The Chronology of

Ukiyo-e[浮世繪] : records of Chinese culture in the Japanese Islands Written by Sing[性] The Beginning of Humanity China: Nuwa[女媧] created human by using rope and mud and also created a reed of a panpipe called “shenghuang”[笙簧].

China: Fuxi[伏羲] is a Chinese culture hero with human head and snake body[人首蛇身]. He invented fishing net and Chinese zither[琴瑟], taught fishing to people, created letter and ended talking knots communication style[結繩記事 similar to quipu].

China: GeTian clan[葛天氏] passed down the technique of rope production by twisting arrowroot[葛] fiber and a production of basket and cloth weaving to people. Also he invented singing and dancing.

50,000-10,000 years ago

Japan: made some edged tools of Obsidian which is black and one of volcanic glasses.1

16,000 years ago

Japan: traces of twisted strings as Rope-patterned pottery² ³ ⁴ ⁵[繩文土器]

7,000 years ago Japan: made baskets⁶ ⁷

5,500 years ago Japan: wove cloths⁸ Japan: fished fastening stone sinkers or earthenware sinkers⁹ ¹⁰onto a fishing net

¹ Japanese Archaeological Association ed.(2006). 機関紙 日本考古学 第 22 号 遺跡報告 栃木県高原山黒曜石原産地遺跡群の発見 とその評価 -今後の調 査に向けての課題, Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² Shidara, H.(2010). 東京大学公開講座 ホネ-万物を架橋する-先史時代の人々は骨をどのように扱ったか. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ Fukaya City Board of Education, Saitama ed.(2008). 埼玉県深谷市埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書 第 96 集 水窪遺跡 ― 第3次調査 ―. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Kawasaki city board of education, Kanagawa ed. 万福寺遺跡群縄文時代草創期出土品. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁵ Kimura, Atsushi(2002). 掘り day はちのへ 八戸市埋蔵文化財ニュース 第 6 号. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ The Asahi Shimbun ed.(2014). 佐賀)東名遺跡出土のかご復元 東 名 縄 文 館 で 公 開 . Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Saga City board of education, Saga ed.(2011). ひがしみょう通信 第1号. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ Aomori Prefecture Board of Education ed.(2014). Welcome to the Sannai-Maruyama site. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹ Neyagawa City Board of Education, Osaka ed.(2013). 縄文時代 3.縄文時代 讃良川遺跡. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹⁰ Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Niigata Archaeological Artifacts Survey Agency ed.(2002). 埋文にいがた No.38 埋文コラム 発掘か ら見えてきた漁具の歴史. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14)

5,000 years ago China: The emergence of ancient characters1[原始文字] China: Momu[嫫母] who is the fourth imperial consort of Yellow Emperor[黄帝] invented the mirror from the stone reflecting light glaringly.²

3,400-3,000 years ago China: the emergence of Chinese character called "Oracle bone script"[甲骨文]

2,800-2,300 years ago China: the emergence of Chinese character called "Seal script"[篆書] China: The Chinese character "mirror"[鏡] is "Inkstone"[硯] in "Seal script"[篆書]. "Inkstone"[硯] represents an action of looking at oneself in the stone.³

AD 6th- 7th century China: Kong DaoMao[孔道茂](581-618) A representative of Daoism in early Sui[隋] period.

Japan: The Empress of the third emperor of the Tang[唐] dynasty sent three treasures to the temple of her father, Fujiwarano Kamatari[藤原鎌足] in Japan but only two treasures[寶寶] arrived there after 669.⁴⁵⁶⁷

AD 8th century China: Female emperor of Zhou(周) dynasty, Wu Zetian[武則天] renamed Woguo[倭國] to Ribenguo[日本國] in 702.⁸

AD 10th-13th century China: The emergence of New Year Picture[年畫] during Song[宋] dynasty. China: Establishment of Neo-Confucian which is written "道學"[Daoism], "程朱理學", "宋明理學" or "性理學" in Chinese in late Song[宋] dynasty. ※Key words for Neo-Confucianism:"Xing is Li"[性即理]/Dao[道] of Chinese character, which consists of "Fuxi's[伏羲] head as a human's head"[首] and "Fuxi's body as a snake's body"[辶] /Fuxi[伏羲] and Nuwa[女媧] are the incarnation of a bottle gourd [葫蘆]. And furthermore, Fu[浮] as a noun of Chinese means bottle gourd.

AD 14th century China: New Year Pictures[年畫] which had been printed during Song[宋] dynasty, were found by Japanese in Gansu[甘 肅] in early Ming[明]. They are "Four Beauties"[隨朝窈窕呈傾國之芳容], "Kitchen God"[灶王爺] and "Guan Yu"[關聖帝 君].⁹

1 corporation ed.(2013). 浙江发现中国最早原始文字. China. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² & eds.(2005), 鏡子的傳說. China. (accessed 2014-10-14) ³[“象形字典”网] ed.(2010). 字头信息 砚 字形演变 造字解说. China. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Shikoku News and Kagawa Prefectural Library eds.(2002). 21世紀へ残したい香川 海女の玉取り伝説(志度町). Japan. ⁵ Sugiyama Jogakuen University and Nagoya women's University eds.(2006). 2006(平成 18)年度 第 11 号 東海能楽研究会 年報 副言巻の試み ー白水郎の間語 りからー。Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ Caliber Cast Ltd. ed.(2014). The 能.com DATABASE Plays Ama (The Woman Diver). Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Kohfukuji[興福寺] ed. The Kohfukuji Temple Complex History of Kohfukuji. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ China Internet Information Center ed.(2007), 煮酒论史:日本国号果真是中国唐朝所赐吗?(2).China. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹[中华文化标志城官方网站] ed.(2008). 年画 起源和发展. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) AD 15th-16th century Rome: Pope issued the bull to subjugate pagans as perpetual slaves since 1452. Japan: The Order to Expel Christian Priests was issued in 1587.

AD 17th century Japan: Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] established the new government in Edo[江戸] castle [Tokyo imperial palace] in 1603. Japan: Persecution of Christian in 1612 Japan: The Dutch trading house was opened in Hirado[平戸], Nagasaki[長崎] in 1607. Japan: The British trading house was opened in Hirado[平戸], Nagasaki[長崎] in 1613. Japan: A code of laws and ordinances regarding the conduct of the Imperial Court and the court nobles[禁中並公家諸 法] was established in 1615. Japan: Law for Samurai[武家諸法度] was established in 1615. Rome: The Japanese envoy Hasekura Rokuemon[支倉六右衛門] met with Pope Paul Ⅴ in Rome in 1615. He was titled as Roman citizen in 1615.1 Japan: Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] limited foreign ships entry by only allowing them to enter Nagasaki[長崎] port and Hirado[平戸] port while he did not limit Chinese ships in 1616. Japan: The British trading house was closed in 1623. Japan: Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] broke up diplomatic relations with Spain and banned its ship’s entry in 1624. Taiwan: Dutch East India Company (VOC) occupied Taiwan in 1624. China: First Manchu[滿洲] invasion of Korea[丁卯胡亂] in 1627. Taiwan: Trader Hamada[濱田] took Nuyts, VOC prefect of Taiwan, as hostage in his own Taiwan office[濱田彌兵衛事件] in 1628. Japan: The Dutch trading house was closed in Hirado [平戸]in 1628. Japan: Tokugawa[德川] family invested to build Confucius's Mausoleum[孔子廟] in the private residence of Neo-Confucian Hayashi Razan[林羅山] in 1632.² Japan: The first order for Chained Country in 1633. Japan: The Second order for Chained Country in 1634. Japan: The third order for Chained Country in 1635. Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] limited Chinese ships, Dutch ships and other ships entry by allowing them to enter only Nagasaki port. Japan: Neo-Confucian Hayashi Razan[林羅山] amended the Law for Samurai[武家諸法度-寛永令] in 1635. China: Qing[清] was established in Manchu[滿洲] in 1636. Japan: The fourth order for Chained Country in 1636. China: Second Manchu[滿洲] invasion of Korea[丙子胡亂] during 1636-1637. Japan: The fifth order for Chained Country in 1639. Japan: The Dutch trading house was moved to Dejima[出島] in Nagasaki[長崎] in 1641. Japan: VOC occupied Hokkaido[北海道] and Kuril islands[千島群島] in 1643. China: Qing[清] overthrew Ming[明] dynasty and Qing dynasty was established in the capital Beijing in 1644. China: Southern Ming[南明] was established in 1644.(-1662) Japan: Great fire of Meireki[明暦]. The main building of Edo[江戸] castle and 60% of Edo were burned and a hundred thousands of people died in 1657.³ Japan: Neo-Confucian Hayashi Razan[林羅山] lost great amount of his books in Great fire of Meireki[明暦] and he died a few days later in 1657.⁴

1 Sendai[仙台] city museum ed. 10. 慶長遣欧使節 (1). Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Sibunkai[公益財団法人斯文会] ed.(2009). 湯島聖堂略年表. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 明暦の大火 めいれきのたいか-大辞林第三版の解説. Japan. 9E.E6.B3.89 (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 林羅山 はやしらざん-朝日日本歴史人物事典の解説. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) China: Single-sheet illustrated color prints were produced in Suzhou[蘇州] where was the port to connect directly to Japan, in early time of the Kangxi[康熙] period 1662-1722.1 Japan: A single-sheet illustrated color prints were produced from 1673 through 1683.² Japan: Neo-Confucianist Tokugawa Tsunayoshi[德川綱吉] succeeded as fifth Shogun[將軍] in 1680. Japan: Hishikawa Moronobu[菱川師宣] named himself “Ukiyo-e-shi”[うきよ繪師] as an illustrator for the first time in 1680. Three people including Hishikawa Moronobu were described as “浮世繪師” in Chinese character in 1687.³ And furthermore, His father's name[道茂入道光竹] indicates that he is a Neo-Confucianist.⁴ Japan: The term “浮世繪” was used on the publication for the first time from 1688 to 1703.⁵ Japan: Shogun[將軍] Tokugawa Tsunayoshi[德川綱吉] moved Confucius's Mausoleum [孔子廟] to public land in 1690.⁷ Japan: "Tokaido-amime-bunkan-no-zu"[東海道網目分間之圖] was made by Hishikawa Moronobu[菱川 師宣] in 1690.⁶

AD 18th century Holy Roman Empire: The map where a part of Japan is drawn as a part of Dutch territory was published in Nurnberg in 1730.⁸ Japan: “Oname-kai Benmo”[大嘗会便蒙]⁹, which described the inherited rite from Tang’s[唐] loyal family by Chinese in Japan, was published in 1739. Because the author Kadano Arimaro[荷田在満] ¹⁰ who is an expert in a study of traditional code was asked to write this book by one of his students.¹⁰ ※Character relationship: ①Kadano Arimaro[荷田在満](1706-1751)-a teacher of Tayasu Munetake[田安宗武]. Japanese classical scholar. a scholar of traditional Chinese code ②Tayasu Munekake[田安宗武](1716-1771)-a student of Kadano Arimaro[荷田在満]. the son of the eighth Shogun[將軍]. a father of Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] ※大嘗<論書<孔叢子 孔子對曰「此謂親盡廟毀,有功而不及祖,有德而不及宗。故於每歲之大嘗而報祭焉,所以昭其功德也。」 Japan: Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] (1758-1829) was appointed to Roju-Syuza[老中首座](1787-1793) which is equivalent to Prime Minister of Japan in 1787. Japan: Matsudair Sadanobu prohibited that Samurai studied studies except Neo-Confucianism[朱子学] in 1790. Japan: Russian empire entered the port in Hokkaido[北海道]¹¹of Dutch territory in October, 1792. France: France declared war on Netherland and Britten in February, 1793. Japan: Government official of met with the military officer of Russian Empire in Aomori[青森] from July 27, 1793 to August 3, 1793.¹¹

1 International Research center for Japanese Studies ed.(2007). 資料紹介 中国一枚摺版画 青木隆幸. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² Kato, Yoshio[加藤好夫] ed.(2012). 浮世絵文献資料館 いみまいえ 一枚絵. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ Kato, Yoshio[加藤好夫] ed.(2012). 浮世絵文献資料館 うきよえし 浮世絵師. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Kato, Yoshio[加藤好夫] ed.(2012). 浮世絵文献資料館 もろのぶ ひしかわ 菱川師宣。Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁵ Kato, Yoshio[加藤好夫] ed.(2012). 浮世絵文献資料館 うきよえ 浮世絵に関する記事。Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ Tokyo national Museum ed.(2014). 東京国立博物館 画像検索 東海道網目分間之図.Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Sibunkai[公益財団法人斯文会] ed.(2009). 湯島聖堂略年表. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ Kinki University Central Library ed.(2013). 西洋古版日本・アジア地図. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹ Waseda University Library ed.(2014). 大嘗会便蒙. 上,下 / 荷田在満 [撰]. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹⁰ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 荷田在満 かだの ありまろ. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹¹ Nemuro City official website ed.(2014). 根室市情報 根室の歴史について ラクスマンの根室来航. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) Japan: Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] permitted the entry of Russian ship to only Nagaski[長崎] port going by rule on August 3, 1793.1 Japan: Russian ship did not go to Nagasaki port and it went back to Russia on August 6, 1793.¹ Japan: Roju-Syuza[老中首座] Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] was forced to resign on August 29, 1793. Japan: Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] swore to record people’s appearance[風體] and natural view[山水] as an evidence of those days into Ukiyo-e in 1793.² Japan: Sadanobu[定信] wrote his will "Ugenohitokoto"[宇下人言] which was entitled by encrypting the "Sadanobu", to the descendants of the future who will be Roju[老中] in 1793.³ Japan: The appearance of Ukiyo-e-shi[浮世繪師] Toshusai Sharaku[東洲齋寫樂] which is a pen name from June 1794 to April 1795.⁴ the Netherlands: The Netherlands was occupied by France in January 1795. Japan: Dutch scholars in Edo[江戸] started ‘Dutch New Year party’ in the every New Year by western calendar since January 1, 1795. Japan: After Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] had recruited ten or more illustrators, he published “Kogaruiju”[古画類 聚] as the historical illustrated reference book which contains 2657 cuts of illustrations in 1795.² ※Painters closely relating with Sadanobu[定信] ①Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信](1758-1829)―a grandson of The eighth Shogun[將軍]. a son of Tayasu Munetake[田安宗武]. A lord of Shirakawa[白河] Domain(1783-1812). former Roju-Syuza[老中首座] (1787-1793). a literati painter whose pen name is Raku-oh[楽翁]⁵ ⁶ ②Tani Buncho[谷文晁](1763-1840)―a vassal of Sadanobu[定信]. a literati painter whose pen names are Sha-Zanro[寫山樓], Gagaku-Sai[畫學齋]⁵ ⁷ ⓷Byakuun[白雲](1764-1824)―chief priest of the Buddhist temple in Shirakawa(白河) Domain⁸ ④Aoudo Tazen[亞歐堂田善](1748-1822)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁]⁹ ⑤Ono Bunsen[大野文泉](1774-1837)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁]¹⁰ ⑥Kita Einosuke[喜多栄之助](1776-1857)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁]¹¹ ⑦Yoshida Genchin[吉田元陳](1727-1795)¹² ⑧Watanabe Koki[渡邊廣輝](1778-1838)¹³ ⑨Takizawa Yokei[竹澤養渓](year of birth unknown-1808)¹⁴

1 Nemuro City official website ed.(2014). ラクスマンの根室来航 6.初めての日露交渉 日露初の会談. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² Tokyo National Museum ed. 松平定信古画類聚 : 調査研究報告書. The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd[毎日新聞社]. 1990. ³ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 宇下人言うげのひとこと-大辞林第三版の解説. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Tokyo national Museum ed.(2014). SHARAKU Heiseikan Special Exhibition Galleries. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁵ Suntory Museum of art ed. Tani Buncho: Commemorating 250tthAnniversary of his Birth 2.Matsudaira Sadanbu and Shuko-jushu: Travels and sketches. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 松平定信 まつだいらさだのぶ. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 谷文晁 たにぶんちょう. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ Web NDL[National Diet Library] Authorities ed.(2011). 白雲. 1764-1825 Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹ Fukushima University and Sukagawa City Museum eds. 亜欧堂田善作品集 -059/065page 亜欧堂田善あおうどうでんぜん 寛延元年-文政 5 年(1748-1822). Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹⁰ Shirakawa City ed.(2014). 十六善神の図 大野文泉筆 じゅうろくぜんじんのず. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹¹ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. Eds.(2014). 喜多栄之助 きたぶせい. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹² Kyusyu National Museum ed.(2012). 美のワンダーランド ⒖人の京絵師, ⒖人の京絵師プロフィール. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹³ Tokushima City Tokushima Museum ed. 名品紹介 源氏物語 澪標・椎本図 渡辺広輝筆. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹⁴ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 竹沢養渓 たけざわようけい. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⑩Kameya Bunpo[亀屋文宝](1768-1829)1 ⑪Itasaka Hironaga[板谷廣長](1760-1814)² ⑫Kuwagata Keisai[鍬形蕙斎] or Kitao Keisai[北尾蕙斎](1764-1824)³ ⑬Okamoto Shiso[岡本茲奘](years of birth and death unknown)―a vassal of Sadanobu[定信].⁴ Japan: Japan traded with American ships which were hoisting the Dutch flag from 1797 to 1809.⁵ ⁶ Japan: Matsudaira Sadanobu[松平定信] published “Shukojusshu”[集古十種] as the historical illustrated reference book by wood-block print including 1451 pieces of wood block which were almost reversible in 1800.⁷ ※Who edited? ①Yashiro Hirokata[屋代弘賢](1758-1841)―Japanese classical scholar. Neo-Confucian⁸ ②Shibano Ritsuzan[柴野栗山](1736-1807):Neo-Confucian⁹ ※Who prefaced? ⓷Hirose Mosai[広瀬蒙斎](1768-1829)―Neo-Confucian. a vassal of Sadanobu[定信]¹⁰ ※Who copied out? ④Tani Buncho[谷文晁](1763-1840)―a vassal of Sadanobu[定信]. a literati painter ⑤Ono Bunsen[大野文泉](1774-1837)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁] ⑥Byakuun[白雲](1764-1824)―chief priest of the Buddhist temple in the territory of Sadanobu[定信]

AD 19th century Japan: The 11th Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] ordered a lord of Shirakawa[白河] Domain to guard the Tokyo Bay[東京 湾] from 1810 to 1823.¹¹ Japan: Sadanobu's son, Sadanaga[定永](1791-1838) inherited a lord of Sirakawa[白河] Domain after Sadanobu[定信] had retired it in 1812. Japan: Sadanobu's son, Sanada Yukitsura[真田幸貫](1791-1852) who is an adopted Sanada's[真田] son, inherited a lord of Matsushiro[鬆代] Domain in 1823 after he did a preliminary inspection there in disguise.¹² ¹³ Japan: Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信] passed away in 1829.

1 The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 文宝亭文宝 ぶんぽうていぶんぽう. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 板谷広長 いたや ひろなが. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ Kato, Yoshio[加藤好夫] ed.(2012). 浮世絵文献資料館 けいさい くわがた 鍬形 蕙斎. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Kuwana city board of education, Mie ed. 桑名市埋蔵文化財整理所 桑名市の指定文化財. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁵ Peabody Essex Museum ed. A Teacher’s Sourcebook for Japanese Art & Culture Featuring the Japanese Art Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum Salem, MA. USA. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ Harvard University Press and eds. PACIFIC COSMOPOLITANS A Cultural History U.S.-Japan relations. USA. VjRl6ioGnEqZuAIo&hl=ja&sa=X&ei=qDgTVN_jBZDN8gXkqoLwBQ&ved=0CFsQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=american%20nagasaki%20%20Dutch%20flag&f=false (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Kuwana city board of education, Mie ed. 桑名市埋蔵文化財整理所 桑名市の指定文化財 国重要文化財. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-) ⁸ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. Eds.(2014). 屋代弘賢 やしろ ひろかた. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 柴野栗山 しばの りつざん. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹⁰ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 広瀬蒙斎 ひろせもうさい. Japan. C.E4.BA.BA.E5.90.8D.E5.A4.A7.E8.BE.9E.E5.85.B8.2BPlus (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹¹ Chiba Educational Promotion Foundation ed.(2014). 第 3 章 海防陣屋・台場. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹²The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. Eds.(2014). 真田幸貫 さなだ ゆきつら. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹³ Ohira Kimata[大平喜間多]. 海防の先覺者 眞田幸貫傳[A pioneer of coastal defense Sanada Yukitsura], P14. Tokyo. Showa Kankokai Co. Ltd.[株式会社昭和刊行 会] . 1944. Japan: Younger generation painters closely relating with Matsudaira Sadanobu[鬆平定信](1758-1829) ①Sanada Yukitsura[真田幸貫](1791-1852)―a son of Sadanobu[定信]. a lord of Matsushiro[松代] Domain(1823-1852). Roju of Defense[老中海防掛](1841-1844). a literati painter ②Gamo Rakan[蒲生羅漢](1784-1866)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁]. a painter of Shirakawa(白河) Domain1 ⓷Hoshino Bunryo[星野文良](1798-1846)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁]. a painter of Shirakawa(白河) Domain² ④Tani Bunichi[谷文一](1787‐1818)―a disciple of Buncho[文晁], a son-in-law of daughter of Buncho[文晁]³ Japan: "Kanagawaoki-namiura"[神奈川沖浪裏] as Ukiyo-e which was painted by Katsushika Hokusai[葛飾北斎] (1760-1849), was printed from 1831 to 1833.⁴ Japan: "Tokaido-gojusan-tsugi"[東海道五拾三次] as Ukiyo-e which was painted by Utagawa Hiroshige[歌川廣重] (1797-1858), was printed from 1833 to 1836.⁵ China: The First Opium War from 1840 to 1842. Japan: "Ejiri"[雙筆五十三次 江尻] as Ukiyo-e which was painted by Utagawa Hiroshige[歌川廣重] and Utagawa Kunisada[歌川國貞], was printed from 1854 to 1855. Japan: "Doto-zu"[怒濤圖], "Ryu-zu"[龍圖] and "Happo-nirami-no-zu"[八方睨鳳凰圖] had been painted untill 1848 by Katsushika Hokusai[葛飾北斎](1760-1849) which is a pen name as Ukiyo-e-shi[浮世繪師] since Matsushiro[松代] Domain included Obuse[小布施] in 1844.⁶ ⁷ Japan: “Tama tori Ama ”[玉取蜑] as Ukiyo-e which was painted by Utagawa Kuniyoshi[歌川國芳], was printed from 1845 to 1846. Japan: “Ryugu Tama-Tori-Hime no zu”[龍宮玉取姫之圖] as Ukiyo-e which was painted by Utagawa Kuniyoshi[歌川國 芳], was printed in 1853. Japan: The 13th Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] concluded the Convention of Kanagawa[神奈川條約] with Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the U.S. Navy in 1854. China: The Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860. Japan: "Fukagawa Suzaki Jumantsubo"[深川洲崎十万坪] as Ukiyo-e[浮世繪] which was painted by Utagawa Hroshige[歌川廣重](1797-1858), was printed in 1857.⁸ Japan: Before Tokugawa Iemochi[德川家茂](1846-1866) became the 14th Shogun[將軍], he concluded the Treaty of Amity and Commerce[日美修好通商條約] with President of U.S. James Buchanan on July 29, 1858. Japan: The 13th Shogun[將軍] died on August 14, 1858. Japan: Before Tokugawa Iemochi[徳川家茂] became the 14th Shogun[將軍], he concluded the Five-Power Treaties[安政五ヶ国條約]. The United States― on July 29, 1858. The Netherlands―on August 18, 1858. Russian Empire―on August 19, 1858. Great Britain―on August 26, 1858. France―on October 9, 1858. Japan: On November 30, 1858, Tokugawa Iemochi[德川家茂] became the 14th Shogun[將軍], he was twelve.

1 Fukushima University and Fukushima Prefectural Board of Education eds. 教育福島 0165 号(1992 年(H04)09 月)-004page 文化の窓 県立博物館第 3 回企画展 「定信と文晁」-松平定信と周辺の画人たち-. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ² The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 星野文良 ほしの ぶんりょう. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. Eds.(2014). 谷文一 たに ぶんいち. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Chiba City Museum of Art ed.(2010). 葛飾 北斎 かつしか ほくさい 冨嶽三十六景 神奈川沖浪裏.Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁵ EDO-TOKYO MUSEUM ed.(2014). 特集展示 東海道五拾三次. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ University of Tokyo ed.(2014). 東京大学日本史学研究室紀要 第4号 2000 年 3 月 長野県小布施町小山洋史家文書. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Nihon Keizai Shimbun ed.[日本経済新聞社](2010). 長野・小布施 山里に北斎ミステリー パトロンの豪商を監視?. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ National Diet Library, Japan ed.(2014). Meisho Edo hyakkei[名所江戸百景] Fukagawa Suzaki Jumantsubo[深川洲崎十万坪]. Japan. (accessed 2014-10-14) Japan: Ansei Purge[安政大獄] had been enforced from 1858 to 1860. Many Samurai[侍] of Neo-Confucianist and Neo-Confucian who didn't support to the above iniquitous signature which would destroy their culture, had been purged. Japan: The Sakuradamon Incident[櫻田門外之變] happened in1860. Tairo[大老] [井伊直弼] who enforced Ansei Purge[安政大獄] was killed . USA: The14th Shogun[將軍] Tokugawa Iemochi[德川家茂] was called "His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan" by President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln in his letter in 1861.1 France: In 1862, "La Porte Chinoise", a shop selling various Japanese goods including Ukiyo-e[浮世繪] prints, opened in the rue de Rivoli, Paris. Japan: The Bombardment of Kagoshima[薩英戰爭] broke out between United Kingdom and Japan in Kagoshima[鹿兒 島] in 1863. Japan: The 15th Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] devolved the national sovereignty to the Son of Heaven[天子] who would be called alive "Tenno"[天皇] which is a posthumous name in 1687. It means that Chinese culture which was inherited in the Japanese islands died out. France: In the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1867, Japan was represented by much more pieces of Japanese art which include Ukiyo-e[浮世繪] in the own national pavilion.

While Ukiyo-e[浮世繪] as Japanese wood-blocks print was becoming popular in Europe, "Westernization" led to the loss of Chinese cultural heritage in Japanese islands. And Chinese culture became the matrix of European impressionist, Art Nouveau and Cubism.

1 Digital Library Production Service of University of Michigan ed.(2010). Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 4. Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. USA.;view=fulltext (accessed 2014-10-14)