Organic Data Validation Report Soil Samples Collected June 4,1997 Brodhead Creek, Stroudsburg, Pa
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ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND CONSULTING, INC. 112 COMMONS COURT CHADDS FORD, PA 19317 ORGANIC DATA VALIDATION REPORT SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED JUNE 4,1997 BRODHEAD CREEK, STROUDSBURG, PA JULY 1997 ACRES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 140 John James Audubon Parkway Amherst, New York 14228-1 1 80 AR302871* TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 NARRATIVE ........................................................... 1 2 OVERVIEW ............................................................ 1 3 SUMMARY ........................................................... 1 4 MAJORPROBLEMS .................................................... 1 5 MINOR PROBLEMS .................................................... 2 8 NOTES ......................................................."........ 2 7 REPORT CONTENT .................................................... 2 8 ATTACHMENTS ......".......'.......................................... 3 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - GLOSSARY OF DATA QUALIFIER CODES APPENDIX B - DATA SUMMARY FORMS^ APPENDIX C- RESULTS AS REPORTED BY THE LABORATORY FOR ALL TARGET COMPOUNDS APPENDIX D - REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED COMPOUNDS APPENDIX E - SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION AR302875 1 NARRATIVE Date: July 28,1997 Subject Organic Data Validation for Sample Delivery Group (SDG) #BRH01 Brodhead Creek • Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania From: James R. Stachowski. Environmental Specialist Acres International Corporation To: Harold M. Brundage III Environmental Research and Consulting, Inc. 2 OVERVIEW This report pertains to data validation of fifteen (15) soil samples from the Brodhead Creek site, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Laboratory analyses were performed by Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. for semivolatile organics in accordance with EPA Statement of Work (SOW) No. OLM 03.2. 'v .•• • Analyses were performed as Delivered Analytical Services (DAS) to Environmental Research and Consulting, Inc. 3 SUMMARY All samples were successfully analyzed. •— * 4 MAJORPROBLEMS , During the validation, no problems were'identified that seriously affect data usability. AR302876 MINOR PROBLEMS During the validation, no biases were identified that required placement of data qualifiers M*. "UJ". -K', V.or-UL". - 6 NOTES • Continuing calibration percent difference values (%D) were outside the ± 25% criterion for N-Nitroso-dt^vpropyiamine for continuing calibrations performed on June 13,1997 at 1526 (30.3%) and June 19,1997 at 03:54 (29.4%). The relative response factors (RRF) of this compound for each continuing calibration were) 0.05. N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine was not identified in the samples tested and no action was taken. • • Continuing calibration percent difference values*(%D) were outside the ± 25% criterion for compounds (listed below) which have historical performance data indicating poor response and/or erratic behavior. These compounds have no contractual %D limits. All continuing calibration RRFs were) 0.05. Calibration Date/Time Compound %D 8/13-15:23 2,2'-oxybis (1- Chloropropana) 31.4 2-Nitroanilin9 37.2 8/19-03:54 2,2'-oxybis (1- Chloropropane) 32.3 2-Nitroaniline 32.0 Di-n-octylphthalate 29.3 D-n-octylphthalate was detected in sample BRH31 (95J vg/9) which is associated with the 8/19 calibration. 2,2'-oxybis (1-Chloropropana) and 2-Nitroaniline were not detected in associated samples. No action was taken. An unknown compound (RT=11.42 min) was reported in method blank sample SBLKLA181J at 80J ug/f. This unknown was not identified in the corresponding samples. Several non-target compounds were tentatively identified in an samples analyzed. AR302877 7 REPORT CONTENT Data were reviewed-in accordance with National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review, as modified for use in EPA Region III. The text of this report addresses only those problems which affect data usability. 8 ATTACHMENTS The following appendices and their contents are included: • Appendix A -Glossary of Data Qualifier Codes This appendix contains a listing of all organic data qualifiers used in Region III and their definitions. • Appendix B - Data Summary Forms Included are Data Summary Forms for all fractions analyzed. Information on the Data Summary Forms includes: organic fraction identified, sample matrix, concentration units, site, sampling date(s), sample numbers, dilution factors used, sample locations, sample identification, contract required quantitation Emit for each anafyte, all target analytes, all positive results and quantitation limits with qualifier codes, where applicable. • Appendix C - Results as Reported by the Laboratory for all Target Compounds Appendix C contains photocopies of all of the Form Is. • Appendix D • Reviewed and Accepted Tentatively Identified Compounds Appendix D contains photocopies of the Tentatively Identified Compounds forms (Form I SV - TIC) for each sample. • Appendix E • Support Documentation Appendix E includes all support documentation to substantiate the findings described in the narrative. -3- AR302878 GLOSSARY O? DATA QUALIFIER COOES (ORGANIC) CODES RELATED TO IDENTIFICATION (confidence concerning presence or absence of compounds) U =* Hot detected. The associated number indicates approximate sample concentration necessary to be detected. NO CODE « Confirmed identification. B = Not detected substantially above the level reported in laboratory or field blanks. R = Unusable result. Analyte may or may not be present in the sample. N « Tentative identification. Consider present. Special methods Bay be needed to conform its presence or absence in future sampling efforts. • CODES RELATED TO OaANTITATION ' (can be used for both positive results and sample guantitation limits): • J «* Analyte present. Reported value may . not be accurate or precise. K = Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower. • * . L = Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected -to be higher. UJ =» Not detected. Quantitation limit may be inaccurate or imprecise. UL =» Not detected. Quantitation limit is probably higher. OTHER CODES NJ = Qualitative identification questionable due to poor resolution. Presumptively present at approximate quantity. Q = No analytical result. AR302879 ! - • ' • . •• -•.-.:-•••• .,--.-•. -: .--'>., - •5-/^.•».-•',----•> -•••.•-.-;:•>• •••:• ^.i--..--..-... ....... ..'-...>;-^-:>.^ ^.j'.-v.--:..-.. .• •'•;-:r::.::> The "x* flag added on the Form ISV-TIC indicates that the Tentatively Identified Compound could be an isomer of the given compound. AR30288I .. •V«a«i»^W»KV?^5*5^S-»ji.«.*! fl.R302882 • • ^ *".'•••'" •' •'• *..'..-..:•« • "• •»'•.- •?••"• "»? V ; J. ••/••:.-•«. V^;'.\ .<•&'•.? ^".'r"*'"V':'.;' . .,..>. ' N . - v... -;.;••'J1'.'•-'; \-:'"'" '"* '•• 1 if i V II II i J __^^_______ ________ 1nAR302883 lit zzs i *BBi K " lit* 5 K B B 3S io S 3 K P58 KS S B ! iIs i I i jl'JBLE d« K X V4 t! C « i ii ID • IT •$ AR30288U ss1 II II i 3 II i V i I j ___I_______t AR302885 il 1 I if i AR302886 5 11 lllllgl i 33 I § ji i •" ^iZ'W^W^'W^Z^i^^-'V^'WiZ^iiit 4 il l i s! 11 flR302887 1 I I v < i f 11_________ AR302888 • *"• -. t • *, " -'*-' . ."--" AR302889 , s IB •:, EPA SAMPLE NO. SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET BRHS1 Name: LANCASTER LABS , Contract: Ssab Code: LANCAS Case No.: ____. SAS No.: ____. SDG No.: __ Matrix: (soil/water) SOIL . Lab Sample ID: 2723076 Sample wt/vol: 30 (g/mL) G Lab File ID: >JF245 Level: (low/med) LOW Date Received: 06/06/97 % Moisture: 4 decanted: (Y/N) N Date Extracted: 06/10/97 Concentrated Extract Volume: 500(uL) Date Analyzed: 06/18/97 Injection Volume: 2.0 (uL) Dilution Factor: 1.0 GPC Cleanup: (Y/N) Y pH: ____. CONCENTRATION UNITS: CAS NO. COMPOUND (ug/L or ug/Kg) UG/KG Q 108-95-2————— Phenol;____________; 340 U 111-44-4-———— bis (2-cnioroetnyi) etner 340 U 95-57-8—————— 2-Chlorophenol_______" 340 U 541-73-1————— 1,3-Dichlorobenzene___ 340 U 106-46-7——-—— 1,4-Dichlorobenzene___ 340 U 95-50-1————— l,2-Dichlorobenzene 340 U 95-48-7—————— 2-Methylphenol ——— 340 U 108-60-1-—-—— 2 , 2' -oxybis (1-cnxoropropane) 340 U 106-44-5————— 4-Methylphenol_____ 340 U 621-64-7————- N-Nitroso-di-n-propyiamine 340 U 67-72-1————— Hexachloroethane____ • 340 U 98-95-3————•— Nitrobenzene__ _ _ ^, _ ___ 340 U 78-59-1——-—— Isophorone 340 U 88-75-5-———•— 2-Nitrophenoj. 340 U 105-67-9————— 2,4-Diroethylpnenoi ~ 340 U 111-91-1————— bis(2-Chloroethoxy)metnane 340 U 120-83-2————— 2,4-Dichlorophenol — 340 U 120-82-1-———— 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 340 U 91-20-3—————— Naphthalene 340 U 106-47-8————— 4-chloroaniiine 340 U 87-68-3—————— Hexachlorobutadiene 340 U 59-50-7—————— 4-Chloro-3-methylphen6T 340 U 91-57-6- 2 -Methylnaphthalene 340 U 77-47-4- Hexachlorocyclopentaaiene 340 U 88-06-2-————— 2,4,6-Trichlprophenol 340 U 95-95-4————— 2,4,5-Trichlbrophenol" 860 U 91-58-7--——— 2-Chloronaphthalene 340 U 88-74-4————— 2-Nitroaniline 860 U 131-11-3————— DimethylphthalaTEe-" 340 U 606-20-2————— 2,6-Dinitrotoluene" 340 U 208-96-8————- Acenaphthylene 340 U 99-09-2—————— 3-Nitroanilihe" 860 U 83-32-9———•— Acenaphthene_ 340 U FORM I SV-1 OLM03.2 AR302890 1C EPA SAMPLE NO. SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET BRHS1 Lab Name: LANCASTER LABS Contract: ____ .______ Lab Code: LANCAS Case No.: ____. SAS No.: ____. SDG No.: ___ . Matrix: (soil/water) SOIL Lab Sample ID: 2723076 t . • Sample wt/vol: 30 (g/mL) G Lab File ID: >JF245 Level: (low/mad) LOW Date Received: 06/06/97 % Moisture: 4 decanted: (Y/N) N Date Extracted: 06/10/97 Concentrated Extract Volume: 500(uL) Date Analyzed: 06/13/97 Injection Volume: 2.0 (uL) Dilution Factor: 1.0 GPC Cleanup: (Y/N) Y pH: ____. CONCENTRATION UNITS: CAS