Contact Data for the Harbours and Docking in the Maritime Landscape

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Contact Data for the Harbours and Docking in the Maritime Landscape Contact data for the harbours and docking in the Finkenwerder Geversdorf maritime landscape of the Lower Elbe ( 040-74212500, ( 0163-7421256, ( 04752-630,, Pinnaumündung ( ( Oberndorf Schleswig-HolsteiN 040-7426763, 0173-3831521, ( 0178-4706119, www.seglervereinigung- ( 04778-7442,, Friedrichskoog Lower Saxony ( 04772-358, ( 04854 1872, Uetersen touristen-infos/sportbootschifffahrt/ ( 0177-3843084, Buxtehude Hemmoor Neufeld Haseldorf ( 0174-4611747, ( 04771-4631, ( 0170-2431546, ( 0173-8336043, ( 04851-3209, ( 0162-8859020, Jork Hetlingen ( 04162-8031, Osten Brunsbüttel ( 0162-2140122, ( 0160-94601671, ( 0162-9630958,, Grünendeich ( ( 0152-53103610, ( 04852-8850, Schulau 0162-7736073,, Hechthausen ( Wiedereröffnung 2016, 0171 6409828, ( 04774-1453, ( 04774-587 Infos: de/altlaender-yachtzentrum/ Wilster maritimes/schulauer-hafen.html Bremervörde-Elm Steinkirchen ( 0175-4382001, ( 04761-4734, ( 0162-1384334, [email protected] Wedel Itzehoe ( 0171-2766300, Stade ( 0160-1804503, Bremervörder Stadthafen ( 0151-15040495, ( 04761-987127,, Borsfleth, ( 04761-4851, (0157-32563066, Hamburg ( 0170-5206577,, tourismus-und-freizeit/hafen/voerder-yacht- ( 0177-2342856, club.html, Wewelsfleth Blankenese, ( 04761-5483, ( 0171-3483531, ( 04823-948222 ( 0151-17739246, ( 0163-8935805, Otterndorf Beidenfleth Cityhafen Abbenfleth ( 0160-91380232, ( 04829-1500, ( 040-364297, ( 0151-10350381, Glückstadt Drochtersen Altenbruch ( 0173-8061287, Wilhelmsburg ( 0151-18760181, ( 04722-2354, ( 040-7607513, ( 040-84608057, Krückaumündung Wischhafen Cuxhaven ( 04125-653, www.1ter-yachthafen- ( 0152-53496940, ( Harburg 04721-34111,, ( 0170-1100175, ( 0170-1871495, ( 040-32908630, Freiburg Elmshorn,, ( 04779-925197, ( 04121-21120, www.segler-verein-elms- ( 0175-9020015, ( 040-7652949, Neuhaus ( 0173-1911483, 52 53 Course offerings for sports boat navigation in the maritime landscape of the Lower Elbe Contact information for the sports boating schools, training organisations, and training cooperations Training: Domestic boating licence (SBF- Kollmar Haseldorf Schleswig-HolsteiN Binnen), ocean boating licence (SBF-See), SKS, Kollmar Boating School: Wassersportclub Haseldorf e.V.: sport boating certificate E, radio usage,, Heide / Friedrichskoog Segler-Vereinigung Wilster e.V. ( Tiedmann Wassersportschule : 04128-949853, Contact form on the [email protected]. Training: only club, [email protected]. website. Training: Domestic boating licence members. Sailing licence, ocean boating (Water Sports School):: ( 0481-87921 / Training: Youth group (youth licence) (SBF-Binnen), ocean boating licence (SBF- licence (SBF-See), domestic boating licence ( 0176-2326140. See), SRC / UBI, emergency signalling at sea (SBF-Binnen), FKN emergency signalling at Training: Domestic boating licence, ocean Heiligenstedten / Itzehoe / Wassersportverein Kollmar e.V.: sea boating licence, radio usage, emergency Beidenfleth, ( 04128-1019, signalling at sea Cooperation with Sport- Manfred Thiessen Sports Boating Licences: Heist [email protected] bootclub Friedrichskoog e.V.:, ( 0177-7077518, Maritime Sports Boat School: ( 0172- Training: young members only [email protected]. Training: Domestic 4501352, [email protected]. boating licence (SBF-Binnen), ocean boating Training: Ocean boating licence (SBF-See), Neufeld Krückau Estuary licence (SBF-See) Cooperation with Itzehoe domestic boating licence (SBF-Binnen). Sportbootclub Neufeld e.V.: Wassersport- und Yachthafenvereinigung Sail Club: and Co-, ( 04851-3891, Krückaumündung e.V.: operation with Beidenflath Sail Club: www. Wedel [email protected]. Training: youth members www.1ter-yachthafen-krueckau-muendung. Hamburger Yachthafen - Gemeinschaft e.V.: only de, [email protected]. Training: Cooperati-, ( 04103- Borsfleth on with Seglerverein Elmshorn e.V.: 4438 / ( 040-874989, info@hamburger- Brunsbüttel S. Hufnagel Schifffahrtsseminare KG: Training: Ocean boating Seglervereinigung Brunsbüttel e.V.:, ( 04824- licence (SBF-See), domestic boating licence, ( 0170-2252678, Elmshorn 400640 / ( 0176-38006108, s.hufnagel@ (SBF-Binnen), FKN emergency signalling at [email protected]. Training: Domestic boating Seglerverein Elmshorn e.V.: Training: Domestic sea licence (SBF-Binnen), ocean boating licence, boating licence (SBF-Binnen), ocean boating (SBF-See), SKS, SPOSS (internal association ( 04121-75719 / ( 04122-7925, licence (SBF-See), sports ship certificate E, Hamburg certificate), radio usage SRC / UBI [email protected]. ferry licence F, radar licence, radioing, SRC / Training: Youth training, domestic boating UBI, emergency signalling at sea Cooperation Centre Ecklak licence (SBF-Binnen)(Motor), ocean boating with Borsfleth Yacht Club: Wassersportschule Westküste (Water licence (SBF-See), radioing certificates UBI Sportverein Eidelstedt Hamburg e.V.: www. Sports School): / SRC, ( 040-, Glückstadt 573367, [email protected]. Training: Sailing ( 0170-9343400, info@wassersportschule- Uetersen Seglervereinigung Glückstadt e.V.: licence, ocean boating licence (SBF-See), Training: Domestic boating Wassersportverein Uetersen e.V.:, vorstand@sv-glueck- domestic boating licence (SBF-Binnen) licence (SBF-Binnen), ocean boating licence, ( 04122-47619, Training: young members only (SBF-See), SKS, radio usage SRC / UBI / LRC [email protected] City Yacht Sport Sailing School: ( Training: young members only, 040-51908848, Wilster Kontaktformular auf Website. Training: Peter Schütt Seafaring Seminars: Ocean boating licence (SBF-See), domestic, ( 04823-9100 boating licence (SBF-Binnen), SKS, SSS, radio- ( 0171-2091121, [email protected]. ing certificates SRC / UBI, FKN emergency signalling at sea 54 55 Buhlheller Yacht School: nen), SKS, SSS, SHS, radioing certificates LRC Drochtersen Cuxhaven Sports Boating School:, ( 040-340818 / SRC / UBI, emergency signalling at sea Wassersportverein Drochtersen Elbe e.V.:, ( 04721- / ( 0172-4393798, info@buhlheller-yachting. Training: young members only 46269, [email protected]. de. Training offerings: Sailing licence, ocean Harburg Training: Sailing licences, ocean boating licence boating licence (SBF-See), domestic boating Meridian Yacht School: Wischhafen / Freiburg (SBF-See), domestic boating licence (SBF- licence (SBF-Binnen), SKS, SSS, SHS, radioing, ( 040-784872, kontakt@ Wischhafen Water Sports School: Binnen), SKS, radioing certificate SRC / UBI, certificates SRC / UBI Training: Sailing licence, ocean boating, emergency signalling at sea Cooperation with licence (SBF-See), domestic boating licence ( 04770-8089715, info@wischhafener-was- Segler-Vereinigung Cuxhaven e.V.: Seewolf Yacht School: (SBF-Binnen), SKS, SSS, SHS, radioing certi- Training: Sailing licence,, ( 040- ficates LRC / SRC / UBI. Cooperation with ocean boating licence (SBF-See) (Motor), 2206066 / ( 0171-7106406. Harburg Yacht Centre: www.yachtzentrum- domestic boating licence (SBF-Binnen) Training: all licences (Motor), radioing certificate SRC / UBI, FKN emergency signalling at sea Moorfleet Lower Saxony Mützes Sports Boating School: Cooperation with Wischhafener Yachtclub Niederelbe e.V.: and coope-, Buxtehude / Stade ( ( ration with Segler-Vereinigung Freiburg/Elbe 040-7331071 / 0172-4539941, chris- Buxtehuder Wassersportverein Hansa e.V.: [email protected]. e . V. :, [email protected]. Training: Ocean boating licence (SBF-See), Training: only club members Basic training for Bremervörde domestic boating licence (SBF-Binnen) sailing (youth licence awarded), further edu- Oste-Yacht-Club Bremervörde e.V.: Wilhelmsburg cation and regatta sailing Cooperation with, [email protected]. Seglerverein Stade
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