BBC LEARNING ENGLISH Father and Son Episode 1

This is not a word-for-word transcript


Callie How many hours did you get?

Nikesh Three… altogether.

Callie Christ. It’s like you’re in Guantanamo. You’ve got… is that sick in your hair?

Nikesh Probably…. Where?

Callie Right. Well, I’ll take the lead on this shall I? Lucy Phelps, 38 years old, reporting a missing husband. She’s a lawyer and time waster. But she’s a pal of the chief superintendent so… Ready?


Lucy Look. I know how this works. It’s too soon, he’s just gone off somewhere and forgotten to tell me… Come back tomorrow, blah blah blah… Jamie… Something’s happened. He never behaves like this. He’s…. He’s obsessed with his phone, it’s always charged, he never turns it off. And his business, it’s… He simply wouldn’t just…

Callie Mrs Phelps…

Lucy Ms, it’s Ms Phelps.

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Callie Ms Phelps, I appreciate that you are feeling very worried and I’m sure…

Lucy I’m afraid you’re not…

Callie It’s simply not the way we work. If we spent all our time looking for wayward husbands…

Lucy He is not wayward, you’re not listening…

Callie The vast majority of cases like this end in…

Lucy Nothing. I know. This is not one of those cases.

Nikesh Why don’t you tell us what’s happened?

Lucy Thank you. Jamie, left for work this morning at 8 o’clock, as usual, he took our son Pip to nursery, as usual, and then went to work. He has an office down at the seafront. He’s an accountant. He set up on his own a couple of years ago. According to his PA he ran in at about a quarter to nine, took something from his office and left again. I’ve tried calling him, but his phone is going straight to voicemail. He had three meetings scheduled this morning with important clients and he’s blown them off. He’s not at home, he’s not at work. His friends haven’t seen him… I’ve tried calling the hospitals… I know what you think of me, and I’m trying not to panic, but I am… concerned.

Nikesh How old is your son Ms Phelps?

Lucy He’s four. He goes to St Saviour’s on Bridge Street.

Callie And how are things at home? Between the two of you?

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Lucy Fine. Good. I’m trying to think if there was anything last night or… but it was just… We had a fish pie, put Pip to bed, watched an episode of The Crown and fell asleep in front of Question Time. Jamie had a bit of work to do, sent a couple of emails… but that’s normal. He made us all porridge this morning.

Callie Can you remember the last thing he said to you?

Lucy “What shall we have for tea?” I think.

Nikesh Four’s a fun age. Is Pip your only child?

Lucy Yes. We planned on more but… Look, I’ve written down all of Jamie’s movements that I know about. Here is his car registration and the name and contact details for Juliet, his PA.

Callie Any money troubles we should know about? Starting a new business is quite an undertaking.

Lucy No. Genuinely nothing. It’s all been going amazingly. He’s found a niche doing accounts for people in the media – comedians, news anchors, celebrity chefs. That kind of thing. He’s discreet. They like him. Recommend him to each other.


Callie Here he is. “Specialist accountant to the media industry”. He’s hot. Probably having an affair.

Nikesh Why d’you think she’s wearing gym gear? Is she not supposed to be at work?

Callie Well, she’s posh isn’t she? Ms Phelps!

Lucy Pip’s gone. I just called the nursery to check…. Jamie never dropped

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him off.

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