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NAME of the PARTNER Form 1 /RFDOHQGRJHQRXVGHYHORSPHQWDQGXUEDQUHJHQHUDWLRQRIVPDOODOSLQHWRZQV 1$0(2)7+(3$571(5 )RUP 3DUWQHU¶VLQWURGXFWLRQ 1DPHRIWKH Tschlin SDUWQHU ,QVWLWXWLRQDOUROHRI Gemeinde WKHSDUWQHU 1DPHRIWKHVHFWRU - LQFKDUJHRI PDQDJLQJ$OS&LW\ 5ROHRIWKHVHFWRU - ZLWKLQWKHSDUWQHU¶V DGPLQLVWUDWLYH VWUXFWXUH 3DUWQHU¶VH[SHFWHG exchange with other communities, learning by mistakes und EHQHILWVIURPWKH success SDUWLFLSDWLRQWR $OS&LW\ 2UJDQLVDWLRQDO visits between the towns/regions H[SHFWDWLRQVIURP WKHSDUWLFLSDWLRQWR RQHRUPRUH VSHFLILF:3 FDVHSURMHFWV ([SHFWDWLRQVIURP assessment about the chance of success of the project ideas, WKHZRUNRI$OS&LW\ support to the planning 6FLHQWLILF6WHHULQJ DFWLYLWLHV Partner’ s name 1 /RFDOHQGRJHQRXVGHYHORSPHQWDQGXUEDQUHJHQHUDWLRQRIVPDOODOSLQHWRZQV )RUP 'HVFULSWLRQRIWKHFRQFHUQHGWHUULWRU\ JHRJUDSKLFDQGRULQVWLWXWLRQDODUHDV $GPLQLVWUDWLYH Switzerland, Canon Graubünden, Region Engiadina Bassa, DUHDVZLWKLQWKH *HPHLQGH7VFKOLQ. UHJLRQ In normal cases Switzerland and the Canton Graubünden give subventions to the region. The region is the main player for the development of the small towns. Tschlin is very busy and more active then the region. %ULHIGHVFULSWLRQ From the website ( : „Tschlin liegt im Unterengadin an der RIWKHPRXQWDLQ Grenze zu Österreich und Italien. Das Gemeindegebiet umfasst eine FKDUDFWHUZLWKLQ Fläche von 7473 ha, davon sind 968 ha Wiesen und Äcker, 1895 ha WKHZKROH Weiden, 2176 ha Wald und 2434 ha unproduktives Land.“ SDUWQHU¶VWHUULWRU\ The lowest point of Tschlin has ca. 995 m above see level, the highest 3294 m. The Engiadina Bassa is an inside-alpine valley with less of rain. 6WUXFWXUHRIWKH - WRZQVZLWKLQWKH UHJLRQ 1DPHVRIWKH Development of the town by change of use of the (empty) buildings for a FDVHSURMHFWV soft tourism. In the centre of the activities stays a new use of the school GHVFULEHGLQ)RUP building in Tschlin. May-be with decentralized hotel-structure. DQGDOO An other project is the including of a restaurant in an old, non used alp- DGPLQLVWUDWLYH stable. DUHDVLQYROYHG 1XPEHURI Tschlin has three small towns: LQKDELWDQWVLQ Tschlin: 173 inhabitants, with the town hall and a school building without WKHVHDUHDV pupils SOHDVHOLVWDOO Strada: 147 inhabitants, with the school an the post office LQGLYLGXDOWRZQV DQGRWKHU Martina: 114 inhabitants, with the customs office DGPLQLVWUDWLYH OHYHOVFRQFHUQHG E\HDFKFDVH SURMHFW 6SHFLILFLVVXHVRQ GHFOLQHLQSRSXODWLRQ: Loosing people to the main town of the WKHVWUXFWXUHRI region (scuol) and to the capital of Graubünden (Chur) or the Swiss WKHWRZQVLQWKHVH cities. A lot of owners of the building not living any more in the small PRXQWDLQDUHDV towns. Partner’ s name 2 /RFDOHQGRJHQRXVGHYHORSPHQWDQGXUEDQUHJHQHUDWLRQRIVPDOODOSLQHWRZQV (FRQRPLFSURILOH UXUDOVHFWRU A big part of the population works in the first section RIWKHVHWRZQV WRXULVPNot 20 km from is the ski-area of Scuol. In the small towns UHJLRQDO around Scuol a not prospering rural tourism exists IXQFWLRQV WROOIUHHDUHD: Tschlin own a toll-free-area in the valley of Samnaun H[WHUQDO and can profit financially of it IXQFWLRQV 6RFLDOLPDJHRI nothing special WKHPRXQWDLQV ZLWKLQWKHUHJLRQ 3ROLFLHVIRUWKH In Switzerland is an actual discussion about the New Regional PRXQWDLQ Policy. Everything is changing and nobody knows which direction will win. Partner’ s name 3 /RFDOHQGRJHQRXVGHYHORSPHQWDQGXUEDQUHJHQHUDWLRQRIVPDOODOSLQHWRZQV $/3&,7< )RUP 'HVFULSWLRQRIWKHORFDODFWLYLWLHVZLWKLQ$OS&LW\ ,03257$17SOHDVHFRS\DQGSDVWHWKHWDEOHDQGILOORQHIRUHDFKGLVWLQFWFDVH SURMHFW 7LWOHRIWKHFDVH None SURMHFW &DVHSURMHFW change of use for empty building to a touristic option, beginning with DEVWUDFW the school building 5HDVRQVIRUWKH changing from a rural to a soft-touristic town FKRLFHRIWKLVFDVH SURMHFW $GRSWHG practice PHWKRGRORJ\ ([SHFWHGEHQHILWV tourists ORFDODQGUHJLRQDO OHYHOV $UHIROORZXS sure, may-be an decentralized hotel DFWLYLWLHV IRUHVHHQ" ([SHFWHGYDOXH ? DGGHG RWKHUWKDQ ILQDQFLDO IURPWKH SDUWLFLSDWLRQWRDQ ,17(55(*SURMHFW 2XWSXWLQGLFDWRUV New successful using of the school building, number of guests in Tschlin ,PSDFWLQGLFDWRUV ? 1DPHRIWKHWRZQV Tschlin FRQFHUQHG 'HPRJUDSKLF GHFOLQHLQSRSXODWLRQ: Loosing people to the main town of the VRFLDODQG region (scuol) and to the capital of Graubünden (Chur) or the Swiss HFRQRPLFVLWXDWLRQ cities. A lot of owners of the building not living any more in the small RIWKHWRZQV towns. FRQFHUQHGDQG UXUDOVHFWRU A big part of the population works in the first section VSHFLILFDOO\ LGHQWLILHGSUREOHPV WRXULVPNot 20 km from is the ski-area of Scuol. In the small towns around Scuol a not prospering rural tourism exists WROOIUHHDUHD: Tschlin own a toll-free-area in the valley of Samnaun and can profit financially of it Partner’ s name 4 /RFDOHQGRJHQRXVGHYHORSPHQWDQGXUEDQUHJHQHUDWLRQRIVPDOODOSLQHWRZQV 5ROHRIWKH - difficult to reach Tschlin, most east point of Switzerland and PRXQWDLQUHVRXUFH with the Flüelapass between Tschlin and the Swiss cities ZLWKLQWKHORFDO - intact nature GHYHORSPHQW FKDQFHVRIWKH - living local culture WRZQVFRQFHUQHG SRVLWLYHRU QHJDWLYH ([SHFWHG new chance for the future by giving an new economic basis- a soft FRQWULEXWLRQRIWKH tourism IRUHVHHQDFWLRQV WRZDUGVWKH GHYHORSPHQWRIWKH WRZQVFRQFHUQHG :KRLVWKH the authority of the community UHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH FRQFUHWH GHYHORSPHQWRIWKH SURMHFW" +RZDUHDFWLYLWLHV private Person: Maria Vital VXEFRQWUDFWHG" consulting: Alpenbüro Netz GmbH %HVLGHWKHSDUWQHU Alliance of the Alps ZKLFK Tschlin is member and obtains consulting from the national DGPLQLVWUDWLYH assistants DXWKRULWLHVDUH LQYROYHGLQWKH SURMHFW"+RZ" :KRDUHWKHPDLQ political: the community and the members of the authority ORFDOUHJLRQDO social: active people SURMHFWDFWRUV" $UHWKHUHLPSRUWDQW no DFWRUVZKRDUHQRW LQWHJUDWHGRUDUH RSSRVLQJWKH SURMHFW" 7KHFDVHLV integrated in the development-plan of community LVRODWHGRU LQWHJUDWHGZLWKLQD EURDGHUIUDPH SURJUDPPHRI DFWLYLWLHV"+RZ" +RZDUHWKHVH DFWLYLWLHVEHLQJ ILQDQFHG" Partner’ s name 5 /RFDOHQGRJHQRXVGHYHORSPHQWDQGXUEDQUHJHQHUDWLRQRIVPDOODOSLQHWRZQV 7LPHWDEOHIRUWKH school: SURMHFW 2004: basic-planning: GHYHORSPHQW -XO\ 0D\ 2005: financial clearing, detail planning, may-be construction work, proofing the idea of the decentralized hotel 2006: may-be construction work, start with the new use Alp Tea: 2004: basic-planning, financial clearing 2005: detail planning, first construction work, financial clearing 2006: financial clearing, further planning $UHH[SHUWV QRQ architect 66& LQYROYHGLQWR expert for tourism&hotellerie WKHFDVHDQG UHVHDUFKDFWLYLWLHV XQGHUWDNHQIRUWKH planning and Consulting FDVH":KDWLVWKHLU UROH" Partner’ s name 6.
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