement households have removed to the settlement place, they abide by the State policies, laws and regulations and respect the social customs and habits, and, in addition, will enjoy the preferential policies, which the State gives the relocatees.

of 8. After the Party A has carried out the settlement policies according to

Annex-4 Resettlement Acton Plan for Coridor Component (Changsha Section)

Compensation Agreement on Resettlement and Relocating Households


Party A: _ Township People's Government (office section), - County (District).

Party B: Household head , members of a family _ , Address: Group, Village, (Resident Committee), Township (Office section).

In order to guarantee smooth implementation of Flood Control and landscape Corridor Component of CZT(Changsha Section) and support the State Key project construction, according to the Land Administrative Law of the People's Republic of China, the Implementation Methods of Land Administration in Hunan province and the Report on Resettlement Implementation Plan of Flood Control and landscape Corridor Component of CZT(Changsha Section) approved by the Hunan Provincial People's Government, this family is a resettlement household, and it has volunteered to use _ settlement way. The agreement on same items is wade as following, by which should jointly be abided by two parties.

1. Compensation and subsidiary items, quantity, criterion and amount.

1) The compensation items and quantity will depend upon the files which received from investigation of each household, on _ (month),_ (day), - (year).

2) Compensation accounting will be carried out according to the criteria in the

3) The total amount of relocation compensation is RMB_ Yuan (accounting statement is attached to document end).

2. Payment Mode of Compensation by Party A.

1) Party A will place the total compensation amount of Party B on lump-sum deposit in a special account Resettlement, relocation and construction of the Rural Credit Cooperative, and the cashing way of current bankbook will be used.

Annex-3 Resetlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

on Flood Control and landscape Road Project (Changsha Section) > and the second any physical relocation and resettlement shouldn't be caused. If the program to would be readjusted or changed, it is necessary to report to the Changsha Urban Construction Investment Developing Ltd. Co., and after approving, it could be carried out, _ People's Government should fully be answered for the consequence arisen by that the above tasks would not be completed in the fixed time.

2) Changsha Urban Construction, Investment and Development Co., Ltd. will disburse the resettlement funds on schedule to according to the plan of using funds. If the resettlement work will be influenced by that the funds cannot be disbursed on schedule, the Changsha Urban Construction, Investment and Development Co., Ltd will be held responsible for the consequences arising there from.

3) Changsha Urban Construction, Investment and Development Co., Ltd will inspect, monitor and coordinate resettlement work, and control the resettlement funds according to the Resettlement Rules. It will be responsible for examination and approval of resettlement plan implementation, assignation of the annual plan and examination and approving of special projects.

4) Changsha Urban Construction, Investment and Development Co., Ltd and _____People's Government sign this task document jointly. It is done in _ , which have equal effect.

Changsha Urban Construction, Investment Legal Representative (signature) and Development Co., Ltd: (signature)

People's Government (official seal) Legal Representative (signature)

Annex-2 Resefflement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Annex 1

Contract of Relocation and Resettlement Tasks for Flood Control and landscape Corridor Component of CZT(Changsha Section)

Flood Control and landscape Corridor Component of CZT(Changsha Section) is a key one in Hunan Province; it will produce the great social, economic and environmental results after its completion. The success or failure of the Project depends upon whether or not the resettlement work will be carried out smoothly. In order to achieve the construction target of project as soon as possible, it is to be definite that the units concerned have the following responsibilities and tasks:

1. Time Requirement

People's Government should complete the resettlement and physical relocation of

households and _ persons and production and settlement of _ persons and

the corresponding infrastructure construction work before _ (month), _ (year) Meanwhile, the production development and special project construction should be completed by stages and by groups according to the Flood Control and landscape Corridor Component of CZT(Changsha Section).

2. Compensatory Investment

According to examination opinion of departments concerned, it is determined to give

(district) _ (county) the total compensatory investment of Yuan (see the

Appendix). _ People's Government will take responsibilities for the surplus and deficits.

3. Responsibilities of Every Party

1) _ People's Government should, with in the fixed time in Clause 1, on schedule and in high quality, complete the physical relocation and resettlement tasks in coverage influenced by Flood Control and landscape Road Project (Changsha Section). In the process of relocation and settlement, it is necessary to make implementation according to

Annex- I Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) irrigation infrastructure, change the slopes to terraces, improve soil and grow economic plants in a large scale. The bigger scale of implementation method makes the local resident beneficial. Besides, host site people can invest the land acquisition compensation into improving agriculture productivity or other non-agriculture income.

14-4 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

14) Measurement and Payment

15) Price adjustment

16) Modification

17) Break a contract and compensation

18) Dispute solving

19) Risk and insurance

20) Completion and guarantee

21) Others

The specific stipulations about some concrete items for the special contract provisions should be made accordingly to the project actual situations. For example, keeping secret, contract termination, etc.

14.1.3 Resettlement Agreement

a) The resettles must have chances to read and know various resettlements programs. Throught public participation, the counties resettlement office should make the resettles generally accept the resettlement and participate to set up the detailed resettlement work.

b) Relocation compensation agreement. Before their relocation, the resettles should sign an agreement of relocation compensation with local government, make known the compensation quantity, relocation place, resettlement, and the responsibilities and obligation of both sides. c) Land share agreement. Make the host site people know the resettlement action plan properly. The resettles and host site people make an agreement for land and resources share. Compensate the host site villages with the land, which shares with resettlers. Provide the resettlers with finance assistance, improve the yield of per unit area capacity, the ways in details, construct

14-3 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

14.1.2 Contract of Resettlement Project Construction

In order to strengthen the construction market control, standardize the bidding work contract management earnestly, guarantee the lawful rights and interests of the contract party and contractor party, and ensure the construction management of project and the health and ordered conducting of bids on the honest and fair basis, the resettlement project construction contracts should be signed for building of all kinds of special works. And it is necessary to use the Contract Conditions of Water and Power Civil Engineering Construction, the " contract conditions" are divided into common contracts provisions and special contract provisions.

The common contract provisions include contents as follows:

1) Meanings of terms

2) Contract documents

3) General obligation and responsibilities of both sides

4) Performance bond

5) Corresponding letters

6) Drawings

7) Transform and sub-contract

8) Personnel of contractor party and their management

9) Materials and equipment

10) Transportation

11) Project schedule

12) Engineering quality

13) Civilization construction

14-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

14. Annex

14.1 Agreement

In order to enforce the management, the owner should retain dedicated people to make comprehensive trace management on quality, fund, and progress of the project during the implementation process. And the owner himself will only do some concrete management in project with large sum of investment or the influential project and participate the agreement signing of same important contract and agreement.

14.1.1 Important Contracts and Agreement a) It is necessary to sign the agreement on the total funds for resettlement and fund sources. The owner will come to an agreement about contract investment with Changsha County and the Tianxin District, which will complete the resefflement tasks in the agreed total fund limit. The resettlement funds can be adjusted in the process of using. b) It is necessary to reach an agreement about the resettlement policy and selection of resettlement zones. At this point, the Changsha County and theTianxin District basically has accepted the scheme of resettlement design units, but some places have suggested that this scheme is to be optimized. If the county level resettlement office will complete the execution of planning work, the counties concerned must support the resettlement policies. c) It is necessary to reach an agreement about land acquisition, relocation and material indexes, and the design unit has made the on-the-spot investigation and discussions about material indexes and set up the resettlement household cards. On this basis, the design unit reached an agreement with counties, townships and villages concerned, and all the data have been subjected to signatures, seals and acceptance.

14-1 I Resettlement Action Plan for Coridor Component (Changsha Section)

13. Attached Drawings

13.1 Attached Drawing

1) Geographic Location of the Project Zone

2) Resettlers' Residence Design Drawing

13.2 Attached Tables

1) Attached Table 1: Physical Indexes Summary Affected by the Proejct

2) Attached Table 2: Project Permanent Land Occupation Investigation Table

3) Attached Table 3::House Relocation Investigation Detail

4) Attached Table 4: Enterprise Affected by the Project

5) Attached Table 5: Resettlement House Plan

6) Aftached Table 6: Production Resettlement Population Calculation Table:

7) Attached Table 7: Production Resettlement Plan

8) Attached Table 8::Land Acquisition and Relocation Cost Estimate

9) Attached Table 9: Enterprise Compensation Investment

10)Attached Table 10: Collective Land Compensation Calculation Table

11)Attached Table 11: Resettlement Schedule for FCLCC (Changsha Section)

13-1 Resettlement Action Plan for ConTidor Component (Changsha Section)

12.2.2 Yearly Fund Use Plan

Based on the resettlement implementation schedule, yearly investment plan for itemized resettlement compensation cost is prepared. The yearly fund use plan is arranged as follows: the fund for 2004 accounts for 30 percent of the total cost, i.e. 36,713,400 RMB Yuan, the fund for 2005 accounts for 50 percent, i.e. 61,189,000 RMB Yuan, the fund for 2006 accounts for 20 percent, i.e. 24,475,600 RMB Yuan.

The yearly investment schedule is given in table 12-2.

Table 12 -2 Land Acquisition Yearly Investment Schedule Total Yearly Implementation Schedule Item Sub-item Investment (104 Yuan) (104 Yuan) Year 2004 Year 2005 Year 2006 4385. 36 1754. 14 I Rural Resettlement Compensation 8770. 71 2631. 21

1. Land Acquisition 4179. 36 1253.81 2089. 68 835.87 Compensation 2. House Compensation 3947. 57 1184.27 1973. 78 789.51 3. Basic Facilities 233.54 70.06 116.77 46.71 Compensation 4. Other Compensation 410. 24 123. 07 205. 12 82.05 74 29. 90 11 Special Facility Compensation 149. 48 44. 84 74. 5.18 1.Road Facilities 25.91 7.77 12.96 6.91 2.Power Transmission Line 34.56 10.37 17.28 1.45 3. Telecommuniction Line 7. 27 2.18 3.64 16.35 4. Other 81. 74 24. 52 40. 87 124.13 III Other Costs 620.67 186.20 310.34 44.60 1.Investigation Design Cost 223.00 66.90 111.50 2.Implementation Cost 264. 62 79. 39 132. 31 52.92 3.Technical Training Cost 43. 85 13.16 21. 93 8.77 4. Monitoring and Evaluation Cost 89.20 26.76 44.60 17.84 05 190. 82 IV Basic Contigency 954. 09 286. 23 477. 348.57 V Related Taxes 1742.85 522.86 871.43 2447.56 VI Total Investment 12237.81 3671.34 6118.90

12-2 Reseftlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

12. Resettlement Implementation Scheduling

12.1 Principles for Scheduling

The resettlement implementation schedule will be developed according to the project construction content, work quantities, construction period and resettlement object, resettlement mode, etc.

1) As during the resettlement relocation, the resettlement targets are mainly rural people, when the implementation scheduling, we shall properly consider agriculture production traits and shall arrange land acquisition and house relocation in non-planting period as much as possible to minimize the impact on agriculture production.

2) The compensation should be dispensed five days ahead of the time of house relocation.

3) Construction of public, infrastructure facilities will be completed at least 20 days before resettlement house construction, to minimize the impact on resettlers' living.

4) As to the quantity of the resettlement is not large, the resettlement work can be done in a time.

5) The special facilities reconstruction will be arranged on the construction close-up stage of each engineering package, to minimize the engineering construction of the project on reconstruction of special facilities.

12.2 Schedule

12.2.1 Resettlement Implementation Schedule

Based on project engineering construction organizational design, land acquisition and relocation shall be completed in advance to ensure that the implementation of project construction, based on which the resettlement implementation schedule is prepared. The

schedule of resettlement and relocation begins on April 1 st, 2004 and ends before June

3 0 th, 2006.

The village resettlement implementation schedule is detailed in attached table 11.

12-1 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

2) Non-residential house: The Resettlement Unit has signed the Agreement in terms of compensation criteria, resettlement mode, and physical relocation timing. The Resettlement Unit will disburse the compensation fund directly to relocated households.

3) Land acquisition: The Resettlement Unit will sign the Agreement with the related village in terms of resettlement compensation criteria, labour resettlement method, acquisition date to disburse the compensation fund to villager committees. The relevant villager committees will use land compensation fee for production development. The resettlement or subsidy fee will disburse to village collectives, which will disburse the fund to units individuals in line with resettlement scheme.

4) Infrastructure compensation cost: The Resettlement Unit has signed infrastructure compensation agreement *with townships (villages), villager committees (residential committees) or directly signed Construction Contract for Resettlement Works with construction units. The Resettlement Unit will disburse compensation fund to relevant townships (villages), villager committees or construction contractors in batches according to contract agreement.

5) Special facilities: The Resettlement Unit has signed Compensation Investment Agreement for Special Facilities Restoration and Reconstruction with relevant departments. Via the bank, the Resettlement Unit will disburse the special facilities restoration reconstruction compensation investment to administrative departments of such facilities.

11.3 Fund Management and Auditing

The resettlement departments will submit a relocation budget according to yearly relocation schedule and yearly fund plan to the World Bank Office. After approval, the World Bank Office will allocate various funds. During fund use of resettlement department, state and local city fund management and auditing regulations shall be strictly followed. of The fund operation shall be checked and approved step by step, i.e. Checked by chief resettlement department - by chief of the World Bank Office - by chief from financial division of the World Bank Office. The financial division will, in line with checked budget of and direction of the chief and after making sure that the application meet the standards the report and no errors existed, disburse fund to resettlement departments. The World Bank Office will perform mid-project auditing for resettlement fund use and adjust the budgets according to actual conditions.

11-6 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section)

Table 11.1-4 Balance of Land Compensation Fee and Production Resettlement Investment

- Unit Cost ( 104 Item Sub-item Unit price Qty (Yuan) Yuan)

1.Production exploitation investment

1. Improving low yielding field mu 3700 7900 2923.00 and increased input

2. Chang dry land into paddy 4100 628 257.48 field

3.Land adjustment out of 526.51 group

Paddy field mu 21280 176.2 388.34

Dry land mu 15960 83.6 138.17

2nd and 3rd industry Person 9000 63 56.7 resettlement

2.Land Compensation Fee Fee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3777.87

3. Item 2 - Item 1 14.18

11.2 Fund Use

Within the deadline of the physical relocation appointed by the resettlement unit, the employ and the relocated households should sign a written document according to the criteria framed by this report, which deals with the residential resettlement compensation, non-residential resettlement compensation, land acquisition and use. The disbursement and use of the compensation fund will be made under the supervision of internal supervision and administrative organization and the check by external supervision organization.

1) Residential house: The Resettlement Unit has signed the Physical Relocation Compensation Agreement in terms of house baseline, compensation amount, subsidy, payment method, and timing and physical relocation timing. The Resettlement Unit will disburse the compensation fund directly to relocated households.

11-5 Resettlement Action Plan for Corridor Component (Changsha Section) economic forest is 6 RMB yuan per square meter and the total restoration cost is 2.31 *104 RMB yuan. The total related tax cost is 1742.85*104 RMB yuan.

11.1.5 Balance of Land Compensation Fee and Production Resettlement Investment

In line with the Land Occupation Compensation and Resettlement regulations for Large and Medium Scaled Hydropower Projects: The land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy will be used for restoration and production development, for employment of surplus labor resulting from land occupation and subsidy to non-employment personnel by the units whose land is acquired. The land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy can allocated to the county (city) government in a lump sum contract and used for land development and resettler's production and livelihood resettlement by county (city) government. The fund can only used for this specific purpose. Neither other utilization of the fund nor illegal private possession of the fund will be allowed. If land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy Fee cannot meet the requirements of production resettlement, the resettlement subsidy fee can be properly increased according to actual conditions. Therefore, land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy fee is the only source of fund for production resettlement, must be equal or slightly larger than total production resettlement investment.

The land acquisition cost and resettlement subsidies in the project zone totals 3777.87*104 RMB yuan, which is 14.18*104 RMB yuan higher than investment for production resettlement, indicating that the land compensation criteria are relatively appropriate and can meet the requirements of resettlement production resettlement fund and can ensure resettlers' living standard reaching existing standard. The balance of land compensation fee and production resettlement investment is given in table 11.1-4.

The collective land compensation cost calculation is given in attached table 10.

11-4 Resefflement Acton Plan for Coridor Component (Changsha Section)

Table 11.1-3 Other Costs

Investment Item Sub-item Remark (104 Yuan)

Other costs in 620.67 totalI

1.1nvestigation 2.5% of the cost sum of items and design cost 223.00

2.1mplementation 264.62 3% of the cost sum of item 1 managed cost and 1% of the cost of item 2

3.Technical 0.5% of the cost sum of iteml 43.85 training cost

4.Monitoring and 89.20 1% of the cost sum of items evaluation cost

11.1.3 Basic Contingency

The total basic contingency is 954.09*1 04 RMB Yuan.

11.1.4 Relevant Taxes

1)Taxes on cultivated land occupation: According to Changsha tianxin District statistic annals, the per capita cultivated land of agricultural population is 1.08 mu. In line with Hunan Cultivated Land Occupation Implementation Regulation, if per capita cultivated land possession is over 1 mu (including 1 mu), the tax is 3 to 7 RMB yuan per square meter. As we take the lower limit of 3 RMB yuan per square meter, the total tax of land occupation is 318.85*1 04 RMB yuan. 2) Reclamation cost: According to Xiang Jiafei[2003] Document No 42 of Hunan Provincial Financial Department, belongs to class 2 one, with its reclamation cost of 11,000 RMB yuan/mu for paddy field, and 7,000 RMB yuan/mu for dry field. So the total reclamation cost adds to 1421.70*104 RMB yuan. 3) Forest vegetation restoration cost: According to the Caizong [2002] No 73 of Ministry of Financial, State Forest Administration, the forest vegetation restoration of timber and

11-3 Resettlement Action Plan for Conidor Component (Changsha Section)

Tablell.1-2 Basic Costs

Investmnent Item Sub-item (104 Yuan) Remark

1I.Rural resettlement 8770.71 compensation cost

(1) Land Acquisition compensation 4179.36

(2) Relocation Compensation 3947.57

(3). Infrastructure Compensation 233.54

(4) Enterprise compensation 241.84

(5). Physical relocation subsidy 141.28

(6). Scattered tree compensation 13.24

(7). Tomb 0.64

(8). Poverty-stricken house building subsidy 7.53

(9). Vulnerable family subsidy 5.71

2 Special Facilities 149.48 Compensation

3. Total 8920.19

The compensation for enterprise affected is given in attached table 9.

11.1.2 Other Cost

Other cost includes investigation and design cost, implementation management cost, supervision cost, monitoring cost with a total of 620.67*1 04 RMB Yuan. The other cost is given in table 11.1-3

11-2 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

11.Compensation Cost Estimates

11.1 Cost Estimate Narrative

The Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha section) includes five categories altogether: rural resettlers' compensation, special facilities compensation, other cost, basic contingency and relevant taxes, with the total investment 12237.81*1 04 RMB Yuan. The land acquisition and relocation cost estimated is given in table 11.1-1. Tablell.1-1 Investment Summary Table Item Investment 104 Yuan Remark

1. Resettlement Compensation Cost 8770.71

2. Special Facilities Cost 149.48

3. Other Cost 620.67

10% sum of item 1 to 3 4. Basic Contingency 954.09

5. Related Taxes 1742.85

Sum of item 1 to 5 6. Total Cost 12237.81

More details about enterprise compensation and investment are shown in Annex 8

11.1.1 Basic Cost

Basic cost includes resettlement relocation compensation, land occupation compensation and subsidy, special facilities compensation, etc. According to the project's object index of land occupation and relocation and the standard of compensation subsidy, the total basic cost is added up to 8920.19*104 RMB Yuan. The basic cost is shown in table 11.1-2

11I-1 Resettlement Action Plan for Comdor Component (Changsha Section)

and organize to generalize the advanced experience.

10.2.6 Monitoring Evaluation Period

The independent monitoring unit working time includes project construction period and 2 years after completion of the project. The reports should be submitted in other years and it is suggested as every April and October.

10.3 Resettlement Evaluation

After implementation, post-implementation evaluation theory and methodology will be applied to perform post-implementation evaluation on resettlement activities based on monitoring and evaluation. Its content mainly lies in evaluation on successful experience and lessons learned in terms of houses relocation, stores, enterprises and land acquisition, etc. for future use. The resettlement post-implementation unit will prepare post evaluation outline to establish evaluation index system, perform social and economic analysis investigation, and to prepare the Resettlement Post- implementation Evaluation Report for Flood Control Landscape Corridor Component of CZT (Changsha Section), which will be submitted to the World Bank office and the World Bank.

10-6 Resettlement Action Plan for Coridor Component (Changsha Section)

(8) Infrastructure, special facilities restoration;

(9) Property loss compensation;

(10) Loss working time compensation;

(11) Transition subsidy;

(12) Property loss replacement cost compensation;

(13) Schedule for the above activities (usable at any time);

(14) Organization of resettlement network;

10.2.5 Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Measures l) The monitoring and evaluation organization will write monitoring and evaluation work outline and report it to the BANK to earn its approval when the project is implemented in due form

2) The monitoring organization should assign people periodically or aperiodically to make spot check and field survey during the process of monitoring in order to find out problems. They should report in time to the project officer at various levels to take measures and solve the problems and submit the monitoring and evaluation report to the employer.

3) Establish monitoring point for resettler implementation effect and conduct a track investigation. The monitoring point should be established in line with sample check theory and adjust the establishment density according to the actual sorts of resettlers' livelihood (occupation, labor constitution, cultural level, sex and age, economic status, area distribution), but no less than 1/200 of the population or 1/50 of the total household. Established by independent monitoring organization, the monitoring point should give a certain reward whose amount can consult the rural statistician standard.

4) Establish resettler collective input and output analysis model; make analysis and prediction for the normal and typical resettlement administration.

5) Summarize the resettlement relocation effect, assist to establish demonstrative district

10-5 Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attadred Table3

Tree Population FormelHouse Apped.l Budding Sualered _m5 EenSend HlamaHouset n ___ dm W rorvi_rie _Oe anelll Gop No House-olderNl l nd ) Fired-mp pondimnl TomR-kO C YDOm_ To (Rs.4dolMr1 Agiuur ed Bik-c -d E mhld ..dl) Bouding W.1W neNur BainGrond Tar- Yung9 Tree (Off-n) CommiB..) Totel Population Subotal Concrete Ti-b., Wood Cam-t Lime. a.l= Cod m' -kanty') Soil_ men rute m Well eWedl Trea. Tr 5 10665 13 07 1 15 7-25 XI Hon-gu 4 4 r5025 15625 12247 3378

60B51 I 4B8 B 7-26 XI.Yundo-g 4 4 12076 120B76 1057 1509 15 95 92 1 1 5 7-27 WangD-ogy-un S S 341 25073 25073 90 27 IS 3915 121 49 29 17 1 7.28 WangLun.rr.-g I1 11 3249 28575 28575 B 7279 1 4 -792 Wog Xmigm-g B 6 M 9 M396 I93 3 1 08 I 7-30 WangLimig 3 3 170 78 170 76 170 76 = = 6 8272 I1 7-31 TanemmYg 3 3 27249 27249 g91I 8139 9 931 I 2 7-32 L.uHelun 5 5 227109 14B3 15463 724e 2 54 12 73 26 2 U4 _ 7-33 ZhengZh.ln 4 4 17343 rB93r 8925 3406 6 4m 11 I 7-34 Zhag Zh-mng S S 1396 c1261 10 33 42 28 26 99

19 T-35 ZhrngsuShmn 2 2 53 07 42 52 42 52 Ir 1-30 ZSBngroOa-g 5 S t17173 14635 asla 58 t9 31 3B 50 I 4 68 04 4 56 1 91 Zh.ng xm)m 4 4 1629 II i tB 63 95 255 2163 51 82 B 13035 _ 3 8-32 Te RoBgul 2 2 17424 11929 lg29 5495 50X 5 Io 8-33 WangnX.h. 3 3 10721 10721 ID721 35 5 8-34 WengXmnguog 3 3 107 21 10721 10721 = 109mg 80 47 136 = I 4 8-35 WaNgTi1n 4 4 278 19 Igo 180 16 4 1 4 6-3e WangOluarhrg 3 3 152 2 152 2 52227 7 4606 300 1 2 10-1 Te,,aYo 2 13612 12432 12432 taB 20 18 4 _I 20 10-2 U. Jnshan 5 5 26598 25696 25698 9 1 912_ 1 15 10-3 Zh ngChulun 4 4 904 664 e64 24 4 7713 3206 I 10-4 Weg9Dhu n 1 1982 1892 1892 9 3 46 32475 1124 7 19 47 21 77 10 25 Hu. g.eW. 14 14 46 45 2567 2 2t82 87 126487 928 3 14 83 74 r 2 8 2 Ha Yiqn 9 a 2S652 21078 13674 62 04 39 74 1 766 21 77 21 77 1 7 9-3 L.uBrEhu.ng 4 4 23039 18e30 6 446 103 48 42 03 3 60 06 1 1 94 XuXrnia 4 4 197 7 383 8644 51 6 59 47 2 295 92 42 94 = 1 9-5 X. Goihue I I 19327 19327 16036 3291 4 96 1 9-6 H..ng X.Nhu 3 3 16803 12654 96 1 36 44 4149 4 u 844 a66 5 9-7 Ma Shngi,n I I 231B5 20864 13197 7667 23 21 I 2 4 10-S Zhr.ngZhiigso 4 4 ISO16 15918 15161829 1 10-6 L.. Min)r 4 4 1541 1541 1541 834 B 10-7 LI, Zhroogg 3 3 11243 11018 115180 2 25 012 2 4 72 24 80 3 = 10-8 H.eng Hany.n 5 5 21971 14747 119 73 30 74 2 115 29 4100 _ 3 10-8 HUO,gShunahang 5 5 25733 257 33 16662 70 7i 81 33 10-10 Xulu _ 155 155 10693 4607 10-Il Li.. H..u.. 955 4124 41 24 44 32 80180 1009 10-12 HumgZhVgyun I I 656 854 854 85 48

A-I3 0 0 flt1fl 911 0-01 01 a9 O bo Lt I0 It t91 19 191

9 Ofltto, NW01 10-0 9 0 0 609 06 9011t 9009set 9900 1 9002 0

961'd 001Z 9001 00 CZ 01 to16011 66001 t0to 0066 0991 09SO 0 lt-1560t1160 00-6 00 9 DOOtl 090 0009 1SL91 191e060VL O 0 0 9 93911010 00-6 9 I 199 9EZ et010106 Z90 011 01t091 S0000 9 &,-.160. 61-6 £ 0 Et9 0010S ogo Kas90000 e 9000 10000 9

091 L691 g 0t 0 9409s160r 11-6 a 1 1 990E1i 6690 LO9 196 9 009

9 09 96 Z01 01 199 0991 99011k 1900 01910lo O9109 699VL9I 0660 bg 9 9 &694X0(604Z £001l 00 0 1 090 016Lo Z001 16000z 90699 1996SW 1609t

1 I 6,6190601 00-01 O I I 6900e 9091 000z 009oz s 0900 10010 0001

9 960bn609966- 61-61 oi 6 0000 LI 90109 t1919 go69 0969 1006c1 9

9 11-&-97 01 El I 9 961 099 1600 009099 L1919 t t e 91096& 10101 00 CZ 01 61 6600q9.ozk 00-0 S1 0 L I 0001t 09100 00009e "E6601 g0et got 0o 9 660h9hfo.990 L1-01 a 01 I 0900Z 09 09 it1tt61 1116 0109 9949109909 61-0 0 1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~090 909ato ~~~~~9 01e ~It9961 19090z 1999 0 9 1961 9e0O 1- 1 40969916M 01-O '9flO 0199 00 LO9960 Sol 6 a9 69900666N *1-01 I 1 01001 11911sit1tt et91Ott 0000 ,96K0106.o

-P.91119 09-01 6 1 I 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o991t 0e it1et 01199 0G960L0 e0699 0 0

69 6 9691101066097 91 91 t0 99011e 9099 6010L 0061 69000 0019t 0 19466014Z 01-9 01t I 1 tB 9090g09 961 6991 0006ES 1019t0 1910t 009 09 69666611o0)6960 hls69Z 6E009 6 6 9 9 b1O000694Z 09-9 0 0 SC0006 900 019 019 90900g

0 0 9690617 0- 6 I so19i9 0911 9009 0901e 0006 0096eV 110

I 0O990 0101 I110L6961 o 61960 asOz 990 0 0 6661116014 68z

01 01 It 00 99 00 L0et 01s1019 01900 9690 190901s a C9006 0990 991900Los

-666006 0991093 96t0t 96694 1 601900001d1160 90,90609P.". P964993 990199661 94 660 01099 19j 9060)049 P-" 16900('9 Ho6u.n .60466940906694

uorfleooleB BuisnlOH lo elqejL I!Lqea AeAunS Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Afttachd TsbIe

PoputlOForma lH.u.. Appwdix BoIlding Sc.e.rd Tre Townhip, Village Tot.l NH. Sundry R___-k__ CeoCY(01s91d Toe IRai.elral G-op N.o .. WirslodaN-ame --[ (Z) Hos Su-nig Gr..und(m' Bo.fltW11 el-F-d Frurle M-edk ,Om6.) C-Ot.Slll8 Agiu.r.I ikad Brickend VelS.dh.i.ondnd51 tBoif ie CoceeTimber Wood C t LieGiacel Bnd.mtkan(.') Pad_ Prassr Fired.nr C I SortM.A-ur Welt Watt TreTT 6 W-nlaig 9 IS0 40 40 190279 143254 577 21 85533 47025 90060 302865 854 i45 9-21 W.uZhrgk-u 2 2 22052 16378 84 59 7919g 59T74 14454 41 10 a21

9-22 T.,,lF.yuf 2 2 11750 9296 92 96 I2498 21

9.23 Wu Sh-se 8 8 21725 1608 50 26 11054 59 45 1248 31 12 I 4 la

9-24 W.uHaile 5 5 35036 20615 17775 264 14423 136 32 34 I 7 14

W. Jiasoheg 9-25 W.uLtoegu 2 2 15a49 117902 11792 40607 25984 10-30 W. Jirrii 4 4 15979g 1591 159SO19 974 10 le 10-31 W.uYi-re S 5 12767 9337 9337 345 ttS6l 28668 a 6 10-33 w.r ...ngh.. 7 7 30246 24149 16482 766 6t0 1292 13527 1 10 40 10-35 W.Zarr-In 7 7 24905 t96N99 9979 1 972 5206 12727 2814 I 9 I Caileeg a II 34 33 180515 1261562 80797 45355 543653 72614 220651 1126 7 1 4 2 38 59 9-26 Zh- 0iangy... 4 3 1 30043 21701I 15313 6399 6342 4721 7 04 5 03 1 15 13 9-27 W. SoegIe. 5 5 25188. 19027 55 94 12433 7141 9o89 I 2 N-I.edar

9-26 T..H.ij,, 7 7 31025 16911I 1691II 14114 10265s 699 Il 4 2 2 2

9-29 Lr6g.Birhang I 1 6291 23 5 23 5 3941 84 2 109soI 2 10-32 TarlgL.rr 1 1 19621 15524 15524 4097 el19 6171 I 5 17 10-34 W. Xegnlmg 12 12 424056 307865 2275 90 15 1169I 1771 12900 I 20 16 W. Oinghru W. Jr9*aeg W. RN-bie 10-38 T.n.oYroeg 3 3 18908 13671 47 05 9166 59 37 13609 39 09 8 25 1 1 6 4 12-I Ma ORoeqise I I 70 03 7003 70 0301 Yodeeg B 9 34 34 160146 127141 I345 76 972 63 53 33007 49225 26517 26 91 5 4 8 1 17 93

9-30 T..eYoeseg 3 3 166668 16829 1 77 97 91 32 3067 9360 1 1 14 9-31 T..nFiqoe 3 3 1792 596 5986 58 32 2772 11 70 OS53I 9-32 T.,eM..gy.eg I I 28 22 2922 2622 I 1 3

9-33 T-nrGruqr.ng 4 4 72 47 4119 41 19 31 26 41 40 131 4

9-34 lh..gZlhah. 5 5 299893 25444 18009 7435 45 49 66 25 3775 1 a 3 4 H ...g Chustin I I 6863 66 3 49 80 12-2 T.. Ue6N. 5 5 3211I 2731 2486 265 46 10915 13 86 I 4 9 T 12-3 -Ch-g.see a a 32171 2731 24668 265 46 10915 13986 I 1 5 32 12-4 Zh.W Shulre 4 4 17248 17248 97 72 94 78 5938 3 890 27 07 1 3 IS Heitlg I 1 3 3 23449 27065s 16331 27 34 23984 122981 59 25 a 4

7-I8 XreJrs-rr 3 3 23449 27065 19331 27 34 23864 122601 56 25 6 40, Hu.eh. 7 7(4 118 494 475 24532711 1923407 1153366 75.3047 169949 5298304 918074 34201 140633 17822 I go 28 798a 2 1459 16i 940

28 30 135 135 690041 541295 319054 2234 119349 247079 01 49709 59 9 28 12 86a I 140 271

9-35 ZsaegoY-,.. 5 5 30186 209984 87 03 21261 926 20205 42 22 I I 7

A-15 -TfF|0rfSX1 ;i . i [I

ti: wi j g r U -

Na - -_o _ ~ ~ ~ _8S_ ~ ~ ~Sn0S SN s0NW 0

- - 1 - - N rlo°-N , 0j _ n, )or -, n,o ,1

T----Tr -- - - J1 _ _ _ _ _…

0 81 1 _ r 2 N 2 Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attached TabIDe3

Popul.tion FormalH.... Appnnd. Building SuanyradTry T m.tIip. V l.U.-- Sundry ______C_ru8 ISratridt Tomi (Rauldaidl Group No H..auh.1d., aN.- `00W SunningGrOund(rr Wi(m) Frruar R-kar (090. C -,,,1)nrla Total grioulura m Snotd 8,uk end Eanlhand (mu)Boudingq Wall PrOrnt. F-rdarny M(1)..( M-nd PopulaionSutotal ononst Timba Wood .. tim. Grani and mit Bnir(mi Earlh Piatlut Basin Pn(' Ob1o Gro-I -un Tra SoilMidur. Wall aWad ____ T81 YTraa II-to WuShu.h-ag I I asB5 8865 88865 t 3d 11-17 H-angRoglu 2 2 31728 2878 117786 11014 29 48 74 34 it0821 SB 1 3 12-20 iLyong 3 3 3525 34988 286 878 2 7 128 3380D 1 1 4 12-23 W. H.-nng S S 2382B - 127 99 I71t29 587 ttt 3 egg 16s30 12

12.24 L- Zh-ngo.-g 4 4 21005 131 B5 13185 781 12988a 25 2 t2.25 Mo Srhuriu I t 133 92 12137 121 37 1255 702 1 2 12-28 L.-lOgmin S S 341t09 226448 228dB 11486 352 I I2 12-27 Li Bngqrang 5 8 25257 21355 21355 387D2 12 888 I 4

12-28 W.sugtunlo I t 38 08 38080 3808 I BI1 Changtari 10 12 45 45 232078 IBM467 tOBBOB 798881 43609 123051 1828 787 8? 12 112 II-is ZhangGoilu 2 2 12082 88 88 24 2 5780 7 00 ZOangG001p 11.18 H.oag Ji.- 8 a 18238 15 558 15558 28 8 2172 1 28 11.20 Hang K-ua 5 5 27135 187893 187893 73 42 2 20 11.21 HuaNgZhlhui 8 8 10118 0838 9838 1086 103804 5 80 [Simo 11-32 Hu.9gGuoqang 4 4 3333 3333 3333 1573 47 52 1 2 2 11.23 Zling Janjun 4 4 297808 21408 122880 012 83 20777 2087 I 2 11.24 Ztuangoalro 8 8 1872 13858 13858 47 48 13838 1 Z Ztrrglrnu- 1 1 34886 34885 11.25 ZhraNgFuqnn 3 3 18855 1485 t48 5 5205 12089 27 08 1 2 35 11.28 Zliangnu 4 4 257889 17458 17458 834 130831 52850 7 87 I 18l 11-27 Z$raNgFul.n 4 4 33872 33872 33872 88 3788 1 2 tlangngzl 4 4 17 17 102872 82173 87889 72374 218899 57035 4 3 12 72 11-28 ZhangHaiq.ng 5 5 218804 20854 20854 8 5 88 1 2 3 i 1-28 ZhangoaHlian 4 4 15835 123 01 19 7181l 3535 78959 1 1 14 11-30 ZltangZhionVia 4 4 44833 31559 488 28879 13074 2384 1 2 28 11.31 T..nouatan 4 4 215 17386 1738 41 4 1088 28 Pingahrng 15 is 88 89 43557 314052 185351 1114889 72 32 121S18a 107503 89 go808 ale 12 2 231 55 1133 12.20 Zu L-anl-a 5 5 18738 13807 13807 2932 72 1 15 10 12.31 Zh.ngZSngSo 8 8 240 I 1388 10805 3055 71 5 44 8 Zh.nq Funang 12-32 ZattgYuapn 3 3 19008 13108 13108 58898 66 1 30 2 12-33 ZhangB.nqk.n 5 5 22043 10843 18843 54 1378 8a18 1 8 12-34 ZhiaNgnH.n..g 7 7 25425 2037 soS5 1232 B90 889 20 I3-I Z.u L-ankun B B 072880 52447 52447 14841 7 05 I 1 986 14 13-2 XuShno 8 3858 259888 25888 1017 1853 2 13-3 ZhraogFumig 4 4 214 185ea 12107 8479 58 5 241112 13-14 Xu unqi 8 8 188 14889 10821 4088 1 1: 279 330127

A- 17 IC …

Ea - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I -~~~~~~~~~zR a 13~~~~

0 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ A A A - Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Aftad3ed Table3

Tg-srshlP VMlbg r _Population FormalHous. Sundy Appa-dJ.BoddIng Sctn.d T

County (Dtdt)l 7.T-l (Rodaot.1 Group No fous.ould Na-Il,T. H - . .oU.. Ig~W0(811FuM.ld R k C01 k. *)C m) HouohtutN.m) GroupNo Total Agocunura Totlrn'o u seBrick SuCtoand Brickand Earthand Hm') C mr BounrinB-dLgWl Prota_tn_ F-ROd-p ,PopllroSutta unnt T-ot., Wood C- I Lu.-. G-.ot .nd 17 Sfkn' EIBPour Bas- P"OyIl T-oBNNO)0mB Yug T,g.

13-19 Hu,n;Yougon 3 3 345d9 27093 22593 51 0876 1408 5588 27B2 _ I 45 22 19 13.20 H-gnOYOud 4 4 21508 15904 70064 8904 40 76 14136 570D 5 21 ¶ 5 Is

13-21 Zhtn Zh-tonag 2 2 15737 112 4 1124 44 97 12126 1 4 8 10 12 B Pond 7 32 91 5

14-5 X.uZhrkar 6 B 2201 13503 13503 0447 7600 813 1 20 24

14-6 M.oBiln 4 4 17577 12738 12138 54 39 1 _ 20

14 7 Zhan L.ha 1 03 38 83 36 83 38 33 7 4 32 Old

14-8 XuD_u 5 5 203 08 1010 10156 1015 132 3 _ 2 22

X. D n==

14.9 luangYloyl 3 2 27068 10912 10812 17158 72 0s95 I 1S 3

14-10 H.uqnSh-uung 0 a 1495 8w4 80 4 091 B98 10 3

HuanqLh _==

14-11 WanoPanggug 4 4 3115 20925 1716 9755 4225 0a d0 576 1 1 64 9 10

=4-12 Huangftru. _4 4 t57 ItOSS 11055 6002 13430 5330 = 35 5

Hlah 2 S a 20 26 828 6S380 02 41271 22737 17 94 17013 0 34 4 00 2 1 25 75 UnL-q .o 4 4 27 21 04211 Sig 01 41271 1072 1222 0834 4 00 2 1 25 75 14-13 L.uJ.anlio 4 4 t1t47 11147 Ili147 2205 4 00 I

1414 Lru Squn 4 4 17912 11812 11 2 22 5 12

14-15 L, Guohuh 6 160f5 1072 1072 73 75 24 40

73-22 L. Fuq. 5 5 23057 18212 18212 48 45 23 34 _ 1 23

_608 _ 1 4 7 7 IN904 13t i2017 17 94 47 93

Ztt0S8xluO I I 17094 17094 1704 066-anP640..

0.,, Bo... I 1 25 7 244 24 4 1 3 V W,.F-I

Zan Wrping 1 1 33 22 3088 30 8 2 34 V0gt81bl0O5h. Fatn Pt-o xIrrp

XAltPlpu I 2 5 5 tO 8 59357 45 17 02 5 30567 1354 208e1 11 02 7 75

WanBul 2 5 5 to e 59357 45817 92 5 30567 1354 20608 11102 7 75

_B-rming _ 2 2 6 3 27234 22024 92 5 12774 521 10 4 11102 3 50

14-1B Lu Oar,ang 4 3 17904 12774 12774 521 831 4532 3 50

14.17 Duan... in2n 2 25 25 92 97 3 0570 _Ou

2 3 3 4 3 32123 23793 23793 833 08 28 4 25

13-23 Zhoo Irnorong 2 I 1489 11195 11195 3504 21 06

13-24 Y.n J,nYn I I 0803 5460 5480 337 26 = = =g N

A-19 _ _ _ _ _ ~~______2

_ __ _ - _ _ _ = _ _ _ -_ _ '

t M _ "-w _2

X~~1 _ _ 1 _Fc Ii___i

____ _= _ _ __ ,

:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attached TWOIH3

Population FormalHouse Appand. Bu.rid,ng 0.".7r T-e. To-ns p Vdiaga. Tn o. . - S.ndry ______R-.,k.__ (Dht_ntl T-o (R.sid.eti Grop No Housnuody H..NS.qGm.(. F.tadamp G~ Moad,TlbN County R matts C-dt.) 4nd i Bripc Brick- and EaOUrand Sindr mSn (C _ Wail _oundin _t _ __ _ (Otond) Cuonmiga.) Total Subtotal Timbr 00ti., L-% GraC__= ,d (in) B.ok(m') E.Adt P.a.., B...P. dm TOOO Ga Youn Tra. ~~~~~~~~i~u~~a~~C-wcot Cmnt oi ,,,. tur WaN .11 Trao T- ______


___ _ _ Shipprn~~~~~~CMO.ComPnl 32747 32747 2638 6379__

Ch-agV- (Pogy 27 27 27

ch.,V.b. City 4~~~~Ciag..Cunt 327407 32747 2030g 12037 Bl 3300 1 StorkSC dP0D Co 9 213 9 70= 4 9 ======Aset loJDnl07ro5vn0.07 rd _ 72 72 72 XS _ _ _ _d_

.Ltd 440~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~040000.30 ______Sippin Coerpany

315 Paogok.7rgS.2Sh uippngC..p..y _ 271931241 8 4241t3341708 291870253 S0t11230 AT 137799r we9a502 _Ona24 _ Ge.f h70g.h.3 Mlun _ _ 001875 11707 004712 072403 50 30000 212 T00 Plant 45 Ma rt PrConas-Og 72 72 72 418 212Y1s TlinYmg~~~~~~~25 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3 12 _ 10rnd $2834IY02 li4 12 3812403 32 59S 3eg 9 207 8 Y 4 _ 418 Dmw~~~~~~~~~~~-Harahripu7 S. P4 C. 247109332 7244024700S 47512478 433409 5 20N 3707eU1803

07Chranght RAaim.y 24700 24700 247008 37003

T.at."o Orstoc 2 5 12 33 7023034 7554302 77003057 303445 75 200032 17870750 775002 020073 0 I77000 4

Data 4 77 20 033723 772747l 4775717 233724 75 2200082 773054 1489g38 54044 4 717004 4 H.."tt 3 5 407 3 324037 200007 0330 7377009 00040 50050 40702 7 17374 L,aaita.lgmia ~ ~2 14470771 304772 2030008 5070e4 737700 04040 50050 45702 7 77204

Fundur NW0 730070 503712 503712 717700 7072 so000 7752 I Dyk.Cooot. Dyk. Cooota. 37700 240 000 570 003 70520 45050 1405774

2 12533 72533 00063 5a07I ______~~~~~~~~~~~G-opCowatidY 7092 7027. 702

A-21I Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Attached Table3 = ppKd.. Bu id =P=I= SF. T-r H F.K H...eHoud = S..dyNr Cn_T-.rS z >1 VRrrAldli r ir T,*r ld' o sHd n H CountY(D04nd7) Tom T oR660,.4 G-Aup No Hou.o Sunn .kn)775P6.766 tlI o...k BO. .. L"1* G. .0 d.. W IOff-.) Co-.o.II. .. ~,l PopoI.50 Ton56. WOSO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P,T H..ngSt. C.oup V0.I9. CollWrfiy 117 41 11741 58 71 58 7 5 P.qg.h5V _ 738 7326 73 26 5 Vr 9 37 L_WJ,* _ Pro *"'.A _ 73 26 73 26 73 26

125636 15 3470G4 66326 5 4 a 725 X0.oo. 4 il 2204095 1857 1 5835S5 4 = 6328 20787 857 = X.~ = 34051 3405 31443 2606

4 F 28 207 87 as 57 1 P.uc HorMr 34051 34051 31443 2608 tO63

58 5444 15 6095 18389 I 6.r.go 6 70735 67785 11645 Flo Cs oPump 241 31 23431 74 31 160 7 11719

PoS4.oHo _ 177 176 176-r-SrCtA a =

60794 24552 231.2hi.430. 5 2645 POOMOHw- 556

P.bl .olo.. 34 34 16 15 0 _1YungC=P1h = 1633 1833 d70 8355i3 7650 48 = Y=Cr0b0= 2 7563lo6g 726 7025 24 24 24 39669 VW"6. 7760670,66 l~OOO t. P.570 HO. 2014 26 14 20714

44726 1354 ______- ~ 1 ~~~~~I45523 44729 30 _ =_ _ = _ _ tKk__ _ 6.06716.4W~ ______^/1 1|1 NO,9H-.. 45523 441725 44126 73594 2236 464698 1 T.UdNg 627686 396626 75067 24759 404698 7 7190,16 Noo.60P- 07.91..P.M0., Horn 62766 36626 75067 24759 2236

296602 3607 X,.ngan 1 5 1777731 7417727 112065 360 Ll.I.0. 5 1777737 M74731 1120666 29662

F..0.0y 37524 27526 20374 71 5


Ch.nglh. S.M PK 374 374 374

5.04 Pd 7~~~~~~~~32132 732

250 2536 ______041696COI6d7776y 67~~~~~~~~~~~~80

A-22 Survey Detail Table of Housing Relocation

Atached TabWe3 Appandi Buldin,g ScallantdTI.. Population Forml- l.. ____S_-___ G__ nd______Tinnr"rP. Slag.. ______Wail(0Hl)FruiR- Btn* N. M-Wdainla N- Toal-SuO M.ne Coonty lOnODSM Ton. IRaardarO Grop n(n ond.ng..- Wall PronadpnonTa(Nab<- Foadam TorS(N_ enl F_Rt t T* Agriunuitra iinl'lHouutI.,) Stad Bink and BrickWO and M E.nhad asbndM I~~~~~~~~~~Ho..)Sunigt 2 To04 Cornmt aim Gpp N I T:., ~~~~~~,g L-nai.Im. Grava and i Bukrn Ed P.Yr ain P.d.)Vog G T-. offi.. C-dw) ~~~~PourtinSO onraa Timban Wod

44 42 14140 12479 12da 124 15 19 85 K-tat 3 a 730 17 605 9b 12479 es22 4t 78 9 73 Bbu.illng e0 _ 43552 31073 24022 70 Si 30 98 OSDO Tr-nnina- Room _ 79 78 48 9 14 7 342

IdFtraorFta_skiptl 4494 3 78 9 73 PubiM ou... 15121 15121 0127

Hla.d* Tr Ra.Way 40 20 27 00 P.M.10Hnoua 10278 5570 27 59 27 59 470

PalnalH..B U-. VagatabI. Land 1 105

CaB.MRAdan Midiorn 0 72 07?2 0 72

_ PuDkbH4... 75 03 46 72 48 72 28 31

NOa. 1 15401 15401 15401

SandPM 15401 15401 15401 58 77 37 1012 CIdt1 141 14 14114 70 19 70 95 41

(loamI lar,aio byp

7737 10 12 Elavnl Pon. WalanCompany 141714 14114 70719 7095 41 50 03.oasq. K

05s290 842101 00184 00321 4885 51 2e954 XhOlokal 1 1 4 _ 0081t41 09104 150321 4085 51 26954 7850293 WtmnBtua I 4 6m0011 842101 4865 51 20954 705029 BandOng 4 a8m011 8421t1 09104 150321 1300 _HIooImnngSad 57461 57487 55032 10 29 31

r SWrdCO.W. T_ngd.SBnd P _ 1910t 191oa 05 53 95 53

24502 4802 Bn(i.O.Sand PA 084 92 5075 42749 O01 15742 20

759288 tlunaalWal_m W.ntnng Sand 747752 714844 503090 130938 32908 23 92 Stppr.nlla-.a C-W Cuap-n

A-23 Impact Enterprise Table of Occupation Land Attached Tablei4 Major Facility Major Equipment

Low Machine Bic-Draw- das Dump F Electrical Drill DrilSdmn ad-Bik Enterprise Name Voltage Toomer Well Wel ~~~~~Work Blander maki Mould Pump Windlass Forkldt Lathe Planer Vessel transpot Store Store EnterpriseName Low TranSfrer) (well) Well Set Equipm)ent ledr mkn ModPup benc Wi Truck Machine Press Press (o) sse m) (o Line (kin)(well) (Set) (m3) (m3) (Set) Set) Machine (set) (Set) (St (Set) Se) ()(Set) ((Set) (Set) Seto(St) syset) m3 (o

Total 0.2 5 2 1034.2 20 143 4 1 4 3 3 27 11 27 3 2 1 1 1 48 1S 110500 28000 No. 2 Company of Changsha County Ship 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 I _1 500 Company III Honghua Sand Pit _ 1 1 2000 Fwngchang SandrPtlP=) = 2 1 1 5000 Yaotang Sand Plt 1 2 6 1 12000 _ SaW"kig Sand Pk 2 5 1 13000 EWctoplateFactory1 296.6

Changaha ZtloyA Stock 1 630 5 Co.,ULd I______30____ Datuo Sand Pk = = = _ 2 2 1 7000 Datuo Ptecasting Yard 2 1 6 2 Changlan Sand Pit =R=_=__ =_=_= 2 2 1 12000 XFgtck CemenVt Brck 1 20 1 1 1 20000

Xltobng Ptecasting Yard 0.2 48 1 4 2 2 5 1500M 8000 Datuo0wigAn Sand PR _ 1 2 _ 1 Dashen Cattle Farm 1 59 8 = = = = = Dashen Sand PR _ . . 2 _ 1 1 100000 Changsha City Machine Tool 8C_

Gaoguo Sugar Factory 25 _ _ _ No. 4 Sand Pit of Changsha 1 1 1 1 5000 County Shipping Comnpany ______Ttanxin Sand PR 1 = 1 3000 Changsha Huafeng Sand 2 2 1 7000

Tonigda Station of Talyn41 30 Sand Company 4 - 1 30-0 Bophe Pit of Changsha Sanrd 20 1 1 14000 Pit Company ______Bench Sand PR 33 4 26 1 11000

A-24 Settlement Planning Table of Resettler House-building Attached Table5 After Scattered Settlement Plan ResettlerPent Other

(Town) Village Group Household Settled County (District) ownship No. Population Total Settled Settled HotSe Settled Settled Host Site Settled Settled Population Population Host Site Population Population Population Population

18 53 Private House 3 13 50 502 1902 484 1849 6 16 Changsha County 1 7 22 153 592 147 576 6 16 Muyun 7 22 153 592 147 576 7 Sanxing 9 73 281 71 274 2

Huang Jiaping 3 15 3 15 Within Group

Dajiaping 2 5 2 5 Within Group

Dajiaping 13 52 13 52 Within Group

Zhushan 2 11 2 11 Within Group 7 Datang 26 105 24 98 Within Group 2

Heping 9 32 9 32 Within Group

Lijiaping 9 41 9 41 Within Group

Dongyaogang 7 18 7 18 Within Group

Juming 2 2 2 2 Within Group

Muyun 4 29 116 29 116

Xingang 11 35 11 35 Within Group

Muyunshi Group 9 31 9 31 Within Group

Resident Committ 1 8 1 8 Within Group

Vegetable Marke 8 42 8 42 Within Group

Xingma 1 1 4 1 4

A-25 Settlement Planning Table of Resettler House-building Attached Table5 After Scattered SeUtlement Plan Constract in Other Places Other

Village Group Household Settled Settled Settled County (District) ownship (Town) No. Population Total Settled Settled H Settled Settled Population Population Host Site Population Population Host Site Population Population

2 1 4 1 4 Within Group

Lianhe 1 3 15 3 15

Yanzitang 3 15 3 15 Within Group

Fengchen 4 6 33 6 33

Hongjiazui 1 8 1 8 Within Group

Xintangping 1 3 1 3 Within Group

2 3 16 3 16 Within Group

Hejiazhou 1 6 1 6 Within Group

Yaotang 1 17 56 17 56 Yaotang 17 56 17 56 Within Group 4 Nantuo 2 24 87 20 78 4 9 4 22 83 18 74 Within Group

Group1 1 4 1 4 Within Group 1 1 Within Group 37 337 1273 12 Tianxin 2 6 28 349 1310 12 37 Datuo 5 26 344 1300 332 1263

Xingang 3 18 69 18 69

Xiangpuyuan 1 4 1 4 Within Group

-FLijiaxingwu 6 28 6 28 Within Group

A-26 Settlement Planning Table of Resettler House-building Attached Table5 After Scattered Settlement Plan Resettlement Other

Village Group Household Settled County (District) ownship (Town) No. Population Total Settled Settled Host Site Settled Settled HotSe Settled Settled Population Population Population Population Population Population

Lijiaweizi 11 37 11 37 Within Group

Datuo Z 10 34 8 27 = 2 7

Paipengzi 9 28 7 21 Within Group 2 7

Huangsuping 1 6 1 6 Within Group

Xingiong 14 189 685 182 665 7 20

Zhangjialaowu 5 20 5 20 Within Group

Sujiatao 35 111 33 106 Within Group 2 5

Xinpuzi 22 77 22 77 Within Group

Gangbianshang 1 4 1 4 Within Group

Xinglongti 23 74 22 72 Within Group 1 2

Zhangfengshi 24 92 21 82 Within Group 3 10

Huang jiawuan 14 46 14 46 Within Group

Shangzhongxinga 17 72 16 69 Within Group 1 3

Zhongxingang 6 23 6 23 Within Group

Jiangjiamaowu 11 55 11 55 Within Group

Wantang 10 40 10 40 Within Group

Caotang 11 34 11 34 Within Group

Yuetang 9 34 9 34 Within Group

Hejialong 1 3 1 3 Within Group

A-27 Settlement Planning Table of Resettler House-building Attached Table5 Plan Constract in Other Places Other After Scattered Settlement Resettlement Settled HotSe Settled Settled ownship (Town) Village Group Household Total Settled Settled Host Site Settled Setted County (District) No. Population Host Site Population Population Population Population Population Population 3 10 474 Huanghe 7 119 484 116 2 6 129 Within Group Shangzhongpen 30 135 28 54 Within Group Xiazhongpeng 16 54 16 45 Changtang 12 45 12 17 Henggangzi 4 17 4 Within Group Gangkou 19 89 19 89 1 4 80 Within Group Gangkou 22 84 21 60 Dasheng 16 60 16 28 Heishi 2 8 28 8 21 Within Group Lianjiawuan 4 21 4 Within Group Baoziling 4 7 4 7 10 5 10 Xinkaipu 1 2 5 5 10 Wenhua 2 5 10 6 Within Group Baoziling 2 6 2 4 Within Group Group2 3 4 3

A-28 Production Settlement Statistics Attached Table6 Cultivated Land Adjustment Digging Cultivated Land Leftover Cultivated Land Within Out Group Cultivated Land Paddy Dry Pouto

Total Subtotal Group Dry Land Adjustment Item Adjustment Field Land SettlementProduction DistridtDitit TTownship( Town) Village Group Settled Adjustment Population Pe aiaPopulation Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Area Area Per Capita Area Area (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) (mu) population) (mu) (mu) 3746.50 1363.27 2029 L 3 12 57 8310 6702.01 0.81 4514.28 2187.73 1592.23 767.77 824.46 5109.78 0.61 Changsha 1 6 25 4032 3503.65 0.87 2867.85 635.80 606.80 494.92 111.88 2896.85 0.72 2372.93 523.92 747 I__ County ______I__ _ _ _ 523.92 747 Muyun 6 25 4032 3503.65 0.87 2867.85 635.80 606.80 494.92 111.88 2896.85 0.72 2372.93 125.55 195 Sanxing 6 1039 886.23 0.85 723.73 162.50 159.99 123.04 36.95 726.23 0.70 600.69 6.91 1.48 175.88 1.04 117.16 58.72 8 _ HuangJiaping 169 184.28 1.09 124.08 60.20 8.40 42 Da Maoping 159 129.90 0.82 104.60 25.30 34.39 33.96 0.42 95.51 0.60 70.64 24.88 Zhushan 197 158.88 0.81 146.88 12.00 31.96 31.96 126.92 0.64 114.92 12.00 40 22.52 11.73 109.90 0.58 100.02 9.88 45 ______Li Jiaping 189 144.14 0.76 122.54 21.60 34.24 Heping 156 116.35 0.75 97.45 18.90 18.87 9.14 9.73 97.48 0.62 88.31 9.17 25 Datang 169 152.68 0.90 128.18 24.50 32.13 18.54 13.59 120.55 0.71 109.64 10.91 36 16.67 58 Nantuo 1 219 219.60 1.00 181.20 38.40 57.86 36.13 21.73 161.74 0.74 145.07 Group4 219 219.60 1.00 181.20 38.40 57.86 36.13 21.73 161.74 0.74 145.07 16.67 58 111.54 68 Yaotang 5 780 850.71 1.09 723.91 126.80 73.40 58.14 15.26 777.31 1.00 665.77 Tuanyuan 180 180.33 1.00 149.23 31.10 5.82 5.82 174.51 0.97 143.41 31.10 6 12.50 15.26 135.14 0.80 122.00 13.14 29 .______Yaotang 169 162.90 0.96 134.50 28.40 27.76 Ai Ziping 106 134.14 1.27 114.44 19.70 11.20 11.20 122.94 1.16 103.24 19.70 9 Long Wangmiao 119 144.23 1.21 130.43 13.80 14.30 14.30 129.93 1.09 116.13 13.80 12 Tuling 206 229.11 1.11 195.31 33.80 14.32 14.32 214.79 1.04 180.99 33.80 13 140.19 270 Fengcheng 9 1363 988.85 0.73 845.85 143.00 191.21 188.40 2.81 797.64 0.59 657.45 1 110 92.75 0.84 77.75 15.00 31.21 28.40 2.81 61.54 0.56 49.35 12.19 37 0.60 69.93 17.00 28 ______2 144 107.93 0.75 90.93 17.00 21.00 21.00 86.93 0.64 81.84 15.00 28 ______3 '152 118.84 0.78 103.84 15.00 22.00 22.00 96.84 4 195 147.73 0.76 129.73 18.00 20.00 20.00 127.73 0.66 109.73 18.00 26 0.38 40.13 14.00 35 .______5 141 72.13 0.51 58.13 14.00 18.00 18.00 54.13 6 190 109.71 0.58 89.71 20.00 19.00 19.00 90.71 0.48 70.71 20.00 33 7 132 117.62 0.89 102.62 15.00 20.00 20.00 97.62 0.74 82.62 15.00 22

A-29 Production Settlement Statistics Attached Table6_ Cultivated Land Adjustment Digging Cultivated Land Leftover Cultivated Land

Group DrytLan Out Group Cultivated Land Paddy Dry Pouto Total Subtotal Land PreoduntmField Total Subtotal Group Dry Land ment Item ASeuttten PplametioSett__ Township( Settled Adjustment District Tw) Village Group Per Capita Pplto Town) ~~~~~~~~~~Population Area Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Area Area (MU/ Area (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) (mu) population) (mu) (mu) 34.67 12.00 38 8 120 68.67 0.57 56.67 12.00 22.00 22.00 46.67 0.39 118.47 17.00 21 11 179 153.47 0.86 136.47 17.00 18.00 18.00 135.47 0.76 8.40 291.60 1.00 191.00 100.60 21 Lianhe 2 292 315.00 1.08 206.00 109.00 23.40 15.00 1.17 90.01 69.67 13 Yan Zitang 136 176.00 1.29 102.00 74.00 16.33 11.99 4.33 159.67 131.93 0.85 101.00 30.93 8 Ma Yuanxiang 156 139.00 0.89 104.00 35.00 7.07 3.00 4.07 26.72 142.33 0.42 112.95 29.38 136 Muyun 2 339 243.26 0.72 187.16 56.10 100.93 74.21 0.39 36.20 8.14 63 Caichang 115 97.98 0.85 69.88 28.10 53.64 33.68 19.96 44.34 0.44 76.74 21.24 73 Muyun 224 145.28 0.65 117.28 28.00 47.30 40.54 6.76 97.99 985.44 272.85 712.58 2212.93 0.52 1373.58 839.35 1282 Tianxing 2 6 32 4278 3198.36 0.75 1646.43 1551.93 272.85 697.71 2171.10 0.52 1373.58 797.52 1248 Datuo 5 31 4147 3141.66 0.76 1646.43 1495.23 970.56 239.48 925.52 0.61 641.00 284.52 409 Xinglong 13 1526 1277.00 0.84 753.00 524.00 351.48 112.00 0.74 41.00 20.89 6 Yuetang 84 67.00 0.80 41.00 26.00 5.11 5.11 61.89 0.81 42.40 9.94 19 Wantang 65 74.00 1.14 44.00 30.00 21.67 1.60 20.06 52.33 0.77 36.29 16.23 9 Caotang 68 61.00 0.90 40.00 21.00 8.48 3.71 4.77 52.52 43.72 0.51 32.33 11.40 45 Jiangjia maowu 86 91.00 1.06 45.00 46.00 47.28 12.68 34.60 0.78 27.92 12.04 24 Zhongxingang 51 75.00 1.47 29.00 46.00 35.04 1.08 33.96 39.96 52.23 0.59 49.72 2.50 32 Shangzhongxingang 89 81.00 0.91 54.00 27.00 28.77 4.28 24.50 0.71 91.96 33.86 31 Huang jiawuan 178 152.00 0.85 98.00 54.00 26.18 6.04 20.14 125.82 124.05 0.45 62.77 61.28 76 Zhangfengshi 273 172.00 0.63 90.00 82.00 47.95 27.23 20.73 41.00 26.06 6.67 19.39 79.94 0.60 58.34 21.61 33 ______Hejialong 134 106.00 0.79 65.00 0.53 48.59 17.92 43 Xinpuzi 125 102.00 0.82 64.00 38.00 35.49 15.41- 20.08 66.51 0.45 52.19 22.54 48 Sujiatao 166 105.00 0.63 55.00 50.00 30.28 2.81 27.46 74.72 77.97 0.88 58.63 19.33 8 Zhangjialaowu 89 86.00 0.97 59.00 27.00 8.03 0.37 7.67 73.86 0.63 38.87 34.99 35 Zhubaoyuan 118 105.00 0.89 69.00 36.00 31.14 30.13 1.01 186.41 0.40 106.97 79.45 139 Datuo 4 467 267.85 0.57 172.15 95.70 81.44 65.19 16.25 0.35 21.96 14.58 52 Paipengzi 103 73.35 0.71 48.75 24.60 36.81 26.79 10.02 36.54 31.57 0.36 18.11 13.46 19 Shanghuangsuping 88 40.50 0.46 24.10 16.40 8.93 5.99 2.94

A-30 Production Settlement Statistics Attached Table6_ Cultivated Land Adjustment Digging Cultivated Land Leftover Cultivated Land

Within ~~Out Group Cultivated Land Paddy Dry Pouto DistrictTownship( Village Group STe°tTotal Subtotal Group Dry Land Adjustment Item Adjustment Field Land Seottdeument District Town)hp Village Group Settled Adjustment Settlement___ Town) ~~~~~~~~~~Population Per Capita Population Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Area Area Per Area Area (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) (mu) population) (mu) (mu)

Kejiachong 75 50.40 0.67 31.10 19.30 3.62 3.62 46.78 0.62 27.48 19.30 5 Ganhuzi 201 10S.60 0.52 68.20 35.40 32.07 28.78 3.30 71.53 0.36 39.42 32.10 62 Xingang 3 507 282.50 0.56 195.40 87.10 62.34 43.82 18.52 220.16 0.43 151.58 68.58 108 Lijiaweizi 132 75.80 0.57 50.00 25.80 26.14 14.23 11.91 49.66 0.38 35.77 13.89 46 Lijiaxinwu 175 102.42 0.59 72.32 30.10 34.29 28.06 6.24 68.13 0.39 44.27 23.86 59 Xiangpuyuan 200 104.28 0.52 73.08 31.20 1.90 1.53 0.37 102.38 0.51 71.55 30.83 4 Huanghe 7 1079 806.68 0.75 489.68 317.00 207.91 35.15 172.76 598.77 0.55 454.53 144.24 270 Dasheng 146 129.20 0.88 86.00 43.20 55.03 18.01 37.02 74.17 0.51 67.99 6.18 62 Gangkou 179 111.90 0.63 71.40 40.50 42.60 4.83 37.78 69.30 0.39 66.57 2.72 68 Gangkou 180 160.80 0.89 96.60 64.20 60.72 4.83 55.89 100.08 0.56 91.77 8.31 68 Changtang 96 76.51 0.80 41.41 35.10 14.03 14.03 62.48 0.65 41.41 21.07 18 Henggangzi 209 96.22 0.46 56.52 39.70 12.76 1.64 11.12 83.46 0.40 54.88 28.58 28 Shangzhongpeng 188 155.72 0.83 92.62 63.10 17.14 5.85 11.29 138.58 0.74 86.77 51.81 21 Xiazhongpeng 81 76.33 0.94 45.13 31.20 5.63 5.63 70.70 0.87 45.13 25.57 6 Heishi 4 568 507.63 0.89 36.20 471.43 267.41 16.70 250.70 240.23 0.42 19.50 220.73 321 Lianjiawuan 236 120.74 0.51 36.20 84.54 81.09 16.70 64.39 39.64 0.17 19.50 20.15 159 Liushutang 112 104.40 0.93 104.40 61.30 61.30 43.10 0.38 43.10 66 Tanjiachong 115 138.40 1.20 138.40 58.60 58.60 79.80 0.69 79.80 49 Baoziling 105 144.10 1.37 144.10 66.41 66.41 77.68 0.74 77.68 48 Xinkaipu 1 1 131 56.70 0.43 56.70 14.87 14.87 41.83 0.32 41.83 34 Wenhua 1 131 56.70 0.43 56.70 14.87 14.87 41.83 0.32 41.83 34

______Group2 131 56.70 0.43 ______56.70 14.87 14.87 41.83 0.32 41.83 34

A-31 Production Settlement Plan

Attached Table7 Cultivated Land Adjustment Second, Third Industry

SD)|lGXubtotal | Within Group Out Group Cliae (District) Township Village Group Total Settled SuttlAdjustment Adjustment County Population Cliae (Town) Item Land Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Adjustment (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population

745 63 L 3 12 57 2029 1041.52 1966 781.74 1221 259.79 116 20 Changsha County 1 6 25 747 452.94 727 404.99 611 47.94 20 Muyun 6 25 747 452.94 727 404.99 611 47.94 116 Sanxing 6 195 126.12 195 126.12 195 Huang Jiaping 8 8.01 8 8.01 8 Da Maoping 42 25.28 42 25.28 42 Zhushan 40 25.53 40 25.53 40 Li Jiaping 45 26.11 45 26.11 45 Heping 25 15.81 25 15.81 25 Datang 36 25.37 36 25.37 36 Nantuo 1 58 42.61 58 42.61 58 Group4 58 42.61 58 42.61 58

Yaotang 5 68 65.24 68 65.24 68 Tuanyuan 6 5.63 6 5.63 6 Yaotang 29 23.03 29 23.03 29 Ai Ziping 9 10.26 9 10.26 9

A-32 Production Settlement Plan Attached Table7

Cultivated Land Adjustment Second, Third Industry

Subtotal Within Group Out Group County (District) Township Villae Group Total Settled btotal Adjustment Adjustment (Townshp Vlag)ru Population Cliae Item Land Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Adjustment (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population

Long Wangmiao 12 12.88 12 12.88 12 You Tuling 13 13.43 13 13.43 13 Fengchen 9 270 149.50 270 149.50 270 1 37 20.71 37 20.71 37 2 28 16.91 28 16.91 28 3 28 17.93 28 17.93 28 4 26 17.29 26 17.29 26 5 35 13.51 35 13.51 35 6 33 15.71 33 15.71 33 7 22 16.60 22 16.60 22 8 38 14.95 38 14.95 38 11 21 15.89 21 15.89 21 Lianhe 2 21 21.52 21 21.52 21 Yan Zitang 13 14.81 13 14.81 13 Ma Yuanxiang 8 6.71 8 6.71 8 Muyun 2 136 47.94 116 47.94 116 20

A-33 Production Settlement Plan

Attached Table7 Cultivated Land Adjustment Second. Third Industry

Within Group Out Group Cultivated Group Population btota Adjustment Adjustment County (District) (Town) Village ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ItemLand (Town) lagePopulation Group Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Adjustment (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population

53 Servicing 10 Caichang 63 20.42 53 20.42 63 Transport 10 Muyun 73 27.52 63 27.52 376.74 610 211.84 629 43 Tianxing 2 6 32 1282 588.59 1239 610 203.42 602 35 Datuo 5 31 1248 580.17 1213 376.74 333 34.58 76 Xinglong 13 409 237.06 409 202.48 6 =______Yuetang 6 4.72 6 4.72 Wantang 19 15.32 19 15.32 19 Caotang 9 7.30 9 7.30 9 Jiangjiamaowu 45 22.72 45 22.72 45 Zhongxingang 24 18.67 24 18.67 24 Shangzhongxingang 32 18.55 32 18.55 32 Huang jiawuan 31 21.67 31 21.67 31 76 Zhangfengshi 76 34.58 76 34.58 Hejialong 33 19.65 33 19.65 33 Xinpuzi 43 23.14 43 23.14 43 Sujiatao 48 21.55 48 21.55 48

A-34 Production Settlement Plan Attached Table7

Cultivated Land Adjustment Second, Third Industry

Within Group Out Group County (District) Township Village Group Total Settled Subtotal Adjustment Adjustment Cultated (Town) ~~~~~~~Population Cliae Item Land Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Adjustment (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population

Zhangjialaowu 8 7.28 8 7.28 8 Zhubaoyuan 35 21.90 35 21.90 35 Datuo 4 139 45.46 124 3.36 5 42.10 118 15

Restaurant Paipengzi 52 14.79 42 14.79 42 and 10 Drinking

Shanghuangsuping 19 5.17 14 5.17 14 Trade 5 Kejiachong 5 3.36 5 3.36 5 Ganhuzi 62 22.14 62 22.14 62 Xingang 3 108 41.80 108 41.80 108 Lijiaweizi 46 17.13 46 17.13 46 Lijiaxinwu 59 22.81 59 22.81 59 Xiangpuyuan 4 1.87 4 1.87 4 Huanghe 7 270 138.76 270 101.31 174 37.45 96 Dasheng 62 31.59 62 31.59 62 Gangkou 68 26.38 68 26.38 68

A-35 Production Settlement Plan

Attached Table7 Cultivated Land Adjustment Second, Third Industry

Within Group Out Group Adjustment Adjustment Cultivated County (Distct) (Township Village Group Total Setled Subtotal CuuaiotmLtiated (Town) Item Land Area Settled Area Settled Area Settled Adjustment (mu) Population (mu) Population (mu) Population

68 37.79 68 ______jPingshang 68 37.79

Changtang 18 11.46 18 11.46 18 28 Henggangzi 28 11.06 28 11.06

Shangzhongpeng 21 15.25 21 15.25 21

Xiazhongpeng 6 5.22 6 5.22 6 204 20 Heishi 4 321 117.08 301 69.59 97 47.49 . Trade 15 Lianjiawuan 159 24.11 144 24.11 144 61 Servicing 5 Liushutang 66 23.38 61 23.38

Tanjiachong 49 33.79 49 33.79 49

Baoziling 48 35.80 48 35.80 48 8.42 26 8 Xinkaipu 1 1 34 8.42 26 26 8 Wenhua 1 34 8.42 26 8.42 Restaurant and 8 Group2 34 8.42 26 8.42 26 Drinking

A-36 Investment Budgetary Estimate Table of Land Acquisition and Relocation Attached Table8 _ _ Investment Unit: 10'Yuan

Rate Item Subitem Unit (yuan) Qty Investment Remarks

Resettlement Compensation Cost 8770.71

(1) Acquisition Land Compesation 4179.36 a. Coiective Land 3777.84 1. Cultivated Land mu 1592.27 3055.08 PaddyField mu 22040 767.77 1692.17

Vegetable Land mu 165 454 50 751.29 Vegetable Land As Family mu.16530 4 Plot Dry Land mu 16530 370.01 611.63

2. Pond mu 19760 86.10 170.13 3. Fish Pond mu 19760 5.07 10 01 4. Orchard mu 19760 1.17 2.31 5. Timber mu 5.76 6.57 Orchard mu 11400 576 6.57

6. Grass Land mu 2128 27.72 5.90

7. Resident Site mu 16530 9178 151.71 8. Public Land mu 18620 15.29 270.53

9. Road Use Land mu 7980 19.60 15.64 10,Canal 18240 0 84 1.53

11. Other Land mu 18620 47.50 88.44

b. Stated -ownea Land mu 22040 71.45 157 48 c.Temporary Occupation Land 244.04 1. Production Forest mu 3824 268.36 102.62

2. rimber mu 3216 439.75 141.42

(2) House and Appendix Building Compensation Cost 3947.57

1. House 142315.09 3671.63 1I.Public House 47449.48 1319 49 2 Brick and Concrete m 320 29009.90 928.32 2 Brick and Timber m 240 15568.69 373 65 2 Earthand Timber m 200 21.72 0.43

Sundry House m2 J,0 2849.17 17.10 1.2 Private House 94865.61 2352.14 2 Bnck and Concrete m 320 48275.59 1544.82 2 Brick and Timber m 240 28349.82 680.40 2 Earth and Timber m 200 1248.73 24.97 2 Sundry House m 60 16991.47 101.95

2. Appendix Building 275.94

2.1 Sunning Ground 38830.59 57.90 2 Cement m 15 38488.58 57.73 2 Lime. Gravel and Soil m 5 342.01 0.17 2 2.2 Bounding Wall m 45 12873.51 57.93 3 2.3 Protective Bank m 140 8695.26 121.73 2.4 Well 375 22.34 Earth Well Well 200 4 0.08 Pressure Well Well 600 371 22.26 2.5 Firedamp Basin No. 800 54 4.32 2.6 Pond m3 60 1463.60 11.71 Infrastnrcture Compensation Cost 233.54

A-37 Investment Budgetary Estimate Table of Land Acquisition and Relocation Investment Unit: 10'Yuan Attached Table8

Investment Remarks Item Subitem Unit Rate oty. iGroiund Levelirg No. 2000 502 100.40 2.Wter and Lighting No. 500 1902 95.10 3. Road No. 200 1902 38.04 241.84 Enterprise Compensation Cost 0.00 Included in Housing I.os Fos f_ .Ho .00Huse Compensation 2.Major Facilities 10.49 130.67 3.Reocation Cost 4.Poduction Interruption Cost 100.68 141.28 (5) Relocation Subsidy Cost 2 I.Relocation Subsidy Cost m 6 142315 85.39 2. Transition Subsidy Cost 55.89 2 Enterprise Public House m 25 7178 17.95 Exdclude Private House m2 4 94866 37.95 13.24 (6) Srattered Tree Compensation 1. Fruiter 1960 11.32 Growth Tree No. 80 1850 11.10 Young Tree No. 20 110 0.22

12. OtherTree No. 5 3837 1.92 800 8 0.64 (7 ) Tomb INo. 3000 25 7.53 (8) Poverty Household House-buildirng SIubsidy No. No. 600 95 5.71 (9 ) Vulnerable Family Livng Subsidy 149.48 2. Professional Facilities Compensation 25.91 (1) Road = 1. Simple Highway km 70000 3.65 25.55 2. TractorRoad km 30000 0.12 0.36 34.56 (2) Power Transmission . High Voltage Line km 25000 8.88 22.20 2. Low Voltage Line km 10000 9.06 9.06 OneConsider Relocation Transtormer Facilities Sie 3000 11 3.30 12000 6.06 7.27 (3) Telescommunication Line km 50000 15 75.00 (5) Vvharf Site 0.58 1.74 (5) Channel km 30000 1 5.00 (6) Dock Site 50000 620.67 3. Other Cost Sum of Item 1 and 2 1. Investigation and Design Cost 223.00 2.5% 1%Sum of Item 1 and 2 2. Implementabon Cost 264.62 0.5% of Item 1 3. Technical Training Cost 43.85 1%Sum of Item 1 and 2 4. Monitoring and Evaluation Cost 89.20 954.09 10%Sumof Item 1 and 3 4. Basic Contigency Cost 1742.85 s. Related Tax Cost 2 1. Cultivated Land Occupation Tax m 3 1062825.15 318.85 2. Cultivated Land Clearing Cost 1421 70 Pa Ody Fiet mu 11000 767.77 844.55 Dry Land mu 7000 824.50 577.15 2 3. Forest Revegetation Cost m 6 3844.59 2.31 12237.81 Sum of Item 1 and 5 6. Total Investment

A-38 Enterprise Compensation Investment Table Attached Tableg

Item Subitem Unt Rate Q Investment4 Remarks ______~~~~(Yuan) (10 Yuan) _ Included in 1, House Compensation Cost Resettler Relocation 2. Major Facilities 10.49 Compensation Cost I 1. Low Voltage Line km 10000 0.2 0.20 2. Transformer set 3000 5 1.50 3a Well well 600 2 0.12 3 4. Pond m 80 1034.2 8.27 3 5. Work Plat m 200 20 0.40

3. Relocation Cost 130.67 (1) Relocation Loss Cost 87.09 1. Machine Set 1000 143 14.30 ______E quipment ______5. Timber 2. Blender Set 150 4 0.06 3. Brck-making Set 500 1 0.05 ______Machine ______4. Mould Set 300 4 0.12 5. Mould Set 100 3 0.03 6. Mould Set 400 3 0.12

10. Channel 7. Windlass Set 300 27 0.81 8. Dump Truck Set 100 11 0.11 9. Forklift Set 100 27 0.27

10. Electrical Set 450 3 0.14 ______Machine______500 2 0.10

12. Planer Set 400 1 0.04 13. Drill Press Set 400 1 0.04 14. Drill Press Set 300 1 0.03 15. Vessel Set 100 48 0.48 16. Sand Transport Set 10000 15 15.00 System ______3 17. Sand Reserve mr 5 110500 55.25 18. Brick Reserve 10OPiece 5 280 0.14 Included in Land (2) New Site Acquisition mu 0.00 Compensation Cost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cost (3) New Site Land Leveling mu 145.29 3000 43.59 C o st ______2 4. Production Interruption Cost m 25 40271 100.68 5. Total 241.84

A-39 Compensation Cost of Collective Land

Attached Table 10 Tianxin District Changsha County

Item Unit Total Datuo Township Xingkaipu Township Muyun Township Remarks

Subtotal Xinglong Datuo Xingang Huanghe Heishi Subtotal Wenhua Subtotal Sanxing Nantuo Yaotang Fengcheng Lianhe Muyun Village Village Village Vil lage Village Village Village Village Village Village Village

Total mu 3652.82 1964.91 716.81 231.17 150.05 410.15 456.74 165.41 165.41 1522.50 381.36 147.77 182.28 465.08 54.20 291.80

1.. Cultivated Land mu 2949.72 1694.24 620.54 164.65 122.80 350.58 435.66 23.74 23.74 1231.74 320.80 111.56 148.08 405.40 45.32 200.57

Paddy Field mu 1633.82 580.63 238.33 138.71 93.24 74.80 35.54 1053.19 261.83 76.88 123.73 400.92 31.92 157.93

Vegetable Land mu 725.38 561.49 197.19 25.94 29.56 76.26 232.54 23.74 23.74 140.15 32.61 25.71 23.00 4.49 11.70 42.64

Dry Land mu 590.53 552.12 185.02 199.52 167.58 38.41 26.37 8.98 1.36 1.71

2. Pond mu 157.04 77.44 29.43 17.86 10.74 5.96 13.44 79.60 12.98 8.98 4.74 16.35 1.95 34.61

3. Fish Pond mu 9.24 2.91 2.91 6.34 6.34

4, Orchard mu 2.13 2.13 2.13

5, Timber mu 6.13 6.13 6.13

6, Grass Land mu 5.90 5.65 5.65 0.25 0.25

7, Resident Site mu 146.48 99.08 54.09 3.43 3.78 34.31 3.48 47.39 13.40 8.00 5.78 2.21 1.82 16.18

8. Public Land mu 270.53 39.53 31.64 0.36 7.14 0.40 140.80 140.80 90.20 14.81 10.17 20.38 18.09 26.75

9. Road Use Land mu 15.64 10.50 1.94 0.37 2.38 3.56 2.26 0.55 0.55 4.58 2.20 0.40 0.67 0.45 0.85

10. Channel mu 1.56 1.07 0.78 0.29 0.49 0.49

11, Others mu 88.44 28.36 3.90 13.22 6.80 2.94 1.50 0.07 0.07 60.01 8.20 8.64 2.64 22.57 5.11 12.84

A-40 Attached Table 11 Resettlement Schedule for FCLRP (Changsha Section) 200i 2005 2006 biLliq F148" 4kt'll~*I AM I~ ifV f - 9 10 11 12 12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 617 8 9 101I1 I I. Re,ettteMtesndtRhab.1dtatosPogrm. 36 Iff,8 2003*106)i13H WNN I Policybnd crtena cons.ttatron 5IfO6 2003*106Ol13E1 3 2.Nespap.rpublillatio lime 1 5 X 4 6 20032F11625H 4 3. Uppersuthornty approvest 10 T t 6 2D003*1163E S 4. Submitto fte WoitidBank I Ift6 2003W 1619H 6 'N. tmptsmntationpreparaton 253 Ift 6 2003T*10686 I I. Organlzaion strengthenng 6 IfrEl 2D03*1F0618 e 2 Pubic parbapabon 37ITtV6 2001f2656wo 9 2 1 NotlceeofI"nacquisitionand relocaton l5 1 fV 20042*2F656 I 0 2.2Kkdiftrneon 20 1W6 2004*F26F56 It 2 3 PolIc arodcriteria openness 10 IltF6 2004*2615H 12 2.4Incdvidusl corpnsiiiation oustpubllcuzatmn HHi 502 20 I f'f 2004*3)1 13 2 5Host satevisit 10ITfV6 2004*361106 14 3 Fund inposition I00005yuan 1223781 l5OiTfP6 2004*3616 Is 4 Landacquisition end relocation agreeiment 60 Ift 2004*364256 M M 86 41 Landacqulshion agmement Mu 2094005 500TfV 6 2004*F36256 to 42Land ad4ustmantagreement mu 10D4152 SO TfV E 2004*f3625E6 t 4i3Unltrelocation cornpernstionagleement unit 55 40 Xft E 2004*361256 t9 4 4 relocateserelocationcompensetmonegrement HH 502 60ITfV6 2004*F36256I 20 S. kentificationof eoteal monitoring unit 6 TW6F 2003*F11PI176F 21 U. Rasfttiemet Uvetihoudrestoration 5871Wf6E 2004*4616I 22 I bmvidual comnpensatoncostdisbursement 582I ft 6 204* 4616I 23 2.House reconstruction HH 502 585 Ift H 2004*46156 24 . 2.1Residentiasite leveling HH 502 585 Tft f 200,4*465H 25 2.2FHouse construction HH 502 574TIfV6F 200,24*46206 26 2.3Move-into nevvhou"se HO 502 522If4 E 2DD4*F7616Ifl' 21 Moos-baick OH 484 522 T W6F 2004*7616 I - . 28 with relatives HH 18 90ITftH 2004;*11616 29 3. Enteiptse andunit relocation undt 55 173T f ( 200,4*4615H 30 4. DtumantlmnQanddearance 562ITft E 2004F41286H 31 5. Infrstoucture 542 Tft E 2DD4*F461 32 5.1Water supply 542 Tfl F6 200,4*461MI H 33 5 2 Powersupply 532 -1fi6B 2004261M6 34 5.3Road 537 Tft E 2004*F4616 38 S. PubNcfaclktes 532-1ff E 2004*4616I ------36 IV. production resettlement 504 -fVH 2004*3]6286 37 I Aguiculturereseotement peron 1888 504ITO 2004*F3j286E 3o 1 witttingroup mu 78174 329 -1ft 2004*116IM266 - 39 Peddybetd mu 573 17 329IfV H 2004*116I)266H 40 DrtytaIs mu 208 57 329 Tft H 2004*116M266H 4t l 2 Landedustment out of group mu 259.78 466 t El 2004*f36126 V

caghStoResetitentent .1f*fP Si ~~-uw ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a~~1IIMK~~~~ oio...... A-4l Attached Table 11 Resettlement Schedule for FCLRP (Changsha Section)

VF IR 41 ff*98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~201)42005 20011 42 field~~MaPaddy IM ff~Ui 9 10 I12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 101O 2 a . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8910l11 42Paddyfield ~~~ ~~~~~1762 ~~~~~M.270 1 fW 2004*1fIV271 I 43 Drytend mu 83 59 2 f13 200431~268 44 2.NOni-agl.itrer.sttlement person 63 30 T1W 2004*1l1O]E 45 Relstant person is 30 1f1E 2OD4*11)41B 46 Transport peron 10 30 1IWEl2004*1l191E 47 SMvm.e person is 30 1fW 2004l1~1B1 48 Conmm.rci1 person 20 30 TfW 20O44*11llB 49 ~V. SPes1alfac9Wfisnsmonsitnuation 120 T4 E 2OD42Fl1)la1H 50 I.Road 60 11WE 2004~1FI1 B S1 Ssipleh.ghway km 3865 60 TfW 20042F1l)jI s2 Tr&01omad kmn 0 12 20 1 fW 2004* 1 YI6 83 2. Powerkekw 0 T WE 20D4*II j1IB - 84 Hi.ghiofage Una km 888a 90 11f 2004*1 1MIB - __-- _ 55 Low voftagene km 9 08 901-I1W 20D4* I Ill 58 Transforme No0 11 60 11WE 2004*I1191E 87 3.Tetcommunicution lne kmn 806 50 T11 20042fl1N1BE 88 4 Ponrpstation No 15 120 TfW 2004*IIMI1B 59 5Ca"a km 0.58 20 -1W 2004W-11M IH 60 8 Fenrydock No 1 70 If1W 2049fl19 I 61 'iM.Traltng 438 TOR 2003*12filB 62 1 l.Aasa"W.niancardwrtraimgn 471IWfE 20042F2)1l96 ] 62 2.Relostateeepnduc5ion ialning 3611TfE 0032F12~tMI- 64 VWkijamol monk.,uln report 75 T1W 2004*4R19D 65 y.Eiulmoinitoring reot911W 20w~9 ...... G6 !t2tTake-ovar ao eptance ...... 67 ;theWorddBantk po..vstekntion 3 11W 20061FIMI

Changs"aSedion Rsettlerents f M -- *8* t* MM -MW w~~~~~~~~~~~ O8~~~~~...... A-42 Attached 160 DrawingDrawPntil 11Io | ~~180060 0204200 |1 40 C-3 C-2

0 Cu~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ID - l 10 0

o Cu~~~~~~~~~~-

{ 1 ~~~9300 X0 75001 0Q

Planelayout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2ndFloor Plane

:100 1 : 100


I1800 4200 3300 I 10001 3300 30 Vertical Drawing Right side vertial drawing

1: 100 I: 10 ______FTypical drawing Iof resident house for farmner I

I i I i

i Aftached Drawing 11

1 <4.2001009 9

1800oT 2700 3000 , . r . 6

-0.3000300_1S <±0 it

2100 3300 13200 2200 4200

Plane layot V LeRtside veraical drawing -0.300~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.0 1 X 1: 1: 100 __ M-5 _ _ o

WJM-5 _ _ _ _ tJT d ff

@~~~~~~~~~~1C @ \n7/ 6.300j17 t l lI11 1101100 +.0 400 820 or 70 0

cu .u 50 30 3 30020

1:100~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40 1:100

|Typical drawingl11 of resident house for farmer I I ii i Drawing 1130

1 t720n 1800 2700 2700 _ _, .3300- _

D>l.clX Vertical Drawing

MA r1200r51:100

@~~~~~C-5 CF-60

Al'4 ~0

:10.30 5010 -0.3020 000 4200 1000 I C > ((t)G 3 )(t) ( ) (tF $)(t)E 0 (;5C B AA j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Plane layout Left side vertical drawing 1: 100 1: 100

|Typical drawing 111of resident house for farmner j i i 10440 Attached 5%/ 59x Drawingl1 040

±0 .000 ±.0

-0X300 -0.300

Vertical Drawing 4500 1: 100 Left side vertical drawing 1: 100

26300 l 3300 1 12400 3900 9600 t 75%o075t0 j1200 0410501 1800 1105t

CD3 M-3



Dn bC~~~~~~~~~~~~CM180 C Dn C-I

U.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9600 1500 4200 3900 9600

Plane layout Plane layout of roof 1: 100 1: 100

Typical drawing IVof resident house for farmer I i

i I

i i
