From: South Eastern Centre for Sustainability <
[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, 15 August 2020 1:28 PM To: Darren Cheeseman <
[email protected]> Subject: Fw: 1: ATTENTION MINISTER GREG HUNT/ MR DAVID MORRIS ‐ NEW NATIONAL PARK PROPOSAL IN MOUNT ELIZA BASED ON STATEWIDE GOVERNMENTAL INITIATIVES Importance: High Dear Mr Cheeseman, I thank for the Inquiry into Environmental Infrastructure for Growing Populations which states: The Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee is seeking information on how to secure environmental infrastructure for Melbourne and regional Victoria now and into the future. As examples of environmental infrastructure the Committee includes parks and open space, sporting fields, forest and bushland, wildlife corridors and waterways. The website provided includes a number of links and pdf descriptions in line with responding to pressing environmental concerns which we have already specified in relation to our correspondence to Ministers Wynne and D'Ambrosio beneath which we would appreciate your active support for in the creation of an outstanding nationalo park in Mount Eliza which also has significant research and tourism potential. The following document from the Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA) draws attention to the acute shortages of national park so your initiative couldn't come at a better time: content/uploads/2017/11/Victorian-Parks-by-Premier.pdf Your direct support in the creation of the National Park in Mount Eliza would be much appreciated . Ihave been advised that Premier Andrews is supportive of/excited about new national parks and that Prime Minister Scott Morrison actually pledged millions for the enhancement of national parks in the northern territory and NSW during the election campaign but Victoria was absolutely neglected.