European Integration of Ukraine As Viewed by Top Ukrainian Politicians, Businessmen and Society Leaders Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw International Renaissance Foundation, Kyiv Center for Peace, Conversion and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv European Integration of Ukraine As Viewed by Top Ukrainian Politicians, Businessmen and Society Leaders According to standard interviews Inteviewers: Oleksandr Sushko Natalia Parkhomenko Volodymyr Nahirnyy Serhiy Seheda Iryna Sushko Stefan Batory Foundation Sapieżyńska 10 a 00-215 Warsaw tel. (48 22) 536 0200 fax (48 22) 536 0220
[email protected] International Rennaissance Foundation 04053 Kyiv, vul. Artema 46 tel. |380 44| 461-9709, 461-9500 faks: |380 44| 216-7629
[email protected] Editing Oleksandr Sushko, Natalia Parkhomenko Art Director of the Stefan Batory Foundation’s publications Marta Kusztra Cover design and typesetting by Teresa Oleszczuk The project „The Enlarged EU and Ukraine — New Relations” was supported by the Poland-America-Ukra- ine Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI), financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of Cooperative Agreement No. 121-A-00-00-00822-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, Freedom House or PAUCI © Copyright by the Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw 2003 ISBN Contents Foreword 6. Ukraine’s effective way to European structures: independently or together with 1. What does ‘Ukraine’s European choice” Russia? mean to you? 7. What is common and what is different 2. Causes and obstacles of Ukraine’s between Ukraine and the “Western participation in the processes of European culture”? Is Ukraine a part of the Western integration.