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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt 1976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 2 February 12, 2008 memory of our esteemed colleague, the Issa Melancon Sensenbrenner b 1913 Jackson (IL) Mica Serrano Honorable TOM LANTOS. Jackson-Lee Michaud Sessions So (two-thirds being in the affirma- f (TX) Miller (FL) Sestak tive) the rules were suspended and the Johnson (GA) Miller (MI) Shadegg concurrent resolution was agreed to. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Johnson (IL) Miller (NC) Shays Johnson, E. B. Miller, Gary Shea-Porter The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER. Without objection, 5- Johnson, Sam Miller, George Sherman as above recorded. minute voting will continue. Jones (NC) Mitchell Shimkus A motion to reconsider was laid on Jones (OH) Mollohan Shuler the table. There was no objection. Jordan Moore (KS) Shuster f f Kanjorski Moore (WI) Simpson Kaptur Moran (KS) Sires PERSONAL EXPLANATION CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF Keller Murphy (CT) Skelton Kennedy Murphy, Patrick Slaughter Mr. GUTIERREZ. Madam Speaker, I was ABRAHAM LINCOLN Kildee Murphy, Tim Smith (NE) unavoidably absent from this Chamber today. The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi- Kilpatrick Musgrave Smith (NJ) Kind Myrick Smith (TX) Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ ness is the vote on the motion to sus- King (IA) Nadler Smith (WA) on rollcall votes 43, 44, and 45. pend the rules and agree to the concur- King (NY) Napolitano Snyder f rent resolution, H. Con. Res. 281, on Kingston Neal (MA) Solis which the yeas and nays were ordered. Kirk Neugebauer Souder PERSONAL EXPLANATION Klein (FL) Nunes Spratt The Clerk read the title of the con- Kline (MN) Oberstar Stark Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, current resolution. Knollenberg Obey Stearns Tuesday, February 12, 2008, I was absent The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Kucinich Olver Sutton from the House due to travel complications. BALDWIN). The question is on the mo- LaHood Pallone Tancredo Had I been present I would have voted: Lamborn Pascrell Tanner On rollcall No. 43—‘‘yes’’—H. Res. 954, tion offered by the gentleman from Langevin Pastor Tauscher North Carolina (Mr. BUTTERFIELD) that Larsen (WA) Payne Taylor honoring the life of senior Border Patrol agent the House suspend the rules and agree Larson (CT) Pearce Thompson (CA) Luis A. Aguilar, who lost his life in the line of to the concurrent resolution, H. Con. Latham Pence Thompson (MS) duty near Yuma, Arizona, on January 19, LaTourette Perlmutter Thornberry Res. 281. Latta Peterson (MN) Tiahrt 2008; This will be a 5-minute vote. Lee Petri Tiberi On rollcall No. 44—‘‘yes’’—H. Res. 909, The vote was taken by electronic de- Levin Pitts Tierney commemorating the courage of the Haitian vice, and there were—yeas 357, nays 0, Lewis (CA) Poe Tsongas soldiers that fought for American independ- Lewis (GA) Pomeroy Turner not voting 71, as follows: LoBiondo Porter Udall (NM) ence in the ‘‘Siege of Savannah’’ and for Hai- [Roll No. 45] Loebsack Price (NC) Upton ti’s independence and renunciation of slavery; Lofgren, Zoe Putnam Van Hollen YEAS—357 On rollcall No. 45—‘‘yes’’—H. Con. Res. Lucas Rahall Vela´ zquez 281, celebrating the birth of Abraham Lincoln Abercrombie Capuano Eshoo Lungren, Daniel Ramstad Visclosky Aderholt Cardoza Etheridge E. Rangel Walberg and recognizing the prominence the Declara- Akin Carnahan Everett Lynch Rehberg Walden (OR) tion of Independence played in the develop- Alexander Carney Fallin Mahoney (FL) Reichert Walsh (NY) ment of Abraham Lincoln’s beliefs. Allen Carter Farr Maloney (NY) Reynolds Walz (MN) Altmire Castle Fattah Manzullo Richardson Wamp f Andrews Castor Feeney Markey Rogers (AL) Wasserman b 1915 Arcuri Chabot Ferguson Marshall Rogers (MI) Schultz Baca Clarke Filner Matheson Ros-Lehtinen Waters EXPRESSING THE CONDOLENCES Bachmann Clay Forbes Matsui Ross Watson OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- Bachus Cleaver Fortenberry McCarthy (CA) Rothman Watt Baird Clyburn Fossella McCarthy (NY) Roybal-Allard Waxman TIVES ON THE DEATH OF THE Baldwin Coble Foxx McCollum (MN) Royce Welch (VT) HONORABLE TOM LANTOS, A Barrett (SC) Cohen Frank (MA) McCotter Rush Weller REPRESENTATIVE OF THE Barrow Cole (OK) Frelinghuysen McDermott Salazar Westmoreland STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bartlett (MD) Conaway Gallegly McGovern Sali Wexler Barton (TX) Conyers Garrett (NJ) McHenry Sa´ nchez, Linda Whitfield (KY) Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I offer Becerra Cooper Gerlach McHugh T. Wilson (NM) a privileged resolution and ask for its Berman Costello Giffords McIntyre Sanchez, Loretta Wilson (SC) Berry Courtney Gillibrand McKeon Sarbanes Wittman (VA) immediate consideration. Biggert Cramer Gingrey McMorris Saxton Wolf The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Bilbray Crenshaw Gohmert Rodgers Schakowsky Woolsey lows: Bilirakis Crowley Gonzalez McNerney Schiff Wu H. RES. 975 Bishop (GA) Cubin Goode McNulty Schwartz Yarmuth Bishop (NY) Culberson Goodlatte Meek (FL) Scott (GA) Young (AK) Resolved, That the House has heard with Bishop (UT) Davis (AL) Gordon Meeks (NY) Scott (VA) Young (FL) profound sorrow of the death of the Honor- Blackburn Davis (CA) Granger able Tom Lantos, a Representative from the Blunt Davis (IL) Graves NOT VOTING—71 State of California. Boehner Davis, David Green, Al Bonner Davis, Lincoln Grijalva Ackerman Hinojosa Pryce (OH) Resolved, That a committee of such Mem- Boozman Deal (GA) Hall (NY) Bean Honda Radanovich bers of the House as the Speaker may des- Boren DeFazio Hall (TX) Berkley Hulshof Regula ignate, together with such Members of the Boswell DeGette Hare Blumenauer Inglis (SC) Renzi Senate as may be joined, be appointed to at- Boucher Delahunt Harman Bono Mack Jefferson Reyes tend the funeral. Boustany DeLauro Hastings (FL) Boyda (KS) Kagen Rodriguez Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Boyd (FL) Dent Hastings (WA) Brown, Corrine Kuhl (NY) Rogers (KY) House be authorized and directed to take Brady (PA) Diaz-Balart, L. Heller Burton (IN) Lampson Rohrabacher such steps as may be necessary for carrying Brady (TX) Diaz-Balart, M. Hensarling Cantor Lewis (KY) Roskam Braley (IA) Dicks Herger Chandler Linder out the provisions of these resolutions and Ruppersberger Broun (GA) Dingell Herseth Sandlin Costa Lipinski that the necessary expenses in connection Ryan (OH) Brown (SC) Doggett Higgins Cuellar Lowey therewith be paid out of applicable accounts Ryan (WI) Brown-Waite, Donnelly Hill Cummings Mack Schmidt of the House. Ginny Doolittle Hirono Davis (KY) Marchant Resolved, That the Clerk communicate Buchanan Drake Hobson Davis, Tom McCaul (TX) Space Stupak these resolutions to the Senate and transmit Burgess Dreier Hodes Doyle McCrery a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Butterfield Duncan Hoekstra Engel Moran (VA) Sullivan Buyer Edwards Holden Flake Murtha Terry Resolved, That when the House adjourns Calvert Ehlers Holt Franks (AZ) Ortiz Towns today, it adjourn as a further mark of re- Camp (MI) Ellison Hooley Gilchrest Paul Udall (CO) spect to the memory of the deceased. Campbell (CA) Ellsworth Hoyer Green, Gene Peterson (PA) Weiner The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Cannon Emanuel Hunter Gutierrez Pickering Weldon (FL) Capito Emerson Inslee Hayes Platts Wilson (OH) tleman from California is recognized Capps English (PA) Israel Hinchey Price (GA) Wynn for 1 hour. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:41 Sep 29, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H12FE8.001 H12FE8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 2 1977 Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I ask Annette was alone after the Holo- Bay Area residents. I had the privilege unanimous consent that my distin- caust as well, and when they married, of serving with TOM as we shared rep- guished colleague from California (Mr. they had two daughters, Annette and resentation of the City of San Fran- DREIER) have half of my time to man- Katrina, who produced this wonderful cisco, and it was one of the privileges age. family of 18 grandchildren. Two daugh- of my service in Congress, to work with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ters, 18 grandchildren. They said to him on behalf of the people of San objection to the request of the gen- their parents, you lost your families in Francisco. tleman from California? the Holocaust. We are bringing to you Congressman LANTOS was also well There was no objection. a new family. And how proud TOM was known for his strong support of infra- Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I yield for all of that. structure improvements, including the 1 minute to the Speaker, the gentle- Having lived the worst evil known to expansion of BART service and other woman from California (Ms. PELOSI). mankind, TOM LANTOS translated his mass transit solutions. Though his Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I experience into a lifetime commitment leadership was felt around the world, thank the gentleman for yielding. I to the fight against anti-Semitism, for he always remained a fierce advocate thank him for the formal notification Holocaust education, and commitment for his constituents in the 12th Con- of the Congress that he presented ear- to the State of Israel. gressional District. lier to the House of Representatives, TOM LANTOS was not only a champion TOM LANTOS called himself ‘‘an and thank him for bringing us this op- of human rights. He was an expert on American by choice.’’ America is a portunity to express our sadness over foreign affairs and diplomacy and the stronger nation, a more caring nation, the passing of our colleague, TOM LAN- security of our country. He had a rare a nation more true to its founding TOS. combination of extraordinary knowl- ideals, because TOM LANTOS chose to Madam Speaker and my colleagues, edge, great wisdom, extraordinary skill call this land his home. yesterday morning when I received the and judgment, and a great moral com- very sad news of Chairman LANTOS’s pass. My thoughts and prayers are with passing, that call was followed very He rallied us to the cause of defend- Annette, dear Annette, their daughters quickly by a call from the President of ing basic human freedom within the Katrina and Annette, his 18 grand- the United States expressing to me as borders of the most powerful countries children, and his great grandchildren.
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