Program of the 13Th Biennial Meeting

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Program of the 13Th Biennial Meeting NYAME AKUMA No. 46 December 1996 PROGRAM OF THE Kodolfo Fattovich, "The I.U.O./B.IJ. excava- 13TH BIENNIAL tion at Bieta Giyoris (Aksum) in Tigray (Northern Ethiopia)". MEETING OF SAFA, POZNAN Andrea Manzo, "Mediterranean imported ma- terials from Ona Enda Abo Zegwe and Ona Nagast Ibieta Giorgiys, Aksum". Tuesday September 3 (1 and 3) Parallel Session Cinzia Perlingieri, "The sequence of Aksumite pottery: evidence from Bieta Ghiorghia, Aksum, (Symposium): The archaeology of Ethiopia". early humans and their environment (Organizer and Chair: Donatella Usai, "Early Aksumite lithic work- shop: evidence from Bieta Georgis, Aksum, Ethio- J.W.K. Harris). pia". J.W.K. Harris and S. Semaw, "How long did the Oldowan last? Inferences from the earliest ar- (5) Parallel session (General): tifacts from the Late Pliocene deposits of Gona, Ethiopia". Archaeobotany (Chair: Erhard Shulz). Manuel Dominguez-Rodrigo, "Central place models revisited and reassessed: a study of carni- Ursula Thanheiser, "Electrostatic extraction of vore competition in riparian and open habitats of archaeological plant remains". modem savannas". Katharina Neumann, "Food production in the Laura C. Bishop and T.W. Plummer, "Listen- Sahel: The history of a cultural landscape". ing to the animals: reconstructing hominid behavior Ralf Volgesang, "Preliminary results of ar- using faunal habitat preferences". chaeological and archaeobotanical research in the L. Alcala, M. Domingeuz-Rodrigo, D. Soria Sahel region of Burkina Faso". and B. Perez, "Preliminary research at Peninj: ho- Stefanie Kahlheber, "Preliminary results of minid adaptation to a dry and open Plio-Pleistocene archaeobotanical research in the Sahel region of savanna environment" . Burkina Faso". K. Kuman, "The Post-Oldowan artifact as- Detlef Gronenborn, "Iarde Mayabe - From semblages at Sterkfontein". herdsmen to kings on the southern fringes of Lake Sarah Miliken and Carlo Peretto, "Early Chad". hominids and their environment in Italy: a review Barbara Zach, "Archaeobotanical investiga- of the evidence". tions of settlement mounds in the Chad Basin, NE Nigeria". (2 and 4) Parallel Session (General): Recent work at Aksum (6) Parallel session (General): Iron (Chair: M. Posnansky). Age in West Africa (Chair: Scott David W. Phillipson, "Aksum". MacEachern). Ayele Tarekegn, "Aksumite mortuary prac- Jean Polet and Laurence Garenne Marot, "Bi- tices: the 1994- 1995 excavations at the 'Gudit Stelae ases in the deciphering of West African Medieval field': Aksum, Ethiopia". sites: Tumulus or habitation sites?: The case study of Sintiou Bara (Middle Senegal Valley)." Jacke Phillips, "Recent work at Aksum, Ethio- pia (excavation results)". Kevin MacDonald, "The Southern Gourma project (Mali) 1993-96". Jacke Phillips, "Punt in Egypt" NYAME AKUMA No, 46 December 1996 Janes Woodhouse, "Bouata furnace: an early Savino Di Lernia and Elena A.A. Garcea, 1st millenium A.D. smelting site (Gourma, Mali)". "Some remarks on the Saharan terminology. Prepastoral archaeology from the Libyan Sahara and Noemie Arazi. "Archaeological reconnais- the Middle Nile Wley". sance around Bentia and Ansongo, Mali". Savino Di Lernia, "Animal management and Kit Wesler, "Chronological sequences in Ni- pastoralism during the Early and Middle Holocene gerian ceramics". (9000-4500 B.P.) in the Tadrart Acacus region Johan Binneman, "Early Iron Age farming (Libyan Sahara). The integration of archaeology, communities in the great Kei River Valley, Eastern ethnoarchaeology and geoarchaeology". Cape, South Africa". Anwar A. Magid Osman, "Some indications Leon Jacobson, T. Huffman and W.A. van der of the past human impact on the environment of the Westhuizen, "Provenance studies in the Iron Age of southern Red Sea Hills, Sudan". South Africa". (9) Parallel session (Conference theme): Ideological and symbolic Wednesday September 4 approach to African archaeology (Chair: G. Pwiti). (7 and 8) Parallel session Tore Saetersdal, "Symbols of cultural iden- (Conference theme): The impact of tity among the Maconde: an archaeological perspec- past human activities upon Africa's tive". natural environments (Chair: Christopher P. Koch, "Neolithic mortuary F. Hassan). behavior in the Lake Turkana Basin, Kenya: I1 Lokerdede". Erhard Shulz, "Holocene vegetation history of the Sahara. The predominance of climate or of Pierre de Maret, "'Plus ca change: plus c'est man". la meme chose?' Political archaeology of the Luba". E1enaA.A. Garcea, "Site surveys in the Libyan Scott MacEachern, "State formation around the Mandara Mountains (Cameroon): Archaeologi- Sahara". cal and ethnohistorical perspectives". Alain Person, "Les grands types de sites neolithiques du Sahara meridional en relation avec les donnks du palkoenvironment". (1 0) Parallel session (Symposium): African roulette: place your bets Gerard Quechon, "Permanences et changements dam le Nkolithique Saharien: trans- (Organizers and Chairs: Oliviers formations et innovations en prkhistoire africaine". Gosselain and Kevin MacDonald). Reid A. Bryson and Robert U. Bryson, "Site Olivier Gosselain, "Let there be roll! Spatial specific high resolution archaeoclimatic modelling distribution and linguistical evidence in present day for Africa*'. Africa". Paul Sinclair and J. Johnsson, "Modelling A. Livingstone-Smith, "Rock'n rolling over human responses and contributions to environmen- Africa: an archaeological perspective". tal change in Africa: The case of Zimbabwe and Kevin MacDonald, "A preliminary considera- Mozambique". tion of cord-wrapFd Stick and Cord-Wrapped Cord Maxine Kleindienst and Marcia F. Wiseman, pottery decoration in West Africa and the Sahara". "Pleistocene archaeology and geoarchaeology at Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt: 19 seasons of exploration". NYAME AKUMA No. 46 December 1996 Anne Mayor, "Rouletted impressions of pot- Claire Bourges, "From pots to sherds: ceramic tery used in the inland Niger Delta and Dogon area ethnoarchaeology and historical process at Grea, (Mali): technological and social considerations. North Cameroon". G. Connah, "The carved roulette in Western Uganda: pretty patterns or group signatures'?". Thursday September 5: Excursion (1 1) Parallel session (General): The Middle to Later reaches of the Friday September 6 Stone Age (Chair: Laurel Phillipson). (13) Parallel session (Symposium): Maxine R. Kleindienst and H.P. Schwarcz, Gender in African prehistory "Pleistocene geochronology and paleoclimates at Dakhleh Oasis and Kharga Oasis, Western Desert, (Organizer and Chair: Susan Kent). Egypt based upon uranium-thorium determinations Susan Kent, "Introduction to the symposium: from water-laid tufas". Gender in African prehistory". Els Cornelissen and Phillippe Lavachery, Randi Wand, "The ways of women: from "Natural and cultural spatial patterning in Late sedentism to food production in the Middle Nile Holocene assemblages of Shum Laka rock shelter region, Sudan". (Cameroon). Susan Kent, "Invisible gender-invisible forag- Steven A. Brandt, "Inter-ethnic variability in ers: hunter-gatherer prehistory and the Southern flaked stone tool use among the contemporary hide African archaeological record. workers of Southern Ethiopia". Simon Hall, "The pre- and post-colonial sta- Pamela R. Willoughby, "Middle and Later tus of Tswana speaking women: a case study from Stone Age prehistory of Southwestern Tanzania". the Transvaal". Peter Mitchell, "Likoaieng: Research poten- Alinah K. Segobye, "'Daughters of cattle': the tial of an open air Later Stone Age site in the significance of herding in the growth of complex Lesotho Highlands, Southern Africa". societies in Southern Africa between the 10th and the 15th centuries A.D.". (1 2) Parallel session (General): Tom N. Huffman, "Gender and the central Looking at pots (Chair: A Person). cattle pattern". Karl P. Wendt, "Surface handling and tem- Maria das Dores Cruz and Ann B. Stahl, "Men pering: chronological aspects of technological data and women in a market economy: gender and pro- in the development of ceramics in Northeast Ni- duction in West Central Ghana c. 1700-1995". geria". Peter Schmidt, "Reading gender in the ancient Renata Walicka Zeh, "Petrography and ce- iron technology of East Africa". ramic typology: sponge spicule temper and the Kobadi tradition (Mali)". (14) Parallel session (Conference Leon Jacobson and W.A. van der Westhuizen, theme): History of African "XRF analysis of pottery from Northern Botswana". archaeology (Chair: G. Connah). Julio Mercader and M. Garcia-Heras, "Pre- Victor Fernandez, A. Jimeno and M. historic pots versus modern pots. An Menendez, "Spanish archaeology in Africa: 1900- ethnoarchaeometric approach to pottery making in 1975". the Ituri forest of NE Zaire". NYAME AKUMA No. 46 December 1996 Michael Tarabulski, "Reliving the past: (1 6) Plenary session (Conference Alonso Pond and the 1930 Logan African expedi- Theme): The archaeological tion" + video. heritage of Africa: management and challenges (Chair: David (15) Parallel session (General): Phillipson). Varia: stone and metal (Chair: Merrick Posnansky, "Cultural conservation in Steven Brandt). East and West Africa: learning from experience". Julio Mercader and R. Marti, "Archaeology Abdel Rahman Ali Mohamed, "Rescue ar- in the Ituri rain forest. Zaire: a preliminary report". chaeology in the Sudan: past-present-future". Julio Mercader and R. Marti, "Taphonomy Andrzej Prinke, 'Azp-Fox release 1.8. A com- of rockshelters in the Ituri rainforest". puter database management system on archaeologi- Lawrence H. Robbins, "Evidence of inten- cal sites". sive
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