LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE 1 40746 LIVESTOCK Schedule 17 V4 Dorsetlivestock 17 09/05/2017 12:01 Page 2

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LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE 1 40746 LIVESTOCK Schedule 17 V4 Dorsetlivestock 17 09/05/2017 12:01 Page 2 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES WEDNESDAY 18TH JULY LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE 1 40746_LIVESTOCK_Schedule_17_v4_DorsetLIVESTOCK 17 09/05/2017 12:01 Page 2 2 SPONSORSHIP Headline Sponsor 3 40746_LIVESTOCK_Schedule_17_v4_DorsetLIVESTOCK 17 09/05/2017 12:02 Page 4 THE DORSET SHOWS CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by THE DORSET SHOWS CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by LEGAL EXPERTISE, LOCAL TO YOU LEGAL EXPERTISE, LOCAL TO YOU Three separate championships for Cattle, Sheep and Goats Three separate Championships for Cattle, Sheep and Goats EntryEn tisry automaticis automa tforic f oexhibitorsr exhibito rthats tha exhibitt exhib iatt a allt t hthreee thr eDorsete Dors eagriculturalt agricultura shows:l shows: PointsPoints to to bebe accumulatedaccumulated a ass f ofollowsllows an andd w iwillll be beaw awardedarded in s iinng lsinglee anim animalal breed classes classes onlyonly WoolWo onol o then th Hoofe hoo andf an dYoung Young Handler Handler classesclasses a arere n notot e leligibleigible BEEFBEEF CATTLECATTLE DAIRYDAIRY CATTLECATTLE SHEEPSHEEP GOATSGOATS 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 2nd. Prize – 8 points 2nd. Prize – 8 points 2nd. Prize – 8 points 2nd. Prize – 8 points 2nd Prize – 8 points 2nd Prize – 8 points 2nd Prize – 8 points 2nd Prize – 8 points rd rd rd rd 33rd. PrizePrize – 66 pointspoints 33rd. PrizePrize – 66 pointspoints 33rd. PrizePrize – 66 pointspoints 33rd. PrizePrize – 66 pointspoints 44thth. PrizePrize – 44 pointspoints 44thth. PrizePrize – 44 pointspoints PRIZES Edwards & Keeping Gillingham & Gillingham & Melplash Agricultural Perpetual Challenge Shaftesbury Agric. PRIZESShaftesbury Agric. Society Perpetual EdwardsCup & Keeping SocietyGillin gPerpetualham & SocietyGilling Perpetualham & MelpChallengelash Agr iCupcultural PerChampionpetual Ch £150allenge ShChallengeaftesbury CupAgric. ShaChallengeftesbury CupAgric. SoChampionciety Perp £75etual ReserveC Championup SoChampionciety Per p£150etual SoChampionciety Per p£100etual ReserveChal lChampionenge Cup £50 Cham£125pion £150 ReserveChalle nChampionge Cup ReserveCha lChampionlenge Cup £75 CRunnerhamp ioupn £25£75 ReRunnerserve Cupha £100mpion Cham£125pion £150 CRunnerhampi oupn £50£100 Reserve Champion £50 £125 ReRunnerserve Cupha £100mpion Reserve Champion £75 Runner up £25 Runner up £100 £125 4 Runner up £50 Runner up £100 4 Show Office Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, DT1 1EF Tel 01305 264249 Email [email protected] LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE 2018 INDEX PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE ...................6 Any Other Cross Breed ........................... 29 NOTES TO STOCKMEN ........................7 Pork Pigs ................................................. 29 CATTLE .................................................8 Championship ......................................... 30 Any Other Dairy Breed ............................. 9 Junior Handler ........................................ 30 Holstein & British Friesian ........................ 9 SHEEP ................................................31 Any Pure British Beef Breeds ................... 9 Charollais ............................................... 31 Galloway ................................................. 10 Dorset Down ........................................... 32 British Blue .............................................. 10 Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset - Local .......... 32 British Continental Pure Beef Breeds .... 11 Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset ..................... 32 Commercial Beef ................................... 12 Greyface Dartmoor ................................ 33 Devon ...................................................... 12 Hampshire Down ................................... 33 Dexter .................................................... 12 Jacob ....................................................... 33 Hereford ................................................. 13 Lleyn ........................................................ 34 Lowline ................................................... 13 Portland .................................................. 34 South Devon ........................................... 14 Primitive .................................................. 34 Young Handler - Dairy ........................... 14 Coloured Ryeland ................................... 35 Rare & Minority Breeds .......................... 15 Ryeland ................................................... 35 Longhorn ................................................ 15 Shetland ................................................. 35 Beef Cattle .............................................. 17 Suffolk ..................................................... 36 Young Handler – Beef ............................ 17 Texel ....................................................... 36 GOATS ...............................................18 Valais Blacknose ..................................... 36 Female Goats .......................................... 19 Any Other Pure Breeds .......................... 37 Goatlings ................................................. 19 Any Other Continental Breed ................ 37 Female Kids ............................................. 20 Any Other Rare Breed ............................ 37 Milking Competition .............................. 20 Any Cross Breed ...................................... 38 Sunday Classes ........................................ 20 Junior Classes .......................................... 38 PIGS ...................................................21 Group of Three Championship .............. 38 Modern Breeds ....................................... 27 Inter Breed Groups & Pairs .................... 39 Any Other Traditional Breed ................. 27 Championship ......................................... 39 Gloucester Old Spot ............................... 27 Fleece Competition ................................ 40 Oxford Sandy & Black ............................ 28 Wool on the Hoof .................................. 40 Berkshire ................................................. 28 Children’s Novelty .................................. 41 Large Black ............................................. 28 Commercial Lamb ................................... 41 Tamworth ............................................... 28 SHEEP SHEARING ..............................42 Saddleback .............................................. 29 FARM PRODUCE ................................42 Kunekune ............................................... 29 RULES & REGULATIONS ....................44 Honorary Secretaries Honey & Bee – Mr Richard Norman, Dorset Beekeepers Association, 01305 786585 Rabbits – Mrs Pauline Griffiths, 7 Balmoral Close, Gosport, PO13 0JX. Tel 07905 821746 5 PROVISIONAL JUDGING TIMETABLE 2018 Please note the Society reserve the right to amend timing of any event SATURDAY 1st SEPTEMBER CATTLE RINGS 09.00 Commercial Beef, British Continental Pure Beef Breeds Young Handler - Dairy 09.30 Holstein & British Friesian, Any Other Dairy Breed, British Blue, Any Pure Native Beef Breed, Devon 10.00 Hereford, Dexter 10.30 South Devon, Lowline, Belted Galloway 12.00 Dairy Champion followed by Beef Champion SHEEP RINGS 09.00 Charollais, Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset, Greyface Dartmoor, Hampshire Down, Any Other Pure Breed, Primitives, Shetland, Coloured Ryeland, Carcasses 10.30 Any Cross Breed, Local Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset 11.00 Lleyn, Any Other Continental, Suffolk, Any Other Rare Breeds, Dorset Down, Texel, Ryeland, Portland, Jacob, Valais Blacknose 12.00 Young Handler & Novice 13.00 Group of Three Championship GOAT RING 06.30 Full Udder Inspection 07.30 Milking Competition - to be completed by 08.00 10.00 Inspection classes - all goats 18.00 Milking competition - to be completed by 18.30 Times may vary at the discretion of the judge PIG RINGS 10.00 All Pigs SUNDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER CATTLE RINGS 09.00 Young Handler - Beef 09.30 Rare & Minority Breeds, Longhorn 10.00 Beef Pairs SHEEP RINGS 08.30 Wool on the Hoof 09.30 Any Other Breed Groups & Pairs, Commercial Groups & Pairs 11.30 Championships 12.00 Children’s Novelty Classes GOAT RING 10.30 Pairs, Junior Handler & Fancy Dress PIG RINGS 10.30 Pairs, Junior Handler & Overall Champion 6 40746_LIVESTOCK_Schedule_17_v4_DorsetLIVESTOCK 17 09/05/2017 12:02 Page 6 NOTESNOTES TOTO STOCKMENSTOCKMEN LIVESTOCK ARRIVAL – Livestock may arrive on the Showground between 12noon and 8pm on FLIVESTOCKriday 1st ARRIVALSeptember and between 6am and 9am on Saturday 2nd September. The Holding NLivestockumber may for arrivethe S onho thewg Showgroundround is 11 between/126/80 12noon00. and 8pm on Friday 31st August and between 6am and 9am on Saturday 1st September. The Holding Number for the Showground is 11/126/8000. FACILTIES – Hot showers and loos are available from Friday 6pm. A camping area will be aFACILTIESvailable at the front of the Livestock parking area. Hot showers and loos are available from Friday 6pm. STOCKMAN’S BREAKFAST – A cooked breakfast will be available from the Country Kitchen on SSTOCKMAN’Saturday an dBREAKFAST Sunday m– Ao cookedrning rbreakfastun by K ewillnn beifo availablerd Farm from Kitc thehen Country. Each Kitchen exhib ionto rSaturday will be and sen Sundayt two complimentary tickets for the Stockman's Breakfast. Additional tickets can be ordered at £5.50. morning run by Kenniford Farm Kitchen. Each exhibitor will be sent two complimentary tickets for the Stockman’s No
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