Spring 2016 Volume 2 Issue 2 3 FROM RUTHERFORD HALL Jerry O'Neill 4 REFORMED SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY TEXTBOOKS: HAND MAIDEN TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT PRIVATIZATION OF FAITH William Edgar 14 CALVIN'S THEOLOGICAL METHOD: THE CASE OF CAROLI Richard Gamble 21 HOMOSEXUALITY IN AMERICA: RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT AS COVENANTERS Michael LeFebvre 35 THE BATTLES OF THE FRENCH REFORMED TRADITION Thomas Reid 49 THE REFORMATION OF JOSIAH AND THE REDISCOVERY OF THE SCRIPTURES: 2 CHRON. 34 C. J. Williams The online journal of the reformed presbyterian theological seminary description Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal is the online theological journal of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal is provided freely by rpts faculty and other scholars to encourage the theological growth of the church in the historic, creedal, Reformed faith. Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal is published biannually online at the rpts website in html and pdf. Readers are free to use the journal and circulate articles in written, visual, or digital form, but we respectfully request that the content be unaltered and the source be acknowledged by the following statement. “Used by permission. Article frst appeared in Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal, the online theological journal of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (rpts.edu).” editors General Editor: Assistant Editor: Contributing Editors: Barry York Gabriel Wingfeld Tom Reid C.J.Williams
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