Masonic Magazine : Freemasonry
TJH E MASONIC MAGAZINE : % SMfrlg digest nf FREEMASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ^ (SUPPLEMENTAL TO " THE FREEMASON. ") VOL V. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PEINCE OF WALES, K.G. The M. W. Grand Master. ENGLAND. SIR MICHAEL EOBEET SHAW-STEWAET, BAET., The M. W. Grand Master. THE EIGHT HONOUEABLE THE EAEL OF EOSSLYN, The M.W. Past Grand Master. SCOTLAND. COLONEL FEANCIS BUEDETT, Representative for Gmnd Lodge. IRELAND. AND THE GEAND MASTERS OF MANY FOREIGN GEAND LODGES. LONDON : GEOEGE KENNING, 198, FLEET STEEET. 1877-8. PEEFACE L TO THE FIFTH VOLUME, n —?— i TXTE have arrived at our Fifth Volume, and a few words of Preface are customary and needful. Not, indeed, that Ave have very much to say. i- E , We betray no secrets, and we reveal no mysteries, when we mention once again ' ' that were Masonic Literature to be supported alone by the patronage of our Craft, we fear that the result would be a very limited " outcome " indeed,—very far from a " strong order." If our good Publisher only measured the " Supply " r ', he so liberally provides for the " pabulum mentis Latomicse " by the " Demand ," ¦*, which hails and encourages his sacrifices, we are inclined to fancy, though it is *; only our own private opinion, " quantum valet," that the status of Masonic Lite- rature amongst us would be neither very promising nor flattering ;—nay its very appearances, " like angels' visits," must he " few and far between." Despite our excellent friend Bro. Hubert's complimentary estimate of English Masonic Literature, we feel hound honestly to admit that there is a " little " room for an improved taste and more extensive patronage ! But yet Ave do not i Avish to seem to write in a spirit of complaint or fault, especially at the conclu- sion of our Fifth Volume ! For with such a fact before us, we must really beg to congratulate our Order on gallant efforts, resolutely made, to diffuse amongst | | our Craft a sound, sensible, readable, healthy Masonic Literature.
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