The Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) is a the 2018-2019 avalanche season the CAIC documented program of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources over 4200 avalanches, with 92 incidents where 135 people (DNR). The program is a partnership between the DNR, were caught and eight people were killed. We recorded 87 the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and avalanches in the D4 and D5 levels of the Destructive Size the Friends of the CAIC (FoCAIC), a 501c3 group. The scale (D1 through D5). In the previous 8 years we recorded mission of the CAIC is to provide avalanche information, a total of 24 avalanches in this size range. education, and promote research for the protection of life, property and the enhancement of the state’s economy. This was an extremely challenging year to be working Colorado’s avalanche safety program began in the United in avalanche safety in Colorado and I am very proud of States Forest Service in 1973, as the Colorado Avalanche the work done by the Center’s staff. They worked very Warning Program, and moved to the Colorado Department long hours for days, weeks, and eventually months in a of Natural Resources in 1983 where it continues to this day. row. They provided support to federal, state, and local government groups, public utilities, private companies, The 2018-2019 avalanche season was an amazing time and people just trying to get through the mountains to get to be in Colorado. The way the winter unfolded brought home or enjoy all of the snow. This year followed one of us an extended period with amazing conditions for winter the driest years since 1970. Between changing weather recreation and we had front row seats for the most amazing patterns, increasing population, and a sky rocketing interest avalanche cycle the state has seen in the last 100 years. in winter recreation; the only thing we seem to be able to The snow that fell in October and November changed count on is that the opportunity to face a new challenge into a very weak layer of depth hoar during a fairly dry is just around the corner. I sincerely appreciate all of the December. Once it started snowing again we saw a very support this program gets from the Department of Natural active cycle of human-triggered avalanches, releasing Resources, Department of Transportation, and everyone on this basal weak layer. The Center recorded 57 people that contributes to the Friends of the CAIC. If the last year MISSION caught in 42 avalanches by January of 2019 (34 people in taught us anything it is that we are all working together January alone). Near the end of February the accumulated to keep the mountainous areas of Colorado running and The mission of the CAIC is to provide snowfall for the state blasted past the 30-year average and none of us can do it alone. I look forward to your continued never looked back. Heavy snowfall in early March produced support and to another year of working with you to keep avalanche information, education and an extreme avalanche event beyond anything in recorded the people in Colorado enjoying the snow and staying clear history in Colorado. The Center issued Extreme (Level 5) of avalanches. promote research for the protection of avalanche danger rating for four of our forecast zones and portions of US550 between Ouray and Silverton were Sincerely, life, property and the enhancement of closed for 18 days. Three people were killed, eight homes were damaged or destroyed, infrastructure delivering the state’s economy. utilities was damaged in five counties, and Hinsdale County declared two separate states of emergency to address Ethan Greene the avalanche cycle and the aftermath. The avalanches Director eventually stopped running through mature timber, but the Colorado Avalanche snow continued and the snowpack in Colorado remained Information Center well above the long-term average until early June. During


MISSION Dear Friends, The mission of the Friends of CAIC is The 2018/2019 winter season was one for the record books here in Colorado. The historic avalanche cycle that took place in March to support avalanche forecasting and 2019 was one that many of us may never see again in our lifetime. Watching the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) team education throughout the State of Colorado. come together and work methodically and diligently to keep the public informed and in turn safe from the impacts of the cycle was incredible. I could not be more proud of the CAIC team.

The CAIC is largely funded by the State of Colorado, yet the program still relies heavily on donations to support its operations and education programs throughout Colorado. These donations fund avalanche forecaster positions, technology development, and the joint CAIC/Friends of CAIC Know Before You Go avalanche awareness program. Generous support from our donors also allows us to pursue special projects such as research around the March 2019 avalanche cycle, improved resources for avalanche investigations, and weather instrumentation throughout Colorado’s mountains.

The Friends of CAIC is an integral voice in avalanche safety and education in Colorado. As we work to significantly increase our financial support to CAIC we encourage everyone – any individual, group, corporation, or business invested in public safety – to connect, learn, and donate to help us grow our collective impact on avalanche safety in Colorado. By uniting the vast network of backcountry users and partners, we can accomplish much more to drive avalanche safety forward.

Thank you for your past support and in advance for your continued support.


Aaron Carlson Executive Director Friends of CAIC


The CAIC recorded information on 4273 avalanches, including 135 people caught. The 2018-2019 total seasonal snowfall was above the long-term average in most parts of the state. Of those caught, 8 were killed. The CAIC published 24 detailed accident reports. The season started early, with above average snowfall in October and early November. Many sites fell below their average in December, but tracked close to the long-term trend through January and February. Heavy snowfall at the end of February brought most sites far above average and they BY FORECAST ZONE stayed that way through March, April, May, and even into June. Statewide, Colorado’s snowpack at peak accumulation on April 5 was 133% of the 30-year median value. STEAMBOAT

TOTAL 2019 LOCATION NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. TOTAL % OF AVG 40 Forecast zone: Steamboat AVALANCHES: Recorded Avalanches: 40 Forecast zone: Vail & Summit County 4273 ARAPAHOE BASIN Recorded Avalanches: 478 59 30 41 33 83 40 286 104 BEAVER CREEK 45 59 53 42 88 34 319 119

Forecast zone: Grand Mesa Recorded Avalanches: 313 VAIL BERTHOUD PASS 71 48 68 34 66 40 326 106 285 DENVER BRECKENRIDGE 80 64 60 34 124 53 414 161

COPPER MOUNTAIN ASPEN 58 42 39 31 98 18 286 118 Forecast zone: Aspen Forecast zone: Front Range Recorded Avalanches: 397 GRAND JUNCTION Recorded Avalanches: 500 KEYSTONE (NORTH PEAK) 49 23 115 27 94 17 325 115

550 Forecast zone: Sawatch LOVELAND BASIN 84 43 69 34 108 50 388 117 Recorded Avalanches: 445 Forecast zone: Gunnison Recorded Avalanches: 559 STEAMBOAT 64 76 82 75 96 30 423 142

50 VAIL 72 53 68 46 95 37 369 122

Forecast zone: Northern San Juan WINTERPARK 68 44 59 43 78 45 336 104 Recorded Avalanches: 1107 ASPEN HIGHLANDS 30 39 41 36 93 28 276 114 285 TELLURIDE ASPEN MOUNTAIN 32 36 39 32 80 13 233 107

Sangre de Cristo Forecast zone: Southern San Juan Forecast zone: 19 GOTHIC 41 39 58 46 95 34 314 94 Recorded Avalanches: 415 Recorded Avalanches: MCCLURE PASS 25 41 54 46 58 10 233 95


RED MOUNTAIN PASS 29 64 60 63 105 41 361 130


2010 42 8 WOLF CREEK SKI AREA 138 37 93 147 129 10 554 138 2011 50 7 CAUGHT 2012 52 7 MONUMENT PASS KILLED 17 48 49 47 69 20 249 121 2013 99 11 2014 83 8 COAL BANK PASS 14 36 78 125 117 24 392 138 2015 50 3 35 5 2016 MOLAS PASS 20 33 62 81 115 22 332 137 2017 80 1 2018 45 3 2019 135 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

2019 CAIC ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 6 2019 CAIC ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 7 MEDIA CONTACTS EDUCATION AND COURSES WEBSITE, APP & SOCIAL MEDIA ATTENDANCE & EVENTS CAIC staff gave203 interviews to press and media contacts, including Colorado, national, and international news organizations



12000 200



50 2000 16,918 13,455 FOLLOWERS FOLLOWERS Facebook 0 0



1,255 N/A FOLLOWERS YouTube


REVENUE Severance Tax...... $638,056.88 CAIC STAFF Colin Mitchell Friends of CAIC...... $150,000.00 Avalanche Forecaster Donation Revenue and Ethan Greene Charges for Sales and Services...... $14,126.86 Director Matt Huber Colorado Ski Country USA...... $10,000.00 Avalanche Forecaster Brian Lazar USFS...... $90,259.29 Deputy Director Ryan Zarter CDOT Contract...... $784,568.00 Avalanche Forecaster Snowmobile Fund...... $2,000.00 Liz Gideon Interest Income...... $6,610.28 Program Assistant Chris Bilbery Transfers...... $6,608.68 Avalanche Forecaster Rebecca Hodgetts Total...... $1,702,229.99 Lead Avalanche Forecaster Ben Pritchett Avalanche Forecaster Mark Mueller Lead Avalanche Forecaster FRIENDS OF CAIC STAFF Spencer Logan Lead Avalanche Scientist Aaron Carlson Executive Director John Snook Weather Specialist Laura Mack Development Director Mike Cooperstein Weather and Avalanche Forecaster Laraine Martin Program and Events Coordinator Jason Konigsberg Weather and Avalanche Forecaster Jeff Davis FRIENDS OF CAIC Avalanche Forecaster BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brandon Levy Markian Feduschak Avalanche Forecaster Alan Henceroth Kreston Rohrig Avalanche Forecaster Rusty Perry Ann Mellick Bill Mueller Avalanche Forecaster Bruce Edgerly Ron Simenhois Avalanche Forecaster Brent Brown Heidi Ruckriegle Jonathan Lantz EXPENDITURES Personnel Services...... $1,210,660.98 Rentals...... $14,847.24 Vehicles...... $116,667.79 Telecommunications and Utilities...... $31,363.54 Cost of Goods and Services...... $136,309.52 Travel Expenses...... $36,973.37 Total Administrative Costs...... $137,933.93 Total...... $1,684,756.37


REVENUE AND EXPENSES , , and skiing have been a big REVENUE part of my life since I was a kid. My first big mountain $ skiing trip and avalanche course were on Mount Sneffels during the winter of 1985/86; I was hooked! Getting out $615,228 in the backcountry, away from the resort, is not only EXPENSES great exercise, but it brings climbing and skiing back to the soulful roots of our sport. It’s just you, a friend or two and the freedom to explore. $718,476 However, the mountains $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 are a dangerous environment. We understand the risks every time we tie-in or EXPENSE BREAKDOWN skin-up. It’s what we Programs...... $507,447 love to do. The only Administration...... $94,042 way to mitigate these friends. It hurts to think about it, and it has made me Development...... $116,917 risks is to travel with quite a bit more cautious than I used to be. Total...... $718,476 the proper equipment, I have supported Friends of Colorado Avalanche know how to use it and Information Center (FoCAIC) over the years because continually pursue the it’s important for our community to have access to the skills and knowledge information and the educational outreach CAIC provides. base necessary to be as safe as possible. Resources like These resources make our backcountry experience the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) help safer. It’s not glamorous work to collect the data and build that base. then advise the public on the potential hazards and Education and awareness are key. The CAIC data is ever-changing conditions. But, it is important work and at your fingertips, however; knowing how to use it extremely valuable to our community. and continually develop your skills is paramount. I If you love the data and outreach the CAIC provides encourage everyone, especially the young chargers to as I do, it is important to give back. Although part of become educated. Attend a Know Before You Go (KBYG) CAIC’s budget comes from the Colorado Department presentation, sign up for an avalanche course, or hire a of Transportation and the State of Colorado, FoCAIC is professional mountain guide. We can always learn more a key part of that budget. We all love to recreate in the and continue developing our knowledge base to be a backcountry. Help keep CAIC alive and well with your gift better partner. We are relying on each other every time to FoCAIC. Give what you can! we go into the backcountry.

Over the years, our San Juan community and Colorado have lost some incredible souls; many of them dear


Aaron and Julie Carlson Amanda Martin Aron Ralston Bivouac Coffee “OPPORTUNITY CAN BE MISSED BECAUSE IT IS While working at the Basin I met Colorado Avalanche Aaron Anderson Amanda Stone Art Burrows DRESSED IN OVERALLS AND LOOKS LIKE HARD Information Center (CAIC) highway forecaster Lee Aaron Fodge Amazon Smiles Foundation Art Nerbonne Blayne Woods WORK.” - Thomas Edison Metzger, who would become another pivotal mentor Aaron Lessen Arthur Albin Bob and Virginia Getz in my career. He and Ray Mumford introduced me to Aaron Ray Amy Anderson Ascension Sales Bob Feroldi Aaron Robbins Amy Hirt Ascent Magazine Bob Taylor the life of a highway forecaster. Something about the Abbey Smith Amy Relnick Ashley Ahlholm Bob Tomsky challenge was alluring. When an opportunity to work Abby Ayers Amy Rota Ashley King Bob Wolman and with the CAIC as a backcountry forecaster presented Abby Seymour Amy Stackhouse Aspen Expeditions Michelle Manquen Bobby Augst itself, I took the leap. That season was a particularly Abraham Pacharz Amy Strouthopoulos Aspen Skiing Company Bonfire Brewing deadly one with multiple avalanche involvements Adam Devoe Amy White Aspen Urological Conference Adam Fay Anastasia Miliano Austin Sheridan Brad and Melissa Mcqueen and multiple tragic fatalities. This triggered a lot of Adam Karch Anders Hur AVA Rafting/Peak 1 Express Brad Craig soul-searching and long talks with other forecasters Adam Moskowitz Andrew and Leigh Gibbs Backcountry Access Brad Klafehn discussing the darker side of our job. That same year, a Adam Reymann Andrew Breibart Backcountry Experience Bradley Bosard workplace accident occurred involving the I-70 highway Adam Sher Andrew Chiacchierini Backpackers Pantry Brandon Mutari Brandon Steinmetz forecasting crew. As we all stepped up to help on Adam Sussman Andrew Dodd Banas Alex Banas Adam Tormey Andrew Gerrard Barrett Langendoerfer Breckenridge Brewery, LLC the highway, I realized this role was a good fit for me. Breckenridge Distillery After a childhood spent mostly in the urban centers of Adam Wilbur Andrew Heltzel Bart Daly For once my timing was impeccable when a highway Breckenridge Grand Vacations New Zealand, I was exposed to the thrills of the great Adams Scott Adams Andrew Holland Baylee Rice position opened up the following year, and I was Adrienne Ross Andrew Hyde Becca Ely Brendan Cecil outdoors while attending Otago University in Dunedin. offered the job. I truly enjoy working with the CDOT Aimee Mcabery Andrew Mcgregor Becky and Steve Bussey Brendan Irving My career in the snow began after I graduated Brendan Mccue crews, Colorado State Patrol, and other stakeholders to Aimee Wride Andrew Meeusen Bell Sports Inc. university and took a job as a lift operator at a ski Alan Bullock Andrew Mergen Ben and Helen Beall Brendan Wakefield-Silves manage this avalanche problem. One of the greatest Brent and Jen Brown area on Mt. Ruapehu, a volcano located on the North Alan Henceroth Andrew Ogden Ben Anderson breakthroughs for me as a forecaster was realizing Brett Barson Island of New Zealand. Here I was fortunate to gain Alan Stewart Andrew Opdycke Ben Bergen the confidence I saw in other, more experienced, Alanna Roff Andrew Robinson Ben Corwin Brett Dilley the mentorship of Heidi Godfrey, a pioneering female forecaster’s eyes was actually just them becoming Alex Blanchard Andrew Scarborough Ben Graves Brett Wilhelm snowboarder, patroller, and mountain guide in New Brew Pub & Kitchen more comfortable with the uncertainty. Alex Clayden Andrew Schaper Ben Markhart Zealand. Her enthusiasm for the snow and working in Alex Davidson Andrew Sigfusson Ben Russell Brian Bellesheim Brian Bovaird the outdoors added fuel to my fire, and there was no With change being Alex Eller Andrew Sivanich Ben Saheb Brian Hicke looking back. the only constant, Alex Gelb Andrew Thien Ben Stricklen Alex Jacobs Andrew Trumbo Benjamin Ben Brian Salerno I thrive in the Brian Vestal While I burnished my credentials as a lift operator, I Alex Kendall Andrew Weinstock Benjamin Carver opportunity for Bridgette Hecht learned to ski, earned my medical certifications, and Alex Madden Andy Lapkass Benjamin Plankis growth working Alex Platt Andy Radzavich Benjamin Sachdeva Britni Johnson began my avalanche coursework through Canadian for the CAIC. Alex Pritzlaff Andy Williams Benjamin Stroock Britt Mace Avalanche Associations’ professional program. I Britta Fuglevand Our leadership Alex Werner Angela Hawse Bentgate Mountaineering eventually convinced the ski area to hire me on the Alexander Postnikov Ann Driggers Beth Bershader Brittany Engleking is continually Brittany Waldron patrol squad and then give me access to the elusive Alexander White Annette and Anthony Albanese Beth Helmke innovating, and I Brooke Miller “keys to cache” when I became an avalanche mitigation Alexandra Phillips Annie Catuta Beth Nahom often find myself Alexei Kissell Anthony Achilli Beth Parisi Brooks Barron route leader. My fear of responding to trauma calls hanging on for Alice Lecinski Anthony Appezzato Betty Shea Brooks White on the ski hill led me to volunteer for avalanche work Bruce and Karen Edgerly the ride, hoping I can wrap my brain around the next Allan and Beth Crumbaker Anthony Pachelli Big Agnes at every opportunity as a more attractive alternative. Allen and Geraldine Macomber Anthony Rockwood Bill Kyriagis Bruce Engelhard progression in the industry. During my tenure at the I found a special comradery in the avalanche group, Allison Clark Anthony Steele Bill McCoy Bruce Martin avalanche center, I’ve had the opportunity to become a Bruce Sandstrom and a way to spend the majority of the day outside. I Alpine Quest Sports Anthony Viton Bill Mueller lead forecaster, working more closely with an amazing Alpine Ventures LLC April Grumley Bill Vore Bruce Tormey eventually moved to Colorado, and finally found my group of dedicated avalanche professionals. I am Amalia Hirsh Arapahoe Basin Ski Area Billy Barr Bryan Carter tribe at Arapahoe Basin Ski Area, where I worked my Bryan Williams honored to be a part of the team. Amanda Hemmerich Aric Wilkerson Billy Rankin way into an avalanche technician spot and eventually Amanda Kay Arlen Huggins Bishop Bryana Bacus Assistant Ski Patrol Director. 2019 CAIC ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 14 2019 CAIC ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 15 2019 SUPPORTERS 2019 SUPPORTERS

Bryce Gustafson Chelsea Gribbin Colorado Adventure Guides Daniel Law Deborah Froeb Edward Fornataro Erin Johnson Greg Dumus Bryce Richardson Cheryll Faust Colorado Mountain College Daniel Macdonald Deborah Hodgson Edward Schaefer Erin Kearns Greg Mears Brynn Gotchey Cheyenne Richardson Colorado Mountain School Daniel Moroz Denis Shaw Edward Smith Erin Oliver Greg Wagner BSW Wealth Partners Chip Lamar Colorado Real Estate Company Daniel Regelson Denise and Richard Rogers Edward Wasserman Erin Vargas Greg Wheltle Bud Tymczyszyn Chip Mower Colton Martin Daniel Reisbeck Dennis Overly Eileen and Walter Kintsch Eryka Thorley Gregory Bean BWBacon Group Chloe Lyon Community First Foundation Daniel Schaefer Dennis Reber Elevation Beer Company Espen Karlsen Gregory Foy Byron Boucias Chris Addi Community Foundation Daniel Strathman Derek Esposito Eli Feldman Ethan and Dana Greene Gregory Hansen Caitlin Finn Chris Budish Serving Boulder County Daniel Whittle Devin and Charlotte Black Elisabeth Boersma Evan Ross Guinevere Jones Caitlin Sullivan Chris Byrne Constance Webbe Danny Powers Devin Toll Elisha Candelaresi Evolucion Innvoations, Inc Guy Thorsby Cale Brandt Chris Clark Cooper Wisneski Danny Rosseau Diana Dudek Elizabeth Barber Faction Skis H. Merritt Kinsey Caleb Leland Chris Denne Copper Mountain Darrell Johnson Diana Tilley Elizabeth Frick Falcon Guides Halsted Morris Caleb Merrill Chris Fickel Corey Lamothe Darren Brennan Dirtlabs Elizabeth Millikin Fidelity Charitable Handlebar Tap House Calvin Davenport Chris Hamilton Corky Schmidt Darren Rhinehart Dominic Weilminster Elizabeth Schneider Fishpond USA Hanna Whirty Calvin Taylor Chris Johnson Cory Madden Dave Deming Don Fortenberry Elizabeth Schoeberlein FlyLow Hannah and Brent Nordhaus Cam Prickett Chris Moran Cory Parrottino Dave Henritze Don Homan Elizabeth Talenfeld Francis Culkin Hans Johannes Cammeron Larson Chris Nicewarner Cory Wallace Dave Hoyt Don Thompson Ellen Craig Francisco Oyague Harold Orner CAMP USA Chris Peterson Courtney and Lindsey Kummer Dave Leffler Donald and Helen Gerstein Ellen Rosenberg Francisco Tharp Harry Sandler Cara David Chris Pierce Coury Armstorng Dave Levine Donald Deane and Elliot Clymer Frank Bowman Harry Zinn Carey Ballard Chris Recla Craig Holm David and Leah Niedringhaus Ellen Flannelly Elliott Leslie Frank Mapel Harvest Skis Carey Favaloro Chris Schumann Craig Konz David and Robyn Sutherland Donald Martinusen Elyse Parcell Fred Schibi Heather Bradford Carmen Lee Chris Wilbur Craig Langenfeld David Anderson Donald McCourt Emilio Alcala Fred Zapp Heather Lauritzen Carol and Geoff Friefeld Christian Strachan Craig Mares David Bacon Dottie Bond Emily and Jordan Osterman Frederick Larke Heidi Ruckriegle Carol Pasternak Christine Buttorff Crazy Mountain Brewery David Braun Doug and Suzanne Goforth Emily and Samuel Bacon Friends Hut Heidi Smith Carol Vagnini Christof Stork Cripple Creek Backcountry David Breed Doug Benedon Emily Andrews Friends of Berthoud Pass Henrik Forsling Caroline Kirk Christophe Lawrie Cristina Harmon David Bumgarner Doug Driskell Emily Marotta Friends of the San Juans Henry and Catherine Shands Carolyn Spencer Christopher and Patty Schneck Curtis and Bronwyn Paxton David Capasso Doug Pflugh Emily Maynard Gabe D’Luzansky Hestra Gloves, LLC Carrie Mcconnell Christopher Battig Curtis Weller David Clark Doug Stenclik Emily Teravest Gabe Magtutu Hidden Treasure Yurts Carson Brogan Christopher Davenport Cynthia Huang David Eckelberry Douglas Fletcher Eolus Restaurant Gail Binder Hideaway Brewery Carter Spencer Christopher Dean Dakine David Forsberg Douglas Gammell Eric and Heather Distad Garan Mangan-Dimuzio High Mountain Creative Carve Systems Christopher Dumit Dale Kochevar David Hatcher Douglas Ouren Eric Bell Garmin USA, Inc. Honey Stinger Casey Graham Christopher Goldsmith Dan Adelman David Haucke DPS Skis Eric Branton Garrett Anderson Hotel Aspen/ Cat Leonaitis Christopher Klein Dan and Cynthia Coogan David Kutcipal Drew Anderson Eric Deering Gary Osteen Molly Gibson Lodge Catherine Cloutier Christopher Martin Dan and Karissa Mackin David Lerach Drew Griffith Eric Deitemeyer Gary Smith Howard Cox Catherine Cowles Christopher Provost Dan Corriell David Levine Design Group, LLC Drew Petersen Eric Fenster Gaylan Hellyer Howard Cribbs Catherine Gadomski Christopher Schmidt Dan Eldridge David Nelson Drew Saunders Eric Haskell Gayle Moore Hunter Maddox Catherine Howard Christopher Wilson Dan Hamilton David Paradysz Duane Poslusny Eric Larson Gear Dryer Ian Burke Chad and Heather Mcfarland Chuck Lenzmeier Dan Hendershott David Pfeiffer Dudley Locke Eric McCue Gearmunk Ian Fowler Chad Clary Cindy Brabander Dan Keltz David Polaner Duke Barlow Eric Mink Geoffrey Peck Ian Pond Chad Driggers Cindy Gagnon Dan Ventura David Polovin Duncan Rothwell Eric Murrow George Walton Ilia Kossilov Chad Ellington Clayton Wilson Dan Welch David Reardon Dustin Dyer Eric Peterson Gerrit Padgham International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association Chad Guimond Climax Molybdenum Dan Witting David Ruttum Dustin McQuate Eric Stauffer Gifford Cutler Irina Overeem Chad Seahorn Clinton Decker Dan Zokaites David Shuey Dustin Wilson Eric Tollund Giro Jack Hodge Charities Aid Cody Salley Dana France David Smith Dwight Hall Eric Wasserman Graham and Paula Johnson Jack Mott Foundation of America Cody Sunkel Dane De Voy David Snyder Dylan Hettinger Erik Brofos Graham Brush Jack Nyquist Charles Brookshire Colby Walker Daniel Bortz David Swanson Dylan Kane Erik Ela Graham Geiselman Jack Rueppel Charles Brown Colette Thompson Daniel Brett David Wallace Dylan Larney Erik Lambert Graham Kane Jack Wilkinson Charles Westrup Colin Deaeth Daniel Campbell Dawn and Christopher Banas Dynafit Erik Su Grant Mason Jack Wolfe Charlie Ziskin Colin Lantz Daniel Edmiston Dawn Scriber Ed Ahlstrand and Erik Sweet GrassSticks Lindsey Jaede Jackson Cooper Chase Littlefield Colin Stingley Daniel Gay Dean Dalvit Erika Roetman Greg Buchanan Eddie Schoen Jacob Bennett Chase Patenaude Colin Whitenack Daniel George Debbie and Scott Kelly Erin Agee Greg Bushey Edward Espinoza Jacob Nacht Chelsea Fagan Collegiate Peaks Forum Inc. Daniel Kojetin Deborah Bradford Erin Jeziorski Greg Demmin


Jacob Waples Jeff Laws Joe Brooks John Ullmann Karen and Norm Numerof Kevin Latchford Leigh Mason Mark Adams Jaime Levkoff-Firth Jeff Limbocker Joe DeVogelaere John Unger Karen Bassett Kevin Schaal Leila Worth Mark Boley Jaime Levy Jeff Roberts Joe Eppler John Van Gulik Karen Breliant Keystone Neighbourhood Lena Pace Mark Bosse Jake Birchard and Dani Totten Jeff Schatz Joe Forish John Warner Karen Seitz Community Leroy Taylor Mark Cowan Jake Gaventa Jeff Sergi Joe Kanetsky John Watson Karen Shackles Kim Hedberg Leslie Gunder Mark Esposito James and Patricia Medlock Jeff Skinner Joe Larson John Witcher Karen Wilkie Kimberly Heller Leslie Roubos Mark Griffin James Chaffin Jeff Suda Joe Messina John-David Withrow Kari Nelson Kimberly Johnson Lester and Sandra Boeckel Mark Kozak James Donohue Jeff Walker Joe Pointer Jon Beihoffer Karin Pocock Kimberly Parker Liberty Skis Mark McIntyre James Fader Jeff Westcott Joe Puchek Jon Donaldson Kasey Provorse King and Tracy Grant Lila Mackey Mark Polk James Lacagnina Jeff Wisniewski Joe Schmitt Jon Francisco Kastle Skis Kirk Myers Limber Grove Headwear Mark Sindlinger James Lloyd Jeffrey Beuche Joe Sprick Jon Hand Kate Demorest Kirstin Nelson Linda Lawson Mark Soot James Marienthal Jeffrey Kepler Joe Teetzen Jon Peroutka Kate Schifani Kit Barton Linday Stepp Mark Williamson James Ober Jeffrey Norris Joe Vandal Jon Warneke Katherine Bazan Kling Mountain Guides Lindsay and Richard Fallon Mark Zander James Rudolph Jeffrey Tennant Joel Duenow Jonathan and Kerri Langer Katherine Brownson Knox Williams and Lindsay Wiebold Mark Zitelli Suzanne Curry James Scherrer Jen Phillips Joelle Hamm Jonathan Cooper Katherine Bugby Lindy Phannenstiel Marker Volkl KNS Reps James Simpson Jenni Renton Joey Hodge Jonathan Fertig Katherine Civian Lisa Jensen Markian Feduschak Kornblum Katz James Sutton Jenni Stephens John and Katie Champoux Jonathan Huang Katherine Green Lisa Mckendry Marla and Jeremy Bailey Kristen Buckland James Tarras Jennifer Barrett John Angelico Jonathan Spitzinger Katherine Sinclair Lisa Schell Marshall Gile Kristen Feiges James Terhorst Jennifer Bealer John Barney Jonathan Wilson Kathleen Garcia Lissa Ballinger Martina and Roger Hedrick Kristen Henry James Whitaker Jennifer Wray John Barringer Jorck Adam Jorck Katie Macknight Liz Schwab Marty Jacobson Kristina Revello James Woolaway Jenny Paddock John Byler Jordan Brandenburg Katlyn Leight Lloyd Athearn Marvin Wilder Kruse Dave Kruse Janice Illig Jeremy Dammeyer John Cameron Jordan Flage Kay Litz Lora Krusick Mary Calkins Krystal Knott Janice Law Jeremy Dobish John Cevaal Jordan Lipp Kayla Mahder Lori Lawrence Mary Lewis Kyle Ahern Janie Merickel Jeremy Dumont John Curtis Jose Espino Kayle and Preston Burns Lori Nixon Mary Narrod Kyle and Leah Ouzts Janine Prout Jeremy Harlam John Dowling Joseph Chervenak KC Pritchard Lori Tagawa Mathew Robison Kyle Armstrong Jared Trouillot Jerry Tofferi John Fellows Joseph Esseichick Keaton Scanlan Louis Moeller Matt Hondorf Kyle Harmande Jason Burns Jerry Weiss John Godson Joseph Hillenbrand Keith Bosscher Loveland Ski Area Matt House Kyle Leto Jason Bushey Jess Knowles John Graham and Lorrin Lear Joseph Kenney Keith Garvey Lucas Mouttet Matt Jost Lacey Leskovar Jason Finch Jesse and Margaret Littleton John Hatlelid Joseph Mcmahon Keith Roush Luigi Chiarani Matt Kenna Laraine Martin Jason Isherwood Jesse Colangelo John Hereford Joseph Preiss Keith Spargo Lukas Rhoads Matt Lanning Larry Hall Jason Luck Jesse Filippelli John Hickey Joseph Ryder Kellee Timpson Luke Beausoleil Matt Schilz Larry Swisher Jason Lundin Jesse Lanci John Hillman Josh Jaffe Kelli Rohrig Lynda Weinhold Matt Smith Larry Utter Jason Maurer Jessica Beacom John Kohnke Josh Mcknight Kelly Hepburn Lynn Ann Martin Matt Steen Lars Peterson Jason Mcgowin Jessica Diner John Lashbrook Joshua Baruch Kelly Keith Lynne Schlough Matt Urich Laura Lynch Jason Moore Jessica Keil John Lind Joshua Butson Kelly McCreary Madeline Fones Matt Whalen Laura Macinnes Jason Regan Jessica Lebo John Mackinnon Joshua Felix Kelly Northcutt Madeline Schroeder Matthew Beaudin Laura Mack Jason Zerbe Jessica Long John Maurer Joshua Hmielowski Kelly Thurston Madelyn Hogarth Matthew Coye Laura Palmer Jay Mathers Jessica Rocchio John Morrone Joshua Klopper Kelsey Molinare Maggie Burns Matthew Farling Lauren Fitzpatrick Jayson Simons-Jones Jesus Rosales John Mortimer Judd Goldberg Kelsey Tayne Maggie Stevens Matthew Graham Lauren Prentice Jayson Stangel Jill Baron John Muir Judy Botinovch Kelty Majestic Heli Skiing Matthew Kennedy Lauren Sigman and Mimi Short JC Mckim Jill Junnola John Needham Julia Elrath Kenneth Grove Mammut Sports Group Inc. Matthew Phillips Lauren Swanson JD Pingree Jill Welch John Ogle Julia Morton Kent Riemondy Manuel Fillon Matthew Shea Laurene Phillips Jean and Jamie Wolter Jill Yarger John Pattenden Julie Grady Kent Vertrees Marc Burdick Matthew Sommers Laurie Gray Jeb Burchenal Jillian Millkey John Peterson Justin Bridge Kerry Danielson Marc Laberge Matthew Von Thun Lawrence Dunn Jeff and Elizabeth Carter Jim and Tor Anderson John Porensky Justin Farmer Kevin and Patricia Ahern Margo Stoney Matthias Messner Lawrence Henderson Jeff Bergeron and Jim Bergman John Raich Justin Ibarra Kevin Donaldson Margot Kelly Max Tyler Leanne Wren Ellen Hollinshead Jim Finkowski John Rizza Justin Ping Kevin Finucane Margot Selover Maxim Khabur Lee Blazek Jeff Boyd Jim Mcgee John Smollen Justin Pritchard Kevin Horan Maria Cardamone Meagan Graham Lee Christian Jeff Bush Jim Vogt John Stechschulte K2 Sports Kevin Iverson Marieke Dechesne Megan Bentzin Lee Poole Jeff Carlson Joann Carhart Levy John Tillema Kara Silbernagel Kevin Kopischke Marilyn Anderson Megan Faville Lei Pang Jeff Damp Joannie Braden John Uban Karah Frizzell Kevin Langlois Marilyn Choske Megan Paden


Meier Skis Mike Wallace Nick Casamatta Perry Abbott Rebecca Love Rondo Buecheler Sarah Foster Stacy Karacostas Mel Stockwell Nick Domke Pete and Janet Fox Rebecca McGehee Rosemarie Raffa-Boren Sarah Janin Stan Lanzano Melanie Wargowski Milo Metcalf Nick Klein Pete Anzalone Red Mountain Alpine Lodge Rosemary Burbank Sarah Mengshol Steamboat Powdercats Melissa Hefner Mimi Mather Nick Leo Pete Johnson Reed Bowen Rosemary Gebhardt Schwab Charitable Steamboat Ski & Melody Reeves Mindy Sachaj Nick Pellar Pete Lardy Regina Primavera Ruben Goldstein Scot Everhart Resort Corporation Meredith Diers Minturn Anglers Nick Thompson Pete LaRue REI - Dillon Rule4, Inc. Scott Anderson Stephanie and Mike Dow Meridian Wealth Miranda Schrock Nick Wojdak Pete Van Deventer Rene Frazee Russ Austin Scott Dobson Stephanie Scheinman Management, LLC Mitch Painovich Nico Moric Peter and Imane Deininger Richard Ackerson Russell Higgins Scott Eubank Stephen and Ellen Thompson Merry Glosband Mitch Stypinski Nicole Joy Greene Peter and Stacey Joyce Richard Barich Russell Moore Scott Farquhar Stephen Andersen Michael Ackerman Molly Nickerson Nicole Loback Peter Coffin Richard Boebel Russell Peterson Scott Glasscock Stephen Andersen Michael and Emy Halpert Monarch Mountain Nicoli Ames Peter Gibbs Richard Grubin Russell Planning and Scott Grabham Stephen Hopkins Michael and Julie Kennedy Monarch Ski Patrol Njord Rota Peter Massee Richard Hayward Engineering, Inc. Scott Groves Stephen Hughes Michael Angel Monet Poulin Noah Howell Peter Mayer Richard Keetch Rusty Perry Scott Loveless Stephen Lindsay Michael Bradley Monique Mudama Noemi Shuey Peter Norton and Judy Hodges Richard Melzer Ruth and Walker Berkshire Scott Messina Stephen Sinacore Michael Britt Montbell Noreen Walsh Peter Raich Richard Quant Ryan Anderson Scott Paul Stephen Szoradi Michael Dobbins Morgan Hamel Norman Arlt Peter VanPelt Richard Raiston Ryan Belanger Scott Pressly Stephen West Michael Eisenbrown Mountain Outfitters Oliva and Forest Bommarito Peter Woroniecki Richard Replin Ryan Bunker Scott Ruppenthal Steve and Laura Rossetter Michael Finkowski Mountain Toad Brewing LLC Oliver Schupp Peter Wynne Richard Tarmey Ryan Chase Scott Scharin Steve Fitzgerald Michael Gasell Mountain Town Magazine Oliver Smith Peter-Christian Olivo Rick and Jean Abbott Ryan Dineen Scott Slamal Steve Gosselin Michael Gehard Mountain Wave Ortovox Petra Zeiler and Rick Fusting Ryan Fletcher and Scott Smith Steve Laverty Mary Byrne Fletcher Michael Healy Mountaineers Books Osprey Packs, Inc. Jackson Buscher Rick Hirsch Scott Snowden Steve Mikol Ryan Glombecki Michael Heeley Mountainsmith Ottercares Foundation Phil Howard Rick Pylman Sean Keenan Steve Poulsen Ryan Kalamaya Michael Krieves Naani Sheva Outdoor Research Philip and Julie Ayers Rick Roberts Sean Lynn Steven Goff Ryan Lewthwaite Michael Lutek Nahom Family Foundation Pacifica Sommers Phillip Mesdag Riley Soderquist Sean Winfield Steven Rausch Ryan Lillis Michael Maple Nancy Anderson Page Van Meter Pike Wipperfurth RMU Retail Inc. Seth Clark Steven Stefko Ryan Marshall Michael Petrik Nancy Howe Pamela Moreno Pine Needle Mountaineering Rob Grizzle Seth Haines Stewart Birmingham Ryan Rogers Michael Riegel Natalie and Tim Koehler Paragon Guides Pinnacol Assurance Robbie Monsma Shad Reed Stio Ryan Teter Michael Rosen Natalie Moran Parker Lahti Pitkin County Robert Allison Shadrock Roberts Strafe Outerwear Ryan Vanhalle Michael Scarpa Natalie Newberry Parker Wrozek PNC Institutional Robert and Myrna Rich Shane Burns Stuart Carlisle Asset Management Ryder Spahr Michael Schneider Natalie Webb Pat Hansen Robert Comey Shane Edmonds Stuart Galvin Powderhound Marketing Rylan Summit Michael Sheppard Nate Cyr Patagonia - Boulder Robert Coppolillo Shane Robat Stuart Miner Quinn Macleod Sabrina Goldrick Biery Michael Stesney Nate Huyler Patricia Butler Robert Goodell Shannon Foger Stuss Leeds USA Salewa North America Michael Tranovich Nate Porter Patricia Duletsky Robert Hall Sharie Radzavich Sub Q Designs Rachel and James Pokrandt Sam and Lindsey Reznicek Michael Urlacher Nate Williams Patricia Jameson Robert Hunker Shawna Yaussi Sue Schimmenti Rachel Brown Sam Simonds Michael Yaron Nathan Allen Patrick Gephart Robert Klima Sheepshead Cabin Summit Ford Rachel Chandler Sam Van Wetter Michael Zollinger Nathan Baier Patrick Gres Robert McCormick Shelly Knupp Summit Huts Assocation Rachel Masters Sam Wilson Michaela TerAvest Nathan Craft Patrick Ledwith Robert Rech Silverthorne Power Sports, Inc. Surefoot Rachel Moscarella Samantha and Jason Killgore Michal Wolk Nathan Godfrey Patrick Ormond Robert Seel Silverton Avalanche School Susan Leclair Rachelle Alix Samantha Haberman Michelle Carlson Nathan Skiba Patrick Smith Robert Smyth Skeats Susan Rhea Ragged Mountain Sports Samantha Streletsky Michelle Edwards Native Eyewear Patrick Wisneski Robert Tadlock Ski Haus Steamboat Susie Holmes Ram Mikulas Samuel Larue Michelle Eisenring Neal Hoyer Paul and Kaylyn Krummen Robert Yennie Skimo.Co Suzanna Sayre Randal Davis Samuel Wright Michelle Hurd Neal Kimmel Paul Bacalis Robin and Jeff Hope Skinny Traffic LLC Suzanne Crosby Randall Eis San Juan Accounting, Inc. Mike Amato Neptune Mountaineering Paul Fuller Roc Beaver Slope Style Sydney Schieren Randall Stout San Juan Mountain Guides Mike Branson Network For Good Paul Haraf Rock Perry Smartwool T Bar At Steamboat Randy Felix San Miguel County Mike Collette New Belgium Paul Numsen Rodney Ley Smith Optics Tammi Teravest Randy Garrison Sapphire Stowell Mike Cooperstein Brewing Company Paul Rizzo Roger Coit Sonia Buckley Tanner Kingery Randy Gold Sara and Steve Hageman Mike Daly Nicholas Geeslin Paul Rogers Roger Drake Spark R&D Tanya Ariowitsch Raquel Spencer Sara and Timothy Mackie Mike Gordon Nicholas Isbrandtsen Paul Schmidt Roger Jones Spencer Chin Tarah Flahavan Ray Gassaway Sara Ballantyne Mike Karpfen Nicholas Kovacevic Paul Schreck Roger Voeller Spencer Merage Tarn Udall Raymond Mumford Sarah Carpenter Mike Morris Nicholas Rustigian PayPal Giving Fund Ron Dellacroce Spitzer Family Foundation Taylor Hukari Raymond Wentz Sarah Dentoni Mike Morrissey Nick Armano Penelope Place Ron Haddad Spy Optics Taylor Kravits


Taylor Patterson Timothy Davidson Travis Brock Wesley and Linda Brown Ted and Christy Mahon Timothy Hoffman Travis Laverty Western Slope Ted Schaefer Timothy Martin Travis Spitzer Snowmobile Association Telluride Foundation Timothy Zander Travis Tucker Weston Petty Teresa Gergen Tincup Whiskey Travis Ward Weston Snowboards Terry Chontos TJ David Trevor Lehto Whitney Henceroth Thayer Hirsh Tjaard Breeuwer Trew Gear Wil Rickards The American Gift Fund Tobin Brown Trey Simmons Wilderness Exchange Unlimited The Annette and Anthony Toby Cruse Tricia Hunninghake Wilderness Sports Albanese Foundation Todd Cook Trina Jacobson Will Barrett The Benevity Community Todd Dills Trouts Fly Fishing Will Besson Impact Fund Todd Fletcher Troy Booker Will Bruce The DOJoe Fund Todd Holzwarth Troy Nordquist Will McGuckin The Gelb Family Foundation Todd Laput Tyler Chapman William Abbott The Mountain Goat William and Cheryl Jensen Clothing Company Todd Mikesell Tyler Dewitt William Barker Todd Moore Tyler Kirkpatrick William Benedict The Rothwell Tom Bates Tyler Ligon Family Foundation Tom Califf Tyler Schaffrick William Bryant The Sheftl Foundation Inc Tom Cravens Tyler Troy William Cohn The Summit Foundation Tom Sisson Tyler Whatmore William Feldman Thierry Humeau Tom Turk UBS Donor Advised Fund William Kuestner Thomas Chapel Tom Van Hoesen US Bank Foundation Employee William Mitchell Thomas Courtright Tom Wiard Matching Gift Program William Walker Thomas Creighton Tom Willard Uwe Sartori William Webbe Thomas Degrand Tommy Barnhart Vail Mountain Coffee William Wicklund and Tea Company Thomas Gart Tommy Gram Wines for Humanity Vail Resorts Thomas McKenzie Tommy Vesely Winter Park Ski Area Valentine Szwarc Thomas Penzel Tony Christopher Wolfe and Company Vanguard Charitable Thomas Scruton Tony Eichstadt Woods High Mountain Distillery Vaughn Mcdaniel Thomas Van Tiem Torrey Udall WorldPay Venture Snowboards Thomas Waters Torrin Landolina Xcel Energy VF Services, LLC Thule Town of Breckenridge YourCause LLC ViaWest, Inc Tiffan Wannamaker Town of Dillon Zac Cohen Vince Matthews Tiffany Wen Town of Frisco Zach McMahan Virginia Bank Tim Bounds Town of Silverthorne Zach Moore Voile Tim Cissell Town of Telluride Zach Wade Voormi Tim Jaster Trace Baker Zachary Holt Wade and Abigail Lancaster Tim Martin Tracey Lehman Zachary Law Wade Bigall Tim Rady Traci Case Zachary Taylor Wade Biggs Tim Richards Tracy Kurek Zachary Tripp Walter Nagel Tim Schlough Tracy Murphy Zahirudeen Premji Wenberg Andy Wenberg Timmy Duggan Tracy Rameil Zeal Optics Wendy Verdun