Thursday’s Challenge: Space Rock Cakes

Hello all our lovely Foxborough students, Mrs Girn and Miss Khan hope you have been enjoying your time at home with your mummies and daddies and have been keeping them busy with all the fun activities we've been sending you.

We have some exciting news: one of our friends from space has written us a letter, let’s take a look at what he’s written:

Dear Foxborough,

It’s me, David, from space! I have heard you’re exploring the wonders of space. As an astronaut I can tell you it is truly mag- ical up here; there are so many different planets! Can you name any of the planets up in space? Wow you know so many! What else do you know about space? That’s fantastic, I’m very impressed with your knowledge about space.

There are also shooting stars which you can sometimes see from where you are at night, all you need to do is look up at the night sky. When you see a shooting star be sure to make a wish! Another fun fact about space is that there are lots of me- teors up here. Meteors are like big flaming rocks- they can be dangerous if you get too close, however from far away they are quite beautiful to look at.

Talking about meteors has made me hungry, have you ever heard of space rock cakes? They are one of my favourite cakes to make, they’re also DELICIOUS! You should definitely give them a try. I’ll send the recipe over to you along with this let- ter! Take lots of pictures and send them to me!

I look forward to seeing your rock cake creations.

Take care


WOW! How exciting, I’m sure your all eager to get started so here is the recipe David has sent. Be sure to take lots of pictures. Here is a short story introducing David the astronaut. He is reading an ebook called ‘The Explorers Club’:

Mrs Girn and Miss Khan would like you to know that we are all very proud of you for being so brave during these uncertain times. We want you to know that we are all missing seeing your smiling faces every day. We hope you are all staying safe, healthy and happy at home.

Here is the recipe for Space Rock Cakes:

Follow the recipe below. If you’re in \year 5 or 6, have a go at following the recipe independently. All children need adult assistance using the oven.

Makes 6 large rock cakes or 12 small

Ingredients: 100g/3 and a half oz at room temperature 200g/7oz plain 2tsp baking powder 75g/2 and a half oz brown 125g/4 and a half oz 1 egg beaten 2 tbsp milk Edible Glitter (our space dust)

Method: Pre-heat the oven to 200 C/400 F/Gas Mark 6. Line a couple of baking trays with silicon- coated baking paper or use some reusable baking tray liners.

· Put the flour and baking powder into a bowl and then added the and crumb the mix with your fingertips.

· Add the raisins and the sugar and stir together.

· Children always love the next bit break the egg and whisk the milk and egg together to add to the mixture.

· Instead of using a spoon J decided that to mix the wet and dry ingredients together he would use his hands. This recipe is great as both methods work just as well.

· Divide the mix into 6 large lumps (tennis Ball) or 12 smaller (golf ball sized) and place on the baking tray with enough space to expand

· Put in the oven for between 13 and 20 minutes (this will depend on your oven and you are after a lightly golden color to the surface).

· Once they were cooked remove and let cool. · Then Sprinkle with Space dust and enjoy.