April May3, 201510, 2013 | |14 1 Sivan Nisan 5773 5775 Vol. Vol. 12, 9, Iss. Iss. 19 14www.JewishVoiceNY.com www.JewishVoiceNY.com $1 $1 Bridging the Gap in International PR: An Interview with Arik Puder By Mark Snyder back to February 2000, when, after outside of Israel, and Israel. Q: Can you explain how Puder Before moving to New four years as an investigative re- Would you agree? ? PR got its start? his is an especially chal- porter for a major Israeli television A: “In all modesty, yes, I believe A: I originally established Puder York, I assumed my unique lenging time for Israeli- network, he was named to the pres- so. We are also the sole PR agency PR in 2005 immediately after I left services were needed here, American relations. Per- tigious post of Press Secretary for in the U.S. today that interfaces on my last position in the Israeli gov- but I couldn’t have imagined sonal tensions between the House Committee of the Knes- a daily basis with the Israeli media ernment as press secretary for the just how right I was. TPresident Obama and Prime Minis- set - Israel’s parliament. His achieve- and with Israeli correspondents here Ministry of Absorption and media ter Netanyahu seem to have reached ments led to his being promoted in in the U.S. We are one of the few PR advisor for Minister . Q: What does your work day an all-time low point. And now that 2001 to senior media consultant in agencies in the world that can reach During my three years in the min- ? look like? the Prime Minister has apparently the Office of the Prime Minister. audiences in Israel, the U.S. and istry, I was exposed to the Jewish A: The PR business is a very de- wavered on a two-state solution for In 2002, Puder was appointed to around the world simultaneously, world of non-profits in the U.S. As manding and challenging one. It ba- the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the serve as press secretary for the Min- which is something I am very proud you’re probably aware, the U.S. and sically means you work almost 24/7. Obama administration is no longer istry of Immigrant Absorption. He of.” Israel make up more than 80 percent My work schedule is even more promising to block unilateral Pales- also served as senior media advisor Q: It looks like you’ve really of the world’s Jewish population. At complicated since I work in different tinian attempts to gain statehood via to Ministers Yuli Edelstein and Tzipi ? established yourself as some point, I decided that I wanted time zones simultaneously, whether the UN. Livni. In 2005, he left the Ministry someone specializing in Israeli to work for myself. I immediately with clients in Israel or U.S. clients When it comes to the U.S. and and founded Puder PR in Israel, and and Jewish aff airs. Was this started representing leading Jewish on the East and West Coast with Israel, optimism these days remains later moved to New York, to bring part of a mission of yours or organizations in front of the Israeli continuous events. So if the question in short supply. his strategic media expertise to cli- did life lead you here? media, both in Hebrew and English, is if I have a typical work schedule,

Arik Puder, Founder and President of Arik Puder, and iconic film director and producer Steven Spielberg Arik Puder (L) with the late "60 Minutes" CBS News host Mike Wallace Puder PR ents around the world. A: “I guess the answer is a little and both with U.S. correspondents then the answer is, certainly not. Ev- But one Israeli, who emigrated I met with him in his office in bit of both. It’s true that I did not based in Israel. As you know, Israel eryday can be totally different than from Israel to New York more than lower Manhattan to discuss his ca- plan this from the beginning, but is a hub for foreign reporters, since the previous one. The only thing I five years ago, is trying to bridge the reer and the business he has built. today I definitely feel like that I am Israel is often a big story in global can expect is the unexpected. An- gap between these two great nations. Q: It looks like your career undertaking an important task and news coverage. other challenge that not many are Meet Arik Puder, Founder and Pres- ? has been moving to the right I really feel like I am bringing to the Q: So what brought you to the familiar with or recognize is that ident of Puder PR. Puder is a leading direction so far? United States a special expertise and ? U.S? weekdays in Israel start from Sun- media strategist in both the United A: “I’ve been in the media and creating a new market niche. I am a A: First of all, I’ve always dreamt day to Thursday, and weekends are States and Israel who has distin- PR business for more than 20 years proud Israeli-American and see my of moving to the United States, espe- Friday and Saturday. Pretty much, I guished himself as one of the most now. During that time, I have had future in America, but I never forget cially to New York — the most fasci- never have my Sundays free. Thank well-recognized PR professionals the privilege of working alongside my Israeli background and my spe- nating city in the world. Second, my god for the creation of Shabbat! serving Israeli and Jewish organiza- prominent Israeli and Jewish po- cial identity. It is something I want wife had received an offer to serve as Q: How do you envision your tions in the U.S. litical leaders, such as the late for- to share with the American people an emissary for the Jewish Agency ? future in the United States? mer Prime Minister , as much as I can. I hope to bring the in the U.S., which gave us this great A: I truly believe that during the I love what I do and have former Prime Minister , two countries closer to one another, opportunity to head to relocate to first five years since the establish- been blessed to work with former Israeli Foreign Minister more than they already are.” New York. So we moved in the be- ment of Puder PR we’ve managed to such amazing individuals! Tzipi Livni, Israeli speaker Q: Can you mention some ginning of 2010 and shortly after I emerge as the go-to PR agency for Yuli Edelstein, Jewish Agency chair- ? of the Jewish non-profi t established Puder PR here. Jewish interests in both the U.S. and man , World Jewish organizations you have been Q: Has business been going Israel. Just that is a great achieve- Puder, born in 1971, earned a Congress president Ronald Lauder, working with? ? well for you since you ment to be proud of and gives me BA in Communications from the and many more.” I love what I do A: I have worked with a wide relocated? reason to be optimistic as I look to College of Management in Tel Aviv, and have been blessed to work with range of for-profit companies and A: I cannot complain! Before the future. I know that I will defi- and an MA in Political Science and such amazing individuals! charitable organizations like the moving to New York, I assumed my nitely continue to serve a unique Communications from the He- “In addition, during the past Charles and Lynn Schusterman unique services were needed here, role for the Jewish community and brew University of Jerusalem. He decade, I’ve become more involved Family Foundation, the World Jew- but I couldn’t have imagined just private sector organizations in an has worked as a senior communi- in the Jewish non-profit world, es- ish Congress, the Israeli American how right I was. Today, Puder PR area of critical interest for our clients cations and media advisor at the pecially with Jewish organizations Council, Friends of the Israeli De- represents the most recognized Jew- and our future clients. We are obvi- highest levels of Israel’s government based in the U.S.” fense Forces, Nefesh B’Nefesh, Lim- ish and Israeli non-profits in the U.S. ously a private company, but it’s not and for major Jewish organizations Q: It seems you have carved mud FSU, Shavei Israel, the Rab- and worldwide. We also represent just about the money. I really feel throughout North America and the ? out a niche as the leading PR binical Assembly, UJA-Federation of many Israeli clients who seek to ex- like I am fulfilling an important role Jewish world. agency in the U.S. specializing New York, Ariel Property Advisors, tend their business involvement in that involves the two countries that I His distinguished career dates in both the Jewish world and many more.” the United States. admire most — Israel and the U.S.A.