The Chronology of Ukiyo-e[浮世繪] : records of Chinese culture in the Japanese Islands Written by Sing[性] The Beginning of Humanity China: Nuwa[女媧] created human by using rope and mud and also created a reed of a panpipe called “shenghuang”[笙簧]. China: Fuxi[伏羲] is a Chinese culture hero with human head and snake body[人首蛇身]. He invented fishing net and Chinese zither[琴瑟], taught fishing to people, created letter and ended talking knots communication style[結繩記事 similar to quipu]. China: GeTian clan[葛天氏] passed down the technique of rope production by twisting arrowroot[葛] fiber and a production of basket and cloth weaving to people. Also he invented singing and dancing. 50,000-10,000 years ago Japan: made some edged tools of Obsidian which is black and one of volcanic glasses.1 16,000 years ago Japan: traces of twisted strings as Rope-patterned pottery² ³ ⁴ ⁵[繩文土器] 7,000 years ago Japan: made baskets⁶ ⁷ 5,500 years ago Japan: wove cloths⁸ Japan: fished fastening stone sinkers or earthenware sinkers⁹ ¹⁰onto a fishing net ¹ Japanese Archaeological Association ed.(2006). 機関紙 日本考古学 第 22 号 遺跡報告 栃木県高原山黒曜石原産地遺跡群の発見 とその評価 -今後の調 査に向けての課題, Japan. http://archaeology.jp/journal/con22abs.htm#A8 (accessed 2014-10-14) ² Shidara, H.(2010). 東京大学公開講座 ホネ-万物を架橋する-先史時代の人々は骨をどのように扱ったか. Japan. http://todai.tv/contents-list/lp1hp1/et2th3/9atpvm/lecture.pdf (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ Fukaya City Board of Education, Saitama ed.(2008). 埼玉県深谷市埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書 第 96 集 水窪遺跡 ― 第3次調査 ―. Japan. http://iseki-database.city.fukaya.saitama.jp/data/report/60F_96.pdf (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Kawasaki city board of education, Kanagawa ed. 万福寺遺跡群縄文時代草創期出土品. Japan. http://www.city.kawasaki.jp/880/page/0000000875.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁵ Kimura, Atsushi(2002). 掘り day はちのへ 八戸市埋蔵文化財ニュース 第 6 号. Japan. http://www.korekawa-jomon.jp/books/docs/holiday06web.pdf (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ The Asahi Shimbun ed.(2014). 佐賀)東名遺跡出土のかご復元 東 名 縄 文 館 で 公 開 . Japan. http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG4X4CTDG4XTTHB006.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Saga City board of education, Saga ed.(2011). ひがしみょう通信 第1号. Japan. http://www.city.saga.lg.jp/contents.jsp?id=28600 (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ Aomori Prefecture Board of Education ed.(2014). Welcome to the Sannai-Maruyama site. Japan. http://sannaimaruyama.pref.aomori.jp/english/ (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹ Neyagawa City Board of Education, Osaka ed.(2013). 縄文時代 3.縄文時代 讃良川遺跡. Japan. http://www.city.neyagawa.osaka.jp/organization_list/kyoiku_shakaikyoiku/bunkasport/bunkazai/zidai/1378025640199.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ¹⁰ Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Niigata Archaeological Artifacts Survey Agency ed.(2002). 埋文にいがた No.38 埋文コラム 発掘か ら見えてきた漁具の歴史. Japan. http://www.maibun.net/image/38-p7.pdf (accessed 2014-10-14) 5,000 years ago China: The emergence of ancient characters1[原始文字] China: Momu[嫫母] who is the fourth imperial consort of Yellow Emperor[黄帝] invented the mirror from the stone reflecting light glaringly.² 3,400-3,000 years ago China: the emergence of Chinese character called "Oracle bone script"[甲骨文] 2,800-2,300 years ago China: the emergence of Chinese character called "Seal script"[篆書] China: The Chinese character "mirror"[鏡] is "Inkstone"[硯] in "Seal script"[篆書]. "Inkstone"[硯] represents an action of looking at oneself in the stone.³ AD 6th- 7th century China: Kong DaoMao[孔道茂](581-618) A representative of Daoism in early Sui[隋] period. Japan: The Empress of the third emperor of the Tang[唐] dynasty sent three treasures to the temple of her father, Fujiwarano Kamatari[藤原鎌足] in Japan but only two treasures[寶寶] arrived there after 669.⁴⁵⁶⁷ AD 8th century China: Female emperor of Zhou(周) dynasty, Wu Zetian[武則天] renamed Woguo[倭國] to Ribenguo[日本國] in 702.⁸ AD 10th-13th century China: The emergence of New Year Picture[年畫] during Song[宋] dynasty. China: Establishment of Neo-Confucian which is written "道學"[Daoism], "程朱理學", "宋明理學" or "性理學" in Chinese in late Song[宋] dynasty. ※Key words for Neo-Confucianism:"Xing is Li"[性即理]/Dao[道] of Chinese character, which consists of "Fuxi's[伏羲] head as a human's head"[首] and "Fuxi's body as a snake's body"[辶] /Fuxi[伏羲] and Nuwa[女媧] are the incarnation of a bottle gourd [葫蘆]. And furthermore, Fu[浮] as a noun of Chinese means bottle gourd. AD 14th century China: New Year Pictures[年畫] which had been printed during Song[宋] dynasty, were found by Japanese in Gansu[甘 肅] in early Ming[明]. They are "Four Beauties"[隨朝窈窕呈傾國之芳容], "Kitchen God"[灶王爺] and "Guan Yu"[關聖帝 君].⁹ 1 nandu.com corporation ed.(2013). 浙江发现中国最早原始文字. China. http://epaper.oeeee.com/A/html/2013-07/10/content_1892180.htm (accessed 2014-10-14) ² www.viewcn.com & www.huaxia.com eds.(2005), 鏡子的傳說. China. http://big5.huaxia.com/zt/whbl/05-036/2005/00317580.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ Vividict.com[“象形字典”网] ed.(2010). 字头信息 砚 字形演变 造字解说. China. http://www.vividict.com/WordInfo.aspx?id=2092 (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ Shikoku News and Kagawa Prefectural Library eds.(2002). 21世紀へ残したい香川 海女の玉取り伝説(志度町). Japan. https://www.shikoku-np.co.jp/feature/nokoshitai/densetsu/1/ ⁵ Sugiyama Jogakuen University and Nagoya women's University eds.(2006). 2006(平成 18)年度 第 11 号 東海能楽研究会 年報 副言巻の試み ー白水郎の間語 りからー。Japan. http://zeami.ci.sugiyama-u.ac.jp/~izuka/erito1/nenpou/nen11.pdf (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁶ Caliber Cast Ltd. ed.(2014). The 能.com DATABASE Plays Ama (The Woman Diver). Japan. http://www.the-noh.com/en/plays/data/program_024.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁷ Kohfukuji[興福寺] ed. The Kohfukuji Temple Complex History of Kohfukuji. Japan. http://www.kohfukuji.com/english.html#english01 (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁸ China Internet Information Center ed.(2007), 煮酒论史:日本国号果真是中国唐朝所赐吗?(2).China. http://news.china.com/zh_cn/history/all/11025807/20070515/14096696_1.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁹ www.ccsc.gov.cn[中华文化标志城官方网站] ed.(2008). 年画 起源和发展. Japan. http://www.ccsc.gov.cn/jnrwwh/ys/200802/t20080223_3215838.html (accessed 2014-10-14) AD 15th-16th century Rome: Pope issued the bull to subjugate pagans as perpetual slaves since 1452. Japan: The Order to Expel Christian Priests was issued in 1587. AD 17th century Japan: Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] established the new government in Edo[江戸] castle [Tokyo imperial palace] in 1603. Japan: Persecution of Christian in 1612 Japan: The Dutch trading house was opened in Hirado[平戸], Nagasaki[長崎] in 1607. Japan: The British trading house was opened in Hirado[平戸], Nagasaki[長崎] in 1613. Japan: A code of laws and ordinances regarding the conduct of the Imperial Court and the court nobles[禁中並公家諸 法] was established in 1615. Japan: Law for Samurai[武家諸法度] was established in 1615. Rome: The Japanese envoy Hasekura Rokuemon[支倉六右衛門] met with Pope Paul Ⅴ in Rome in 1615. He was titled as Roman citizen in 1615.1 Japan: Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] limited foreign ships entry by only allowing them to enter Nagasaki[長崎] port and Hirado[平戸] port while he did not limit Chinese ships in 1616. Japan: The British trading house was closed in 1623. Japan: Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] broke up diplomatic relations with Spain and banned its ship’s entry in 1624. Taiwan: Dutch East India Company (VOC) occupied Taiwan in 1624. China: First Manchu[滿洲] invasion of Korea[丁卯胡亂] in 1627. Taiwan: Trader Hamada[濱田] took Nuyts, VOC prefect of Taiwan, as hostage in his own Taiwan office[濱田彌兵衛事件] in 1628. Japan: The Dutch trading house was closed in Hirado [平戸]in 1628. Japan: Tokugawa[德川] family invested to build Confucius's Mausoleum[孔子廟] in the private residence of Neo-Confucian Hayashi Razan[林羅山] in 1632.² Japan: The first order for Chained Country in 1633. Japan: The Second order for Chained Country in 1634. Japan: The third order for Chained Country in 1635. Tokugawa Shogun[德川將軍] limited Chinese ships, Dutch ships and other ships entry by allowing them to enter only Nagasaki port. Japan: Neo-Confucian Hayashi Razan[林羅山] amended the Law for Samurai[武家諸法度-寛永令] in 1635. China: Qing[清] was established in Manchu[滿洲] in 1636. Japan: The fourth order for Chained Country in 1636. China: Second Manchu[滿洲] invasion of Korea[丙子胡亂] during 1636-1637. Japan: The fifth order for Chained Country in 1639. Japan: The Dutch trading house was moved to Dejima[出島] in Nagasaki[長崎] in 1641. Japan: VOC occupied Hokkaido[北海道] and Kuril islands[千島群島] in 1643. China: Qing[清] overthrew Ming[明] dynasty and Qing dynasty was established in the capital Beijing in 1644. China: Southern Ming[南明] was established in 1644.(-1662) Japan: Great fire of Meireki[明暦]. The main building of Edo[江戸] castle and 60% of Edo were burned and a hundred thousands of people died in 1657.³ Japan: Neo-Confucian Hayashi Razan[林羅山] lost great amount of his books in Great fire of Meireki[明暦] and he died a few days later in 1657.⁴ 1 Sendai[仙台] city museum ed. 10. 慶長遣欧使節 (1). Japan. http://www.city.sendai.jp/kyouiku/museum/syuuzou/10_kenoushi/index.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ² Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Sibunkai[公益財団法人斯文会] ed.(2009). 湯島聖堂略年表. Japan. http://www.seido.or.jp/year.html (accessed 2014-10-14) ³ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 明暦の大火 めいれきのたいか-大辞林第三版の解説. Japan. https://kotobank.jp/word/%E6%98%8E%E6%9A%A6%E3%81%AE%E5%A4%A7%E7%81%AB-141188#E3.83.87.E3.82.B8.E3.82.BF.E3.83.AB.E5.A4.A7.E8.BE. 9E.E6.B3.89 (accessed 2014-10-14) ⁴ The Asahi Shimbun Company and Voyage Group, Inc. eds.(2014). 林羅山 はやしらざん-朝日日本歴史人物事典の解説. Japan. https://kotobank.jp/word/%E6%9E%97%E7%BE%85%E5%B1%B1-14680 (accessed 2014-10-14) China: Single-sheet illustrated color prints were produced in Suzhou[蘇州] where was the port to connect directly to Japan, in early time of the Kangxi[康熙] period 1662-1722.1 Japan: A single-sheet illustrated color prints were produced from 1673 through 1683.² Japan: Neo-Confucianist Tokugawa Tsunayoshi[德川綱吉] succeeded as fifth Shogun[將軍] in 1680.
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