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Box Number: M 17 (Otw./R?C<O R 15 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics REMOVAL NOTICE Removed from: S\>QQClt\es, j'Ot1Lt Mc..C.luv\Uj I ( 1 'f<-f Accession: Box Number: m17 (otw./r?C<O r 15 z,cr ~ fftt«r Rt (Jub/t'c CV1 Removed to: Oversized Photographs Box I (Circle one) Oversized Publications Box Campaign Material Box Oversized Newsprint Box Personal Effects Box Mem~rabilia Btm- _:£__ Oversized Flats [Posters, Handbills, etc] Box Political Cartoons Box -- Textiles Box Photograph Collection Box \ ,,,,,,,.... 4" Size: X , 2 5 >< • 7J Format: Pi v'\ Description: Ret k~v\o.>1 Dat~: rn4 > ol ""'~\ t ~', Subject Terms (ifanyJ. Restrictions: none Remarks: Place one copy with removed item Place one copy in original folder File one copy in file Page 1 of 188 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics REMOVAL NOTICE Date: from: ~pe (!c_~J Jt:'~C. e rf)c C..lun ji l'7°1 Accession: Box Number: B 0 ~ \ t ro 'I"' l'l • l 5 6L/ /;;Ff So'"":t-h.v\V"'\ 'R-e._plA l; co-"' ~~~~ Removed to: Oversized Photographs Box C.O~t-('U"UL.. ( C ircle one) Oversized Publications Box Campaign Material Box Oversized Newsprint Box Personal Effects Box Memorabilia -:tJ1f X Oversized Flats [Posters, Handbills, etc] Box __ Political Cartoons Box Textiles Box Photograph Collection Box Restrictions: none Remarks: Place one copy with removed item Place one copy in original folder File one copy in file Page 2 of 188 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas WH"A T , S .INN AT ENGL ..ISH MANOR AND LA.KE .RA.BUN .INNS ..IN 1 994 FOR THOSE OF YOU #HO HAVEN'T BEEN OUR t;UESTS IN THE PAST OR HAVEN'T VISITED US RECENTLY, ENt;LISH ANO I #OULO LIKE TO ACQUAINT YOU ANO BRINE; YOU UP TO DATE. ENt;LISH lfANOR IS A SEVEN INN BED ANO BREAKFAST RESORT JN THE BACK BTPOPU.MR PEl!AlfJJ. AN/) NAf[Ofi.A4A$ lfORTHEAST Gii. lfOUllTllillS OF RllBUll COUii TY. THE "CLUSTER. Illll CONCEPT J.ELk AS .WC.AL PUQUC[f! ALLOllS US TO OFFER ACCOlflfOOATIONS FOR A ROlfAlfTIC ESCAPE, HONEYlfOON ~~URPER AT rHE ~ANOR~ ULL8E PRESElffED OR ANNIVERSARY, FAlfILY REFRESHER OR LARt;E REUNION, bROUP ANO lUC.E flUS. SPUNG CORPORATE lfEETI"" ~11 rn TTlES ANO lfORL_ LOCATED lfERELY 1-1/2 HOURS KARCH 25-26 FRON ATLANTA, I ------- ~ d"---ll/JUD~ APRIL 15-16 FRON CHATTANOOt; This document is held b h ---~ """LIU! rzornu liVRllU/G rITH __._., THE NYRIAO Ac; like . Y t e Dole Archives but it h #ATER more information, please contact us at,d I ha.snot been scanned in its entirety. If you would RIVER, 0 BLENDED #ITH L ··-- earc [email protected] HUt;E POOL, 12' OUTDOOR HOT TUB, Hl/Wlb IRnnu ····- Ali~Ul'lll rv .. rn- - - lfEANOERINt; STREANS NAKE US A PERFECT DESTINATION. ANU AT ENGLISH lfANOR. AS YOU SETTLE INTO YOUR NONE OF OUR J9 ROONS ANO 10 SUITES IS DECORATED ALIKE. THE ROLE AND AN AFTER-DINNER DRINK ••• A HURDER FURNISHINt;S ARE ANTIQUE ANO REPRODUCTION #ITH t;REAT CARE t;IVEN TO OCCURRS ! ! ! ACCUSATIONS FLY AND BEDLAlf EACH DETAIL. EACH ROON HAS A PRIVATE BATH, CABLE TELEVISION ANO ENSUES BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF INSPKCTOR COFFEE ltAKER FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. ALL OF THE INNS HAVE FIREPLACES NOEL LEDGE, lfHO CORDONS OFF THE PREllISES IN THE LIVINt; AREAS ANO SEVERAL ROONS ANO ALL SUITES HAVE FIREPLACES UNTIL A PROPER INVESTIGATION CAN START. A AS #ELL. #E HAVE 10 JACUZZI ROOlfS OR SUITES AS OF THIS YEAR. SEARCH FOR CLUES AND SUSPECTS CAN TAKE YOU THE NAIN INN, ENt;LISH NANOR, HAS LARt;E, t;RACIOUS CONNON ROONS ANO ALL OVER RABUN COUNTY AFTER BREAKFAST ON SEVERAL FIREPLACES. A FULL BREAKFAST IS SERVED TO ALL OF OUR t;UESTS SATURDAY, CULKINATING IN A 'FORllAL' IN THE OININt; ROO/f OF ENt;LISH NANOR EACH NORNINt; ANO #INE ANO AN COCKTAIL AND DINNER PARTY (CAESAR SA LAD TO HORS O'OEUVRES BUFFET IS SERVED DAILY FROlf 5-7 P.N. BAKED ALASKA) AND FINALLY, A HEAR ING OF A TELEPHONE IS AVAILABLE IN EACH INN BUT NOT IN THE SUITES. #E HOPE THE FACTS AND DE7'ERKINATION AS TO lfHO THE t;UESTS VISIT US TO ESCAPE THE HECTIC ROUTINE OF THE CITY ANO RELAX. GUILTY PARTY (OR PARTfES J KIGHT BE. ENGLISH lfANOR HAS BECONE llELL KNOii# FOR SPECIAL EVENTS INCLUOJNt; A PREPARE TO DEFKND YOURSELF AND LIE, LIE, "lfUROER NYSTERY #EEKEllO. • THE EVElfTS PLANNED THIS SPRING FOLLOll BUT [,IE! ONCE THE PmmATOR OF THE DASTARDLY BY NO lfEANS 00 YOU HAVE TO ATTEND ANY EVENT TO ENJOY A #EEKENO OR DEED IS FINALf, Y BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, lfIO-#EEK REFRESHER AT ENGLISH lfANOR. OUR SUITES ARE LOCATED BEHIND COlf PLIKENTARY lfEEKENDS FOR 2 lfILL BE VOTED THE lfAIN INN OVERLOOKINt; THE POOL ANO STREAN FRON A SPECTACULAR UPON FOR THE BEST KALE AND FEl!ALE HEit;HT. PRIVACY IS THE KEY ANO #HATEVER ELSE NAY BY t;OINt; ON YOU PORTRAYALS. FOLLOlfING A CHAKPAGNE BRUNCH CAN ALllAYS ESCAPE ANO "LOSE YOURSELF Ill LUXURY" #ITH US. COlfE SEE SUNDAY, YOU ARE FREE TO RELAX AT THE FOR YOURSELF. ON INN OR ENJOY THE NYRIAD ACTIVITIES OFFERED SUSAN AND ENGLISH THORNWELL IN RABUN COUNTY. BECAUSE OF THE CO/f PLEIITY YOUR HOSTS AND DETAIL INVOLVED, THE GUEST LIST lfUST BE KEPT TO 35. GROUPS OF 15 OR /!ORE CAN BRING ALONG ONE GRATIS lfURDER SUSPECT. THE COST OF THE lfEEKEND, INCLUDING 2 NIGHTS LODGING, FOUR lfEALS AND A REALLY THICK ~KEEPING PLOT, IS $199.00 PER PERSON. vvITHTASTE P. 0. BOX 1605, CLAYTON, GEORGIA 30525 800-782-5780 OR 706-782-5789 FAX - 706-782-4810 Page 3 of 188 BOB DOLE This documentID: is from 202 the- collections408-511 at the7 Dole Archives, UniversityAPR of28'94 Kansas :29 No.017 P.02 _"T_ PRIDAX, APRIL 29, 1994 (cont'd} PAGE 5 6:55 PM ARRIVE Stouffer Waverly Hotel 404/953-4500 404/953-0740 FAX 7:00 PM ATTEND/SPEAK Southern Republican Leadership Conference Reception Location: Garden Court Attendance: 1,000 Event runs: 7:00 - 9:30 pm Press: Open Facility: Riser, podium and mic Cafe tables in audience Format: Mix and mingle 7:25 pm Cong. Mac Collins introduces Senator Dole 7:30 pm Senator Dole gives remarks Contact: Georgia Pinsky 404/365-7700 Shelley Luckett 404/347-2260 {o) 404/740-8670 (h) 7:50 PM DEPART Reception for Fulton County Airport/United Beechcraf t Driver: Provided by Sheriff Off ice Contact: Bob Kimbro 404/499-4714 Drive time: 25 minutes 8:15 PM 1\RRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircraft . FBO: United Beechcraft 404/699-9200 Page 4 of 188 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas v' ~.lH} ' - /"' 1994 }v SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP CONPERENa (Tental1ve Aatnd&) Thursday, April 28. 19'4 4:00 p.m.. • 9:00 p.llt. b:fatta1ioc tor tlJ SRLC DeJeaue& Ind SpolllOtl Second 11.oor, S~r Wa~y Hall Alcoi Room Friday, AprU 29, 1994 9:00 un. · 3:00 p.m. ao~"tntl.oc tor all SRLC ~ &M sponJOrJ ~ 11oor. h>u11tr W.-iy H*1 Ascoc RDOm 11 :4S p.m. • 1:00 p.m. Prlvat1 Lanohtoa for lNC Mcmbm and buii\'O I>lrccton Habenbam Blllltoom 1:30 p.=.. 3:30 p.m. OPSNINO IEISlON B.i1rocnoe A. I I: B - Cobb Cle1leria Ceftft Call to Order Al.a Poitev!nt - ~ct.Colen U.&. M&dne COTpt COiar Ouaru Afr CJioup 42. Mltieu., O.cqi& Jnvooadcln P1ldp ot Altqwiu National .Mthem Oeoqi& Republioazi Part)! Wcloomc Billy~ Manta Welcome Mh:h Skandalai.ii Remo• CJovonior catroll Cun.pbell Remarb ~J..UA\Jadl) R.emma ToD)'Brown J:lO p.m. - 4:oJ p.m, DIAK-~ cream bv Olrden Coan -Waverly Hotel 4:.30 p.m. • 6:00 p.m. .PolitiQll Bmkout Seutnn HabenlwD Bal~ - Waverly Ho~ Tovp IslUCI TW Come Op In 54g:hcrn C~pal&nl 'R.aawkl EYOl)'ll McPhail &nd >allndt Fttrit. Rara&tka Wt~' toi 6:00 p.m. • 1:00 p.m. Suneh!e. Bour with Thm Slade Soalbc:rr\ St.urA C:Wrmcm Al.aodadon Cbanolnor Jl9om - Wavm1 HQwl 1m p.m .• ;~o p.m. Tua: ol 1bo ~ P.ccopticm . Honetlq Ill llec:ad Sou1Dom i.epl&Clic:u ~iab lnt1'od1Cdon • ?•• p.m. Ccqreaaman MM ecmm - ' ,.. ) ~ a.maib 7-'30_f1t1 ., =~~~Yldy~l Page 5 of 188 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ""'-''.! I.II '."U..L\,, I V I l l:f 11,j ~-~~ - ia -~ i i o : ~4fM :A PO!TEV!~ 248-13~6~ - ~. ,.., . t- ,....... '1"11 I '"'-I -"''" r"IJC 14048657718:# SI 111"'1'. C.t:. ~ ..1.Q• 4C.J s Saturday, April 30, 1994 7:00 &.m . • 2:30 p.m. R.eaaimiOll open for arrtvioJ Sl\U; ~1tptel and 1pcmaora Ascot J.oo&u 7:45 aJn. .. 8:45 LDL. Garden Court - Com:iMJUI Broakfut SYm&tb • 8! 1! a.m CIWmu Hilly Bltbour !>-00 a.M. • 12:00 nooa MonW11 ~ral Seaaioe: the Oritld Blllaxn • Wav=iy Hotel lntroduc.;100. Dr. Louil S1IWvM i. S' bmltkt JackKlmp 9:-4i5 &JI, • 10:05 a. DI. Qlftcc Br=k budc:I • 10:0.S a.m.
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