||||||III USOO5508194A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,508,194 Lee Et Al
||||||III USOO5508194A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,508,194 Lee et al. 45 Date of Patent: Apr. 16, 1996 54 NUTRIENT MEDIUM FOR THE 4,962,034 10/1990 Khan. BIOREMEDIATION OF POLYCYCLIC 4,992,174 2/1991 Caplanet al.. AROMATIC 5,017,289 5/1991 Ely et al.. HYDROCARBON-CONTAMINATED SOL 5,059.2525,030,591 10/19917/1991 Renfro,Cole et al.Jr. 75 Inventors: Sunggyu Lee; Teresa J. Cutright, both 3.ww. AS SEonlux et. al. of Akron, Ohio 5,114,568 5/1992 Brinsmead et al. 73) Assignee: The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 5,409,830 4/1995 Lim et al. ............................ 435/252.8 Primary Examiner-Herbert J. Lilling 21 Appl. No.: 444,161 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Renner, Kenner, Greive, Bobak, Taylor & Weber 22 Filed: May 18, 1995 57 ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data A mixed bacteria culture for biodegrading polycyclic aro A matic hydrocarbon contaminants includes Achromobacter 62) Rigif Ser. No. 248,373, May 24, 1994, Pat. No. sp. and Mycobacterium sp. which have been grown together and gradually acclimated to utilize polycyclic aromatic (51 Int. Cl." ........................... C12N 1/20; C12N 1/26 hydrocarbons as a primary food source. The mixed bacteria 52 U.S. Cl. ......................... 435/253.6; 435/42, 435/262: culture can be utilized for in situ or ex situ bioremediation 435/262.5; 435/2524; 435/824; 435/863 of contaminated soil, or in any of various conventional 58 Field of Search ................................. 435/253.6, 262, bioreactors to treat contaminated liquids such as landfill 435/262.5, 42, 252.4, 824, 863 leachates, groundwater or industrial effluents.
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