MONTVILLE TOWN HALL 310b Route 32 Uncasville, Montville, Connecticut Specifications For MASONRY REPAIR/REPOINTING AT 310b ROUTE 32 UNCASVILLE, MONTVILLE, CT CLA Job No. 6765 February 2021 Prepared By: CLA Engineers, Inc. Consulting Engineers 317 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 Ph: 860-886-1966 F: 860-886-9165 I. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS II. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS III. PROPOSAL FORMS 1. BID PROPOSAL 2. FORM OF BID BOND 3. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER 4. STATEMENT OF BIDDER’S QUALIFICATIONS 5. PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS IV. AGREEMENT AND BOND FORMS 1. CONTRACT AGREEMENT 2. CERTIFICATION 3. FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND 4. FORM OF PAYMENT BOND V. GENERAL CONDITIONS VI. SPECIAL CONDITIONS VII. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VIII. PHOTOGRAPHS Town of Montville CLA Engineers, Inc. Masonry Repair/Repointing, 310b Route 32. Civil · Structural · Survey I. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Town of Montville CLA Engineers, Inc. Masonry Repair/Repointing, 310b Route 32. Civil · Structural · Survey ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TOWN OF MONTVILLE IS SOLICITING BIDS FOR MASONRY REPAIR/REPOINTING 310b ROUTE 32 UNCASVILLE, MONTVILLE, CT Sealed bids for MASONRY REPAIR/REPOINTING AT 310b ROUTE 32, UNCASVILLE, MONTVILLE, CT will be received at Montville Town Hall, 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike, Montville CT, until 10:00 am on April 6th, 2021, prevailing time, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Town Council Chambers. The Contract generally consists of the repair and repointing of the existing exterior brickwork of Building #2 located at 310b Route 32, Uncasville, Montville, CT. The 2-story masonry building has prevalent cracking in the mortar throughout, cracks that extend through bricks, spalling of brick, and mortar loss occurring frequently.
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